Free Ride


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It wasn't until I'd returned from my day with Marty that I even thought about Kylie. I had thought to talk to him about her, but my programmed response to his presence had washed any thought of Kylie from my mind, and after that so many other things distracted me that the subject hadn't come up. I wondered if he knew, or by now guessed what had become of her. It didn't matter much though, I knew. If he could rescue me he could rescue her too.

It was nearly a month before Marty returned for a second visit. This didn't really surprise me, it would have taken time for him to make his plans and it was customary not to allow too much access to the students here to their partners. I was very happy to see him, and shamelessly gave him a passionate kiss the moment he cleared the front gate. In part this was still part of the act, but I really had missed him. We soon strolled back out to the same spot we'd made love at the last time and sat down.

"How are you holding up?" He asked. He'd looked a bit worried after we started our little walk.

"Okay, I'm glad to see you're still in one piece. It's been really weird seeing everything going on around me with my old sense of propriety back. I'm just kind of glad I couldn't really act on any of the feelings." I answered. It was an odd state of being, knowing just how wrong everything around me was, and not only did I not say anything but I even participated. "The sex ed classes are the strangest though, doing everything so openly, and like it's just some fucked up gym class."

Marty just gave me a twisted smile at that. "I bet. Well, I've had a little luck in getting things together. I shipped in a package for you. It's a model truck I built, but if you twist and pull off the hubcaps I stowed away some little wireless cameras. They're very special little cameras that should make them hard to detect when they transmit. I want you to place them in some places where they can capture incriminating evidence. Since they think you're just another student, I don't think you should have a problem."

"I guess not, is there any place special you'd like me to put them?" I asked.

"You know the inner workings here better than I do, use your best judgment, though I'd guess that the offices would be a good place to start." Marty instructed. That seemed reasonable enough to begin with, Mr. Redgar and the rest of the administrators would certainly provide plenty of evidence with just their normal behavior. Even getting in wouldn't be too much of a problem, I had another scheduled meeting for the fall semester coming up, and that would work perfectly.

"Is that all that we're going to do?" I asked. Certainly this would provide some evidence, but I wasn't sure that it would be enough.

"I have some other things going on, but I don't want you to know about them at this point. If they catch you I don't want you to be able to compromise any more of the plan than necessary. Also, if they do catch you, I want you to tell them that it was my father that told you to plant the cameras for as long as you can. Eventually they'll wear you down, but if they come for my dad, that will warn me that you were discovered so I can run and come up with another plan." Marty explained. It all seemed reasonable enough, though certainly cold. I knew there wasn't a choice, and though I could help a lot, Marty was the one who would truly be saving me. If he was caught, there was no hope for me to ever make it out of this place, though it was possible that I would be brainwashed back to a state where I didn't mind my fate at all.

"I understand, I just hope everything works out." I said, wrapping myself around him. He hugged me back warmly.

"I do too, Ana. I can't believe what they've done to you here, and I won't let them keep you." Marty replied, patting me on the head to comfort me. I was just gushing with emotion, everything that had been pent up over the last month, suspended below the surface just came bubbling out. It felt good being in his arms, and we just stood there like that for a while.

After that we sat and had lunch. I told him that Kylie was here as well and he stormed around the clearing for a while, quietly cursing. He'd been friends with her before she'd gone off to school. I think he knew, or at least suspected, that she had been here with me, but it still hurt to know for sure. Finally, he settled down, and we both laid down and just watched the clouds go by for a while. Eventually, I offered myself again, and we spent the rest of the afternoon naked and fucking. It was wonderful and over all too soon for my tastes. Still, he had to leave when he had to leave, and I just gave him one last passionate goodbye kiss before he left.

His gift was waiting for me when I returned to my room. I waited until Kylie was out to examine the wheels, and pulled out six small cameras. Each was no larger than a quarter, and seemed to be mostly just a lens and with a few small slits that I figured was for the microphone. On their back was a small tab and I peeled it away just enough to see that they were backed with adhesive. All I had to do was find a convent spot and stick them there. With any luck no one would find them until after Marty had made his move.

It was an adventure placing the little cameras. First, I didn't exactly have pockets in any of the clothes I wore now, so I could only carry one or two at a time snugly tucked between my breasts. Getting them out was pretty fun too, since I didn't exactly wear low cut dresses, but I managed. Sneaking around was different too, I could feel how contrary it was to my programming. If not for Marty's orders I couldn't have done it, but I finally pulled it off. I placed one camera in Mr. Redgar's office, though it never would see anything placed where I put it. It would pick up his counseling sessions which I figured would be plenty interesting with just the audio anyway. I actually managed to hide another camera in a small tree that was placed in the administrative conference room. Another went into the auditorium. Since the fall semester was soon to begin, I assumed that there would be another indoctrination session, and with that plenty of evidence for Marty. The rest got placed around campus in odd spots where I hoped they might pick up something interesting, like the classrooms and dorm halls.

All that was left for me to do after that was wait, and everyday was just painfully long. Every time I saw one of the teachers or administrators coming near me, I bristled inside. Nothing seemed amiss, though, at least to them, but I was on edge. If they caught me, I knew I was toast for the immediate future, and likely Marty would join me soon after. I could hardly bear the thought, but I'd done what he'd told me too and I couldn't have done otherwise.

When I wasn't worried about being caught, my thoughts turned again to my future. I considered that I would like to go back to school, a real school though. I didn't know what I would take, but that didn't matter just yet. I also hoped Marty would still take me in, I knew it was my nicely twisted thoughts that told me I wanted that. Still, I couldn't deny it either. I also hoped to keep some of my changes in place, I could certainly stand to retain some confidence and passion. I wondered just how possible it would be to remove my programming. It would be an almost supreme irony to go through all this and still remain a brainwashed sex toy.

With the start of another fall semester, a special announcement was made to all of us students. Until the new class had adapted to our ways, we were supposed to play it normal. For the most part, it didn't matter, most of us had already progressed to the state where most of our modesty had returned. Only those of us like Kylie who didn't have a respectable destination had to change their behavior. The biggest change would be the temporary ending of open fucking across the campus and the sex ed classes. Since the dorms were segregated between current and new students, the dorms would still be a free for all after the halls locked up for the evening. It was a necessary caveat for all the boys and girls who needed to fuck with some regularity or else dissolve into a sick kind of madness.

Kylie and I found ourselves watching the chaos of move in day from our window.

"It's hard to believe that was us a year ago." I laughed, I could feel my programming hard at moments like this. I was programmed to be happy for them, when in truth I wished I could run out and tell them all what was in store for them if they stayed. I couldn't very well do anything now, though, and I knew it. The worst thing was if I did try to warn them, no one would listen to me, and if they did, they'd end up on the fast track to reprogramming.

"If only they knew." Kylie giggled. She had her skirt rapped up around her waist and was casually rubbing her clit while she surveyed the new class.

"See anything good?" I asked. It wasn't quite natural making small talk anymore, but I wore the mask well, and just let it do the talking for me. I was supposed to just objectify the new class, after all I'd be called on to help tutor them to become every bit the playthings that Kylie and I were. I could hardly recall the last time I'd heard someone complain about their fate, even Kylie's rages had been subjugated. That left me, alone with my senses, acting every bit the toy that all my classmates had become. If not for the hope of escape, this walking nightmare would have long since torn me apart.

"A couple of hunks and plenty of cute girls. Too bad you can't join in casually anymore. I think this will be a bumper year for virgin parties." Kylie smiled wistfully. That certainly was an experience to remember, I shuddered at the memory. I could hardly believe it, but I did warmly recall that evening and all that I'd done and all that had been done to me.

"Well, there's still classes and tutoring. I don't doubt I'll get to enjoy most of the new ones." I replied, my own merry smile painted on my lips. The lustful tone to my voice unmistakable to my roommate. It was so weird, just letting myself go like this. Even after two months it was still unnerving to just let the mask take over, say what it wanted to say and do what it would. I can't fight it, fighting it would reveal my freedom, but I couldn't escape the strangeness of my current reality.

Kylie giggled at my comment. "I knew there was still a slut under all those pretty dresses."

"Yep, but only for my Marty." I replied, momentarily feeling the mask and my true feelings in sync. It was a wonderful warmth, even though I knew it was only a moment where my freedom touched my programming. My love for Marty was still sourced from my conditioning, and that conditioning was the mask now, except for those things that had been plunged to the depths of my soul.

"You're hopeless." Kylie laughed, and turned back out to look at the chaos below.

I looked out again as well. So many bright faces, so much hope, and all so fully doomed. I could only hope that Marty succeeded soon, before these young men and women fell to their own reshaping. I smiled, licking my lips just like I was supposed to, though I was not thinking the thoughts that were supposed to be going through my mind. I wasn't thinking of how good they'd be in bed, or how much fun it would be to watch them change, but no one could have guessed it from the look in my eyes. The mask was set, and all I could do was wait and watch and hope.

Chapter 11

I was walking to class at the beginning of the second week when I first spotted a dark suited man. He was dressed in a sharp black suit, with jet-black hair and a pair of black sunglasses, just the perfect image of a devious agent of evil. I just shuddered when I saw him, but I didn't stop, or stare. I shouldn't have taken notice of him, I could even feel that my mask had purposely ignored him. With that, I assumed they were just part of the scenery, someone I wasn't supposed to notice, and thus I did my part and pretended not to notice them.

My worry about the dark man increased over the coming days. Slowly it seemed like they were everywhere, and each was carrying around small devices with strange looking antennas. They had discovered the cameras, apparently, and were tracking them down precisely. I could see the worried look on the faces of administrators and unprogrammed teachers. They were all rattled, and I could only assume I was the reason.

I masked my concern for my safety the same way I had with everything else. Even with the presence of the dark men, school still went on as normal and I had an odd perspective as I watched my new classmates slowly fall to their reprogramming. The girls were quickly wearing ever-shorter skirts and revealing blouses, and some had even forsaken underwear, especially bras. I did catch a peak of more than a few naked pussies on the new girls though. The guys were doing their part to, going around with tighter shirts and shorts. Some were going topless too, much to my own carnal delight. I might be in love, but my carnal appetites were still very alive and well. Watching the new students run around in an obvious daze as their world shifted was almost enough to let me forget my own worries, but not for long enough.

The lack of sex ed classes left me with a new yearning as well. I was still a very sex charged young woman, but I was honor bound to not engage in recreational sex without Marty's permission. I hadn't even considered that I wouldn't have classes to blow off steam in, and I soon found myself resorting to using a nice thick dildo in my pussy while Kylie got to fuck real live guys in her bed. It wasn't nearly the same thing, sex was more than just having something in my pussy, though it did help some. If I did see Marty again, I'd have to get his permission so I could fuck at least a little when classes weren't on. I only hoped he wouldn't think that I was some kind of slut, but I guess I was. It wasn't something I could help, it was what they'd made me. They'd done a remarkable job too. I could admit that, even if I hated the thought of what they'd done to me.

At the top of everything else was the thought that wouldn't leave my mind. The hope that Marty would come, soon, and save me. That he would come and whisk me away to some safe place where he could ravish me and we would never be apart. It was the one thing keeping me going, and I only hoped it wouldn't be long before it happened. I knew I wouldn't get any warning, it would all come quickly and then I'd either be the perfect little sex toy again or I'd be free from this place. It was all beyond my control now, and I waited impatiently to find out just what would happen.

Chapter 12

A helicopter flying overhead was the first sign that something was up. I just looked up at the strange thing. I couldn't remember any other aircraft flying over the school before. It had been placed out in the middle of western Nebraska for a reason, no one came this way. There wasn't anything here, the nearest town was nearly deserted and still a long way away. The fields around the school were all owned by the school, both to provide cover and prevent escape. There was nothing out here anyone could be interested in but us.

I didn't think much of the helicopter until a moment later when I saw a small group of dark suited men run out of a building. They were carrying a strange looking device, some kind of odd electrical device that reminded me of a cross between a tesla coil and an electromagnet. They pointed it at the helicopter and I felt a strange, almost electrical sensation pass through me. The helicopter suddenly stopped making noise, and I watched as its rotor stopped. It fell quickly to the ground, crashing with a large explosion just outside the school. I realized that the device must have been some kind of EMP weapon, and that the school was under attack.

My heart raced with anticipation, but I just allowed my mask to sit tight for the moment, and continued on my way to class. Even a crashing helicopter wasn't supposed to be noticed to the conditioned students. With luck this would be the final moments of my time here, but I could not very well risk discovery now. I strolled off, wondering just what was next and hoping for salvation.

I hadn't even gone a hundred yards before I found out. A plane flew overhead spraying a white mist into the air. I instinctively covered my mouth as I watch the mist drift down, wondering what it could be. As it enveloped me, I quickly discovered it was some kind of knockout gas as I felt myself suddenly getting drowsy. I fell to the ground and fell asleep.

I groggily awoke some time later, I had no way of knowing how long I'd been out. I was lying in a bed, still dressed for class. I took a quick look around to see many rows of cots lined around me, all filled with fellow students, some waking but most still looked asleep. My head pounded slightly, and I lay back, wondering just what had happened. Either we were being prepared for reprogramming or being checked out in some kind of a field hospital, I couldn't tell. All I could do again was wait, and hope that my head quit pounding.

A few minutes after I woke up a young woman in military uniform came by with a small cart. She walked up to me with a glass of water and a couple of pills. She looked shocked and sympathetic at the same time. "Hello, take this, it'll help with the headache."

I just nodded my thanks and quickly swallowed the pills and emptied the glass. If this was malicious there wasn't much chance of escape now, and I was quickly feeling that I might just be free.

The woman took the glass back and continued on to the next bed. She must be the first line of treatment, I figured. I rested again, waiting for the drugs to take hold.

It wasn't long before they did, and I sat up on the side of my bed and looked around. It was a very eerie scene. All around me were my fellow students laid out on beds under a big field tent that seemed to just stretch on and on. The new students all seemed rather animated and all very curious as well. The older students seemed just the opposite, few of them had moved at all, and even those that had were sitting still on the side of their cot like I was now. I realized quickly that the mask was still in place, I wasn't inclined to move either. I knew that was because these circumstances violated my programming. I wasn't in the school, or following my normal routine, thus I was reduced to a very uncooperative or inactive state, until I found a way to escape and return to the school.

For a moment this scared me. The mask that I'd been forced to wear since Marty had freed my mind could very well force me back into captivity, just because Marty wasn't here to free me of its control. I only hoped that my will would be strong enough to block the mask from carrying me away if it saw the chance. Even as this concern raced through my mind, I sat expressionless and passive, waiting for what would come next.

It was a long wait. I ate at least three meals in that tent, and slept an evening. If it weren't for overhearing one of the soldiers talking to the new students I wouldn't have known what was going on. Apparently, information about the school had gotten out and the federal government had sent in the FBI with some national guard backing to secure the school. Everyone would be kept here until more could be found out about what had been done to us and appropriate action could be taken to help.

It was the second day of my new captivity that I was welcomed by a very friendly face. I saw him off to the far reaches of the tent. Inside I beamed with joy, but I still couldn't move. I still was in violation of my programming, so all I could do was watch Marty slowly comb his ways through the rows until he finally spotted me.