GaiaBrand 'FertiYummy Gummies!'

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A nerdy girl overdoses on fertility supplements and grows!
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Tags: Weight Gain, Hyper, Huge Breasts, Massive Lactation


Bethany Lindberger was an average woman. A week past her 23rd birthday, she was a real nerd who could (barely) afford a studio apartment with her good friend Dania. Bethany's mother had come to her for the third time of the year about some random apocalypse crisis that only a Boomer would ever believe. With nothing but love in her heart, Bethany endured the conversations that always started like this:

"Oh honey! I just heard from this magazine that microplastics are going to make all the women in the world infertile by 2047! Aren't you scared you'll never have kids?" Bethany went flat eyed at the realization of where the conversation was already going.

"No mom, that's probably not real and I'm probably not planning on having kids anyways. Besides, why spend money on having a 'little me' running around causing havoc when I do enough of that myself?" Her mom's eyes went flat, somewhat spurned by the effective retort.

"Well, I saw about these fertility supplements that are sure to counteract the effect of those pesky microplastics. I know you have your plans, just think about it just in case you do want to have kids, okay?"


"Just in case, just 'in case'. Hrmph." The phrase continued to echo in Bethany's mind as she begrudgingly obtained the large cylindrical bottle. It was covered in dust, likely as a result of its obvious "scaminess" with stock pop out action effects and a cartoonish-yet-slightly-erotic depiction of a mother. The irritated Bethany continued to think about how her mother threatened to withhold her sweet potato casserole recipe if she didn't at least give the supplements a try.

Once she was home, Bethany read the labels of the bottle just to get an idea of what she was getting into. The contents had many bullet points of buzz-word gibberish, but there was only a very concise direction of taking one gummy supplement every "4~ hours", with a dark smudge on the number. Bethany shrugged her shoulders, popping one of the gummies in her mouth just to try the taste.

To her pleasant surprise, they were actually pretty good! None of the chalky aftertaste one would usually get after a generic vitamin supplement, instead there was an authentic twinge of citrus inside the gooey center of the orange vitamin. "Huh, I might keep trying these just for the taste..." Bethany whispered to herself. After observing the bottle a bit more, she left it on her dresser to deal with other errands she had planned for the day.

However, the impact against the wooden surface would knock off a bit of dust that altered the earlier read phrase into "Consume one gummy supplement every **48** hours." What started as an uninformed attempt to secure the possibility of grandchildren, has now evolved into an intriguing case of what happens when you take much too extra of a GaiaBrand product.


After just a couple days of taking 12 times the recommended dosage, Bethany starts to feel the effects of the supplements. Where she usually hobbles out of bed, in desperate need of a whopping 3 cups of coffee, Bethany is able to miraculously shoot out of her covers, ready to start the day. "I feel great right now!" she exclaims to herself.

With the fervor of a grown adult who is actually in her prime, Bethany speedwalks through her morning routine to get ready for work, but is slightly slowed down by an odd pair of pants. Despite having them for over 3 years, she has never questioned their comfortability. Yet, today she seems to have the slightest trouble putting them on, noting a particular struggle in her gluteal region. Without much time to dwell on it, however, Bethany simply resolves to ensure she sets her washer to cold next time.


As the days go on, Bethany continues to experience an abundance of energy, improving her life unquestionably. Weeks prior, she would take every chance to complete her daily tasks as curtly as possible to avoid the exhaustions of the open world. Nowadays, Bethany finds herself engaging in coworker conversations much more often than she used to.

As a result, she has started to gain popularity around her cubicle. Her coworkers started to see her as more than the small, redheaded pale girl that just "works here". As friends like Dania would know, Bethany had the ability to go on for hours at a time about her Nintendo 64 gaming collection and her extreme ability to complete just about any platforming based video game. Even the hardest levels of Super Mario Maker were no match for her. However, even if people weren't entirely interested in her gaming tirades, there was certainly another development that surfacing at the same time; Bethany's rapidly developing figure.

As time has passed, Bethany grew a collection of clothes that became more and more 'form fitting'. Day by day, the space between the arms of her office chair decreased, eventually becoming barricades for her bottom to bypass the actual chair. The plumpness of her thighs became a sight to behold, their thickness keeping a nice proportion to the rest of her body. Bethany's chest would also inch further outside of her grey blazer over time, progressing to buttons popped and involuntary cleavage of her creamy pale mounds. Brown freckles would also spatter across her chest as if they were distant stars in an expanding white galaxy.

Although the plump Irish girl's transforming shape wasn't entirely in her hips and breasts, everywhere else it has settled only contributed to her new 'identity'. The way her rounding belly would jiggle with the rest of her when she ran across the office was nothing short of hypnotizing. The dips around her midsection were quite unique and lovely, leading it to entice more than a few of the office members. On days where Bethany was running particularly late with no time for pesky bras, there was the chance of catching one of her quickly expanding areolae, the size of its swell leaving a prominent imprint on her white button down shirt.

Despite her increasingly risque figure, Bethany's mood and activities had been so consistently out of her normal range that these new developments had gone completely under her radar. Even though she had decided to measure herself on Dania's bathroom scale, her new weight didn't seem to bother her all that much. The level of aloofness one would have to reach to disregard 220 pounds, a 60 pound gain in three months, as "water weight" is truly astonishing.


As Bethany's weight continued to increase, so did her quality of life. Her burgeoning breasts now attracted much more attention, inside and outside of the office. The head sized mounds provided an increasing threat to the integrity of her clothes, requiring multiple stitches for popped buttons at this point.

Since Bethany was a short girl at 5'2", it was hard to notice if someone was simply looking down at her or just ogling her curves, so she interpreted most people as being really attentive. However, that large difference seemed to be less significant nowadays. Out of 'curiosity', Dania volunteered to help document this change. Although much time spent observing her body was obviously not focused on only height growth, she eventually deduced that Bethany now stood at a respectable 5'5". When asked how this possibly happened, Bethany chalked it up to an "incidental growth spurt."

Although the chubby girl had remained absolutely oblivious to her physical changes, that was not to say she wasn't aware of other effects on her body. Bethany would often find herself partaking in a lot more "fun time" at night, due to the increased sensitivity of her body. On more than a few evenings, Dania could hear the faint buzzing of Bethany's StarFox themed MagicWand, tirelessly working for hours at a time. She became a bit jealous from the exclusion.

On the other end of the wall, the clueless exhibitionist would make a shocking discovery. After one particularly powerful orgasm, Bethany would find an odd, opaque liquid on the ends of her puffy nipples. Curious as ever, she decides to ingest the mysterious fluid on instinct. The taste was very similar to milk, but it had a certain sweetness to it, almost like the gummies she had every day? Determined to investigate, Bethany picked up her entire teat in two hands and brought it straight to her mouth. Then, with the force of a Dyson vacuum, she drained it with all of her might.

With such a large sample, her hypothesis was easily proven right. Her milk was laced with the flavor profile of a combination of all the fertility supplements she had previously digested. Only, Bethany now got to experience them all at once, like a Fruit Punch collaboration of flavors. Naturally, a taste like this drove Bethany to consume everything available from both of her breasts, down to the last drop. After the binge, the pale-skinned glutton observed that her belly was a bit more distended than usual, right before nodding off to sleep.


Weeks after the lactation fiasco, the inevitable had happened. Bethany had run out of her gummies. Immediately upon finding this out, she ran to the nearest pharmacy in search of more supplements. When she entered, most shoppers would say they only saw a juggernaut of wobbling breasts, a bouncing belly, and a swaying ass. However, Bethany did not care. Her only thought was to secure those gooey pouches of goodness. Unfortunately, most stores had no such inventory of a likely-discontinued scam product. Even worse, Bethany's constant indulgement of her own milk had caused her production to increase at an alarming rate. It would not be hard to see a trail of white liquid left at her feet as she ran around the stores.

After the third pharmacy raid, Bethany began to lose hope in her search, anguishing about a life without her delicious gummies. However, as she desperately searched the last aisle in the store, her efforts were rewarded. A familiar bottle stood at the very back of the shelf, almost like it was hiding for someone to find it. Where a younger Bethany would've had to call for assistance to reach the upper shelf, the 5'9" gummy addict could now slide her hand all the way back to grab the supplements with negligible effort. She had bought them so fast that Bethany was unaware of the fact she purchased the Extra Strength version, calling for one pill every *month*.

As soon as she got home, Bethany savored the sweet flavor of a juicy purple grape gummy. After heaven had been denied from her for so long, she reasoned with herself that it was a good idea to triple the dose, "So I can catch up on them!" The combination of Tropical Pineapple, Homestyle Apple, and Juicy Black Cherry was enough to bring Bethany to her knees from the orgasmic flavors. She spent the better part of an hour writhing on her apartment floor, milk spurting from the delicious goodness.

Once she finally regained control of herself, Bethany resolved to start taking 3 gummies every four hours since the experience was so pleasurable. Even still, she could feel her libido rising to a new level than it had ever been. One could only expect what happens when a jolly, unaware nerd happens to take 45 times the recommended dosage of a dubious supplement.


Negligence has caused events to reach a boiling point. One particular morning, Bethany woke up especially hot and bothered. Draining herself by mouth was already a normal part of her routine, but today was particularly sensual. By this point, bottling extra for later was necessary but by the time Bethany had to tap out, she hadn't even finished the first breast, let alone started the second one! Bethany had also made a habit of having lactation-induced orgasms, but she was nowhere near satisfied today.

Additionally, Bethany's horniness tied quite closely to her hungriness as well lately. She took her 'normal' dose of three gummies to help satisfy her, but she was so overwhelmed by the fullness of her breasts that even those weren't helping! After the third gallon sized bottle, her frustration turned into desperation.

"Shit! These babies just keep flowing. Maybe they just need a stronger pick me up..." The hilariously haphazard idea rang in Bethany's mind as she stared at the vitamins. In the end, temptation won the battle once more as Bethany took another group of three gummies and tossed them into her mouth.

Immediately upon tasting the Booey Blueberry, a milk spurt shot across her bedroom, smacking directly into her mirror on the other side of the room. A loud moan followed as Bethany surrendered to her pleasure. Even though her satisfaction was divine, it was like a dam blocked Bethany from true release. The extremely 'intelligent' cowgirl decided it would be a good idea to have another group of supplements as a solution. As a result, even more milk started to soak the walls and furniture surrounding her.

At this point, there was only one thing left to do in Bethany's mind. Was it to take a moment and calm down? No. Ask Dania for help? No. Call 911 or poison control? Obviously not. Bethany was a very intelligent person, but book smarts does not make a person wise. Her solution to not being able to deal with her current situation? Consume the entire supply of supplements.

In a brazen and horny craze, Bethany held the lid of the bottle to her mouth and inhaled them like they were candy(they basically were to her). Years worth of supplements, gone in an instant and now metabolizing within the most nearsighted woman in town, in both eyesight *and* cognition. Immediately, she thrashed with a vehement explosion of ecstasy, experiencing the most pleasure she ever felt in one moment. Time almost began to slow down as she took in every minute instance of nerve activation across her body.

After recovering from the sensory overload Bethany put herself through, she noticed a couple things that were a bit different. First, her breasts still felt totally full. Second, her queen size mattress allowed her to have much space to sleep, and it was hard to ever cover the whole area. So despite leaning on the headboard, why does she feel her toes hanging off the edge?

Before getting an official answer, the warm, tingly feeling Bethany would often feel in her breasts during milkings suddenly spread to the rest of her body. Bethany began to grope herself, noticing immediate changes. Her wide hips were increasing in girth as fat seeped further through her fingers. Each one became thicker than a truck tire, their plushness becoming genuine pillows.

Her belly continued to rise as it was pumped full of adipose and milk. Even as Bethany neared capacity, her ravenous maw would continue to gulp down endless amounts of her creamy bounty. Her stomach turned into a miniature water mattress with the perfect firmness to play upon. A jiggle from her belly would send a ripple that reverberated around her entire form.

While the rest of her body was expanding at a shocking rate, Bethany's breasts were not to be outdone. Although she was sucking on her right teat with disastrous force, milk filled her breast to exceed the rate she could consume it. Meanwhile, her left breast expelled milk across the room in an alabaster fountain, decisively soaking all of her belongings. Throughout this entire time, the actual size of Bethany's breasts had continued to increase. Her beach balls swelled into the diameter of yoga balls, ready to burst with delicious, creamy liquid. Her fat areolas dramatically thickening and plumping into their own monstrous size, rivaling the largest breasts of 'normal' people.

Where a normal stream of milk would be close to a water balloon with miniature leaks spraying every which way, Bethany's flow was more akin to a large water hose. The stream was able to hit objects with enough force to knock them off shelves or dressers. Even more concerning, that water hose continued to increase in force and volume. After mere moments, the spilled milk all over the room had covered the entirety of the floor, now 2 inches deep and rising.

As Bethany's libido continued to raise, so did the pool of milk. With every passing moment, her nipples expelled milk with more force, starting to form a genuine waterfall. Even with her ravenous appetite, she could hold no more milk, forcing her to release the other source of flooding into the room, only quickening the total flow.

With the buildup of all of these ruinous sensations, Bethany's orgasm was nigh. This entire time, she had been digging under her belly to reach her vagina, but the insane mass she recently gained made it near impossible to reach. However, Bethany had proven herself to be capable of many things when under pressure, and this would seem within her capabilities. With all of her might, she lifted her apron belly up just for a small opening. When it was enough out of the way, her hand shot through like a snake as she finally reached her target. With that, Bethany was able to provide the extra stimulation to send herself all the way over the edge.

And an edge, it was. Even at around 800 pounds, Bethany arched her back with impressive force, belly rising high in the air. Fluids gushed liberally from both her vulva and nipples. Milk exploded from her body so forcefully that it even coated the roof, giving it a lovely off-white layer. A moan that sounded more like a scream signalled the conclusion of her orgasm. She lost strength in her legs and crashed back down onto the bed, hearing a definitive crunch along with it.

When Bethany woke up, she only saw a blurry vision of a dreary, dark haired girl standing in awe of her. "I knew those supplements were a bad idea!" was all she could make out in her disoriented stupor. After her senses improved slightly, the woman she recognized as Dania was trying to pull her up with little success. Bethany pulled herself up, but then noticed an odd sensation from her thighs down. It took a moment to recognize it, but that sensation had actually been the aftermath of her raucous morning.

There was a pool of milk that spread across the entire apartment, standing about 3 feet high! She looked over at Dania to see that she was practically swimming in it, considering Dania was only 5'1". Bethany wondered herself why it was less of a problem to her, but that would later be reasoned with her new height at an imposing 6'10".

Observing the effect of her actions, Bethany stood in awe. Lactation-based destruction stood all around her, but the dominant feeling she held in her heart was *pride*. Bethany knew deep down that this was a satisfying moment, and she had a small desire to find some more gummies... Throughout this momentous occasion, a small thought also ran through her mind. Despite the ostensibly unhealthy level of hormones flooding through her body to prepare Bethany for motherhood, she still definitely wasn't planning on kids.


Hey guys, just trying out a new writing style just to expand my repertoire. Tell me how I did in the comments, or if you want to see more of this in the future!

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AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

This is great - the only thing more I was looking for is for some sex (maybe from a coworker) and possibly cum inflation.

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago


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