Finding Amy


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Her mind began to play out that sordid scene. She saw herself bent forward over the hood of his patrol car with her little black dress pulled up around her waist.

Then, a flash of inspiration and a sudden addition to that scene. A pair of hand-cuffs binding her wrists together behind her back.

'Oh fuck yeah. I'm definitely gonna ask for the cuffs,' Ashley couldn't help but think then.

But, much to her disappointment, it didn't go down that way at all.

In the end it turned out that Officer Stroud was one of those rarest of all things.

A good cop.

"Ma'am. I suggest you start your engine and keep driving till you cross the border into Massachusetts. And do yourself, and me a huge favor.......... don't come back to New Hampshire."


"I thought you said that you can't fail a Rorschach test." Amy had replied, not quite understanding what Jeff Prast was trying to say.

"That's correct, you can't Amy, all I'm saying is that the results from both you and Ashley are really quite fascinating."

It was Ashley who questioned him next.

"So you're telling us that we are both nuts or something?"

"No, just the opposite. Your tests are completely normal, but there was something else far more fascinating about the results."

He seemed to be almost beside himself then as he looked at his notes and continued to ask more questions.

"May I ask how long both you and Amy have known each other?"

"We've been best friends since we were eight or maybe nine I guess." Amy had chipped in then.

"I see......fascinating."

"Look Mr. Prast I don't get it. You said that Amy's and my answers were normal."

"Boringly so."

"Then what's the big deal?"

"Well.....for one, I showed both of you the exact same ink blot cards in exactly the same order."

"Yeah we know." Amy said.

"But here's the thing. Both of you interpreted those cards in exactly the same way. You saw the same things.....for all of them. Statistically speaking, the chances of that are astronomical."

Amy only laughed.

"Well that would explain why we both bought the same dress last week."

"I don't think you truly appreciate the significance of this." An agitated Jeff Prast cut in.

"Sure we do!" Ashley had said smiling broadly. "Mind link!"

Ashley pressed the palm of her hand toward Amy who instinctively tagged it in a 'high-five' before they both fell into hysterics.


An attractive woman stood in the hallway of an apartment complex in Brookline. She set down the impressive collection of shopping bags that she had somehow managed to carry all the way from the parking garage and then began to rifle through one of them.

She had already drawn more than a few inquisitive glances.

Her tiny, almost non-existent black dress wasn't at all appropriate or even practical for that cold January day.

She was clearly having trouble balancing on her stiletto heels as she leaned over one of the bags.

A few moments later she produced a set of keys and then fumbled with the lock of an apartment door. She opened it and then dragged the shopping bags inside.

"Home at last!" Ashley Thomson announced to that empty space as she stood in familiar surroundings once more.

The woman who now stood in that apartment however, was not the same one who had left it little more than twenty-four hours ago.

One by one she carried the shopping bags into her bedroom. She carefully unpacked the contents of each bag until every item had been lined up beside each other on her bed.

She made a sound that was terribly close to a squeal then as she soaked it all in. This was much more than just a collection of items, it was the stuff of dreams, it was the beginning of a new life.

So many personal revelations had taken place in the space of one day.

She had gone to all the wrong stores and bought more outfits than she could remember. Sexy and sleazy little numbers intended only for whores and strippers.

Lingerie ranging style from "sweet' to 'slut'.

Spiky heels that were almost impossible to walk any kind of distance in.

Some of those clothing choices were inspired directly by what she had seen Amy wear in those shocking photos. Case and point was a fetching little 'school-girl' outfit.

It looked exactly like the one Amy had been modeling just before she was so thoroughly violated by that 'mystery man'.

And of course, beside the clothes were the shiny new gadgets. The digital camera and tri-pod already so very successfully road-tested.

The new mobile phone that Ashley had spent more money than she should have on. The original idea was to buy a cheap 'burner' cell-phone from wal-mart like Amy, but in the end, she had gone with a Samsung Galaxy.

In fact, nothing that she bought that day had been cheap at all.

The last thing to tumble out of those shopping bags provoked a nervous giggle. An obscenely expensive, but outrageously cool little item.

A two hundred dollar vibrator that was actually made out of carbon-fiber. That had been one of the most hilarious and fun purchases of the day.

"It's the same material they use to make Lamborghinis," the guy behind the counter had said enthusiastically before adding, "....and just like a Lamborghini it will get you there twice as fast!"

After a sales pitch like that it was practically a guaranteed purchase.

After all the frivolity of that shopping spree there was the more serious matter of what had happened later that night. Not only that but the stunt she had just pulled little more than an hour ago at that New Hampshire rest stop.

An escalation of events had clearly taken place. The risk factor had been dramatically increased but the corresponding rewards had been so huge that it was almost shocking.

"You did all that." Ashley said aloud with real pride.

Her next few words were said purely for her own satisfaction. A verbal expression of what she had been thinking for most of the drive back to Brookline.

"If only that cop hadn't been such a fuckin choirboy. I should be bent over the hood of a patrol car getting fucked right now."


In the hours that followed, Ashley would experience a new kind of distress.

Bear witness to something far more personal and much more alarming than anything she had seen in those photos of Amy.

She would see herself.

Hundreds of images that had been taken over the course of a few hours.

A fresh new moment in time that had been snapped every ten seconds. A record of the drama in that had unfolded in that tiny New Hampshire motel room.

Little thumbnails displayed on the screen of her Mac-book in a slideshow of her own debauchery.

And so it began.

Those images were made all the more surreal by something quite unintentional.

Her Mac-book automatically selecting a random song from her playlist to accompany that procession of photos. A very familiar track with lyrics that she had always thought quite beautiful, but in this new context, just seemed pornographic.

I waited till I saw the sun

I don't know why I didn't come

I left you by the house of fun

I don't know why I didn't come

"Damn, who knew Norah Jones was such a slut." Ashley had laughed perhaps a little too hard at her own joke then. Her own way of trying to distract herself from the fear she could feel building.

Those first few nervous pictures.

Remembering how petrified she had felt when it had all started.

But there was also more to it. She couldn't believe the woman she was seeing was actually her.

A new photo appeared every few seconds. She saw those nervous eyes staring back at the camera and this time she knew exactly what was behind them.

A nervous girl posing and forcing herself into positions that looked uncomfortable at first, but then seeming to become more natural as time passed.

Not long after, the fear in the eyes of that girl being replaced by desperation and arousal as she continued to pose.

The little black see-through corset she was wearing making her hips look impossibly thin. Her large breasts almost spilling out of that tight bodice. The distinct outline of her erect nipples prominent through the fine lace.

The little black thong she was wearing barely concealing her womanhood.

A classy little cameo pendant around her neck that seemed out of place on such a common little whore.

Time passing at an accelerated rate as that girl continued to pose, but was clearly now experiencing deep distress.

Her eyes welling with tears.

Then looking slightly off camera as she appeared to virtually plead with someone unseen.

Her poses became more and more provocative and her skin began to glisten with sweat. A glance at the digital time-stamp revealed that ninety minutes had now passed since the taking of the first photo.

Her corset was now completely translucent as her own sweat soaked through it.

Her muscles appeared to flex as she struck each pose until, quite suddenly, it happened.

The perfect image. The one photo that was not only a perfect match for Amy's profile shot, but in many ways seemed to out-do it too.

Shortly after that perfect moment, between twenty and thirty shots of an empty mattress in the middle of a cheap looking motel room.

And then, there she was once more, wearing the exact same dress she was wearing now. A trashy little slut scrawling words in red lipstick on the wall behind the bed.

Those words had hung above her head almost like a label as she had resumed posing then. It was fifty more images at least before the posing stopped.

Ashley was riveted as she witnessed things that she could barely remember. It had all been a blur of feeling and emotion then and it was only now that the full impact of what she had done began to hit home.

"Oh fuck. I don't remember doing that at all."

There were so many instances like that. The girl in those photos writhed and flexed as she put on an impressive show.

The same pair of heels that Ashley was wearing right now were dug into the mattress as she thrust her pelvis up towards delicate fingers with finely manicured nails.

Those fingers then played and danced across the soaked fabric of a tiny thong before finally yanking it to one side and attacking that girl without mercy.

Open mouthed moans registering raw lust. One hand grinding tight circles into an engorged and sensitive clitoris while the other would roam across her body from her belly to her breasts.

The base side of that girl's nature then took over.

Each hand almost seeming to take on the roles of different lovers working in tandem.

The first of those lovers now actively fucking her with four manicured digits while it's twin invaded her mouth and demanded attention from her lips and tongue.

Those images only magnified in intensity as time passed.

'Is it wrong to get turned on by pictures of yourself?' It was a bizarre question that Ashley had never even considered before.

As it turned out the question had been born more out of curiosity and any kind of moral dilemma.

It was a stimulating thought as she hiked up her skirt and searching fingers began to roam over familiar territory once more.

Ashley unwittingly began to provide her own audio accompaniment to that slideshow.

A loud and powerful orgasm that was perfectly in sync with her slutty, on-screen alter-ego.


The organized and goal oriented side of Ashley Thomson once more took control. After rewarding herself with a long shower and a very strong cup of coffee she set to work creating the online profile of the newest member of 'the dark palace'.

'Fallen_Angel6' was going to make quite an impression, she would make sure of that.

Anyone who had ever read Amy's profile would instantly know there was a connection between those two angels. The striking similarities alone should be enough to confirm that.

There wasn't much left of Amy's original profile, but it was enough. A list of screen names and a hand written page of notes.

Every last scrap of that information was vitally important now.

The names would all be pursued, and those notes contained all the information she needed to re-create Amy's profile almost verbatim. That in itself was a prospect that both scared and excited her.

It was true that she had changed immeasurably over the past two weeks, but to take Amy's wildest of fantasies and just transplant them word for word to her own profile still felt dangerous somehow.

Many of those ideas had shocked Ashley to her core when she had first read them.

The very thought of carrying out those acts with the same people as Amy seemed not only inappropriate but just plain wrong.

'I have to play this smart. Flirt but not engage. Talk to them, draw out all that I can and then get out fast.'

It seemed to be a solid plan with no drawback she could see. There was also a very big bonus to all of this. There was nothing to stop her from meeting up with other people from 'Dark Palace' and living out her own new fantasies. Doing that could almost be considered 'home-work'.

Once more she began to read through Amy's sexual wish-list. From what Ashley had seen before her profile had been removed, Amy and already managed to check quite a few of those boxes off.

"Okay...kneel at someone's feet.....put across knee...spanked, yeah I'd say Amy probably did that."

The next item on the list was far more interesting to Ashley.

"Treated like a fuck-toy by a room full of men. Fuck, did she ever check that one off."

She even smiled as she read that out, the next item however had always been the most confusing part of Amy's profile for Ashley.

"Dirty girl on girl stuff with cruel woman....Jesus Amy what was going on with you?"

She wondered then if Amy had checked that one off.

That was perhaps the only part of the list that held no appeal. Oh sure Ashley had kissed a couple of girls in college but all that experience had done was just confirm her own 'hetero' status even more.

After several conversations about it over the years, it had always seemed that she and Amy were definitely on the same page on that subject.

Maybe taking a short trip to 'Lesbo-land' had simply been Amy's way of pushing her own boundaries. That had been the only conclusion that had made any real sense to Ashley.

Well all those questions would have to wait for now. If she really wanted those answers she would need to get her hands dirty first, a prospect that wasn't entirely unpleasant to the 'new Ashley'.

She switched on her Mac-book, keyed in the 'Dark Palace' web address and clicked the 'Join' button.

There was one vitally important detail that had to be resolved first before anything else could happen.

Her very name itself.

Aside from one small alteration Ashley was virtually stealing Amy's profile name, but simply assuming that identity, had never been the plan at all.

Amy's 'Dark palace' profile may have been called 'Fallen_angel5' but the name she had actually given herself was 'Angel'.

Ashley's own new name had to evoke something similar, but it couldn't be the same.

She began to write down words that were comparable, but none of them were even close to being adequate.

She toyed with Angelina and even simply just Ange but quickly dismissed them both.

'Maybe something 'like' Angel. Something religious?' Ashley felt she was getting closer to the mark then.

'How about Emmanuelle?' That was a strong contender, and yet, it still didn't seem quite right.

Next she tried to remember the actual names of the angels themselves. The only one she could remember was 'Gabriel'.

That name had a definite ring to it, but it still didn't work. Gabriel was a man's name.

Suddenly it happened then, the label that would define her new existence presented itself.

"Oh Christ that's's perfect."

10 Profile: fallen_angel6

Member Name: Gabrielle

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Likes: Role-play, Submission, Group, Exhibition

Sexual Preference: Straight

About Me:

If you have met my friend Angel then you have met me too. We are the same. Best friends who got tired of being the 'good girl'.

Let me kneel at your feet and I will purr like a kitten.

Put me over your knee and spank me till I moan for you like a whore.

I can be a good girl but I can be so bad too.

I want to feel everything.

What I want:

Thinking about getting fucked by a room full of men makes me hot.

I want to be used like a fuck-toy while people watch me.

Tie my hands, make me kneel, let me be your dirty little angel.

I don't want a nice girl-on-girl experience. I want a mean, girl to use me like a slut.

I could be her dirty little whore.

Selected Categories(tags):

Submission, Bondage, Exhibitionism, Heterosexual, Lesbian, Fem-Dom, Role-Play, Group, Gang-Bang, Spanking.


Ashley knew her profile wasn't exactly word for word but it was pretty damn close, the closest she could get with that hand written page of notes.

Next she used Photoshop to crop her head out the profile picture just as Amy had done before uploading it.

She used her credit card and purchased the 'Gold Package'. That was vitally important. Only 'Gold' members had the ability to view who had visited their profile.

And then the final step, a terms and conditions page.

She skimmed through it quickly before placing the mouse pointer over the 'I agree' button.

She didn't click it.

She had the presence of mind to know the significance of that single act.

A defining moment.

Knowing that whatever the outcome was, her life would probably never be the same again.

'If you click that button, things will happen. The stuff in your head that you want so bad....It won't stop, it'll just get worse.'

That thought was a moment of clarity that startled Ashley. She continued to play those thoughts out almost like a conversation.

'Like you're gonna stop now. As if you even have a choice.'

'But you do have a's not too late,' came a voice of reason from somewhere deep inside her.

'You're right, I do have a choice, and I choose..............this.'

She clicked the button and in that moment 'Gabrielle' was born.

On the evening of January 24th the profile of 'The Dark Palace's' newest member, 'Fallen_angel6' went live.

The world was introduced to a beautiful and mysterious girl who called herself Gabrielle.

A startling and erotically charged picture adorned her profile page.

An image folder called 'Daddy's Little Girl' that contained fifty carefully selected pictures was left open and unlocked for every member to see.

That one folder was viewed hundreds of times within the first hour alone of going live.

The thoughts and desires of countless people that she had never met were now quite suddenly directed towards Gabrielle. Some of those people had the purest of intentions, some of them did not.


One pair of eyes in particular stared unblinkingly at screen in a small and darkened room.

On that screen was the personal profile of a girl who called herself Gabrielle.

The person behind those eyes saw and understood the truth behind it all perhaps more than any other.

The lips on that face formed into a cruel smile and soon after, words followed.

"Good girl......just a few steps don't even know how close you are."

That face cast it's eyes down toward an old book. Dust jacket torn and clearly well used, a carefully placed coffee cup holding the leaves open at page 6.

Serious eyes began to read that all too familiar text.


Page 6

Jesse Mack's Intelligent Guide To Hunting Game


The one question I get asked the most is 'How'd you get so good at hunting big game?'

Well, every time I tell them the same thing. It's all in the Preparation. Know your target animal. Know what draws them out.