All Comments on 'February Sucks'

by GeorgeAnderson

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Cracker270Cracker270about 1 year ago

I do not understand the low score. It must be something petty. If that is it somebody should be ashamed of themselves

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

How can this iconic story, inspiration of so many "alternatives" only have a 3.95 score? Surely it should be up there at 4.8 or 4.9?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I have read so many versions of this story, that I realized I never read the original. I found some serious flaws-

#1. In the beginning, it seemed like a reasonable attempt on wifeys part, to get Jim back in the relationship. But her stating she couldn’t be sure, if she wouldn’t do it again, definitely seems to me, that she didn’t love her husband. At that point, is all over, but the lawyers arguing.

#2. As future versions brought into play, why not get a restraining order against asshole, and go to the news media about the unwanted attention he is still giving Linda? Although, since she was never really sorry, most men would gave just divorced her, sued Asshole, and his team too.

#3. Allowing your kids to think cheating is ok, is worse than getting a divorce. And it was stupid to bring up kids picking on each other, cause one of them had divorced parents. This isnt the 50’s anymore. More kids are from divorced and single parent households, than married. overall, this story was a disappointment. It didn’t reflect reality.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

First of all, I am a woman, never cheated, don't know if I ever will (I know for sure I don't have plans to); never been cheated on (at least, that I know of); but I would fucking kill that fucking bitch and let's just say, that wouldn't be the end of it. Omg, the things that I would do!!! I can understand trying to save your marriage after someone cheated, but not if you have a perfect marriage and then your bitch of a wife decides she deserves a piece of that famous cock and you are supposed to forgive her and work on your marriage that both of you thought was perfect up until that point. Honey, just drop that bitch and trust me, she doesn't love you, she never did and she never will. And I hate pretentious pricks who consider themselves 'deserving' of every woman in their close vicinity, what the fuck is up with that? Are there seriously assholes like that around?

On the other hand, the main problem here isn't the cheating itself, it's the humiliation. All that pretense about her 'loving' him after humiliating him in such a way is just plain ridiculous. And the 'Ellen part' can in no way compare to what she did to him. Ok, in a 'perfect literotica world' of this novel, apparently you can be completely mesmerized with someone to the point you forget about your spouse and children and you leave with them for the night of wild sex; but, that bitch came back to her table and her husband and then made an elaborative plan to sneak out and leave him to have sex with another man thinking nothing of it and expecting him to forgive her the next morning. He, at least, went with Ellen completely unaware of his wife and then, as soon as he remembered her, he chose to go back to his crying wife instead of going for the night of wild sex and then expect her to forgive him in the morning, even though, he had every right to do so since it would be just giving her a taste of her own medicine.

Omg, I hate this fucking story, I was expecting some sort of revenge and that was the only reason I stuck until end. At one point I was even thinking if I should give 5 stars to a story that's capable of making me so furious that I want to smash things irl; I mean, with all those emotions running wild, doesn't it mean, it deserves a good rating? Then I would read all those boring parts about him thinking and looking for a 'solution' (without even trying therapy at least). Luckily, in the end, I decided my rating will depend on the ending and it sucks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

From the beginning of this tale Jim is portrayed as a thoughtful man. For him to fall for a setup such as this, one that was somewhat like what had been done to him on the night of her humiliating betrayal of him. A betrayal that humiliated her husband in front of all their so-called friends before leaving clearly for her night of sex. This setup could not have had the same humiliating effect on the wife, Linda. Counseling would help the kids understand why mom and dad are not the loving couple the once were. Truth is, Jim the husband, wouldn't ever have gotten over the humiliation of what was done to him while his so-called friends watched and excepted what was happening to their "friend" and yes, the "fragile" ego that women like to make fun of in these stories, is certainly one of the reasons for the almost certainly a divorce. I

have to say I found this story very powerful and it's my second time through.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry, but pulling the "kids are better if I sacrifice my dignity and we stay together" just doesn't wash. Life's tough, bitch was a skank slut, nobody, not even kids make it worth crucifying your dignity to put up with that. Plenty of kids adjust to divorce and end up OK, but either way, teaching them to lay down for such betrayal isn't loving or good parenting, it is beyond stupid. The locks should have been changed before she came home the next day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So, Jim and Linda are out trying to fall in love again to begin a new life together when suddenly the most beautiful woman in the history beautiful women walks in, walks up to Jim and Linda's table and with the wife just sitting there taking it all in, what, Jim is going to do just what happened to him. I don't think so, I think that would have been the last thing he would have done. The ending for me anyway left the story unfinished.

SeaChangerSeaChangerabout 1 year ago

Gripping story. How could this get 3.95 rating ?


HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

100% Femdom agitprop, Do not try this fantasy at home. I have seen women do this to their husbands or bfs, they were invariably sluts BEFORE cheating openly when I saw them. Not confused little housewives or dissatisfied married women, but total, irredeemable sluts.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

I have read this before and still find it one of the greatest stories on here, I have also read lots of other takes on this and appreciate what they did to YOUR great work, but this is just the best. Fantastic job great character, plot, and feeling’s put into it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That night showed him he “wasn’t the husband he wanted to be.” Should have shown him this woman is NOT the wife he wanted her to be. Sorry, man, but this is SO cold-blooded there’s no way you are number one in her heart. That position is occupied by her alone and probably always will be. Thank you so much for contributing this story. You also receive credit for inspiring 2 or 3 thousand sequels and follow-ups.

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

100% Femdom agitprop. I hate this effing story about a born cuck and a born cheater. He rationalizes his weakness as love for the children, while she rationalizes her flagrant adultery as love for her cuckold. Human behavior is totally corrupt and disgusting. The tale is disturbing because everyone in it is Evil—the lothario, the cheater, the cuck, the ‘friends’… the people. This story makes me ashamed to be a man. We’re losing the Battle of the Sexes, men!

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

She wore her blue party dress again for her husband⁈ Femdom agitprop is unrestricted warfare.

WakeupnowWakeupnowabout 1 year ago

The wife is lucky. If they didn't have kids or she pulled this when the kids had left the house the husband would have thrown her out. The kids saved her.

TheHat900TheHat900about 1 year ago

I agree with JackInYerBox. I think that the MC’s emotions are brilliantly handled and Linda’s too after the cheating, but it simply isn’t plausible for a very-happily-married woman to be swept off her feet like that, chucking her vows and humiliating her husband, unless she’s already mentally prepared to do so. Even the conversation that seeded the story, where the women were obviously used to considering cheating, didn’t include four blokes sitting back acting as though their wives were quite right to facilitate it. The idea that she might, the day after, have honestly thought they could get past it quickly…that’s just about possible. But the original scene: nah.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

‘Jim? Jim I’m home’

Amazing. Are there really women that are that stupid? I know this is only a story...but come on.

After humiliating him and spending all night fucking some guy all night she thinks she just walk in and act like nothing was wrong?

If I had been in his his shoes she would have awaken in the yard with all her stuff piled around her.

As for LW and his escort girl well fuck that. What would have been fair would have been for Jim to leave with her and spend the night then come back next day and say ‘Hi honey I’m home’.

But she gets off with just watching him walk to the door with said escort and that’s too much for her? She sure didn’t get enough of what she truly deserved for what she did.

Not only did she do this Marc guy she told him many times how great it was and admitted she didn’t know if she would it again or not. What a sucker to stay around that slut.

Again I know it’s only a story but some things just beggar belief.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I’ve read this emotion provoking masterpiece many times and with each reading I keep moving definitively towards no forgiveness from the moment she walked out of the club. Marc is irrelevant, he’s just a prop. The problem is that Linda is a woman that when the chips are down, when you need her the most as a partner to have your back she has proven to be left wanting. She’s flawed and you wouldn’t have her as an important component in the machinery that is married life. You’d replace her for something more dependable. This bullshit about improving, growing, learning from is a Fata Morgana. She’s got her fantasy, he’s got his nightmare. The balance is irretrievably broken thus reconciliation is destined to fail…..except in LW fantasy worlds.

Looking forward to GA’s next story.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago


I have read all (?) of the alternate endings and theme variations, but oddly NOT the original!

This is a well written and thought provoking!


Cracker270Cracker270about 1 year ago

Still the best. Very well written, a joy. I cannot begin to count the hours of great entertainment you have provided.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What a whimp and cuckold. He is not worth to be called a man

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Still a great story. Some of the follow on stories are great as well but nothing beats the original.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I've read the story number of times to understand the plot. Now, I've few questions for the author and the other readers, as well. They're as follows...

1. Why did Jim asked Linda to write everything in paper when he knew from start to last?

2. Why Linda should be given a chance when she's not confident about herself of resisting the charm of someone like the asshole in future?

3. Why Jim didn't take any action against the asshole?

4. Why Jim didn't do the same stunt to get even with Linda?

The story actually make Jim an wimp and Linda a slut.

katiegirl212katiegirl212about 1 year ago

Well written and believable. That makes it head-and-shoulders above most of the stories here. But still feels the need to relentlessly moralize like all the revenge/divorce stories, and the only "erotic" parts of this "erotic story" are brief and mostly happen "off-camera", so to speak. If those things were addressed, this could be one of the all-time greats.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


Great satire. But unfortunately will be misundertood by too many of the commentators.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The reason this story is infamous and has spawned so many rewrites can be broken down into two main components

1) it simultaneously reinforces several dilutions women have like their feelings of self-entitlement, that they don't have to face consequences for their actions or feelings, that it is OK to leverage the children, that they can use sex and emotions to manipulate men, that it is a mans ego being damaged that's the problem not them needing to feed their narcissism. And several other toxic ideals that are promoted in the story.

2)Real men "meaning" men with they key masculine virtues: honor, self-respect, courage, valor - without at least a small amount of all four can you be considered a "real" man. Otherwise you are broken and lost no longer carrying your "card" and they don't reissue a man's card EVER. And so throughout this story besides everybody giving Jim one sided advice strait from the feministic propaganda playbook, the fact that everones advice to Jim requires sacrificing his virtues that's what triggers us men as it is an insult that cuts to the bone with every concession he makes, and the toxic advice he considers more and more of what makes a man a man is washed away, by the end of the story he has long since lost his man card, and this story teaches people that this is the "right" course of action - not ever - anything that brings someone love and joy, at the cost of someone else's love and joy is evil -

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, but it made me feel depressed (Great stories evoke emotions!). I don't understand why any husband would put up with a woman like that--and vice versa if it was the husband who did it. She cheated then--with no shame--continuously told him how much better her lover was than him. She then revealed she could give in again. How could he stay with her? How could he ever trust her? It's not about 'being a man', or a 'wimp', or a 'cuck' and it's not about 'BTB'; it's about a wife who can so easily stray and be taken by another man. No husband or wife deserves such humiliation and disrespect. She betrayed him, and having sex with an escort doesn't change that.

Great stories leave people talking about it, dissecting it, and feeling for the characters. Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I also think the way she breezed in after her affair, so happy, so willing to tell him how wonderful Marc is, is just so evil. She wasn't sorry at all, she got all she wanted and more. It just seems so evil.

RePhilRePhil12 months ago

Not the best version of your own story by a long shot. Kinda weird to say but others have given him back his respect in the knock offs

jonny956jonny95612 months ago

No man, with even a sliver of respect for himself, would stay with a woman who was prepared to betray him so horribly. Nope. 2 Stars, and I’m being generous.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I know it's a classic and after rereading it I appreciate the many alternate endings even more.

No way I would ever get the elephant out from between us.

No matter how big the love it's time to move on

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

It's a good read, and interesting to compare the source of so many of the stories I've read. I do have a couple of issues though, at the first real test Linda failed. By that I mean that not only can you not trust her to have your back, but you can't trust her to do anything that isn't in her own self interest. To use an analogy, If you go to war, you're not going to trust the guys that desert at the first sign of combat to have your back.

I honestly feel that Linda's betrayal is far worse than that of someone that has engaged in a long term affair. Not only because she did it right in his face, but because arguably you can see mitigating circumstances, seduction and grooming in a long term affair, whereas what Linda did showed a cold hearted self interest that screamed I don't care about anything other than myself.

My second issue is the role of Ellen ... If this had happened before Linda's affair it would be a valid point about how easy it is for people to make the wrong choices when driven by sex/desire rather than the brain ... but this was post betrayal, the dam had already broken, all bets were off, and it was nothing like the same as what Linda did. Which brings me on to my final point, I appreciate that Americans have a perverse and slightly homoerotic relationship to money, power and celebrity, especially when it comes to sportspeople, but you're a pathetic subhuman if you lose your mind over a mere sportsperson. Images of 13 year old girls screaming at the Beatles come to mind (yes I'm sure there are more up to date examples, but those images are iconic) ... you're not going to make a good wife or marriage if that's where you're at, and at least they had the excuse of being young, inexperienced and impressionable, unlike Linda who is meant to be a grown adult with two young children.

In the foreword, GA talks about a conversation at a conference that provided the inspiration for this story. He claimed they weren't dogs, well maybe they were good looking but they were still mongrels. But "spending a night with him, just one night out of our whole marriage, would be something I could remember for the rest of my life." says two things to me (1) you've settled and your marriage isn't going to last beyond the first serious chance to trade up. and (2) The number of women coming out of the woodwork claiming that their "something to remember for the rest of their life" with their chosen celebrity was in fact anything but something they'd want to remember has increased dramatically over the last couple of decades. Whether this is just buyers remorse, or whether in fact celebrities aren't actually as appealing as some claim I don't know. What I do know is that aside from maybe a very limited few, most 'celebrities' are forgotten after a few decades.

PS - to the commenter below that talks about 'man's card', and then spews a list of social constructs fails to appreciate that the tree that doesn't bend in the wind snaps. Compromise and knowing when to bend is the sign of all good relationships. Rigidly sticking to idiotic ideas of 'virtue' is just looking at men's packages in the gym while you contemplate why your last wife cheated on you.

DormayVooDormayVoo12 months ago

GeorgeAnderson’s “February Sucks” may not be the best story on Literotica from a technical standpoint, but it does pack a visceral punch, and is certainly one of the most influential stories on this site. Few stories have generated such a voluminous canon of sequels and tributes. It clearly has its glaring flaws but, paradoxically, these flaws are in large measure responsible for its shock value. I spent a few hours recently discussing this story with Sunnie LaMatina, my research assistant at NAST. Here are a few observations:

(1) If we break down any story into 3 parts, the set-up, the main plot, and the resolution, we might expect a certain level of consistency in the tone of those parts, and that the characters would exhibit somewhat consistent traits throughout

(2) In “February Sucks” there is a sharp disconnect between the tone of the set-up and that of the main plot, as well as between the plot and the conclusion

(3) Most crucial is the disconnect between Linda’s personality in the set-up (pre-Marc) and in the plot (from the moment Marc appears). Oddly enough it is the exposition of the character of the “Loving Linda” in the set up that makes the subsequent treachery so shocking. We know we are reading a Loving Wives story and are likely to encounter infidelity. And yet when I first read the story, even knowing what was likely coming, my stomach dropped out from under me when Dee tells Jim that Linda has left the club.

(4) Despite the way the shock value is enhanced by the sudden disappearance of “Loving Linda”, the character morphing into “Treacherous Linda” is so sudden and so severe that it seems that we are dealing with some psychiatric-grade personality disorder, for which we have no hint in the set-up

(5) The disconnect between the plot and the resolution is that Linda’s flaws are not the kinds of benign flaws that call out for patience and understanding on Jim’s part. The flaws, if we don’t want to believe them to be cruelly malicious, are then at a minimum unfeelingly callous.

(6) GA has decided going in that the marriage will be saved. Some stories have plot lines that clearly cry out for RAAC, and others that demand BTB. Given the egregious nature of Linda’s public betrayal of Jim, the only way to justify the reconciliation that GA craves is to work backward from an illogical ending and introduce clumsy justifications to the plot line

(7) To perform the intellectual contortions needed to justify the conclusion, GA calls on Ellen the Escort to transform Jim-the-Victim into Jim-who’s-no-better-than-Linda-the-Slut, and to transform Linda-who-won’t-give-up-the-Blue-Dress into Linda-the-Victim. In one final act of schizophrenia, Linda reverts to the “Loving Linda” we saw in the set-up.

(8) They stay together “for the kids”. The kids she pissed all over when she effed Marc. So how do the kids fare? I only see one good outcome: they split and he gets the kids. In the battle of nature vs nurture, you don’t want her to get the kids. The “slut gene” has already been passed on. We certainly don’t want the kids to live in her “slut environment” as well. Staying together sends a bad message: he is willing to tolerate a faithless wife. The kids may be too young to know now, but they’ll understand when they’re older, and lose all respect for him. So now you know what my sequel would look like

(9) GA’s underlying concept is brilliantly emotional. It has clearly shaken something loose in many readers. Every sequel is an attempt to iron out the inconsistencies, or to have the characters react the way we prefer. Some drone on for pages, to varying degrees of success. If memory serves, one sequel wrapped things up in one page: Jim pulls out a pistol and puts a bullet between Asshole’s eyes. Very little by way of artistry there, but a great deal of hand-wringing was avoided! I understand Jim’s initial reaction to Linda’s disappearance, having experienced something vaguely similar myself many years ago: a girl I invited to a dance at my college fraternity house, walked up to one of my frat brothers and right before my eyes and those of many friends, went upstairs with him to his room for the night. Maybe I’ll write a story about it someday and post it on Literotica!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I grew up in Appleton, Wisconsin, which is a 30 minute drive south from Lambeau Field. All of the visiting teams stay in Appleton before the game, so it was common to see NFL players around town during the season. You had some horndogs sniffing out the local talent, however, not very often, as they were under strict curfew before their upcoming game.

One player who was a constant presence in Appleton on Monday and Tuesday nights was a certain Hall of Fame QB who played in Green Bay from 1992-2007. He would show up with his TE and Center and they would keep his head from getting crushed by jealous husbands and boyfriends. He didn't appear to target attached women exclusively, he seemed to go after women who resembled his wife actually and he did not care if his prey was married or not.

I personally had seen him twice cut right in between a couple, addressing the female and giving his back to the male companion. In both instances the male either cut in between or pushed him aside which resulted in his goons trying to intervene. Dickhead then tried to be overly friendly then pass it off as "aw shucks, I'm just funnin'" and the goons would back off.

One guy yelled at him, "we all know you are a great QB, but we also know you are a fucking asshole. Don't think we wouldn't try to fuck you up trying to fuck our old ladies. Now fuck off and go back home you got a wife and kid".

To their credit they would leave without incident.

It was strange to have an entire state worship this prick, yet pretty much everyone knew he was a piece of shit human.

Marc and he would get along great.

sillylover723sillylover72312 months ago

Very emotional story for me. Still trying to figure out why he didn't call her cell phone right away and demand she return to the club. Not the story, I get it, but still a simple idea. Very much liked the story though, Thank you

kanekaikanekai12 months ago

Story is well written, and I have even written a story about a shared wife. But are you fucking kidding me? If this had happened in real life I would have smoke the douchebag, and the wife would be divorced.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This story depresses me. Linda is an unremorseful sociopath with no compunction about hurting her husband and destroying his self-esteem and self-worth as a man, as an equal partner, and as a human being. More importantly she does not care about the consequences to her children and what she's done to her family. All that matters is to her is herself, and what she needs, and how she views Asshole as such a God that he has a claim to her. Jim can try to erroneously rationalize his wife's heinous behavior with false equivalences regarding Ellen, but his wife clearly states that Marc can take her and own her. What type of partner would accept that.

Worse, his self-righteous belief that he's the bigger man for just forgetting all the egregious disrespect Linda wrote in that letter by 'accepting her for all her faults' is concerning. She doesn't just have faults; she has serious solipsistic narcissism, and sociopathic tendencies that will arise again. She needs therapy, and so does he for what her cheating has turned him into. What kind of male and female role models are they for their children.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story. I have thoughts lol:

So for the rest of his life Jim has to live with the fact that the best sex--by FAR--his wife ever had was with another man--and she's quite open about it. Every time he has sex with her he'll know he is nothing compared to the man who was so good she couldn't even have dreamt of it. She humiliated him, and cut off his balls.

If he's staying for the sake of the children he as to ask himself: Why would his children respect him when he doesn't even respect himself. Jim is a pathetic man and pathetic father.

TrambakTrambak11 months ago

I kind of understand what GA is trying to communicate.

The arguments are long and I think they work due to their repeated pronouncement.

I think most of the ‘do over’ authors didn’t get the viewpoint. Like they didn’t get it for RG’s work too.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great writing, which triggered a strong reaction in me to the callousness of the betrayal; the repugnance of the delusional cheery “I’m home.” I liked DormayVoo’s analysis, shocking indeed. I couldn’t get with the ending, would have been a trail of dust in my wake as I departed the wretch swiftly … but I suppose its the power of the writing and the concept combining with a dissatisfaction with the author’s conclusion which has inspired so many to attempt alternate resolutions. Has to be a 5/5 though I am still angry! LOL. Bravo.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A wife who does this does not love her husband period. The girl who turned down King Solomon for her Shepard boy is what we hope they are like. But how can a marriage survive when the wife tells her husband the sex was better with the other man? That he is rich and famous makes it a hundred times worse. No majority of marriages would end. The fact the husband followed.the escort to the back was.ridiculous. For one the marriage was.damaged by the wife's betrayal so of course the husband was susceptible to enticement at that point. Who wouldn't be after a spouse cheated on you? Matter of fact I was thinking the husband should have hired a beautiful escort and gave her a taste of the same pain but the author used it to brow beat the husband as if he should feel any remorse for almost getting revenge. He didn't cheat regardless of being tempted unlike his wife who isn't even sorry for what she did. She is only upset she hurt her husband by doing it, and that is not the same. I disliked this story because he should have left because in the real world.that is exactly what would have occurred.

NoBullAlNoBullAl11 months ago

So he stayed with the ¨wifë´ to protect the children! What did that do for him? As a man he knows he can never live up to “the best sex ever” so why would he bother trying? He needs to have sex and she is available but so is his good right hand! Then he would never have to worry if he was being compared to her Sex God.

The last part with the hooker appears to be the authors attempt to quickly, nonsensically and quite improbably finish the story!! Never ever would have happened in the real world.

Huedogg2Huedogg211 months ago

The only problem I with this story is, he stayed for the kids. But in the end the only thing he taught them was how to be a willing cuckold. The daughter will think all men will stay no matter what. And the son will feel that men stay with whores no matter what. Because she has and apparently has never had respect for him and absolutely no respect for herself.

Medussa55Medussa5511 months ago

A wonderful piece of writing. The outcome is a little unrealistic in so far that she had utterly destroyed the marriage with images he would never get out of his head. And no it wasn't the same with Ellen. He did not go back to the table, have a moment to reflect and then still decide hoodwink him with a trip to the restroom. So many outs for her there but she chose none of them. The analysis of the situation was excellent women, do this kind of thing with 'names' simply to clamber above other women in their own minds. Very good work

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

So with this and another story by this author it has taken me a long time to finally put my finger on what's annoys me. Bear with me this is a lengthy rant.

So there are three parts to this story Part 1 establishes the love our character has for his wife and leads us to the betrayal of Part 2.

The story here is amazing, the gut punch of realising his wife has betrayed him and his friends have helped her cuckold him. His visceral disgust with the lot of them. His breakdown in the hotel as he weeps for what is destroyed is excellent.

The morning after when she returns thinking he will understand that a single night won't mean much. Her pathological denial of infidelity, that it was just something she felt compelled to do. While Jim tears apart her flimsy justifications throws it back at her and she finally starts to see that perhaps the damage she has caused might not be easily overcome. I'm cheering for Jim at this point.

Then comes Part 3 the reconciliation. I'm not saying it's impossible for these two characters to reconcile. But this whole part just comes out bad. Jim folds easily when she cries. For me to believe these two can find one another again Linda needs to be broken to the level she broke Jim. But we don't get that. She feels rejected a few times she breaks a little at the mention of a divorce but then everything just gets fixed and they return to the people they were at the start.

Personally even if Jim stayed a scene where its revealed that its been 6 months and he hasn't touched her once in bed. How she is woken up at night by his nightmares and can't comfort him because she is the source of his terror. Have her desperate to feel some connection and then have asshole return and offer her another night, and then she finally breaks completely, she realises she gave up the stability and love of her husband for one night with a man who really couldnt care less, and for 6 months has had to live in the wreckage of her life. Then these two broken people build a new relationship on the tatters of the old. It's never going to be as strong or as stable but perhaps it can be more honest than what they once had.

Its the disconnect between an amazing premise and a fairly wishy washy poor ending that takes this story from being a 5/5 to just a 3/5

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196911 months ago

This should be in the non-erotic category

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196911 months ago

The weak justification, denial, gaslighting and frankly cruelty through stupidity and ignorance.

"just get over it"

"it was only one night"

"Jim, I didn't do this to hurt you. Please don't do anything that will make it harder for us to go on together."

"Right, you've already taken care of that, haven't you?"

"Please, Jim, think of Emma and Tommy. Think of what it could do to them."

I snapped at her. "You mean like you were thinking last night about what you were doing to them? No. You don't get to say that. You don't get to hide behind them."

I know stories need mistakes and drama to make a story interesting but that was a lot. I don't come here looking for moral lessons, just some escapism and erotic fantasy. Non-erotic stories like this are a nightmare. Lack of tangible consequences for the associates too... felt like it needed more than guilt when confronted by the jilted husband and a weak "I'm sorry."

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Horseshit. No way would their marriage survive. 1*

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Like the story the way it is written, but hate the actual story behind it. It's a very good story, but hard to read from the perspective of someone being cheated on in such a callous manner. Sadly, I can see this actually happening in real life.

In reality, the best thing would be for them to divorce, IMO. I know that would be my immediate reaction. But I am not a forgiving person.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The ultimate tale of betrayal. There is absolutely no coming back from it. After multiple readings my emotions have gone from anger to disbelief to retribution to finally indifference. Linda’s actions are so totally abhorrent no man, regardless of children involved, would stay and sell his morality and soul to be with someone that had so easily discarded him for a whim.

We all want to be married to a Valkyrie that stands by our side, not a backstabbing Brutus. Linda is the encapsulation of a modern society and the lack of any real convictions other than to feed the God self syndrome. Do what makes you happy, without any thought to those around you. That is why as a society we are failing.

Very well written. Congrats to the author on such a thought provoking piece.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Loved the story until the ending. I'm thinking old Jim would not have fallen for that trap. Having lived through what Linda had done to him was so very demeaning that Jim no doubt would have recognized the scam for what it was. That said the marriage likely never gets to that point. Just Saying!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

No one would let something Linda do go longer than the few days it would take to initiate divorce proceedings. Jim would have kicked her out immediately. So what you really have is to stories: The incident, and the recovery, if any.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Stick it out till the kids turn 18. Then divorce.

As far as the former friends, they can burn in Hell with L.W. The wife and L.W. both manipulated him. None are to be trusted.

RePhilRePhil9 months ago

My apologies I mistakenly heard you were not with us anymore. To my utter joy that rumour has been proven wrong. Long Live The King of January.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I'm surprised that this story isn't rated higher. Excellent portrayal of a cruel betrayal and the aftermath as both parties come to grips with what happened.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very interesting. Glad that I haven't lived through something like this. I'm sure there were times that I would probably had been arrested and times when I would have walked away.

RocketMan12RocketMan129 months ago

This a ridiculous tale. Like anyone would do what happened in this story and actually stay together is beyond the pale. If February Sucks so does this story. George must turn in his man card because he enjoys being humiliated and disrespected by a woman who claims to love him.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Flawed story. One why did he allow a stranger even though famous to dance with his wife? Then she wasn't sorry and kept referring to the cheating as the best sex she had. That right there would be the marriage ender. Because nobody wants to be the second best lover to their wife. He would not have left with escort because he would realize it was the same as his wife did. Unless it was on purpose for payback. The wife really didn't want him to get even which she was a hypocrite. I feel like he should have broken her down so she knew what would happen if she cheated on him again. If she was that weak she definitely would cheat again if in that situation so hubby would never be able for her to go to parties or dancing alone. He certainly would not let her dance with somebody else.

Norseman123Norseman1239 months ago

5***** First-rate story but LaValiere got off scott free.

CelestialFalconCelestialFalcon9 months ago

Page 2 was the start of a set of recurring panic attacks that stretched out over three days ... and NFL football is ruined for me this year.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Not sure why you hate strong men who can think for themselves and don't whine and bitch about a stupid skank slut. Jim deserves whatever the whore dishes out since he won't stand up for himself and tell the bitch whore to hit the road.

ashleybelle6969ashleybelle69699 months ago

I have to say that the end of the story sucked ass. The 'loving wife' did not feel what her cuckolded husband felt, just a gentle glimpse of infidelity. It was a fantasy that never happened. I would make my cheating spouse watch. I would fuck her best friend, mother, sister, or whoever tore at her heart the most. This man was emasculated and let that cheating bitch keep his balls. Not once did she regret her actions, fuck her. The next infidelity is less than a year in the making.

ashleybelle6969ashleybelle69699 months ago

That all being said, cheers to the cheating wife that got away with it.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The original and one of the best versions. Also one of the more realistic solutions to what's an unlikely thing to happen in RL. While the author overheard a conversation with real people saying they would do this if it really happened I suspect most people who were tempted would arrange a hook up later and not be so brazen as Linda. I doubt many other people would cover for their friend in a way that meant they would be caught out being a shitty person either like Dee did. Having said all that life is strange at times and it probably has happened. All in all a great story that should be regarded as a Hall of Famer on here. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The wife kept saying how good the sex was with that Marc guy over and over. Then thought hubby would be ok with her telling him another man was better in bed than him. But sex with her hubby is better because he tries out of love. So how could any woman say that and think the husbands not divorcing her? I get the attraction of being with someone famous but most of the time famous people are scum. They do things that most people would find disturbing and disgusting. They say never meet your heros and that is exactly why because as people they are disgusting.

Disappointing ending the husband should have slept with the escort then they would have been even. Because then he would have gotten the best sex of his life and could have repeatedly told his wife all about how good she was. That would have been the best payback.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Started out gangbusters, but became repetitious, too long, and then kinda fizzled out by the end. Still, a five star ⭐️ hall of fame story.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

He stays, really, no freakin way. Nice try with the silly ending though.

Billy_Ray_BanBilly_Ray_Ban8 months ago

Genius! Great story.! That said - and with no disrespect intended - other authors have written better endings. At least endings more to my liking - lets put it that way.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The title should have been "The ending sucks". This started off really good, I felt the pain the husband had when he figured out she betrayed him. Nothing cuts worse than being betrayed by the woman you love. That is the kind of pain that will drive someone to do unthinkable things. The wife coming home saying it's just me, was the knife stabbing in deeper. Well done. Then the husbands reaction was pathetic compared to reality. Most men would have yelled screamed and threatened. The husband through the whole story from that point went to crap. The wife's reasoning sounded like a teenager trying to justify leaving her boyfriend at the prom for another guy. Not like the wife of ten years would have tried to explain. The reasoning why he had to stay in the marriage was flawed. It left out the human feelings that come into play with a cruel betrayal. People very rarely see logic in these situations because of the hurt being so intense. They want the cheating wife gone whatever it takes to help stop the pain. This captures none of the real human emotions that happen. The escort at the end was terrible, because I after the wife's cruelly public betrayal who wouldn't get even? Mater of fact it should have been the husband who arranged it not some Uncle Lawyer with bullshit advice. Obviously the author of this knows nothing about being betrayed by their love and how soul crushing it is.

The old saying "write what you know" applies to this story.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Pretty tough. Great story, unrealistic ending. Has there ever been a more provocative story on the internet. Extraordinary tale, exceptionally written. If there were 10 stars available, that's what it would have received. Just because I would have reacted differently doesn't mean it's not great. Thanks for making us all think...and react.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

George your friends were fucking with you, no one who can write that well should be that stupid to believe that yes, after something like that everything will be fine and dandy

I understan what you were trying to say with this, really, but it's stupid, beyond silly. There's a clearly disconect inside your plot that's too big, too ugly to be ignored. Funnily enough, that's the same element that pushed so many versions of this

But George, Georgy, seriously your friends were fucking with you, please be less naive. People who say that kind of shit ain't serious, they are bragging from a position of ignorance so please, don't dignofy their silly ideas, much less put them in practice

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I've just read this story for the second time. I've also read most of the February Sucks alternatives. So, it's very hard to believe Jim would fall for the same hustle Linda did. Still your story has me giving my opinion to either Jim or Linda as if they were sitting right here in my living room.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I don't know what makes me sadder. Women that do this or men that accept it.

Phatom10Phatom107 months ago

One of the best stories I ever read. I read it before and lost it. Thank god I found it again. It is so true I can see them! I know others will say things about it but for me it’s a life lesson.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The football player is a home wrecker and gets off scott free to continue. Maybe life is like that, but I hope not.

Read Britease April sucks, a much more satisfactory ending.

RePhilRePhil7 months ago

Not as good as a lot of the rewrites. You are now regarded as LW by most all in this section. Be careful with this power

FD45FD456 months ago

The power of this story is not in the writing, although GA is a well above average site wordsmith.


No, the power comes in the introduction. People (non gender specific) can most definitely have their heads turned by an Alpha, be is a Marc or an Ellen. They can be pulled into a sense of ‘want’.


Now, in this gender conflicted society, some women have been quite vocal about how disposable men are, and how very very lucky any man is to have a bride of any quality, much less a high end woman. So to the Dees of the world, he is ‘lucky’ that even after her jaunt with Marc that she will assume and accept the forgiveness of her husband and continue her boring life.


So this strikes a nerve with men, the majority reader here, I believe.


Speaking only for myself: if/when an ‘Ellen’ approaches me, well, unless she is a Prostitute, women in general and Ellen’s in particular JUST DON’T DO THAT.


Alarm bells would be ringing in my head at that last dance proposition. Maybe he is dumber or hotter than I am. So that doesn’t scan. I think many men have been the butt of some trick when a woman blatantly approaches them.


NoTalentHack wrote a very good follow-up.


This is a evocative situation, for sure.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Great loving wife story. The original version of this is definitely the best version.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Just leaving one more woman voice here for all those poor bastards out there married to sociopaths and psychopaths. Btw, women don't cheat in happy marriages, they just don't, unless it's a drunken (very, very drunken) mistake, which brings a question of why is she drinking that much and putting herself in vulnerable state in the absence of her husband; maybe that isn't as happy a marriage as others are led to believe.

First of all, I am a woman, never cheated, don't know if I ever will (I know for sure I don't have plans to); never been cheated on (at least, that I know of); but I would fucking kill that fucking bitch and let's just say, that wouldn't be the end of it. Omg, the things that I would do!!! I can understand trying to save your marriage after someone cheated, but not if you have a perfect marriage and then your bitch of a wife decides she deserves a piece of that famous cock and you are supposed to forgive her and work on your marriage that both of you thought was perfect up until that point. Honey, just drop that bitch and trust me, she doesn't love you, she never did and she never will. And I hate pretentious pricks who consider themselves 'deserving' of every woman in their close vicinity, what the fuck is up with that? Are there seriously assholes like that around?

On the other hand, the main problem here isn't the cheating itself, it's the humiliation. All that pretense about her 'loving' him after humiliating him in such a way is just plain ridiculous. And the 'Ellen part' can in no way compare to what she did to him. Ok, in a 'perfect literotica world' of this novel, apparently you can be completely mesmerized with someone to the point you forget about your spouse and children and you leave with them for the night of wild sex; but, that bitch came back to her table and her husband and then made an elaborative plan to sneak out and leave him to have sex with another man thinking nothing of it and expecting him to forgive her the next morning. He, at least, went with Ellen completely unaware of his wife and then, as soon as he remembered her, he chose to go back to his crying wife instead of going for the night of wild sex and then expect her to forgive him in the morning, even though, he had every right to do so since it would be just giving her a taste of her own medicine.

Omg, I hate this fucking story, I was expecting some sort of revenge and that was the only reason I stuck until end. At one point I was even thinking if I should give 5 stars to a story that's capable of making me so furious that I want to smash things irl; I mean, with all those emotions running wild, doesn't it mean, it deserves a good rating? Then I would read all those boring parts about him thinking and looking for a 'solution' (without even trying therapy at least). Luckily, in the end, I decided my rating will depend on the ending and it sucks!

Darkshooter213Darkshooter2136 months ago

I kept see so many alternative endings of this story that I had to find it and read it myself. They say that a great story is one that captures the reader's attention, but that doesn't mean that you have to agree that it will end the way we want. I will agree that the bar scene is a little too convenient and a bit campy for me, but the pain, emotional abuse, and the delusional of minimizing of someone's hurt over one's own actions was spot on. The path of infidelity is one of 0ure heartbreak. The lies and the deception is the proverbial knife to the heart, the actual sex is the twisting and the salt in the wound. And the victims are left with the shadow lingering over their shoulder that they will never be enough for someone who meant so much to them. (At least once upon a time. ) The story kept me engaged and brought up some memories that tried forgetting, but I guess why it is so popular to both readers and writers alike. Bottom line, it gets 5 🌟 from me.

Alright_alright_alrightAlright_alright_alright6 months ago

The ending was wrong, he was to hard on himself for almost leaving with Ellen. Asking himself how could he do that to Linda but he did go all the way, he'll never know if he would've stopped himself from going all the way. So it's different then what she did. The old man never should have told Linda the he hired Ellen, now Linda's pain will be discounted because she'll know that the only reason a pretty woman would go after her husband is because she was paid and she'll know that there was never a chance of it going any further. But she'll know that Marc picked her out of room full of women and took her home for the knight and tried after to win her over. She knows now that's she back in the driver's seat again. I think if the old man was smart enough to get Ellen to show Linda what it feels like then he's smart enough to know not to tell Linda and Jim that he hired her. Jim acting upset at the old man for upsetting Linda just shows how she new she could do what she did and still come out like she said she would, with Jim loving her enough to get over it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Eh, this was okay. It had everything needed to be complete, but it was kind of bullshit. Everyone pretty much coerced Jim into staying with his wife. His "friends," his uncle, his wife, everyone.

I would leave my wife if I were Jim. She didn't even ask to dance, she just went off. I'd have left then. My wife is a grown ass woman, and she's free to make her own decisions. I'll never expect her to ask for permission, but I do expect common courtesy which would be her seeing how I felt about it. It would at least let me know that she remembers her husband and has given me a second thought rather than tunnel vision.

I'm aware that if I were to leave, I stand risking that she'd assume I was okay with it or whatever. Like I said, grown ass woman capable of making decisions. If she didn't show up until the next morning, GONE. That's just me though.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This is one lame ass story for sure.

Here's the reason why this entire thing is complete nonsense.

The entire premise for the story? The author's conversation with some slut he worked with decades ago? That conversation?

That woman was so full of shit that her eyes turned brown. It was easy to proclaim what she did about her husband accepting her fucking some famous athlete. Because her husband wasn't there.

I would have called her on her bullshit. To her face. Cut her off by saying "ok...let's continue this conversation next Saturday night after we all get home. I'll arrange for a party of 20 out to XYZ Restaurant. We all bring our spouses. And we'll continue this conversation there with your husband there and present. So you can explain to him and all of us about how understanding he will be when or if you find someone sufficiently famous for a one night hall pass. Let's see how confident you are that he's as understanding as you are saying he will be?

Cause unless you are ready to do that? Then I call bullshit right to your lying face."

That would have ended the conversation right there. Or she would have ended up in the mother of all arguments and perhaps found out the hard way that her hubby wasn't quite as understanding as she claimed.

Then we wouldn't have had this story...and all the subsequent offshoots to have to cope with.

This story is so completely unbelievable that it's really laughable. No way this chump stays with this cunt.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The bit missing here is Jim found out who his real (male) friends were. i.e. None of them. If I was out with 7 other couples, so 7 of my best male friends and a big shot tried that on with my wife, he wouldn't be capable of playing football ever again. But Jim's 'friends' just told him to get over it.

Not only does Jim have a skank wife, but he has no real friends. His 'friends' are all probably banging his skank wife, too, from the sounds of it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I can't even begin to imagine doing as the MC. Life's too short and there are too many good ones who wouldn't do as Linda.

TheMTOneTheMTOne6 months ago

Thanks, I always mean to say thanks as I love this and all the spinoffs. Honest to god I love every minute of them. A+ greatness.

Rob_RoyaleRob_Royale6 months ago

I don't believe in the idea that someone could just capture a person, remove their will or ability to make rational decisions. That is the biggest fantasy of this story. And for it to happen to him at the end, is a cop out.

On the other hand, it was masterfully written.

I'll see if anything else in you bio appeals to me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

There are certain things that make men cringe.

That scene from Deliverance is one. This story is another.

HenwynHenwyn5 months ago

I read this a while back and it bothered me...a lot, which is what it is meant to do. I've read a number of the other versions other writers have put up as well and finally came back and re-read this one again. I'm glad that I did. Is it perfect? Oh, hell no. Nothing ever is. It is better than the also-rans, is consistent, and tells a hard story very well. Now as with any story, you, the author, lined stuff up so it worked and life rarely does that. But you tried to tell a story about people who aren't perfect and have to deal with all that that entails and you brought it off. Not what most readers want here of course but still, Five Stars.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I came to this story from the BTB search. The story I came from was "April Sucks - In cold Blood " I found a much better story than yours even though it was just an alternate ending to your own. You see this writer understood that no matter how enamoured a woman is with someone there is just no way that she would do to her husband what Linda did when she walked out with Marc witnessed by all their friends. There is also no way that any man will stand for that without kicking her to the kerb! In GA’s story he immediately said 40% was the percentage of kids growing up in divorced homes and his kids would be part of the statistics but their mother was responsible.You take forever in this very long story to justify almost every move and motive. Even when the husband was almost led astray it felt like a cop out (Someone said it down here.) It would be disingenuous or downright nasty to say that you’re not a good writer. You’re one of the best on Literotica – this however I did not like. You can’t let us read such long story with such a predictable ending! Everything pointed to reconciliation. One of her friends wanted to justify her actions by telling the husband that he would have gone off with a Supermodel if given the same opportunity only for LW to do exactly that at the end. And using Emma for acting out was a sure sign that reconciliation was going to be the final out come! Sorry but I feel robbed!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

As far as infidelity is concerned, she did what no woman is supposed to do EVER! She did not do it on the sly so that no one knew. No! She did it where their friends could actually see and witness it on a night that she promised to her husband. Bad woman, Bad Choice … Bad marriage end of story! Kick her to the kerb one time BUT stay in your children's lives, they will when they older understand that Mom broke up their happy family. To remain sane and a Man you need to punish the Bitch and cut out your so-called friends!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The fact that he was even talking to his friends after they help her cheat. Goes to show how much of a pushover he is. Can't read past two. I'll just search for a saddletramp version

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Nope, just a wimpy cuck husband,yes he kept saying it's for his kids and I guess it 30% true. But no self respecting man would ever take back his slut wife with how cruelly she left him, and repeatedly telling him how good asshole and was better than him, she lovingly calls the asshole name and how much of a gentleman he was. if she's trying to save her marriage she shouldn't be defending the asshole, she should even throw out the dress she wore for asshole if she's trying to save her marriage. She did none. Reconciliation would have been possible if she showed remorse,guilt and through her actions she did none. And LW should not have confess it was his ploy, now the slut wife know and it erases all guilt she had if she ever did. And gosh the mc in this story no backbone whatsoever. Could have been a nice reconciliation story if the slut wife worked for it and the mc has some backbone. This is not just that

CelestialFalconCelestialFalcon5 months ago

I originally read this in AUG-SEP2023 and come back to it every time there’s another sequel or alternate version. It hit me viscerally in AUG2023 – to the point where I couldn’t get past the prologue of the conversation that the tale is based upon; because I could tell where it was headed. I did eventually, a month later, get back to it – but it still hit me on an emotional level.

I do have a personal connection to the story; not so much that I had a “Linda” character abandon me on a date to walk off with another man; but rather, just the prologue. I was with the woman in my life at a group date with several of our partnered-up friends. The conversation was turned by one of the other woman to this “celebrity hall pass” list. And I will note that it’s women who seem to keep these lists, not men. Anyway, the woman with me (that I’d been dating for almost two years) stated that her celebrity was Armand Assante, and that she’d drop everything for a night with him. Now, while I understand the concept of fantasy sexual relations, it’s best not to tell a group of people, that includes your romantic partner, that you’d drop everything to have sex with someone who’s not your romantic partner. It’s an insult and humiliation to your romantic partner. It’s really a conversation for the hens to cackle about when the men folk are not around (men recognize that as locker room talk). So, yeah, I was insulted that she did that right in front of me; but I did give her an out. What I said in response was that she could do so, but she wouldn’t have me to come back to; expecting her to back down and give some kind of an apology. She didn’t – she doubled down and basically said that it would be worth it for a night with Armand Assante. And at that point, I grabbed her purse, pulled out her keys, removed the key to my place, told her that we were done, and left.

So honestly, I can’t understand this specific story, or any of the alternative stories that lead to reconciliation after the betrayal was actually committed.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos5 months ago

I see why there are so many rewrites of this story. It's so well written technically, but the plot is absolutely infuriating. It's not just the brazen betrayal by Linda, it's also the betrayal by friends, the heaping public humiliation, the idea that only him - the father, has to be concerned about preserving the family for the children, like he can be abused, tortured and then must submit to the yoke of responsibility while the woman can be as irresponsible as she wants to be. It's really disturbing and not only that, I can't find anything redeemable about any of the cast. That's frustrating to a fault. And this is coming from someone who actually LIKES reconciliation stories when they're done well. This one - not so much to be honest.

OGHMNWOGHMNW5 months ago

This is one of the most lengthy stories that I’ve read on Literotica but it is likely the best! The emotions and thoughts of could this happen to me and the guilt that I have for my our actions. Thank You!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The fact that she temporarily lost her mind over some sports figure is one thing. That a woman would dump her husband right in front of all their friends and publically humiliate him is quite another. That any woman, after spending the night having sex with another man would then expect her husband to stop sulking and get over his hurt and humiliation is ludicrous. If she simply had to get it on with this guy she could have at least had a scrap of decency and arranged to do it privately so as not to make a fool of the husband she claims to love. This woman sounds actually mentally handicapped to waltz in and expect things to go back the way they were and that he should just get over it. No one would get over that. Very weird story.

kees10kees105 months ago

Strange, very weird, maddeningly

To write a story like this, there must be some 🔩🔩🔩🔩🔩 loose in your head.

Apart from that, well written, but, I Sincerely hope, that this plot nevet becomes a reality.


JunglediffdaddyJunglediffdaddy5 months ago

The problem with this story, as it is apparently one of the most rewritten and contentious stories here, is that the “conversation” that it was initially based on in the prelude.. its from the perspective of some low moral women who would cheat.. Not all people.

The women that the author spoke to in this “conversation” at the conference that inspired this story were the smaller percentage of women who are predispositioned to being cheating sluts if the right man came along, that they felt was so much better than their husband….

Basically women who are actually in love and especially have kids and described like Linda was pre cheating wouldn’t actually do this because their family is always in their mind and and they would never just “lose control”. Those women Andersen talked to in his conversation are the type to cheat but not with any random guy… they would cheat with a Marc tho. However a wife that truly loved her family wouldn’t.

The story paints the situation and the cheating as something anyone could do … even states in the bar scene that if your a human you’re capable of cheating.. this I don’t think is true.. if you truly love your husband or wife deeply you wouldn’t. Basically there’s a disconnect between how Linda is described and how much she loves her husband and what her actions are (Cheating). That’s why it feels unrealistic. That’s why the story evokes so much emotion.

I’ll give they author credit for making you feel things but it’s because we as readers have such a hard time reconciling Linda’s actions and her love for her family… it just wouldn’t compute in real life.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Garbage. As one writer stated, "I'd rather be a weekend dad the kids respect than a full time dad they don't."

No one, man or woman, would have put up with what Linda dished out.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Anyone who really and truly loved their spouse & expected a future with that person as Linda supposedly did would not do what Linda did. Seeing the spouse's pain that you caused would be unbearable.

So, not plausible, sorry.

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