Freja and Jeanie Ch. 04


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Freja shivered and gasped as her wife's skilled tongue snaked up and down between the folds of her cunt before sliding deep inside, the limber muscle knowing exactly where to go in order to make her wild. Freja moaned and put her hand on the back of Jeanie's head, her fingers knotting in her damp, curly brown hair. She undulated her core and pelvis, moving against Jeanie's face while tingling pleasure lanced along her nervous system. Her excellent flexibility lent a certain fun to their heated lovemaking, because she could be in almost any position when it was time for Jeanie to lick or fuck her.

Moaning at the intrusion of the tongue, Freja lay backward, still on her knees, but her spine and head resting on the carpet. Her hands groped and fondled her breasts, fingers pulling at the sensitive nipples, making her even more wet for Jeanie. She would be stuck in this position until Jeanie made her cum, but she knew she could remain this way for over half an hour, so it was no big deal to do for a few minutes. She had once let a friend, Kres, fuck her like this, and it had been an absolutely mind-blowing experience for her. Kres had a decidedly upturned dick, so the angle of penetration, coupled with the position, had brought her to a screaming orgasm where she contracted around him so tightly that she was amazed he hadn't snapped his cock right off.

In this position, Freja's ass cheeks were clamped shut, so there was no opportunity for Jeanie to finger her back there, but this was no deterrent to the determined brunette. As she sucked on her wife's clit, Jeanie snaked a finger into Freja's pussy, pushing up with her finger pad so that she could see the digit moving under the soft skin of Freja's pubic mound. Freja groaned and shivered, squeezing her cunt muscles around the finger as best she could. They weren't trying to prolong her pleasure, it was simply Jeanie's desire to make her wife cum, something she almost never failed to do.

"Mmm, you gonna cum for me, Fre?" Jeanie murmured, her mouth still latched onto Freja's clit while her finger was joined by another, sliding in and out of her and twisting while she did it. "Y'gonna cum on my tongue?"

"Please, yndling," Freja managed to gasp, amazed at how quickly she was about to cum. She pulled out her nipples, the delicious sting adding to her delight. "Please make me cum!"

Jeanie sucked Freja's clit almost right into her mouth as she jammed two pointed fingers as deep inside her wife as she could. It had the desired effect, and both of Freja's hands grappled into her hair and jammed her face against her cunt. The Danish girl shook from head to toe, her lips contorted in a snarl as she somehow kept from shrieking and alerting the entire hotel to their activities. Her cum was glistening all over Jeanie's face, but the brown-haired girl was relentless, still sucking and fingering for all she was worth. Freja's cunt was squeezing so hard that she had to push back to keep her fingers from being forced out. Her wife's power enthralled her!

Freja went limp, her body trembling but otherwise unmoving. Her eyes were closed as she struggled to breathe, her mind awash with waves of pleasure, blossoming out from her clit. She floated aimlessly, colours behind her eyes, the only real thing she could fee was the pounding rhythm of her heart. She had no idea how long she was lying there, and she hoped she wasn't going to make them late for breakfast. She wasn't all that sure she could move.

"Upsy-daisy," she heard Jeanie chirp, and she felt herself getting pulled up into a kneeling position. Reality washed in around her, somewhat unwelcome, and her vision returned. She was greeted with the sight of her wife, smiling at her lovingly, that pure, boundless expression of emotion that only Jeanie could give her. She felt Jeanie squeezing her hands, and their tits pressed together. "There you are. Thought I was gonna have to call for an ambulance. Y'looked dead there for a moment, Fre."

"I would not mind going in this way, my love," Freja sighed, finally catching her breath. "You and that wicked tongue of yours, with any of the luck, it will be the death of me."

"Well, I'm countin' on you killing me with pleasure too, so we'd better rehearse that," her wife quipped, winking. Jeanie was the most cheerful and uplifting person to be around; she reminded Freja of Alex that way. "Because I don't wanna spend a single day in this world without you, Fre."

"You might want to have words with your tongue, then, yndling, because it might be having other ideas," Freja said wearily, falling into a very naked hug with her lovely, loony wife.


They'd had a lovely breakfast, despite the somewhat awkward presence of Paxton Kim, who seemed determined to keep as much distance between himself and the two girls as possible while at the table, as if proximity to them would lead to some divine smiting that would claim him as collateral damage. When it became fairly obvious that sitting beside Mike as a shield wasn't happening because it separated the giant patriarch from his wife, the young man settled for sitting between Valentina and Alex. Hopefully that would prove to be protection enough.

"So let me get this straight," he said, his eyebrow raised while he looked at Valentina. "You're their servant?"

"It's what I like to call myself," she replied, placing her finger against the glittering stone that sat on the front of the black lace choker she wore. The rest of her outfit was a velvety black business suit, with ivory and gilded buttons. "I guess that for practical purposes I'm just an employee like anyone else back home, but I tend to think of my position as special. It certainly seems that way to me."

"But don't you think the term 'servant' is somewhat... well, anachronistic?" he posited.

She shrugged. "It's what I do, I serve. I'm good at it, and I'm proud of it. It doesn't matter to me if it's modern enough or not. I still use capital letters and punctuation in my sentences, does that make me old-fashioned?"

"Ouch," Alex laughed, letting Alexa pour more coffee for him. "I think we all do that, except for maybe Jeanie."

"Is this one of those things where I'm the only millennial here who was raised like a millennial?" Jeanie asked, trying to not scowl. "I get it, we get it- we have more information that any previous generation and we're getting dumber and more illegitimate."

"I think you mean 'illiterate'," darling," Karen corrected.

"Hey, my mom and dad were married before I was born, tyvm," the brunette protested, trying to look offended to not much effect, aside from making Paxton clap his hands over his face and groan into his palms.

"You're in no danger of surviving this mini-vacation if you don't toughen up and develop a tolerance to Jeanie's malapropisms," Mike chuckled, letting the waitress serve him another omelette.

"I've never been held hostage on a mini-vacation before, either," the young musician muttered. "With these two around, the war reparations may be more harmful than the atrocities."

"Paxi, the last time you saw us, Fre trapped you inside a baby grand and you had a Yosemite Sam-style tantrum," Jeanie pointed out. "What has happened so far since then that compares?"

"The day isn't over yet," he sighed, shaking his head. He looked at the DeBournes. "So you're all musicians?"

"We all play instruments, if that's what you mean," Karen answered. "Michael and I are physicists who happen to be exceptional musicians on various instruments, whereas Alex and Alli are both polyglots who are also musically inclined."

The young Asian man looked back and forth between them all. "So, you're basically what would happen if the Partridge Family was the result of a successful eugenics program. You're Wagnerian leitmotifs with the titles to vineyards."

He looked at Freja. "You're from Denmark?"

Freja nodded. "A town called Roskilde. I came to visit my best friend Alexandra, but I met Jeanette while I was here, and we fell in love. I stayed here and we married. It was most romantic, ja?"

"Oh yeah, you're practically Richard and Cosima," Pax sighed. "And before you ask, no, I have no damn idea how on earth you can make it up to me for getting me blacklisted from practicing my craft anywhere in the state in a single night."

"Couldn't you just practice your craft elsewhere?" Jeanie asked, shrugging. "I mean, aren't there like, a bunch of other states to choose from?"

"Sure," the young man snorted. "I'm sure the saloons in Montana and Idaho will be beating down my door, begging me to come and play Liszt behind chicken wire while naked neon girls light up the bar. Everyone can tell me how well I play the 'pye-ana'."

"Jeez, somebody's salty," Jeanie sniffed. "I was just trying to be helpful."

"That's what I'm afraid of!" Pax said tightly. "Your type of help should only be given to the suicidal. Go ahead and tell me that things go well when you two crack any scheme together."

"Hey now, we are very good at the helping," Freja insisted, taking exception to his characterization of their good intentions. "People, they appreciate our efforts!"

"Fre's right," Alexa agreed, nodding. "She's amazing at helping people. There was that time she helped the cops in her hometown bust a drug ring that turned out to just be a day care operation..."

Freja scowled at her friend. Alexa ignored the look.

"Then there was that time we were in Rome and she helped a young priest kick his celibacy addiction the day before he was due to be ordained..."

"Alexandra!" Freja hissed, colouring. "Hold kaeft, din tos!"

Predictably, the blonde girl kept going, now making a point of counting on her fingers. Mike, Karen, and Alex looked on in amusement, used to this sort of interaction between the two best friends, while Pax stared in bewilderment. Jeanie just listened, always keen to learn more about her wife, even if it embarrassed the shit out of her. Maybe especially if it did.

"And then there was that run-in with the Croatian mafia in Dubrovnik, Interpol appreciated that no end..."

"How was I to be knowing they were undercover?!" Freja protested almost frantically.

"And that time when you parallel-parked that old lady's car back into the canal in Venice," Alexa continued. "Ooh, and that time you were convinced that there were jellyfish waiting to sting people in the fountain in Marseille, so you peed in the water... oh, and the kid you fixed the laser pointer for and then focused it on that German politician's chest while he was giving a speech two blocks away, so he got tackled off the stage and broke his pelvis..."

Freja crossed her arms and just scowled at the table, turning red while Alexa continued. She had finished with both hands and removed one of her sandals, now pointing at individual toes. "The Tabasco sauce in the homemade laxative at the old age home... that time you got drunk in Krakow and thought the statue looked sad, so you tried to give it a handy... oh, and the fire at the orphanage..."

Pax looked at Freja in disbelief. "Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the donkey. You're just a giant walking noodle incident, aren't you?"

"I am always meaning well," Freja grumped.

"You know what they say about the road to Hell and good intentions," Pax countered.

"It's something about silver linings, isn't it?" Jeanie offered hopefully.

"Maybe we'd best get going, before Mr. Kim's brains end up on the table from his head exploding," Mike chuckled, standing up. "Kar's got transport arranged for us, you all go and get in while I settle up here."

Karen led the others out of the dining room, but Freja stayed behind. She touched Mike on the arm, and he turned his head to look down on her. She blushed as she spoke and seemed hesitant. "Mike, I... Jeanette and I appreciate you coming down here to help, but... please be honest, can this situation actually be fixed?"

The giant man smiled. "Would Kar and I have come all the way down here just to waste our time if it couldn't be?"

It was the most reassuring thing Freja had heard in a long time.


Bellerophon Estates Winery, outside Calistoga...

"Jeebus, you weren't kidding about the place looking like a castle, were you?" Jeanie mused as they walked up the road toward the building. It did indeed look like some European medieval fortress, with square towers at the corners, an imposing edifice made of zillions of grey, cut stones, surrounded by reddish hills and endless green vines. Jeanie didn't know how useful it was as a winery, but she was pretty sure it would make an awesome place to hold out during the zombie apocalypse.

"My great-uncle Bellerophon was a rather eccentric individual, even by Blackwell standards," Karen replied, walking along casually. She was ignoring the scowls of her younger sister, who was determined to let her millennial sensibilities be bent out of shape about her family's fabulous wealth and expenditures. It was mostly for show, no doubt, but Alli was indeed a stubborn Gordon-Blackwell girl. "When he built this place before the First World War, he wanted it to look different from everything around it. Mission accomplished, I dare say."

"I hope the wine tastes less scary than the place looks," Pax said. "I mean, I've always heard good things about it..."

"Let's hope appearances can be deceiving, Mr. Kim," Karen said rather casually as they ascended the long flight of stone steps, leading to the tall, heavy wooden doors that allowed access to the building. Mike opened them and allowed everyone to pass through, with Freja, Jeanie and their new associate Pax still gawking at the building. Before them was a large, well-lit and open room, the walls lined with bottles of wine on display. "Everyone feel free to take a look around."

Freja and Jeanie walked together slowly, trying not to stare at everything. Their own troubles were forgotten as they took in their surroundings. Not far behind them, Pax trudged along, having been abandoned by Alex and Alexa. Jeanie felt like she was unaware that there were so many types of wine. Maybe she knew it, but confronted with all these bottles now, she was second-guessing herself. Mind, she was still getting over everything else she'd had to absorb since her friends arrived to save them- the DeBournes owned a jet... they owned at least one winery down here... Lexi had been grumbling about some yacht... they'd come with their own dedicated servant...

Okay, maybe they didn't personally own the jet, the yacht, and the wineries, the extended Blackwell family did. And Valentina was a paid employee, like anyone else in this day and age. But this was all still quite a surprise to Jeanie, and she was used to her friends surprising her.

She squeezed Freja's hand as they stopped and looked at a display, with rare and vintage bottles of wine, some of which had a surprising number of zeroes at the end of their pricing labels.

"Wow," Pax muttered as he stood beside them, gazing at a bottle of Old Vine Zinfandel. "I don't wanna think about how many gigs I'd have to play to buy a bottle like that. It's more than a season's worth of my rent."

"If we were still camgirls, it'd be a while for us, too," Jeanie agreed, nodding. "And we wouldn't drink it, we'd be afraid to. We'd probably just use the bottle as part of a show in-"

"Can I help you three?" intoned a voice behind them. They turned and saw a man staring at them, wearing black slacks and a crisp white dress shirt, complete with name tag. He seemed rather unimpressed that these youngsters were hanging out in front of the wall containing the most expensive classic vintages. "Is there something you were thinking of purchasing?"

"Oh, uh, no, probably not," Jeanie answered, blushing slightly. "This must be the really good stuff, right?"

"Without a doubt," the man replied, still looking at them rather disdainfully. "Just the sort of wall that endless hip young millennials like to take selfies in front of, making sure the price tags of the bottles are in clear view."

"Hey, we were just looking," Pax said somewhat tersely, irked at his intentions being impugned. "We only just got here and happened to wander in this direction."

"You can't begin to imagine how often we hear that," the man sniffed, turning and holding up is hand, getting someone's attention. A salt-and-pepper-haired man with an efficient bearing came over and joined the little group. "Is there a problem, Alan?"

"That depends, sir," the attendant named Alan replied to his boss. "On whether we consider loitering a problem."

"We weren't loitering," Pax said tightly, colouring. "We only just got here."

"It was, of course, your intention to buy today, yes?" the older man replied. "Because indeed Alan is right, we are rather busy to be dealing with loiterers."

Pax was clearly about to raise his voice when the escalation was interrupted. "Oh, hey, Desmond," Alex said casually as he walked up, along with Alexa. "I was wondering if you'd be in today."

The man named Desmond snapped his head around to look at whoever had addressed him in so cavalier a manner, clearly unimpressed. "And who might you be?"

"You don't remember me?" Alex almost laughed. "I'm not sure whether I'm hurt or not, although I've probably changed since you last saw me."

He held out his hand to shake. "It's me, Desmond. Alex DeBourne."

This gave the man pause and his demeanour changed as he went silent. He looked at Alex in quiet shock. He reached out his hand slowly.

"I... you're Alex DeBourne?" he croaked as he took the proffered hand.

"I guess I have changed," Alex said cheerfully. "Mom and dad'll be pleased to see you."

"They're here?" Desmond asked, the colour draining from his face.

"Hello, Desmond," Karen said in her lyrical voice as she walked up to the group from behind with Mike walking beside her and towering over everyone, causing the manager to spin almost in a panic. "I am glad to see you're in today."

"M-Mrs. DeBourne," he stuttered, beginning to sweat. "We didn't know you were coming, we're sorry we weren't ready for you!"

"I prefer pop-in visits without notice, admittedly," she lilted in a casual tone, shaking the manager's hand. "Things are looking well, although I'll admit I've only been here for about a minute..."

She looked at Pax curiously. "Why is Mr. Kim a shade of puce, and why are his forehead veins bulging?"

"I don't like being accused of loitering when I haven't been in an establishment long enough to do anything yet, let alone loiter," the young man said, trying not to glare at the attendant who had started the affair. "We dared look at the wall of expensive wines for more than three seconds, and that apparently qualified as loitering."

Karen put her hands on her hips and gave Freja and Jeanie an almost comical chiding look of reproach. "Were you about to take selfies in front of expensive bottles of wine?"

Jeanie and Freja looked at one another and then shrugged. "No?" Freja offered.

"Well why not?" Karen said, coming forward and pulling her phone out of her purse. "We can all take pictures in front of the expensive wines, that sounds fun. Desmond, be a dear and take some pictures with my phone, will you?"

"Y-yes, madame," he faltered, glaring at the attendant who had started the entire affair. Alan swallowed nervously. Karen stood between Freja and Jeanie, her arms around their waists and smiling dazzlingly for the camera. The younger girls smiled somewhat more awkwardly, then took pictures with Pax, who couldn't seem to smile just yet, but managed to twist his face into a neutral expression. Alex and Alexa got in on the action, after which Karen introduced her manager to her younger sister, while Alan was stuck taking more pictures. Freja and Jeanie eventually got into the mood and began hamming for the camera, pointing out prices on wine bottles and looking scandalized. Alan was red with embarrassed anger, but kept diligently snapping.
