Found Pt. 03


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Beth smiles, "Maybe your house conspires to help you?"

I am less confident now, and it's easy for Beth to pick up on my thoughts, "I fear to ask this question, why are you here?"

Beth has a smile on her face, "It depends on how you answer my questions."

She has piqued my interest, "Ok, ask away."

Beth seems curious, "Why did you leave Jenny, Phoebe and your mom on the island? Did you really abandon them?"

I had to laugh at her, which confused her.

My tone turns serious now, "Did they mention that a helicopter landed on the outside of the resort?" No. "Well, that was for me." Beth has a look of horror and astonishment on her face. No faking that. "That night, I slept under an umbrella. Phoebe came to see me. She was furious. She punched me and kicked me while on the ground. She was angry with me and hit me hard enough to break six ribs. Security found me an hour later in a pool of blood, fighting for my life. They life-flighted me to the hospital.

"I was in the ER and then the operating room for eighteen hours. When I stabilized, they put me on my plane and sent me to New York. I woke up in a hospital in New York. I spent two weeks in the hospital, four weeks in bed, and then two weeks restricted to the house. I have not talked about it with anyone. Don and Anthony don't know what happened. Since then, I have been hunting killer sharks and climbed two mountains."

Beth is astonished, she asks, "Why?"

I can't look at her, and I say, "It was something to do. I needed to be distracted."

Beth guessed well, "Those sound-like dangerous hobbies."

I don't answer. Lucky for me, one of my best friends is around to answer for me. I need to fire him.

Anthony answers Beth's question for me, "They are dangerous things to do. Things that quite likely will kill you. It's also why a cute little girl gets an address to a house. The people of this house hope the cute girl can help."

I hear Anthony walk away. He has done enough damage.

I know it will fail, but I try, "Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?"

Beth is in tears, she asks a simple question, "Why?"

Now I am near tears, "My whole life, women have broken my heart, starting with my mother. I try to avoid women, and then I run into The Twenty. I'm cursed. I need relief. I can't get it in this life."

Beth counters, "Jenny loves you."

I spit, "She's dead to me. I caught her sleeping with another guy. She was naked in a sheet; she doesn't love me. At the resort, before everything happened, she asked to have sex with other men. How do you think that made me feel?"

Beth tries to reason with me, "She didn't know what Phoebe did. Phoebe didn't know what Phoebe did. Then you abandon them. That's how they see it and then you don't return phone calls. Is she supposed to die without you at her side?"

I say in a hushed voice, "I wish her and Phoebe all the happiness in the world. Phoebe gets all my money when I go. She should be happy."

Beth is mad at me now, "You asshole, they don't want your money, they want you. They both love you very much. Why the hell do you think I'm here?"

I solemnly ask, "Why are you here?"

Beth is back to tears again, "Because I love you too. As soon as you walked into our group, with all of us scared and defenseless, I knew I was in love with you. It was soon obvious that you loved Jenny. I got that one night. I still cherish it. Deep down, I hoped it wouldn't work out. Then I'd have a shot at you. The way your acting, though, you're in love. You won't look or touch me. You're still deeply in love. Why deny it?"

I scoff at Beth, "Our relationship started because of a near tragedy. That's the worst reason to start dating. Then I stop a sexual assault and dazzle her with money. Any woman would have fallen in love with me. Our love wasn't real, the proof was finding her in bed with another guy. Didn't take her long to get over me."

Beth is near tears again; I am putting her through a roller coaster this morning. I feel sorry for her.

Beth tries to reason with me, "Ok, you hate Phoebe, Jenny, me, the whole Twenty. I get it. Why new hobbies?"

I have nothing left; I am almost whispering, "I can't. I give up. The pain is unbearable. I need relief."

Beth smiles a little, "Then give yourself to me. I can make you feel good, and the pain will go away."

I am not falling for her trap, "Are you not listening? You like me because of the traumatic event, as well. You ask all the others, I bet you all of them would jump at a chance to be with me. Go back to a month before that trip, do any of you give me the time of day? No, and you know it is true. It took my own sister how many hours to recognize me? I remembered her instantly. We're done. There is no going back."

Beth looks sad, "I feel sorry for you. I wish you'd have missed us, and we all perished out in the open field. We didn't, and now we must live seeing the pain in Phoebe and Jenny's face in every class we share. It's heartbreaking. I thought you of all people would want to save someone. It turns out you are the one that needs saving. I came out here to plead with you. I offer everything I own, including my body, to help get you all back together. If I am not enough, then more are coming to help save you from making the biggest mistake of your life."

The doorbell rings.

Beth announces, "It's Michelle and Jane."

Anthony answers the door, he allows them inside. He finds me and announces their arrival.

I call out to Anthony, "Wait a second."

I ask Beth, "Plane, train, or bus for the rest?"

She answers, "All three."

I stand up and walk to Beth, I turn her head, nothing. I turn it the other way, an electric device is in her ear, a small one. One exactly like my house uses. Open rebellion.

I tell Anthony, "Keep one of them and work out picking the others up at the airport, bus terminal, and train station. If my limo is busy, send another limo for them. They have trouble walking, I can't let them loose on this city. Have the staff prepare for an extended siege."

Anthony asks, "Will there be eighteen or twenty?"

I laugh at him, "You tell me. You planned this party. I want to go to Miami right now, have the plane ready in an hour."

Anthony looks worried, "Sorry, it's in for repairs."

I look him straight in the eyes, "Make sure the limo picks them up. I want you driving it."

I go back to my guests and give them big hugs. It's been a while since I have seen them.

I tell Beth, "Sara has a lot to do, I'm going to help in the kitchen."

Beth follows me into the kitchen.

I tell Beth, "I don't need your help, go enjoy my liquor cabinet, great stuff in there."

Beth looks sorry for me, "No can do. You are on suicide watch. One of us will always be attached to you. We are not letting you run out on us again."

I look at Beth, "Run out on you? I was beaten and left for dead. I'm found in a pool of blood. It takes me eight weeks to recover physically. My girlfriend asks me if it's ok to fuck other men. Don't even get me started on my parents and my friends from school."

I hug Beth as I cry, "How much more must I endure? How do I stop the pain?"

Beth holds me, "Some of the girls spent their last pennies to get here and had no spending money left for food on the way here. The rest of us pitched in where we could. There are twenty women here or on the way, offering whatever they have, to make you happy. Let us help you."

I hold her hard, "I can't. I still love her, that's why it hurts. I still picture her in the doorway covered in a sheet as they took her boyfriend from her room. You have no idea the pain that I endure. I wasn't good enough for her. I haven't been good enough for the others as well. I wish you wouldn't have come."

Beth holds me hard; I feel her tears falling on my neck and shoulders.

Beth whispers in my ear, "I came to save you. I want you. I know you don't love me. I still must save you. It's what women in love do."

She kisses me on the lips.

I ask Beth, "You all should be with your families. You need to be with your families on Christmas. They will all miss you terribly. Each of you is special. Your families must be devastated."

Beth is smiling, obviously happy with herself, "We all called as we are on our way here to tell our parents where and why. Not one had an issue with what we were doing. Sad yes, but they understand and support us."

I complain, "I'm still a stranger to most of you. I spent only three days and a fantastic evening with all of you." I shake my head; I see the resolve in her face and the others in the kitchen. "What do I do with twenty women in late December?"

Beth laughs in my face, "Duh, you take us shopping!"

Taking charge now, I tell my staff we need a meeting. Twelve girls follow me to the living room, and two more show up. Patty and Penny get hugs. Sara, Don, Anthony, and Bill (my accountant and head of the house) are there.

I announce to my staff, "Tomorrow is the day before Christmas Eve. I'm going to ask for a Christmas miracle from all of you. It's not fair of me to ask this of you, but I will. You are free to get extra resources as needed to make this happen. You will interview each girl to get their sizes and contact information for their families. I want every family here for Christmas Eve and hotel rooms for them. I want a hall, room, restaurant, or something where we can all eat together Christmas Eve and Christmas day. We need a photographer if possible."

I hear lots of crying.

I continue, "Tomorrow I want a tour bus or, if possible, a London double-decker bus, so we can go shopping. I want a lot more security. If they shop in pairs, we need at least eight more and two more to watch the bus. I need twenty envelopes of $5,000 in cash. Today I need an appointment at a salon for twenty and an appointment at Martha's on 20th street. Just tell her it's me; she will fit us in. Oh, distribute to each of the women a list of each other sizes. You don't have to buy clothes, but you can. Buy each other something and something for each member in your family that is coming. If you have money left over, spend it on yourself, or keep it."

Now speaking to my staff, "Bill, you will have their sizes soon, I want twenty bright hot pink shirts made up that say, 'The 20' on front and their last name on the back top like a jersey. In fact, make them jerseys, that will look cool, and we'll spot each other easily. Better for security as well. We need a dinner reservation for twenty, plus ten security, and me. Anywhere that can fit us in. Terry's is my preference. Thank you."

Beth is the first to hug me. Tears are flowing down her face, she can't speak. She is trying to mumble something. Three more girls show up, they flew in together. I greet them at the front door. I then excuse myself and walk to my study. I write a set of very detailed instructions. I fold the paper twice and seek Anthony.

I hand Anthony the hand-written instructions.

I whisper to Anthony, "I want you to do this personally. Keep your mouth shut. Any questions?"

Anthony stood his place, unable to speak. I have, for the first time in my life, truly surprised him. I get back to my guests.

They are all trying to help with lunch. Many have not eaten in a while. Samantha and Anita just showed up, eighteen are here now. I dread the next doorbell that rings. The house is noisy. It's a huge house, but with so many people all talking and hugging, it's loud. I like it. Sara and Don have so much help, they are in the way. I notice that the pantry and refrigerator are stuffed with food. My staff is way ahead of me, as usual.

Bill announces, "Salon in an hour, in thirty minutes, you need to be on the bus."

The doorbell rings. The house is silent, I am frozen in place. Anthony moves towards the door. I motion for him to stop. I need to do this. Every eye is on me. I slowly walk forward and open my front door. Standing in front of me are two terrified and shivering girls. They look at me with fear in their eyes like I have a sword in my hand to execute them.

I am not smiling. I am not frowning. I am void of all feelings. I step forward, and in a kind gesture, I give each a quick hug, turn around, walk inside, hold the door open, and motion for them to come inside. The girls are happy to see them. They didn't know what the eighteen had planned, they are quite surprised to see everyone here.

I give each a hand, they grasp it, and they're trembling. I pull them along and into the kitchen.

I say to Sara, "This is Jenny and Phoebe, they need to eat, and in twenty-five minutes we leave for a salon to get everyone's hair done. Everyone needs to be quick."

I release their hands and leave for the living room.

Bill stops me, "They only have twelve stylists. Some of the girls have simple hairstyles. They can do pedicures while waiting to get their hair done."

At thirty minutes, I call out to start loading. In front of the house is a replica London two-level red bus. They all run to get on the bus and up to the top level. This bus has a transparent, shield-like device to deflect the wind over the bus while driving. I sit below. Within ten minutes, they are all below as well, it is too cold to be up top while zipping along on the roads.

We pull up in front of a large building, Martha's. Martha herself comes out to greet me. I dated her daughter for a while. Her mother never forgave her daughter for sleeping with my friend. She liked me a lot.

Martha has ten sales associates with her. She is a guided missile and is locked in on me. Beth lets go of me as she gets closer. She gave me a fierce hug and has tears in her eyes. She whispers in my ear, "I know everything. I will take good care of your group."

She pulls away from me, wipes the tears from her eyes and says to the group, "I have ten sales associates, there are twenty of you. They will pick you out and find you two outfits, one for Christmas Eve, a formal dress, and something less formal for Christmas Day. Don't bother looking for price tags, I don't use any. Trust me, I am a fair woman and love that man as much as most of you.

"Your consultant will help assist picking out a dress, then we will go in the backroom, change into the dress, and then go to the mirrors so you, Steve, and I can see it. I will give you an honest answer. You can't trust men."

Beth speaks up, "Actually, there is a way." OH, FUCK NO! "Jenny went to a shop in Miami where they stripped Steve and then watched his cock to see if he liked the dress or not. They also changed dresses on stage. Most dresses don't need panties or bras." Now she is bashful. "The associates also touched Jenny's body as they helped her dress and undress. Often brushing her nipples and pussy lips." She is blushing now.

Martha is quite happy, "That's called Full Service. I don't know if my girls can do that."

Ten sales associates cough, one spoke, "Oh, I think for these girls we can manage. That room gets a lot more use than you think." Ten sales associates giggle.

Martha laughs at her girls, "I am taking stud here in the back and will prepare him. You may come in when ready. Give me at least ten minutes."

I am sure I turned red from blushing. I am led to the backroom, stripped, and then sat on a couch. Martha sits on the floor in front of me. I try to object but, she beat me to it.

Martha, "Oh shut up. I know. I always thought you were cute and sweet. My daughter still hasn't found the right guy, and now she admits it was a big mistake sleeping with your friend. I'm sorry. With a cock like you have, she was a fool."

She leans forward and takes me all the way down her throat in one take. She moves her tongue around my shaft, and it feels terrific. She pulls off for a few breaths then is back down with nose in my pubes. Her tongue is ravaging my cock. I shoot a rope down her throat; she pulls up and swallows four more full ropes. She has a killer smile as she swallows my cum.

I sit there amazed, nobody deep throats me and certainly not so quickly.

Martha sheepishly says, "My husband's cock used to be bigger than yours. His weight and age have had their effects. Thank you for that. We both needed that, and now you can help judge. You were so hard you would have thought them all perfect 10's."

It takes fifteen minutes before the first two show up. In a few minutes, half of the girls are waiting in line. Phoebe and Jenny are first. Of course. Phoebe pushes Jenny aside to step up on the platform. She stands there, unmoving. Her sales associate catches on and helps her undress. Phoebe's arms go straight up, and then with assistance, off goes her blouse. The lady smiles as she unbuttons and unzips the jeans. She steps behind and pulls down the tight jeans, Phoebe steps out of them. Her eyes are glued to me. My cock is coming back to life slowly, she has no expression on her face.

The sales lady gets the dress, Phoebe shakes her head no. She reaches for the dress again, I hear Phoebe whisper, no. The lady suddenly catches on, she has a smile on her face. She cups Phoebe's breasts and runs her hands up her chest and then across her shoulders to her arms. As her hands go down her arms, she catches the bra straps and pulls them down. Phoebe pulls her arms out. The lady surprises Phoebe by pushing her chest forward while holding her hip in place with her other arm.

This forcefully bends Phoebe at the waist, her eyes are still on me as is a smile for what is to come. I have no clue, she obviously does. The lady's hands are hidden, she is unclasping the bra. When finished, the bra drops to the floor, and the breasts swing forward. My cock is hard as steel now. Like a playground swing, they sway forward and backward. Each swing lessens the distance until they are still. She stands up with a smile. Martha and I both moan.

The lady now slowly inches Phoebe's panties down. She is clean-shaven and steps out of her panties. Her eyes are still on me, boring into my skull. A dress is brought over, and she puts it on. Breasts are touched and fondled in helping to adjust the new clothing. Huge cleavage. The dress goes lower than the knees. The lady takes a hand, lifts it, and has Phoebe spin in place. The dress is so light it goes straight out, giving me an unobstructed view of her pussy.

Martha comments, "I had no idea that dress can do that."

The lady asks me, "You like?"

Jenny yells out, "Cock doesn't lie!"

I can't even see her. All the girls giggle. The lady unzips the dress, and it slides off her body and unto the floor. The lady is behind Phoebe, she uses one hand to reach around and puts three fingers in Phoebe who moans. That hand guides Phoebe to the right as the dress is removed to the left and hung up. The lady gets the second dress. It is much more casual. A long skirt and a simple white blouse that again shows lots of cleavage.

The lady puts her hands on the inside of the skirt. She makes Phoebe step into it, and she raises it up. She did something with her hands underneath the skirt because Phoebe's eyes bug out of her head. Her eyes are still on me and only me. The blouse went on smoothly, the adjusting of the breasts requires a lot of adjusting. It got cock approval. She moved to the side, stripped, and put her original clothes on.

The garments are placed in a box with her name written with a marker.

Martha leans over to me and whispers in my ear, "I'll deliver the boxes to your house. You have a dinner to attend."

Jenny is now up on the stage; I am no longer hard. Martha holds me tighter; her hands are on mine. Jenny slowly removes her clothes; she is teasing me. I start to harden, and that brings back good memories. She is swaying her hips, batting her eyelashes at me, and partially removing a shirt, then covering then removing, nope, back up and then off. She repeats the performance for each piece of clothing. She never once looks at me. I notice that she has lost weight. She doesn't look healthy.