Finding My Place Pt. 03


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"Pink looks good on you," Ava said with a broad smile. "You just wait, here in a few weeks, we will get you all dolled up and you will be hotter than me."

I doubted that, but I couldn't wait to see what I would look like in full makeup. 'The fuck do you mean, full makeup. Snap out of it, man!' Ava was getting me too worked up. She was just so nice to be with. We already shared a common bond. Shitty lives make fast friends of people I suppose.

Ava hung out with me over the course of the day. We talked about everything, from the people I had met to her interests. I have avoided one question all day, but eventually my curiosity got the better of me.

"Hey, Ava?" She looked at me. "So you were taken too, right?"

"Well, duh. Two years ago. Well, almost two years ago." She giggled like a ditsy girl at a TV slumber party.

"You're cute," I stammered. "I mean beyond cute, you're hot. And the people they take are..."

"You wanna know if I am a boy?" She giggled again.

My face turned bright red. "Um, well, yeah..." I said.

"Well, I was one when they procured me, silly," she said. "But now I'm not. All the girls in town were once boys, else they wouldn't be here."

Ava was a boy? I mean I guess I already knew that, but I couldn't believe it. I think in the back of my mind I had a fantasy about fucking her.

"Does that bother you?" Ava asked. I think she sensed my disappointment.

"No, I mean it sucks they did this to you. But we're just friends, so it's fine I guess." I didn't know how I felt.

"I'm glad they did it to me. Daddy has been one of th..."

"Well, look at this." Noah interrupted as he walked into the living room. I'm not sure how much he heard. "I've got TWO lovely girls in my home now."

Ava blushed and ran up to give Noah a big hug. I just stayed on the couch with my legs curled up underneath me as Noah kissed her cheek. "How was she? Not too much trouble I hope."

"We had a great time." Ava said. "I will probably stop by more often if that's okay. Dez is the only girl on this side of town my age."

"Anytime, sweetheart. You're always welcome here." Noah replied.

Ava ran over and gave me a big hug. "Be good. For both of us, okay?" She whispered in my ear. I just nodded as she headed towards the front door.

Noah came over to me, lifted me off the couch and gave me a huge kiss that I didn't really participate in. "You're lips look cute baby. They taste even better." He said setting me back on my feet. "How was Ava? Do you like her?"

"Yeah, she's nice." I said. Then it dawned on me. Noah was part of this system that did this to her. Or him. Or whatever. Noah was part of this system that did this to Ava. God, that probably wasn't even her real name! "How could you do this to her, Noah! What the fuck is wrong with everyone here!"

Noah looked at me, shocked. "I didn't do anything to her. She got here shortly after I did and at that point I didn't really know about the procurements."

"But you do now. Why don't you help her, Noah! Why don't you help me!"

"Baby, just listen."

"No, Noah!" Every time I said his name it was like a curse. "You are just as bad as them. You're the worst of them because you act like such a good fucking person, then you force your dick in my mouth."

"Dez, calm down, now." His voice raised. He was in his authoritative mode, but I was having none of it.

"My name is Devin. D-E-V-I-N. Not Dez, not Deziree, and not Baby. You're a fucking rapist and I'm not staying here. I will bring the cops. You're going to regret this." I was red with anger. I had never been like this with my dad, but then again I never had a brother or sister to watch him abuse. How could they have done this to Ava?

"No, Baby. You're going to regret this." He spoke calmly as he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. He calmly walked out of the house as I kicked and screamed and hit. We where moving away from the house. I saw Ava outside staring at me with her mouth agape and a look of terror on her face. What was he going to do with me? I needed to get away and quickly.

But I was no match for Noah's strength. Ava came running along side us babbling. "Oh God, Noah. I'm so sorry. I heard her yelling. Noah, I didn't mean too.."

"Shhh, Baby Girl. This was her doing and no one else's. I'm not mad at you at all. Thank you for keeping her company. Now, go call Sophia and tell her we are on our way." Noah said reassuringly to Ava as I fought him like a wild beast. "Shhh, Dez." He turn his attention to me. "You're only going to make it worse."

I fought and screamed, but Noah ignored me for the most part as he carried me the entire walk into town. I yelled pleas to the people I saw along the way. "Don't just stand there! Help me! Call the cops! Do something please, anyone please..." I yell through angry, fearful tears. No one helped. They where all in on it. Fuck all of these people.

A girl a few years older then me yelled out, "Slut is in trouble!" mockingly before being grabbed by the back of her neck forcefully by the man she was with. "You will show some respect or you will go with her." Good to know chivalry is not dead in the face of abusing women and torture. But then again, that woman was likely a man. The man gave me a somber stare as we passed.

"Help me, please, please, please." My face was red and wet from tears. He didn't help. He hugged the girl he had reprimanded and whispered in her ear. Her head lowered and the gaze turn somber as well. "Fucking pussies! Chicken shit pussies! Fuck all of you! You are all doing this! All of you!" I had gone too far to care about the consequences my words would bring. I was pretty sure what was going to happen to me was already going to happen regardless of my behavior at this point.

I always thought my father was one way, but society as a whole was better. I was wrong. Everyone here had their own little sex toy, they were not going to jeopardize that by helping me. I went into a blind rage, but accomplished little.

Noah let me go near the middle of town at the entrance of a very large townhouse. Two guys grabbed and restrained me quickly. Ben was there and took Noah aside as the other two men dealt with me. "You know, if only we had a way to calm her down a little. How about a button! Yeah that's it, a button that we could push to let her know we mean business?" Ben said obviously aggravated.

"Not now, Ben."

"These are the consequences of your actions, so yes now. Now is the perfect time to let you know you fucked up by going against everyone's advice."

As Noah and Ben talked, I struggled against the two men. One of them put his hand over my mouth to quiet me down only to have me sink my teeth deep into his skin. He yelped, then reared back and punched me squarely in the stomach. I felt all the breath run out of me and my diaphragm collapsed. I went limp in their arms as I struggled to gasp for air. This wasn't unfamiliar to me, it was like being home.

"Hey! Hey!" Ben and Noah yelled in unison. "She is half the size of one of you, is that really necessary?" Ben continued.

"She stopped fighting, didn't she?" One of the men laughed. Liam! That son of a bitch!

"Fuck ymmph!" One of them had shoved something in my mouth. I spasmed wildly trying to push out the intruder. Before I new it, what I would come to know as a ball gag was fastened securely in place. Recovering from a blow to the stomach is hard enough, but the ball gag made it feel like a fight for my life.

They easily dragged me into the house then down a flight of stairs before cuffing my hands behind my back and then to a chain anchored to the floor. I tried to scream and cry out but my shortness of breath combined with the gag made it impossible to make much more than a whimper. I stopped fighting, they had won. I focused on regaining my breath but the gag only had one hole for sucking air through. All my attention was focused on getting oxygen to my burning lungs.

Liam grinned a twisted grin in my direction as he and the other guy climbed the stairs to leave. I hear them talking to Ben outside, but could not understand what was said. I was left alone with a woman I hadn't even noticed being there prior. I guess she had stayed out of the way while the men secured me. She was lovely. She was in her late thirties, with long wavy strawberry blonde hair, perfect curves, and a big beautiful rack held in place by a tight red t shirt. If I hadn't been chained and beaten, I would probably have gotten as hard for her as I had Ava.

"My name is Sophia." She said sweetly. "My job is to punish little girls that misbehave." She produced a pair of scissors and proceeded to cut my dress off of me. I coward as she did so. A strange woman with a sharp object is not the most comforting thing when you are chained and gagged helplessly. I stupidly blushed a deep red, why I don't know. I was practically naked with the dress on so there was no real difference.

Noah descends the stairs as she finishes. "What's her name?" Sophia asks him.

"Deziree," he replies. Noah looks distraught.

She rubbed the back of my head. "That is a sexy name for such a sweet little girl. Deziree sounds like a temptress. This one looks to innocent and shy. Maybe Abby? Or how about Posey? She needs a name that says she would never give in willingly, forcing you to defile her." She turned to Noah. Noah's expression didn't change. "Okay then, Deziree it is. Do you like you're name, Deziree?"

'Fuck no you dumb bitch!' I thought, gagged. I stared angrily.

"Oh, someone's not happy." She continued to rub my head. "I do hope she gets in trouble a least once after her hair grows in. She is to cute as is and stoking their hair to sooth them after breaking them is my favorite part."

She stood up and before I knew what she was doing she had the soul of her shoe on my dick and balls. "You see, Noah, it's not how severely you punish them, it's how consistently you punish them. You let this poor little thing believe she could defy you without there being consequences." She applied pressure and I squealed but couldn't run away. "Do you know why I am doing this?" She asked me.

"Mmm, mmm!" I shook my head, panicked and in pain.

"I asked you a question," she said calmly. Question? What question? Damn it, make her stop. Noah looked sick as he watched. "Now, do you like your name, Deziree?"

I was being punished for that!? I feverishly shook my head no, but the pressure intensified. My God, stop. Please make her stop!!

"Some questions are asked because we want to know what you think. Others are asked, but we expect a very specific answer. You will learn which questions are which in time. Now, Deziree, do you like your name?"

I nodded my head as overly enthusiastically as I could. I looked like a horse taking a bow. "Ysph! Ysph!" I tried to scream through the gag.

She let her foot up. I couldn't even inspect the damage to my genitals with my hands chained as they were. "She will be a quick learner, you just watch." She smiled at Noah who had gone as pale as someone of his complexion could. Her sadistically perky attitude waned as she put her hand on Noah's shoulders. "I know it will hurt you to watch this, Noah. Maybe you should go home and leave her with me for the night."

"I will stay." He said softly. "I should stay."

"Well, stay upstairs. I will let you know when you can come down." He didn't move on his own, he just stared at me sadly. She ushered him up the stairs then came back to me.

I stared at my new captor angrily. She didn't say anything else to me as she went about her work. My anger slowly turned to panic as I began to comprehend just what she was doing.

She put a small padded bench in front of me. It was about a foot tall and on the opposite side was a large piston with a leather harness shaped like a parachute attached to it. She attached a dildo slightly smaller than my own cock to the piston and I understood. This is some sort of fucking machine.

She grabbed a long black rod off the wall and walked slowly toward me. I panicked, for the first time I am desperate enough to try to yank the bolt my chains are attached to out of the floor. All I manage to do is scrape my wrists with my bindings. Sophia just stares at me and waits for me to realize the inevitable.

"It's for your own good. If Noah hadn't been so soft on you, you might not have even needed this." She said. "But here we are. Nothing we can do about it now. Trust me. A few rounds with this thing and you'll appreciate Noah's cock a lot more." She leaned into my ear and whispered. "The real thing is so much better."

'No, no, no, fuck this. Fuck her!' I renewed my struggle with my chains to Sophia's amusement.

"We can do this the easy way," Sophia said patting the bench as I ran out of steam for the second time. "Or my way..." An obscenely loud buzzing and a blinding blue light filled up the dark dreary basement. I froze in terror as I realized how severely fucked I was. I had seen a cattle prod like the one Sophia held used on thick hided livestock.

'Okay, maybe I should just do what she says.' I had fully given up. There was no fighting this. Sophia directed me to get on my knees. She pushed me forward until I was bent across the bench so my mouth was facing the machine. The first part of the harness strapped around my neck like a collar while the netted portion folded around the back of my head. It clipped forward until I had four leather tethers pulling my head into the machine. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the chains pulling my arms back the opposite way, forcing me to arc my whole body upward and off of the bench itself. Pain shot through my shoulders as all my weight rested on them. She clipped something to the end of one of my fingers but I couldn't see what it was.

"Mmmm," I moaned in discomfort as Sophia adjusted the height and angle of the dildo so it pointed strait toward my mouth.

"I normally use this machine to train my little girl's sweet bottoms." She said spanking my naked ass. "But, Noah said you are still a virgin. I would hate to deprive him of your cherry. So here is the deal, I'm going to take this gag off. If I hear one word come out of your mouth, or if you refuse to open up for the dildo, not only will I taze the fuck out of you, I will get a second machine out of storage and take your cherry for myself. Are we clear?"

"Ysph." I nodded in agreement.

"Good girl," she praised and stroked my head as she removed my gag. The bit of my psyche that had hoped for mercy from somewhere was done. She pushed the machine forward until the dildo was fully inserted into my mouth. I keep my mouth wide and don't resist. "That's a good girl." She says, locking the machine in place. The dildo fills me more that I thought it would, but I don't gag. I could also breathe around it better than I could the ball gag. The silicon was dry and tasted bitter.

"Comfortable?" I nodded as best as I could, remembering the pain from failing to answer the previous question 'correctly'. "Good, we can begin!" Sophia said as she walked behind the machine. I had forgotten this thing was attached to a piston of some sort. There was no point in putting up a fight as she flipped a switch. The dildo slowly started to reseed as she plays with the controls. She grinned at me maliciously and I hear a loud click. The dildo slammed back into my mouth at break neck speed eliciting a gag. Before my gagging motion could come to a resolution, the dildo had already removed itself and reentered my mouth eliciting a new gag reflex.

This continued until I thought I would pass out from my inability to breathe. Then slowly the dildo pulled itself half way out of my mouth and stay stationary. I sucked in air. Thick, ropy saliva dropped down my chin. Breathing a sigh of relief, I hoped that was the worst of it.

"It is on a loop," Sophia told me. "It will go slow, then fast, then give you a little breather, then repeat. The fast part only lasts for two minutes and I hooked up an oxygen sensor so if you choke to much it will give you a little break. If you don't regain your breath fast enough it will notify me upstairs and I will come running."

She petted my head softly. "We will have you deep throating Noah in no time. Then again, rumor around town is that Noah has a monster cock. Maybe we should schedule a full week of training!" She giggled as she ran up the stairs wiggling her butt as she went. "Oh and if you manage to dislodge the dildo or knock over the machine, I will shove my taser up your ass." Her tone was serious and I did not doubt her intentions.

"Hefpt!" I tried to yell as she closed the door. I was alone in this dungeon. God, how long could they keep me like this?

'No, no, no!' I thought as the dildo started moving again. It's movements where extremely slow at first but soon picked up speed. Before long it was pounding my mouth again, reaching just deep enough to gag me. I clenched my fists and toes in a desperate attempt to find any relief. I become light headed and my eyes roll back into my head. Moments later I find myself thankful as the dildo comes to a stop.

It seemed like I had just recovered from the last cycle when the next one began. The feeling of involuntarily gagging over and over was one of the worst things I had ever experienced. It was the perfect motivation for me to learn to control my gag reflex. I tried pushing my tongue out, swallowing at the moment it stabbed me, and focused on breathing through my nose regardless of what was happening in my mouth.

Over time I got better. The machine compensated by increasing the length of each cycle. Eventually, the cycle seemed to reach it's maximum duration. While it was definitely painful being left like this, the dildo part of it all became manageable.

Moments after the third or fourth time I completed a full cycle without choking, the door opened and Sophia reappeared. She retrieved her taser from the wall and placed the business end half a foot in front of my face which was currently being pounded by the fuck machine. She let it spark and I panicked causing my gag to return. She waited for the cycle to end and sparked one more to insure she had my attention.

"You are not to say one word, understand?" I nodded as best I could. "Open." She said. I opened my aching jaw as wide as I could. She backed the machine away and put the gag back in my mouth. I was relieved briefly before noticing her attach a larger dildo to the machine. This one was 6" long and wider than the previous one as well. She removed my gag and moved the machine back into position.

It sprang back to life and my cycle of gagging on a fake cock started anew. She kissed my head softly before returning to the stairs. "Sweet dreams, Cutie." 'Sweet dreams?'

Was I going to be here all night!?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Y'all are sick weird people, this story is straight-up disturbing. I kept reading because I thought it would be more arousing but it just kept getting weird.

MichaelfantasiesMichaelfantasiesabout 1 year ago

The first two chapters, for me, I really enjoyed. It started off like a bad fairytale, but Noah being so kind, and not forceful made me feel less apprehensive about what my future would look like as his gurl. Chapter 3 took a darker turn for me. While I myself would try to not let some things happen to me, and consider escaping, I'd succumb to Noah's affections.

I would love to have a real opportunity to be in a relationship with a loving, caring, Top man that wants me to be his gurl. But that's so far, just a fantasy. It most likely will never happen for me. 😢

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Please continue this. Maybe ava explains her view of it all

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Such a wonderful story but it needs more

excellent writing, I was so disappointed that it is over. I wanted to hear the rest of the story, but, I guess since the last chapter was two years ago there will not be any more. Such a shame.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Please write more!

This is a really good storyline and I would love to read more chapters.

ZentealZentealover 4 years ago

You’re making new stories. But I really think you should continue this one. I feel like you could get quite a few more chapters from this story if not even a great novel. Continue this one please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Real lady

Will Devin be change into a female aslo to become preegant

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Five Stars

Please continue this story, it gets me so worked up reading it and my fantasies go wild!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ava and her Daddy!

As a young submissive sissy myself (or at least learning to become one), I find the story of the taking and training of Ava by her Daddy/Master far more interesting than the Noah/Desiree story,!

Don't get me wrong, this story is really great and intriguing (the concept of having no choice, the reluctance non-consent within a safe environment where care is still given but enough strictness that the captives will not be released is a perfect balance), but Noah is only 27... That's too young for that responsibility.

It would be cool if you write about the abduction and 'breaking' of Ava and what her Daddy is sounds like a bigger age gap and is much more interesting/hot/taboo

Just a thought :)


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Plz more

Plz continue I love this story

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