Forced: Babysitter as Fucktoy


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Hearing the mangled screaming coming from his prey only egged him on in his long, thorough strokes. All Chloe could do was white-knuckle the couch and feel her mind go blank in the face of the most pleasurable trauma. She had never felt so full, so overwhelmed, and had no idea how to register the unfamiliar moans, groans, screams, and whimpers being ripped from her throat. She started to go limp from the sensory overload, but Oliver would not allow her to check out of their first fuck in the daylight; he slapped her right butt cheek mid-stroke, leaving an already-visible handprint. Oliver let out a low groan of his own as he felt Chloe's pussy contract at the impact.

"Mmm do we have a little pain slut on our hands? Your pussy seems to like when I mark you with my palm..." Oliver teased, slapping her other cheek and feeling that same intoxicating clench. He abandoned the spanking, however, knowing that just a few more would push him over the edge far too soon. He had another position to inflict upon her and he wanted to last.

Hoisting her long body up from the couch by her waist, Oliver carried Chloe over to her street-facing window without removing his cock from her wanton pussy. From her position with her back against his chest and her legs dangling below her, she could see her own block clearly- including the face of every passerby. None had looked her way yet, but just the possibility had her hyperventilating and clawing behind her to get Oliver to pick another spot for his debasement of her.

His only response was to tighten his grip around her body and move her closer to the glass that exposed her completely to the world. He returned her to her hands and knees, this time with her face inches from the windowpane; she was crying now and her tears were visibly fogging up the glass in front of her... but only in a 3-inch circle and not nearly enough to hide her overstimulated body from the city in front of her.

"Please don't do this. Please, I'm begging you, I can handle the rest but not this. I can't handle being seen this way," Chloe sobbed, her body slumping lower on the window seat in despair, angling his cock in her pussy in a way that made him twitch inside her.

Oliver furrowed his brows in faux sympathy, his cock twitching but not moving fan inch in or out. "Aww, poor baby girl. This is the line for you, being seen?"

Chloe raised her eyes to his reflection in the glass, hopeful that he would have some compassion for her impending panic attack before it took off. She nodded, whispering, "I'll do anything else but please don't let these people watch. I won't survive it. Please, I can't calm down. Help me calm down, please."

She closed her eyes to devolve into nearly inaudible begging, her forehead touching the floor as the top of her head pressed against the glass. Oliver looked on in interest as her right hand absentmindedly made its way between her legs and slowly started rubbing her clit, her begging transforming into moans and her tantalizing ass pressing back against his motionless cock in gradual thrusts.

"She's fucking herself exactly where she didn't want to be fucked to cope with the fact that I was about to fuck her there," Oliver thought incredulously. It was impossible not to notice that every time Chloe's brain couldn't handle its current predicament, it would apparently shut off and leave a mindless sex-crazed bimbo in her place.

He couldn't tell which was hotter: basking in the deep distress he was causing her at every turn or realizing how pliable and naturally submissive she was. Part of him wanted to figure out how to force her into that state for days at a time, but more of him loved the duality of her struggle vs subconscious obedience. If all kept on as it was now, he wouldn't even have to choose.

Done deliberating, Oliver tentatively placed his hands on Chloe's prominent hips, unsure of what it would take to snap her out of her thoughtless frenzy. His touch didn't seem to affect her, but her moaning grew several times louder as soon as he began to thrust inside her in earnest. The walls of her pussy were slicker than he'd ever felt her, which may not have been saying much as his first experience of them was 12 hours prior, but this was next-level wetness. Her pussy was enveloping his cock in an almost unbearably tight, slick, velvety cocoon and he knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer.

Chloe's moaning had become animalistic and her pussy would squeeze Oliver's own orgasm out of his strangled cock within moments, all without realizing what she was doing. Oliver reached up to buttress his arm against the window and, in doing so, became suddenly aware of the small crowd gathered around the window.

There were about ten people standing at varying distances from the glass, some blatantly staring and some pretending to be immersed in conversation while stealing sidelong glances at the scene taking place behind just a few inches of partition. It took everything in Oliver to focus on scanning their faces and determine he didn't know any of them before turning his attention back to the freshly 21-year-old fucktoy not only impaled upon but fucking herself against his 54-year-old cock.

Satisfied with the lack of familiar faces, Oliver had no problem giving these lucky pedestrians a show. He clutched Chloe's pillowy hips tighter, digging his fingers in hard enough to leave some unmistakable bruising before turning into a human jackhammer. His balls slapped heavily against her clit and her head banged against the window more than once when he pulled out almost all the way just to skewer her even deeper than he thought possible. The crowd was riveted now, everyone's eyes glued to the scene before them while more than one cock hardened in its pants.

The force of Oliver's cock head against her cervix was starting to bring Chloe out of her fog, but she was reentering the world in the midst of the most explosive orgasm of her life thus far so she hardly had time to evaluate her surroundings. Her moans were beginning to escalate into screams, though, the desperation of which prompted Oliver's balls to tighten painfully before he let out a groan that the window couldn't mute and shot his hot load deep inside his new little girl's womb.

At the same moment, Chloe's pussy contracted feverishly around his ejaculating cock and she came just as hard, her mouth wide open and drooling onto the cushion. Her eyes shot open when she felt his hot cum unleash deep within her and she came face to face with her worst nightmare: the watching audience her brain had failed to announce to her in her blissfully unaware state. She let out a strangled cry but her body was too busy sustaining her through the heights of pleasure to let her scramble away or cover herself up. So she watched these strangers ogle her orgasm involuntarily, in horror as well as the utmost pleasure.

When the waves of her body's self-inflicted assault wore off and the aftershocks were setting in, Chloe remained in a heap at her window and watched through watery eyes as her onlookers looked at her with judgment and meandered away. The raunchy show was over and all that was left was a pile of exhausted limbs in front of a wickedly attractive older man who had already gotten dressed.

Displaying some of that tenderness Chloe hated to crave so much, Oliver gathered her sweaty, sticky body into his arms and sat down on the couch they had started on, away from any lingering voyeurs. He smirked and petted her hair away from her face; she nuzzled against his chest even after all he had put her through.

"That wasn't so bad, now was it?" he teased, knowing she was still too raw to find a joke like that merely playful. She looked up at him with sad, spent eyes.

"Why did you do that to me? Why wasn't everything else enough?" she asked in a quiet but unwavering voice. Throughout all of his attacks and manipulations, there had still been a small part of Chloe that assumed this man cradling her long, naked body against his hard, clothed one would stop before he pushed her sanity over the edge. Even after he raped her and threatened her entire peace of mind, she'd subconsciously assumed that he would still protect her from the outside world like he always had. But instead, he had watched her exponentially heightened panic at the prospect of being debased in front of strangers and not even hesitated. It had actually seemed to turn him on more and make him more determined to inflict that particular ordeal upon her. In this moment, she just wanted to know why.

Oliver sucked in a breath before attempting to explain his position.

"I'm not your father, little girl. I'm not the hero that's going to do whatever it takes to keep you safe. I'm the one you need to be protected against, but you've looked to me for that protection for years. It's been intoxicating to pretend to be the man you could come to for help when the only thoughts in my mind were how deeply I was going to mindfuck you one day.

"Any image you had of me as a 'Good Guy' was of your own making. I just went along with it, forming my own image of you as the young little exhibitionist tease as we went. But now you're trying to tell me that true exhibitionism is your worst fear? Forgive me for not believing you." Oliver's hand crept between Chloe's aching legs as he spoke, burning patterns into the skin of her inner thighs as her whole body blushed in anger at his words.

"Your pussy was as in need of cock as it's ever been as those people watched you. And what drew them to your window, little slut, if not for your own efforts to fuck yourself against my waiting cock? I didn't make you do that. Your own mind decided that was your greatest need in your moment of greatest panic."

His fingers ever-so-lightly stroked up and down her incredibly swollen slit.

"So yes, I would have pushed you to unleash your wanton desires in front of unsuspecting passersby. Maybe because I'm a sadistic asshole or maybe because it makes me hard to show people what I can do and who I can do it to. But in this instance, I didn't do anything. You did. And the truth of that will haunt you more than anything I could have ever dreamt up."

With those final words, he pushed Chloe's humiliated and tense body off of his lap and onto the floor between his legs. She froze once down there, having no clue what his intentions were now, her face and chest soaked with tears and her legs haphazardly parted.

Oliver kicked her with mild force and commanded, "Kneel, Chloe. Sit back on your knees and spread them so I can see that gushing pussy while I finish telling you what I expect from my beloved little pet."

Chloe did as she was told, fear and exhaustion in her eyes. "Like this?" she asked, not wanting to rock his mood over something so trivial.

"Yes, my pet! What a good girl," Oliver praised, going overboard over a small compliance but knowing Chloe was extra susceptible to reinforcement of any kind right now.

Chloe tucked her chin, trying to suppress the proud blush covering her face prompted only by his suddenly happy words. "Thank you..." she muttered shyly. She didn't know if she was expected to respond but it somehow felt ungrateful not to. Was he conditioning her so quickly?

Lifting her chin with two of his fingers, Oliver locked his eyes onto hers. "You're right to thank me, Chloe. I know how good it will make you feel every time I tell you that you've done a good job at making me happy. It should make you feel good; I am your world now."

Chloe's eyelids drooped and she leaned her chest forward- towards the self-proclaimed center of her world- while her eyes dropped to his lips to watch him speak. Oliver nodded with a smirk and continued, "So pay attention now, because I'm only going to explain this part once. I don't want to make it feel inorganic by repeating myself. Understand?"

Chloe watched her world's lips form the command to her and drilled it into her own brain: she was to listen. She had to remember this one. His fingers left her chin and she realized herself while slowly sitting up straight. A confused expression crossed her face; what had just happened? What kind of daze did he just put her in? Why was her body so intent on working with him and against her?

She was snapped back from her ruminating when the minister of her torture issued his next rule, the one he wouldn't repeat. When she heard it, her heart almost stopped and her jaw dropped in terror.

"Starting from this moment on, you are to only refer to me as your Daddy. When I reward you, you'll say 'thank you, Daddy.' When I punish you, you'll say 'I'm sorry, Daddy.' When I ask you a question, you'll say 'yes, Daddy' or 'no, Daddy.' If you have something to say to me, you will get my attention by first saying 'Daddy.' There will be no exceptions and no second chances. This rule applies no matter where we are or who we are around. If my wife or kids are present, you are to shake it off and act like it was an accident- but you will continue to make the same mistake every time you address me."

By this time, Chloe's head was in her hands and her entire body had folded into itself, abandoning the pose that was requested of her in favor of self-preservation. Her mother and father had died years earlier, a tragedy she had never even attempted to process. Instead, she had plunged headfirst into latching onto the people she babysat for and never looked back to deal with her grief. Until this moment; it felt like Oliver's words had unstopped her tsunami of emotion and her body was not equipped to feel it all at once.

Oliver's voice got softer but more menacing as he watched the further breakdown of his little girl's psyche. "Violations of this rule will never be met with leniency and there will be no second chances. The FIRST time you fail to refer to me as your Daddy, in public or private, will be the moment your life the way you've built it goes up in smoke. Now, what do you say?"

Chloe was somehow still fully present, likely only due to his earlier command to listen carefully. He had expected her to retreat into herself again and devolve into a lump of mindless masturbation on the floor. But, despite her obvious hyperventilation, Chloe peeked her eyes out from behind her hands and mumbled, "yes, Daddy."

Uttering those familiar but distant words felt like a knife in her heart, and Chloe began to sob in earnest. Sounds of despair she had never heard come from her own lips before were echoing all around her and her body felt like it was spasming unnaturally with every cry. Her kneeling position was long forgotten as she curled into the fetal position, her fingers clutching her own elbows around her knees so tightly that they were stark white, all blood squeezing elsewhere.

She could feel her throat quickly going raw and her chest was weighed down under an impossible pressure she hadn't let herself feel since the night her parents had died. This breakdown was something she had always known to be inevitable, but she had certainly never intended to unleash it within earshot of another person, let alone with someone watching her naked body writhe in agony on the floor from less than a foot away.

Nothing could stop the monumental waves of grief that were finally washing over her, though, not even a witness. Or so she thought- until two little words cut through her episode, two words that had nothing to do with her pain nor the losses that caused it, two words that should be completely irrelevant to her in the face of emotional baggage she knew would never be unpacked, two words that immediately prompted her to unfurl her battered body and open up towards the source of the two little words as if the man who uttered them was the sun itself... "Good girl."

And while Oliver watched Chloe react to him the way only a little girl would react to her Daddy, with misguided trust and an unwitting eagerness to please in the midst of the gravest of crises, his cock hardened to a previously impossible girth. He had her. She was his. Not even she could deny that now.

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Racer79Racer79about 1 month ago

It is AWSOME !!!!!!!!

thedomoneflthedomonefl3 months ago

Such a good girl little slut for her daddy... just as should be!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I find the mindfucking so incredibly messed up and hot. As a women I hate the idea of it but I also have had one of the best orgasms in a while reading this…

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Chapter 3?? Is his wife involved too or possibly his submissive, or some of the other dads she baby sits for? Lots of naughty possibilities for Cloe.

Submissive_LindaSubmissive_Linda5 months ago

Daddy, please fuck me again against that window. Daddy i need more rules!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I need the next chapter! This was simply amazing

Lizzy27Lizzy276 months ago

I really dislike this man, and her innocence is also very weird, and ansubmissive is an strong women not one like this. he is very abusive and no master either.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

When is the next chapter coming out? Absolutely loved this. I wish I had a daddy take advatage of me like this, to be able to melt away and not have to worry.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Well, did not have to read the first part to understand just how fucked she is going to be. I am kind of confused by his part of telling her that she has to call him daddy even in front of his wife and kids? Does he treat his wife and kids the same way he is mindfucking Chloe? The author can quit here however I suspect that there are more sadistic practices that this guy wants to inflict on Chloe that he can't do with others. Chloe is grasping at anything that will give her direction and love since her parents recently passed away although she seems to have others that she has relied in the past. Maybe someone will find out what has happened and rescues her?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

this went from disturbingly erotic to just plain wrong so quickly its not even funny. The first half of this story was already pushing the limits, but this just didnt just go past them, it disintergrated them as it flew past. Dont get me wrong, power play and bdsm cant be fun, but it requires consent of both parties so everyone can enjoy it. And obviously I came to read a NC/R story, so Id be a hypocrite if I tried to deny that the fantasy of NC can be fun to play with, but this is just too real to be enjoyable. This isnt fun, this isnt something you can pretend is merely a fetish like some other NC/R stories, this is just plain wrong, abusive and sickening. I dont often find myself truly disliking a story on this site, some, admittedly arent to my taste, but I can usual detach myself enough from the topic to judge the writing objectively. Unfortunately, here I can't. It's too real, too abusive, and as someone who not only enjoys the occasional trip down the consential domination rabbit hole, and who has watched dear friends suffer from non consential domination abusive relationships, I cant do anything but feel sickened by your writing. It's well written, and visceral in an all too familiar way, so I will grudgingly give you a 3 star rating for the profound emotional response the story has provoked, but I sincerely hope your future stories are kinder as no one, not even fictional characters deserved to be broken down and treated so vilely as Chlor is in this story.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

@verbicide: The problem is how thoroughly he's fucked with her mind. First, he threatens to blow up her relationships with the neighbors, who, friends notwithstanding, are the only family she has left. She has to figure out how likely it is that people would believe her version of the tale over his, and he isn't giving her time to think it through. Then he keeps fucking with her mind by telling her that her purely physical responses and her mind's attempt to shut down to protect itself from the psychological trauma mean she does want what he's giving her. Add in the unresolved grief, and she can barely think at all, much less think rationally. When a mind is floundering that much, it's likely to grab on to any source of stability it can find, and his past apparent trustworthiness makes listening to him seem natural. If she's lucky, her mind will start to clear once she gets some time to herself, but it will likely depend on how frequently he's able to reinforce his psychological assault. Overall, though, I agree with your assessment -- should have stopped after the first part.

verbicideverbicideabout 1 year ago

Okay, so that was awful. The story went over the cliff from mildly disturbing but still erotic to just plain revolting in a pretty quick span. One thing I don't understand is, Cloe has friends, right? I remember years ago, when I was in my early 20's, a girl I knew was being physically abused by her father and some friends of hers, including me, put his head through the drywall as an object lesson. Chloe is college aged and has friends, as mentioned in the first installment. I've never known any girl with guy friends who couldn't have asked them to end this, with prejudice, in a heartbeat.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Looking forward to the next part, if there is one. Well written, though I will echo another commenter that you keep it balanced on the knife edge.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ugh, sadly the DD:LG killed the rising arousal I had. Hard limit for me. That aside it is very well written, disturbingly realistic too. He’s an absolutely deranged character, bringing new lows to sinister.

Thanks for sharing, best of luck with your writing.

Tess (uk)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

God, he's as evil as this story is hot....but please don't take it too far. There are more than enough stroke stories here where the man obliterates the young girl, ruining her and her life. There aren't many that successfully ride that knife edge of ruining her. It gets boring when it turns into just another 'men do awful things to the young girl who somehow turned into a brainless slut' story.

PlatinumPeachPlatinumPeachover 1 year ago

Love love love your stories!

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