Freshers Week


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Looking across at them, I could see myself sitting with them, holding them as Eve was holding Susan. The Image left a longing inside of me that had nothing to do with desire. I realised with a start that I did want that. To be a part of what they shared with each other.

Just a few weeks ago such thoughts about a woman would have revolted me let alone more than one woman at once but now the thought was comforting.

Eve noticed me looking and smiled at me in a way that made my heart melt. It seemed to me she had guessed what I was thinking, and the idea seemed to appeal to her too.

Sitting like that I let my mind wander. I marvelled at how much my whole way of thinking had changed in just a few days. Looking back I could barely recognize who I had been.

I was so lost in my thoughts I did not even register when John returned and put his arm around me. Without thinking I snuggled into him enjoying the warmth of his body watching my new friends.

Friends that word did not seem to fit any more. I had only known them a couple of days but already they felt more than just friends to me. It was hard to imagine my life without them there. I considered that, my mind slipping into half-conscious doze. A happy haze drifting over my thoughts till I no longer thought of anything just felt.

I would have fallen asleep, if it had not been at that moment that the door to the pub slammed shut jerking me out of my doze. Not wanting to move and lose the happy feeling I looked across at Eve who was still watching me with a small smile playing about her features. The dim light throwing half her face into shadow.

Smiling in return I sat up and finished my drink knowing that if we did not do something soon we would all fall asleep. John's arms fell off my shoulders and I idly missed it's comforting presence.

It seemed that Susan had already fallen asleep against Eve.

I looked up at John and caught him staring at me out of the corner of his eye. I realised I did not know much about this man. I had literally seen him in some of the most intimate moments you can see someone, but I knew virtually nothing about him.

Smiling at him I searched my mind on what to say but he beat me to it. "You I don't get. Them I can understand, but you?" was all he said.

For a second I was confused but then I really did not understand myself very much at the moment and told him as such. He chortled quietly not wanting to disturb Susan. "So what is your story I asked?" He seemed a little confused for a second
"Which story do you want?" he replied and my immediate thought was all of it. But that would take far too long.

In the end it was Eve who answered. "Given how the night is going so far, why not tell us about how you lost your virginity"

John rolled his head back looking at the Ceiling. I could see a small smile on his face as he remembered what happened. He looked back down at us "trade you" was all he said.

Eve smiled. "You first".

Chapter thirteen.

For a second I was not sure if he would respond. He simply sat staring at the ceiling. After a couple of minutes of silence, he started to speak.

It was last year, my first week at university. Her name was Pam. She was one of the entertainment crew. Those girls, on paper were picked to run events, but in actuality were picked for their looks to attract people in. Like all of them Pam was a real looker. She left uni end of last year.

On my first night I got to play a game of never have I ever in the union, my first time doing so. There were quite a few of us that night. Of course the game started out slowly with tame little things, but as we drank more, the game became more risky. Eventually things got a bit dirty, it was inevitable really.

Well I and a few of the others kept on drinking. And eventually to confirm a suspicion Pam asked the obvious "never have I ever had sex". There were about six of us who did not drink.

Little did I know that I had sealed my own fate? Pam it seemed had a thing for Virgins.

Nothing came of it that night. Although I did find out later that she took home one of the other guys from the game.

The next night I met her again at the union. That night she spent most of it buying me drinks. I was so proud to be standing on such a hot woman's arm. I enjoyed the attention she was giving me without questioning her motives at all.

At the end of the night I started to head out with the rest of my hall but she held on to my arm. She whispered in my ear. "You could go back with them if you want. But I promise if you come with me you will have a much better night" I could barely begin to believe my luck. And she had not been lying.

She took me back to her room. Almost as soon as the door was closed she was all over me. Within minutes she had me pressed against the door kissing me deeply with her hand down my trousers.

Well that progressed quickly and soon she was on her knees in front of me with my manhood deep in her mouth. I had never even gone this far before with any one. I nearly collapsed when I blew my load right in her mouth. She looked me in the eye as she swallowed all of it before leading me to her bed.

I lay down while she stood by the bed and began to dance slowly. Pam was a member of the dance society and she knew how to move her body. I lay there mesmerised as she sensuously danced slowly removing her clothes as she did.

Her fingers were playing with her body as it was revealed. Lastly she removed her underwear, dipping her fingers into herself, causing a gasp to escape her. The sound was the sexiest thing I had ever heard.

Now naked she sat on the edge of the bed next to me and fed me her still damp fingers. The taste was amazing and I could not help myself suck and lick them.

Once they were only wet with my own saliva she moved. Standing before sitting herself down, her pussy directly in front of my face. Unsure what I was really doing I set about tasting her deeply.

She uttered encouragement and suggestions, her words getting more and more ragged as time went on. Eventually she came explosively over my face and I loved every second of it.

For a while we just lay there and recovered. Well she recovered I was ready to go again. It did not take long. Pam got up then helped me undress. Naked in her room she pushed me back on the bed. She went to the bed side cabinet and got something out of it.

Before I could see what it was she kissed her way down my body making me completely forget whatever it was until I felt the cold wetness of the condom. She slipped it on me and quickly positioned herself above me. She looked me deeply in the eye as she slowly impaled herself on me.

It was nothing like I had experienced before being enclosed in her warm silky damp body. I almost exploded there and then. She stopped moving letting me adjust to being inside her and giving me time to calm down before lifting herself up and own once more. She waited again. Drawing out both of our pleasure.

She kept that up each wait getting shorter and shorter until she was riding me hard. I did not last long blowing my load deep inside her but it was enough. She came as I came shuddering above me as I exploded.

That night we made love repeatedly and fell asleep about dawn. The next day she was different and I left feeling that I had done something wrong.

That night, I saw her on the arm of another boy. I felt hugely disappointed.

One of her friends explained that every fresher's week she went around collecting boy's virginity's.

John stopped speaking. A small smile on his mouth. "It was not so bad. That friend turned out to be Jane" John turned to look at me "You had the pleasure of seeing and hearing her this morning"

I could feel my own dampness spreading once more at the reminder. "So is Jayne your girlfriend?" I asked without thinking.

John just chuckled "Oh no. She is more like a friend with benefits. Both of us see other people, we tried dating for like two weeks last year but it just didn't work. She completed the education that Pam started that night though. I am sure you will meet her again"

Thinking once more about that morning got me thinking about tonight and what already had happened and what Susan and Eve planned to happen still. Just the thought of what was yet to come, had my breathing coming in harder and the fires ranging once more between my legs.

Eve looked over at me, obviously enjoying the sight of my obvious arousal. I could see from here that remembering his first time had had an effect on John also. His pyjama bottoms were raised in a rather large and interesting tent just under the table.

John caught me looking and smiled a wicked little smile that caused the fires to burn all the hotter. "Ignoring the evidence of the last few days I am not usually the sort of guy who brings a different girl back to his room every night. You don't have to worry" for a moment we all sat in stunned silence John looking at us all in turn clearly amused at our reaction.

"Honestly" he protested at our obvious disbelief. "I have actually only slept with six girls total. Not including pam, jayne, and present company of course they were all serious relationships. One was a girl I met speed dating at valentines. We dated for just over a month before it exploded. It was my fault she turned up at my room in halls to find me and jayne lounging in my bed wearing just our dressing gowns" John's voice had taken on an introspective tone as if he was talking to himself more than us.

At his admission Eve and Susan looked up both wearing matching looks, part anger, part disappointment.

Seeing their look John just chuckled in that same introspective tone " It wasn't like that. She was going through a bad patch with one of her housemates, I offered to let her stay at mine while it calmed down. I spent most of the afternoon listening to her alternate between rating and crying. I should have told my girlfriend before hand. Given mine and Jaynes history there was no way she would believe nothing had happened"

At his words both Susan and Eve seemed mollified. I had to admit his admission was having a strange effect on me as well. A ball of joy had formed deep in my gut that I could not readily explain.

Not wanting to think about that I asked the obvious question " What about the other one?"

For a moment John just looked at me a quizzical look on his face. The moment lasted so long I thought he wasn't going to answer. But eventually he did. " the other I dated for nearly three months at the end of last year. She was a third year and had to move back home after her exams finished. We tried long distance for a while but it didn't work out" His voice held a note of sadness at the memory and I wanted to just hold him till it went away.

I was saved having to though as he shook himself looking right in the eye "So how did you lose yours?" his words washed over me like a bucket of ice water.

My voice froze up and I found I could not put my voice to words. What would john think of me when he found out? Despite confessing his own first time had not been long ago himself he seemed to be experienced and confident that for the first time in my life I almost felt ashamed of my own lack of experience.

Eve saved me having to find my voice. She smiled naughtily, her eyes locked on mine as she spoke. "She hasn't. She is still pure"

John looked across at her, his face a mask of shock and then back at me his eyes appraising once again this time not in a sexual way more as if I was a confusing puzzle, one he would like to figure out.

That look washed through me igniting a desire in me that was nothing to do with physical need. I knew then that I wanted him to figure me out, always before this I had looked at John as a sex object. I had not thought of him in any way other way. Now I was looking at him, not as a symbol of my own growing needs, but as a man. And one I found that I was just as attracted to as the girls opposite me.

Staring into John's eyes I thought I could see a little of that attraction directed back my way. Something inside me clicked at that look, it was as if something I had not even known was missing just slid into place completing me. A surge of joy filled me and once more I felt the desire to close the distance between us. To hold and be held as I had seen Susan and Eve do earlier.

Eve broke the moment "So I suppose since Nat can't tell you and we did make a deal I'll tell you my story"

Chapter fourteen.

"Mine was my sixteenth birthday" Eve began.

I had been with my boyfriend for over a year. He was a couple of weeks older than I was. We had made a pact that we would give each other our body for our sixteenth birthday.

On his birthday I had given him his first blow job, and promised that he would get his real present on my birthday.

Well my birthday came round. During the day I spent it getting ready. My Parents were taking us out for a meal. Since he was house sitting a friend's house while they were on holiday. I had convinced my family to let me stay with him that night.

They had not been very happy about it but had eventually agreed.

That day I had put on the sexiest underwear I owned, I had brought it especially for that night.

The meal was pleasant but I was so nervous about what would be happening that night I did not pay much attention to what was happening. After the meal my parents drove me to the house. They waited outside until we the front door was firmly closed behind us. I think they knew what we planned but never said anything content that I was old enough to make my own decisions, or mistakes.

Brett waited until they had driven off before turning towards me and giving me deep kiss. I melted against him. We sat for a while on the living room couch kissing and touching. Both of us very nervous about what was going to happen. Both wanting it to happen but unsure of what to do.

Eventually Brett stood up and took me by the hand leading me to the master bedroom. Once through the door I could immediately see that he had made a big effort.

The room was lit by a large number of candles that he must have lit while I was in the toilet. The bed had been made up and covered in rose petals.

Seeing the effort he had made, well I filled with emotions so powerful I couldn't believe I had not exploded from their intensity. I knew I wanted this, I was suddenly so certain, all my nevers burned away on that wave of emotion.

He came up behind me one hand holding me around the waist while he kissed my neck from behind. His other hand began to run the soft petals of a single white rose over the skin of my arm.

The sensation causing shudders to run through me, each tremor left me feeling as if my heart was trying to beat its way out of my chest. I turned to him and gave him a very big deep kiss pulling him into the room as we did. I pushed him down on to the bed. I stood before him slowly stripping of my outer clothes.

As I shed my clothes he continued to run the rose over my exposed flesh. Once he saw my sexy under wear he followed the rose with gentle kisses that caused me to sigh with the stimulation.

Once down to my lingerie I climbed past him onto the rose strewn bed. He rolled over so his face was just over my belly. He trailed small kisses down my belly.

I rose up to meet him egging him on with my body.

He paused over my very wet and sensitive pussy. I had shaved it that morning in expectation.

Never before had his lips been so close to that region but my body instinctively knew that I wanted them there.

I actually groaned out loud as his lips passed the region by un-kissed as he began kissing his way down my stocking clad legs. His trailing kisses send violent waves of sensation through me. He kissed all the way down one leg and up again the other.

By the time he reached my inner thigh I was squirming in the bed and all but begging him to continue.

So enraptured by the story was I that I actually jumped out of me seat when I felt Eve's hand on my knee. Idly stroking my naked flesh.

John looked down at my jump. His arm once around my shoulders. He shifted his weight, his hand moving to rest just over my right breast.

I let out a little shudder as his fingers brushed my nipple through my top. The little button hardened at the contact. Part of me screamed to move his hand but it felt so right there, I just couldn't do it.

He continued to stroke my nipple through my top as Eve watched, continuing her story.

His kisses once again reached my sensitive core. I could not hold it back. His breath alone so close to my wet skin caused my body to go into spasms of ecstasy.

When his lips actually touched me I was lost. I forgot everything else and just bucked against his face smearing him with my juices as he held me down his tongue working me into an explosive orgasm.

After I came, he climbed up the bed and held me as the shudders calmed.

I felt so safe and content I almost fell asleep there in his arms. But Brett had other plans. And so did I.

After a little while my shaking subsided and Bret leant down to kiss me. His lips tasted of my own juices, the scent and taste intoxicating, once more igniting my desire.

I tore at his clothes wanting there to be nothing between us. My desperation to get rid of his clothes broke his calm. We all but ripped off his clothes, kissing each other's exposed flesh.

Once he was naked he rose up and positioned himself above me. I was letting out little mewling sounds, too far gone for speech, not sure what to expect but only knowing I needed it. Badly.

For a second he paused there above me. But neither of us wanted to wait and he pushed himself into me hard. I remember it hurt. I had never allowed anything inside of me before and his cock was not small. I felt as if he was tearing me apart but the pain was only a shadow over the sun.

A deep burning need to have him inside me had gripped me despite the pain. He rested there inside me, his face a mask of his own pleasure before pulling out and pressing into me again.

He rode me like that pressing into me hard. Each thrust hurts but less so each time.

Neither of us lasted long that first time. And when he exploded deep within I could feel every spurt hitting my inner walls. The sensation pushed me over the edge and I cried out as I came.

Afterwards we lay there in each other's arms. The feeling of his seamen filling me caused a deep sense of contentment. I was very sore though.

We did not have sex again that night. He did give me plenty more orgasms, and I did him, but I was too sore to let him in me again.

Chapter fifteen

John's stroking of my breast had shifted to a gentle kneading as the story had continued. His breathing ragged. I looked down to see him gently stroking his cock through his pyjama bottoms, a small wet patch at his tip immediately getting my attention.

Eve's hand stroking my leg had also increased in intensity. Her own eyes held a distant look as she remembered that long ago night. Eve looked over at John once she finished talking her lust burning in her gaze. She took in what his hand was doing to me with a naughty little smile and followed his other arm down to where it dissapeared beneath the table. Looking down at Susan who still snoozed gently in her seat she gestured to the next booth over with her head.

John nodded a naughty smile forming on his own features.

Both of them got up to move to the next booth. Susan who was not as asleep aside thought, got up to let Eve out and sat back in the seat next to me that John had just vacated.
I could see Eve and John sitting next to each other in the darkened booth beside us. John's hand inside her top caressed her breasts directly as he kissed her deeply, pushing her into the corner of the bench.