Finding Amy


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In the end neither of them had won that race, but time would bear that out soon enough.

Amy Price and Ashley Thomson both sat facing him then in a quiet study room. Amy had just turned twenty and Ashley wasn't far behind.

"So what are you gonna do to us Mr. Prast," Amy had said in that playful way.

"I'm going to ask both of you some questions, privately. I'm also going to show both of you some pictures. You will both be assessed on your responses."

It was actually Ashley who had burst out laughing then. Jeff Prast hadn't been amused at all at her reaction.

"Please take this seriously. It's a complex study and I need people who are going to treat it that way if I'm to get any accurate data."

"I'm sorry Mr. Prast" she had offered immediately.

An uncomfortable silence followed.

"Do you know what a 'Rorschach Test' is?" He finally asked.

"Ink blots." Amy replied almost straight away.

"Very good Amy, yes, ink blots."

"Isn't using a Rorschach test a little dated now?" The almost twenty year-old Ashley had said trying desperately to make up for her indiscretion a few moments earlier.

"Exactly the point of my study. To see if I can get solid data from such an iconic, old method."

He had smiled at Ashley then, and a wave of satisfaction passed over her. Somehow the idea that he could possibly prefer her to Amy was enough in itself to make her smile.

"Very soon I will separate the both of you and then show both of you the same ink blot cards. They will also be in exactly the same order. How you each interpret the images on those cards should give me a good insight into your state of mind."

"What happens if I fail?" Amy had asked.

"You can't fail a Rorschach test."

"Then why call it a test?" Ashley countered, knowing somehow that it was the right question.

Again he smiled at her before giving his answer.

"There is no wrong answer, only truth, so if you look at it that way, then you really can't fail a Rorschach test."


"Could you give me an accurate description of the woman," a young and earnest looking police officer asked Miriam Fleetwood, the owner and manager of 'The Pineview Motel'.

"She looked normal, professional even, like an accountant or something."

"And her hair colour, eyes, body shape, that kind of thing," the young officer followed up.

"Pretty little thing she was. Dark hair tied nice and neat. In her twenties for sure."

He scratched some notes down in a small book.

"I'm afraid this happens a lot ma'am. Kids get worked up, get a hotel room, get carried away."

"But this weren't no kid," Miriam Fleetwood countered, "She was a grown woman. Looked respectable, paid cash."

"How about the vehicle she drove. Did you happen to get the registration?"

"Wish I had. It was a silver four by four I think. One of them Japanese things."

"If it's any consolation ma'am it could have been far worse. I know it was disrespectful and all, but as vandalism goes, this is pretty minor. The lipstick will probably come straight off with a good scrub and the mattress had clearly seen better days anyway."

Miriam Fleetwood was clearly unimpressed with his summation. To the young officer, this had all apparently been quite harmless. That young woman had clearly had a gentleman caller and the two of them had simply shared a tryst that had gone just a little too far. Nothing more.

He looked up from his notebook then and surveyed the room one last time.

A plain looking motel unit. The bed-clothes stripped away from an old mattress that was still stained and wet with various bodily fluids.

Tell tale odors still hanging in the air. The smell of sweat mixed with something far more intimate and clearly feminine.

Plain white underwear and a reasonably expensive looking white blouse left strewn on the floor.

And lastly there was the vandalism itself. The multiple punctures and tears at the foot of the mattress.

From the look of it the result stiletto heeled shoes being repeatedly dug into the fabric.

Of most interest though was the room's most striking new feature. Three large words scrawled in bright red lipstick on the white wall above the bed.


"Yup, someone sure had themselves quite the time." He said before finally exiting the room.

He said his good-byes then.

It was only when he was alone in the patrol car and safely out of earshot before he said what he had really been thinking all along.

"Oh yeah......I bet Daddy's little girl got fucked real good last night."


The chaos and trauma of the past year had well and truly taken it's toll on the 'old Ashley'.

Her life had been nothing more than months of basic existence punctuated only by lows. The highs just didn't seem to exist anymore.

But things were different today.

A woman resembling Ashley Thomson was feeling the most wonderful kind of natural high as she drove her silver Kia south on route 495.

She was heading back home to Brookline.

Her back seat was full of shopping bags. The result of her two thousand dollar shopping spree the day before.

While her original intention had been to simply buy a few core items for the night ahead, that plan had very rapidly gone out the window.

In the end she had used emotion instead of reason to inform her choices. She discovered very quickly what a huge difference that subtle change in attitude had made.

The concept of shopping as a form of pleasure. Something most women knew instinctively but Ashley had never experienced until now.

Very few of those purchases had any practical application other than to facilitate a pure emotional response somewhere deep inside.

She bought the type of clothing and lingerie that was usually worn by a slightly different kind of business professional.

The attire of successful women who charged an hourly rate higher than most lawyers.

And also, the sexy little outfits used by those other equally talented women. The ones who made just as much money simply from the gratuities stuffed into their g-strings.

It was an educating experience. Contrary to popular belief, the words 'slut' and 'cheap' clearly didn't belong together in the real world.

That stretchy little black dress she was wearing right now hadn't left much change out of two hundred dollars.

She had bought it from the kind of store that she would have been afraid to set foot in only a few weeks before.

Much to Ashley's own secret delight, the overly familiar sales girl had assumed right from the start that she had been there on business rather than pleasure.

"You have a great figure! I bet that professional look goes down real well."

"Oh you have no idea." Ashley had replied almost wanting to laugh.

"That little black number is a good investment, here, feel the texture." The sales girl had urged.

Ashley had followed her instruction. There was almost nothing to that dress but it felt like it had been woven out of pure silk.

"I know what you're thinking. Doesn't look like much on the rack, but it stretches and covers everything real nice."

"Yeah I bet." Ashley replied nervously.

"No really, you can touch your toes and even hang upside down if you want. It'll hug you like a second skin. You won't even need a bra."

"What about taking it off." Ashley responded, beginning to lose herself in this new role and loving every second of it.

"Oh that's the best part, no zippers or buttons, just a sexy little shimmy up or down depending on what you wanna show em' first. Seriously, this little number will double your tips easy."

Ashley had spent over six hundred dollars in that store before it was all over and considered every penny well spent.

Money however, was not really that much of a factor for Ashley. If the finding Amy meant that she had to walk through Boston itself in slutty heels and a diamond studded thong, then why not enjoy the experience.

She didn't really need any more convincing.

In fact, there was no internal debate at all.

'Daddy's little girl' still ached all over from the marathon of debasement that she had put herself though in that dirty little motel room.

She drove on dressed only in that form hugging black dress, the car's interior smelling like a mixture of perfume and sex.

An unmistakably carnal aroma.

The stale, musky odor alone was enough to trigger a response.

She instinctively started looking for any kind of pull-over or rest stop.

She needed to make herself come one more time. Maybe then she would be able to concentrate much better on the drive home after that.

She finally found a quiet looking pull-over about a mile before the Massachusetts border.


Things didn't go as smoothly then as Ashley had hoped. It wasn't even a question of arousal or the desire to give herself an orgasm.

She had been extremely motivated and focused on that task, but much to her own dismay it just wasn't happening.

Every passing car seemed to cancel out her progress. She couldn't help opening her eyes every time as she checked to make sure that they weren't about to stop or pull over next to her.

Twenty minutes quickly went by as she sat there on the passenger side.

The seat back slightly reclined, her bare feet braced against the dash-board and her fingertips tracing tight circles against that sensitive little button between her thighs.

"Fuck......Fuck......FUCK!" Ashley spat out angrily.

She had been so close then only to lose that focus when a large truck had rumbled by and then sped off.

She verbalized the only logical solution she could think of then.

"Okay, lock the doors, close your eyes and keep em shut. Don't you dare stop till it's done."

Much to her relief that method not only began to work, but the sound of those cars speeding by was actually making it more exciting. A dirty and dangerous thrill at the thought of one of them stopping and seeing her.

Suddenly allowing herself to get bolder. One hand snaking up her belly and pulling down her top just enough to allow one of her breasts to be exposed.

A hand buried between her thighs while the other pinched and squeezed that exposed and sensitive nipple.

All those cars hurtling by, threatening to discover her at any moment.

"Oh shit yeah....oh Jesus it's happening."

Her body went rigid.

She inhaled sharply.

Quite suddenly she seemed to lose the ability to breathe altogether as a very different kind of biological imperative took control.

Drifting in that space then. Brief moments that felt like an eternity.

Then a new kind of noise erupting from her throat. A very recent addition to her sexual repertoire.

A euphoric growl as all of her five senses were first satiated and then overloaded with feeling all at once. A sound she had only ever heard 'Daddy's little girl' make.

That first pulse of pleasure shot through her hard. Shortly after that the contractions began to wash over her in waves making her shake uncontrollably.

Her fingers never stopped moving as she rode each climax.

And at the end, finally letting out a low grunt almost as if to punctuate the end of that beautiful sentence.

Only seconds later she was brutally yanked out of that euphoric state.

A new noise that represented the worst kind of danger.

A sharp sound that shocked her out of her reverie.

It made her jolt as if an electric current had passed through her.

She knew what that sound was, and for a brief moment she knew what true terror felt like.

The sound of someone knocking loudly on her passenger side window.

Her eyes flashed open to see the dark silhouette of a man standing beside her car.

The glint of a badge on the chest of his black uniform.

"Oh shit....... I'm so fucking screwed." Ashley rasped in shock.

The feeling was hard to quantify. An overwhelming realization of her worst fear.

Like the shock of walking across a deserted road and suddenly realizing too late that you've walked into the path of a speeding car.

In the space of less than a second you already know it's going to hit.

You know it will hurt.

The best you can hope for is that you will survive the pain.

She immediately pulled her top back up and then yanked her skirt down, but she knew it was already far too late.

He had clearly seen everything. There was no telling how long he had actually been there.

Ashley could feel that hot feeling in her cheeks as the colour in her face turned to a deep red.

There was a nauseating fear in the pit of her stomach, and this time there was nothing pleasurable about it.

"Roll down your window please." It was not a request. Ashley complied. She felt like throwing up.

"License and registration."

She fumbled around in the glove compartment and then in her purse before producing both items.

"You alone Ma'am?"


He looked her squarely in the eyes then. He bore the look of a man trying desperately not to smile.

Attractive and in his mid twenties. Dark eyes and an athletic build.

Hell if she was going to get attested then why not have this guy be the one to slap her in hand-cuffs.

"A public rest stop isn't exactly the place for that kind of thing now is it Miss.............Thomson." He said examining her license.

Ashley looked back to see that his patrol car had pulled up right behind her. She had never heard the engine or even his footsteps before that sharp knock in her window.

"No....Look I'm so sorry officer. I don't know what came over me." That in itself was a lie. Ashley knew all too well what had come over her.

For the first time she looked closer at the badge on his chest, and then the name tag underneath. Officer C. Stroud.

"Well, we have a slight problem." He said. This time the smile was becoming more evident.

"Please. I'm headed home to Boston. If I can just be on my way I promise I'll never do anything like this again."

"Well, now that might be tricky. You see I just came from a place called 'The Pineview Motel.....'

Ashley's blood ran cold.

She watched as he then peered at the contents of her back seat. The shopping bags all looked harmless enough but the stiletto heels laying beside them seemed to hold a special interest for him.

"......And unless I miss my guess, you must be 'Daddy's Little Girl.'"


"I don't know what you're talking about." Ashley replied trying to give her best 'dumb girl' impression. Even during her childhood she had always been the most terrible liar.

Officer Stroud had apparently been quite prepared for her answer.

"Well, how about you follow me back to Pineview and we can clear up this little misunderstanding."

"There's no misunderstanding Officer, whatever you're talking about has nothing to do with me."

He took out his notebook and opened it.

"Well you can see my problem Ma'am. A woman matching your description and driving a vehicle just like yours rented a motel unit. Quite an artist apparently. Liked to write pretty little words in red lipstick on the walls."

He didn't even try to hide his satisfaction after that.

Ashley's fear abruptly turned to anger then as she realized that he was simply toying with her. There was no point in even trying to deny it now, to do so would probably just make matters worse.

"Look.........okay, yeah. I rented a motel room. Maybe I left a bit of a mess. I bet that old woman didn't tell you about the hundred dollar tip I left on the night-stand either did she?"

He didn't reply at first. He just looked her up and down. His eyes seemed to linger just a little too long on her chest. It was then that Ashley began to get the idea that maybe she wasn't in trouble at all. Maybe this was even just another test to be passed.

"That's an interesting outfit Miss Thomson. What exactly to you do for a living if you don't mind my asking."

"I'm in publishing."

He smiled more broadly then.

"I see. I bet the pictures are all very tasteful."

Ashley resented what he was implying but in an odd sort of way she actually felt a little flattered by it too.

"Nothing so crass Officer. Biographies and non-fiction mostly."

Ashley could see his confusion after that. That was a good development. She could sense the momentum of that conversation shifting a little more her way.

"Look am I under arrest or something?" She pressed with some authority then.

"No ma'am, not at this stage. I am simply questioning you. Co-operation would be advisable however."

She saw it so clearly then. His eyes scanned her up and down in a way that wasn't at all professional.

She also understood for the first time what was really happening. In a very literal sense he had caught her with her hand in the cookie jar.

He was enjoying her embarrassment. He was prolonging her agony just to watch her squirm.

She knew her rights. If she was not under arrest then she was free to go.

But.......a curious thing happened then. Instead of exercising that right she decided to try a very different approach. Something both brave and stupid in equal amounts.

"Look....I know I can't outrun you in this thing."

"Not a chance." He replied.

She stared at the name tag on his chest.

"I hope I'm not being too forward, but would you mind me telling me what the 'C' stands for Officer Stroud?"


Ashley smiled back at him softly then.

"Well Chris, quite clearly you've caught me at a delicate moment."

His own smile wavered just a little then as he listened intently.

"And unless I've read things all wrong then I don't think you have any intention of arresting me."

"Now that all depends doesn't it. The manager at the 'Pineview' may see it differently."

Christ this was it. A crossroad that could end in so many ways and most of them were bad. Ashley had never felt this kind of fear....or was it excitement.

"Perhaps instead of following you back to that shitty motel, maybe you'd prefer to take me some place private."

There was a very long silence then.

"Ma'am I think you need to chose your words very carefully now, the wrong kind of person might interpret that as a proposition."

Ashley looked him directly in the eyes then. She was about to say something so outrageous that it made her tremble. The most amazing sense of raw power suddenly came over her at that moment.

"Oh that wasn't a proposition Chris. I'm only suggesting that if you really want to help out a girl in distress, then maybe you should take her some place a little more discreet."

Again, there was nothing but shocked silence from Officer Christopher Stroud for the longest time before he began to stammer out a response.

"I-I believe you have completely misread the situation ma'am."

"Have I?" Ashley countered.

"So that wasn't you standing beside my window watching me play with myself?"

"Listen ma'am I think you had better just g................"

She seized upon that moment and cut him off in mid sentence.

"So you honestly don't wanna fuck me?"

Each word of that brief sentence had been phrased to perfection. The end result being a plaintive, almost disappointed plea.

"Jesus lady, you are seriously crazy if you think I'm about to put my badge in danger for a piece of ass I found parked on the side of the road."

It was a compelling argument, but Officer Stroud was perhaps just a little too nervous to be truly convincing. He was quite obviously more than a little tempted.

"I swear I'll go quietly Chris, but I can be loud if you prefer."

Ashley was actually rather proud of that impromptu little remark.

Nothing about this was a bluff or a game to her now.

She really did want him to do it. Wanted to follow his patrol car down some deserted side road.

She would kneel there on the cold dirt for him like a good law abiding citizen and he would teach her a harsh lesson.

'Daddy's little girl' had been terribly bad and nice mister police officer was gonna fuck her good and hard for her sins.