Fifty Year Itch


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He also read emails from the family and Kate. That day, and not before. His daughters wanted him to return and talk it out. Jay didn't say that. He only said that he knew that his dad would make a good decision, given time.

Kate one long email asked him to come home and resume the marriage. She promised fidelity, if he did. She explained that her machinations about an open marriage were a way to shake things up, out of the rut. She said it wasn't really about sex. Sex with him was great. It was about some big change in their lives, while they were fit enough to enjoy it. She was willing to consider his suggestions. She asked for a reply and said that she'd wait for one. That was the only email he had from her, and he did not answer immediately.

He lived the autumn beach life for three weeks. Then he looked around, visited a realtor and bought a place similar to the one he was renting. He liked it at the beach. He might get a bigger boat, if he moved here. Or a trailer to transport the sailboat he already had.

On the day he took possession of the new place, he locked it up and headed back home on his motorcycle.

Kate had sent the email at the end of the first week. Her brothers had gone home. Her son lived nearby, and her daughters not so far. They all decamped, leaving her alone in the house. Two weeks passed without any reply to her earnest email.

She'd been back at work. Ted Sorenson was pissed off about the cancelled weekend. She told him to have patience. If John came back, there would be no tryst. If not?

But she had not had sex for a month. She was still attending the dance sessions at the studio, and two younger men were still making efforts to bed her. The more time that passed without word from John, the more she was tempted to agree with one of them. Or both.

The thought of both at once sent a thrill down her spine, and down her belly - all the way. She was fully aware that, if she did it and John found out, her marriage would end. She was truly conflicted. She ordered a vibrator on-line. But she didn't stop going to the dance studio. And the younger guys - James and Kirby - did not stop their efforts. Rather the opposite. It was as if they could sense her temptation growing. Like sharks with blood in the water.

Both these guys were in their late thirties, and well built. They were dance instructors, who also were sometimes professionally employed in local productions. Each was about six feet tall, and each had big thighs. Also, from what she'd seen at the studio, where tight leotards were worn, each of them was suitably endowed.

Kate's Thursday visit to the studio in that third week after her email to John came close to ending her indecision. Both James and Kirby made serious efforts with her. Lots of hands-on instruction about things she had no need to be taught. The three other women in that particular group were well aware of what was happening. It had been happening for some time, but in a more subtle way. They had a pool bet on how long Kate could last.

Only one of the women, Clara Blocker, had sampled the guys. She'd had both, although not at once. There had been a little gossip about that. Clara was married, forty-three, but in fantastic shape. When the four had left one night, June Draper asked Clara about James. And Clara had given him rave reviews. Later she also had rave reviews for Kirby. Kirby was black, and the others wanted to know....well...if it was true. According to Clara, Kirby and James were equal. And big.

Clara hadn't gotten into a regular thing with either. She was only curious, and didn't want to risk her marriage. The other two women were younger, twenties. Neither was married, but both had steadies. And both steadies were also women. However, Kate believed that each was susceptible to men as well. Otherwise, why curious about size.

That left Kate. James and Kirby saw her as a project. Each was confident that eventually they'd get her. One or both would. They also had the idea of a threesome. No one had openly mentioned that until that Thursday.

But on that day Kate had been without sex for over a month. And the guys were sliding their hands up and down her body, 'repositioning' her. At the end of the session, Kate was tempted to stay behind and openly proposition both of them. She did stay behind. When the other three women had left, Kate came out in her street clothes and gave each guy a truly hot look, up and down. She said, "I haven't decided yet. To do it or not. But if I do, I want you both. All night." The she walked out the door. She drove home very quickly and masturbated for thirty-five minutes.

John moved slowly up from Chincoteague. He stopped at a motel in Dewey, Delaware. He stayed for two days because he liked the vibe. He ran on the beach each morning. He decided to show up at home unannounced. His wife watcher had alerted him to the possibility that Kate would cheat with the two guys at the studio. The place had a large window looking out at the street from the second floor. The guy, Bill Mason, had been able to see in. He had also overheard some talk as the women left the studio. John was curious about whether Kate meant it when she said she'd be true to him. In truth, he had massive doubts. He'd had the guy put a GPS tracker on Kate's fancy SUV. So far, she'd only gone to and from the studio, more or less at the time she normally did. Of course, she went to work and grocery shopping. Who knows what goes on behind the avocado shelf.

Kate's Monday dance session was the last straw for her. When it was over, she again stayed behind. The two guys looked at her expectantly. She said, "What are you guys doing tomorrow night?" They made a date for seven pm, at Kirby's apartment. Kirby and James both.

John planned to arrive home at about six on that Tuesday. He had some sandwiches that he brought so they could eat while he and Kate talked. Also, a bottle of white wine. He had made no decision, but he was open to a resumption of the marriage, if Kate could convince him that she would not stray. And, if she had a reasonable explanation of why she wanted other dicks.

But there was an accident on Route 50 westbound, outside the beltway. John was able to finesse that - by blatantly violating the law and using the pull off lane. But he was delayed. He pulled onto his street at six forty. He saw Kate driving away. He followed her. She drove for fifteen minutes toward south Fairfax. She was unaware of the motorcycle following her. Her GPS phone app took her to a smallish brick rambler in a middle-income subdivision. She pulled into the driveway. She was on pins and needles. But she was sexually needy and so looking forward to....a completely different and intense experience. No need for John ever to know.

John watched from a short distance away as she got out of the car. Two men dressed in gym shorts and muscle T's came out to meet her - one black, one white. Both were young and fit. The dance guys. Funny, he had always thought of them as likely gay.

Kate was hugging the black guy when John pulled his bike up into the driveway next to her car. All three turned to look at him as he got off the bike. He stood there, then took off his helmet.

He heard Kate gasp. She said, 'Shit. Shit, shit, shit!"

John only shook his head at her. He put his helmet back on and straddled his bike. No words. But he gave her the finger as he turned out of the drive.

Kate was flabbergasted. How the fuck had this happened? She turned to Kirby and James. She said, "That was my husband. I must go." She jogged over to her car and opened the door. She paused, staring at the two hunks. It was a decision moment. She wanted it so much. But she decided that she wouldn't enjoy it - under the circumstances. She got into the car and drove toward home.

John's motorcycle was there in the driveway when she arrived. She went inside. No use in delay. She was busted and she knew it. She heard the shower running. She went upstairs into the master bedroom. The shower stopped. She stood outside the door, waiting. John came out, naked. He stopped. He looked at his wife. She looked at him. She looked him up and down. She had a desperate mien about her. She looked so slutty and ready.

He said, "Are you wearing panties?"

She shook her head no. Then she pulled her dress off over her head. She wore nothing else. Her nipples were erect, and she was obviously moist. She had shaved herself for her two prospective lovers.

John got a hard on despite himself.

Kate said, "I need to get fucked now. It's your fault I'm not already getting fucked by two young guys. You owe me."

She lay back on the bed, spread her legs and started rubbing herself.

John was convinced of the sincerity of her claim to need immediate sex. So, he fucked her, hard and fast, and long. Later, he was amazed that he lasted as long as he did. He hadn't had sex since the anniversary fuck. But he was seventy. No callow youth. Kate came right away, and kept coming, hard. Soon he blasted off inside her, and she came so intensely that she was only semi-conscious.

When they had recovered sufficiently to speak, Kate said, "I do thank you for that. Maybe the last time, though."


John rolled off the bed and went back to the shower. This one was brief. He came back out, toweling himself down. And Kate was still there on the bed, open, leaking cum, looking dreamily fantastic. She looked at him and licked her lips. She went to her knees in front of him and sucked on him until he was hard again. That took a lot less time that he might have expected. When he was totally erect, Kate put him onto his back on their bed, and mounted him. She moved slowly up and down, thinking about two cocks. Not about the one inside her then. That one was simply the only one available at the moment. She had turned into a slut. She realized this when they finished the second fuck. John did come, but no biggy. Kate came hard again.

John fell asleep with her on top of him.

In the morning, John rolled out of bed and cleaned up. He peeked around the corner of the bathroom door to see if the coast was clear. Kate was still asleep, under the sheet. John tiptoed downstairs to eat and think. And make coffee.

The smell of the coffee apparently woke Kate, because he heard the shower. She came down in a shorty robe, barefoot. She looked....satisfied. Like the cat who'd only just finished eating the canary. She grinned at him.

He said, "I don't want you to get the wrong idea, Kate. You jumped me. No straight man could have resisted you."

She purred, "I know. To seduce you like that. When you knew I was going to cheat. I feel powerful."

"You are. But, we don't have a future, Kate. After what I saw, I know you won't be true to me."

She thought it over. She said, "It was a lot of frustration that sent me over there. A month without."

"You've gone more than that, when I was in trial. I assume you were faithful then?"

"Yep. And you were faithful when I had trips. But now...I don't know."

He said, "I was at the beach. Good looking women were also there. I didn't try for them."

"But I tried for the dancers. I'm not sure exactly why. Of course, they're young and strong and sexy. But they've always been that. Right now, I'm more open to it."

"But why now? I mean, you still look great. You had those guys panting after you. But you always looked great, and guys always came for you."

"You know, I was going to fuck Teddy bear. I didn't believe he'd be all that great. He'd have been different. Something different. New. Out of the rut."

"And I'm the rut. Surely, if we discussed it, we could have found some other way to keep your interest up. Other than new cocks."

"That's what I was trying to do that night. Open a discussion. I expected you to object and we'd talk about it all. But you left."

"You gutted me, Kate. Made me feel like all this time had been a fake."

"Oh. Oh, no, John. I was a dumb way to go. Now I want to talk about my restlessness. And, anyway, I see you went right out and got a bike. You could have been killed on it at your age."

"That's so...insulting that you think that."

"You're seventy, not fifty."

"You, too, bitch!"

She looked stricken for a moment. The she started laughing. "Nothing I can do about it. But I can sill get young guys to fuck me."

"And I can still ride a motorcycle. Also, I can still make you come hard. Slut!"

She said, "You stopped work. Gave up trials. The thing you liked the most and did best."

"That bothered you?"


"But, Kate, the stress is tremendous. And I wanted to spend more time"

"Still. I bet you miss it."

"Less and less. I'd be dead now if I kept on with it. Or a vegetable."

"Still. I mean, I couldn't do that."

"Yes, you could. I think you're suffering from fear of aging. You won't quit work and you want to prove yourself sexually."

"You're not my shrink, John."

"I know you best. And any sensible person could figure that from your behavior."

"Do you want to stay with me, John?"

"If you don't fuck around. Maybe."

'What if I do? You know, have those two guys. And you have women. Why is that so bad?"

John thought it over. He said, "It just seems wrong. We promised each other not to fuck around."

"Yeah. Fifty years ago."

"Seems like yesterday to me."


"I'll think it all over and so should you. You need to let me know if you want to stay married and faithful"

"You need to let me know if you want to stay in an open arrangement."

John paused. He said, "Who has to decide first?"

That stopped the conversation for the day.

John went into work the next day to catch up. He was able to concentrate after some initial difficulty. He was conflicted about his marriage. At some point soon he was going to have to decide if he could stay married in an open relationship. He contemplated what it would be like. He'd be jealous, for sure. In order to combat that, he'd have to have outside sex himself. But with whom?

Kate would have no difficulty, even at seventy, getting sex partners. And John thought that he might. When he was in beach mode, he got tan and even more fit. He noticed that women did look at him. And he found himself looking back at times. Some of them were walking wet dreams. He recalled how great the lifeguards looked when the family used to go to Rehoboth. But he also thought that they were way out of his league, at his age. He could dream, but that didn't solve anything.

When John thought about how he would feel when Kate had sex with other men, he instantly became enraged. He paced. The instant rage gave him his decision. He loved her, but he would leave her if she insisted on an open marriage.

Kate also was thinking through the options. She was very lucky that there were options. If she'd been ten minutes earlier to the dance guy's house, she be going through a divorce. She thought that she did want sex with other men. She also thought that John would not be able to take that. So, if she wanted it, she'd lose him. Even if she tried to hide her cheating, he'd know. That would even be worse. If she decided to have outside sex, she felt like they could still be friendly. If she cheated - not likely.

Kate truly wanted some radical change. Why did it have to be sex? As she considered it, she concluded that it was connected to her desire to continue working at the firm. Quitting and doing something else was a radical change that she resisted. Losing her marriage was a radical change that she absolutely didn't want.

She thought about those dance guys and the intense experience they'd provide. She thought about coming home to an empty house - or worse, an empty apartment.

Another thought. What if John agreed to open the marriage? How long would that last? Would it destroy them despite the agreement?

She cast that aside. She thought it so unlikely that he'd agree that it wasn't worth considering for too long. When it came right down to it, the choice was whether to stay faithful to the marriage or not. If so, she'd quit work. And do what?

There was an uneasy truce at the house for the next two evenings. John slept in the guest room and there was no sex. They'd decided that they had to write their decisions down and exchange them at the same time. Neither one could cheat.

On the evening of the third day, after dinner, they exchanged sealed envelopes.

Kate opened John's first. Inside was a piece of paper that said, 'No open marriage!"

Not a surprise. She smiled to herself ad John opened hers. Inside was a paper that said, 'Stay married and faithful.'

John read it standing up, and sank into his easy chair. Kate came and sat on his lap. She said, "I'm going to quit work. What will we do?"

John smiled. He said, "Right now I can think of something."

So, they went upstairs.

Later they had an intense discussion of what to do with their free time. John had his writing. He'd put the finishing touches on a new book at the beach.

John said, "Well, I bought a house when I was away."


"Chincoteague. On the bay. You'll like it, I think. More than the cabin. We can furnish and decorate it together. And maybe we can travel. Italy, perhaps."

Kate felt a surge of excitement, closely followed by a nagging fear. John showed her pictures of the new place.

At the end of the month, Kate took 'emeritus' status at the firm. Some were unhappy about that, including Teddy bear. But Kate, more and more, wanted out. And when she announced it, she felt like a heavy weight was lifted from her. And she also felt like she was jumping off a high cliff into murky water.

She knew that it would be a big change. Bigger than if she divorced and kept working, even if she would be getting laid. Big change is what she said she wanted. So.....on with life. Maybe, after a while, she could talk John into some kind of swap. Maybe she really didn't want that. Stuff does happen, though.


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NoBullAlNoBullAl7 days ago

As an 80+ year old with a very attractive 70++ wife I can only suggest that our author will likely be very much disappointed in how his love life will proceed into old age!! It is, of course, fun to remember what use to be and to imagine things but reality is that the aging process removes a lot of our abilities! With the majority of us men over about 60(+/-) we become faced with a litany of health problems from prostrate to heart to muscle fatigue! Our once active love life is going to taper off and it ain’t gonna happen with the regularity of our young lives!!

I would very seriously wonder about the mentality of 30 year old men who are hitting on a 70 year old woman? In talking to a few young men (from my work place) I asked if they were attracted to older women say 50 - 60 years old. All of them more or less said not no but hell no!! A couple even stated something like “I don’t do grandmothers!” I haven’t mentioned dementia which for some elderly (and maybe not so elderly) can change them when it comes to their thinking and even their abilities but that is a different matter.

desecrationdesecration8 days ago

I feel like this story ends a year later with a boating accident. "Officers, my wife! She just did a Natalie Wood! Someone help meeeee!" The narc will not change.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Surely why stay with a whore, a seventy year old whore at that, she not even I'm her prime

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Kate would have no difficulty, even at seventy, getting sex partners.

===> umm highly doubtful. With his finances, he has a better chance of getting laid by a you ger person than her. And two 30 somethings overly desirous to double penetrate a 70 year old woman. Umm lol. That is definitely fantasy. While she technically didn't cheat beyond her planning and scheming and close call, she was an unlikable character. And the plentiful and amazing geriatric sex (or sexual desire) was hyperbole to say the least.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Nope, he'll spend the rest of his life waiting for the other shoe to drop.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Keep your mouth shut while you're ahead. If she continues to try to get John to open up their marriage, she will kill it.

DenaliFXDenaliFX3 months ago

My wife is past 70 and she is as ready to go as 15 years ago. It is me and the prostate plus the societal push to compete when I no longer can (or can be what I once was). At least she excites me so I am happy, but I do worry about her - just like this story. It is hitting the nail on the head. 5 for sure - and there need to be other thoughts about this point in life!

WargamerWargamer6 months ago

Not bad, l’d still ditch her.

At 70 though, really????

Getting aroused and moist, really????

Ever heard of menopause and what it does??

If you understand menopause you would not write such stupid rubbish as this story turned to be. Stick with what you are good at, dark stories.

As for this story, 1/5

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades8 months ago

She almost slipped. Thanks for your writing.

Reader2021Reader20218 months ago

5 Stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Reality hits close….

A follow up?

StruckwrongStruckwrong9 months ago

He could do better than that old hag.

She wasn't much more than a needy vagina in the end, he was more.

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