Forbidden Lesson Plan (Reschooled)


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"Oh, sorry to hear that. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Thank you for asking," she blushed. He's such a good kid. Ava found herself flustered. "But not now. I wanted to tell you- You remember a few days ago when you asked for Aunt Kathy's photo website?"

Ethan's dirty-blonde head nodded with intrigue.

"Well, I still don't know that site. But she told me that she set up a new site for just her new modeling venture. It seems like just a placeholder site based on the random name. Anyway, she sent it to me. And she's very hush-hush about it and sent it to me in confidence, so please don't mention it to anyone else. This is it."

A surprised Ethan reached out for the pink Post-It where his mom had written the website and password. His other hand adjusted the position of the towel. Ava prayed under her breath that it would fall.

"Thanks, Mom! Is this website all of her new, official photos?" He seemed thankful but not enthused.

"No, it's- She's still only taking practice photos I think. Like, all the ones I'm in are on it. I don't even know who or what is in her other galleries, or even if there are any more galleries besides mine. I haven't looked at it closely."

Ethan held the square of paper like the Holy Grail. Ava could see in his eyes what he was going to do with her photos. She felt a wonderful rush. With everything that had happened throughout the day, Ava knew - at least, she wanted to believe so - that the universe was somehow telling her to go for what she wanted. If her son greeting her at his door with his sexy upper body and the scent of bath soap wafting off of it into her nose wasn't a sign, then nothing was.


Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were three of the oddest yet most enjoyable days of Ava's life. Nothing major happened in her life, but she simply felt... good. In a surprise to her students, she announced on Tuesday that the test for the week was canceled in celebration of the football team making the finals. Except for Cara, everyone was elated. On Wednesday, she led a lab day in all of the classes, which she loved doing. And Thursday was relaxing and an easy day where Ava returned the curriculum change forms.

The cause of her good mood was two-fold. The first reason was that the entire school was in a good mood about the championship game, and Ava was letting her mind run free with her thoughts and ideas about Coach Benner's plea to help the team. The larger reason was that ever since she gave Ethan the log in to view her modeling photos online, he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Ava couldn't remember any man being so infatuated and staring at her with as much love and lust in his eyes as Ethan. She felt his eyes on her everywhere in the room she walked during class. And at home, he was smiling widely the moment she entered the same room. She couldn't stop masturbating to the photo she had taken of the drawing and thinking about how many times a day Ethan was masturbating to her while she masturbated to him.


Over dinner Thursday evening, Garret and Ethan could not stop talking about the game coming up on Saturday. They talked about how the teams compared, if Ethan thought the team was ready, and what the plans were for the last practice.

Ava was late to dinner - not because she was staying late at work, but because she had been busy with an errand. Her relentless curiosity finally got the better of her, and Ava told Garret she was "going to the bathroom" before dinner. Instead, she was in Ethan's darkened bedroom crawling on her hands and knees.

Feeling around silently in his trash bin in the dark room, Ava ran her hand through a pile of crumpled tissues. Many were hardened and dried into balls. When her hand touched something wet, she snapped her hand out on impulse. Then, she lowered it back in and retrieved the gooey wad of tissue.

The odor was unmistakable. He literally just did this... Ava's heart fluttered. She hoped he was doing it to her photos. The liquid-filled ball started to ooze from the light pressure of her cradling hand. She shuddered from her son's cum sticking to her finger. Suddenly, Ava was fighting the urge to touch her tongue to the stringy cum. Fuck. Don't do it. Instead, her other hand found her glistening mound, and she buried her nose into her hand, inhaling the fresh, alkaline scent.

Getting a hold of reality, Ava knew she was close to the point where she would be able to stop until she made herself cum. And that would be too risky. Forcing herself to pull her head away, Ava dropped the tissue back into the trash bin and closed the lid. She went to the bathroom to wash her hands and get ready for dinner.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Ava wondered how her life had led her to this position. But she was confident in her new decision, and she was also confident that she had just made another.


In the sixteen years that Ava had been teaching at Hillside, without fail, she had always dressed in suits. The school required professional dress (not quite to Ava's level) every day, except for one day a week.

Given all of the changes and new epiphanies in Ava's life, she decided to finally see what it was like to acknowledge Central Hillside's Casual Friday.

"Are you calling in sick today?" was all a puzzled Garret asked upon seeing Ava walk down the stairs in a purple, V-neck sweater. She had a white camisole underneath along with faded blue jeans and casual heels.

"Nope, Casual Friday!" Ava had a hop in her step. Her bun was slightly messy instead of the rigid bulb it usually was.

As she bent down in front of the fridge to take out the oat milk, Ethan and Garret both noticed how her jeans snuggly fit the contours of her butt cheeks. When she bent back up and turned around, the men at the breakfast table noticed another welcoming sight. The soft purple sweater and low-cut undershirt showed off some, but not an inappropriate amount of cleavage. And the purple cashmere gave a better indication of how large Ava's boobs actually were.

"I think you look good in casual dress, Mom." Ethan was the first to compliment.

The bubbly mom was sent into an even better mood. She checked out her son's polo and how the short sleeves showed off his biceps. "Thank you, Ethan. You're lookin' good yourself."

If only you knew what I did last night...


The school day was finally nearing its end. In her earlier classes, Ava had drawn curious looks. Some students didn't seem to recognize her at first. In her AP Bio class, though, she was much more perceptive of the student reactions.

Unsurprisingly, the men, for some reason, took more interest in her change in attire. They spent the class completing an easy worksheet. While Ava walked around, feeling good about herself, she enjoyed seeing the boys' ears turn bright red. Ethan was as entranced as usual, and Trey looked frustrated. He's probably kicking himself for screwing up his sweet gig.

The clock ticked closer to the final bell. Ava could hardly contain her eagerness. Finally, the final Friday bell, the sweetest sound the students heard all week, sounded over the speaker.

"Hold up! Hold up!" Mrs. Dawson waved her arms to stop the stampeding horde. There was a universal groan. "Would everyone who did poorly on the first version of the last exam, except for those who I have already met in my office this week, please see me after class?"

After the announcement, the class hurried into the hallway before they could be held up again. Only six students were remaining in class. Ava examined the lot. She looked at the shorter Hispanic boy, who had a few tattoos. Carlos, Ava scoffed. There were two heavy-set offensive linemen - one with pale skin and a buzz cut and the other with dark skin and dreadlocks. Sam and Marcus. She picked out the long snapper by his flowing blonde surfer's hair. Matthew. The stocky fullback, whose arm was in a soft cast, stood in front. Mike. And in the back was the quarterback, who Ava overheard was a real ladies' man. Connor. Okay...

Turning to her office and Ava strutted toward the door in her jeans. "Well, please come in and shut the door behind you."

Sitting down behind her desk, Ava realized how full her office felt with seven people inside of it. She had to look up at all of them to see their faces. Naturally, the athletes were all staring at her, waiting.

What was I thinking? Am I insane? Ava started questioning her dumb master plan. She had built it in her mind. It had been so easy in her mind. She closed her eyes and breathed. For a moment, she just let them and herself get comfortable in the room. You're the teacher. You're the grown-up. You're in charge.

Ava knew she would never be ready. You're happy. You're just nervous, and that makes sense. It's okay. Everything always turns out okay. Relax. She got out of her head and just started talking."Do any of you know why I called you in here today?"

After a moment of pause, Matthew raised his hand. "Because of our bad test grades?" The rest of his teammates awaited the teacher's response.

"Good guess," Ava nodded, then swallowed. "But no..." She looked around the room. The football players shrugged at each other. "Give up?"

Standing up, mainly due to her racing heart, Ava walked around her desk and sat on the front of it. It occurred to her that with her uncovered cleavage and their height difference, they could ogle a large amount of her chest. She didn't move.

"We don't know, Mrs. Dawson," Sam answered.

"Well, boys," she trembled, "I called you in here because there is a fairly serious rumor that was reported to me by a student who had overheard you guys talking in the hallway after my class."

Watching the blood drain from all their faces at once actually helped put Ava more at ease.

"What did you hear exactly? Most rumors are made up," Connor defended.

Sternly removing her glasses and hanging them on her sweater, Ava expressed her doubt. "To put it bluntly, I heard that you guys had concocted a plan that would lead to me having intercourse with you."

"No!" That's a lie." "We would never do that!" "Who would even say that?" "Yeah, who told you?"

The students suddenly had a lot to say. Once the high school seniors got off of their soapbox, Ava attempted to clarify their defense. "So, what you're saying is that the rumor is untrue and none of you wanted to work out a deal to have sex with me?"

"Right." "Yeah!" "Believe us."

Their nervous, blushing faces made it hard for Ava not to laugh. Her legs were crossed, and her feet angled up and down. "Hmmm." In an exhilarating move, Ava put on a disappointing face as she rubbed her hands and traced her fingers on her jeans between her inner thighs. She pursed her lips. "That's too bad. Thanks for being honest with me, though."

"Wait, what...?" The players looked unsure if they heard her correctly. They had to have misinterpreted her. "What do you mean, 'too bad'?" Connor asked.

"Nothing," Ava waved off, biting her lips so she couldn't smirk. "It's just that Trey, Charlie, David, Arnold... they all told me that you guys would like getting naked and having fun with me as much as they did. I guess they misspoke. So," Ava stood up and walked back behind her desk, "I guess it doesn't matter anyway. Sorry for holding you up on your Friday."

There were six blank, dead stares, mouths hanging open. Mike even rubbed his eyes. "Wait, what?" he softly asked.

Ava brushed him off with a shrug. "Oh, don't worry about it. I guess it doesn't really have anything to do with you. You're free to leave."

"No, but..." "We're- We're interested," Marcus nodded. Two others nodded. The rest seemed concerned it was somehow a trap.

"Hmm? Seriously?" Ava brightly smiled. Her legs flexed on her black leather chair. "You just told me you weren't. A couple of your teammates already came to me, asked me what they needed to do to have fun with me, I told them, they did it, and then we all left this room very, very satisfied. Why would you lie to me about what you want?"

Ava's body and mind were buzzing. Her ears were lowly ringing. Before her, she watched the boys adjust and cover their pants. They're all hard. Or close to it, at least.

"I'm interested." Carlos raised his hand. "Me too," numbly said Matthew. The other four raised their hands.

"Sorry we lied. We were scared," Conner admitted, gawking at Ava. His teammates nodded along with his admission. "Are you serious about this?"

Getting up again, Ava got closer to the boys by returning to the front of her desk. She crossed her arms under her breasts. "I know it was scary to admit that to me. But you boys have to understand, I'm taking a bigger risk than you will ever know. You need to be honest with me. And you need to be quiet about this. Because if you tell anyone about this, I'll probably get fired. And that means any prayer, dream, or fantasy you have of getting me out of my clothes and having fun with your cock - that goes out of the window."

Seeing the dedicated and loyal nods of their head, Ava decided it was time. She crossed her arms over her body and grabbed the bottom of her purple sweater. With a pull, she lifted it over her head and set it down to her side. The boys all stared dumbstricken at the tight, thin, white camisole covering her upper body and large breasts. They could see the wiring of her bra underneath. "And, yes," she shook her head, "I'm serious."

"What the heck do we have to do?" Marcus breathed.

"Haha. Umm," Ava blushed, "well, it's pretty simple, boys. Just win the game tomorrow," she shrugged.

"That's it?" The other players stared daggers at Sam.

Ava found it funny. The young men were eating from the palm of her hand. She was nervous, but only in an exciting way. It was a rush that made her skin tingle. "That's it," Ava nodded. "You winning the championship will be great for the school. It'll also be good for my son. So, it's the perfect challenge." She ran her eyes down at their laps.

"And then... You'll wanna...?"

Turning up at Matthew, Ava picked at her fingers. "You're asking me if I'll want to fuck you guys after you win the game like I asked?" The student sheepishly nodded. "No," Ava chuckled.

Some air was let out of the room.

Ava smiled at him. "I'm not a slutty cheerleader who goes up to guys on the team and tries to fuck them after winning the big game." She drew a laugh. "The point of the challenge is to make sure you respect me and are taking it seriously. It's like how we covered mating dances in our natural selection chapter." The boys laughed again. Ava swiped her hair back behind her ear. "I'm not offering you sex because I want you to complete this challenge for me. I'm offering you this challenge because I want you to have hot sex with me."

Each set of eyes was unblinking. Each mouth was open and dry. Ava looked at the different young men, their different body types, their different fashion, their different sizes. "If you win the game, each of you will be allowed to join me in here one late afternoon. And we will get naked, flirt with each other, talk dirty, and see how hard we can make each other cum. Whether you want that time alone with me, or if you want any of your teammates here to join you, we'll have fun, and you'll be happy just the same."

"You are so hot," Sam finally huffed. The other players gasped and laughed hotly. They couldn't believe their luck. The championship game was no longer the most important event in their lives.

"Haha. Thank you. I gathered that from how much you guys have been checking me out during class."

They flashed guilty grins. "We didn't think you'd catch us."

"Really? It was pretty obvious." Ava sat up and scratched her bare arms. "I could tell that you all especially liked my Casual Friday outfit today."

Some snickered, and others nodded. "Yeah," Connor chuckled. "It's even more awesome now."

"Yeah?" Ava flirted back. She reached atop her head and pulled out the elastic hair tie. Woooh! "I'm just going to tell you guys exactly what I'm thinking and feeling right now because I think I need to get a lot off my chest, haha."

"Okay." "Alright."

"There are six of you in this room, you're all my students, and I'm talking about fucking you. That's crazy! Right? I think we can all agree that me standing here, knowing you want me, and telling you I'd let it happen - that's crazy."

The students laughed and nodded.

"I don't mind that it seems crazy," Ava admitted. "I've had these fantasies for a long time. And ever since I started acting on them, I've been happier. It's been amazing, and I don't want to stop. I have no idea why I have these new fantasies or what inside me makes me love acting on them, but I've accepted the fact that I do. I don't care what the optics are or whether I 'should' be doing it or not. I've come to this realization: Sex is about pleasure. If all of you want to fuck me and I can make you happy, and if I want to fuck all of you and you can make me happy... Why shouldn't we fuck? This is still crazy, haha. But, to me, if you really want something, it seems just as crazy to deny yourself."

Unsurprisingly, the young men loved Ava's newfound principle.

"So," Ava sat back up on her desk and kicked her heels against the wood, "I came in today knowing I would end up in this position with you guys."

Somehow, they still seemed surprised. "Seriously?" Mike asked.

"Yep!" Ava smirked. "I actually planned this outfit for this exact reason." She let the players study her blue jeans and skimpy white camisole. "I've had this fantasy for a long time. It's one where I'm kissing and playing with two or three players at a time on the grass in my backyard, and all of the rest are naked, jerking off in lounge chairs." She watched them laugh at the odd scenario. "For a while, the players on the grass would make me cum and the fantasy would end. Recently, though, even after they make me cum and I make them cum, I end up standing on the grass and looking over at the chairs for more naked, sexy young men to join me."

Ava swallowed. Her skin felt sticky. "And I was thinking, since I'm new to all of this, since there's less pressure because we won't be having sex, and since I'm sure all of you are just as horny as I am right now," Ava chuckled, "I think it would be a good idea to try exploring that fantasy."

"How- How do you wanna explore it?"

Ava turned to Connor. She could see the dark stains from the sweat in the armpits of his lime green polo. Trusting herself, she hopped off of her wood desk, strutted across the blue carpet, and kissed him naughtily. He kissed her lips back, and then his eyes bulged. Ava snickered, tracing and tickling the erection trapped in his dark jeans.

"I've taken off one article of clothing," she seduced in a loud whisper. "If you all behave yourselves once your pants are around your ankles, be patient with each other and with me, and you only touch where I say you can touch - I will let you guys choose one more item for me to take off. And believe me, we'll all be much happier if that happens."


The only sound was the hum of the whirling fan. Two round, brown eyes stared back in the mirror. The darkness felt peaceful and helped Ava process what had just happened. Before turning around and heading into the square shower in the women's locker room, Ava ran her fingertips over her naked upper body once more.

"Haha haha!" Her mouth split open, and her straight, white teeth shined in her reflection. She watched herself laugh until she could hardly breathe. "Oh god, what the fuck happened?!"

In the dim blue light, she couldn't see the dried splotches of jizz on her smooth skin. But wherever she touched her hands, she seemed to feel a gob she had missed or a streak from her hasty wipedown in her office bathroom. "Who even finished there?" The back of her neck, her chin, her stomach, even her shoulder blades needed to be washed off before she could even consider going home. As for her buoyant tits, Ava knew she'd be scrubbing for a long time.
