Free Ride


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"Of course, Marty, I'll do anything you tell me to do." I replied. Finally, he seemed to be getting it, I was his wife, his slut, here to provide for his pleasure. Now, I was just waiting patiently for his first command, his first use of his new lover.

Marty smiled at my reply. "Good, I guess I'm going to have to risk it then. Ana, I want you to remember the real you, the girl that came to school here. Forget about all that stuff they programmed you to become. I want to talk to the old Ana. Can you do that for me?"

I screamed, at least I think I did. Suddenly everything seemed to be boiling in my head. I was awash in sensations and memories and something that I couldn't understand, ripping apart my thoughts. I fell to the ground, clutching my head, whimpering as Marty's words sank in, reshaping my reality.

The viscous storm subsided quickly, and I felt things running around in my head again, finding their places. It was the strangest sensation, like I was rebuilding myself brick by brick. Worst of all, I could see the foundation, sense the bricks laid at the bottom, and I knew Marty would be disappointed, even the fact that I cared about his feelings told me what I would be left with.

Marty was holding me in his arms when I came back to my senses. I felt very safe in those arms, but now I understood just where those feelings came from, and actually hated the source, though not the effect.

"Thanks for trying, Marty." I said softly as I regained my voice.

"What do you mean? Are you okay?" Marty asked, obvious concern laced his tongue again and I warmed at his concern. I did still love him, regardless of the rest.

"I'm better now, but I still love you, I still have the same drives, but I feel like myself again, not like the new me. I can't really explain it, but I'm not free of all the programming, just my acceptance of it." I answered, trying my best to explain the way I was feeling. It was like burning down a forest, all the brush was gone, but the naked trees were left standing, holding tight my responses though not my internal justifications. I hated what had been done to me, but couldn't resist the effects. The difference was minor, but I felt almost real again.

"Damn, I knew it wouldn't be that easy." Marty frowned. "Don't worry, Ana, I'll figure out a way to help you, and everyone else here."

That shocked me. Here I was a poor little girl he didn't know, and he was going to risk his neck for me. If I wasn't already in love with him, I think I would have fallen right then anyway. It's just not easy for a girl not to fall for a hero, especially when she was the damsel in distress.

"Be careful, Marty, they could always put you in here, make you into somebody's boy toy. I couldn't live with myself if that happened to you because of me." I warned. That was the last thing that I wanted, for Marty to be put in danger because of me. Sure, it was romantic, but I wanted him for myself and I didn't want to see him on the wrong side of the people who had programmed me.

"I will, don't worry. I have to think about this and call up some people before I do anything. Do you think you can handle your normal routine here for a while?" Marty asked. I could see in his eyes that he was considering what to do next.

"It'll be weird, but I don't think I'll have any trouble. Like I said, my urges haven't changed, so all I have to do is flow with them. At least I hope so." I answered. I had no idea how easy or hard it would be. I had a sense of my old self back to me, but I had no idea how long it would last or how deeply it truly went.

"Well, it's too late to fix that. I don't know if it will make any difference, but I order you to behave just like before we met, except when we're alone. Hopefully, that will help." Marty commanded. I could feel myself soak up his words, his pleasure was still at the root of my being, so it seemed that his order would be enough to pin together my programming and my renewed sense of self.

"Great, now do you mind if we do one more thing before you leave?" I asked, taking up a sexy little smile. I pressed up against him with my breasts and tried to leave no doubt what I wanted to do. I had waited several months for the chance to be with him, and now we were alone, and he was going to risk his own life for mine. I very well had to give him a taste of what I had to offer.

"What?" Marty asked, though I find it hard to believe he couldn't figure out what I wanted.

"I am your perfect sex toy, aren't I? Aren't you the least bit curious just how fun I am to play with?" I giggled, grabbing his hands and placing them over my breasts.

"Ah, are you sure you want to?" Marty asked. I smiled at his concern, and helped him squeeze my nice melons.

"Of course, Marty. I still have all my urges, and I'm in love with you. So why don't you quit trying to deny yourself and enjoy your good fortune." I answered. This boy really was a boy scout, and that made me want him all the more. I don't know why, or how, but I wanted to fuck him more than I'd thought possible, even more than before he tried to fix me. Now all I hoped was that my moves would break down his unwillingness. I understood him not wanting to take advantage of me in my state, but I wanted him so badly I could feel myself leaking. I wanted him to use me, and I hoped he wouldn't take too long making up his mind.

I looked right into his eyes, trying with all my heart to show him how sincere I was. Our hands were still over my breasts, and I knew he could feel my heart racing through my dress. He sniffed at the air and I knew it was the musky scent of my hot little pussy that he smelled as it soaked my panties. He looked into my eyes now, and his look of concern shifted, and I swooned in happiness. Marty's face grew the widest and most wicked smile I'd seen in some time and he gave my titties a wonderful squeeze of his own.

I squealed happily and pulled close to him, giving him the deepest, most passionate kiss I'd given anyone in my life. We wrapped our arms around each other and held our embrace while our tongues danced. I would have been in heaven except for what I knew would come next, and I was already aching in anticipation.

Marty pulled away from my lips, his hands gripping my waist. "I just hope you don't regret this later."

I just shook my head, reached down and loosened the waist of my dress. I lifted up my arms and looked into Marty's eyes again. "Don't worry about that, just hurry up and unwrap me, silly!"

Marty laughed as he grabbed onto the sides of my dress and pulled it up and over my head in one smooth motion. I giggled as the breeze tickled my nearly naked flesh, and thrust out my chest for him. I was smiling brightly now, my flesh on display for the man that I loved, and soon, soon we would know everything about each other that a man and woman should. I just quivered at the thought, knowing I didn't have long to wait.

"You really are wrapped like a present, aren't you?" Marty smiled as he reached in and tugged at the bow that rested in my cleavage. With just one tug, it gave way, and I giggled as I felt the cups of the bra open up and fall away. The frilly little thing just fell down my sides and down my back till it landed behind me, just like it had been designed to do. Now I was topless, perfectly exposed to him, and I could see in his eyes just how alluring he found me as he took in my bountiful bosom.

"I hope you like them, I grew them just for you, Marty." I cooed as he just stared at my wonderfully large breasts. I could feel my nipple getting hard from the breeze, and from my own stoked passions.

"Grew them?" Marty asked in wonder as he reached up and cupped them tenderly. He weighed them and squeezed them while I whimpered happily at his explorations. "They are just perfect though, especially these."

I moaned openly when he bent down and took my right nipple into his mouth and sucked on me while his tongue flicked the hard nub at the tip of my breast. I swooned again, happy that he liked my new breasts, and that he'd overcome his reluctance to play with me. I may have hated being turned into a sex toy, but I couldn't help but enjoy being one.

"Aren't you going to finish unwrapping me?" I asked after he finally pulled away from my chest. I spread my legs invitingly to give him easy access to the ribbon holding my panties together. The smell of my ready pussy drifted up even easier now, and anyone could see I'd soaked my underwear with my juices.

"Don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself?" Marty smiled. He ran his hands over his own sides, and I giggled again. Of course he wanted me to undress him, and I'd gotten so wrapped up in presenting myself I hadn't even considered that.

I just looked up with a wicked grin and proceeded to almost literally tear away everything he wore. I didn't actually damage anything, but I ripped away those clothes so quickly that he was actually surprised I had ripped anything. Daily practice in undressing quickly certainly hadn't gone to waste! In mere moments I was the most dressed of either of us, and I knew we'd soon be imitating Adam and Eve in a moment, though naturally we wouldn't be bothering with any fig leaves.

With my returned sense of self, I could see that Marty wasn't built like any Greek god. I remembered having those thoughts when I first saw him, and any time I'd thought of him since I'd learned of our pending marriage. Still, that really didn't matter, my love and desire for him were both still untamed and eager. While he still kneeled across from me on the picnic blanket, I lay down and spread my legs, giving him a perfect view of my still covered pussy. I looked up eagerly and smiled, hoping to draw him in.

"Come on, Marty, there's one more thing to unwrap and then we can enjoy it together!" I invited. One thing we wouldn't need was foreplay, I was still dripping with lust, and I could see his marvelous tool swinging stiffly between his legs as he crawled up between my thighs.

"Are you sure, Ana?" He asked sincerely, his hand gripping the ribbon that held my last defense together. I wished I could only let him know just how much I wanted to fall to his invader right now.

"I've never wanted anything so badly in all my life, Marty, I love you, and right now I want to make love to you. Now please, finish unwrapping me." I coaxed, filling my words with every ounce of the spirit I felt. I just hoped that he would finally accept me, and we could join together beautifully.

No sooner had those last words left my lips than I felt a slight tug between my legs and felt the summer air drift coolly over my suddenly exposed and seething pussy lips. I propped myself on my elbows and looked wantonly into his eyes, and he drew closer, moving over me until our lips met again. He was now resting between my legs, his manhood aimed at my gates perfectly and hovering just outside them. Our naked flesh touched and passed, my nipples traveling across his chest as we moved towards perfect union. We kissed passionately as he closed that final distance and I felt the warm bulge of his cock pressing into my lower lips. Marty thrust into me with one smooth, long push, forcing back my tender folds and filling me with his hardness. We both moaned deeply, wonderfully with every moment of his thrust until I felt his sack resting between my legs and his shaft fully and deeply inside me.

"Oh, Marty, thank you for everything!" I swooned. He'd done so much already, and now he was giving me the fucking I so desperately wanted, and after we finished he was going to go off and save me. I had never been so happy in all my life, fulfilled as deeply and intimately as I was at that moment. I squeezed down on his hard shaft in thanks, and felt him twitch with excitement within me. I knew he wouldn't last long, but we had all afternoon, and with luck, Marty wouldn't mind spending it locked together this intimately.

Marty just smiled and began moving inside me, pulling himself slowly out of my steaming folds. I could sense in him that he wasn't the kind that talked while making love as he withdrew from my quaking and moaning body. I stifled the urge to speak as well, letting us both fall into the animal passions that were quickly building inside us.

I lifted my hips to hold him inside me as long as I could, but he soon pulled his tool back to my gates again, and I could feel only the head of his shaft inside me. He looked down at me, looking into the eyes of a lust-crazed woman, and a shimmer of regret seemed to twinkle in his eyes for a second before he plunged into me again. My eyelids closed as I let out a cry of fulfillment. He may have been uncertain, but he was giving me a wonderful fuck.

I thrust my hips back to me his thrust, and I was impaled again. He gave me another moment to enjoy the wonderful fullness of having his cock inside me before he pulled back again. He plunged into me again a moment later and I pulled him down on top of me, and pressing my lips to his. We humped shallowly into each other as our tongues danced together. I felt completely whole in that moment, joined perfectly with the other half of my soul.

It wasn't long before Marty was grunting wildly and pounding his shaft into me with wonderful force. I knew he wasn't conditioned like I was to make the experience last, but I did my best to keep him on the edge. He was determined to play with me in his own way, and I did nothing to hinder his enjoyment of my eager flesh.

He pulled me out of my pleasure filled haze with a sudden squeeze on my jiggling breasts. He looked down and smiled as I cooed while he kneaded my pillowy tits. While his hands still playing with my chest, I felt him shift his hips and I cried out in surprised wonder as he played across my clit with each new thrust. If I hadn't been conditioned to come after my partner, I would have been quivering in orgasm right then. Even so, I went wild with lust and fucked him back as hard as I could.

Suddenly I felt Marty's hands fall away from my chest and grip my ass. He bent down again and kissed me as he plunged his shaft into my depths and sent his seed shooting into me. We cried out instantly into each other's lips as we came together. I milked his shaft as it poured wonderful volumes of Marty's seed into my depths. My only regret was that I was still on the pill, that I couldn't give him a child today.

Marty rolled onto his back, taking me along with him and keeping his cock still inside me. He looked up into my eyes and smiled joyously. My heart warmed, knowing he had enjoyed me just as much as I had him. We really had made a wonderful couple.

"I've never felt anything like that before, Ana, it was great!" Marty sighed, running his hands along my back and over my rump. His fingers lighting fire all along my smooth skin as he did.

I just giggled and kissed him playfully. "Of course, silly, I conditioned to be a great lover. I really enjoyed your performance too."

"You better not remind me too much or I might just decide to keep you the way you are. You have to admit a willing sex toy is something a man doesn't have offered everyday." Marty laughed as he squeezed my ass. I could feel him getting hard in me again and hoped he'd take advantage of me at least once more before the day was over. At the very least I was enjoying having my naked body resting on top of his, enjoying his closeness and our intimacy.

"Yeah, I know, but you know I can't stop you, until my programming is removed, I'll do anything you say." I squeezed down on his already stiff cock to emphasize my point. Pleasing Marty was still at the core of my purpose in life. Sure, I wanted my old life back, or at least the freedom to choose my own destiny, but at this moment I was in Marty's arms, and he was even more important that such selfish concerns.

"Well, I guess one more little romp wouldn't hurt anything, then I'll have to get going. I have a lot to do if I'm going to have a chance to take this place down." Marty said. He pulled my head down and kissed me again with a wonderful passion I'd missed with all those partners I'd fucked here at school. This wasn't just sex, we both knew, it was more than that, maybe even love, though I could only dare to dream that Marty shared those feelings at this point.

We fucked wildly again, passionately like two long lost lovers. I don't know how many more times he came inside me, but we spent the afternoon locked together in beautiful harmony. Then, finally it was time for Marty to leave, I'd already kept him longer than he'd planned, not that either of us regretted it. We quickly dressed again, though both of us had that wonderful look of having spent an afternoon in a lover's arms. We smelled it too, and I felt like his seed would be dripping from me for weeks.

"Now remember to act like everything is normal, Ana. I should be able to get something together soon, but you can't give us away before then. You think you can do it?" Marty asked with his hands over my shoulders and a concerned look in his eye.

"I will, I have to. Be careful, Marty." I answered. There wasn't any choice, this wasn't just my fate, it was his in the balance as well. I could handle loosing myself again, but the thought of costing Marty his freedom was more than I could bear to think about.

"Be careful yourself, Ana." He bent down and gave me a warm kiss. Certainly we weren't going to part yet, we would do that officially back at the main gate, but once we set off down the path again, I would be the new sex toy Ana again. This was our last moment of honesty before the act would begin.

The walk back was quiet, we both were still fresh in the afterglow of our coupling and we had said everything that we needed to say. All that was left was that last mile, and we strolled patiently hand in hand. Finally, we reached the gate, Marty checked out and we gave our formal good-byes. I don't think anyone would have thought it was just an act when we kissed openly and Marty fondled me. I'm not even sure it was, but it didn't matter as it was over too soon and I was left alone again. Mr. Redgar smiled as Marty left, obviously happy that Mr. Reiner would have his new daughter in law, and doubtlessly gain a nice reward for accomplishing the feat. I just padded my way back to my dorm, showered and went to bed as the sun was setting. It had been a long, tiring and wonderful day and I just put my head on the pillow and dozed off to a land of wonderful dreams.

Chapter 10

The next few weeks passed very slowly. My returned sense of self was suppressed, but I could still feel it beneath the mask I had to wear. I don't think anyone could have suspected the truth, I still did everything I had done before, and was only glad that my training had advanced far enough to free me from the constant fucking I had so enjoyed earlier. It was truly odd, that I could look back almost fondly at the memories of what I had done, like they were viewed through the lens of my attitudes at the time. I was grateful for that, I don't think I could have dealt with what would have been my true reaction to my treatment and behavior.

While everything else was the same, I was able to think of things beyond classes and Marty for the first time in months. In truth, my thoughts turned most to my own future. Certainly, I still loved Marty, but I knew that could change if my programming was reversed. I realized now just how pointless my old life had been. I'd spent all my time preparing for my future, but I hadn't lived my life. I certainly hadn't wanted to be turned into a sexual plaything, but it had given me a perspective on some of what I'd been missing. It wasn't just the sex though, it was everything else too. I'd locked myself in my room to study when there were sunny spring days to enjoy, friends to make, and in general life to live. So, here I was realizing how much I'd wasted when I had the freedom to choose, and now I was left with the hope that I could seek my own path again someday soon.