FSU Ch. 03: Katelyn


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"And this is where I leave you." Carlotta said with a bright smile. "From here, please make your way towards your assigned dorm where your RA will be waiting to meet you. It was lovely meeting you all, I'm sure I'll see you around!"

Katelyn felt the sudden shift in energy in the group. For the men present, it was an excited apprehension, as they began peeling off towards their residences. For Katelyn and the majority of the girls, it was a sudden snap back to reality. The relative comfort and security of the group setting had been shattered. They were now standing out in the middle of an open field, stark naked with nothing to cover themselves, left to walk through the winding and unfamiliar pathways that sprawled across the campus.

"You're not in Davison House, are you?" asked Gemma hopefully.

"No...Wilson," replied Katelyn.

"Damn..." Gemma said, looking around nervously until she spotted a small directory at one of the crossroads. "Well, I guess this is where we split up for now. We should catch up once classes start, be good to have a familiar face."

"I'd love that so much," Katelyn said, and stepped forward to hug Gemma.

The two girls squeezed each other tightly, then broke apart, wished each other good luck, and took their separate paths.

To Katelyn's dismay, her residence looked like it was at the far end of the block of buildings to the south of where she stood. She wished she had even a pair of sunglasses, anything to hide behind as she began the slow, agonisingly shameful walk past the clustered buildings on either side of the path.

She could feel the warm pavement against her soft bare feet, the occasional gust of wind making her catch her breath as it glanced across her sensitive nipples and swollen pussy. Finally, alone with her thoughts, processing the morning's events, Katelyn realised how insanely turned on she was.

She wondered how on earth the women here dealt with it, day after day, adjusting to this level of exposure and the humiliation that they were obliged to endure. She wondered how long it would be before she would have to perform the obscene display that she had witnessed that morning.

"No fucking way!" The sound of a familiar voice made Katelyn's heart skip a beat. "Katie Fischer?"

Katelyn had been staring down at the pavement in front of her as she walked, only glancing up briefly to check that she was heading the right way. She had tried to tune out everyone else as she made her way across campus, keeping her head down, keeping a low profile. But the sound of a sudden familiar voice filled her with dread. Not him, anyone but him.

"Holy shit," the voice continued, closer now, "It is you. I don't fucking believe it."

Katelyn froze and lifted her head to lock eyes with the man now standing in front of her. Her heart plunged in her chest. Spencer Moran stood before her, a shit eating grin on his face as he took in the view in front of him.

Spencer and Katelyn had been at high school together, and they had not been friends. An above average athlete, and below average student, he had been an unwelcome sight even back then.

Spencer was the embodiment of everything that Katelyn disliked in a man. Crass, loud, arrogant and unkind, she had loathed him from their first meeting many years ago. In their final year of school, Spencer had slept with one her best friends, and promptly spread rumours about her around the school after. Even following that, he had tried endlessly to get Katelyn to let him take her out, desperately wanting her as another notch on his belt, her repeated refusals only frustrating him and increasing his persistence.

With the many reliefs that came with graduating high school, Katelyn had counted among them the knowledge that she would never have to see him again. The last place that she had ever expected to see such a low achiever was at a university, let alone here. Katelyn knew about the Spencer's family and his very wealthy father, having seen him escape many teenage misdemeanours thanks to his father's influence. It wouldn't have surprised her to find out that some spots at this institution were available for purchase.

And now, despite all of her efforts to avoid him, despite looking down her nose and sneering at him whenever he had propositioned her, Katelyn found herself standing naked and exposed, barely two feet in front of him.

She stared back at him, like a deer caught in headlights, not able to believe that this was actually happening. She somehow resisted the urge to cover herself with her hands, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing how ashamed and humiliated she was. But Spencer could read it clearly on her face.

As he stared up the length of her body, from her bare feet up to her blushing, stunned face, he leered back at her.

"Oh you can't imagine how excited I am to see you here Katie," he said with a taunting laugh, before looking down between her legs and raising his eyebrows, "or...maybe you can..."

Katelyn's face burned red with humiliation as Spencer stared freely at her swollen, wet, aching pussy. She could feel her legs beginning to tremble, her heart pounding in her ears. She tried to summon her courage and project the same confidence with which she had dealt with him in the past, but her voice came out shaking and weak,

"I...I'm not interested in talking with you Spencer..."

Katelyn cringed internally at how diminutive and unconvincing she had sounded. Even trying her best to sound confident, she had come across almost like she was asking permission.

"Well, that's perfect, because I'm not interested in talking with you either Katie," he replied with a cruel grin. "Why don't you go ahead and show me those tight holes you've been hiding, and then you can be on your way."

Katelyn stared back at him momentarily dumbstruck. She had known that this moment would come sooner or later but had never imagined that it would happen like this, and least of all with someone who she knew. Not only knew, but had resented and looked down on for years. Someone she had confidently rejected, safe and secure in the knowledge that she would never relinquish that power to him, never submit.

And now, that's exactly what she was going to do. With a sudden crashing wave of humiliation, Katelyn realised that this excited her.

A small part of her, buried beneath deep within her mind, long denied and repressed, had just surfaced without warning. The realisation that she wanted to expose herself, fully and completely to this man, filled her a deep burning shame which only added fuel to her arousal. The confusion, anxiety, the overwhelming excitement was all too much for Katelyn.

Spencer stood before her smiling wide, watching the torment play out on her face, seeing the once confident, unreadable beauty trembling before him.

He took a step towards her, now inches from her face. Looking her dead in the eyes, he lowered his voice, "I want you to turn around, bend over, and open your cunt. Right here, right now."

Before she could stop herself, Katelyn let out a barely audible whimper. And just like that, both she and Spencer knew that an instant and irreversible power shift had occurred. He had won.

Feeling almost dizzy now with excitement, Katelyn turned on the spot, seeing the scattered groups of students that had stopped to watch the exchange. Unable to bring herself to meet their eyes, not wanting them to see the deep humiliation etched on her face, Katelyn looked down at the ground. Taking a shaky breath, she parted her feet to shoulder width, and then bent over.

An electrifying sensation coursed through her body, making her take in a shuddering breath. She could barely process the reality of what was happening as she stood out in this public space, exposing herself willingly to her former classmate. It was like some amazing drug was coursing through her body, making her hyper aware of every sense available, the sounds of the people around her, the feeling of the ground, air and sun against her skin.

Without any additional prompting from Spencer, Katelyn reached back and gripped her ass cheeks in both hands, and spread herself as wide as she could, arching her back. She could feel herself pulling open, feel the warm afternoon breeze touching parts of her than had never felt it before. She tried to control her breathing, trying to steady her racing pulse as Spencer took in the obscene view before him.

"Holy fuck..." he exhaled behind her. "What a good, filthy little slut you are."

Katelyn almost let out another whimper at his words, his cruel taunting sending shivers of excitement through her. With a burst of shame, she realised that she wanted to hear more.

"God damn, you're completely soaked," she heard him whisper.

And then, with no warning, Spencer reached out and ran his fingers across her open pussy, sliding from her opening all the way down to her clit where it protruded from under its hood.

Katelyn let out a gasp of surprise that turned into a soft moan, and against her will, she found herself pushing her body back towards his retreating fingers.

Spencer let out a sneering laugh, "My, my, you're eager, aren't you?"

He reached out and gave Katelyn a light slap on her bare cheek, his fingers only millimetres from her exposed asshole. Katelyn's face burned with shame as she released her grip and straightened back up, turning to face him.

Spencer reached up and placed a hand gently on her face, caressing her cheek. Katelyn could smell herself on his fingers, and it sent a surge of shameful excitement through her.

"Don't worry Katie," he said, looking deep into her eyes, "we'll have lots of time to get reacquainted. I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon. Maybe you can come visit me at my dorm sometime. Sound good?"

Before she could even stop herself, Katelyn blurted out, "Y-yes...thank you..."

Spencer grinned at this. "Go on then, off you run." And without another glance at her, he turned and walked away.

Katelyn stood there reeling in a daze. She couldn't believe what she had just done and how it had made her feel. And above all, she could not believe the words that had just come out of her mouth. Never had she felt so submissive, so diminutive and small.

She couldn't believe that it was Spencer of all people who had been the one to break her down so quickly. In a few short moments she had completely degraded herself in front of him, not because it was expected of her, but because she had wanted it. And then she had thanked him...

She found herself walking on autopilot, barely even aware of her surroundings, moving towards her building as the past few minutes replayed on loop in her head. She could already feel the intense high that she had experienced beginning to fade away, and it terrified her to think what she might end up doing in order to chase that feeling again.

Coming to her senses, she realised she had arrived at the Wilson Building, the four-story sandstone block looming before her. The double doors at the entrance were propped open, and a small crowd of people congregated at the entrance. Recognising the familiar face of Daniel, the RA from earlier, Katelyn made her way over to the small group in front of him.

As the assembled group began to follow Daniel, Katelyn was only half aware of the words he was saying, her mind still spinning over her encounter with Spencer. She vaguely heard him point out the common areas, rec rooms and student lounges as they moved through the building. It was only when they arrived at the communal bathrooms that Katelyn was snapped back to reality.

Daniel indicated to one wall, where he showed separate male and female doors each leading to the toilets on that floor. On the other wall was another door marked for men, but further along that wall stood an open doorway. This required no explanation, as Katelyn could see straight in.

The empty doorway led to a wide-open tiled room with half a dozen shower stalls arrayed opposite the door. The showers had no door or curtain attached, leaving anyone who used them completely exposed to the adjacent hallway.

'Even in the shower you don't get a moment of privacy,' Katelyn thought to herself with an anxious thrill. 'What the fuck have I gotten myself into.'

Finally, with the tour concluded, Daniel handed out room keys to the assembled group. Katelyn gratefully accepted hers and began navigating the corridors up to the third floor until she reached her assigned room. With a long sigh of relief, wanting nothing more than to collapse on her bed, she pushed open the door, and came face-to-face with a tall, redheaded man.

For a moment she stood there stunned, her stomach fluttering at the sight of him. And then a voice from behind him called out, "Hey! Are you Katelyn?"

The tall stranger was abruptly pushed aside from behind, and a second figure appeared. She was much shorter than he was, shorter even that Katelyn, but had the same red hair. It was cut short and shaved on one side, the remaining hair pulled up in a messy bun. Her ears were lined with numerous piercings, and her bare pale skin was covered with freckles and tattoos that ran along her arms and legs. She had a soft, hourglass shaped body with small droopy breasts, and like Katelyn, she was shaved bald. She smiled widely at Katelyn and moved in for a hug.

Momentarily surprised, Katelyn paused for a second before quickly relaxing into the hug and returning it.

"It's so good to meet you!" The bubbly redhead said with a genuine grin, "I'm Harley, your roommate."

Katelyn let out a small sigh of relief, having momentarily been thinking that this tall, male stranger was going to be sharing with her.

"Nice to meet you too," she replied, her old self quickly returning, her voice now more stable. "It's been an interesting morning."

Harley let out a laugh at this, "Fucking tell me about it. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head." As she said this, she jerked her thumb towards the tall silent man beside her. "This is my brother, Cal."

"Hey, how's it going," Cal said with a warm smile, holding out his hand for Katelyn to shake.

"He's not enrolled," Harley continued, "Just here to help me get settled in, wanted to see the place for himself," she finished with a laugh.

Cal let out a slightly embarrassed laugh and shrugged. Katelyn caught him glancing up and down her body and felt another rush of excitement at yet another man getting to see her exposed like this. She wondered if that would ever go away.

"Don't go anywhere," Harley said putting a hand on Katelyn's shoulder, "I want to know all about my new roommate and hear about your first day, I'm just going to see Cal off."

Katelyn and Cal briefly and awkwardly farewelled each other as his naked sister lead him out the door, closing it behind them.

Taking a deep breath to collect herself, Katelyn sat down on her bed, relishing the sudden solitude, not knowing how long it might be until she was able to enjoy this level of privacy again. It still felt like a dream, and she half wondered if she was going to wake up back in her old bed tomorrow.

Rising to her feet, Katelyn pulled open the large window above her bed, letting the warm breeze flow in, soothing and calming her. She looked down on the walkway below, seeing the crowds of students filing in and out of the buildings lining the path.

Katelyn recognised the familiar red hair of Harley and Cal as they exited her building. She felt a massive surge of relief having met her roommate, and was immensely grateful to have a friendly face that she could come home to. She watched them walking down the path, admiring the ease and confidence with which Harley was able to be naked around her brother, wondering to herself how Bryce would react, if and when he ever visited.

As they reached the intersection at the end of the pathway, Katelyn watched as they both stopped, turned to face each other and exchanged goodbyes. And then she watched, eyes wide with surprise, as Harley reached up, looped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. Cal returned the kiss as they embraced, letting his hands slide down her back until they rested on her shapely bum cheeks, and gently squeezed.

Katelyn felt an all too familiar fluttering sensation in her stomach as she watched. With the sudden feeling that she was intruding on a private moment, she turned from the window. She knew that what she had just witnessed was unusual, maybe even taboo, but a strange sense of excitement had just rippled through her, and Katelyn felt a sudden burst of affection for her new roommate.

Crossing the room to grab a towel from her bags on the floor, Katelyn stepped outside into the busy hallway and made her way over to the showers, replaying what she had just seen in her mind.

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PirettePiretteabout 1 month ago

Lots of fun, so far. Hope there are more chapters coming, soon (no pressure, LOL).

Thanks for the great stories.

Drazenpet23Drazenpet23about 2 months ago

I love this. See great potential. Like the fact that degrading herself in front of her rival makes her horny could lead to Spencer giving Katelyn her own special set of rules that are far more humiliating and defrading than the schools rules, and have her abide by them as they get worse without telling anyone why she is acting way sluttier and than everyone else. While puttimg on lewd displays at the expense of her dignity. Just a thought. Great story.

HornyNerd42HornyNerd42about 2 months ago

Love this!! Wish I went to this college!

PiercedClit1717PiercedClit1717about 2 months ago

This is a really well told story. Just wondering what women at FSU do when they have their monthly. Period? Also wonder if Kaitlyn will let some of her bush grow back since she feels so exposed when shaved. It’s clear she’s a real slut at heart who loves spraying her legs wide and I predict that Spencer will literally fuck her brains out. Looking forward to more by the way, if she’s gonna be nude most the time as well might as well get those titties of hers pierced, and some beautiful clitoris jewellery could, be just what she needs to keep that pussy for of hers Nice and wet and swollen and ready for presentation

msctmsctabout 2 months ago

can't wait to see where it goes from here!

MaydaypilotMaydaypilotabout 2 months ago

Exquisite reveal of the emotions bared with physical exposure. A captivating series. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Kaitlyn. You did a good job. You've already become such a proficient writer.. too bad I don't have a place in this erotic story.

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