Finding Home Pt. 17-18


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Andy sat down and looked at John. He looked -- well -- he looked nervous. Andy grinned uncontrollably. He'd never seen John Moses look nervous. Even in the most pressure packed athletic situations - John was a cool customer. Finally, a chuckle came out of him.

"I can see someone is enjoying himself," said John.

"Well, I've never seen Cool Hand Luke with the nervous sweats before. So, yes, this is humorous and refreshing to me."

John cleared his throat, and tried to speak. Words, however, were failing him.

"Coach I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be a smart ass. I can tell you're really nervous about something here, and I've honestly never seen you nervous before -- like ever."

John Moses laughed, and then cleared his throat again. "Andrew, here's the deal. I really like Jen. It's been two years since Linda died, but she was sick for roughly three years before that. So, all told, it's been about five years since I've had a healthy wife. Linda told me she wanted me to remarry, and that I'd know when the time was right," he paused.

"Andy, she thought the world of you. It meant a great deal to me and Marty that you made the funeral, let alone sang at the service. I've already talked to your grandparents, and well, now I want to ask you if you think enough time has passed for me to pursue Dr. Land?"

Andy did not know what to say. He sat there speechless, until he noticed John looking at him nervously. "Andrew, I'm sorry. If this was a bad idea -- I can . . ."

Andy cut him off. "I think it's a wonderful idea, John. I'm sorry for the pause. I guess I'm just honored that you would ask for my opinion."

"I respect you, Andrew. You're a damn fine young man. I value your opinion," said John softly. "I hope you knew that before now."

"I did. But it's very nice to hear you say it," said Andy emotionally.

"Well, I'll try to be more forthright about things like that," he replied.

"I think I'd like that. Listen, I know you've never tried to take my dad's place, but . . ."

John cut him off. "Andy, please don't say the rest. Your grandfather has asked me to give a speech at your rehearsal dinner; the speech the father of the groom is supposed to give. Let's save some of that for then, shall we?"

"That would be fine."

The two sat silently for a few minutes.

"So, there's a couple of other things I want to talk with you about since we're alone. I'm getting a dog for Marty, but I need to build a fence in the backyard at Colton. Would you mind helping us with that project? You'll probably need to bring Sara, too," he smiled.

"Sure. Just give me a heads up," said Andy. "This next weekend is out, but I think we're free other than that."

"Thank you. This next thing requires me to put my Colton AD hat on," he paused. "Coach Gennady called me this morning. The hockey team met last night and unanimously voted you Captain. I know you and Sara have priorities other than hockey, and he knows that too. That's why he asked me to talk with you."

"OK," said Andy guardedly.

"We'll work around your schedule. He and I already cancelled a series that would have happened the weekend of your wedding. I know your teammates will want to be there. Hell, as near as I can tell the whole school will want to be there," he smiled.

"Andy, these next couple of years are crucial for Colton athletics. Your brother-in-law's scrimmages were the damndest thing I'd ever seen. That place was packed for a glorified practice. Colton is a hockey school, and now with the Arena remodel, well, having the right captain for our bell-cow sports team is a big deal. I'd consider it a personal favor it you accepted it. I'll even talk with Sara about it. We need this as a program that much."

Andy chuckled. "She'll be thrilled about it. I'm honored, John. You taught me, as a young man, what an honor it is to wear the 'C.' Of course I'll do it."

"And Coach; don't worry. I won't start calling you by your first name in public. How about only in this house or our homes?"

He nodded.

They were interrupted by the trio of Marty, Jen, and Sara. Sara came to him and gave him a hug and a kiss. Jen surprised him by doing the same, but on the cheek.

"Dad, they're waiting for us so that we can eat," protested Marty. "They have waffles, and fancy donuts, and whipped cream."

"Well then, let's go eat," he smiled.

Andy grasped Sara's arm and held her back. "You OK, my love? This has been quite the morning."

"I am baby. It is a lot to take in, but I'm really happy for Kail and Grace. I know it's a huge relief to know what you're going to do with your life. I also know it gives me all the feels for my beautiful man," she said. "And Andy, kudos on the ex-girlfriends. Praja and Anna both seem really sweet. I like them both -- a lot -- and I like them even better with boyfriends," she grinned.

"You have nothing to worry about," he said softly.

"I know that, but you're a damn fine man. I'm realizing those are hard to find."

He grinned at her, and kissed her quickly. "I hate to add to it, but John just informed me that I've been voted Captain of the hockey team."

Sara shrieked and jumped up and down, clapping as she did so. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I knew it. I knew my man kicks ass!" She kissed him deeply. "Baby, I'm so happy for you. This is amazing," she saw the look on his face. "Wait -- you told him yes, didn't you?"

He smiled at her. "I did. But I realize now we should have talked about it before I agreed to it. I'm sorry. That will not happen again."

Eden stuck her head in the door. "Not to be rude, but we're waiting on the two of you," she smiled.

Sara took Andy's arm and they walked to the kitchen. As they entered the kitchen, the gathered group of family and friends began singing happy birthday. There was a cake with twenty-one candles on it. Sara giggled, and then looked at Andy. "You should have warned me," she whispered.

"I had no idea," he replied. "But I should have guessed. This is totally Jess and Ellen, by the way. Not Grandma Helen's style."

Sara blew out the candles, and The Judge gave a short welcome -- both to their guests and to Sara as the future mistress of this house. Helen gave instructions, and Marty quickly headed to the front of the brunch line.

Andy and Sara were about to join the line when Andy saw Jack and Margaret O'Leary walk in. "Alright Drew DeGroat!" Big Jack bellowed. "Let's meet this girl already," he said grinning as he strode towards them.

"Big Jack, Momma Maggie; this is my fiancé Sara Jones-Easley," said a smiling Andy.

"Come here dearie, and give me a hug," said a tearful Maggie O'Leary. She hugged her firmly, and then held her at arm's length to consider Sara.

"Andy, she's just lovely. Pri will not stop talking about her, and now I see what all the fuss is about," she said with admiration.

"Alright mother, it's my turn," said Big Jack in his rich Southie lilt. He swallowed Sara up in a bearhug.

Maggie went to Andy and kissed him on the cheek. She put both hands on his face and looked at him carefully. "It's good to see you looking like yourself, my boy," she said lovingly.

"It's good to feel like myself," said Andy with equal affection.

"Sara dear, I'm sure plenty of people have already thanked you, but please let me do the same. Andy is very special to us. Of all my sons, he's the one I've prayed for the most. Goodness knows Saint Michael is tired of me bothering him for this one," she said motioning to Andy.

Andy saw the confusion on Sara's face. "Growing up, Mikey's place was home to everybody. She drove us to just about every practice we ever had -- even when we could drive, she'd take us. We all loved our drive time with Momma Maggie," he explained.

Big Jack picked up the story. "You see, my dear, Jake had no family. Miss Helen and Carol Broquard both had their hands full, so Maggie just adopted the boys. We already had four, so what were three more?" he laughed. "Andy, would you believe that old van still runs? We took the seats out and use it for keg deliveries."

"And dearie; Saint Michael the Archangel is the patron saint of soldiers and beggars," Maggie added.

"Here we go again; it's always about the boys -- like Ellen and I do not exist," said a voice behind Big Jack.

They turned to see the youngest of the O'Leary's: Mary Frances.

"Hello Franny," said a grinning Andy. "Nice of you to make it."

She went to Andy and hugged him. "Well, I recognize the smart-ass voice, but I'm not sure I recognize the rest of you. You look like the old Drew."

He smiled at her warmly, and accepted the kiss on the cheek she gave him gladly. "Franny, may I introduce you to my fiancé: Sara Jones-Easley."

"Oh, don't worry, I know all about the lovely Sara. Pri and Ellen will not stop talking about her. Way to go, Droobie."

She turned to Sara, "I'm also the third bridesmaid. Compared to the lovely DeGroat ladies, I'm the ugly duckling, I'm afraid."

Their conversation was interrupted by Ellen and Priya shrieking their greetings.

"So -- where is he?" asked an excited Ellen.

"He's outside. I wanted to take the temperature of the room before I threw him to the lions," said Fran, smiling madly. "That's why I'm a bit late. Rilian just got in from London."

"Wait, there's a he?" asked a stunned Andy. Big Jake looked at Andy and nodded.

"Yes, there is -- and funny thing -- he's actually a distant cousin of yours," she stuck her tongue out at him. "If you'll wait right here, and promise not to embarrass me, I'll go get him."

As soon as she left, Sara turned to Ellen. "I'm totally in the dark here. What am I missing?"

Ellen and Priya smiled. "Frances went to university at Cambridge. She met a young man there whose last name is Sumner-White," said Priya.

"No shit," muttered Andy. Sara giggled, and Big Jack erupted in laughter.

"His great grandfather and Helen's mom were half-siblings," explained Ellen. "He looks dead up like your fiancé, by the way," she said grinning madly at Sara.

"Really? Two Andy's? This I have to see," said Sara.

"Let me go and tear Michael away from his cannoli," said Priya.

Frances stuck her head into the kitchen and waved them into the front room. When they made their way there, Fran was standing next to a carbon copy of Andy. She had a huge smile on her face, and he was looking extremely nervous.

"Everyone, this is Rilian. Rilian, you know Big Jack and Momma Maggie. Then there's my brother Mike and his wife Priya," he nodded to them. "Then there's my bestie Ellen. Her soon-to-be sister-in-law Sara; and that's my adopted brother Andy -- Mikey's best friend and Sara's fiancé."

"It's lovely to meet you all," he said in a very proper English accent. "Jack and Maggie, thank you for hosting me."

Sara and Ellen were standing on either side of Andy. "Holy shit," whispered Ellen. "Droobie, the two of you could be twins."

Priya spoke next, "OK, I need Drew to go stand next to Rilian."

"That's OK, Pri. Leave the poor guy alone," protested Andy.

"No, baby. I want to see this too," said a stunned Sara.

Ellen pushed him towards Rilian and Frances. Andy walked up to him, smiling, and offered him his hand.

"Andy DeGroat. It's pleasure to meet you, Rilian," said Andy warmly.

"Damn," muttered Priya. "Fran, please come here and take a look."

Fran did as she was asked. The group looked at them, speechless.

Miss Helen entered the room at that moment. When she saw the two men standing side my side, she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Oh my," she said with her hand over her mouth. "This must be cousin Rilian."

She turned over her shoulder. "Ralphie and Jessica, come here please. And hurry," she said excitedly.

Ralph and Jessica came in, and both stopped to consider the pair before them. Jessica burst out laughing. "I know which one is Drew by the scars and the clothing, and he's a bit heavier -- but take that away," said Jessica.

Fran turned to her, grinning. "Hello Jessica. Hello Judge Carlson."

"Wait. Don't move," said Jessica pulling her phone out of her pocket. She quickly shot a series of pictures.

"Send me that, please," said Priya.

"It's the damndest thing, isn't it?" said Big Mike. "When Frances introduced us the first time, I thought 'What the hell is Drew doing at Cambridge?'"

"I'm not sure if this helps with the awkwardness, but cousin Helen resembles my grandmother, as well. And Ellen could pass for my sister," said Rilian quietly.

"Are we done?" asked Andy. "Rilian just flew across the Atlantic to see Frances, not be gawked at by you people," he said smiling.

"OK, but one more," said Priya. "Sara and Franny, please go stand next to them."

They did so, and multiple phones were produced to take another series of pictures. As they were doing this, Kail and Eden came into the room.

"Holy shit! Two Dreamy's!" exclaimed Kail. "Elsa, I'm calling dibs on Andy 2.0, so don't get any ideas, you heifer."

Rilian smiled, "Yes, well, if you would excuse us -- except for Franny's family?"

When no one moved, he chuckled. "Yes, well Frances did tell me to expect this," he paused. "My flight was not delayed. We're a bit late because I've asked Fran to marry me, and she has agreed to do so," he said smiling. Fran blushed, and slipped a large engagement ring on her finger; beaming as she did so.

Andy looked at Mikey, and he saw the anger rise from his neck to his entire face. He glanced at Big Mike and Maggie, and saw the smiles on their faces. Andy moved quickly and intercepted a now apoplectic Mike. Grabbing his arm, he led him through the kitchen, out the French Doors and into the back yard. Sara and Priya were close behind. When they were out of earshot, Mike turned to Andy to say something, but his anger prevented him from doing so. He paced for a couple of minutes before turning to his friend.

"What the fuck Drew! I didn't even know this limey bastard existed until 5 minutes ago; and now he's marrying Frances. Hell no, Captain!"

"Mikey, take a second here. Franny knows her own mind. It's obvious she's crazy about him; and he'd clearly talked with Big Jack and Momma Maggie. Relax, old friend," said Andy calmly. "Listen, I've been in your shoes. I thought Christopher was gay, and then all of a sudden, Sara sees him patting Ellen's ass. I get it, buddy."

Priya went to him and hugged him, kissing him deeply. "Michael, it's OK. She knew how you would react -- that's why she didn't tell you," she said softly. "Listen to Drew. He's right."

"Michael Patrick O'Leary! Turn your stupid ass around and make this right!" An irate Fran was standing just outside the French Doors. "Don't act like a complete dipshit!"

"Not a word, Franny? Not one word to your big brother? What the hell?"

With tears in her eyes, she stood her ground. "Mikey, all my life I've lived in all your shadows: you, Donnie, Paulie, and Jackie. I was always your little sister. Drew would not even look at me because I was your little sister! Not this time. I met him, and he had no idea who any of you were. That's why I went to Cambridge! I had to get out of my brothers' shadows."

She paused, and took a deep breath. "Why can't you be happy for me? He's a wonderful, beautiful man. He even looks like your best friend -- and if Drew hadn't been here, what were you going to do? Kick his ass? Nice, Mike. Real nice."

Mike turned to her to say something, but turned away angrily.

Rilian appeared at her side. "Darling, if you ladies will excuse us; perhaps Andy and Mike and I would be well-served to have a talk," he said resolutely. Mike nodded begrudgingly.

Sara kissed Andy, and gave him a hug. Priya did the same for Mike, and then turned to Andy. "Thank you, Drew. You're a good friend."

The three women returned to the kitchen, and Ellen shut the French doors.

"Can I be of assistance?" asked John Moses quietly.

"That's a great idea, Coach," said an angry Frances. "Mikey needs his ass kicked, and then a month's worth of skating lines. He's being a complete dipshit."

John chuckled. "Yes, well there's nothing new there. We do tend to get quite defensive about the people we love," he said knowingly.

Jake and Andre had quietly slipped out of the doors and stood on the patio. They were out of earshot, but they also knew Mikey's temper. More than once, it had taken all three of them to pull Mike off a teammate during a chippy practice.

In the time it took for Andy to negotiate a truce between Mike and Rilian, the entire group of family and friends had gathered by the back windows. As they shook hands and turned to come back inside, Frances shot out the door with fire in her eyes. This time, it was Rilian who did the intercepting. It took Priya, Ellen, and Rilian twice as long to diffuse her anger.


Kent and Diane Hughes were at brunch, as well. They pulled Andy and Sara aside, and handed Andy two gifts. "Andrew, we can't thank you enough," began Kent.

Andy looked at them and smiled.

"Andy, ours has been a male-dominated household since the boys were born. But now, with your help, there are two absolutely lovely women in our son's lives. Sydney told me all about how you've mentored and encouraged Cooper in his pursuit of her -- and - well, I'm so excited to finally have some female conversation in my life. We love Ellen to death, and Sydney is just a delight. Those two get along so well. I -- I just don't know what to say," she gushed gratefully.

"You raised two outstanding men. They've found two of the most incredible women I know. I simply encouraged what was going to happen anyway," he grinned. "But thank you for the gifts."


At 2 PM, Sara and Andy were lying on the bed in his room. He'd changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and she had done the same. Order had been restored during their eventful brunch, and a joyous Big Jack had the pleasure of announcing Fran's engagement to Rilian. Mike gave an emotional apology to his sister, her future husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, and all their family and friends.

That bit of drama had been followed by Helen sitting down with Andy and Grace in the library. Jane joined them via Zoom, and they laid out a fairly comprehensive vision for the Sumner-White group over the next two years. Andy and Grace took notes, asked intelligent questions, and were both given homework to do as the conversation continued. Andy was now mentally and emotionally exhausted. So much so that when everyone left about 1:45 PM, Andy grabbed Sara and they headed upstairs.

"You were great today, baby," Sara said softly as they held one another.

"I plagiarized," he admitted. When she looked at him questioningly, he explained. "I told Mike what you told me. I totally stole from the smartest and most beautiful woman I know."

"You're sweet," she said lovingly.

"Mmm," he said as he kissed her on the head. "We're going to have a new neighbor, by the way."

"You mean Dr. Land?" she giggled. "Andy, anybody with two eyes could see that coming from a mile away -- well -- everybody except the four of you. You four revere him too much, I think, to see such a thing."

He chuckled.

"He thanked me today," she said. "When you were out with Mikey and Rilian, and then Dre and Jake went to stand on the patio; he came and asked if he could help. Fran wanted him to go kick Mike's ass. He laughed at her, but did it in that cool John Moses way, and said something really sweet."

"Then, when I was standing with Kail, Eden, and Gracie, he came and told us that we were presently seeing what he was talking about at Groton yesterday. You're the Captain, and the four of you look out for one another," she looked at him and smiled. "And then he thanked me -- he thanked Eden as well -- but he thanked me for giving them their Captain back."
