From the Chrysalis


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I stared at my man. He chuckled and said I was going to get to help him plan our own house. I just couldn't keep my hands off of him. I wanted to drag him to the nearest bed. We had a very nice and well-served dinner. We all sat and talked for a couple of hours after dinner then Doris and Frank left and we moved to the master suite. Jack told me there were a few things for me in the closet and bathroom I might need.

I found a cute baby doll gown and cold cream and other stuff I needed. I found him waiting for me in bed.

Jack was nude when he threw back the covers to welcome me. I looked him up and down. I walked close to him. I said, "Hmmm, looks like some prime stuff here." I reached out and squeezed his bicep. "Hmmm! Yes prime stuff OK." I poked at his well-defined belly. "Yes indeed, looks prime alright." I grabbed his half erect cock and gently stroked it. It grew. "Oh well, you can't have everything I guess." I turned and started to remove the top to the baby doll when I was snatched off my feet and flew through the air to be placed gently on the bed.

"I got enough to please you, Bitch, more than enough!" he growled. I squealed, "Help, help!" (Not too loudly though.) His strong hands ripped the flimsy gown from my body and bared me for his evil uses. He ravished my breasts and pillaged my defenseless nipples. He savagely spread my helpless thighs and then he devoured my sweet innocent little virgin pussy. It took him quite a while to finish his devouring and I must say he did a rather complete and thorough job of it.

"I thought your insignificant penis was going to be too small to perform its job. Better call for help."

"What? You'll be the one screaming for help, Bitch." He was not overly gentle as he rammed his 10 inches of hot cock into my thankfully well-lubricated vagina. The fellow was really rather better equipped than I had thought. He lasted a long, quite delightfully long, time showing plenty of stamina and expertise in the art of sexual intercourse. I had never been so well ravished in my whole life. I was glad I was going to marry him.

I had to drag his ass to the shower and help clean him up for bed. I found a large towel to put over the pond I had secreted and gushed and mixed with his seed in the bed. He is a wonderful snuggler and I slept like a cuddled baby all night long. I don't think he slept as well, because I felt his soft sweet kisses and half erect penis pressing against my little ass all through the night. I loved it.

The next morning we got things sorted out and decided we would split our time between his house and mine. Doris said she would move right out and I threw a fit. I told her I needed her. I told her Jack could stay at his place while I was at my place. I was bluffing but neither of them was really sure and I got my way. Actually there was no way I wanted to spend a whole night without his big body pressed against mine. Two nights had been enough to hook me for life.

I decided not to risk losing this man. I told Jack just what I wanted. He agreed to it. We were married two days later. It was a small ceremony

I just loved being able to wiggle my small hand inside his sleep shorts and find that huge sleeping cock and play with it. It felt so damned good in my hand. I would roll his big balls around to feel them slip from one side of his scrotum to the other. Then that big beautiful cock would start to grow. I would slip my hand away and hide it. He would never fully awaken but I did hear his breathing change and I knew he was almost awake. When his breathing was regular again I would start my little game again. The poor boy needed his eight hours of sleep but I always found that four was plenty for me. Sometimes I would get up and read or something but mostly I didn't leave the bed. I wanted to always be there for him if he wanted me.

I found I would get myself so horny by morning that I had to take him in my mouth and wake him up that way. I always had several good orgasms before he woke up. He even had sweet breath in the morning. It made me feel so wonderful and satisfied to have him cum in my mouth as he awoke and then to move up and kiss him deeply with traces of his seed still coating my mouth. He would hold me tightly to his chest and caress my back while he told me how much he loved me.

We were back at work at the office in town every morning by nine. The format for the show was locked in and we were casting for Announcers, Hair Stylists, and Make-up Technicians. We had themes and rough storyboards and time- lines ready for the first twelve shows plus one demo show. The demo was almost ready to tape at the end of two weeks. We were trying to find a location. We had decided that the audience was not really a good idea. We could control everything better without one. We had everyone in a rare all-hands meeting trying to barn storm a location. We had lots of suggestions but nothing that really pleased everyone.

The Doris jumped up. She held her hands up high, as if thanking God for the answer. "YES, oh yes, I have it, its perfect, spectacular, unique, no one can match it and almost everything we need is already there."


She grinned at me, "We were there a couple of weeks ago, think."

I shook my head. I had no idea. She looked at Frank, the assistant producer, "You were there too!"

Frank and I looked at each other. We grinned at the same instant. "Dahlia's Place."

Doris jumped up and down, "It has every thing, beauty, glamour, glitz, all the facilities, a fabulous dressing room, everything. We can bring in travel trailers for the guests to stay in. We'll beef up the staff for the time we are shooting and do all the shows in a week or two."

We both looked at Jack, he looked startled. I ran to him, "Can we? Please, it'll be perfect. Can we rent it?"

"Well, I'll have to think about it, there is the possibility of damages, the liability, and the inconvenience. I just don't know."

Doris and I looked at each other and walked slowly together. We held one another and cried. Dori whispered, "Louder!" We both cranked up the volume a bit with some really heart breaking sobs. Jack said, "OK, can it, girls, it worked, I give up. Let's all load up and go look at it and see what everyone thinks. After all only four of us know what you are talking about."

We quickly figured out the transportation arrangements and we were off. After a quick tour every person on the production team was grinning. The director, Benny, was ecstatic. "It is PERFECT, absolutely perfect. We won't disclose the location and we'll let the world wonder. We'll swear everyone to secrecy. Everybody will want to know where it is. Everything we need is right here. All we need is a trailer that we can use for makeup and wardrobe, a lot of the make up section of the show can be shot in that magnificent dressing area of the master suite. Hair styling too!"

Tom his assistant said, "There are so many fantastic places we can shoot, the deck, the dock on the river, the family room, Hell, the whole damned place is just perfect for this show."

Everyone became very still, we all looked at Jack. He held out his hands, "What?"

I stepped up to him, "You know damned well 'what'." He smiled down at me, "What's in it for me?"

"Maybe you should think about what you won't be getting if the answer is no."

"Maybe it is available elsewhere."

I looked at him seriously, "Really?"

"No, you know I am only teasing you. That could never happen."

"You are right! It belongs to you, always."

I looked at the group. "All right then, make your plans, those of you who need access to plan and layout for your shots let me know. You should know that the place is just as spectacular at night.

The production people broke up in their natural groups and started filling notebooks and computers with ideas while digital cameras flashed away. In a couple of hours they had all thirteen shows planned out and had started refining those plans. No one had lost any enthusiasm for the location.

Doris, Jack and I decided to live at my place until the plans were complete and perhaps until the shooting was done. Jack and I became very involved in getting every thing ready. Because it was really cold up north we had no trouble scheduling guests for a couple of days in sunny Florida.

We even managed to book Cindy Crawford and her friend in the guest suite for the demo. I had known her quite well a few years before and she was very anxious to help me out. She had sent me cards and flowers when I was in the hospital. She was even gracious enough to shoot an advertisement for the series. It was shot in the Master dressing room and showed us going over some makeup tips and hair styling ideas using Doris as our model. We edited about an hour of shooting into a three-minute trailer. We all thought it was very good. Cindy enjoyed making her episode and we had a great time, it wasn't like work at all. We sent Cindy a preview copy of the show and she was delighted. Somehow the word got around in the industry and we got calls from topnotch people who wanted to work with us when we were ready for the big shoot.

Everyone wanted a two-week all-expense paid working vacation in Florida.

The house turned out to be as perfect as we had hoped as we shot the series. All the crew and the guests were delighted with the place. Most days you could step out on the pool deck and see half a dozen top runway models in skimpy bikinis or less getting a tan. There was a continuous two-week long bar-b-que in progress in the grilling center. It was one long party. Everyone enjoyed himself or herself. We had a strict limit on the booze and kept it under control.

The shows were shot in one day unless there were unexpected delays. After about the fifth show we could turn one out in about four hours if there were not too many retakes. Everyone was very pleasant until you screwed up too many times. Then the remarks about a person being non- professional, not studying your lines or not being where you were supposed to be on time started. I had no problems but a few of the models were very bratty and thought that because they were beautiful they set their own rules. WRONG.

We let it be known from the get go that we would not tolerate that sort of stuff. One girl was sent packing and we had few problems after that. The girl game back and begged us to let her stay. She didn't want our comments on her work record. She even agreed to finish out her contract at no pay. She was very good after that and was invited back for the next shoot.

Some of the girls were very young and away from home for the first time. Any of them under 21 had strict rules. It was a zero tolerance program. We were isolated out in the woods so it was easy to enforce. We got a very good reputation that would stay with us always.

We were very busy but I made time for my man every morning and evening. Most days we lunched with the crew. I kept pretty close tabs on Jack. I would have been crazy not to, there were beautiful scantily clad girls prancing and strutting around all over the place. Jack was a first class hunk. He never knew I always knew what he was up to when he was there. He would leave and take care of his own business. He always told me where he was going. During the second week I noticed he was disappearing for a while every day.

I finally noticed him slipping into a door I was not familiar with. I kept my eye on the door indirectly by placing a small mirror in a place where I could watch the door without appearing to be doing so. I found he was staying in there for about an hour. When he went down to take his bass boat to the gas dock for fuel I hurried to the door. It led down stairs to the basement area. It led to what turned out to be the servant's quarters. Now I was starting to get curious, why would he stay there so long? I determined to get to the bottom of the mystery. I really didn't believe he was doing anything wrong and I didn't want to get caught spying on him as if I didn't trust him. I sat down and wrote myself a quick note explaining what I was about to do and why I was doing it. I sealed it in an envelope and put it in a drawer to my desk. The next day I again saw him slip in that door and I waited about half an hour and entered the door myself. I opened the first room at the bottom of the steps as quietly as I could and peeked in the darkened room.

I caught him. There he lay, flat on his back ----sound asleep. An alarm clock was by his head on the nightstand. He looked so adorable I didn't awaken him. I slipped back out of the room and found Doris and asked her if she knew why he would be doing that? She smiled at me, "Sure I do, everyone here knows but you."

"Well, damn it, tell me."

"Ok Sweetheart, you are wearing the poor boy out. You get by on four or five hours of sleep a day. He hates to go to sleep and leave you up studying your lines at night, so he grabs a nap when he can. He is afraid you will think he is less of a man because he can't keep up your pace."

"I was wondering why he always seemed to be awake when I go to bed the last week or so. He always welcomes me to bed and holds the covers open for me to climb in beside him.

The poor guy, I know I have a weird metabolism and I don't expect anyone to keep up my pace. He is so sweet for trying. I wont let him know I know what he is doing until I figure out a way that won't hurt his feelings, guys are so sensitive about things like that."

The whole production crew and Jack and I flew to New York when we had everything in the can, we had a viewing that lasted several days. Potential buyers viewed the show and we started getting bids and offers from prospective sponsors. We had lots of people who offered all sorts of incentives for us to use their products on the shows. We talked it over and decided we didn't want to go that way. If we liked something enough to use it ourselves we would mention it, otherwise not. We let Max and Jack handle the business part. I knew we would be treated right.

The new Style Network ended up buying the show and we turned out being the feature show. They wanted twenty-four shows with an option for another twenty-four. They were talking about a long-term contract for forty-eight shows a year. We would be on both satellite networks and on almost all the cable networks. WOW! We never dreamed it would be THAT big.

Jack and I headed back to our hotel room with the whole production crew. When we were all settled and seated I stood and raised my hands. "Guys, in my wildest dreams I never thought it would go so big so fast. Can we do it?"

Everyone was cheering at once, "Hell yes we can!" "Damned right." "We can do it, yes we can!" "Yes, yes,yes!"

I held up my hands, "Guys, I know we can. I believe we can go on above this, as great as it is. Now it is time to give credit where credit is due. Every damned one of you has worked damned hard on this show. No one of us here has worked harder than Doris. When I was in the accident most of you thought the show was done for. Not Doris, she decided she was going to make me better and save the show. She did just that. She took a decent looking woman, me, who couldn't remember anything. I mean nothing. My brain was a clean slate. She taught me everything. I mean everything from how to get in a car like a lady to how to wipe myself after I peed. We all owe her a great debt, but none owe her as much as I do. I owe her my life. She has saved our bacon many other ways too. Therefore it is with great pride that I turn over the leadership of this company to the capable hands of my new partner in this business---Doris Burns.

I was the majority stockholder and I am now giving joint ownership of that stock to Doris. One other thing I want to say, I love her as much as I loved my late brother, and that is saying a lot."

Doris was weeping and walked to me and we hugged and cried together. I turned and slipped into Jack's big arms. He held me close and kissed my ear. His lips nibbled on my ear and he whispered that he loved me. I sort of just melted.

Doris held her hands in the air. "Hush, People. Ann is wrong about one thing; I also hold stock in this company so she has made me the majority stockholder. AS my dear Daddy used to say, 'That there just ain't a gonna row da boat. It ain't gonna' work none at all.' To correct that error I insist Annie and I pool our stocks and she gets at least one share one than I get. Before I shut up, you people need to know that Ann could have just walked away from the project any number of times. She didn't though. She knew that most of us had our lifesavings in this dream of ours. She was a multi millionaire after the wreck, and then she married another millionaire. She doesn't need to do this; she does it for love not money. Thank you Ann Mc Coy Turner from all of us and especially from me for giving me the privilege of witnessing the metamorphosis from the chrysalis and the spreading of the wings of a wonderful beautiful woman. Thank you Annie."

I stood with tears running down my cheeks, "Thank you Sweetie, the reason I made this move is because I am going to be busy. I'm pregnant!"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good plot but it failed on so many things. It would have taken him/her time to adjust to having breasts, they wobble, jiggle and swing. It would have taken time to have not noticed them doing that. For instance hard walking or going down stairs, they would have bottomed out if not in a bra. If the hips were widened the gate would have been different, so again it would have taken time to walk as woman. To walk like a male with wider hips just would not work. Then going with a male so quickly, really?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

so if I am a male brain in a woman's body, I will fall in love with the first guy, and the previous lover of my twin sister's body, who I have been sleeping with for weeks, will be totally happy when I don't make love to her again. And the whole story got even more stupid by calling each other bitch every few sentences... Nope not really worth voting for.

The idea however was an interesting one. Could have been better if Doris shared the bed, it's literotica after all. But a normale male with love for woman becoming gay. Nope...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Vote 1* for 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐁 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐄™ (that's what her clients call her) aka BONNIE/VASTIE aka NEEDYOU200 aka 5+ANNONY!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago







up11pendragonup11pendragonover 8 years ago
Identical Twins

FYI, by definition identical twins MUST be of the same gender.

jenellesljenelleslover 9 years ago
Anonymous Again

I'm still waiting for the anonymous bitchers to let us know who they are so we can read their submissions. You have written those perfect works, Right?

While siblings of opposite gender must be fraternal rather than identical, it's still possible they can look very much alike. There was another comment about Ann adjusting quickly to the new gender. I know several people who have been on hormone regimens to the opposite gender. They really do change and someone who was male now has a mindset of a female. In our world it takes years. In a work like this we know that things can happen quicker than they might. On the other hand, this mind is in a decidedly female body and didn't take years to get that way. Personally, I think this is your best work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

i know that this is a old story but add more chapters please

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Bad Premise

I can't belive that nobody ever commented on this story before.

It is built on a very bad premise. Identical twins HAVE to be the same sex because they both came from the same egg. If twins are not from the same egg they are fraternal twins and do not share anything but a birthday.

The story sucks because the science is not right. Sorry!

OhCrapOhCrapover 13 years ago
Very nice

Very well done with great descriptiveness. Wasn't a rushed piece of work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Well it doesn't quite fit it's genre. It has one single sci-fi aspect, which is even flawed.

But it is a great story in itself. (he might have adjusted to his new gender a tad too quickly though)

It was very uplifting after reading a very sad story about another model that got in an accident, lost her beauty in the flames and ended up killing herself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
glad i found this

this was one of the first stories i looked at on this site. and ive been looking for ages to read this again . as good as baby jack , your a great storyteller and i hope to read more from you. thank you and keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
well, you've split the vote!

I did not know what was going on in this story, but others did. The sign of a potential controversial writer in the making? Enjoy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Great story

Well written and thought out, I really liked the characters

and the relationships were very believable (in a love at first sight way).

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
This is a Switch

From generally quality stories to your occasional change into a category that does not work for you. This is not you first try in this gendre but make it your last.

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