Futanari Notebook Ch. 64-76


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Like Carmen said, it wasn't easy. Megan's moans of untainted ecstasy became mixed with pained whimpers as her skin stretched in ways it never should have, even over the course of nine months, let alone in minutes. Stretch marks bloomed all across her expanse as the third and fourth shots turned her into a bed. A red sheen extended over the top, where her swollen belly button had popped.

And still she kept stretching. Every second seemed like her limit, yet she took the next with nothing but a quiet whimper, inflating until she was eye-level with Zoey. The futa finally pulled out and let the last drops fall across her immobile sister's ass, before moving to the front and yanking her into a kiss. Not one that lovers shared. This was more of a mark, a final display of ownership.

"Thank you," Megan whispered than passed out.

"She'll be alright, won't she?" Zoey asked, looking over her slut's abdomen.

"Give it a few minutes. I made it so your cum heals any injury after a little time. Among other things," Carmen sighed, leisurely rocking Rachel to and fro on her cock. Zoey watched the redhead bobbing and licked her lips. Much as dominating her sister was a dream she hadn't even known she wanted to come true, Carmen was seduction made flesh. Those unique eyes met hers and flashed knowingly.

The sun was setting when Zoey heard a noise from downstairs. Her new ears flicked at the sound of her mother's voice and... her aunts? Carmen grinned and pulled on her hips, thrusting up into the equine-futa as she came for the umpteenth time. Rachel laid atop her belly beside Megan's comatose shape, having been spit-roasted by the pair. Zoey wasn't much better, only mobile thanks to her far greater physicality.

"I take it those are your family?" Carmen asked even as she pumped gallons of viscous seed into Zoey.

"It's my mom and aunts... and my cousins," Zoey said, biting her lip in pleasure, though not just because of the swelling of her own womb.

"Feels like someone wants to fuck them too."

"I do, but I honestly don't think I have it in me."

"Don't worry, I'm more than happy to take one or two for you."

"I'd like that," Zoey said, already picturing her mom sucking on Carmen's dicks while taking hers from behind. Or vice versa.

She couldn't have known how the day would've turned out, but she didn't think it could've gone any better. Especially not when she had a family member on each cock and more eating Carmen's jizz from her pussy and ass. Things were crazy ever since Carmen entered her life, but she didn't want to imagine it without her and the Futa Note anymore.

This was her best life.

Chapter 73:

It shouldn't be this fucking hard! Everywhere she looked, there was evidence of Carmen's abominations, people with tits too big to possibly look good being the most common, yet no one batted an eye. Even the few remaining girls in the school just got on with their day. Or worse! Some of them even fawned over the freaks.

No, they couldn't be blamed. Not everyone could get anywhere near the amount of dick Gretchen did, so of course they'd settle for the desperate tier. Whatever, long as they kept away from her, though not too far. It shouldn't irk her the way it did, but few, if any, of the futanari even spared a glance her way. Yet they'd be making googly eyes at the lower rungs on the beauty hierarchy.

Some of them didn't even have tits, for fuck's sake. Sure, every girl with a dick had a cleavage to match it, but that didn't mean Gretchen was small. She'd paid exclusively not to be. Well, she didn't pay, Ashley did back when the bitch was worth a damn. Now, she had the same wealth as most others, except with a body so affluent, she honestly wondered how she didn't collapse under her own weight. Far from that, the once-wealthy cunt sauntered down the halls with people eagerly stepping aside only to be crushed into the walls. They should be doing that for her.

Gretchen adjusted her bra and checked herself in the mirror. This was so embarrassing.

Everyday, orgies were held in the second-floor bathrooms. It didn't matter the person's gender or their history or anything else, they were welcome. Except Gretchen. It was like they knew she wanted dirt, so all those weird bitches made a point of excluding her. They even talked about how good it was when she was around. Fucking assholes.

That would end that day. Gretchen did everything to conceal her obviously superior body from the common folk, even wearing stupid ugly glasses. God, why did anyone wear them when contacts were a thing? Whatever, they made her just that bit more unrecognisable. Combined with her lame pig-tails, a splash of fake freckles on her flawless tanned skin, and the frumpy sweater covering her tits, she almost didn't recognise herself in the mirror. Even then, however, she looked better than anyone out there.

Except Carmen. Something about that slut carried her obscene figure so... gracefully. Every wobble might as well have been intentional, part of an elegantly sensual dance, for how they accented her raw lustful appearance. It'd take a miracle for anyone, even Gretchen, to compete against her.

"Or a book," she murmured to her nerdy reflection. All she needed was a book and there'd be nothing but her luscious hair and skin to separate from any of the bookworms. Preferably, said 'book' would be the Futa Note. Then she'd have everything as it should be, with herself at the top and all else beneath her foot, while she wore stiletto heels of course. Naturally, she'd have Carmen as her makeshift throne, all those gross, pussy-breaking dicks crammed inside her.

"Hmm, yeah," Gretchen bit her injection-filled lips, "Make her a mindless fuck-machine." She'd already sampled Carmen's prowess, but she was much smaller back then, not to mention reluctant. All she could do was imagine it, though maybe not for too much longer if her disguise worked. She could get fucked and blackmail material at the same time. No problem.

Taste was important too. Gretchen preferred to receive - only weirdos didn't - but watching someone squirm beneath her world-class blowjobs, their faces contorting in orgasm then despair as she denied them. A familiar warm tingle skittered down her back, spasms that echoed in her ass and pussy, like they wanted to get stuffed just as bad. She slipped a hand into her stupid mom jeans, finding herself damp. Even for how crazy Carmen's body was, Gretchen shouldn't be thirsting for it so hard.

"Fucking dry spell."

Things had been tricky since Carmen got the book back. For whatever reason, she just didn't have the same drive to get laid, or the allure. Just last week, she was forced to settle for some decent-looking guy at a bar. She still grimaced at the thought. They all looked at her like she was second-best, no matter how she hard she flirted. Even pulling her shirt down didn't do it for them.

"First the fuck, then she gets fucked," Gretchen told herself, almost a mantra at that point. She was going into the lion's den after all, where literally anything could happen, so long as Carmen willed it. Though her thoughts didn't linger on the possible danger of her move, the fact she could piss the futa off and get turned into a fleshlight, but on the potential sex she could finally have. She just needed to imagine a hot guy instead of the dickgirls pounding her.

God, she really needed it. Gretchen took a deep breath, the air hot and humid in the bathroom. Did the air conditioners break again? No, it was cool when she walked in. Had to be herself. She tested her hair, expecting it to get pulled on later, and headed for the door. A very obvious stilt harmed her strides as her thighs rubbed her drooling quim.

When she touched the handle, the air seemed to condense. She gasped at the sudden difficult in breathing, however that only brought a very distinct, vaguely familiar flavour onto her tongue.

"Sounds like someone needs to get fucked."

That voice, "Zoey?" She turned to the stalls, expected to see the freakishly tall cunt walk out, but what she saw instead froze her in place; a horse's face looked over the wall, down at her. It wasn't completely a horse, she recognised some human features in the eyes and lips. Some nerd she sucked off for better grades had shown her stuff like that.

"You're a furry?" Gretchen forced a snide grin, "Always knew you were fucked in the head."

"Says the girl creaming herself at the sight of me," Zoey said and licked her lips. The air thickened again, coinciding with a dense thud against a stall.

"Maybe she's in denial about herself?" A second voice asked and a door opened, revealing four giant tits that moved out to reveal Mary, her top little more than a stretch of fabric covering her nipples at that point. Likewise, she had a set of shorts modified with a hammock to keep her gross dicks in.

"Don't tease her. Some people need a gateway," Dakota's voice said, her similarly fucked-up body entering the scene. How did any of them fit in the stalls?

"Yeah, enough teasing, let's fuck this... fuck! I'm stuck. Could you lend a hand, Zoey?" Before the horse could even exit, the stall closest to Gretchen exploded, "Nevermind, I'm good." Ashley walked from the wreckage, tits bigger than anyone in the room. Not just in comparison to their breasts, but their whole bodies. They even looked big enough for Zoey to fit inside.

Gretchen gulped, "So, what is this? An intervention?"

"Sorta," Mary said, coming to stand beside the fat-cow that was Ashley, while Dakota moved to the other side, "We know you're trying to get the book back. Not that it'd work."

"But it's as good an excuse as any," Zoey added, now stepping out so Gretchen saw her full, naked glory. More important than any of the others, was the set of dicks larger than life sticking up at an angle. The way they bobbed, veins throbbing every second, made clear they weighed way more than Gretchen's entire body, even with the pounds upon pounds of saline inside her.

"To put you in your place," Ashley finished, her own member pushing her tits aside. Not a moment later and they were all naked, each sporting a different style of cock.

Gretchen had all manner of responses blowing through her mind. None of them made it to her tongue, however, as she made the simple mistake of breathing. Light dimmed and her vision swayed, but she caught herself. Everything was hot, burning even, her crotch and nipples in particular. Unconsciously, she pulled on the shirt and let out a sharp moan. Too sensitive...

She adjusted again, then quivered. No, she couldn't show weakness to them, not those freaks with grins like the hottest bitches in porn, and cocks that redefined 'big'. Gretchen stumbled back, almost falling on her ass, if not for something warm and pulsating and... wriggly. Looking back, her eyes bulged at the sight of a snake-like cock supporting her back.

"Get the fuck away!" Gretchen shrieked, hobbling away from the horror, straight into Ashley's waiting tits. Two dicks jutted on either side, hard and throbbing, just begging to penetrate a cunt... her cunt. They were the smallest ones there. Probably the only phalli that'd fit inside her. Maybe. Could be worth a try?

"No, no, no," Gretchen repeated the word over and over, yet her body refused to move. Every rapid breath, no matter how shallow, just exasperated the whole situation. The way her breasts moved rubbed her nipples ever so slightly, but it was enough to set her pussy off, dripping down her leg. Her stupid fucking thong did nothing to stop it, in fact, she felt it rubbing between her folds as she tried minimising contact with the fat freak.

The others moved around to box her in.They left a path between them, only their cocks blocking it, leading straight to the door.

"if you don't want this, then you're welcome to leave," Mary said, gesturing with one of her disgusting things, "But we all know you're way too big a slut for that. Aside from Carmen and Rachel, we've got the biggest dicks in the city, probably the world. Dozens have taken them already. You're the only one. How shameful for a whore like you, that you've only taking little baby dicks."

"Shut up! I have standards!" Gretchen snarled and stepped forward, jaw snapping shut as she tried not to make a sound. The next step was just as bad, then worse as she finally had to touch one of them. It was Dakota's, a ruddy red colour from the tapered helm to its... was that a knot? The ears and tail were one thing, but even her dicks were canine.

"Hmm, keep stroking," Dakota said.

"Fuck you!" Gretchen snatched her hand away and wiped the slime off it. When did she start rubbing it? Ugh, it was all over her ugly skirt now. She could smell it too.

Mary was next in her path, casually rolling her dicks like jump rope.

"Stop it."

"Hmm... no."

Fine, she jumped rope before. This was no problem. Except it wasn't rope, it was fat cocks that shouldn't exist. Gretchen swallowed her nerves down and braced herself for the jump, only to get pushed forward. She missed the first swing, but the next caught her, entangling the blonde in its endless length. Laughter ensued.

"Shut the fuck up and untie me."

"Fine, fine," Mary said and crouched down, smothering Gretchen in her lower breasts. Didn't she get implants too? Why were they so soft? Their warmth was almost intoxicating too, like a hug all over her body, a gentle palpitation that, if given the chance, would rock her to sleep. She nearly whined when Mary pulled away, cocks hanging forward to lift her up.

Gretchen sneered at her as she stepped away. Every inch of skin remembered the feel of those boobs, a perpetual tingle in every pore, which fuelled the thumping pleasure in her groin. Maybe they wouldn't be so bad?

No! She'd get laid in a bit. With Carmen no less. Then she'd use that footage, get the cunt in trouble and take the book back. After that, she could fuck who she wanted, when she wanted, how she wanted. No reason whatsoever for her to lower herself for these freaks.

"You look flushed? A little turned on maybe?" Zoey asked, stepping into the line, with a pair of horse-dicks covered in a faintly glossy sheen. She was right, but Gretchen would never admit it to... the thought died when a spurt of pre-cum erupted from both members, splashing against the opposite wall hard enough to ricochet onto her. It smeared her left cheek, ending just under her nostril.

"It stinks," Gretchen gasped, swaying on her feet. She couldn't describe it. At first, she thought it was just like normal pre, a little musky and fishy, but a sniff annihilated that comparison. It reeked like that frat house after she started an orgy there, yet so much worse. Maybe if someone took that stench, condensed it into a liquid, then poured it up her nostrils, then dunked her into a lake of the stuff, before amplifying it a dozen times over... it still wouldn't measure up.

Zoey's pre was simply sex incarnate.

She couldn't stay on her feet. The smell robbed her of all strength until she listed forward and, unthinking, caught herself on one of the turgid erections. If the pre-cum reeked that bad, it was a hundred times better, like the smell saturated the entire penis. Gretchen had no control as her whole body vibrated in a sudden climax.

Looking behind her, the others were crowded around her ass. They were going to fuck her. She knew it. Any second and they'd rip her skirt off and ruin her tiny holes for any other dick that wasn't freakishly huge.

Or not. Everyone just stood around and waited. For what?

"What're you... just standing around... for?" Gretchen panted. Even speaking was so hard. So much of her just wanted to keep breathing, inhaling all that musk until she couldn't think anymore.

"We're not about to rape you," Dakota said.

"We're not about to sink as low as you," Mary added.

"He... consented," Gretchen groaned.

"Yeah, after you choked him."


"So, what'll it be?" Ashley asked, shuffling forward just a little, "There's over a dozen cocks in here, just waiting to fuck. If it's not you, we'll take care of each other."

Gretchen bit her lip and shook her head. Even if she came just from smelling Zoey, she couldn't let these monstrosities penetrate her. People would find out. She'd be the laughing stock after all the shit she said about futanari. It didn't matter how wet she was and how perfectly any of them would fill her up. She just couldn't.

"In that case," Mary walked to a wall and bent over, braced against it with her ass jutting out, "I've been dripping for a chance with the new Zoey. How about it?"

"Sure," Zoey chuckled and walked away, leaving Gretchen to fall flat on her tits.

"No!" The blonde wailed, then snapped her mouth shut. They all ignored her as Zoey lined up her mammoth-sized cocks with Mary's way, way too small ass and pussy. Likewise, the tentacles reached under her balls to coil around Zoey's thighs and slither between her huge ass cheeks. Both moaned in ecstasy as they penetrated each other, bellies bulging straight away.

Meanwhile, Ashley pushed Dakota to the floor and climbed atop her. Like the others, her gut exploded in size, stretched taut around a set of dicks bigger than a pony. Her own balls smothered the dog-futa, who made no attempt at getting free, simply groping every inch within reach. In moments, the air reverberated with the smacks of asses on crotches and balls. Zoey built up rapidly, whole body rippling with muscle as she pounded away, so hard Gretchen felt the impacts through the floor.

"Stop it..."

Ashley moaned louder as her breasts and testes ballooned. Orgasm after orgasm rippled through her body, yet her dicks released only pre-cum by the gallon. Dakota thrust against her, faster as the chubby futa grabbed hold of her cock-like nipples and tugged on them.

"I... want..."

Gretchen's heart pounded in tandem with Zoey's thrusts. Each beat filled out her nipples and clit, both rubbing against her clothes. She couldn't help grabbing her tits. Any pleasure was better than none. Without it, she'd break down.

Zoey pulled her cocksleeve away from the wall. Mary remained upright, snug between the horse's boobs, while a pair of massive hands lifted her balls up and revealed just how impossibly stretched out her pussy was. That should be Gretchen... her pussy deserved to be opened up around a set of dicks larger than life. They were right, that it was ridiculous that she hadn't been fucked by the biggest cocks around. She'd only fucked Carmen when she was way smaller than any of them.

"Fuck me!" Gretchen whispered at the worst time, when there was a brief lull in the depravity.

"What was that?" All four asked her, faces all perfectly capturing the pleasure they experienced. And the bliss they promised her.

"Fuck me, dammit! I don't care anymore, just put your stupid, ugly, giant dicks in me and fuck my brains out!" Gretchen demanded and even tore her skirt away, then pushed her hips up high. It was the most primal position she knew, one that turned her into nothing more than an animal begging to breed.

But all that mattered was how it worked. Not a second after she presented herself, Zoey was on her. Enormous, flat heads completely supplanted all space between her thighs. There was no way it could fit inside her, yet she held. If a second-rate bitch like Mary could handle it, then she could too. The first push, however, tested that resolve as her body opened inhumanly wide. Where she expected pleasure like all the others, she was struck, instead, with pure agony.

Before she could pull away, a pair of massive tits blocked her way. Ashley leered down at her, then grabbed onto her pig tails and yanked her forward. Her mouth opened to put the cow in her place, but that immediately failed as a cock filled it.
