Free Speech

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In defense of vilified writers.
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the ravings of a lunatic. This may be copied, distributed and folded, spindled and mutilated as the reader see fit.


Free speech and the vilification of some the writers on the site:

I have often been amazed at what readers will say to and about the people who post material here on Literotica.

I write and I post to share but I have a thick skin. And above all I want is to post the best tale I can. Hell Yes, I like the good things people say in the comments. I enjoy the negatives also. Mostly I laugh at them. The one I treasure are the ones that tell me how to do it better. Those are the best kind.

I have been cursed, had my manhood attacked and scorned by readers. I have read public comments that seem to be a full scale frontal assault on the writer of stories.

Over the last two years (more or less) I still leave the challenge to all readers to "Lay on Macduff and damned be he who cries hold enough."

Some writers cannot say this. For them each attack is personal and deeply felt. It hurts to be called names and have sanity and human feelings questions. Yet they continue to post.

Read some of the comments and it appears that most (all?) of the readers who are very brutal in their comments always seem to be named 'Anonymous'.

I have talked this over with other writers and we have shared comments that seem to be typical of the insulting genre. One of the least insulting but again typical is :

Anonymous Comments: Still pumping up you ego - well if no one else will you should - by the lack of "H"s for the last 83 stories perhaps you should realize we are tired of the male humiliation and of your mug and life story which is hard to believe that anyone could do that for you or for you without being blind. (Spelling and run on sentence left as is.) There is no vulgar words, no curses, and no doubt of 'Anomymous's' entent.

This comment was emailed to a woman writer.

So the question arises, Do I read her stories? The answer is simple, I read one and I did not finish it. I did not like it. Humiliation is not my 'thing'. From either direction, a human should not be treated in that manner.

Ah, the next question, why do I step out to raise my shield to defend this writer (one misty morgan? Because I am a 'writer'. She writes and posts in a public place where the reader decides to read or not to read. As do all of the people who post on a public bulletin board. Simply because we post should we not be subject to common courtesy. I cannot appeal to all readers. Therefore I do the best I can. I will accept the slings and arrors as they come, but please be fair.

I believe that the writer of this particular comment is devoted in that he reads all for her stories posted and then repeatedly writes the same insulting trash to her. He appears to love to blame HER for his continuing enjoyment of her stories. Why would anyone read 83 tales of female domination and male humiliation if he did not like them?

I like most writers know that my stories will not be liked by all. I would be ecstatic if my writing were liked by just 10% of the readers. I would never ask a writer what the reader count for any story is. I would indeed feel lucky if I could just get 1000 reader to read my stories.

However it is a free and open site (with damn few restrictions), all stories will be posted. It is free speech at its best. Any one may post and anyone may leave a comment.

Ain't Free Speech just wonderful?

My first attempt to raise questions about this treatment of writers was rejected. It was suggested that my defense would be better placed in the FORUMS. Where only a damn few go and fewer read. I find that idea repulsive. So I will rewrite and try again. And if rejected again I will try yet another rewrite.

Is it not bad form to snipe from the bushes?

Do not hide away and snipe from the bushes. Step out into the light. Take your fight public.

Some writer write for the LOVING Wives, Others for other sections. I like loving wives because I get more readers. I find that placing my story in Loving Wives I can double and often triple my reader count. I do not always write about cheating wives and I will admit to damn little sex. (Just enough to hold the 'claim' of loving wives.

I do NOT expect readers to read me if they do not like what I write. It makes no sense to me that a reader would read 83 stories and then complain about the writer.

Anonymous Comments: Still pumping up you ego - well if no one else will you should - by the lack of "H"s for the last 83 stories perhaps you should realize we are tired of the male humiliation and of your mug and life story which is hard to believe that anyone could do that for you or for you without being blind. (Spelling and run-on sentence left as is.)

I wonder how the reader justifies this to himself? Of course I will never know.

Why would a person who hates these type of stories read 83 of them?

I have no idea. I would welcome a dialogue with someone who could tell me.

I do understand the need for the Anonymous method of comments. It allows for the hidden identity of the person who would not like to be seen as a reader of PORN. And I will not get into a battle on the definition of Porn. I find it to be what ever the reader says it to be.

But why read something that displeases you this much? Hell, if you know the story and it will upset you, Why read the damn thing? Freedom of speech means that you chose what you read. So why read what makes you angry? It is after all a matter of choice. This in not the war (Veitman, please) where the reading was enough to turn the opposition to the war into war into hatern and scorn for the brave men who fought there.

And why hide behind Anonymous? Possibly fearful of retribution? A few well chosen words from a writer?

If the tale offends you, good. If you elect not to read others by the writer, GOOD. But to rant and rave from the bushes is child-like, allow people to wonder why you do it, and make the commenter appear a fool. Why read 83 stories if they annoy you?

I do not like a of lot of the tales on LIT. Pain and love /sex I cannot read. Domination by either party, I cannot condone. To act to hurt and destroy a woman or man because of pain from an affair (regardless of the length) is inhumane.

As a reasonable adult (yes I know there are questions about that???), I wonder how often the writer thinks of the children in a divorce. How much more pain should others suffer to end a single person's agony? The people of the Cheyenne tribe in the early days would often cut themselves to help the pain caused by the death of a loved one. I am not ready to do that.

This misty morgan tried to write a reason for her tales. The Anonymous blasted her for that. Is he so stupid that he does not see Misty as a women who controls her pain and anger by writing it out. She leads a normal life with a great valve for venting. Hey WOW girl, go baby go.

I do not like what she writes, but damn it all to hell I will die in her defense to write and post what she bloody well pleases.

Now those that wish to attack writers have a new area for their attacks. ME! Here I stand. Attack me. I will accept the blows in the name of Free Speech and in defense of a Lady.

Now again this may be rejected. I kinda expect it. But the battle for Free Speech is not just fought by those who wish to throw stones, but by every writers who post on a public site and ask not for readers but for some respect.

Sure this might be better posted as a FORUM item. But this is an open site and to get the readers I must post it more openly.

How many readers actually open the Forums in say a week? How many open the loving wives?

I am the h20wader


These are too the raving of a lunatic.

Lay on Macduff and damned be he who cries hold enough.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Too bad H20wader has disappeared from this site. It's nice to read a free speech essay as a counterbalance to the ignorant screamers who do no better than abuse an author whose fictional characters they don't approve of. Best wishes to H20wader wherever you have gone to and thanks for standing up for maligned authors.

chucksavedchucksavedover 4 years ago
It takes different strokes to move the world

Yes it does.

The part of free speech that every writer, including myself, must accept is that the commentator is as free with his words as I was with mine. I have read the cuckold / loving wives / cheating stories in an attempt to understand what is so attractive about being torn down like that. My first reaction is that if I am insufficient in an area, and I truly love my wife, I will try to improve in that area for both our sakes. I cannot understand the man who lays down and says, "No, no honey, just take another lover. My satisfaction is your satisfaction." I read it in hopes to understand that man because I don't. I don't want to judge him as if I think I'm better than him, but I certainly cannot see myself doing what he does. It is a curiosity.

In my stories, if your first and most honest natural reaction was to hate it, then I hope that's what I was aiming for. I will sometimes create characters that are completely unlikable and have no redeeming qualities because life has those kinds of characters in it and life imitates art. Or is it art imitates life? Your first and natural reaction is what all authors should crave to draw out of the reader; a raw reaction, an emotional response or two. I'm not afraid to read something I find reprehensible so should I be afraid if someone comments negatively when they feel that way towards my writing?

The common thing is to back the protagonist and automatically dislike the antagonist. Suppose I wrote a story where the protagonist is a piece of shit for human being, would you still back him? What if the antagonist was the good guy? You want to get really philosophical, what if we are all creations in someone's mind, characters created by somebody with a pad and a pencil?

Mind blown?

What does it do to your psyche thinking that, with a stroke of a pen, you no longer live?

I say I hope that my Creator likes me and wants to keep me around for the sequel. Yes, if I will simply repent of my sins ... Wait, this seems awfully familiar. So if I am a made up character in somebody's mind and I am a horrible sinner, was I not created that way? Tales like The Iliad, The Oddesy, or Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope are the hero's journey. He starts off as an novice, gains experience, and in the end wins against insurmountable odds. Most side characters that affect his journey are generally not fleshed out as they are not germane to the story, but merely serve a specific one time purpose and never hear of them again. Well, I sure do hope I'm not one of those. I'd rather be the antagonist or the boss monster at the end of the game. At least then people waited all the way to the end to meet me.

I may come off as flippant, but it's a real question, isn't it? I confess, sometimes I read the cheating stories and I'm overjoyed that this oblivious moron doesn't put two and two together, but has the balls to act surprised at the logical outcome of neglecting his wife. So you travel all the time and have a pissed-off complaining wife you haven't fucked in months and it never enters your mind that she's might fuck other people while you're not there? Perhaps she wouldn't cheat at the beginning, but the Chinese water torture becomes a torture eventually and death by a thousand cuts is still death.

I am tempted to write a story, a good one, where every single solitary person we meet is a miserable human being you wouldn't live want to live 2 miles away from nor give 2 shits about. I wonder what my comments would be. I want the reader to say "Oh, he or she was cheated on? Good, they had it coming. I hope the rock that took out the dinosaurs does an encore. Fuck this imaginary world and every swinging dick & flapping tata in it." Yes, my goal is to write a story where you absolutely loathe every character I introduce you to. Then I want you to tell me what a shity human being I am for writing it and I'm a terrible author who can't write his way out of a paper bag.

But wait, I met my goals and elicited the severe reaction from you that I wanted.

Am I not then an awesome author? Are you not entertained?

Do I not borrow quotes from popular movies?

I'll tell you what, if I comment negatively on someone's story, I hope that I have the presence of mind to add at the end this little thought.

"If your goal was to piss off the reader, you met it. If, however, your goal was to make me fall in love with cuckolding and seek the life for myself, you did not."

" Hear ye, hear ye, I am a right bastard and the only reason I exist is to piss people off. My own mother told me she regretted not getting an abortion to my face. No one will cry at my funeral and the only reason anyone would want to attend besides the confirming my demise is for the free food afterwards. Attendees will consume it all right after they piss on the fresh dirt covering my casket all while they bond to stories about what a complete piece of shit I was and how they pray that there really is a hell for me to wake up in next to the same mother who didn't have the guts to drown me at birth."

I don't know about you, but I am dying to read a story with a character like that in it. I want to hate somebody that shity. Whether I want evil to triumph or a bad person to get their comeuppance, either way, fuck you, I'm reading it.

Maybe that's why somebody will read 83 cuckolding stories and then make negative comments afterwards. They relish being that outraged, too pissed off to properly spell and have worse sentence structure than Yoda.

Go ahead, read them all and make a terrible comment after each one. Only then, a true anonymous commentator will you be.

notredame43notredame43over 6 years ago
i agree with zed

the wimp hubbys and happy wife sharing shit pissed me off after a whhile. there are some excellent stories on here , those i try to avoid. they have the right to post em, as i do to comment and usually avoid after . just like someone who's politics are different from mine (both sides suck in that case btw. in my case a close friend had a wife, now ex, pull things seemingly out of a story here . she lost big, only because he didn't care about the law or rules. it still hurts two years later, that's why i get a bit nasty , ive seen what really happened to people. end sermon

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

It goes both ways. It's hard to tell if a story is one you wish you hadn't read.

I have managed to figure out some of the authors write stories that blame the victim and RAAC after a few platitudes they seem to think make a case for it.

I have also learned to skim the comments before I read so I don't waste my time on those mostly.

Nevertheless some author do try hard to make a case like that and most fail miserably and I think it is fair to point that out or another way is that it is valid criticism

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Five star is just not good enough. Kudos to you for raging against the machine as I decided to take my own rejections elsewhere. I got exactly the same crap from both ends coming and going and am surprised you actually got this posted. What the fuck is a forum any damn way? As far as I am concerened stories, poems and essays are forums within themselves. This would be more suited to one of our formus was nothing but a signal to me to post elsewhere, so there goes something the douche fuck commenters here would have read and tore up, off to another site to bring their readership up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Lunatic ravings?

I sympathise with you and enjoy your ravings. Please, do carry on.

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
I remained silent. . .

... for many years. I grew increasingly frustrated at the increasingly disgusting portrayal of men as wimps by some of Lit's better writers. I also realized I never read the comments from anonymous, for some reason they (in my mind) didn't count. When my frustration with a story's content (no matter how well written) forced me to comment (negatively) I knew a user name was the only way my comments could have creditability (in my mind). I was surprised when the the author replied with an even more terse and crude comment than the one I had offered. "This is really cool" I thought; "Where else but the internet (and Lierotica) can two anonymous people using made up names insult each other over the degree and quality of pornographic content in short stories?" And how on earth can anyone seriously take such criticism to heart? Regardless of how much "self" or ego the author puts into their work, it is still self gratification, not peer approval, that compels them to post their stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Write on, Dude!

... Rich

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Well done, H20wader!

We can certainly appreciate your insightful thoughts on this subject and "yes" we are one of the many "anon". Although, John works just as well. By observation, many of the direct comments from the "anon's" are most likely mean-spirited in a lot of cases but as you defend the right of "misty morgan" to write, we also shall defend the right to "free speech" as a anon. Atlas, for the same reason we have the slickman, the celt, bonnietaylor and even the infamous H20wader. We could disguise ourselves as mabel & wilber but who cares? Overall, your analysis was over due and gave us a different perspective and for that we say; "thank you"!

jackiedanielsjackiedanielsover 15 years ago
I Agree

Thank you very much for writing this article,I agree with you fully why would anyone read 83 stories they hated lol,I for one have started reading a story and felt I didn,t care for where it was headed and looked ahead at the ending found I was right and quit reading it ,it was a story of my disliking, I did not leave a comment, maybe I should have, If I had of left one it would not have been to threaten the writer or humilate her or him, but would have explained that it was the type story I don,t care about ,I do not cheat on my husband,but if I ever did and was caught by him and he reacted to seeing me with a lover by getting hard, and telling me he wants me to keep doing it so he can watch, I could never stand to have him touch me again, I would rather him hate me and divorce me than accept this, those are the stories I prefer not reading these type stories,rather than looking for them and reading them ,so I can leave a nasty comment to that writer, I,m just glad it's my choice to make,

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 16 years ago
communication over the net

Thanks for your heartfelt and honest opener which you created in your contribution to all the readers who followed with their feedbacks. I totally agree with you that the forums are a distant back alley, nothing like the main venue of the essays in evoking public debate. <P>

As far as the substance of your comments; my sense is that to the most part you were not dealing so much with questions of free speech as much as you were trying to probe what I would call issues of netiquette.

I got the feeling that you take free speech as a given but try to implore reader to adhere to a higher code of conduct. Initially I thought, gee, he is preaching to the quire. Those who would read this piece would probably all agree to it, and those who need to read it won’t. But I was wrong! People were surprisingly adamant even on the right to be viscous in attacking authors, namely –if people need to vent they will vent. To some extent those who were talking about people’s right to do so did not get the point of the netiquette. Yes we have the RIGHT to be vicious and nasty to our friends family co workers sale persons and the same (and with so much ease) on the internet). Should that be the norm though? People have the right to act like A.H, particularly when they perceive themselves to be somehow wronged or insulted. Is that the only way to respond? Can’t we choose a higher road?

IMO, you brought this question, or challenge to the readers. The challenge to the readers is to make a choice to behave in a respectful way (and still make even the most critical points) or be unnecessarily rude and offensive. <P>

As far as the reality of things, I believe you recognized in part that there will always be a part of the readership which would use the opportunity to vent –as if the feedback option is a screaming tunnel (I believe that every one had such a place at some point in their lives where they could go and scream to their heart content). Where else could people do that with impunity? If people feel so desperate that they have no other place to scream and vent, I say let them scream and vent and know that hopefully they would be more relaxed in real life…Just like that author works her problems with the stories she writes, some readers work theirs by ‘screaming and venting’. I’d leave it to the common sense and ego strength of each writer to decide how much of ‘screaming and venting’ should stay posted say, after one or two weeks. After all, it is not an op- ed on the NY times when someone writes “It was B.S.”, the venting purpose has been achieved, and no need to preserve it to posterity. <P>

I don’t see a contradictin between my view on “screaming and venting” (understanding the motivation but not necessarily recommending to preserve each of them to posterity) and my view on arguments sharp and critical as they may be which IMO should stay and be respected just as the positive reviews. ALL should aspire as I believe H2o recommends to be respectful in the WAY the do that.

Thanks for providing the incentive for discussing the always important issues of communication over the net.

notnamernotnamerabout 16 years ago
Annone annony mouses mices and meeses

How can "free speech" be FREE SPEECH if you are afraid to append your name to it? If you have to hide in the shadows to express your "free speech", then either your speech isn't FREE ENOUGH TO RESPECT ITSELF or you can't handle FREEDOM without the protection of "a cast-iron freedom dome" above your id.

----- This piece is a good enough read as is.

PorlockPorlockover 16 years ago
Good sense, well said

Thank you for such a firm, unapologetic expression of common sense. I consider your essay to be a valuable service to writers here. I wish more people would see it, and have the sense to take it to heart.


I also choose to enable the public comment and private email features. At times it seems a lot like mining diamonds: the gems are there, but you have to wade through tons of waste to get to them. When I read a positive comment, and just as much, a critical one that is also thoughtful and meant to be helpful, I feel the effort is worth it. When I have spent too much time shoveling through the dung pile, I get tired and want to just shut it off.


As I was writing this comment I found myself gradually drifting toward my own essay, so I'll stop here and consider working on that.


Thanks again.

calflashcalflashover 17 years ago

a few reactions:

First and foremost, free speech works both ways. As the Dixie Chicks found out insisting on their right to free speech lead to others imposing THEIR right to free speech to object to the DC's anti Bush remarks and "in your face" attitude. As the old expression goes, "Be careful what you ask for".

I do find it strange that someone would read 83 stories before commenting on the compilation. If one doesn't like it, don't go there. However, I do think the writer of 83 (or whatever) stories expressing a theme of putting down others shouldn't be shocked in the reaction. My only caveat it that is should be civil without obsenities or personal attack.

I used to reply as anonymous until I realized that most use fictitious membership names and/or e-mail addresses so the use of anonymous is somewhat redundant.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Ah, Come On

"(Spelling and run on sentence left as is.) There is no vulgar words,"

First you try to humiliate the critic by pointing out his bad writing. You follow that with you own atrocious use of the singular 'is' with the plural 'words', showing your hypocrisy.

Then you have the audacity to say:

'Humiliation is not my 'thing'.'

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Why I remain Anonymous

I am a regular visitor of this site and I don't particularly care if anybody knows that. I also like to leave comments on stories I find interesting enough to merit attention - positive or negative, I want to let the author know my views. If I make a comment about a story it is because it was of sufficient merit to garner more attention from me than the rest of the riff-raff.

But I don't have an account here and never will, hence my comments will always be anonymous. Why? Because I don't want to sign up at this site and hand my email address out to yet another webhost. I've done that on more sites than I am comfortable with out of necessity - the only way of accessing what I want to see is to register. I don't need to do that here in order to be able to browse the stories and leave comments - one of the things I like about Literotica.

Its purely a matter of not wanting the hassle. Membership of another site means another place which has my spammed-out email address in its records, another login name to remember, another password to record, more electronic red tape to waste my time. I don't want that, I don't need it and hence I won't invite it.

As for your comments on critics in this place - yes, a great many resort to personal attacks on the author. Is it justified? Usually not, but occasionally it can be. As somebody else said, if an author repeatedly writes about a topic that most people find objectionable then it is not unreasonable to think that this is a part of that author's personality. It may be a false assumption, but it is not an unreasonable one to make. It is then up to the author to explain to their audience exactly what it is they are trying to achieve with those stories and why they write them.

One final point - a hypothetical case. What would the reaction be if somebody posted 83 stories about Holocaust denial coupled with strong anti-semitic messages? Would we, the reading audience, react with personal attacks? Would the rest of the authors condemn those that did? Would the protestations about Freedom of Speech be nearly as strong? I am not suggesting that anyone here has double standards on the Freedom of Speech - I am merely trying to give people more food for thought on this issue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
How poorly written!

I am an author and an editor here on Literotica. I think that it was a terrible mistake for the Lit higher ups to allow a piece of drivel as this to get by them. You could have at least posted something that had correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. You repeated yourself constantly throughout the entire essay!!

I have to concur with one other comment about the infamous *83* reads.....where on earth did you get that from....and did we HAVE to hear it over and over again??? You perhaps, my good man, should not try to bring into reality your own thoughts as something that are NOT in the LEAST realistic!! Talk about boring, but I at least did get a wee bit of a laugh from it too, or maybe it's just the time of night and I'm getting giddy.

Well needless to say I will NOT be reading any of YOUR stories anytime soon if this is an indication of what you have to offer. Oh and indeed this will be sent anonymously because.....well because I can....Just another good thing about free speech.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
The Provocator Strikes Again

Well, h2o don't be a water head about anonymous accountability, its kinda like a triple negative while standing on your head pounding your chest.

You mean well and I like your openess but step back and look at the comments. In most cases but not all, the writers feel as you do. Declare your stage name as we have.

And my question is to what purpose - to what greater value that isn't served as well as by us exchanging comments openly in this very free speech forum. Correcto my man there is none.

I respect you and your viewpoint but beg to differ. I respect you for in my mind you have earned it with stories depicting variations of human lifelike realities and when called for with some level of consequence.

You don't disrespect and degrade every character, yourself and us with crude absurdities of debased non-human characteristics again and again without apparent reason in the guise of arousing thought.

Further, if people like that think we like it by non-response - it is just tolerance without value. Like a drunk won't ever change unless there is a negative value to it. Like male chavanism didn't change until the ladies spoke up. Like racial bias didn't change until people of reason took a visible position.

You deal in words as do I in my response. If your point is felt to be justified by your explanation and my measured counterpoints don't amount to much - most people will side with you or conversely with me. It really isn't about who we are but what we are and how we express it.

The sense of our position drives respect (or lack of it) and the resulting credibility that builds from that respect is earned not requested whinily without supporting value.

There are a great bunch of writers here and some authors of repute who don't know it of themselves yet. Then there are those who distain others and themselves in their work who shouldn't use this as therapy but get some. Then there are others who like to write suck and fuck cuz they do - they in large part don't disrespect or inflict pathetic humiliation just stroke visions. These folks aren't mean spirited they are just crazy and why not as this isn't a prayer site.

On that subject, morality should never be an issue here as once you walk in the door you gave up that right of mind. However, respect is a strengthy issue which is fair game for discussion here. Just because some jiggle their jaded minds with the crude absurd lack of it doesn't mean it can't have legitiment comment from anyone who chooses.

Lastly, who among us would write these stories or make these comments if a sign on our lawn, car and office explained what we do? Surprisingly, many writers and commentors could most of the time. Others would be scorned for their mindset. And all of that is ok but discussable here in this vaccume openly without recrimination - you know it works - thanks to the webmasters who concieved the parameters most appropriately for the total freedom of discourse and ananimity.

H20wader - you have done it again - provoked thoughts and expression - good show

Lou NuttickLou Nuttickover 18 years ago
Missed the boat

The right to free speech is not the right to avoid all consequences to what you espouse. Indeed, one may make the argument that it is the responsibility of those who strongly disagree, to denounce and rebut those views.

I am not saying that ad hominem attacks are justified, but I won’t say that they are never justified, either. At some point, if a writer continues to promote the same views over and over, especially when those views are debasing and dehumanizing, one would have to wonder whether those views defined at least part of the writer. Most, I imagine, would conclude that they would.

I find it especially hypocritical to see those hiding behind screen names to denounce “anonymous” posters. If they’d have the guts to post their real name, address, phone number, and place of employment in their profile, then I’d cut them some slack, but until then, they’re as anonymous as the rest of us, however much they wish to pretend that they’re not.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 18 years ago
You at least brought up the subject.

If there were better or more category’s a lot of criticism would be cut out. People complain of wasting time on think they are reading a certain type of story and find it’s doesn’t even apply. Some writers give a quick prologue warning of content being specific in type.

There are many categories’ I never even go into. I believe DJ suggested some breakup of categories in a comment a week or two ago.

I wonder if people would be more civil if they could receive a response to a comment left. As for anonymous, it’s so easy to obtain a account that are free and you may obtain as many as you want to remember passwords for. You don’t store e-mail on your computer and can keep your self anonymous that way if you like. Alas for the casual user this is not a realistic option the WEB site owner would ever agree to.

Sorry to tell you but I am a fan of you Mr. Reconciliation. I know you never heard that moniker before!

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