Finding Home Pt. 17-18


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"Thanks," said Andy sheepishly.

An outdoor table had opened up, and Jessica made a quick decision. "Ladies, why don't we sit down while the gentlemen stand in line? We can have a quick catch up, and then we need to get back to the house. I'm afraid the punishment for missing Sunday brunch in the Carlson household is quite Draconian."

The four women nodded, and moved quickly to the open table. Andy, Deepak, and Adam all looked at one another awkwardly, and remained in line.

"So, Deepak," Andy began, "what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a forensic accountant," he said. "I work with a number of agencies to track and eliminate illegal sources of income for all sorts of unsavory figures and organizations."

"Damn," said Adam. "That sounds badass."

Dee smiled, "Yes, it is quite interesting work. It's not quite as glamorous as being a Marine Corps Force Recon Sniper with 61 confirmed combat kills and a Navy Cross recipient, but I enjoy it immensely," he paused. "Adam, how about you?"

"I'm in my final year of med school; Harvard Medical," he said. "Anna and I met when she tutored me in Chemistry. We met through a mutual friend." He turned to Andy and said, "Listen, it's great to run into you. Anna's told me about how well you treated her when you were in high school. I want to thank you for that. I had a serious girlfriend in college who had a former boyfriend who treated her like shit. That created a lot of baggage, and it was hard on the relationship. The parental baggage Anna has is more than enough, so I'm glad there's no boyfriend baggage. Anna had only the one good experience with you. Thank you," he said sincerely.

"You're welcome," said Andy quietly. "Anna was a wonderful friend. If she's anything like she was then, you're a very lucky guy."

"I too need to thank you," said Deepak. "And I must apologize for my boorish comment a moment ago. Praja speaks well of you and your time together, also. Adam is right. I'm afraid I've been surrounded by Drew fans, and it can get a bit tiresome."

"Well, Mikey and I have been friends forever," said Andy. "He's a very loyal guy."

Deepak chuckled. "No, it's not Michael. He's great, by the way. It's Mrs. Reju and Priya. There's a framed picture of the two of you walking down the aisle at Mike and Priya's wedding on the wall in the Reju's kitchen. Mrs. Reju tries to play it off, 'Doesn't Praja look amazing?'" he said, mimicking her voice. "But I know that the two of you meant something to one another once."

"We did," said Andy. "We both wanted something more -- but at different times. Your fiancé is quite a woman, Deepak."

He smiled. "Yes. Yes, she is. I am very fortunate."

By this time, they had made their way to the counter, and Andy picked up his order. He added extra items, at Jessica's insistence, and then paid for all three after Deepak and Adam ordered. Both men started to object, by Andy cut them off.

"It's the least I can do. This has been an awkward experience for all of us," he explained.

As they turned to head out of the bakery, Adam said, "Hey Drew. I think you played on the national team with a couple of former teammates of mine: Doug Hardesty and Chad Schaffer."

Andy looked at him, stunned. "I did."

Adam smiled. "I grew up in the Minneapolis area. Doug and I were high school teammates. Then, Chad and I played together at Harvard. They both spoke very highly of you," he paused. "Are you going to play at Colton?"

Andy nodded. "I am, but we're not quite sure how it's going to work out. Sara and I are getting married in December, and Priya and Jessica are both due around the start of the season. We'd also like to get to DC to see my brother-in-law play."

"Is he a hockey player, too?" asked Deepak.

"He is. Alex Fedorov of the Caps," said Andy.

"Holy shit," muttered Adam. "Pickup games at your place must be crazy."

Andy laughed. "There aren't too many goals scored," he quipped. Adam laughed.

"Cool. We'll get to see you play, then," said Adam.

"I'm sorry?" asked Andy.

"It was in the Globe this morning. You guys are opening your season against Boston U. It'll be a three-game, weekend series here in town. Anna was stoked about getting to see you play again, and there's no way I'd miss watching the Captain," he grinned.

Andy nodded dumbly.

"Adam, would you mind if I had a word with Drew?" asked Deepak.

"No, but if you don't mind -- I'll hang back. I need a word with him as well," he said smiling.

Andy and Deepak stepped towards the men's restroom. When they were somewhat out of the way, Dee spoke.

"Drew, I must again apologize. I acted jealously."

"It's fine. Just take good care of Praja and we're good."

Deepak smiled. "Yes -- from all I've heard about you, that's what I would expect you to say," he paused. "Drew, I know Praja would like to talk with you. I would argue she needs to talk with you. While we are engaged, she has been putting off setting a wedding date. I love her dearly, and I recognize she has unfinished business with you. Please know I bear you no animosity. I only ask that you keep my love for her in mind as you speak."

"I will. Deepak, she's a special lady. She was very helpful to me as a young man -- and -- well, let me just say that thinking about her got me through some rough shit when I was deployed. I love Sara and would not do anything to jeopardize our relationship. But I realize I have some things I need to say to Praja as well. Thank you for understanding," Andy paused. "Are we good?"

Deepak smiled. "We are. Michael assures me you are incredibly likeable. I see he was right. I look forward to your grandfather's award ceremony -- which I understand will be a big event for you as well -- when we can speak again. And," he paused. "I'm guessing that the entire Reju clan will be at one or all of the upcoming Boston hockey games." He smiled as he said that.

The two shook hands, and Andy patted him on the back as Deepak and Adam traded places.

"Drew, I know this is really awkward, but if you'd be willing to talk to Anna, that would be incredibly helpful," began Adam. "That period of her life was kind of a shitshow. I mean, three months after she and her mom moved out to California, her parents got divorced, and then her mom had a live-in-boyfriend like two weeks later. The one bright spot in that whole time was her relationship with you -- but she knows she needs to close that page if we're going to have a life together -- and I really want that."

Andy nodded.

"She's been seeing a therapist, and she told her to reach out to you. I'd consider it a personal favor if you would agree to do so."

Andy nodded again. "On one condition," he said quickly. "I'd want either you or Sara there when we sit down. Both, preferably. Nothing we need to say to one another can't be said in front of either of you."

Adam smiled, "Deal. Drew, it's been great to finally meet the man. I feel like I know the myth pretty well."

Andy nodded once more, more than a bit embarrassed.

"I'm also glad to see the myth doesn't do you justice. Anna was spot on; you're a good dude Drew DeGroat," he grinned.

"Thank you. Please take care of Anna. I obviously don't know her now, but she was a good friend and a good person when we were in high school. That's a really awkward time, but I remember her humor and grace probably more than anything," said Andy kindly.

Three smiling men emerged from the pastry shop, loaded with boxes and bags. Sara greeted him with a kiss, and Andy noted with some relief that laughter was heard around the table.

"Baby, Anna wants to talk to you before we leave," she said softly to him. "She's really sweet, and crazy smart," she grinned. "Don't worry. I told her it was no big deal." Sara giggled, "I may have told her that we were talking about her last night. She and Adam are going to meet us for dinner when we're back this summer. She's awesome, Andy. Way to go, high school Droobie."

Andy looked at her and smiled, but weakly.

"I'm sorry baby, is this too much?" she asked.

"A bit. But there's a wonderful woman who has agreed to wade through this with me, so we'll press on," he said, smiling more robustly this time. "Plus, I can tell the love of my life is enjoying this immensely."

"Hoorah," she said in a low-growly voice, and then began giggling.

He looked back at her stunned, and she laughed.

"Hoorah," he echoed back.

Adam nodded to Andy, and he and Anna stepped near the curb. "Come on then, Bellissima. Once more into the breach," he said softly with a grin on his face.

"Andy, I want to thank you for talking with me. It's a good idea to do this with Adam and Sara here. I love Adam -- dearly," she paused and looked at him, smiling. The two kissed deeply, leaving Andy and Sara standing there confused and a bit embarrassed.

A grinning Adam explained after their kiss was over. "Sorry about our creepy voyeur moment. That was -- well -- that was the first time Anna has said that to me."

Sara giggled, and Andy nodded.

"So, Andy, my high school experience was awful -- except the fall that we dated. I'm afraid I've always had you on a bit of a pedestal. You were the one good thing in my life, so you were my knight on a white horse. Being with Adam has shown me I needed to get past that, and all the stuff with my parents," she paused and looked at Adam, who nodded to her encouragingly.

"Talking with Sara has shown me that you're still the white knight -- you're just her white knight," she smiled. "But I want to thank you for how well you treated me. You really were the one bright spot in that whole time."

Andy thought for a moment before responding. "I've had to spend a lot of time with a therapist to figure some of my stuff out, as well. One thing my family has helped me realize is that at every stage of my life, someone I loved or cared about was suddenly taken from me. Sadly, you're a part of that. I mourned your leaving, Anna; I really did. It's taken me almost 10 years to come to grips with that. Seeing you happy, with Adam, kicking ass -- well, you have no idea how much that means to me," he paused.

"Sara tells me we're meeting you for dinner at some point here in Boston. I'm really glad for that. You were a good friend - back in the day -- and I want all the friends I can get. I'd love for us to be friends again; all of us."

A teary Anna moved to Andy and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek. She turned to Sara and hugged her, too. To Andy's surprise and consternation, they chatted in French. To further his dismay, Adam joined the conversation.

"Dammit," Andy muttered.

Sara giggled, and Anna hugged him again. "It's OK, Captain," Anna said, "You can take French at Colton. I'm guessing you'll have a wonderful tutor," she grinned. "Plus, it's really hot to make love and speak French," she said, blushing as she did. Adam laughed.

"Come on, lady. They've got brunch to get to, and I have a feeling we'll have a French lesson soon," Adam said suggestively.

Andy shook his hand, and the two exchanged cell numbers.

"Don't worry, Drew; Sara already gave me her number," said Anna cheerfully.

Final hugs were exchanged, and a relieved Andy went back to the table with Sara.

"Well damn," said Praja, as they returned. "Somebody should have called Heather Benson this morning. We could have hit for the Drew cycle," she quipped.

Sara giggled, and Jessica laughed uproariously.

"I've talked with Sara, and I'm guessing Deepak has talked to you," she paused and looked at her fiancé lovingly. "Drew, what say you and I walk around the block?"

Sara squeezed his hand, and Jessica subtly nodded her head yes.

"I'd love to Praja."

Drew offered her his arm, and they went on their way.

"She's stunning, Drew; absolutely charming. Bravo," she grinned. "Pri won't shut up about her, and now I know why. I hereby wave the white flag."

Andy chuckled. "Who are you and what have you done with Praja Reju?"

She laughed. "Andrew, I loved you -- once. I know you loved me too," she began. "But -- well -- it didn't work out, did it?"

Andy nodded his head. "Listen, Praja; I did love you, and you were really important to me. When I was stuck in some shit hole, I'd quiet my mind by thinking about us being together," he paused.

"Drew, that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me," she confessed, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Well, it's true. Deepak seems like a great guy. A blind man can see he's crazy about you."

"He is -- and I love him. I just had to let the dream die. That takes time -- more time than I would have thought. But -- seeing you with her -- you're at peace Drew. It looks good on you. I was really worried about you. Helen and Jessica have both told me how good she is for you. Because I still care for you, there's no way I can get between that. I hate that -- for the record -- but I really do want what's best for you."

"Thank you, P," he said sincerely.

They walked in silence for a bit.

"She thanked me, Andy," she said. "She thanked me for making you such an amazing lover."

Andy laughed. "That sounds like something she would say."

"Well, I told her there was lots of innate ability there, as well as -- well, you know," she grinned. "Drew, please take good care of that woman. We'll have dinner when you're in town, and Mommy is already making plans for the family to come see you play against Boston U. I miss seeing you and your family. If it's not too weird, I'd love for that to change."

"I would too, Praja. For the record, it took a long time for me to get you out of my head."

She laughed, "Good. I'd hate to think all that time was for naught."

"I think you'll find Deepak changed after this," he observed. She stopped walking and turned to look at him.

"It's hard to compete with a ghost, Praja. We've killed the ghost today. That's a good thing. I think it's been good for you, as well."

"Damn you, Drew," she muttered. "You're right. I was always comparing him to you. He's an amazing man -- he's just not Drew DeGroat."

"That's a good thing, P."

"I know it is -- well -- I know that now."

They were within shouting distance of the bakery, and they saw Deepak laughing with Sara and Jessica. Both smiled at the sight.

"Please thank Miss Helen for the heads up," she said softly. "She may have let me know that the three of you were going to be here this morning." She said, smiling.

"Oh, believe me. The OG and I will definitely be talking about this," he said resolutely.

She laughed. "Please don't be angry with her. This was a good thing."

"Yes, it was," he agreed.

"I'll see you in August?"

"I hope so. The Judge would be crushed if you weren't there," he paused. "And so would I."


Ten minutes later, Andy, Sara and Jessica were headed back to Beacon Hill. This time, however, Sara sat in the front seat with Andy. He held her hand tenderly, while Jessica laughed until she cried in the back seat.

When the pulled into the driveway, Jake and Dre's cars were already there, and Kail, Eden and Grace were talking on the lawn.

"JFed! I was worried that you got stuck somewhere while Dreamy and Kisses went off and molested one another," said Kail. "Damn, are those cannoli? Don't hold out on your bitch Power Girl now. I gotta get my model on, so I need to eat up before I purge myself for my time under the lights. You feel me, JFed?"

Andy looked knowingly at Sara, kissed her softly and headed inside toting two boxes of pastries. His sister and fiancé turned to follow him.

"Sara and Jessica, would you mind waiting out here for a minute? There's something I want to talk with you about," said Kail quietly. Both women stopped short when they heard Kail use their real names.

Andy entered the house and took a back way in order to drop off the two boxes of pastry he was sent to retrieve. He saw his grandmother in the kitchen, and kissed her on the cheek.

"You've been busy this morning," he said to her.

"Andrew dear, you know Laura does most of the work," she replied.

"That's not what I'm talking about," he said. "By the way, Praja sends her love."

She wheeled to face him. "Yes, well -- about that," she began.

He stopped her. "Grandma -- it's fine. All's well that ends well. It was really good that she ran into us. And don't worry; your secret is safe with me," he said grinning.

"I want you to know that I'm not trying to interfere, but I do mean to run interference for Sara."

Andy began to laugh. "Please enlighten me on the difference."

"Andrew, anyone with eyes knew that Praja had an interest in you. The way she looked at you at her sister's wedding was borderline obscene," she paused, and Andy saw the fire in her eyes. "Sara is wonderful. I will not have your grandfather's clerk usurping Sara in this family. You're not the only one given to protecting people you love. I just have to be more subtle about it."

"Is subtle a synonym for conniving?" he asked grinning.

"Andrew David, I'll not have that kind of cheek from you. Not in this house. I did you a favor today. You could at least thank me."

"Thank you, Grandma," he said sincerely. "I really do appreciate you looking out for us." He kissed her cheek again.

"Yes, well -- you're quite welcome. Now, if you're quite done being insolent, your grandfather and John Moses are in the study. I've been asked to send you in to them when you returned."

Andy started down the hall, but paused to greet his friends and their spouses. Jen Land and Marty were there as well, with Marty pacing back and forth in front of the picture window. Andy looked at Jen, and she whispered to him. "I told him he needed to wait to talk to Sara until she came inside. It's killing him. I was about to recruit Juliette to help me distract him a bit longer." Andy chuckled.

"Marty, my man. How are you today?" asked Andy enthusiastically.

"Hey Drew number 51," he said flatly. "I'm waiting to talk to Sara. I already said hello to Juliette, and now I want to talk to Sara. Jen said I have to wait until she's done talking with her friends. Do you think it will be long?"

Andy looked out the window and saw that the conversation with Kail was at the 'hugging stage.' Supposing this was a good thing, he stepped outside to check on Sara, and hopefully put Marty out of his misery.

Sara hugged and kissed him when he got to her, and whispered, "Thank you, baby."

"I did nothing, but I'll always take a hug and kiss from you," he grinned. "Jen is making Marty wait inside until you come in before he can talk to you. He's about to lose his damn mind, Bellissima. I said 'hi' to him and he barely acknowledged my existence. If you would be so kind to come in -- even just for a second -- it would help Jen out immensely, and put Marty out of his misery."

She giggled, and followed him inside.

"Marty, who loves you buddy? Look who I got to come in with me," said Andy.

"Sara!" exclaimed Marty, "It's me! It's your friend Marty."

Sara giggled and then addressed him in French. He came and took her hand, and together they walked off to find Juliette.

"Thanks Andy," said a visibly relaxed Jen. "John's talking to your grandfather, and I thought it would be easy to keep Marty out of trouble. I underestimated his esteem for Juliette and Sara."

"My pleasure. If you'll excuse me, I've been summoned by John and the Judge. The sooner I'm there, the sooner you'll have some relief," he smiled.


Andy walked down the hall and knocked. "Come in," he heard the Judge say.

Andy stepped in the study. "Hello son," said his grandfather warmly.

"I heard the two of you were looking for me," he said. "But does the Brain know you're stepping out on her?" he grinned.

"She does not; so, mum's the word," said the older man getting up and chuckling. "I need to go help your grandmother, so please come sit. I'll leave the two of you to it."
