FocusTunes Ch. 07


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"Appreciate you getting her out here. And...well, setting all of this up." I gave her a soft glance. "How are you feeling?"

"Still kinda freaking out that I can brainwash people now." Emily bit her lip. "But knowing how much I like doing things for you...I can see how much Amanda's already liking it. Though you've gotta do something about the secret keeping."

"Whaddya mean?"

"Hey, Amanda..." Amanda's eyes perked up. "Why are we at Ben's house right now?"

"Oh...I dunno, he just needs...something." Amanda shrugged, offering an innocent smile.

"What did you and Ben talk about after school today?"

"Nothing really. I don't really remember."

"Oh my God, I was there, Amanda. I heard him tell you to come here tonight. I offered you a ride. You think I don't know what he's doing with you?!"

"I, uh..." Amanda looked at me in desperation and confusion, clearly faltering to keep everything I did or said a secret. I chuckled to myself.

"Amanda, it's okay if Emily knows about my secrets. Same goes for you, Emily, with Amanda. You're both part of the...uh, part of the team, as it were."

"Oh, thank God." Amanda huffed a sigh of relief. "I had no idea what to tell her in the car. I was bullshitting like crazy."

"I'm sure you did fine." I promised, and she smiled in relief. "Let's sit down and talk about next steps."

We convened in my kitchen -- I hadn't made refreshments as I had this morning, but hey, I was dog tired. I pulled out my phone and scrolled heavily, bouncing off the bottom of my Note in victory. We were nearly there.

But first, I had to run Amanda through the same debrief through which I took Emily.

"Okay, so. Amanda." She and Emily were seated at my table. I leaned against the counter, trying to find an angle to peer down Amanda's cleavage with only moderate shame. "I can brainwash people. I use an app to do it, and nobody else knows about the app or how to use it but me and people I tell." (FocusTunes, I'm learning, is just a giant exercise in only making each mistake once. That which you learn at the kitchen table at breakfast, you implement by dinner.) "I used it on Emily, and she used it on you to put you under my control. That's why you do everything I say and believe everything I do is justified. You don't feel that way about anyone else, right? But you feel that way about me because I made you feel that way. Does that make sense?"

Amanda nodded and murmured her assent, her large eyes locked in unblinking focus. No explosive reaction this time -- but best to double check.

"Can you tell me how you're feeling right now?"


There was silence for a second.

"God. Fuck. Right. How are you feeling right now?" Why couldn't I just get the mystical slave medallion or psychic mind control or fucking sex goddess blessing shit? Why'd I have to get saddled with this Hoop Jumping McGee horseshit?

"I'm okay. Just...feeling a little awkward, I guess."

"Awkward?" I half-chuckled. "I was worried about furious or terrified, so awkward is just fine."

"Yeah..." Amanda gave a fake chuckle and stole a glance at Emily. She actually did seem pretty uncomfortable. I furrowed my brow.

"Amanda: why do you feel awkward?"

"I mean, I just..." Amanda averted her eyes. "I don't really know you all that well, and I've never really done the casual hookup thing, so I'm just a little..."

"Wait, wait, wait." I put my hands out. "Who said anything about...hooking up?"

Amanda looked up at Emily guiltily. I rounded on her.

"Tell me what you did."

"I mean, that's what you do with the girls you brainwash: you fuck them!" Emily said, indignant but still respectful. "And when Amanda came out of her house, she was clearly dressed for a regular night, and there's nothing more embarrassing than hooking up with a guy when you're wearing your granny panties and some shitty bra from junior high school, so I just told her that maybe she wanted to get into something a little sexier, and then she started to freak out, but I couldn't tell her that you were probably gonna fuck her because of the whole secret thing, so eventually I just said "Ben told me to tell you to look sexy tonight," and then she went in and changed."

"So you lied and made up a command from me?"

"Yes, but I had to get her to stop freaking out somehow. She was being really fucking annoying."

"Wow, so sorry for freaking out that I had to look sexy for some guy I barely know!" Amanda whined.

"He commanded you to go to his house with no explanation and tell nobody. Did you think it was because he wanted to fucking get to know you better?"

"Both of you, shut up!"

They both did.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay, first things first. You are both going to be nicer to one another. I don't want to hear any more arguing. Understood?" Two nods.

"Next: Emily, I understand why you made up a command from me, but you are only allowed to do that in situations that protect my secrets or help you accomplish a command I've given you. Not when someone is pissing you off. It's a last resort. Do you understand?" One nod.

"Amanda: I'm sorry Emily scared you with what she said." I took a second to think. "Actually, wait: Emily, apologize to Amanda for scaring her." The complete silence had created a pure space for my puppeteering, and I was enjoying the ubiquity of my domination, weilded swiftly over the room.

"I'm sorry that I scared you," Emily said, a sneer in her voice.

"It's disrespectful to me if you don't take this apology seriously," I said, a light threat in mine.

"I'm sorry that I scared you, Amanda." Emily's voice trembled earnestly now. "Sorry I didn't get it right, Ben."

"That's okay." I smiled to myself, turning to Amanda. Knowing what I knew now, I could see the defensiveness in her posture: hunched shoulders, hair adjusted to obscure her chest, her chair tucked far under the table to hide her exposed thighs from my eyes.

When I had taken Emily, I had given her the same command-enjoyment treatment that Amanda had now. But I had also forced Emily to treat me with respect, and she was a naturally more...confident, go-get-em sorta person. Amanda hadn't been given that character yet, so she was just uncomfortable in this new, uncharted water. She liked doing what I told her to do, sure, but even that wasn't inherently sexual. Because I hadn't really been planning to fuck her.


I mean, okay. it had OBVIOUSLY crossed my mind as an eventuality, even an inevitability...but tonight was all about the Miranda plan. So I was gonna keep it about the Miranda plan.


She didn't want to fuck me. I didn't need to fuck her right now. I was tired as shit. I just needed to set up the plan and save my stamina for Miranda.


In control. In control. In control.


"Amanda...stand up for me."

Amanda stood up. I took her seat, spun it to face the center of the room, and sat down in it. I stole a glance at Emily, who was watching me with interest, her eyes hunting for connection with mine. Amanda blushed at me but said nothing, still under the "shut up" command, her doe eyes turned away. I remember back when Emily didn't look me in the eyes.

"Amanda, look at me." She did -- goodness, her eyes had visible electricity. "It feels nice to look at me, doesn't it?" She nodded. "Good. You don't have to do it all the time, but remember that it feels nice to look at me. You can do that whenever you want, and it'll always feel nice." She nodded again.

"Now: Emily said you dressed sexy for me tonight. Is that right?" Amanda blushed again, her eyes flickering between mine and the floor -- and then she nodded. "Tell me about your clothes then. Why did you pick them?"

"Because...I mean, I didn't know what you liked in a girl, so I just wanted to...I know that guys usually like..."

"Amanda, don't have a filter when you talk to me."

"I know that guys usually like my boobs, because they're pretty big, and this bra really makes them look perky, too. And I wish my legs were a little skinnier and my ass wasn't as fat, but I know some guys don't mind that so I kinda changed to the shorts last minute because they kinda give me a bubble butt look."

"Show me." I said softly.

Amanda turned quickly, pivoting on one heel and thrusting the other leg back, arching her back to thrust her ass out and give it some extra pop. It surely worked, as the bottom of her ass winked from below the torn denim fringes. I felt like I had my own personal TikTok thot in my kitchen, and it made me feel hot as hell.

"For the record...I am a boob guy. But those shorts really do look good."


An erection had begun pushing against my pants. For the first time since...well, since all this started, I didn't feel the immediate instinct to hide it. There were two women in this room, strangers to me a week ago, now convinced that everything I did was justified. After contending all day with a bastion of resistance in Miranda, I had finally found a space of total obedience.

"Emily...come over here."

Emily walked across the table, casting a quick glance at Amanda -- still frozen, holding her profile-enhancing pose -- before settling her eyes on me and waiting for her next command.

"On your knees, please."

I separated my legs to make room. She understood, and settled in place within comfortable proximity of my bulge, prominent enough in my shorts to draw color to her cheeks.

"Take it out."

Even as Emily wiggled my waistband down and extracted my dick, I had my eyes on Amanda -- and she had her eyes on me. She was posing for some guy she barely knew, while another of her friends kneeled at his feet and prepared to service him. She was also completely nonplussed. The only tremble in her expression was one of excitement. She was beginning to experience the cumulative swell of following my many commands. Even without an explicit "this turns you on" command, she was doing sexually taboo things, the raw sexual energy of which no longer contended with awkwardness or uncertainty. I was letting her be free, and she was loving the feeling.

I checked down on Emily. Every feature of hers was different than Amanda's: sharper nose, darker skin, darker eyes, lighter brows, sleeker hair, defined cheekbones, detailed makeup, slyer smile. The only similarity was the wiggle of excitement in her eyes.

"You can start sucking now." She leaned, almost lurched forward like a horse out of the gate, quick to seal her lips around the head and start playing with her tongue.

"Amanda," I said, putting my hands behind my head and leaning back. "Emily said the most embarrassing thing is hooking up with a guy while wearing your granny panties. So...are you wearing your granny panties?"


"Tell me about what you're wearing instead, then."

"Uh, okay...I bought them with my cousins because I knew my mom wouldn't let me keep them if she knew I had them." Amanda's words were confident, because I had removed her filter, but her cheeks were burning red: plenty of embarrassment, but a healthy dose of arousal too. "They're blue and mostly lace, so they're kinda see-through, and they''s a thong, so..."

Emily gave a soft moan from my crotch. She had felt my dick stiffen in her mouth at Amanda's description. I slid a hand on top of her head to feel the riverstone smoothness of her hair as I kept my eyes on Amanda.

"Do you want to show me? Honest question."

"I mean, you can just make me show you, right...?"

"That wasn't the question."

"Okay, well"

"That makes sense." I nodded to myself. "Now show me."

"Okay." Amanda blushed again but didn't hesitate, undoing her buttons, hooking her waistband, and revealing to me her promised thong. Her ass, for all its size, didn't have a ripple of cellulite visible to the naked eye -- just two mountains of pale, smooth skin, framed ever so nicely in navy.

"Your ass looks amazing, Amanda." I said earnestly. "You shouldn't be worried about its size at all."


"Now tell me: does your bra match?"


"Delightful. Show me that as well, please."

As Amanda reached for the hem of her shirt, Emily gave the head of my cock a light twirl with her tongue. My hips lurched in response; that elicited another twirl; which elicited another lurch. Emily's eyes glinted with mischief as I stole a glance down at her dancing tongue. Maybe she was coordinating her teasing with Amanda's stripping for my own enjoyment; maybe she was trying to steal my attention away. Either way, I put my eyes back where they belonged.

Amanda Colombo dropped her shirt at her feet, a live-action lingerie advertisement curated for my personal consumption. She subconsciously arched her back further to push her already impressive tits into display -- two heavy mounds of creamy skin crashing into one another between a navy bra with white lace accents. She was a sexy girl in sexy underwear, and unlike the other sexy girls in sexy clothes I'd seen over the last few days, I hadn't even really tried to make her happen. At this point, she was an inevitability; a byproduct of my growing influence.

"Take it off," I growled. "Take it all off."

I buried my hand in Emily's hair now, taking a firm grip and forcing her as far down on my cock as her throat would allow. I kept her there firmly for a second, watching Amanda hasten to unclip her bra.

"Wait." My mind had cleared enough. "Do it sexy. Like a tease."

With one arm pinning her bra to her chest, her tits squishing out over and below her narrow forearm, Amanda's demeanor changed. She went from obedient automaton to engaged participant, even if the red flush of embarrassment in her cheeks grew ever darker. She bit her lower lip -- maybe in uncertainty, maybe in arousal -- as she pinned her tits with both hands now, her eyes searching mine for approval as she softly groped herself.

I ripped Emily off of my dick, her explosive gasp for breath sending strands of saliva across her face.

"Do you like knowing I'm using you to get off while I watch a different girl?" I asked her, my voice low and aggressive.

She nodded avidly, her chest still heaving.


"Because it's fucking hot," she panted.

I paused for a second.

"You don't want me to grill you about why you're liking this, right?"

She shook her head softly, looking penitent.

"Because you like when I just do things, right?"

Back to the avid nod.

I paused again, watching Amanda smile sweetly over her shoulder as she wiggled her ass in my direction.

"Suck my balls, Emily. Just use your hand on my dick."

And she did exactly that, bending down low to suck my left nut hard into her mouth as her soft fingers found the saliva left on my dick and began spreading it over the head. I widened my knees to afford her better access as Amanda spun back around, her tits now hefted naked in her hands, large, puffy pink nipples winking at me from behind her fingers.

"I want to cum on those tits." I said out loud, feeling no reason to be anything less than radically selfish. Amanda blushed and smiled, the flickers of uncertainty fewer and further between the blazes of arousal.

"Tell me you want me to cum on your tits, Amanda."

"I want you to cum on my tits, Ben."

"Tell me you only have big tits for my pleasure."

"I only have big tits for your pleasure."

Emily was jacking me off with intensity now.

"Tell me I can touch your tits whenever I want."

"You can touch my tits whenever you want."

"Tell me I can grope you whenever I want."

"You can grope me whenever you want."

"Tell me I can walk up to you in school, take your tits out, and titfuck you in the hallway."

"You can walk up to me in school, take my tits out, and titfuck me in the hallway."

"Keep telling me stuff like that." I wasn't nearly out of ideas, but I wanted Amanda to deliver new fantasies. "Dirty talk to me, as best you can. Make me want to cum." I wasn't sure she had the instinct for it that Emily and Miranda had shown; she didn't disappoint.

"You can make me strip for you whenever you want. I can buy more skimpy clothes that barely cover my tits, and then you can make me wear them wherever you want. I can do sexy things and pretend I don't notice you staring at my tits. I'll get all wet in a T-shirt without a bra so you can see my tits and I'll bounce around and do titty drops. I'll--" she glanced at Emily uncertainly "--I'll let other girls touch them and play with them while you watch. And I'll give you a blowjob while you watch other girls, I'll suck your balls and I'll...I'll brainwash other girls for you, too."

"Say that again."

"I'll brainwash other girls for you. Like Emily did to me...for you."

"Get down on your knees." I stood up out of my chair and batted Emily's hand away, stepping beyond her to loom over Amanda, kneeling on the floor. "Cup your tits with your hands. Push them up." I started stroking my dick in earnest as she followed my instructions, her entire chest flush with color now. God, she had so much tit it literally spilled out of her hands. "Tell me about brainwashing other girls for me."

I watched her speak from below my throbbing dick and pumping hand, my pace increasing and grip tightening with each passing word. "I'll brainwash other girls for you, just like Emily did. Whoever you tell me to do, I'll do it, and I'll...I'll get them to be sexy for you, like Emily did to me. I can get Addie and Danielle, or I can get Becca...or Morgan -- I can get Miranda!" My face must have told Amanda something, because she continued urgently, bouncing slightly on her her heels in excitement. "I know you and Miranda were hooking up, and I can get her to hook up with you again, so that she listens to everything you say, just like me and Emily. She has big tits, too, and you can use her tits just like you use my tits, or you can be with us together and you can cum on both of our tits, or we can...we can play with each other's boobs, too and..."

I came. I mean, I came. The first jet exploded onto Amanda's lower neck and splattered across her collarbone, catching her by surprise and sending her recoiling back. That just offered a wider target, as my next spurt of cum landed right on the crest of her clutched right boob, dripping down onto her fingers. I stepped forward as my spurts began to lose pressure and velocity, bending my knees to coat her other tit with my remaining jizz. For my first ever cumshot, I think I did a respectably symmetrical job.

" I supposed to keep talking?" Amanda looked at Emily uncertain as I staggered backwards, my head spinning with the intensity of my orgasm.

"I think you're okay for now, babe." Emily said as she crawled forward, still on her knees, eyeing Amanda's chest hungrily. Her tongue was only a few centimeters away from a gob of cum before Amanda realized what was happening and shot backwards.

"Ew! What the fuck are you doing?"

"She's swallowing my cum," I sighed, my heart pounding as I found my seat again. "As she always does. Let her."

And Amanda did, looking flush with arousal but still a little perturbed as Emily lapped at her chest, sneaking peeks at me when the angle allowed, letting her tongue linger for my visual pleasure.

But still, the tongue bath was a bit more methodical than it was sexual -- I still hadn't quite figured out how to make the girls keep performing for me when I wasn't giving them explicit commands. As it was, my head swam with possibilities for the continuation of the evening: "Make out with each other" and "Come clean my dick together" and "Sixty-nine vigorously."

But one rang clearer than all the rest: "Finish the Miranda plan. In control, in control, in control."

Emily had nearly finished cleaning Amanda of my cum, so I watched the last few licks before bringing them to attention. "Okay girls..." They both turned to me, one stark naked, her tits glistening with cum and saliva; the other fully clothed, licking her lips contentedly. "'s what we're gonna do."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hope you survived the plague. Please continue.

chipmonk9chipmonk9over 1 year ago

I really wonder if/when the MC is going to try an figure out if Miranda mom is also being effect by tge app or try an visit the place it was made?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

really hope to see you writing again soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story! I remember reading the earlier version of this chapter, and I like the edits that made it easier to follow. Looking forward to ch-8 some day!

Voyager65Voyager65over 1 year ago

Probably my favorite story on the site. I hope you get the inspiration to finish it someday!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Darn. I was enjoying this series.

But I know how hard it is to get back in the saddle. My 35 chapter story petered out and I just couldn’t start it back up again, no matter what the ratings were.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Yeah please come back soon even for a smaller chapter. It's been a while.

TomSavageIsFakeTomSavageIsFakealmost 2 years ago

Dear author, we love your story and hope you come back to it. You could create a Patreon and I would be giving you money. Maybe you are struggling with the plot, all the women involved with our pc building hero. You could just come back with sexposition, that would be fun too. You are a great writer and I'm sure it will be fantastic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yep. We are all hoping this isn’t yet another good story abandoned but the author. Having said that I’m also an author with a popular series that I just can’t get myself to finish - so I know the difficulty.

Hang in there and finish this great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What happened to this? Will it continue/conclude?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is currently my favorite story. I really hope to read more instalments.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Will this ever continue? I do hope so!

Nejifan7272Nejifan7272over 2 years ago

Is the story dead? I really hope not, I’ve been on the edge of my seat since Chapter 7 dropped and have been looking forward to the next chapter. Any word from the author on when we can expect the next chapter if ever?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What an exciting chapter ! Glad to see him take the harem road :)

I'm not confused by the writing either.

justified15justified15over 2 years ago

I don't know why others are complaining about getting confused. I wouldn't change a thing. I love your writing style and hope to emulate it myself.

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