For Veronica's Sake Ch. 11


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"So I guess you know everything that happened after I sent you home the other night huh?" He asked as I exhaled my lung full of pot smoke, feeling it swirling in my head and giving me that calming rush that comes form a hit on some good weed...

Yet feeling somewhat reserved, all I could do was nod, quietly admitting... "Y-yeah... Veronica told me some things"... I answered and trying to be vague because I was too afraid otherwise...

"Yeah I bet she did... But did she tell you that since then, I've also been told a few 'things' about you?"... He asked as his tone changed, sounding a bit more dismissive, like he was mocking me, it scared me some and I had good reason...

"Ahh yeah.. I... I guess so... Sorry, this is really embarrassing, you mean like with our umm toy? I'm guessing? I said as the joint came back to me one last time where I took a big hoot on the roach, feeling I was going to need it before stubbing the thing out in the ash tray.

"I'm sorry too baby, I didn't mean to gossip with Reg about you, but I had to tell him about the last time... It was just too hot and well, it fits in with what we want and how we see things progressing with us... The three of us... But you'll see Dana... Once we get past this, everything will be good... It will be really good, you just have to trust us baby"... Veronica added then but she was also talking in riddles...

"G-get past what?"... I asked looking to her as she moved over then, slipping free from Reg's arm and coming around beside me in the hot tub, putting her arm around me and kissing my cheek...

"Here baby... Let me show you... Give me your hand"... She replied in a sultry sounding voice with her lips very close to my ear.

Feeling her taking my hand under the water and leading me over, my attention and stare went from Veronica back to Reg as he smiled at me where the next thing I knew, under the water... I was holding him again... Reg's thick, semi-hard cock... It was back in my hand...

"Uhh! Ohh... Umm... I don't...Ahh"... I said then stammering as I opened my hand under the water, letting go of him momentarily as I hesitated before slowly allowing myself, feeling my finger closed around him again...

Hidden in the bubbly depths of the hot tub, with my heart set to a fast beating rhythm, I had him in my hand with the two of them looking at me and smiling as I held and felt Reg's big cock, and honestly... I didn't know what I was supposed to do...

"it's okay, just relax and enjoy... Feel how thick and wonderful his cock is in your hand" Veronica cooed in my ear with her hand joining mine under the water...

"It okay Dana... Feel him, touch him, feel a 'real' cock in your hands... We know you want this baby, it's just like everything else... We've talked about this, Brother Reg and me baby... We want this for you, we want you to join us... But... But you know... It has be different, nothing is the same anymore"...

Talking to me with her naked body half draped over me, Veronica went on as she held my wrist, keeping my hand under the water with my fingers and thumb wrapped around my best friend's ever growing, long, thick cock...

And she was right... I was touching a cock... A 'real' cock... A cock I could never compete with... I was small, thin and short compared to my well endowed friend as he spoke up then Reg, or 'Brother Reg' as I was to call him in times like theses, agreeing with Veronica telling me how they had talked about this, how they had it all planned out, deciding for me what I was going to do...

"She's right Dana, things aren't the same anymore... Now that I'm fucking Veronica and with you like this? We can't be friends, not like it's always been" Reg joined in then as I had trouble looking him in the eye, what with his ever growing cock in my hand, as he went on, telling me more...

"No... It's different alright... We're still friends, but it's more than that now man... You need to do this"... Reg added as he surprised me a little then, coming up out of the water and sitting himself on the hot tub rim.

Smiling and looking at me, where this time it was him taking my hand and placing back to his hardness as Veronica, she came in behind me, moving me in the water, turned towards him while kneeling on one of the moulded seats between his parted knees...

"I wouldn't let Jamie blow me all the way,... He was only allowed to get me hard... But like I said, this is different Dana... You're going to suck my cock for real... You want this, Veronica wants it and so do I... And after... Once you've sucked your first real cock, my cock... We're going talk about the future and where we go from here.... So go on man, get that mouth open, suck your Brother Reg's cock... You know you want it, we all do"...

My heart was in my throat and beating so fast I was shaking, unsure but more so I was only living in my own fear and denial... Reg was right, Veronica was right... I did want this...

Even if Veronica and I had never really discussed the 'real-thing' only doing this in fantasy, we both knew I wanted this...

But again, thinking and doing? They are two completely different things now weren't they?

Wanting, but hesitating again, I looked to Veronica as I felt her hand coming slipping through my hair at the back as she leaned over and kissed my cheek, edging and leading me closer, not forcing, but with an insistence, adding enough pressure that I found myself moving with her, my head lowering, going down...

"Just kiss him to start Dana... Kiss him here right on the tip... That's all you have to do... I'm here with you baby, go ahead do it... Do it for me Dana, do it for yourself... Do it for Brother Reg"... She said to me in a low whispering sexy voice, telling me first to kiss my friends cock while letting me know she was there and it wasn't just me... We -- all of us wanted this...

"Mmmph"... I moaned softly as I did it... I kissed Reg's big cock head, feeling the spongy flesh yielding to my lips, his scent. warmth and taste filling me with a chill that hit my core as I pulled back, waiting to be told what to do next...

"Oh yes baby, that is sooo beautiful." Veronica cooed.. "Now do it again, kiss him here, keep going don't stop"... She encouraged with her head right there along side mine as I kissed Reg's cock, pointing and telling me to continue, kissing him along his hard shaft as I followed her finger...

"Mmm... Umm".. I went on moaning each time I planted my lips to the spot she was directing me to, leading me lower with each soft peck of my lips then reaching his balls with Veronica's hand holding me there, even pushing me in some, the skin of his sack and his balls pressing into my face, covering me and filling my senses with his earthy male tone, not dirty or smelly, just his deeper 'manly' scent overwhelming and taking me over.

"Oh yeah that's good...Here Vee let me take over, you just sit back and watch... You said you wanted to see him suck my cock? Well then be a good girl and sit back, play with that pussy and watch how easy he gives it up.. Just like when he let me take you in front of him"... Reg said then as I felt him taking my head in his two hands, lifting me up to look at him...

"Isn't that right Dana? You're going to give it up nice and easy for me aren't you? It's like I said, we're not friends any more... Not like we used to be... Now open and take what I give you... Understand?"... He asked, sounding more like a demand, as I looked at him, afraid now as he turned up the dominance level, but I understood... I knew where this was going...

"Ye-yes... I... I understand B-Brother Reg"... I answered, again stuttering out the name he wanted to hear, my submission making him smile and I had to agree that under these circumstances, calling him Brother Reg? It did feel proper, allowing me to show my respect to his dominance over us both.

"Oh I like that Dana... You get it don't you? Now be a good boy, or girl and suck that cock"... He said while holding my stare, his eyes looking fiery and excited as he spoke... He was so commanding and powerful, and like Veronica had said of him before me... I couldn't have resisted him I'd tired...

Then with my head in his hands as I opened my mouth, I let him move me down, controlling and directing me, feeding me his big cock, and feeling him there, first on my lips and then on my tongue and in my mouth, I shuddered with the realization... I was doing it... For real, I was sucking Reg's cock...

"Ohh baby! That looks soooo amazing! Oh God, that is so fucking sexy... Suck him Dana, suck Brother Reg's cock, show him, let him know how much you respect him... Mmmm... Oh I'm gonna cummmmm already!"... Veronica called out as she moved in behind me again, seeing me there with Reg, beginning to work my mouth and head on his huge dick, it was too much for her to stay away, and that was okay with me...

I wanted her there, I needed Veronica by my side as I sucked him... Even if she was cumming and getting off on this, frigging her clit under the water as she knelt with me...

"Ohhh fuck yeah Dana... You have been practising with your dildo like Vee told me huh? Damn you're as good a chick man"... Reg grunted as he worked me up and down, and yes I was using every trick I think I'd learned sucking our 8-inch latex replica...

I wanted to do a good job for him, sucking my first real cock... I definitely wanted to please him, showing off my newly acquired talents, I let him know that his was the only cock I'd thought I'd ever want, or that I'd ever need...

"Ohhh yeah, down, take it... Oh fuck you can throat me you fucker! Yes, fuck! Take that fucking cock Dana... Uhhh!"... Reg grunted out holding my head for me as I did take him into my throat, gurgling and sputtering the first two times but soon he had me at a rhythm, fucking his cock in and out of my mouth, giving me his all and holding me there for a second, letting me feel his size and length at longer and longer intervals...

He was near gagging me each time... Holding me down and keeping his big cock in my throat until I'd gasp and buck before letting me go, where coming up again, I was spewing out huge amounts of gobby spittle, coating my chin face and chest in the slick sticky throat slime...

"Uhhh! Oh God... More... Please Brother Reg"... I moaned after catching a few breaths, loving his cock in my mouth and throat, the taboo of what we were doing, it was Earth shattering and I couldn't get enough...

Having me performing this completely gay act, sucking Reg's cock... Yet once I'd truly let go, I bathed in his dominance, feeling myself floating away, I let him take me completely as he began to fuck my face in earnest...

Reg, the scene, and his big fleshy hard cock... It was so much more real, and made me feel so alive, I was lost to it now... I wanted him to treat me like he had Veronica...

I wanted to be slutty and make me suck him, make me take his cock deep down my throat, I wanted to taste him, I wanted his cum...

"Yeah that's right, you know who I am"... He bellowed, not stopping, keeping up his pace, adding and telling me "You can have all the cock you want... Uhhh!" with his voice growing louder as he had me back down on him, taking his whole cock into my mouth and throat.

Held again, Reg had me forced down with my nose in his wiry, short curling pubes and near gagging as I hung on with my breath caught in my lungs I let my tongue come out where I tried swiping it across his balls a few times where making contact and feeling me do it, right away Reg was sounding out his approval...

"Oh yeah fuck I'm gonna cum soon... Do that again Dana, lick my balls... Yeah... Oh do it... Don't stop... Oh fu-uuck! Uhhh pull back... Ohh I'm gonna cum... I wanna come on you tongue... Vee hold him, hold his head, stick out your tongue Dana-girl... Uhhh get ready...Uhhh"... He called out, signalling his end, telling me he was close with Veronica there along side me, grunting and groaning, cheering me on, doing as Reg told me, I fell back some, letting his big erupting cock come out of my mouth as he had asked...

"Uhhhh... Ohh fuck yesss... Oh take it you gorgeous fucking fem-boy!, fuck! Take my cum!"... He called out with Veronica behind me holding me with her hands to the side of my head and looking down into my eyes as I held my jaw and mouth wide open for him.

"Unnnggg" I moaned, flattening out my tongue as I felt first one, then a second and as well, a third hard, cum blast shooting and landing, hitting and splattering across my tongue, coating the entire inside of my mouth...

"Uhh! Uhh"... I continued with his hot, ropey think cum instantly filling me. My every want and need taken over and consumed in the strong, manly taste of his essence... Enveloped, I was lost in a murky cloud of his bleachy-seawater taste and smell... He... Him... Reg, he was everywhere, filling my me every sense all I could taste or smell was him... His cum.

It was so unreal, I couldn't believe it... I had just sucked Reg's big cock and he was cumming... In my mouth!

"Ooooh baby!" Veronica cried then, joining in... "That is sooo sexy! Uhhh yes take it, take his cum baby, take him in.... You know how... Go on swallow him for me... Mmmm"...

"Oh yes... Oh fuck I need that cock in me tonight... That was incredible!"... She went on, turning to Reg after watching me swallow the big mouth full of his cum, taking him in and making me feel like I was his... I was like Veronica... Brother Reg, I had taken and swallowed not only his cum, but I had also swallowed 'him'...

"Can you take me inside? Up to my bed this time? I sooo need you to fuck me... Please Brother Reg?"... Veronica said to him nearly begging as I let his softening, yet still pulsing, but otherwise spend cock slip from my lips as I continued to swallow, wiping my tongue over my teeth, I was completely full of him now and it made me feel warm all over, like a rite of passage had been completed...

"Uhhh yeah Vee, don't worry, we're gonna fuck all night, but give me a minute... Your cute little girly husband here just sucked me dry, and damn! Dana... Honestly man, if you're feeling embarrassed or bad for sucking my cock?... Don't... That was awesome, and I know you loved it too... It looks like we've found a new calling for you... So what do you say? Do you want me to bring your wife upstairs and fuck her in your bed? Sounds like the right think to do doesn't it?" Reg asked after complimenting me, Saying I was made for this... Sucking cock. It was my calling.

Stunned and still swallowing, I wiped off my chin and let myself float back into the water where I dunked myself under before coming back up to find both Veronica and Reg standing in the water with each of them smiling down on me before taking my arms...

Smiling they seemed to effortlessly lift me up, where Veronica kissing me then with Reg right there as well, standing very close where looking to him, I smiled and gave him a nervous wink while asking...

"You... You want to use our bed this time Brother Reg? Where you'll have the room to fuck her properly?"


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
cibixcibixabout 3 years ago

Loving how the story is coming to a crescendo, can't wait to enjoy the last chapter. Well written, very engaging!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
very good read

I've read a lot of cuckold stories here and this is by far one of the best ones so far , very well written with a good story line . Can't wait to read more.

Shrek5898Shrek5898over 3 years ago

Great series. I love the fact that Mom knows her son is a sissy. Please keep Dana and Veronica together in a happy ending

Sissyjackie2008Sissyjackie2008over 3 years ago
mother finds out her boy is a crossdresser

This whole series is so hot, esp. this part where his mom finds out he dresses in women's clothes. I remember when my mom discovered my dressing when I was 13. She was accepting and also said I looked like the daughter she never had. She advised me to keep it a secret because of social norms back then but allowed me to continue. As I continued, she would ask periodically if I was gay. I denied it and said I liked girls, but she had her doubts.

Please, keep the story going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Emasculating at its best!

In addition to the hot wife domination, I’ve always enjoyed the domestic servitude aspect that You have highlighted. It’s a contrast that compliments his cuckold submissiveness. In reading stories of this type, I enjoy and tend to expect a commitment in taking over menial chores as a way to compensate for a lack of manhood and a further descent in a downward spiral. Well done! Mike Y

darthnader19darthnader19over 3 years ago
5 stars

Amazing as always, only thing i wished for was a bit more conflict/resistance from Dana upon learning veronica shared his pics with his mother/reg. seemed like he caved in to fast.

cant wait to see where the story goes next, it truly is a amazing story.

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