Futanari Notebook Ch. 64-76


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"Dakota? Mary? I'm gonna need to cum properly soon, otherwise I'm gonna fill up the room."


"No problem."

Gretchen looked to the side as Mary settled in alongside her. The tentacled cunt smirked, then throated the other cock with ease, more so than Gretchen ever had. Indignation boiled in her veins as she took a deep breath, almost cumming in the process, and dove in. Only to gag almost instantly. She tried pulling away to prepare for another try, but Zoey finally found traction and lunged forward.

Inundated with the sensation of her body going through torture, Gretchen almost didn't register the fat prick opening her gullet and flattening her uvula. As more of Zoey's member squelched through her insides, she could feel her pelvis grinding along it, the bones somehow accommodating the behemoth, yet no less agonising. The constant pressure in her oesophagus sent convulsions up her throat, but the blockage left only one path; her nose. Yet her pussy was sopping wet.

Pre-cum oozed from Ashley, but her acid reflux brought it up and out her nose. It burned, somehow the most noticeable torment even as her once flawless abdomen distended into a misshapen mess; a log covered in hideous roots that pulsated faster than her own racing heartbeat. And that was before Zoey pulled back.

Gretchen thanked her body for betraying her. If not for her wetness, the ensuing thrusts would've been far worse. As it was, every inch that Zoey extracted felt like it pulled her insides out with it. Maybe it did. She couldn't turn her head and confirm or deny it, though she was glad for that small mercy. All she wanted to imagine some huge hunks spit-roasting her like on most Fridays.

Unfortunately, the sheer amount of boobs around her made that impossible. One second, she was focused on the turgid lengths ruining her wonderful body, but the next and she was reminded of that it wasn't guys wrecking her, but girls with dicks. Ashley pulled her down, mashing her face into a breast firm as her own, yet yielding to the slightest pressure, which only ushered a richer flow of cum down her gullet and out her nose. Zoey, likewise, leaned over and rested her enormous bosom on her back.

"She's not even sucking," Ashley said and tugged on the pig tails to no result.

"Hmm, Dakota, climb on my dick," Zoey said. The impaled blonde frowned as she felt two fleshy spheres press into her chest, "Good. Now then..."

What now? Gretchen wondered only to scream it into Ashley's dick-nipple. She'd thought most of that horse cock was inside by then, it felt like a mile of flesh-wreathed steel after all, yet she was nowhere near the middle. A fat ring squished past her folds, signalling an steady increase in girth. Zoey wasn't slow either, slamming forward so fast, she crashed into Gretchen's ass hard enough to rattle her brain. Meanwhile, Ashley just moaned.

"Enjoying the ball-job?" The cow asked.

"Oh yeah. Nice and warm. So snug. I can feel your cum churning inside."

"She's still not sucking though."

A snort of hot air blew against Gretchen's ear. She looked to the side as Zoey's new face came into view. As it did, a new weight settled on her back, its shape very familiar.

"Start sucking, or I fuck you properly."

Properly? Another thrust like that? Gretchen switched her gaze to Ashley, hoping - praying for once - that she'd stop it, but the fucking bitch just moaned and focused on Mary, who was bobbing her head like a machine. Several ounces of drool spilled from her lips as she did, which she caught on her boobs and hands, applying to the rest of the cock. There was no other choice; she had to suck this freak's dick like a real one or Zoey would utterly destroy her.

Agony pressed in from all sides as she slid her head back. No throat was designed for such punishment. Still, she fought through it, choking up copious amounts of slop to lubricate her path. Gretchen wriggled her tongue in futility, the muscle pinned under Ashley's girth. As she slipped back a few inches, she brought her hands into the mix, using them to jerk the foot or two of dick still outside her lips. Internally, she grimaced at the slimy sensation coating her fingers, but one look at Zoey kept her going.

"That's it, squeeze my cock, you worthless slut," the horse-futa cooed, almost a whinny, and rose back to her full height as she dug both massive hands into Gretchen's ass cheeks. The second member hovered overhead, patiently waiting its turn, "Keep it up and maybe I won't destroy your ass."

From a guy, those words promised a good time. Zoey, however, turned them into a genuine threat, a guarantee that if she wanted, Gretchen would leave the room on stretcher with her holes gaped so wide someone could literally get lost inside them. To avoid such a fate, she did what she was best at; being a slut. Even as that behemoth cock pushed through her cunt, turned her womb into a condom, and forced her organs aside all to fuck her better. She crooned in a mixture of pain and bliss the deeper it went.

Excruciating pleasure pervaded her entire being. Sparks lit up in her nipples whenever Zoey's shaft throbbed against her insides, the energy feeding back into her clit, which set her pussy alight. Ounces of fem-cum poured from her ruined snatch down over her splayed legs. She couldn't move them, no more than rabid twitches down into her toes, curling as she slobbered all over Ashley's cock. Despite it all, humiliation was the worst part.

Not that she was sucking dick as another fucked her. That was just another day for Gretchen, but the fact she was helpless to them, and her own body, just made the whole experience unbearable. Yet she was cumming at the same time. Fuck, everything was too much.

Every breath she took exasperated the problem. She smelled Zoey even as her nose plunged toward Ashley's breast, following Mary's lead as the blonde gagged and slurped like a pro. Beneath them, straddling the horrific bulge, Dakota did much the same, while grinding her hips. She was completely trapped by these freaks. Still, at least she finally got a proper lay.

"Mary, your tentacles are getting antsy. I think there's someone far better to use them," Ashley said and yanked Gretchen down hard, a full-body convulsion bringing the bulges in her throat and gut into stark relief.

Mary moaned and suddenly a dozen sinuous cocks appeared around her.

"No, no, no!" Gretchen tried saying, yet nothing but the sound of a pathetic groan came out. The tendrils converged on her, winding around her arms, their gross, spongy heads poked against her armpits, while squeezing around her tits. She grabbed at them, hoping to stop it. Ashley yanked harder, but she ignored the cow, focused on getting those disgusting things off her. Then Zoey pushed.

Darkness consumed her. She didn't know for how long. When light returned, she was moving fast and erratically, still skewed on Ashley's dick-nipple. Her arms were pulled back, chest forced to thrust up, while a goliath inched its way through her body. Where was the other giant cock? Her answer came as a new pressure bloomed in her gut, climbing higher and into her stomach. Not far behind, several writhing forms slithered in.

One look down at herself confirmed her worst suspicions; Mary's cocks had joined in. Not only them, but Zoey's second cock was inside her too, razing her once tight form and reforming it into nothing but a loose cocksleeve. All that came to her in just the first few seconds of awareness, the next instant and she nearly lost it again. Zoey made good on her word, fucking her fast and hard.

"Come on, passing out when I'm being gentle? Fucking disappointment."

Gentle? This was gentle for her? Gretchen briefly wondered what she could do, however she crushed it under fear of what that would entail. If any of them went much harder on her, she'd never recover. As it was, she couldn't feel anything from the pelvis own, except for the everlasting pressure and ecstasy frying her every nerve. Constant drips filled the silence between everyone else's moans, though she had no idea whose juices they were.

Ashley no longer moved her head. Instead, Gretchen slid to and fro as Zoey pounded her, cocks so enormous it didn't matter how lubed they were, pulling her like a sock puppet, before crushing her against Ashley's breast. Just one more thrust and she lost it again.

This time, when she came back, it was to a change of position. She was perched atop Zoey, whose cocks rose high above her head, while Dakota's also massive cocks thrust down her gullet. How could it be any worse? Simple. Ashley ground her myriad of members into the thrusting bulges, spilling what seemed like gallons of pre-cum the whole time, while Mary's tentacles wreathed her limbs and curves. A pair of tips pushed against her nipples, their urethras opening just enough to swallow the nubs.

"God, what a fucking waste," Mary said.

"Yeah, no shit," Ashley moaned, "Imagine if we could put someone else's brain in that body. Maybe these curves could do some good."

"I like it as is," Zoey said, "I like knowing I'm tearing Gretchen fucking Blake's cunt and ass open."

"True," Dakota agreed, slamming the blonde's face into her crotch, smearing it in tears.

The tentacled-futa came up beside her tanned lover and whispered in her ear. Gretchen retched hard as foot after foot of double-cock extracted itself from her gullet, hacking up thick globs of phlegm laced with pre. She tried sucking in a breath, only for it to be cut short when Mary tugged her down by the hair, shoving her reddened face against the bitch's pussy.

"Hmm, yeah, you're right. Knowing it's this waste of space inhaling my cunt, ooh, nothing quite like it," Mary said.

Gretchen was just a rag-doll to the four of them. Every few minutes, they'd switch positions, though she didn't sometimes as they knocked her unconscious over and over. It was either agony or ecstasy that roused her consciousness. The next one was agony as Zoey shoved every square foot of a cock past her lips, stretching her neck like a snake. Ashley was pounding her ass, while Dakota double stuffed her loose cunt.

Whenever she thought it couldn't get worse, it did. Those monstrous meat sticks were actually a relief after Zoey destroyed her, just that thought alone was enough to make her gag on more than the putrid horse dick powering its way down her gob. Even now, she tasted her own juices all over it, the tartness bringing its own heavy salty flavour to the forefront. Yet tasting it only got her wetter for the others to fuck her faster.

Then she saw Mary stepping forward, tentacles coiled around one another. They were already fat in their own right, though not much compared to the others, yet as more spiralled together and into a grotesque drill, fattening every second that she stared. Mary patted the monstrosity after all twelve members were entwined.

"What do you think, Zoey? Thicker than yours, I bet."

"Hmm, let's see," the horse said and, rather than extract herself slowly, she borderline sprinted away from Gretchen, who all but vomited the several feet of cock. She gasped and hacked up viscous globs of pre-cum, its viscosity coating her throat and mouth. The pair of freaks stood side by side, though Zoey crouched down so their groins were level, and put their genitals beside each other.

"Don't you dare put that thing inside me!" Gretchen gargled, ignoring the copious slime spilling from her lips. It was too late when she realised her mistake. Everyone grinned at her, eager to put the combined goliath inside her cunt. Even compared to Zoey, it was... did enormous even cover something of that magnitude?

Easily twice as long and half-again as thick, Mary's entwined monster promised one thing; total ruination. At least the others would pull out. Right?

"Think we're running out of time with her," Dakota said, implication heavy in her tone.

"Yeah, don't want to the miss the orgy. Carmen said a new girl's got some kinky thoughts. In that case," Ashley stepped to the side, pulling Gretchen's anus even wider, "Time for a big finish."

All four stood behind her. Gretchen's arms were held back in Zoey's immovable grip, back forced to arch, skin stretching unnervingly tight around the members within, though it'd be tiny by comparison in just a moment.

"Don't do it. You'll ruin me. I'll be paralysed."

"No you won't," the horse crowed, slamming her members down between her ass cheeks, "Not that it'd matter if you did."

"It'd serve you right, honestly," Mary said as she stood over Dakota, who remained on the ground. Someone's hands reached into her cunt and wrenched it open, a pair of glans pressed into the void created, "But enough of that, let's finish this with a bang."

Gretchen almost wished she'd paid attention in classes. Maybe then she'd know the words to describe Zoey fucking her ass with two dicks alongside Ashley's, while Mary snaked her disgustingly huge combination in her cunt. It only got bigger as more entered her, yet it never seemed to end. As did Zoey's. It hurt, of course it did, every cell in her body flared hotter until she was reduced to tears. Despite all that, she squirted every time another of Mary's cock heads pushed her folds open.

Just that morning, Gretchen had been the pristine slut. Sure, she enjoyed a messy night in bed with multiple guys, but aside from that, she kept herself in top condition. Trim gut to help sell her curves, flawless makeup to cover what little blemishes she had, and all the confidence to make people notice it. Even after she'd dampened it with her little disguise, she stayed radiant.

Not anymore. Her belly had erupted into an alien mass on her frame, bulging from her waist like something from a horror movie, yet it was so clearly phallic. Every inch that stretched her flesh was wrapped so tight, the veins all throbbing out through her bronze tan. The biggest offender was Mary, whose dicks moved asynchronous from one another to push her condom-womb out, even they pushed towards the wall, several feet away, as one spire. The whole time, she wondered if the next would be her last, yet they just kept coming and she kept stretching.

"Getting a bit close here," Zoey said, "She's really fucking tight."

"Well, we do have her stuffed more than a teddy bear," Dakota said.

"What?" Mary snickered, "Great analogy, girl. Just say it like it is."

"How's that?"

"That she's getting completely fucking destroyed by our huge dicks Carmen gave us," Ashley said, each word pronounced by a thrust, cock grinding against Gretchen's anal walls and Zoey's dicks.

"Heard that!" The others cheered. Their comradery shone through as they synced their thrusts, pounding away at her like a piece of meat. Which she was. Ever since she succumbed to them, she was just an onahole, a sex toy for a bunch of freaks to stretch out and break like a bunch of children with a new plaything.

Once everyone hilted inside her, they abandoned any care or rhythm. The restroom became nothing but an echo chamber of the brutal, thunderous claps of their crotches against her ass, bruising the skin and straining her poor bones. Yet that didn't factor into their minds. All they cared about was breaking her, taking her sanity and razing it to the ground, only to then bury it under a swamp of tar made from depravity.

"I'm gonna..." Gretchen choked out, but they wouldn't let her finish as Zoey wrapped a hand around her whole neck, crushing her windpipe. It wasn't painful, though her perception of a such a thing had warped in the last... however long they'd been fucking her, though it did cut off her air. She clutched at the huge fingers as they pounded away at her, breaking what little sense she had left.

Faint cracks underlined the constant moans and thumping of bodies. Gretchen's cunt gushed against her will, slobbering over the malformed members devastating it. Its walls were completely crushed between the four of them, all their cocks pushing her insides to their limit. That thin sliver of membrane separating her ass and cunt may as well not be there at that point.

"Gonna cum!" Mary announced first, pushed over the edge by her many tentacles all being crammed inside.

"Me too!" Dakota howled.

"Just a, hmm... sec, need to jerk these off!" Ashley said, moaning as she jerked her dick-nipples to completion.

"Oh, that gives me an idea. Remind to ask Carmen something later on," Mary groaned, doing her best to hold back until Ashley was ready.

"You hear that, cunt?" Zoey huffed into Gretchen's ear, spit flying against her face, breath so humid it left droplets on her skin, "We're all gonna cum soon. Imagine how big you're gonna get? Carmen said my jizz makes sure you can just barely handle it, but I wonder if there's a limit? Let's find out."

Gretchen hacked up a glob of leftover pre-cum into the horse's face. It was all she could do in defiance of everything happening to her at that moment. Not that it meant anything to the futa, who just pounded harder, widening her stance to use even more power. Their moans rose louder, echoing in her brain, when it was rattling from the brutal sodomy.

"Cumming!" Dakota cried and slammed home. Her shafts tripled in girth around the base, locking them together, while the rest of her length only doubled, flaring hotter by the second before her broken womb felt the first of many jets. They were strong enough to close the final foot between her and the wall, abdominal flesh slamming into it, then pouring at the floor as gallons of tar-like jizz poured into her. The only solace was that she was on the pill.

No freak babies for her. Not yet.

The others weren't far behind. Ashley, surprisingly, was second and made a strained shriek as all three of her fat members erupted. The nipples had no vessel for their load, instead just spraying everywhere possible and splashing off others to coat Gretchen in her semen-riddled goo. One cock had plenty of room to fill, however, flooding her guts and stomach mere seconds into her orgasm.

Unlike her womb, Gretchen's stomach had a straight line to her throat. Zoey squeezed her neck tighter, forcing a tighter path, causing a pressurised eruption from her mouth and nose. She vomited off-white sludge all over herself, dousing the obscene bulge of her womb in the stuff filling it too. The tide waned as Ashley's first shot did, but a second followed not even a second later.

"Zoey! Together, right?!" Mary panted.

"Blow the bitch up!" Zoey roared.

There was no end from then on. Once those two started cumming, Gretchen had no chance for a rest. Even when the hand on her throat released, she couldn't breathe at all, puking horse-jizz so thick and chunky it reminded her of slimy stress balls. At the same time, her womb never stopped expanding either.

Every square inch between her and the wall was consumed in her belly. It flooded her entire uterus, drowning the cocks filling her, and pushed it against her tits, nestling them against her chin as she kept gushing semen. Not even thirty seconds in and her skin took up half the vertical space ahead of her, only rising the entire time. Her eyes threatened to bulge from her head as she looked every direction, yet only saw her taut flesh. Each gush of semen in her womb created a hideous bulge that melded into the rest.

The more she inflated, the greater the pressure. Her cervix bowed out, pushed down over Dakota's knots that hooked them together, while her bladder had long since emptied. Yet, throughout it all, her fucked body kept twitching in random orgasms. Like it enjoyed getting turned into a literal cum blimp.

Like she somehow enjoyed the sensation of thick, creamy, sticky jizz pushing through her bowels and into her stomach, pushing the other clumps up her throat and out of her mouth. Don't be ridiculous, Gretchen thought even as the umpteenth shot triggered another climax.
