Freja and Jeanie Ch. 04


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"Well, that was awkward but fun, eventually," Jeanie said, sighing as she stood in a circle with her wife, Pax, Alex, and Lexi. "It's like every single thing that happens to us here in California is doomed to start out as a potential disaster."

"Thanks so much for shedding your luck on to me," Pax grunted, still not quite mollified. "I'm sure as Hell not used to being treated that way."

He looked over at Mike and Karen, who were standing some distance away, speaking with Desmond. The manager was answering many questions, and the colour hadn't returned to his face yet. Alan seemed to have escaped to safer climes. "Think they'll fire him?"

"Over that? Nah," Alex replied, shrugging. "He's managed this place brilliantly for well over a decade now, mom's not gonna let a gaffe like that compromise the performance of the winery. No, he's getting a stern talking-to, and he won't be snotty enough to do that again, ever."

"I ams still mad that he treated us that way," Freja grumbled.

"Then it's a good thing he's dealing with my mom and dad instead of you, because you'd suplex him through a table," Alex laughed. He had a point. Angry Freja had a habit of putting people through furniture. "Don't worry, he'll be made to do penance, best believe it."

In due course, Desmond did indeed return, and he kept his hands folded in front of himself as he addressed the young crowd. "We are, of course, delighted to host you, especially on behalf of the trustee, who extends her formal regards and bids our new visitors welcome," he said in a genial tone. "Today you will be seen to with our grand VIP tour, and allowed to see and take part in things not open to the public."

He looked at Jeanie, Freja, and Pax. "It has been intimated to me that you three will be allowed to each choose ten bottles of any vintage you like to take home with you, providing it is not from the heritage wall. I am absolutely at your disposal when it is time to choose."

Jeanie squeaked in delight and clapped her hands while Freja nodded in appreciation. This was indeed an easier resolution than suplexing someone through a table. Far less chance of police involvement as well. Pax sniffed and nodded curtly. Clearly this was atoning in some small way for the harm done.

"We will leave your choices of bottle until later today, so that you needn't carry them," Desmond said. "Mrs. DeBourne has invited you to come and join her and her husband in a process that we allow for certain VIP customers. Follow me and we'll see that your feet get scrubbed well."

Freja looked at Jeanie and raised her eyebrow as they fell into line behind the manager. The brunette shrugged, following behind Alex and Lexi while Pax brought up the rear, watching warily, as if he expected a crater to simply open in front of Freja and Jeanie and swallow them all up.


Valentina laughed in delight as she stamped around inside the large wooden vat, crushing the numberless grapes beneath her feet. She'd rolled her expensive black slacks up past her knees before jumping into the vat, along with her Mistress, Alexa, Freja, and Jeanie. Mike, Alex, and Pax stood nearby, watching, while Desmond gave the women their instructions.

"Remember, no need to stamp too hard, ladies," he called to them, hoping to be heard over the sound of their laughing. "They're only grapes, so even the lightest of steps crushes them."

"But the stomping, it is fun," Freja declared, enjoying pounding up and down with her feet. She pictured each and every grape being a little head that belonged to an incel, or a racist. At least this way, all their 'wining' would be good for something. "Our wines back in Denmark, they don't allow for this."

"But everybody loves maple sugar now, don't they?" Jeanie added, smirking at her wife. Freja nodded and took Jeanie's hands, pulling the brunette close enough to kiss her, even while they both continued stepping, marking time with their feet in the pulpy mess below. Desmond made a face, but said nothing. At this point, he knew better.

Val squealed and lost her footing, falling on her behind with a splash. Alexa cackled and even Karen was tittering behind her hand. Both she and Alexa were wearing sundresses, pinned together around their thighs with hairpins. Val looked at herself in a mix of shock and worry, covered in dark grape juice.

"Mistress!" she said loudly in dismay. "I've ruined my outfit!"

"I guess we'll be buying you another one by tomorrow, then," Karen said simply, stomping away expertly. She had, of course, done this many times past. "I thought you'd be better at this, since you said you'd done it in Tuscany when you visited your family."

"Yeah, except I kept falling on my butt back then, too," Val pointed out, standing up slowly and flicking her arms to get the grape mush off them. "My nono's family laughed and laughed and laughed at me. They said I crushed more grapes with my butt than I did with my feet. My butt covers more area."

They all laughed, and even Pax smiled finally. Karen stepped down and out of the raised vat with her husband's help, while Pax and Alex got in. Alex seemed to have the hang of it, while their new associate seemed unsure.

"Stop worryin' about your pants, Paxi," Jeanie said cheerfully, bouncing around in small circles to crush grapes while her tits jiggled in her dress. "The profs'll buy you some new duds if you ruin those."

"She's right, you know," Val added, resuming stomping. "My pants are silk, and my Master and Mistress let me get in here with them on, with a two hundred percent chance of ruination. I think they've got you covered."

"And you still don't think it's weird that you use outdated terms like 'master' and 'mistress' for your employers?" the young man queried somewhat tartly.

"It's my choice, why should anyone else have a say?" Val replied, laughing and flinging some pulp off her fingers at him as if to prove a point.

"What's that word for when you are doin' something that takes your mind off your worries?" Jeanie asked as she stomped next to her wife.

"Distracted?" Freja offered.

"No, it... it's meant to make you feel better."

The Danish girl thought about that. "I... cathartical, or some such thing as that?"

"I think that's it, catheter or cathartic," Jeanie said, nodding. "Stomping on these grapes is cathartic. It's fun, it makes me relax, y'know?"

"Good to hear," Alex said, standing nearby and tromping back and forth. "Because two years from now, this is gonna be the source of a few bottles that'll be sent to us directly. We've done this before."

"Wow, I'm gonna drink wine I stomped myself?" Jeanie wondered, sounding pleased. "That's even sweeter than incel tears!"

Freja was leaning on the side of the giant wooden basin they were all in, looking out and down at the hole where all the juice they were creating was draining into a large carboy. Two others were lined up next to it, ready to take over when it was filled. "This is a lot of wine we seem to be making. I cannot wait to try it. What kind is it to be, anyway?"

"This is an Old Vine Zinfandel," Alex replied. "The vines are originally from Croatia, and almost three hundred years old. Ol' Bellerophon brought 'em over with him when he moved his winemaking operation to the New World."

"You're quite knowledgeable, sir," Desmond sniffed as he watched the young couples, his arms folded. He was annoyed that Valentina's slip had splashed wine onto his shirt. "Your parents have taught you well."

"Dad and I made wine back home a few years ago, so I know how to do this, and they taught me about my family doing it," the young blond man said cheerfully, taking Alexa's hand while tromping. "We oughta start it up again, that'd be fun."

"Ooh!" Jeanie and Valentina squeaked at virtually the same moment. "I volunteer!"

"Splendid, I'll never see unstained feet in my house again," Karen muttered, playing her part. "Maybe I'll insist on white wines exclusively..."

Nearly another hour passed before everyone was stomped out, and all three large carboys had been filled. While the DeBournes senior went for a walk with Desmond to discuss estate matters, Alex, Alexa, and Valentina heading to the famous open courtyard to sit and try wines. Freja and Jeanie, however, felt like doing more exploring, and were wandering around the main building. As VIPs of the woman who essentially 'owned' the estate, they went about as they pleased, with nobody stopping them thanks to their fancy badges.

"I don't know why I'm stuck tagging along with you two," Pax grumbled, following the pair. "It's the karmic equivalent of waving a lightning rod over my head during a Kansas thunderstorm."

"D'you always complain this much, or only when you're awake?" Jeanie asked, looking around as they walked through a door that read 'Access Restricted'. "The profs're having a quiet convo with their manager dude about business stuff, and you probs don't wanna be around Alex and Lexi if they find a quiet place."

"The servant girl got to go with them," he pointed out, making a wry face as they passed through the door. Why was he doing this? This couldn't be a good idea.

"Yeahhhhh, Val's probably gonna be moppin' up whatever happens, and I doubt that's what you want," Jeanie quipped as they gazed around the large, dark room before closing the door behind them. There were almost no lights on, and the ones that were seemed to be rather far away. The floor was sprung wood, perfect for what they had in mind. "Fre, this place seems nice'n quiet."

The two girls stopped and looked at the young man they'd dragged with them, smiling despite his seemingly ever-present scowl. "Look, Paxi, I-"

"Am I really doomed to be called that by you for the rest of my life?" he interrupted.

Jeanie shrugged. "It's kinda my thing, giving people cutesy nicknames when I can, so yeah. Anyway, Fre'n me feel bad about how things've gone, especially that first night. We really meant well, y'know?"

"Does it matter if Crazy Harry from the Muppet Show means well when he just keeps blowing things up?!" the young man exclaimed, his neck tendons starting to bulge again.

"Look, if you're gonna get butthurt every time we get you trapped in a piano, then things're gonna keep bein' awkward," Jeanie sighed. "We agreed to bring you here so we could try to make it up to you."

He looked at then suspiciously, as if they were going to try and steal his skin. "How could you two possibly make it up to me when ten bottles of stupidly expensive bottles of wine only barely covers it?"

"Are you making the insinuendo that our friends the professors owe you this?" Freja asked, eyebrow raised. "They might have just given you some money and told you to be getting lost."

"Well, I guess they don't owe me anything," Pax grunted, acknowledging the point. "But you two..."

"Well, we don't have money to ease your boo-boo, Paxi, so deal with it," Jeanie said. "Right now, all Fre'n me have in trade and compensation is our bodies."

"What?" Pax exclaimed, looking at her like she'd grown a second head.

"Look, we tried to make it up to you once before by offering you a beej, but maybe our choice of location wasn't all that great," the brunette admitted.

"Oh, you mean in the middle of an expensive dinner club during my very first gig," he sneered. "Yeah, I can see how you two might misjudge that as the right time and place to offer sex favors."

"Ouch?" Jeanie said. "Look, your lordship, the offer still stands, and we're not in the middle of a dinner club anymore. We're behind the scenes in a dark room in a huge winery and we're all wearing VIP passes. Now's as good a time as any to start lettin' us make it up to you."

"Here?" he said flatly, his expression skeptical. "Now?"

"Well, yeah, unless you don't actually like girls," Jeanie replied. "That'd be a problem."

"I like girls just fine, thank you," he said tightly, his face colouring noticeably, even in the darkness. "What I don't necessarily like is you two. You've made my life a living Hell."

"Just the one time," Freja pointed out. "After that, all these other times, they have been on you. The time at the club here in Napa, that was you almost losing your temper, just because we happened to be nearby."

"Exactly my point!" he said loudly, waving his arms. "What sort of bad penny nonsense is that? I saw you in L.A., you get me blacklisted just about everywhere, and then you somehow end up in my hometown to plague another gig? What are the odds? How can this not make me paranoid?"

"You'd be less paranoid if you let us relax you, Paxi," Jeanie suggested, putting her hand on his arm. He didn't move, but he almost seemed tempted to, as if her touch would electrocute him. "C'mon, dude, your hair stands up on its own, without product. Bet it'd relax a little if you had a good O, y'know?"

"How do I know you and Hamfist the Dane here won't bite it off by mistake?" he asked accusingly.

"Because we're good at blowjobs," Jeanie insisted, quite done with his reticence and general petulance. "Jeebus, I've never had to work this hard to get a straight guy's pants down. Well, that one incel dude, but he was trying to kill me, so..."

Pax frowned at her. "I'm not the least bit surprised someone's tried to murder you. But I refuse to be a bigger headcase than a freaking incel."

Jeanie looked at her watch. "Clock's runnin' then, dude. Make up your mind already. It's been a good three days since I've had a dick in my mouth."

He frowned again. "So... what, just right here?"

"Just lean back against the wall and let Jeanette and I do the work," Freja said, putting her hand on his chest and pushing him gently but firmly back against the door. She was surprisingly strong. "We are the experts at this. Your job it is to cum, to relax, and unclench your sphincter, hopefully."

"Queen of the romantic talk, you are," he grumbled, still unable to believe he was doing this. "You promise you're not gonna go all praying mantis and eat me, right?"

"Paxi, close your eyes and shut up for once," Jeanie sighed, already kneeling in front of him and unzipping his trousers. Thankfully, he was wearing boxers instead of tighty-whities. In due course, she fished his member out of his pants, nodding. "Yep, that'll do just fine."

"May I feel?" Freja asked, kneeling next to her wife. She kept Pax pressed against the wall by his shoulder, in case he got skittish and tried to bolt. "Yes, yndling, you are right. Quite serviceable."

"Gee, thanks," he muttered, scowling into the near dark. He could hear the echo of their voices around the room, whatever they were in. It was a big one. Probably storage. Like every other room in the off-limits area, it smelled like wine. He reminded himself about the pricey bottles he'd be going home with. It was just a pity he'd had to suffer this much in order for it to happen. He'd always envisioned his status as a grand concert pianist getting him invited to places like this, gift bottles of expensive spirits, and-

He shivered as he felt two sets of mouths on him, kissing and flickering tongues. It snapped him out of his reverie, and his body responded in a predictable manner. He may not have trusted these two lunatics, but his limbic system clearly was willing to give them a chance, despite the outrages they'd inflicted on him thus far. His amygdala nucleus didn't remember or care about getting stuck in a baby grand in a club, nor getting blacklisted from his life ambition, all because these two couldn't keep their panties ooooooooooooh...

"Mmmm, I think he likes it, Fre," Jeanie mused as she stopped kissing the stiffening member and took it into her mouth. She stopped talking as she began bobbing back and forth, while Freja gently fondled what lay just below gently. Without warning, they swapped off, Freja's mouth now wrapped around his turgid pole while her wife took over fondling, not to mention caressing other body parts. His pants lay in a pool around his feet, while the brunette's hand snaked up under his shirt, fondling his lean chest.

"You might be right, my love," Freja hummed, vibrating his lips around him. "He is seeming to respond correctly, ja?"

"Jeeeee-zus," he managed to say, pressing his arms and the flat of his hands against the wall he was leaning back into. "I knew you two were evil, but..."

"Hey, there's the good type of evil, and the bad type, y'know," Jeanie said just before pausing. "Wait, is that right? Fre, is there good and bad evil?"

Freja made an indistinct noise, shrugging as she continued sucking, not at all concerned with such ethical difficulties right at the moment. She grazed her teeth lightly along the warm, soft skin, feeling him shudder in pleasure just above her. If she was evil, she was evil. Whatever. Julemanden would still being her Christmas presents. He always did.

"It's cute how he's resisting, isn't it?" Jeanie giggled, enjoying herself, now that they'd convinced their new friend to relax. And he was a new friend, because anyone you blew was probably your friend, right? Well, no, maybe not. She'd given head to people who definitely weren't her friends before, but Paxi seemed okay, even if he was wound up more tightly than a miser's purse. That probably wasn't the expression, but she knew what she meant. That's what counted. "Remember the first time Alex tried to resist the tag team?"

"You two've had sex with that Alex kid?" Pax asked, trying to concentrate, but starting to sweat.

"Well, yes," Freja answered, taking her mouth off him and pumping her fist along his length for a moment while looking up at him until Jeanie took over. We have had sex with all four of them, if you must know."

"Oh, goody, so the mouths on my dick have been wrapped around the Aryan giants?" he almost wheezed. "Aren't they father and son?"

"Well, we haven't blown them at the same time, silly," Jeanie murmured, reminding herself it wasn't polite to talk with her mouth full. We've had sex with the profs, and then with Alex and Lexi."

"Aren't the younger two siblings or something?" he rasped, wiping sweat from his forehead with his wrist.

"She's his aunt, younger sister of Lady Prof," Jeanie answered. "But she's also his wife."

"What?!" Pax gasped. "How? I thought they-"

"No thinking," Freja chided, stroking her hand along in front of Jeanie's wanton mouth along his length. "I am havings no intentions of you being distracted while we try to make you cum."

"Oh, he's gonna, Fre," Jeanie assured her wife as she bobbed back and forth. "He's gonna pop like a champagne cork, you can feel it. Just dodge or catch it in your mouth, 'coz it'll put out your eye."

"Very funny," he grunted, squeezing his eyes shut with effort, his body on fire. "Not like I'm a virgin, you know."

"Never had to work this hard to convince a virgin to get a beej, so we know you're not, dude," Jeanie agreed, letting Freja take over again before he adjusted. They were tag-teaming him to keep him off balance and make sure he came. Even Alex wasn't totally immune to this tactic. Mike seemed to be, but he was used to blowjobs from Karen, which were a different thing altogether; it didn't count in Jeanie's mind. They just wanted to get him to the place where he would stop thinking and then they'd give him a mind-blowing orgasm. Orgasms were, in her opinion, a totally legit form of penance, and one she didn't mind having to repeat.

"Gnnnnnn," he keened, losing this battle before their relentless sensual assault. He was even beginning to forget why he was resisting at all. This felt really, really good. He shook as he now felt two sets of lips working on him, a sensation he was unprepared for and, frankly, had never experienced. His defences crumbled, and he realized there was no point in resisting. He surrendered to what would soon follow.
