Forever Weekend at the Lodge


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Hathaway on occasion would edge Caleb to near ruin with her nylon clad feet. The smooth material ran up and down his dick as she deep stroked it between her bunions. Her footwork was impeccably skilled, even reaching around underneath his gland for that additional burning sensation. This teasing kept Caleb going until Hathaway finished the last paper and looked at the clock. She then began stroking up and down Caleb's member with pace until he gave way and expulsed a confetti of thick goo all over Hathaway's feet and his legs.

"Out Caleb," said Hathaway

Caleb came out from underneath and faced Hathaway. She hung her feet out in front of his face.

"Lick it off Caleb," said Hathaway

Caleb took hold of her heels and cleaned off his cum. Hathaway handed him tissues for his own anatomy. Tammy stood up and laid Leif down on his back.

"Legs up Leif. I know you have done this before."

Leif raised his legs and suspended them over his head. His cock now hung over his face.

"Open your mouth bitch boy."

Leif stretched out wide his jaw. Tammy milked him for all he was worth and squirted out his cum into his open mouth.


Leif swallowed his cum. Tammy then stood up and unlocked the classroom door.

"I hope you learned a valuable lesson in perseverance today boys."

"Yes Miss Hathaway," They said in a monosyllabic tone.

Leif then put back on his clothes and they exited the room.

Caleb and Leif were now outside the school, in the parking lot. Sulphur and dew on overlong weeds filled the air. Caleb heads down the stairs to meet a stray cat that took a fancy to him. He knelt and Leif then grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Dude, i know it's cute, and hungry probably, but it might have rabies," said Leif

"Should we call the shelter?" said Caleb

"Fuck no, they'll put it down. Stragglers like that cat, like us, have no hope in this world but to carve our own path and fight for ourselves," said Leif

Caleb sighed, "That's a good point."

Caleb walked past the cat, which kept looking up at them as both the boys walked away from it. The cat then went on it's way.


Mindy, the team's self-appointed stylist, was sitting next to Rhona in the passenger seat of the van, makeup tools ready in hand. She jumped at the sight of Caleb and Leif. Rhona sat her down with a firm hand upon her lap. She then sank a little upon viewing the current state of the team's future project.

"I'm sorry Mindy," said Rhona "No one said it was gonna be pretty at first."

Mindy then plucked up her head.

"It's nothing. It's a lot to ask guys like that keep care of themselves, what with being so heavy and all on everything like it was the nineties or something. All the more reason for me to completely redo these two fixer uppers. Speaking of nineties, how about i do them some boyband feathers? To commemorate the 10th anniversary of our friendship?"

"2040. CD wallet full of sounds I never heard the like of since then. Said Rhona. You trekked ten miles to see me every week in person. I know it embarrasses you when i say this kind of thing, but I still appreciate it Mindy, to this day."

Mindy teared up and hugged Rhona.

"Best friends forever yeah?" said Mindy

"Yeah, yeah," Rhona said as she tried to shrug Mindy off, "There's my human moment. You can't ask me again for another month."

"Ok. but little by little you smile more," said Mindy

"10 years. Wow," Rhona continued.

"Rhona? Are we getting sentimental?"

"Mindy. These two princesses here are not well. They cannot be allowed to roam the streets like this. There are thousands of them. Might I dare be so bold to say that it is the duty of every cheerleader to fuck these losers out of wanting to kill people, or destroy them ourselves before more tragedy besets this beautiful land. Their attitude violates nature. It is whites like them who go on to become the most wasteful of society. No hope for remission from the darkness they inhabit means they will not seek to use their abilities to the fullest.

The poor cel, if he can find a job, will find one most akin to slavery that his lifestyle will allow as he believes that's where he belongs. He will shop at the discount store. He will buy only overproduced goods that will eat at his metabolism until he dies of some infection.

The rich cel, will carry out severe acts of cruelty until his society shuns him. His wealth grants him the privilege of a choice. He will choose to either buy gas powered, semi automatic weapons and carry out the logical conclusion to his thinking, or he will cling onto god for dear life and say he will cherish every breath of fresh air from now on, even though he will help contribute to the destruction of the planet by joining companies that feed off of and ionise with unchecked sociopaths such as him as much as they feed off of and ionise the land," Rhona said.

"Rhona. That's pretty dark," said Mindy.

"I just hope you realise better now the significance of the work we do here."

"Oh, like you don't get off guys begging for it at your knees," said Mindy

"I respect nature, so nature respects me," said Rhona

"Whatever you say," said Mindy.

"Listen Leif. I have to get on with this homework today. Library at New Satans Street. Two O'Clock tomorrow? How about it?" Caleb said to Leif

Caleb breaks eye contact from Leif to realign his stance. How could he forget the planning session they had tomorrow he thought to himself. There is always a session every Friday. Accountability was never far from scrutiny these days in the minds of both Caleb and Leif. They could not hide behind edgy posts and conservative humour pages anymore. They had to put up or shut themselves up. It was black and white to them both.

"I did not know that you had a future in mind Caleb. Excuse me for a moment why i bang my head against the nearest wall trying to forget half my master plan is in possession of a normie," Leif said sternly.

Caleb stood back sheepishly as Leif stepped forward. Leif stopped, he took a moment to think.

"Is everything Ok Caleb bro? Don't you know what awaits here if you just decide to lay back and let the chemicals get to you? I will never force you Caleb. But you know what we are doing is not only right and it is just, but it is the best available option for us," said Leif

"Since when did you care about justice?" said Caleb

"Seems like Caleb has got cold feet," said Leif

"What?! Caleb shouted. Ok man, forget I said anything. By the way, have you heard of the phrase keeping up appearances? Like, ever?"

"Like, oh mai god Caleb, you're such a nonplus," Leif mocked Caleb with overtly feminine mannerisms.

Caleb hurried along the car park, only to see that feral cat again carry on with its dirty paws down the tarmac to the fencing where it crawled underneath. Caleb felt like crying, hanging his head, then arching back, as if to make the tears roll down. Leif reaches the distraught Caleb in his own time. Opening his arms, Leif sees Caleb turning round, forcing a smile onto his now wet face.

"I love you man. I trust you with my life. I'd die for you. We do this because we have to. Cause they make us and the shitwater society they fester in. If i make you, I'm no better than those normie scum. You know i'm not kidding. Whichever way you go Caleb, just don't tell anyone what i'm doing till i do it. I've been planning this for years. After I'm done, say what you want. I won't have to care anymore," said Leif.

Caleb asks himself in the moment what he has for a best friend. Last night that same inquisitive stray cat might have been all that had separated Caleb from the beginning of the rest of his life without Leif, him up on his roof drinking, and for his pretension, the pain was not worth thinking any longer about what could have been last night. He wanted to do this with Leif, together. What is today though is Leif pushing on the sleazy charm like a bankrupt vessel late for his audience with the crown. Leif seemed so devoted to receiving help last night when he was breaking down in front of Caleb in the near pitch black that had circulated and encompassed Leif's backyard. Caleb was being fooled, again. No, straight up lied to! Manipulated for an agenda, no matter what Leif was saying, he uttered to herself. The tears return on Leif, he held his head up and rolled them down again, then sets his eyes on Caleb.

"Leif," Caleb said

He doesn't respond. Whilst the previous night's horror still wrote itself on his face, Leif carried on as if nothing happened. Caleb had a suspicion that he must encourage Leif's behaviour. He must look past his spells, no matter how painful that was. Leif had always said that everyone must answer to what they did and karma only comes in the form of a gun and Caleb thought little different. It was Leif who told him this in the first place, who led him away from elite sentiment cultivated through many para social relationships with leftist internet celebrities, who sought to bleed him dry he said, bearing gifts of pragmatic enlightenment. You're better than them, better than any fake woke marxist fuck Leif would tell him. These warranted turns of thought, only when seeing his friend as few ever did. They pushed Caleb to say the obvious when no other time seemed to him to call for it.

"You should be on meds. We should be on meds. What the hell are we doing?" said Caleb

"Getting famous. The good kind of famous. The only kind that lasts. That sweet motherload of cultural resonance where fuckers never forget you!" Leif snaps.

"But.... Last night," Caleb stuttered.

"Soldier's heart, and a reactionary case at that. A few fucksticks I unfortunately know and CIA spies on the forums brought this bitch down. It's embarrassing more than anything else. The thread will explain everything. I would like to accompany you to the library tomorrow. Show you, then we discuss things? See me validated on two fronts. I made real progress. That will put an end to your worry for me."

"Leif. Are you ok?" said Caleb

"Never better. Come on, validate me. I can't do this alone," said Leif

"You're wrong Leif. Nobody can validate you but yourself," Caleb Said

"Bro," Leif tuts. "That's just not true. All i have is others image of me. My blood, my sweat, my tears, as well as my mind. It all goes into my legacy. If they consider me a faggot, a loser, someone weak and mentally ill, then I am. And the whole plan would be for nothing," he said.


"I promised I would be more self-reflexive and focused on details Caleb, to take care of myself so I won't make mistakes. Whilst all the time being the big brother that you deserve, but never had. With time, i did fulfil this. But these are big asks Caleb. I just can't be on all the fucking time," said Leif

"You can be reflexive when you want to. Only when you want to," said Caleb

Caleb sinks his head into his neck. Leif turned back to his moping. Muscles tense. Leif has to whisper.

"It wouldn't hurt so much hearing about your rants and diatribes if you yourself even believed what you were saying," said Caleb

"I believe that i believe it. That's enough," Said Leif.

"No it's not," said Caleb

Leif darts his head round as smoothly as he leans it over his shoulder towards Caleb, like a big cat scouting out it's prey, or overseeing a wandering cub.

"Last night was a freak occurrence. I'm fine now. No let's get the hell outta this shithole. Come on, pick up your face. Come down to my house and see me as I really am. See what's going to turn eighty six shitheads into pulp."

Lief smiles, then pulls up his trousers, as well as Caleb's, which were hanging below his underwear. Leif stood himself upright in them as an exclamation point. He sways round towards the floor behind him where he dropped his bag in the commotion. Caleb's face runs red due to the burning frustration inside as he observes him. Leif's rhythmic strut, those offensively drooping hands, A facial expression that was willingly designed for onset. An expression they will bury him in. if there's anything left to bury.

"Leif. If you're true... ," said Caleb

"I'm truer than the fucking solar system!" retorted Leif.

Leif turns round again and gives him that familiar stoic, stern look with the slightest squinting of the eyes. A controlled stance. How controlled though is Caleb's piercing doubt? Leif huffs.

"I'm a fucking bullet proof suicide machine. And so are you! All we have is the element of surprise, but that's all we need," said Leif as he wrapped his arm around Caleb.

A threatening tone, but a muted, cracked delivery. Caleb wishes Leif would ask for help directly more often like last night, abet without a loaded firearm in possession. These mind games are always petty and disheartening. Caleb has had enough.

"YOUR SICK. You can't make decisions anymore. You've proven that, on and off the forums," said Caleb.

Leif snatches a clump of Caleb's hair in his hand so fierce, his neck bends to the force. This has never happened before. Caleb is afraid. The tears roll down Leif's face, though nothing else on there conveys any emotion, as if the mind had outrun the body. This fierce resistance is new. This is progress. This is an admittance. Caleb musks up a forced expression of disappointment as a defence, even though nothing has truly surprised him this morning.

"I'm his bro. Why does he have to do this? It's like he wants to be told off, like a child. He's not well. Caleb says to himself, to calm himself. I must play along still. I don't even want to think of what could happen if I left him alone and went out to the mall like this."

Caleb's pause in his speech has been longer than he realised and after returning to the situation, he has already been gently let go and Leif continues getting along with putting his bag back on his back, buttoning up his shirt. Leif's expression has not changed.

"I know you think I don't understand these things...," Caleb muttered.

"What things?" Leif responded likewise with chillingly uncharismatic demure, that dead eyed expression still possessing him.

Caleb did not like to challenge Leif directly before. But this physical affront has emboldened him. Leif had always professed hurting Caleb would be an act against his very being as they were both soldiers in a long, never ending war against those who screech. Despite this, he had not always up kept these impassioned oaths. Although how Leif tortured himself after such violent impasses, always occurring during a manic spell, always was far more insufferable than the act itself. Not just because of his constantly fragile state of mind Caleb was aware from the day they met, but also, resentfully, Caleb respected the conviction Leif wielded, even when he was at the receiving end of the harshest tones of his character. His resolve and his determination, for all the wrong reasons, he envied regardless.

The ability Leif had to sum up the world so clearly to him, keep pressing at the corners of decency until the essential truth was revealed. It irks Caleb how successful his friend is at provoking people online. It makes him be repulsed by himself at the thought of how these moments inspired him and sought to track down this Alpha user, only to find out he was in the same class as him. Now that he sees what his hero has grown into. It upsets him greatly.

"Please don't interrupt me," said Caleb

"What things don't you understand Caleb?" said Leif

"How can you be so stupid?"

"Right, not having this conversation anymore. If you care to insult me further, do so when i have nothing else better to do. I got bombs to make."

"Don't go off like this,I beg you."

"Paint thinner won't buy itself. Beg all you like."

Leif pulls up his shoes. He heads for the mall. Caleb stands in his way, face to face.

"Hit me," said Caleb


"You will have to hurt me to get out of this parking lot."

"Fuck you Caleb. This ain't funny."

"Really hurt me nigger. I mean it!"

Leif's breathing suddenly starts to become irregular.

Out of the way Caleb Leif anxiously growled.

Caleb clocks his eyes upon Leif's and puts his face up to his.

"Hit me."

"What would that achieve?"

"I know you want to."

Leif's mouth dropped. A sudden sensation took hold, akin to a way an elevator makes one feel as they went downwards.

Leif mashed together a response with a quivering lower lip, "No. You're wrong. You're being the aggressor here. I don't want to hurt you Caleb. I really don't. I'm not gonna hit my only friend."

Leif's eyes glisten again. This means he will either fulfil Caleb's wish or drop the facade finally. Either way, Caleb closed his eyes and turns his face, ready to receive.

"I'm ready," said Caleb

Leif's balled hands trembled as did Caleb's flat ones. The elevator was ascending. It arrived. Leif pecked Caleb on the lips with a kiss.

"Fag," Leif said as he chagrinned.

Caleb reopened his eyes and turned front, looking at him, not keen to play around anymore.

"I will never hurt you. That will never change. That!"

Leif strokes the side of Caleb's temple before tapping it, the same one he grabbed at earlier. Caleb brushed his hand away.

"I pledge my life to the destiny set out for me. But my heart, it belongs to you, and everyone else who shares my pain. Please understand that there are places in my mind I cannot in-delve you in. It will only hurt you unnecessarily."

"Why? What do they hold? Yourself, or what you think your position has made you? Is it both? Is this Leif really a flake? Tell me."

Caleb knows Leif is looking for understanding. Validation. Acceptance of the lie. He will not find any. They will not find any.

"What is this about? Leif?"

Caleb sees his reflection in more and more detail within Leif's eyes as they swell with what cannot be kept in. He feels himself doing the same.

"Get out of my way, and let me do what I have to do," said Leif

Leif punctuates every word with an encircled palm directed at Caleb. A gesture he has seen adopted by many an adversary in his mother's daytime films. Something about that observation made Caleb give up.

"I would never even consider getting in the way of your duty," said Caleb.

Caleb steps aside. Leif turns his head to Caleb with afresh stoicism, though less prissy with his reddened cheeks. He then turns to the door and moves torso first, but stops for what seems like an eternity. His head creeps across her shoulder, as if to say something, but the words never came out, but what did was a glimpse of an eye that was too preoccupied with what was going on behind it to know where to go, a portrait of a face thinking the right thoughts, leading into the right actions Caleb hoped. And then, he started walking. He didn't even acknowledge the van on his way across the cracked asphalt. Caleb was predicting how people in the street would be intensely horrified by Leif's bloodshot eyes and hair like it was struck by lighting. Caleb can only observe whilst standing on the spot, Rhona and Mindy look at each other gormless for an explanation.
