Fun in the Sun Ch. 06

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Air hostess comes to model, and brings a friend.
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Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/14/2022
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When I flew to Spain at the end of the previous year to find a new home, come business premises to launch my new lifestyle, and photographic business, I left a few business cards with one of the air hostesses. I thought it was worth trying my luck, and I've always been of the opinion that, 'if you don't ask, you don't get.' Air hostesses, it seemed to me would be perfect model material, after all, they are generally chosen for their attractiveness, their outgoing demeanour, and people skills.

On top of that they are always immaculately groomed, as it's part of the job. So, on exiting the aircraft, I had passed some business cards to the hostess on the door. She had smiled very professionally, but said nothing, and I thought that was the end of that, but of course, I'm ever the optimist and thought, just maybe...

A few months into my new life, with the villa I had bought altered, reconstructed, and refurbished to service my photographic requirements, I was doing well. I had a steady stream of clients, mainly garnered from the millionaire's playground of the Costa Del Sol, and the many marinas where they moored their motor yachts. The wives and mistresses of the very rich were wonderful clients to have, they could well afford my fees, and I quickly gained a reputation for secrecy and discretion, which was paramount given the nature of their photo shoots.

Of course, they were also sexually motivated to a great extent, and that meant many of them got rather aroused during the photo shoots, which in turn meant I occasionally got to sample the delights of these very high class, society ladies. There will be more interesting, not to mention arousing tales from that source in due course.

I was just going around one day, checking that everything was in tip-top condition; a constant battle to keep standards as high as possible. Just a bit of cleaning and dusting, in between attending to other pressing matters, answering e-mails about bookings and such like, when the phone rang.

When I answered it a lovely, cultured, English voice asked if this was the photo studio, and when I said it was, she explained that she had been an air hostess, on my flight in late November, early December the previous year, and had been given one of my business cards. She was due into the Costa this week, and had a few days layover if I wanted to arrange a shoot. I asked her to send me a picture by e-mail before I committed myself to anything, and a picture dully arrive taken just the month before she assured me.

She was impressive, and I was impressed, very well proportioned, shoulder length dark brown hair, a lovely face and great figure, plus she included her vital statistics, height, (5'6") bust and hip size, etc, so I e-mailed her back, and we arranged a time for the shoot, later in the week. Her name was Alice, and I explained exactly what was involved, what she would need, clothes and lingerie wise, and looked forward to seeing her when she arrived.

On the morning of the shoot I got the lights set up, and checked, used the flash meter to work out the exposures, made sure the cameras were fully charged, etc. I like to be fully prepared for any eventuality. I read one of those motivational things somewhere which went, 'Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail,' and nowhere is that truer than in photography. There are so many variables that can lead to things going wrong, and believe me, I've met with that old devil, 'disaster' a few times over the years. Now, as a professional, I check everything at least twice, and have back up and substitutions in place for everything I can think of that might go wrong.

Luckily, nothing went wrong, and the lovely Alice duly arrive, but much to my surprise and consternation she had brought a friend, who she introduced as Sasha. I say consternation because, I hate working with someone, 'looking over my shoulder,' but worse still, it can make building some sort of rapport with the model almost impossible. If the model is an experienced professional, then it can work because they are so used to working with other people there, but with an amateur, like Alice, it can be a big problem. The only mitigating factor was that the friend was drop-dead gorgeous, another air hostess who said she was interested in modelling for me too, and wanted to see what it was all about.

I had my doubts, but kept them to myself for the time being, and hoped that I'd be able to bring the best out of Alice, despite her friend being there as a spectator. I wondered if I could turn this to my advantage in some way, but in the meantime, I put that to the back of my head and after a wee, 'acclimatisation,' period, where we chatted and had a glass of white wine to help keep any nerves at bay, (I had tea - no alcohol or coffee when working) we finally got started.

I always start with the model fully dressed, then let her undress gradually until she is in lingerie, but this time I debated with myself if I should start with Alice in lingerie right from the start. However, bearing in mind she was an amateur who had never modelled before, I made the snap decision to have her fully dressed to start with as usual. It not only gives the model time to get used to the idea of being photographed, but it gives a wider range of shots from fully dressed to nude, which maximises the selling potential of any photo shoot. I could sell fully dressed shots as 'lifestyle,' for advertising and editorial purposes, and the lingerie and nudes to a range of different markets as usual.

We were well into the shoot, when I realised something was going on between Alice and her friend Sasha. We had gotten to the part where Alice was beginning to undress, and open the buttons on her shirt. I happened to look around and there was Sasha opening her shirt too. Quite taken by surprise I asked what was going on. It was Alice who explained to me.

'I told her when she said she wanted to come along, that she could only be here and watch if she undressed along with me,' she laughed. 'There's no way she gets to sit there fully dressed while I get naked. If she gets to see my tits and, "bits," then we get to see hers too.' I liked the way she included me in that. Although it might prove a little distracting, it was playing into what I had been thinking of before we started, which was maybe getting Sasha to join in with a little two girl shoot towards the end. It was beginning to look a little more likely every minute.

Trying my best to ignore the parallel strip show taking place behind me, I continued with the shoot as if Sasha wasn't there. I waited until Alice was down to lingerie; bra, panties, and stockings, before taking a sneaky peek at Sasha, and sure enough, she was down to lingerie, plus, she was wearing stockings too. I could see with one quick glance that she had a superb body, very trim and well-toned, she obviously went to the gym regularly. I wonder how far she's going to take this I thought to myself. I soon found out.

As the shoot progressed, and it became obvious that Alice was getting a little bit turned on, especially when I gradually eased her out of her bra. She had great boobs, which she played with for the camera, making no effort to hide the fact that she was getting horny in the process. She looked wonderful, and with her little whimpers of pleasure, she sounded wonderful too. I looked over my shoulder to see if Sasha had removed her bra along with Alice, and sure enough, her bra was on the floor.

What surprised me, but just a little, was that she was caressing and fondling her tits too, and with her head back and eyes closed was all too obviously enjoying herself. As I looked at her, she moaned and shivered with excitement, and then her eyes flashed open as if realising she had just moaned out loud. She looked at me and smiled, but carried on pulling and squeezing her gorgeous nipples. The smile faded almost immediately, to be replaced by a look in her eyes of sheer sexual arousal, as she realised I was watching her.

I winked at her, then turned once more toward Alice, where over the course of the next ten minutes or so we did a series of poses designed to get her flimsy panties off. I was pretty sure that Sasha would be in the same state, and after quick glance to make sure, I concentrated on getting Alice to express herself freely. She spread her legs showing a very desirable, and wet pussy, with just a little strip of pubic hair in a 'Brazilian,' style which of course was designed to hide nothing, and did its job of hiding nothing very well.

As usual I told her to pretend she was very horny and look as if she was about to touch herself, and like most of the amateur women who had modelled for me, she was too far gone to pretend, and did it for real. Within seconds, she was rubbing herself frantically, with a lot of vocal encouragement from me as she writhed about on top of the bed, fingers delving deep inside the gorgeous pussy, spreading her lips apart, disgorging juices and then she was loudly proclaiming that she was coming.

When it was over and she was slowly coming down from the peaks of her arousal, I looked over my shoulder to find Sasha, legs spread, panties off, was rubbing and caressing herself, and then she stiffened, arched her back, moaning loudly and I knew she was well on the way to coming too. She suddenly realised that I was watching her, which seemed to spur her on, and she went at it with renewed enthusiasm, moaning and gasping loudly as her orgasm took hold and wracked her body in waves. When it was over, she smiled to herself, then looked at me as if to say, 'well, what did you expect?'

'Sasha,' I said, 'get on the bed beside Alice, and I'll take some photos of you too. You're too gorgeous and sexy for me not to take a few pics of you both together.' She got up and padded barefoot over to the bed and climbed up beside Alice.

'Is this okay with you?' she said quietly to Alice, who told her that of course it was. 'I just got so horny watching you being photographed that I couldn't help myself. You looked as if you were having so much fun, and you looked fucking fantastic,' she enthused. Alive fairly glowed, with this praise from her friend.

'I'm happy as long as these, "two girl," pics are only pretend,' Alice warned, looking at us both. 'I'm not a lesbian you know.' I assured her they were only pretend, and suggested they both put their lingerie back on, so we could use it to help structure the mini shoot. Alice went into the shower room to 'clean up,' a bit as she put it, but Sasha just put her panties back on.

'Why bother?' she confided quietly, 'I'm just going to get even wetter working with Alice,' and she gave me a deliciously wicked smile. 'As for her saying she's not a lesbian, neither am I, but I enjoy a bit of "girlie fun," from time to time. I'll be very surprised if I can't make her have a screaming orgasm, and I have a sneaking suspicion you'd like me to do that, am I right?'

'You've got exactly the right idea Sasha,' I smilingly agreed, but speaking quietly so Alice wouldn't overhear. 'I'll direct you both the same way I've been directing Alice, and take the shoot in the right direction to make it as easy for you as possible. You take the lead, be the seducer, I feel you're naturally more dominant anyway, and of course, with her saying what she just said, this has to come from you, she'll never take the lead. We both know she's horny and it shouldn't be too difficult.'

With that agreed, I went to check the lights, then re-arrange and smooth the crumpled bedcovers where Alice had such a wonderful orgasm just a short while ago. It would also look better when she came out of the shower room if we weren't together and seen to be colluding in her demise. While I was re-setting the bed, Alice appeared, unaware of what we had been plotting, and we got started just minutes later.

I thought it best to start off very mildly, with both of them appearing to be best friends at a sleepover type thing, hence the reason for them being in lingerie. These would be good for 'lifestyle' type feature shots, and although close and a bit, 'touchy feely,' they wouldn't be overtly sexual or suggestive. We began with Alice sitting on the edge of the bed, and Sasha kneeling on the bed behind her brushing Alice's dark, shoulder length hair. All very innocent, and then we repeated all the poses, with Alice doing similar to Sasha until I felt I had enough of these warm, 'fluffy,' innocent shots for my purposes.

We started this next part of the shoot with them both on the bed, Sasha behind Alice again, ideally placed to lead Alice astray. Now they were much closer, so I got them to look a little more involved, Alice looking back over her shoulder, with Sasha's arms around her waist, Sasha's face close to hers, lips almost brushing as they looked as if they might be kissing. I suggested they might give each other a little kiss, 'for the camera,' and with no objections from Alice, their lips touched, and they kissed, lightly at first, then mouths opened, and the kiss became slightly steamier, and more passionate. It was Sasha who broke contact, still playing it lightly and matter of fact so as not to alarm Alice I presumed, but I heard her say quietly, that it was a nice kiss, and Alice nodding her head in agreement.

Next I suggested that Sasha pull Alice's hair over to one side, and look as if she were kissing and caressing Alice's neck and shoulders, and to make her hands look as if they were caressing Alice body, touching her skin as a lover would do. Sasha followed my suggestions very nicely, working on that lovely sensitive neck and shoulders, kissing lightly along the curve of where the neck joined Alice's body, and meantime her hands were lightly caressing her all over.

When I suggested she cup Alice's breasts in her hands and pretend she was squeezing the nipples through the fabric, she knew exactly what to do, and softly at first, she let her hands drift lightly over the fabric. I suggested to Alice that she closed her eyes to look as if she was really enjoying the sensation, which she did, and I knew that with her eyes closed she'd concentrate more on how her breasts felt under Sasha's touch. Sasha increased the pressure, and found the erect nipples under the lacy fabric, squeezing them a lot more sensuously. Despite her, 'I'm not a lesbian,' comment, we knew Alice was pretty horny having just had an orgasm a short while before, and it came as no surprise when she seemed to be responding well.

'Kiss,' Sasha demanded, and Alice turned her head again, and their lips met, opened and they kissed tenderly. I was just about to suggest that Sasha slip her hands inside the bra cups, when she did exactly that, and now she was openly playing with Alice's wonderful tits. Alice seemed to stiffen for a moment, holding her breath, and I thought she was going to protest, but she relaxed again, and Sasha continued the assault on the marvellous breasts. The bra came off within a few minutes and I thought rather than interrupt something that Sasha had well in hand, if you'll excuse the pun, I would just move around and shoot from various angles and let Sasha seduce Alice naturally as she seemed well capable of doing.

I was thinking it was time for her to go to the next stage when she went for it, letting her right hand trail down over the now obviously aroused Alice's hot body. She caressed the inside of the parted thighs, and Alice moaned with pleasure, and then Sasha caressed her though the skimpy panties, bringing a louder moan this time.

With that signal of approval Sasha waited no longer, and slipped her hand down the front of Alice's panties, down, down and under, and I heard that wonderful, 'slurping,' noise as Sasha opened and manipulated the eager, wet pussy with her fingers. Alice came almost immediately, her pelvis thrusting hard against Sasha's hand, moaning and gasping loudly in the throes of her orgasm. As the waves of pleasure subsided, Sasha laid Alice down on the bed and snuggled up close, taking her in her arms, kissing her deeply and lovingly. Alice started crying, softly and quietly.

'What's wrong sweetheart?' Sasha asked her, kissing her face, gently wiping the tears away.

'I didn't want to be a lesbian,' she sobbed. Sasha laughed and assured her she wasn't a lesbian. 'But... I really liked what we just did, it was amazing. I want to do again, and do the same to you as well.'

'Well, I'd love you to do that, and I'm going to let you very soon,' Sasha assured her. 'I can hardly wait, but first I think we should get these wet panties off,' and as she said it, she pushed Alice's panties down over her hips and off. She quickly slipped her hand back between Alice's legs which she compliantly spread, eager for more of the same. Sasha wriggled down the bed, between those wonderful legs, and before Alice could say more, buried her face in the delight she found there.

Alice looked down at herself, a strange expression on her face, halfway between horror and surprise, seeing the lovely face of her friend doing unspeakably erotic and pleasurable things with her tongue and fingers. She gave a long shuddering moan of ecstasy, closed her eyes and was swept away by the unstoppable sensations her new lover was inducing. I said nothing and continued to shoot. I knew half the photos would be unusable, long hair hides so much of lesbian action, if not controlled in some way, tied back is best I've found, but I didn't want to disrupt Alice's first girl on girl experience. I knew I'd get enough usable shots to make it worthwhile, so I just let them carry on having fun.

From being a shoot that was supposed to be a couple of hours long, it developed into a marathon fuck-fest that lasted from mid-morning until mid-evening. Alice was led through her first faltering steps in bisexuality, with Sasha leading her astray, although it has to be said, once she discovered the joys of girl on girl sex, she was an eager pupil. I have some lovely photos of her licking and fingering Sasha's pussy, and she seemingly loved every second of it. I continued to shoot all the way through it, then when Alice, totally exhausted fell asleep, I took Sasha through to one of the other rooms and did a solo shoot with her. I think that deserves another story all to itself, and it also led to a continuing association with Sasha, which has led to many new opportunities, and a dear and valued friendship.

* * *

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I honestly don't think I saw a misspelled word, but a decent amount of punctuation mistakes, including in some important/key cases.

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