Fourth Vector Ch. 15


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Jack then softened his tone as he looked around to each individual face in the room. "I know this message comes at quite the cost to this country, but I truly believe this is the right thing to do. Men were not created to be in shackles. Each man is entitled to his own life and to make his own choices. Let that happen in Andalucia now. Let's show these people that they have earned their lives, and they can have a chance to be free."

As soon as he stopped speaking, a small minority of the room burst out in uproarious applause. Others clapped more out of convention, unable to contain their disappointment. He didn't expect everyone to love the change, just for them to live with it.

Word in the city spread rapidly about the news, and just a couple hours later, the same degree of celebrations were taking place just as they had before the uprising. Once more, Jack listened to the sound of the city from outside the palace, relishing the thought of doing the right thing for the entire country.

He wasn't alone though. From behind him came Masud, his deputy with theBurlada. Masud approached his side and looked out to the city.

"They took your proclamation very well from what I can see, Your Majesty," said the older man while gesturing to the sounds emanating from the city.

Jack nodded. "I had hoped they would, but I was more worried about the clan chiefs."

"They will do as they're told. They might not like it very much, but I doubt any more of them have any thoughts of crossing you. You've made quite the impression on the leaders of this country, Your Majesty."

"We've fought long enough just to get to this point, Masud. I would have hated to see all those dead for no purpose. After all, I didn't come here to be king. I just wanted to rescue one woman."

Masud chuckled. "Love makes us do crazy things, doesn't it?"

Jack smiled but didn't answer.Do I love Kat? Is it possible to know for sure when I know so little about who she really is?

"Lots of things will change now. I'm willing to bet this country will be unrecognizable here in another six months," continued Masud.

"You'll have to keep me informed on the changes. I'll want to hear all about them."

Masud turned to look at him. "You're not staying?"

Jack shook his head. "I can't stay. I have my own mission to get back to."

"Your Majesty, the king never leaves Andalucia. It's never happened before. Your place is here with your people."

"Well, now is the time for change, Masud," said Jack with a small smile. "If you can get used to not having slaves, perhaps you can get used to not having me around every day?"

"Who will rule the country though, sire?"

"I'm thinking of appointing my own regent to act in my name while I'm away," he said while pointing back to the palace. "Someone who can take care of day-to-day decisions. Someone who I can trust. Do you think the clan chiefs would have a problem with that?"

Masud didn't take long to think about that before he answered. "As long as you're in charge, I don't think they would try anything. You've managed to cow a lot of them into submission. You deserve a lot of credit for that, Your Majesty. It doesn't happen here often."

Jack started to chuckle. "Maybe it will keep them from making trouble. Anyway who knows? With there about to be a lot more labor needed to fill the roles of the former slaves, perhaps they won't have much time for starting small, petty wars any more."

"You're a devious man, Your Majesty," said Masud with a heavy laugh.

Jack laughed alongside him. "I try, Masud. I try."

"Tell me, sire, what is to become of theBurlada? And theMuthada andNumratha for that matter? You are still technically our clan chief, as well as king. Traditionally, the king appoints a new clan chief to his former clan when he ascends to the throne. What are you to do with us?"

Jack patted the man's shoulder. "You'll find out tomorrow, Masud. I have big plans in store for you and theBurlada."

Masud looked back at him with a degree of confusion and a look that almost made Jack feel bad for leading the man on.

I'm sure he'll forgive me when he finds out what his fate will be in the morning, he thought to himself as he walked away.


The next morning, Jack sat at a small meeting table with the deputies for all the clans that still acknowledged him as clan chief. To his right sat Greg and to his left was Kat, both waiting for all the deputies to arrive and be seated. Inwardly, he had to wonder if they knew why they were here. Abel and Samir seemed to not have any notions of what was to come from this meeting, yet Masud gave him a knowing look. His nephews did as well. Jack imagined that he'd shared the information with them about his intent to leave Andalucia.

Once they had all seated themselves before him, Jack stood up to start the meeting.

"Thank you all for joining me," he said with a warm smile as he looked at each of them. "Of all the clans in Andalucia, you three represent those that are the closest to me. While at one time, we all found ourselves enemies to each other, now we find ourselves allies. And as my allies, I wanted to share this upcoming news with you first. I'm planning to leave Andalucia in a few days and continue on with a mission I have with my own government."

Predictably, the deputies from theBurlada didn't look at all surprised, confirming his earlier suspicions. However, Abel and Samir looked greatly confused and even somewhat distressed at his announcement.

Before they could voice their objections, Jack put his hand up. "I understand that this is a big change to Andalucian society, but it's something that needs to happen. To that end, we still have some unfinished business that I need to take care of before I leave. To start things off, I'd like to ask Abel of theMuthada to rise please."

The young deputy blinked at him several times before he remembered that he was to stand. He did so somewhat awkwardly as Jack approached him. Jack wasn't sure if there was an official ceremony for what he wanted to do, but he came up with his own plan for the events that followed.

"Abel, will you bow before me?" he asked the man, gesturing to the ground.

Without any words, Abel's knees soon touched the floor as his forehead did the same. Upon rising, Jack stopped him with a hand on the shoulder.

"From this moment onward, I appoint you as Clan Chief of theMuthada. You will lead them from this moment onward until you take your last breath. Rise now, Clan Chief."

Abel exhaled hard when Jack started speaking but once he figured out where it was going, he couldn't help the silly grin on his face, fully taking his king's words and the meaning behind them. For Jack, it was a moment that was long past due. His deputies had shown themselves to be loyal, brave fighters. Even though they had come to him by chance, they had proven themselves worthy of the honor he now bestowed upon them.

They would make good leaders of their clans.

Samir of theNumratha had much the same reaction as Abel, seeming to relish the unexpected elevation in his position. It was only once Jack came to theBurlada that he had the first real decision to make. Knowing each of the three men well, he wondered who to choose to make the new clan chief.

Masud had the most experience, being the oldest of the three men. Wabu was the oldest of the old clan chief's sons and by custom, the one with the most claim to it. Even Hafiz was a possibility, the man having come a long way since their first terse meeting shortly after their father had perished in battle. Yet, Jack knew what he wanted to do.

"Wabu of theBurlada, I appoint you as the new Clan Chief. May you lead them well and may your fortunes rise as their new leader."

Jack knew he made the right choice when both Masud and Hafiz soon congratulated their kin on his elevation. It wasn't the easiest choice to pick Wabu, and Jack could see a small measure of disappointment in Masud's eyes. Yet, he had a different role in mind for that of Masud, and he now turned to face the man.

"Masud, I told you last night that I had big plans in store for you. Owing to your experience and your wise counsel, I'm appointing you as my regent while I'm away from Andalucia. You will stay here in Septhada and rule in my name," said Jack. "All of the clans are to obey you as if you were me. I task you with keeping me informed of all that is going on in the country, of defending her shores, of keeping the former slaves free, and with the well-being of all her people. Do you accept, Masud?"

Masud's eyes were filled with tears as he kneeled down before Jack. As his forehead touched the floor, he pushed himself back up to look at his sovereign. "I will do all that you command me to do, Your Majesty. I hope to live up to your expectations of me."

Jack patted the man on the shoulder. "I know you will. You've shown yourself to be a good man, a wise leader, and an able soldier. I know you will do well, and it'll keep my mind at peace while I'm away."

Jack let the men digest the huge changes that had just befallen them, taking a few steps back. These men were all capable and worthy of guarding the kingdom while he continued his mission.I feel right about this one. They will capably defend their clans and Andalucia.

After the group of men had started to chatter amongst themselves excitedly, Jack noticed that the youngest of them, Abel, seemed to lack the enthusiasm of the others. He approached the man quickly and questioned him.

"What seems to be on your mind, Clan Chief?" asked Jack with a sly grin. "You don't seem as excited as you were just a little bit ago."

Abel nodded. "Still just trying to take it all in, Your Majesty. I've never been a clan chief before. Nor did I ever expect to become one."

"I thought the same thing when you first informed me that I was in command of theMuthada," said Jack. "It will grow on you with time. You'll figure out what the best thing to do will be with more experience. You'll make mistakes, but that's part of being chief. The best ones learn from them. I wouldn't have picked you if I didn't see it in you to be one of the best, Abel."

The younger man nodded. "I guess I'm just not sure what to do now. How do I get started?"

Jack laughed and touched the man's shoulders. "Now we celebrate. We'll have a big feast this evening before I'm due to leave. And we'll toast the new clan chiefs and the new future of Andalucia."

Abel started to chuckle. "I could definitely go for something to eat!"


Late in the afternoon, Kat sat in front of a vanity in the quarters she shared with Jack. She was preparing for the banquet tonight, a joint celebration of the new clan chiefs as well as a farewell dinner before they left for Methusa and eventually to Picardy. She had just washed her hair not long ago, and was now trying to bring some order to the chaos. The brush made smooth work through the lustrous locks, but she had trouble deciding how she wanted to wear it. She was still deciding when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," she called out.

In popped Vera, and she quickly slammed the door behind her. She had a look of panic on her face. "I have almost nothing to wear to this dinner! Most of my clothes are more practical instead of dressy. I can't go without having something to mark the occasion!"

Kat started to giggle. "Why don't you check some of my things in there?" she said while pointing to the closest. "I didn't have anything when I arrived here so once Jack freed me, he let me go shopping down at the market."

"Would it be okay if I borrowed something for the evening?" pleaded Vera.

"Of course! It just might be a little tight across the chest for you." Kat gestured to Vera's much larger bustline, especially compared with her own.

Vera shrugged. "I'm willing to deal if something looks nice. A little discomfort can be worth it for temporary gain." She then pushed into the closest, and Kat heard her sampling a few dresses while she continued to brush her hair.

A few moments later, Vera emerged wearing one dress and holding another. "What do you think of this one?"

"Pass on that," said Kat while she wrinkled her nose. "It's not a good fit for you." Even though Vera had a spectacular body with just the right amount of curves, the dress didn't do her any favors. It would make her look too boxy. Kat didn't care for it either, thinking she might end up leaving it in the closest when they left for Methusa.

Vera took a deep sigh. "Okay, let me try this other one."

Vera began to slip out of the first dress, letting it bunch around her waist after she'd removed the straps and then let it fall to the floor. She was only wearing a small pair of underwear underneath. Kat wasn't exactly shocked—she'd spent enough time with Vera that she'd seen her in various states of undress, but the way that she was positioned made something come to her attention. Something that just so happened to reflect off the light in the room.

Kat slid closer to her as Vera stepped into the other dress and tried to hold her gasp. "Vera, what's this?" Kat reached out to run her fingers over the skin of the other woman's hip. There was a slight blemish in her flesh, an imperfection that had a distinct shape.

"Oh, that," said Vera before turning her attention back to the dress. "That's a birthmark. I've had it as long as I can remember."

"It certainly has a distinct shape to it, wouldn't you agree?" asked Kat. Her fingers traced the distinct pattern once more before she turned to look up at Vera.

"I've always hated it," said Vera. "It almost looks like a branding. Or a bulls-eye."

Kat smiled and tried to hold back the tears. Once more she traced it before she pulled her hands away, noticing Vera was now staring at her.

"Kat, are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine," lied Kat. "It's just not every day you see things like that."

Vera started to giggle. "What, birthmarks? Everyone has them! I bet even you do!" She then pulled the dress up over her waist and stomach, before sliding the straps over her shoulders. "Does this one look any better?"

Vera had to ask the question twice before Kat snapped back to reality. "Yes, much! It looks so much better on you, Vera."

"Finally," said the other woman with a long sigh. "I was beginning to think I'd never find the right dress. I'm going to finish getting ready in my room and I'll see you there?"

Kat nodded. "Of course. See you in a little bit."

As Vera left the room, Kat's mind was still buzzing.What are the odds? How did I get so lucky in this? And how did it happen to my closest friend?

As her mind went over all the possibilities, she knew she shouldn't have been so shocked. It was fated by the prophecy. She was just the agent of change, in charge of seeing it through. Was there any doubt that these people and patterns were drawn to her? It couldn't help but make her smile, and it only served to make her choices more rewarding.

She was still smiling that evening when she prepared for bed with Jack after the banquet. As she slipped into more comfortable clothes, she moved over to where he was sitting, draping her arms around his shoulders from behind. "Hi," she whispered with a breathy voice.

"Hi, yourself," he said with a grin. "I take it you enjoyed dinner?"

"Very much so," she answered. "Everything that's happened since we got back to Septhada has been wonderful."

"Quite a change of pace, right? A lot different from finding ourselves constantly at war or under threat."

"It's not a bad way to live life," she said with a giggle. She tried to make herself focus on his eyes. Those piercing blue eyes that seemed to find their way into her soul every time. "I'm so proud of you, Jack."

"Why's that?"

"For what you've done here. Your actions, your words, all of it. I think if anyone could turn Andalucia around, it could only be you."

"Somehow I think our work is far from over here. This has just been about Andalucia recently. We still have a long way to go."

Kat nodded. "We do, and I know you'll do well in other places too. Just like how all the former slaves now have you to thank for their freedom here."

"I just hope they can make something of their lives now, especially having so much time squandered in service to someone else unwillingly."

Kat couldn't contain her grin. "You've given them a new lease on life. You've brought a new light into their lives. What they make of it is up to them, but you were the one to give them that key."And in doing so, you fulfilled another line of prophecy, she thought.

Jack chuckled. "Talking with you always makes me feel better."

She gave him a sultry look and then kissed him deeply. "Why talk when there's so much more we can be doing?"

"I'm open to suggestions," he growled in return.

She pulled him by the hand to their bed. "I want to kiss you until my lips ache. Until we fall asleep. Can you do that?"

He answered her by kissing her passionately. They tumbled onto bed, and for the next thirty minutes, Kat got her fill of his lips. He was the first one to fall asleep, and for the rest of the time she was awake, she rested her hand lightly against his back, gently stroking him.

She had searched for him for three years of her life and now here he was, within her grasp. Not only that, he'd proven every test he'd been through so far, fulfilling prophecy on his own without any help or nudging. It was time to pull back the curtain and explain his destiny and his background.

She looked forward to landing in Picardy to visit her home, but the trip wasn't about her anymore. It was about him.

After all, the king deserved to hear the truth. He also needed the symbol of his throne.

And she was going to give him both.

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anonintexas1999anonintexas1999about 3 years ago

Great story. This was a late find for me so I'm slowly savoring it as I catch up.

I could easily see this as a tv series. It's so well done.

Thanks for sharing.

AuntySocialAuntySocialover 3 years ago
Story is getting much better.

Credit where it is due and here you are due credit for the gradual improvement of your writing and the story line. Thanks!

CJMcCormickCJMcCormickover 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you for all the kind words, everyone! For the Anonymous below me, I initially modeled the Andalucians after the Arabs, so you're spot on. History has always been my favorite subject, and I always pick a real set of peoples to model each country in FV on. You can see that in the way that they live, their customs, and even their names. Now, the Swabians aren't so black and white. You hit the nail on the head that their strategies are very British, especially from the colonial era, but most of their cultural attributes came from being modeled on the Germans, more specifically ancient Germanics from the Middle Ages. This is just what I imagine might have happened if any of those ancient duchies or kingdoms might have survived into more modern times instead of unifying into Germany. Great analysis!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The Andalucians resemble very closely to the Arabs from few centuries back. With their clanistic divided society, use of slaves, desert landscape, simplistic ideologies, and moral ambiguities, the Andalucia is very close to the Arabian Peninsula from that era.

On the other hand, the Swabians are a perfect counterpart of the British colonizing force from a similar point in time. Their clever plotting, use of divide and concur strategies, facilitation of slavery (as part of profit making, not as a national policy), entrance to different societies with the guise of trade and eventually taking over the countries, buying out local corrupt rulers, everything echoes perfectly to what the British (and especially the East India Company) did throughout Asia, Africa, Caribbeans, and North America.

SensualSigmaSensualSigmaover 3 years ago

With there whole society depending on slavery, they need new infrastructure fast now the slaves are free to prevent the nation crumbling. Jack's popped in said 'the slaves are free now' and is now effing off somewhere else.

Avalanche2015Avalanche2015almost 4 years ago

Great storyline and fine style, have enjoyed the tale thus far after reading it non-stop however I am wondering about what they actually did with all the Occitainian prisoners that they rescued from the sunken Occitainian Fleet, they spoke about it as they picked them up but never seemed to finish with what was actually done with them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
More, More!

I am truly enjoying the adventures of Jack as he continues his journey. Even without the erotica, this would be a great read! I've told more than a few of my closest friends about coming to Literotica just to read this series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
More please

I really enjoyed this chapter as I did the previous ones . Thank you for continuing. I look forward to the next chapter.

unctadskunctadskalmost 4 years ago

Really worth the wait. Sorry but only one word comes to mind.... More.... Please...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Just great. Can't wait to read about their adventure to Picardy. KB

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