Four Inches


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"You mean to tell me this is the first time you've ever eaten a pussy? Twelve doesn't count." She was starting to get her breathing back to normal. "Christ on a crutch! Michele's good," She colored prettily, then went on, "But that was unbelievable. And you didn't even hit my G spot." She saw the confused look on my face. "You don't know what that is? After I teach you I might as well make out a last will and testament. Got to love enthusiasm."

I heard, "After I teach you." Shit, I haven't screwed it up yet!

We stood up, and Kristi pulled the blanket and spread the rest of the way off.

"We won't need those. Lie down, I gotta go pee."

I jumped onto the bed, and lay on a pillow with my hands behind my head. Yep, I was feeling better than I ever had, and Kristi was telling me she wanted more. Life was good.

Kristi had left the door to the bath open, and I could hear her sigh as water hit water. If Mr. Stiffy wasn't still so hard, that might not have been a bad idea, but I didn't think I could get a flow going.

Kristi came back to the bed and slid on next to me. I could see her staring at Mr. Stiffy.

"Does that thing ever go soft?" she asked.

"His name is Mr. Stiffy", I said. She arched an eyebrow at me. "Well, all these years it's just been the two of us, I had to call him something."

"I see", she said. "Well, I hope Mr. Stiffy is up for a ride. Because you're not leaving until that flagpole has been inside me."

I rolled over, and kissed her as passionately as I knew how. Kristi started coaching.

"Not so hard, just let it flow. Take your time, we're not going anywhere. Ouch! A tongue is tender.

That's right, just nibble. Don't be afraid to pinch. You'll know if it's too much. Let me see your fingers." Kristi sucked them into her mouth, and let them get good and wet, guided them to her clit. "Now rub." It was comfortable, and good.

After a time of this, she pulled her mouth from mine. Grabbing soldier Stiffy, she cocked her head at me and said, "It's time." She leaned down, and slid me into her mouth. I could see spit dribbling down the shaft. She spread it with her tongue, slowly bobbing her head.

Kristi sat up and threw a leg over me. She was smiling, and now I knew what people meant by seeing lust in someone's eyes. Those blue-gray eyes.

"I've never been near anything this big, well, I haven't had many, but you know what I mean; so I'm going to start on top to make sure everything gets going OK."

My breath caught in my throat, Mr. Stiffy was painfully erect. Here it was, the moment of truth; a beautiful woman wanted me. Was going to have me, and I her. I hoped Kristi could see the lust in my eyes. I wanted her more than life itself.

Kristi gently took my cock in her hand, held it up and centered herself. With a gaze centered on the next galaxy, she began to lower herself down.

"AAHHhhh", we both sighed, as the crown began to spread her inner lips. She paused, then went a little lower. Lower still.

"Oh, fuck me," she whispered. She shifted a bit, to change the angle. Lower still. I pulled a pillow under my head and shoulders so I could see better.

Mr. Stiffy was half way in, and the feeling was tight firmness, slowly opening and giving way. Heat, moisture. I could see Kristi's juices running down my dick. She raised up a little, then pushed down again. Six inches in, almost there. Kristi did it again, and almost gone.

My eyes were crossing, sounds were leaking from both of us. "Oh, good, soo good. Hmm."

Kristi stopped, looked down at me, her gaze returning to here and now. "Never been so deep, so full. So damn stretched. Never been So Good!"

She rose, paused, and dropped. Her pussy was on a mission, and it would not be denied. She squeaked again as she bottomed out against my pubic bone. Now she was the tea kettle, leaking steam. Then she began to move.

I thought I was going to die. I was in Heaven. Figuratively, and literally. The sensations being reported by Mr. Stiffy were incredible, unbelievable. He had never been so happy.

Kristi was rocking on my cock, making little circular motions, with a lift in the middle. The steam leak got louder, more continuous. More juice was flowing from her, and where we met was soaked.

Her eyes, glorious eyes, locked onto mine, and the motion changed. Kristi started to rise higher, move faster. There was a slap as she hit bottom. She leaned forward, bracing her arms with her hands on my shoulders, and her ass began to speed up and down my pole. Her gaze was back on the Magellanic Clouds.

Kristi collapsed on me, her tits squashed against the top of my chest. Her mouth mashed against mine. Tongues fought and danced. Her hands cupped my head, stroked my hair. My hands cupped her ass cheeks, helping to keep the rhythm, pulling her down, harder and harder.

She broke the kiss, eyes closed, breath coming in ragged gasps. "Now!" she screamed. "Fuck me now!"

I grabbed her ass as her legs locked around mine, her arms locked around my shoulders, and we rolled. It would have been perfect, except we each went the opposite way. Eyes popped open, laughter ensued, then we did roll, and I was on top.

My hands slid up and forced her legs up, until her thighs were mashed against her breasts. I gathered my knees under me. And then I began to fuck Kristi. Long strokes, guided by little more than instinct. I took a clue from her, and began to include circular motions as I stroked in and out. Ah, I thought, screwing!

"Oh God, baby, Ken, that's it. Just like that. Oh, faster. Yeah, So Good. Go a little harder, fuck me, I won't break."

I did my best to obey, speeding up, slamming into her, the bed shaking and pounding the wall. Then I changed it up, going to rapid short strokes, barely moving out, circling again, before crashing back in. She was shaking, squeaking, gasping. Her eyes were rolling to the back of her head, her hair was flying side to side as her head rolled. Her hips were pumping up into mine. I had never seen or felt anything like it.

Mr. Stiffy reported that he was about to be very happy again. I reorganized my legs, and went back to long, powerful strokes as I held Kristi's legs up in the air. Her tits didn't flop so much as describe little controlled circles on her chest. I was mesmerized.

"Oh, oh Ken. Love Mr. Stiffy. So good. So DEEP! Can't stop cumming. Don't make me stop!"

"Babe, I'm going to cum soon, Where, where do..."

"It's OK, all good. Pill. Fill me. Fuck me. Pound me. I want, I want it..."

I was pounding her into the bed, stroking the full length of my rod of steel. My toes and hands were all that touched the bed. My ass hurt from the force of my pounding. I couldn't believe how good it felt, how happy Mr. Stiffy felt. Sweat was running off me, onto Kristi, her body glistened with it mixed with her own.

I came with a bellow. I had never bellowed before. I thought the first time, in Kristi's mouth was powerful, intense. Now I knew what it meant. My cum hit the back of her cunt, hit and splashed. My cock was pounding into her cervix, and there was no room. I looked down, and her juices and my cum were rolling out of her, running down her ass, pooling on the sheets.

"OH FUCKINGHELLLLLL!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH FUCK ME. Dying! CUMMMMMINGGGGGG!!!!!!" Kristi was screaming, Not shaking so much as vibrating. Only the whites of her eyes were visible. Her arms and legs were locked around me, pulling her up off the bed.

I collapsed as I stopped spurting my seed into her. I couldn't move, except for jerks and twitches, in the aftermath of the most powerful climax I'd ever had.

Kristi was in the same state. Twitching, legs jerking where they were clamped around mine. Her face and tits were bright red, her breathing erratic, full of little squeaks and steam. I could see the color of her eyes again, a bright, deep blue. As I watched, they faded back to the ice blue of normality. A deep gasp, and her muscles loosened as reality returned.

"Hey Ken, you're not a virgin anymore," Kristi murmured. "Thank god; any more experience, I think you would have killed me."

She shifted under me, kissed me tenderly on the cheek. I kissed her back, no urgency, no need. The kiss of a satisfied man.

There was a knock at the door. We both jerked, and Mr. Stiffy, now sated, slipped out of Kristi's pussy, followed by even more mixed juices. The knocking came again, along with voices.

"Shit! Dave and Sandy." I rolled out of bed, grabbing the blanket from the floor. Kristi slid under the top sheet, pulling it over her breasts. There was a huge wet stain in the center of it, visible to any one who looked.

I answered the door, Dave, Sandy, Paul, Janine, and Kate all trooped in, giggling and laughing.

"What the fuck?" What's up with this? I was embarrassed, and not sure whether I should be mad at the intrusion, or glad to see friends who cared.

Sandy and and the girls were doing some sort of telepathy with Kristi, and they were all making eyes and laughing. The laughter of friends happy for each other.

"Hey man, thought maybe you'd like your stuff. So we thought we'd bring it by, you know, and make sure Kristi hadn't killed you yet. Kate said she heard someone screaming in here." Dave threw my kit onto a chair. Then he began to see the wreck of the room. "Shit guys, I guess you've got it under control, eh?" He fist bumped me

"That's a hell of a wet spot", said Paul.

Janine smacked his arm and snorted. "You wish you could make one that big!" She broke up in laughter again.

"Are you all right, Kristi? You look, well, good." Sandy was by the bed, touching Kristi, who was still breathing hard and blushing, on her shoulder, A gentle smile played on her lips.

"Oh, you have no idea! I'm so alright, I've never been more alright. I think I saw God!"

The girls broke up in howls of laughter, the guys turned red and looked every where but Kristi or me.

Paul set a bag on the desk, "They were closing up down there. Thought you might need something, so there's some beers and sodas if you want them."

Kate was eyeing the huge wet spot on the sheet, "I'm glad someone got some use out of the room."

I looked over at her curiously.

Kate grinned and sat on the foot of the bed, "I heard that Steph is in jail. She wrecked Steve's car, and when he got there, she kicked his balls off. He's in the hospital." She made sure she had Kristi's attention, and added, "He was so sure of a good thing, it seems the room is paid for two nights. In case anyone wants to know..."

Sandy waited for the gales of laughter to die down, then began hustling everyone out. As she paused at the door she looked at us over her shoulder and said, "I'm happy for the two of you. Be good to each other." As the door closed, we heard a shouted, "David! Take me to our room! I want a wet spot like that!"

I turned to the bed and Kristi. Damn, that was a huge spot. I let the blanket drop, and slid in under the sheet till I was cuddled up against her. "I don't know why those guys did all of this. Why Sandy and the girls set this, us up. I didn't know what they were planning, just that it was something."

Kristi rolled until an arm and a leg were laying across me, her knee gently letting Mr. Stiffy know he wasn't forgotten. Her breast was still burning a hole through me. Her lips nuzzled my neck.

"They did it because you are a good guy, a good man. I'm glad they did. Since," Kristi inhaled a breath, not looking at me, "that day, I've felt horrible. I was wrong. I know it, knew it then. In my mind, I kept trying to justify what I did to you, how I hurt you. And I realized, that it wasn't the first time for you. To be hurt that way. And the more I excused myself because of what other might think, seeing us together, with me being taller than you, the worse I felt. God, I couldn't stand to see myself in the mirror."

"Sandy must have talked to Michele, and she unloaded on me. Then, after her anger cooled, she started really speaking to me of her own hurts and experiences. You two should meet." Kristi raised up onto an elbow, and smiled down at me. "You could give her some pointers on eating pussy."

"The point is, I was at least as miserable as you, and by then I couldn't face you. I wouldn't have blamed you if you hated me, was afraid you did. When Kate started bugging me about the party, I was so depressed that I could barely go to classes, so she took pity on me. Told me what the girls were setting up."

"I didn't lie that day when I said I really liked you. From that first week in class, you fascinated me, and the more I got to know you, fascination began to turn to infatuation. I couldn't wait for you to ask me out. I hinted, I sent all the signals. I could not understand why you waited so long. Then, when you finally did ask me out, my eagerness suddenly twisted into fear. Fear that my friends wouldn't understand, and only see the difference in our heights. That I would be rejected." Her voice was soft, speaking to herself, "God, that must have hurt."

"When Sandy told me that you were an innocent, to be patient; I understood, really understood how lonely and painful your life must have been. My heart nearly burst. Yet you are still a good, caring man."

Now Kristi looked at me, her eyes fastened on my face, trying to read my soul.

"So today was my day of redemption, to make it right. I was happy, yet so damned scared that you would rebuff me. Now I know how truly wrong I was about everything. The look on your face, in your eyes, when you turned to me, gave me hope that it would be all right."

I didn't know what to say. Silence lingered. The truth fell out. "Kristi, from the moment I saw you, you excited me. I couldn't believe my luck when you got that first paper, and then the lunches, the discussions. You wanted to be with me. Then, a group of friends. But always you. You're smart, you make me laugh, and get my stupid jokes. So incredibly gorgeous, every bit and particle of you. Especially the parts of you I saw tonight. I could lose myself in your eyes alone for eternity, and count myself lucky. You are everything I ever dreamed of in a woman, and knew I could never have. I don't want tonight to ever end, because it can't be real, and I'll wake up alone. Tonight feels like the Dream within a Dream. Poe may not be the best inspiration..."

Kristi kissed me. I felt a tear fall on my cheek. She kissed it back off.

"Hold me. Love me. Make Love to me." The kisses resumed.

I lifted her leg, and slowly penetrated her. Our lovemaking was long, and gentle and passionate. We both cried through most of it. At the end we came together, quietly, two tea kettles giving off steam. She squeaked, just a little. Enough to let me know she was pleased.

Mr. Stiffy had never felt so loved.

The next twenty four hours we discovered each other, reveled in each other. We found that that bed was the perfect height to bend her over the edge and pound her from behind, which Kristi loved, or lay with her butt on the edge with her legs wrapped around me and leisurely pleasure each other, which I loved. Those gentle swirls Kristi's tits make fascinate me to this day.

We found that 69 only works with Kristi on top, because Mr. Stiffy does not do backwards. I discovered what a G spot is, and we ended up on the floor again. It took an hour of laughter to recover from that one. We tried and explored everything we could think of.

Michele had breakfast with us Sunday morning, after we left the room. Lord that girl is tall. When we met I stood on a chair in the lobby to hug her, and thank her. Michele thought it cute, Kristi was roaring. Michele told me that Kristi's bikini cost almost twenty six hundred dollars and so far there are only six in existence. And promised slow death if I told her.

I have four hundred ninety nine dates left to see if we are compatible.


It has almost been eight years since The Party. We have stayed in close contact with Sandy and Dave, and Kristi, Janine and Kate are still good friends. Janine and Paul broke up the next year, but Janine is engaged to a really great man named Dustin. Kristi loves pointing out the he is a couple inches shorter than her. Kate is having fun dating, and looks better than ever.

The Woman's hot-line must have heated up some, after The Party, because I started noticing girls paying more attention to me. I even had invites to some of the Greek events. Kristi and I went to a couple, and while fun, we had more fun discussing how the idiots were trying to separate us. The guys were all hitting on her, and the women were trying to confirm what I had in my pants. We agreed that we didn't need that crap. We had each other.

"You have the reservations made, honey?" Kristi asked me.

"Remember Squeaky, I told them to just book us for those dates every year. Room 427. The plane tickets are all set. I hear there may be a party happening at the hotel that weekend. Sandy and Dave are hoping to be there. We'll drop the kids off with Grandma and Grandpa on the way to the airport. "

Kristi squealed, "Cool! Skinny dipping!!!"

We were married three years later, just before we graduated on a beautiful Spring day. The date just happened to coincide with the date of The Party. We have a daughter, Kaylee, and a son, Kevin. Kaylee is three, and Kevin is one year old. Kristi is talking about maybe one more.

Kristi teaches American Literature at a small, nationally known private college near her parents home in Michigan, where she grew up, and is doing well. She published a "Juvenile" Science fiction/fantasy novel, and we are collaborating on a similar, more adult themed story. My nerd tendencies have rubbed off on her.

Me, I work from home, so location doesn't matter. I worked for large corporation for two years doing technical writing, but discovered I can make more money as an independent, and have a growing clientele. I also do a science and technology channel on the internet that is also growing, and starting to provide income. I also get to stay home and spoil the monsters.

When Kristi took me home to meet the family, I was a nervous wreck, she had the confidence of a Jedi Knight. We arrived, and though I was greeted warmly, I could tell there was a tension. I had seen the Look on her family's faces. So had Kristi.

Just before dinner that first night, Kristi excused herself, and took her parents and older brother into the kitchen. I could hear voices, but not what was said. Fifteen minutes later, they emerged. Kristi's mother's face was pink, and she gave me glowing smile. Her dad and brother gave me man hugs, which was awkward, because they were both approaching six feet in height.

Kerry, Kristi's brother said, "Dude, I'm jealous. Kristi's a lucky girl. You take care of my baby sister."

That night I asked her what she said to them.

"I told them the truth. That height didn't matter, because in bed, you have the four fucking inches that women dream about, and stand taller than most other men on the planet." Kristi then proceeded to make Mr. Stiffy very happy, and the whole house knew it.

I had never considered it that way.

Four Fucking Inches.

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redbaron172redbaron172about 1 year ago

Great story!!!! I dated a girl in high school who was very short, 5'1 to my 6'0, she love that I was so much taller than her, but her friends gave her a hard time saying we looked like Mutt and Jeff. We didn't stay together, but I often think of her, I didn't know about the hard time until I ran into her sister a year or so after we broke up. Despite it all she was a sweetheart. Same as your story, just a little reversed.... 5+++ stars. well done!!

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfunalmost 3 years ago

Really good story. Incredible, especially for a first effort. You're quite gifted. Just ignore the haters and keep writing!

AFoolRushesInAFoolRushesInalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Ok, for those people that are complaining about Ken's size. I never claimed a horse cock; in fact I state it is 7.5 inches. That would be the high side of average (to my hazy knowledge, I've never done a survey.) The point of the story was height. Think about it: picture a 6 foot dude with the stated size, versus a 5 foot guy hung the same way. Perspective and relative size comes into play. The same holds true for authors that put a six foot tall man with a petite 5'2" woman. Some things are anatomically difficult, because relative lengths of the torso's involved don't match. Hence the comment about 69. Somebody is cramped into a pretzel to make it work. Mr. Stiffy doesn't do backward. It may be easier for a taller man to make it work. I don't know.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

5 stars

Women love horse cock

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The description of Kristi is wonderful.

I love Sandy and her open-hearted cohorts.

Someone, below is complaining about amounts and exaggeration. His situation is so exaggeratedly bad that he will appreciate even small improvements and see them as huge.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The story was very plesant to read. For sure this is your first but already better than many other. I found it fresh. I like the introspection of the taller girl and her regret for the pain done. I also liked the friendship and effort done to help the two to meet. I do not understand the nqd comment about the beauty of the girl and the sex size. He is in love and therefore she is the prettiest! And when you a small, certainly having a big cock is important.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Meh. Too many mistakes. Too big of a cock. Too perfect female. Too many attempts at being cute with wordplay. Mr. Stiffy, really. He’s in college and uses that name.

“they both looked over at Kristi and I” They may have looked over at Kristi but I doubt they looked over at I.

I’m surprised that the references to underage sex made it past Laurel.

catamitecatamiteabout 3 years ago

Wonderful writing. Hot, sexy, compelling. Loved it and looking forward to many more

sexymeupsexymeupabout 3 years ago

to me the story was ok but like another comment was made, I too was bored by the hero having an oversized cock and the girl perfect in every way, too many writers writing using that in their stories, that make stories boring to read as it is same old shit over and over as with the guys cumming what seems like a gal of cum, get real no guy ever cums that much and sure as hell not going to cum that much on 2nd fuck right away. also, get at least two people to proofread for you, you made a lot of errors that take away from the story.

justwetwojustwetwoabout 3 years ago

Thank you for writing this. I enjoyed it but it was awkward. Maybe that was the point? The story had a scripted teen romantic comedy feel and I expected to see "Hijinks ensue".

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