Finding Helen


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I turned Helen's head, finding the other side of her neck; it was lovely, her eyes closed as I worked down to take my due. She moaned and pushed her magnificent neck up to me. Then, when I did not bite, she turned her lovely eyes onto mine again, focusing now, not so dreamy.

"Please, my love." Her voice was deep, filled with lust. "Please feed on me while you cum."

She turned her head and exposed the neck fully to me.

I pushed forward with all my needs, she groaned deeply, and my cock had a second life matching the tail that was now entirely within her ass and was pumping in and out.

'She is such a lovely slut.' Shahri laughed, 'Give her what she desires. Feed Serrada.'

How could I refuse? I drove all my cocks deep into her, somewhere Shahri had given me control, and was now merely enjoying the spectacle as I fucked Helen harder.

My fangs took deep into Helen's throat again; the taste of blood filled my mouth the sharp metallic taste was now familiar, as well as the added spice of alcohol, it went gushing down my throat.

My cocks both drove into her pussy and ass in time with each other; I could feel both touching each other through the thin membranes that separated them. Then, finally, I felt Helen surrender into my assault as I pounded her cunt and ass until I was ready to cum. It was then that Simon made his appearance.

"They are gone...." He said, standing in shock at the spectacle before him. I could not see it, but I was sure his mouth hung open, and his cock was rock hard. I waited, then licked and healed her throat for a moment.

"Come here and stand. Then, when I command, you will cum over her tits and face." I instructed, and he followed directions.

I went back to my feeding; I was nearly there. It was amazing to see Simon working his cock. Of course, my cock was much larger, but his little thing was still lovely. I almost chuckled at the thought.

Helen reached up and began to lightly stroke his body with her fingers. The sight was too much for me; her neck muffled my orgasmic scream.

The second wave of semen pumped into Helen's clenching pussy, bathing her cervix in a second flood, all while her ass was plugged and filled as well.

I released her neck as it sealed itself and lifted for Simon.

"Now," was all I needed to say.

"AOOFHF FUCK!" both Helen and Simon screamed in unison; he exploded cum from his cock, she doing her best to rip my cocks from my body.

I counted a dozen ropes flying out of his throbbing cock. Those ropes painted Helen's breasts then up to her neck and across her face to puddle over her lips and in the corners of her eyes. Soon her face was nearly covered as he continued to cum. Her pussy was pulsing, but with each rope hitting, her pussy would grip like steel, as did her ass. Whatever juices were left in me were demanded by her pussy and her ass, and I gave them to her in my final exhausting orgasm.

'Hmmmm, I do love a cock that can cum.' Shahri cooed from behind my eyes. I watched his cock pump and his hips working it toward Helen's face. She reached up and stroked his cock, trying to get the last of the cum out of his sack now tightly held against his cock's base.

I felt my need finally met. I looked down at my lover; her husband's cock was spent, she was smiling at me, her face sopping with her husband's cum, her pussy, and her ass filled with mine. I reached down and kissed her, then licked all the semen from her face. My rough tongue made short work of it, and I took the accumulation into my mouth and fed it to her in a kiss. She greedily accepted, her tongue dancing with mine, then her head lolled to the side, and she slipped into sleep.

I finished cleaning her as my tail withdrew and returned to normal; I was glad that. It would be difficult to explain to the airport security folks. I was hopeful my futa cock would be as elastic.

Shahri was sated and seemed to be sleeping; she often did this when satisfied. It was sometimes challenging to reach, but Helen was the lover I needed to have my 'roommate' retire for the evening.

I slowly withdrew from Helen, leaving her to mumble in her light sleep.

I slowly stood and walked around to Simon; taking his flaccid cock into my hands, I ran my nails long it. Feeling its weight and its attempt to harden but to no avail.

"Go shower Simon, when you are clean, change the sheets, and make the bed, then go down and make some tea. Helen and I need to talk." He listened and silently did as he was instructed.

I quickly dressed and wrapped my Helen up in a blanket, carried her sleeping form down to the lounge, and cradled her closely as she slumbered.

I was not sure what to say; I thought about it awhile. Parting would be difficult. I loved her so, but I had no idea what Shahri planned for us. I wanted her safe; besides, she had a life with Simon. She deserved to be happy without the drama that would come with my burden.

Simon came down, he had failed to dress, of course, but I left him to his tasks.

'I have to remember to give clearer instructions.' I chuckled to myself.

My laughter was quiet but not soft enough; Helen roused, looked at me in surprise, then seemed to remember.

"Serrada, how did you? How?" She started; I just cuddled her. I think she realized she was nude, but instead of reacting as I would have expected, she seemed to soften and snuggle into me.

"Hush, love, it does not matter; I will be going soon." I was fighting back the tears which I knew would come once the door was locked behind me, "I just wanted to see you and say I love you. You and Simon will be happy together, take care of each other and your children."

I kissed her lightly on the forehead. Lifting her then, I placed her on the couch to sleep.

"Simon is getting tea, but sleep now, and when you awaken, you will feel wonderful." I kissed her again and walked out of the room, finding Simon happily working away.

I turned him, holding his eyes with mine, pouring my will into his.

"You take care of her; you be loyal to her; you work hard and love her with all your heart." I stepped very close. "For if you do not? I will find you and rip your heart from your chest and eat it in front of you."

I turned and walked away from him; I glanced back at Helen. Then, I blew her a kiss toward her sleeping form opened the door, but before I left.

"Oh, got put some clothes on. Your cock is nice, but it is not a flag; besides, it belongs to your wife, not you." I then left, closing the door behind me.

As I walked down the street, I was thinking of his cock; it seemed longer and much thicker, especially at the base, than I remembered.

'It is love. I thought I would leave her a wedding gift.' Shahri chuckled wickedly in the back of my mind, 'and better, he cannot cum without her permission.'

I could imagine her rolling over on her bed, somewhere in my mind, as she punched a misbehaving pillow, 'ever.'

That brought a chuckle from me that caused passers-by to cross the street, occasioning a belly laugh.


The flight home was uneventful. I enjoyed a flight attendant or two; they were both yummy. But, of course, I was careful to make sure they were not in trouble or anything; after all, they were both so... sweet. I did, however, keep their panties.

Things became somewhat mundane over the next few months. Then, finally, I returned to working at the university; surprisingly, Shahri was a great help. Together we managed to translate several ancient inscriptions, some from languages that had never been deciphered.

My papers on our work were rejected until I shared some of my results with a couple of other academics who used my work to translate inscriptions that had languished in their collections. My reputation grew almost immediately, and my papers were also accepted. And I was offered several honorary doctorate degrees, including one from Oxford. I tacked the letter to my bulletin board.

As a result, I became something of a celebrity in the heady community of ancient antiquities. So many were impressed with my work that my fan club might have needed three Ubers to go to a restaurant.

It was a typical, uneventful day when I got the email. I had wondered how she was, wondered how they both were. I had not intended to bother her again; I wanted them to grow together and be happy.

I don't remember opening the email either.

Dear Serrada,

I hope you are well, we are. I thought you would like to know.

Love, Helen, xxx

Attached to the email was a photo, your typical young family photo: a proud papa, beaming mother, and her infant. Helen was cradling a baby all dressed in pink, which made me laugh. Of course, she was teasing me; she had tweaked me several times about 'the American obsession with pink and blue.' But, it did make me smile.

Both mother and child were just gorgeous; the babe had beautiful eyes. Did I mention she was beautiful?

'Hmmm, she is the spitting image of her mothers.' Shahri's comment brought me up short. I was stunned, and I dove to the screen. Shahri continued to her chuckle.

"Holy fuck!" I fell back into my chair, arms draped down the sides, slumped and unable to breathe.

"How?" That was the only question I could think to ask!

The laughter in my head was deafening.

'You grow not one cock but two. One from your nub, the other from your ass, and you wonder how a woman got pregnant after pumping a quiantin of cum into her fertile cunt?' The laughter went on for at least ten minutes.

While she laughed, I could not help laughing myself, all as I starred at the email.

'Perhaps I should visit my daughter?' I originally went to see Helen, but now. 'How will I justify it this time?'

I glanced at the bulletin board.

"I wonder what Oxford looks like this time of year?" So, wondering to myself, leaning back to take a drink of my tea.

'Hmmm,' Shahri softly chuckled, 'are there any other lady friends you would like to find?'

Shahri stopped laughing. 'I have never met a Pixie....'

I choked as Shari went on laughing.

Yes, the day certainly was an eventful one.

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SerradaCSerradaC11 months agoAuthor

Bubble, I am sorry I did not notice your comment for so long. I really should look back at my library more. Thank you for your comment. I am difficult to follow often because my thinking is chaotic, but I am glad you caught on. Yes, I do love Helen very much in a very raw and powerful way. XXX

Bubblegummint5Bubblegummint5over 1 year ago

I love this story....5 stars for me...was a lil bit confusing at the beginning but I got a hang of the raw love and desire she had for Helen... The category makes sense to me😅😂...yeah maybe it can fit in lots of em but I see the perspective you were looking at. Great job

SerradaCSerradaCover 2 years agoAuthor

Anonymous, thank you for reading my story through to the end. I realize it is very unconventional for this category. I agree Simon is a caricature, that was intentional to focus on the Helen/Serrada relationship. Perhaps I could have done more development of that character, but it would have added more bulk to a relatively long. However, I will consider your comments for future reference.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was not for me, read the entire story though. Your story is a bad fit for the 'Lesbian' category.' Mind control' or 'Non human' would have been a better fit. Simon was poorly developed and there was no reason to have him ready to paint Helen's face and breasts with his semen, Serrada could have squirted it out of her breasts as yet another special ability of Shahri. 3 stars.

SerradaCSerradaCover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you both, Erica and Pixie, I am humbled by your attention and praise.

Maonaigh, thank you for your perspective and your support. There are so many stories and authors more deserving of your attention that I am very thankful that you take the time to read my stories, and more so that you comment on them. I am gratified by your generosity, and with that of all those who read my stories.

sissygirlErica17sissygirlErica17over 2 years ago

Miss Serrada - I believe you checked MANY Boxes here (content categories ) * giggles * . So Maoniagh, whom I respectfully do not know, why does it have to fit into just one box? Let the writer express as they feel, as I do believe Serrada did. Love, romance, lesbian love, super natural powers, historical and hetero sex. Only box not checked may have been politics and or religion, ( laughing a lil ) . I did enjoy the story Serrada and felt the love between Helen and yourself. Well done and if Helen were I , I would be blushing and ' gushing '.

SerradaCSerradaCover 2 years agoAuthor

First my darling Pixie, thank you. I am a little ... odd.

UGH! Typos! Guilted! gilded Spell check is sometimes worse than nothing at all.

Maonaigh I struggled with the category. I agree that it works in several possible categories including LW (ick!).

I thought I had selected Romance actually, but I was rushed.

However, thinking about what I saw in the relationship was from Serrada's perspective was a 'pure' lesbian desire for Helen. Whether Helen was in a bi relationship was not the point for her, she wanted to find Helen and express her physical love at least once, and Shahri made that possible. However, she might have done if she had won the lottery as well. It was the fact that she desired her, loved her, and made love to her in a way that Helen desired that makes it a Lesbian story in my mind. I realize that I am tap-dancing on landmines here, but to the character Serrada, she as a woman, was making love to another woman, and to me, that is the heart of this category.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years ago

It's so hard to know quite what category this fits into, Mama - as so often, your unique imagination suggests several, none of which wholly fit your take on things. Maybe a "serrada" category should be invented? xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

'I have never met a Pixie....' omg ... I cannot tell you the ideas I get in my mind *giggle* and yes, 5 stars ...

MaonaighMaonaighover 2 years ago

An interesting and well-written fantasy but I would question the category. Once you bring a male into the sex scenes it ceases to be purely lesbian. A more appropriate category might be Erotic Couplings or, in the case of this particular story, Erotic Horror. Other than that, a five-star effort.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years ago

Well, what can I say Mama? This could only be the product of your ever-fertile imagination, and I am hoping that darling Helen enjoys it too. 5 stars from me, Mama xxxx

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