Forever Weekend at the Lodge


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"You meant to be some big fucking guy with that leather and motorcycle?"

"Am i breaking any state laws sir?" Passler replied.

"You look like trouble. We don't want trouble round here."

"What is this, 2046, or 1846?"

"Either way, we would appreciate turning that thing of yours round"

"What thing? And it's KSI by the way."

"Huh?" replied a guard.

"The hair, which you guys keep looking at. KSI is the best gel. I've had this hair spiked for now three days. And it comes off easily with a shower. That's why you were looking. Or do you have a thing for bleach blondes? Hope it's the latter. Because I have a thing for well toned Latinos. Sir"

The guard smirked

"Don't know what you're talking about man."

Passler unzipped his jacket, revealing his abs.

"You're telling me you've been riding in the rain in just that?"

"The best Kevlar? Yeah."

The two soldiers scoff.

"Man, this guy."

"Can I make a deal with you sir?"

"Yeah, what?"

"I'm in town just for fun, and you can imagine the kind of fun I'm looking for. And what with the powerhouse engine of this all American beast and all rubbing against my taint for the last hour or so, I'm in desperate need of some release. How about you guys do me a favour and fill me in on the intricacies of Detroit martial law?"

The soldiers grinned at each other and beckoned Passler over to the guardhouse. He saddled off and followed them. They unzipped their fatigues whilst Passler removed his Jeans and hung them over the metal table next to him. He placed his hands on the Latino soldier's tight ass and swallowed his cock deep. The other soldier spread open Passler's cheeks and stuck his sword in. An aggressive rhythm reverberated between the three as Passler's jaw hung wide and dripping and his asshole loose and springy. Passler accepted the cum in his mouth. The other soldier pulled out and squirted over his cheeks. He was given some paper to wipe it off.

"Appreciate it."

Passler then put his jeans back on and rode into town.

"The son is called Dansuk which i think was an asshole move by Kochise. I have no doubt someone gave Dansuk the chip in his shoulder, and gave it to him hard. Maybe it was even one of these fuckers."

Detriot's gay district was small, but it was packed. Most of the men were muscular and wore very tight or very little clothing to show it off. Bodies of all shapes were open on display, but Passler didn't care for those. However, Passler knew he was still circling round the mainstream, and that Dansuk was not going to be here. A mile or so through the district and Passler found more of what he was looking for. It was a street which bridged the gay district and the government housing area. Androgynous street punks spitting by his bike, wearing unfashionable amounts of leather. Passler had arrived. He pulled up is bike and immediately went to work.

He grabbed one punk by the side of his head and started pounding away at the other side of his head with his fist which was stiff as concrete. The side of Passler's fist caused a gash to form on his right temple. When the blood started to flow, Passler stepped towards another one and kicked him the gut, sending him flying into the brick wall behind him. Two more wrestled with him. Passler squeezed a guy's balls so tight, it made him pass out. Passler took the other guy from the back of his hair and sent down his fist onto his face and broke his nose in two strikes. The guy fell to his feet and Passler stomped on his stomach a few times. Passler then started to ask questions.

"You don't know me yet, but you'll get to in due time. I am the messenger of death, the great satan, and i have been sent to cut off small parts of your anatomy and feed it to you. You can prevent this by telling me where i can find Dansuk. You know where he is. Tell me!"

"He goes by the name Tejkul. He's a member of the Blonde Veal club. Please don't kill us."

Passler knelt down and held up the punk's head. He took his hands off him.

"Don't call anyone who needs to know. Or I'll send a bright light to burn the skin off your bones."

Passler then got on his bike and rode off. A few streets later and Passler caught a glimpse of an alleyway awashed with blue light, like a spaceship had just landed in someone's backyard. He pulled up and paced himself up towards the bar. He stood in the shadows as he saw two cops confronting the two bouncers in front of the flat, industrial doors.

"Hey buddy, just take it easy. Said one of the bouncers to one of the cops."

"Hey, I'm not your buddy, alright. We've had another missing persons report come in. Another kid gone missing from around this area. Last seen frequenting your club."

"No way. No one inside under twenty one," said a bouncer.

"Guy was twenty three. That's still pretty fucking young in my book," said a cop."

"Got a search warrant?"

"No. I don't have a search warrant."

"Can't let you in without a search warrant."

The cops looked at each other.

"I'll be back," said one of the cops as he pointed his finger to one of the bouncers.

The cops then walked away.

"Just park the car round the back next time and not through our front entrance, yeah?"

"Fucking pig," one bouncer said under his breath.

A cop turned round.

"What d'ya say?" the cop said

The other cop grabbed his arm

"Leave it Gus," he said.

The other cop never laid his eyes off the bouncers until he reached his car. As the cruiser drove away, Passler approached the bouncers. He stood in front of them with his hands in his pockets, his glasses on which concealed his deadening eyes. His grin was wide and pearly.

"Do I qualify?" Passler said

"You have a membership card?" said one of the bouncers.

"Not yet," Passler said

"No card, no service fucko," the bouncer said.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Passler said

In a flash, he had clutched onto the bouncers arm and hugged his palm onto his face. He pushed his fingers deep through his eyes to get a better grip. He then pressed him against the wall choked him out with two well placed thumbs. After letting go, the bouncer then lay slumped against the entrance, his sockets were hollow and a white yoke flowed from them. Passler then turned to the other bouncer.

"Don't know why i'm sorry. I just am." Passler said.

The bouncer went with a knife at Passler. He grabbed hold of him and tussled. Passler got him into a rear naked choke and lowered him gently onto the floor, stealing a kiss in the process. Done with his work, Passler stepped inside. The interior gateway was garishly illuminated in blue. Decorating the walls were depictions of Adonis couples plunging whatever anatomy they could into each other. The floor was a black and white triangular pattern. The music was roaring louder with each step. Bursting open the padded doors, Passler saw over an energetically lit car factory which had been converted into a strip club. A mosh pt orgy was in the centre of the room. Two oiled performers were rimming each other on a spotlit stage above. A guy in a more traditional looking biker outfit came up to him and immediately started fondling his crotch.

"Tejkul. Where can i find him?" Said Passler

"He's over there by the bar watching the show. He's got green hair and some real daddy issues. Careful round him, i heard he's dangerous."

"Just my type."

Passler paced towards Dansuk.

"It's your funeral."

The man then disappeared into the orgy. Passler walked up to Dansuk. He indeed had dyed green hair. It was spiky, like the grin on his face. He had a shot glass in one hand whilst he fondled his set with the other.

"That's disgusting!" he yelled towards the performers.

Dansuk dragged his eyes towards Passler who was now blocking out the tungsten sun.

"You look too young." Passler said

"You look too poor." Dansuk said

"I assure you I am rich in many ways."

Passler unzipped his leather pants and took out his huge member for display. Dansuk's eyes widened, but he quickly turned away, giving Passler a piercing look which suggested grave malice and unbridled rage.

"How's that for a trophy?" Passler said

"That would look fun mounted on my wall," Dansuk said as he finished his glass.

"You ain't got a card have ya elephant man?"

"I was looking at getting one." Said Passler

"It's ok. We'll take the stage exit. I use it often," said Dansuk as he put on his jacket. They left out the back.

Dansuk and Passler were now in a gold plated elevator. Dansuk pressed the button. He stood back. Passler then immediately started unbuckling Dasnuk's trousers.

"I like your thinking. I am on the top floor after all. We have a while to get to know each other," said Dansuk

Passler turned the green haired satyr around to face the corner of the elevator. Now with an exposed legs and ass, Passler grabbed hold of Dansuk's thighs and pressed his cock in between his legs. The size felt between his thighs immensely excited him. He closed his eyes and gasped. Passler fucked Dansuk's thighs as Dansuk held onto the elevator walls for support. Looking down, Dansuk saw the massive member poking in and out between his legs. He also felt Passler's furry crotch smack against his smooth ass. He was not used to being sub, but the perfection of Passler's technique was too much to resist. Dansuk became erect and his dick bounced back and forth with a stimulating degree of velocity. His whole body rocked to Passler's beat and was hot all over. Passler came a puddle upon the corner of the elevator. Dansuk stomped his feet and gritted his teeth.

"You came without me!" Dansuk said

Dansuk looked down at his swollen red cock. It itches too much. Dansuk knelt and rubbed his dick furiously with both hands, wanting desperately to match Passler's load. A few jets of jizz splat into the corner, merging with the puddle already there. The volume was inferior and Dansuk screeched.

"You bastard! I'll make you pay for that!" said Dansuk.

The elevator had reached the top floor. Dansuk grabbed Passler by the arm and tried to rush out of the elevator once the doors opened, but Passler did not move an inch bar a ruffling on his coat where Dansuk had his head grasped. Dansuk almost carried himself off of his own feet. He then turned round sternly towards Passler.

"You wanna fuck, don't you?" Dansuk said

"Sure, why not," said Passler

Passler followed an irate Dansuk to his apartment. Dansuk opened the door. Passler entered the apartment. Dansuk slammed the door shut and stormed up to Passler.

"What do you want?" said Dansuk

"I wanna know where your father lives."

"How am I meant to know? I never see him."

"Try harder or you can say goodbye to this monster cock of mine."

"Ok, ok! He lives at 26 district avenue."

"Just like that?"

"Like he gives a fuck about me."

Dansuk then grinned.

"You're gonna kill him."

"Heh," Passler said as he smirked.

Dansuk then smirked back and dragged Passler over to the bedroom. Passler laid on the bed. Dansuk wrapped his thighs around Passler's cock and pushed his round tush up and down as he thighfucked Passler. Passler took more control and grabbed Dansuk by the ribs. Dansuk's legs tightened their grip. Dansuk rubbed with great intensity and he made Passler cum. The hot cum ran from Passler's cock down to Dansuk's thighs, pooling the fluid around the space where his dick and his thighs kissed. Dansuk sucked upon Passler till he was hard again and sat down slowly onto his cock, feeling every inch that his ass swallowed. He rode it hard whilst jerking himself. Nearing orgasm, Dansuk slowed his thrusts to focus upon his jacking. Passler knew Dansuk was about to cum, so he sneakily machine thrusted his dick into him and shot a stream of jizz deep into his intestines. Dansuk felt the warm discharge deeply and came an equal amount onto his face and chest. Dansuk licked it off and sucked on each of Passler's lips before turning over and falling asleep, still coated in his own cum. Passler dressed up and made his way out of the apartment.

Passler arrived at 26 District avenue at the dead of night. He pulled up his bike and scaled the wall. Landing the other side, he was confronted by barking. An Alsatian sprinted towards Passler and lunged for his throat. Passler grabbed both the roof and gullet of the animal's mouth and snapped open its mouth. Writhing around on the wet grass, Passler put the creature out of its misery by thrusting his foot down upon its neck, crushing it. Pacing up the garden, Passler sets off the burglar alarm by throwing a lawn chair through the patio window. He takes out his hunting knife. He hears rumbling coming from upstairs. He goes up the stairs, his boots thudding against the wood panels.

He turns to the first floor hallway when Kochise lunged out at him in his red felt dressing gown, swinging a tire iron. Passler socked Kochise in the jaw, which knocked him back against the wall. Meticulously, he aimed his shots at Kochise's gut and face. Tired of the tussle, Passler grabbed Kochise and sent him flying out of the first floor through a window onto the patio below. Passler looked outside and saw a bloody mess. Kochise was cut all over from the glass. He pointed his finger at Passler and it then faintly dropped soon after. Passler scratched his stubble and then heard sirens in the background. He ran back down the garden to his bike and drove off.

"Next guy is Tao. Head of our division and got fat off of everything we did. He turned in a C.I.A desk job to be a lobbyist for some weapons manufacturer, then went back to hibernate after the shit hit the fan in Africa. This kill must be more public than the last, preferably."

Chapter 8

October 3rd

"Thanks to school, for the rest of my life, whenever I hear chatter behind me, I will expect some violence soon after. Not that any has happened so far, just the tension that's all. The rest of the class behind me, talking about normie plebe shit that only fills ten minutes or so of time before they die. Not that their time will come today, it's just my way of saying that they waste time without conscience. It's sickening. If they had to see the world the way i'm forced to see it, they would be a bit more focused and realise that who you are in this place defines who you are for the rest of your life. This is way more true now in the age of the algorithm. Database till you die.

I will inform Caleb of the plan's progression today. Getting the ingredients is an adventure in itself. I know where we'll plant the bombs. A few under the rafters during the big game coming in a month. Team Chad have won every game this season. So the finals coming here are a cert. It just depends on how many classes will be let off to give the old hometown support. Not like this shithole has had any calls to fame in recent years. It will be a big deal to all the normies round here."

Passler was at a payphone regathering his men. He said the codename into the receiver.


Passler then hung up. The payphone then rang. Passler picked it up.

"Long time Passler," said a stern female caller


"Man, it has been too long hasn't it? You probably forgot you still owe me a drink what with you going psycho on us and all."

"I just saw the light."

"Oh yeah, many times, burning bright. You had the highest confirmed kill count in Iraq and that's still the case to this day. Of course it's not officially the highest cause we don't count the bodies of non-insurgents, but you killed enough, that's for sure."

"What do you want from me?"

"I heard what you did to Roy. Not a smart move there partner. He was my mentor and like a father to me, now i'm gonna have to stomp your guts out. Of course, my duty comes first above all, unlike some TRAITORS i happen to know, so if you turn yourself in, i'll cool off on ya."

"What have you been doing in Africa for the past five years?"

"Killing chinks. Killing nigs. Protecting key strategic locations like all good boys and girls should do. Matching your body count while i do it too. And them some."

"I killed because fate determined that I should..."

"No you didn't."

"I did "

"You killed cause it was easier for you than to talk to others and make friends. Get the fuck off the field and into a cozy desk job, like normal people with grades as high as yours do. Now your TFG and it's all gonna end in tears. Not mine, mind you. But i know some top brass and even a few senators too who would be sleeping a helluva lot easier if they had you playing tooth fairy to their every whim and concern. Killing for you was one hundred percent YOUR choice! If you cared so fucking much about the bodies you buried in the sand along with Saddam, you would've not pulled the trigger, given the order, taken hold of that million dollar equipment. Hell, you could've deserted. Fuck, you could have left after your first tour. But you went back, because this is what you do best. This is all you can do!"

"So with you. You are just like me."

"Nah, you're just sick. That's why we used you after all."

"Are you gonna try and take me in and join Roy in hell?"

"You gotta realise that what we did had to be done."

"Do i? Remember when you ran into that church and drank all the holy water? Did you have to do that?"

"Yeah that was awesome. Remember when you put that dog in the school vents?"

"It died, didn't it? I ended up in a Catholic reform school"

"Oh, so that's where you found your penchant for anal sex?"

"Do i qualify for anal sex?"

"Well, you wear leather all the time. It's an obvious giveaway. You fucking fag. What, am i wrong? Are you not a fucking psycho?"

"It took seventy three marshals to take your uncle down, didn't it?"

The phone was silent.

"Seventy four"

"I read somewhere the most chronic mental illnesses are hereditary."

"I stand by my convictions and I prevail"

"Even when it guns down an entire mosque?"

"It was a synagogue you idiot!"

Jessica hung up the phone. Passler put down the receiver. Immediately after he did, the phone rang. Passler picked it up again.

"You are one miserable, sanctimonious scum fucker, you know that?! No matter what you think, you are responsible for what you are feeling right now."

"And may all your atrocities remain private."

"You fucking scumbag. They should've lobotomised you on day one. Where does all the taxpayer money go? What's all my money doing up there?"

Jessica started cackling maniacally

"When you become too shameful and they put you away, get my cell. It's the best heated."

Passler hung the phone up on the receiver. He exited the booth and got back on his bike.

Caleb and Leif were once again in the doghouse and within the possession of the Hathaways. They were tending to the assholes of Miss Hathaway and her daughter Tammy for now what seemed to be well over an hour. Their tongues were numb and the women were uncaring, nonchalantly tending to other things as the boys gave a thousand licks to their sphincters. Tammy was texting friends as she knelt on a chair and arched over a desk as Leif tended to her in nothing but a T-shirt while Hathaway was marking papers while Caleb laid on a harness and poked his face through a secret compartment Hathaway had in her desk chair.
