Futanari Notebook Ch. 64-76


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It just became too much after untold minutes.

When she regained consciousness, she was alone. White surrounded her on all sides, occasional beeps disturbed the stillness, and, looking down at herself, she found a teal gown clashing against her skin. Gretchen curled her lip at the sight, then it struck just where she was; the hospital.

"What happened?" She gargled, then tried moving her legs, only to find them numb.

"Oh honey!" Her mom stormed through a curtain, hugging her tight. The sudden pressure on her gut caused her to retch. She brought a hand up just in time to catch a 'small' glob of what could only be cum. That's right! Those freaks fucked her up.

"We were so worried about you. Some students found you in the bathroom in a, um, messy state."

"Why am I here?" Gretchen asked, certain she was fine aside from her legs still being asleep, but that wasn't abnormal after a proper fucking.


A doctor walked in, "You had a severe pelvic fracture and stretch marks all over your abdomen like we've never seen."

Stretch marks? Oh, no, no, no. She didn't get stretch marks. Fat cows like Ashley had stretch marks, or idiots that got knocked up did. She pulled the gown up and, miraculously, didn't explode at the side of her ruined tummy. What the fuck happened to her belly button? There was no way it should be that swollen.

"Do you remember anything? Who did this to you?"

"I..." she couldn't tell anyone. If those freaks did this to her, with protection if Zoey was right, then what could they do if Carmen removed that? She'd literally explode the next time they got hold of her.

But what a way to go.

"No. Nothing," Gretchen whispered and touched the marks. Oddly enough, they sent a tingle straight to her pussy, a phantom touch of what had once become of her.

She really needed to the get the book back now. Normal dicks just wouldn't be the same.

Chapter 74:

Being super curvy was always part of Leah's life. She liked food, what else could she say? That never stopped her getting partners before, and after Carmen used that wonderful, probably occult book on her and the others, it was even easier. Looking at her, anyone could think she'd grown too far. Surely no ordinary person would want to sleep with a woman packing more dick than two or three men combined. Although, they never noticed that part first. Always her tits.

"Make way, food coming through!" Leah said as she squeezed through the door. No one was actually in her path, but she had to announce herself lest she knock customers over. In this reality, her job made adjustments for her unique figure, probably because she drew in a crowd everyday. They even had to set up bookings, for a café no less.

"Hey, if you're done eating, mind packing up? The next seating is in fifteen minutes," Leah huffed when she passed a table of empty plates and cups. Its occupants just nodded, hypnotised by the fleshy boulders passing through.

She wasn't the only waitress on staff. A small mercy in such a busy environment, though the others were still relatively new, which meant they usually spent half their shifts gawking like the customers. No men were hired, aside from the cook and manager. Probably for the best, since their pants would be tented all the time. Even a few very clearly gay men were fascinated by her, especially when they got a glimpse of her 'little' friend. It was just her fate it seemed, to be wanted by all.

"Here you go. Enjoy! And remember, leave a tip of fifty percent or more and you'll get a pic with me!" Leah said and sauntered away, ass shaking side to side, knocking a few occupied chairs on the way. They just laughed in awe of her sheer size. Once in the rear room, her phone pinged at her. Time for another personal update for Carmen.

Not long ago, it was compulsory for her to take a pic and send to the person that gave her such enormous curves. Carmen made it clear that wasn't the case anymore, however Leah liked showing just how big she was getting. That was also the reason she drank milk daily, despite it causing more growth. She didn't at work, just to avoid ripping through her uniform. It was just a plain shirt and skirt, but clothes in her size were expensive and hard to find.

She let the others know where she was going. Then, once in the restroom, mirrors reflecting her from the hips up, she unbuttoned her monumental top from the bottom. In just moments, her gorgeously oversized tits were on display. The bottom set rested on the sink, nipples throbbing in the open air.

"Ooh, I'll never get tired of seeing all of you," Leah said. Each breast was more an udder, four nipples to each behemoth, with a neat slit at the centre, where her wonderful nipple-pussies resided.

They actually served a purpose. Her milk came out so powerfully, that it could dislodge nearly every pump, that is until she custom-ordered one with an inflatable knotted dildo. Every morning she emptied herself and got off in the process, usually adding a hint of tartness to her produce. Not that Rachel minded, or their parents for that matter. Just the memory brought delicious beads of white to her tips.

"Here you go, Carmen. Hope you enjoy them as much as me."

Walking back out into the diner proper, she was already scanning for a good partner to take home. Some jobs gave free leftovers, hers offered her a pick of any number of admirers. Arousal chased her throughout the days, by the end of her shift, she needed a release, and sure she could do it herself, but having someone to help, especially when they hadn't spent much time around her before, just made it all the sweeter. Maybe she'd eventually find that special someone, like Rachel with Carmen.

For now, she just wanted to get laid over and over.

"Hi, could I get a table for one?" An airy, bubbly voice asked from behind. It instantly painted a picture in Leah's mind of a stereotypical bimbo. Oh god, she thought when she turned and saw exactly that, with a bit extra.

"Do you have a reservation?" Leah asked, eyes dragging across the woman.

Her clothes barely counted as such, being little more than a pair of strips in an 'X' over her very obviously fake breasts, leaving over half their shapes on display, and showing off the bronzed flesh to its fullest. Right down to the tops of her hips, holding up a pair of taut strings that must've been from her underwear. Yep, Leah confirmed it by looking at the tiny short shorts, also made of latex, out of which a pink, transparent thong peaked at her. The pouting pink lips and dandelion blonde hair just completed the whole look.

"No, but I can pay extra, if you'd like?"

Leah grinned, "Follow me." She went over to a lone gentleman in the corner, handed him an autographed photo of herself in a daring pose, then gestured for the door. He hesitated, but she just undid a single button, creating a diamond window into her cleavage. After that, he was satisfied, left a generous tip and was on his way.

"You're an awesome waitress."

"I try," Leah shrugged. In truth, she didn't try hard, though just walking without falling on her tits, or knocking someone down was a struggle, "What can I get you?"

"A big glass of milk?"

"Fresh from the tap?" Leah arched a brow and let her little notepad drift lower, tilting it toward a nipple. The bimbo licked her glossy lips. Everything about her screamed 'fake', except that hunger for Leah's gigantic bosom.

"If you're offering."

Leah sighed, "Unfortunately, we can't do that here. Public decency and all that crap. But I get off in an hour."

"My name's Brittany. Brit, if you wanna be friendly. Bitch, if you wanna have fun."

"Oh, I do. Just hope you can handle me," Leah winked and took her actual order.

That left the rest of her shift to catch glances and little hints at Brit's intentions. She got a salad with baby tomatoes, which she left alone until she noticed Leah looking her way, then she rested them on her tongue and sucked them inside. Of course, the futa wasn't the only one watching, as many onlookers struggled between overt sexuality, and Leah's miserable efforts at modesty. All that teasing did a number on her milk production too.

"Oh thank god. Think I'm gonna burst if I don't drain you four," she groaned, feeling the wetness spreading around her nipples. Clocking out, she left a damp patch behind for someone else to clean, said her goodbyes to the others, then joined up with Brit.

Driving was out of the question for Leah. Last time she tried, she ended up flooding her car because of how tight it was around her tits. Anywhere she sat overflowed with her breasts, whatever space in front and to the sides of her was subsumed in unfathomable titty flesh. Which meant either an Uber willing to handle her, or the bus. She always went for the latter.

Not only could it handle the sheer weight she carried, but the looks of people that didn't even know she existed before were hilarious. Once, the bus started too soon and she tripped, falling into a woman's lap. That woman then followed her home and got very familiar with boobs larger than her entire body.

"You gotta tell me how you got this big?" Brit asked once they took a seat at the back. Several puddles of milk led down the aisle and soaked into various seats, though it was a better outcome than her sitting at the front and blocking off the rest of the bus.

"Oh, that's easy. Magic and milk."

Brit snorted, "Yeah, I totally buy that. Don't tell me you got implants? Let me guess, Brazil?"

"No, all natural. Well, supernatural, but they're still one-hundred percent me," Leah said and stroked one, hand sinking in, forcing a little spurt of milk to leak through her sodden shirt.

"Stingy," Brit said with a pout, or maybe not. Her lips were so puffy it was hard to tell.

"Tell you what," Leah leaned over, resting a pair of boobs on her latest partner's lap, and whispered into her ear, "If you get me off enough, I'll let you in on my real secret."

"Damn girl, you're hornier than me," Brit giggled, such an air-headed laugh, yet she didn't come off nearly as ditzy as some girls online.

"What about you? Why'd you get implants?"

"Oh these little things?" Brit giggled again, "I was going out with some asshole. He made me feel insecure about... everything. So I saved up and got all this work done for him. Unfortunately, he was fucking my mom. Didn't find out until after everything was done."

"Fuck, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. He got what he deserved. Knocked my mom up and now he's stuck working at Burger King to pay child support. And I found my real passion in life."

"Big titties?"

"Yup. And plastic. Hmm, I never thought I'd enjoy it so much," Brit hefted her spheres, nipples poking through her glossy strips, "I've never cum harder than when I've just had a filling."

"Challenge accepted."

Brit's eyes shone as she smirked wide, "Bring it on."

Rachel wasn't home, and likely wouldn't be until tomorrow. That left the entire house to themselves. Not a word passed between the pair as Leah rushed through the door, kicking off her shoes, and leading the way to her room. It had changed a lot thanks to Carmen's book. She remembered a time when it was just a mess of clothes surrounding her bed and desk. Now her room was a specialised chamber dedicated to milking herself.

"Hook me up," Leah said and tossed her shirt to Brit, whose eyes widened at the sheer scale of it, then her jaw fell as she took in the biggest pair of tits on earth. Even if they weren't, she'd happily drink a tanker of milk to make sure they took the title.

Brit recovered and followed Leah's instructions. The pumps were built into the walls, coming out as hoses several metres long so she could move around the room as needed, with cups bigger than any pregnant woman would ever need. At the centre, a foot-long dildo jutted out. On the side of each cup were buttons.

"Do you pump your pussy too?" Brit asked.

"No," Leah beamed as she took the pump from her, then shoved a boob up so she could slide it into her nipple-pussy, much to her new friend's amazement, "I'm a very special lady."

"Hell yeah you are!" Brit rubbed at her shorts, finger digging in deep with an increasingly wet sound. She bit her lip, "Fuck, I really want to fuck you now."

"Pumps first." She knew full well how messy things got if she didn't at least alleviate some of the pressure. All it took was one instance of Rachel opening the door and unleashing a flood of milk for her to learn that lesson.

Each pump latched onto her nipples, whirring to a low level for starters. Leah inflated the knotted dildos, panting and moaning as they stretched her unique pussies. Finally, when there was no chance of coming off, she stopped and leaned forward onto the enormous milk tankers. Her cock slapped against the bottom pair once the pumps hit their stride, machinery humming as it took gallons of milk away for storage. Waste not, want not was her motto.

"Now then," Leah tilted her head up to see a masturbating Brit, "What do ya wanna do first?"

At first, neither really had a clue. So many options, so little time, yet every second spent indecisively, Brit kept grinding fingers against her soaked panties, and the pumps continued their tireless work. Leah eventually made an offer far too tempting as she pushed her legs under her massive boobs and shoved them apart, revealing her throbbing fourteen-inch shaft. In Brit's state she just couldn't resist.

The blonde sank between the milk tanks and pressed her own, fake pair into them. Leah's cock jerked upright, standing in her path, but that was exactly where she wanted it. Brittany expertly caught it between her firm set and, meeting the futa's gaze the whole time, dribbled excessively over it and her boobs. For all her effort, however, it only took one pulse of Leah's pre to supplant her saliva. Not that it mattered whose fluids lubricated them, only that she could stroke her beachball implants up and down.

Despite their firmness, Leah was harder. They gave in around her girth, letting her feel the saline within, while Brit leaned over the action. Closing the gap, their lips met and tongues quickly became familiar with the other's home, pushing against cheeks and trying to dive even deeper. Leah spewed pre-cum faster, tits hot as they were milked harder, those fat knots in her nipple-pussies wriggling from her undulating insides, all while she pumped her hips to fuck Brit's far smaller boobs. Though how long until she tried catching up?

Leah moaned into the kiss as she imagined her latest partner - and truthfully her favourite already - going to extremes just to scratch the surface. She groped at the huge implants. They must've weighed upwards of thirty pounds each, yet were like feathers against hers. It was a good start though.

Throbbing harder, she pictured seeing Brit day after day. Each time the girl got another thousand CCs put in, only to realise how small that still made her, then return even bigger, struggling each time, until Leah gets the call to meet her somewhere, only to find Brit completely immobilised on breasts bigger than a truck. She'd definitely always liked big tits, however it never got this bad.

She must've really liked Brit.

"Oooh, you taste so good," Leah panted.

"So do you. Hmm, your cock is throbbing super hard between my big fake titties. Are you gonna cum for me? Shoot your spermies all over my boobs?"

"Fuck yeah, I am!" Leah howled and pumped hard, jostling her boobs and knocking Brit away. The bimbo readjusted in time to push her chest together, mouth open wide, tongue stretched impressively far, and caught the first of many streams.

It splattered across her face and down her right breast, covering the nipple in one go. The next completely glazed the mound, before she shifted over to get the left tit coated in dick-cream icing, only for more to come spurting out and glob all over her pristinely made up face. She fell back in awe, the next few ropes splashing off her trim gut.

"That was amazing!" Brittany cheered as she pushed herself back up against the cock and jerked the last drops out, making sure they finished soaking her boobs, "I mean, yeah, you're huge and all, but like that was so fucking much."

"You like?" Leah asked, reaching between her boobs to pull the blonde close for a gooey kiss.

"It's a dream come true."


Brit nodded, "I looked into a lot of expansion stories when I started on these. Excessive cum came up a lot. Pun totally intended. Hey! Think you can inflate me?"

"You're such a slut. Let's give it a try," Leah said with a parting deep kiss, making sure to smear her own face in plenty of cum. So eager, Brit didn't even bother with teasing her, using the futa's boundless stamina to aim the rigid shaft with her engorged cunt, its folds blossoming in anticipation. Both sexes were utterly soaked and, even for a girth like Leah's, the pussy swallowed the crown smoothly.

Staccato moans and yelps joined the constant whirring of the breast pumps as Brit sank lower, "So big. Oh fuck, where have you been all my life?"

"Just waiting for you, baby." Leah rolled her hips, another inch slid inside the sopping tightness.

"I, ooh, I don't think I can take it all," Brit said, "How much more?"

She wasn't even halfway and already about to give up. Really? Leah recalled how huge Carmen and the others were, yet they fit whenever needed. That must mean the same for her. She really should've tested it on the others, but they were usually far more smitten with her tits than anything else.

"Don't worry about that, it'll fit," Leah said and pushed her down, another inch squeezing in.

"Fuck..." Brit crowed as she was stretched like a sex toy. She wrapped her arms around as much of the futa's tits as possible, failing miserably in the process.

Leah just kept pushing her. Like trying to pull on a pair of old jeans after putting a little weight, though unlike those, she had an abundance of lube to help. Both her cock and Brit's cunt were founts of juices, pooling between the huge boobs that framed their intimacy, while their sexes got closer and closer.

Then, finally, Leah was balls deep.

"It's all in," the futa gasped, stunned by the tightness all around her. She'd been in pussies before, though never one Carmen wasn't involved in. This was an unaltered girl, one used to more average dicks, of which Leah's was not. Even if she barely registered against some.

"Oh god, I don't know how," Brit panted, breaths hot against Leah's shoulder as she collapsed forward, "Fuck, feels like I'm gonna cum just from you putting it in."

"Then get ready for the real thing," Leah breathed in her ear, licking along the sensitive lobe as she delivered a quick thrust, earning an adorably erotic squeak from the bimbo. All it took was another jerk of the hips, cock pushing hard against Brit's cervix, for the whole canal to convulse around her. A jet of squirt doused Leah's crotch, pouring over her balls.

"I can't," Brittany rasped, pussy quivering from the aftermath, "You're so fucking hot. I thought I was huge before, but you've literally got me surrounded by your gigantic milk tanks."

"Yeah, I do. If you like 'em so much, let's do this right." Leah put the abundant lube to use, pulling her ditzy partner off easily, punctuated by a lewd pop as the head escaped, then turned her around so the taut ass faced her. She leaned over and wrapped both arms around a breast, hefting it up and telling Brit to shove her arm and leg in, then the same for the other. Once complete, her bimbo fuck buddy was literally sandwiched between tits larger than life.

And at the perfect range for Leah to pound her bald snatch into a frothy mess.


"Never better," Brit moaned, "I feel your milk getting pumped out. So warm and snug. I can't even move. You've got this fake-ass bitch at your mercy. She's just a naive blonde girl with huge titties and a butt you can bounce pennies off of. What're you gonna do, big-tit goddess?"