Generational Taboo


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I shook my head, "Wow, I wonder if Elizabeth knows this."

The road to my place seemed longer today as I drove lost in thoughts. That snooty woman who knew my parents could be my sweet Elizabeth's mother. My knuckles were white from me gripping the wheel so tight. I wasn't mad, just surprised I guess that something so wonderful would come from something that seemed so evil.

When I arrived home, I approached Elizabeth about her parents. She told me they had money and her mom was very controlling. She said her dad was very wealthy and had many businesses spread across the country. She also told me she had no idea she was born in northern Iowa, as she only knew Missouri as home. I told her the story of what happened the day of my parent's funeral and what the Sheriff had said.

She looked at me with a blank stare, "I had a twin brother and I never knew about it." She looked out the window and started to cry. I held onto her, comforting her the best I could.

I kissed the top of her head, "I'm adopted Liz, my parents didn't want me. I know what its like to be lied too. I'm here for you." This had been the first time I had said anything to anyone other then Suzanne. It was apparent that Suz never said anything to Liz about it, as she raised her face up to look at me. She put her hand on my face and pulled me down to give me a kiss.


I came from the fields and walked into the house to smells of baking. My thoughts went to my darling Liz. She wasn't anywhere downstairs, but there were fresh baked cookies on the table. I picked one up and it was my favorite, oatmeal raisin chocolate chip. I put it my mouth as I headed upstairs. I went into each room, chewing on the cookie saying her name. Her not answering me worried me, so I stormed downstairs and out the backdoor. My heart dropped as I seen the most beautiful ass in the garden bending over. I walked up behind her and grabbed her hips surprising her. She yelped and stood up.

"Unhand me. I'll call my stud on you" she said laughing. Kicking her legs to emphasize the giddiness she was feeling.

I chuckled and told her, "Your stud has nothing over me." At that my cock was hard again, pointing straight into her ass. She turned around, grabbed me over my jeans and started to unbuckle them.

She smiled, "I think being pregnant has made me a nympho for this," as she fished my cock out stroking it. I looked around happy we had a long driveway. She then proceeded to get on her knees and without hesitation, she put my cock in her mouth and started to bob her head up and down on it, not leaving her eyes away from me.

"Oh, fuck Liz," I groaned as my hands went to her auburn locks grabbing them and guiding her head.

She just smiled a little as she hummed on my cock and sped up her efforts. Her hand was on my balls massaging them. I knew I wouldn't last as she used her mouth like a suction cup. I felt my cock start to grow in girth and she took less in her mouth and started to jack it in circles as she bobbed on the head. She took her mouth off, and stuck her tongue out, started to lick around the head.

"Cum for me baby," she said as she went back to my cock.

I put my head back as I felt my balls raise. I heard a loud roar come out of me as I squirted jet after jet of cum into her mouth. She kept sucking me and jacking me to make sure I was completely drained until the head was too sensitive. I pulled her of my still semi-erect member and onto her feet. Looking into her eyes, I simply said "I love you."

She opens her mouth and shows me the remaining cum and swallows it. She opens again, and it is gone. She says, "I love you more," as she kisses me, extending her tongue into my wanting mouth. We hold each other for a minute until my phone rings. I see it is Suzanne, and I almost don't answer it, but Liz insisted.

"Hey Brad, are you at your house?" she asks me sounding out of breath.

As Liz is stuffing me back into my pants and zipping me up, I respond, "Yeah, what's up buttercup."

With a slight tremble in her voice, "Elizabeth's parents were just here, and they had no idea she dropped out of school." I looked at Liz with concern and she whispered what's wrong. I held up my finger as Suzanne was still talking.

"They are on their way to your house and it sounded like they were going to fucking kill you. They know she is pregnant Brad; they know everything." She said as I remained silent on the other end. "Brad? You still there?" I hear from the other line.

"Yeah Suz, uhm... Let me talk to Liz ok?" I ask as I hang up the phone not even registering if Suzanne was still on the phone or not.

She had a worried look on her face as she spoke, "Brad what's wrong?"

"Your parents are on their way here, they know everything." She fell against me; I wrapped my arms around her. I knew we had two hours before they would be arriving at least. We both went into the house and got cleaned up.

"Brad, we need to leave now! She will try and take me away from you, I know it." She cried out from the bedroom.

I went to her and hugged her close to me. Whispering in her ear, "We will have to confront them one day, might as well be today." She kissed me and continued down the stairs toward the kitchen. While she was downstairs, I made another call to Tim the Sheriff.

"Hey Brad, how you doing?" He asked sounding chipper today.

Not wanting to chit chat I asked him point blank, "What do you know about the Sweets family?"

"All I know are rumors Brad, nothing concrete, why?" He asked quizzingly.

I was hesitant to tell him Liz's worries, as she was an adult and I wouldn't allow them to take her away from me. Especially while she is carrying my child. "Well, I have heard they are on their way here looking to kill me because I got their daughter pregnant and she dropped out of school. I'm not sure if I should be cautious or what?"

There was silence. "Hold on a minute," he said as he laid the receiver down. I heard footsteps and then a door closed. I figured he wanted our conversation to be private. He picked it back up and said, "Brad they are bad people. From what I hear the husband maybe a made man."

"What?" I heard my voice go up and octave. That small stature of a man that never spoke a word and seemed to take orders from her was a made man? "What do you mean Tim, how did you hear that?"

"You didn't hear it from me, but the FBI was here not too long ago asking if I had seen them here. Apparently, they are looking for the Sweets. I told them nothing of your girl." He explained.

I had no idea what to say. "Thanks for looking out for her Tim. You might want a deputy to come by here in an hour or so just in case it gets hairy." I explain that I do own some guns and wasn't afraid to use them. He assured me that he would be patrolling the area vigorously. When I hung up, I searched for Liz. She wasn't anywhere in the house, so I went outside, and I still couldn't see her. I went into the barn calling her name, looking into the stalls and no answer. I looked over and her vehicle was gone. The old car I used to drive that I gave her. I picked up the phone and called her and she didn't pick up. I thought she had run away. I went inside to prepare for what may come, and to pray that she would come back to me.


I was standing in the front room looking out the big picture window as the black Mercedes came flying down the drive, dust bellowing behind it. I reached behind me and put my hand on the Glock in my waistband. It came to a stop, and the door opens and only the woman gets out. The man stays in the car, so I let go of the handle and go outside to the front porch.

As she gets to the steps and starts to walk up, I stop her, "Elizabeth isn't here, she left."

Her eyes widen as her face whitens. This time she doesn't seem as snooty as before. "Do you know where she has gone?"

I shook my head at her. "She heard you were on your way to kill me, and she said we had to leave because you were going to take her away. So, I guess she took it upon herself to leave on her own."

She surprises me when she responds. "Well maybe it is better this way, we need to talk." She looks at me with pleading eyes, and gestures toward the door. "Are you going to invite me in?"

I move to the side, putting my hand out letting her walk past me inside the door. She looked around as I closed the door. She smiled and turned around to face me. "I am glad you haven't changed it much. Evelyn was such a decorator."

"How did you know my mom anyway." I asked as I motioned for her to sit in the chair across from the love seat I sat on.

She sighed and looked around, "So I heard you got my daughter pregnant. Is this true?" I nodded my head to affirm it was indeed true. She looked at me with daggers for a minute and then her eyes softened. "Do you love her? Does she love you?" I again nodded my head in affirmation. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I have nothing to say. I love her, and I want to marry her. She wants the same thing. She is carrying our child and she is the one who decided not to go back to school. She is doing online classes instead under my insistence. She is a wonderful woman and you should be proud of how you raised her."

This time she smiled a huge at me and I thought I seen a tear in her eye, but it never fell. She was fiddling with her gloves she had in her hand. I knew she was nervous about something but had no idea what. I heard another car pulling up, and by the sound of it, I knew it was Liz returning. We both stood and watched her walk in with some documents in her hand. As soon as she came through the door she started to aggressively talk to her mother.

"Mom, this is a marriage license. We are going to get married and there is nothing you can do about it. As soon as the Pastor gets here, he is going to do the service." She said as she came over to me and wrapped her arms around one of mine.

Mrs. Sweets put her hand over her mouth, flabbergasted at her daughter and how she talked to her. She collected her emotions and calmly replied, "Elizabeth Marie, I can not let you marry this man, or bare his child. It will change your life forever, and not for the better. I know darling, I lived it."

Liz started to sob, "How can you say that mom? I have never felt this way about anyone. We are so in love. He is so gentle, kind, and loving to me. Everything I was taught that a man should be to a woman."

For the first time I seen tears coming down her mother's face. "I know how you feel. I felt it once, and I lost it. I had to give up something so precious to me because it reminded me of that love. I don't want you to make the same mistake I did."

Liz shook her head, "Mom what are you talking about?"

She put her hands up to wipe her tears away, and slowly sat down gaining her composure. She gestured for us to sit down. She looked at us as she said, "Because you and he are brother and sister."

Both Liz and I gasped. Liz fell against me as she asked, "What? I didn't even know I had a brother until Brad told me, and we both heard he had died."

She nodded her head, "Let me explain please. I was very young, and my brother was considerably older when our parents passed in an accident. He was built and looked just like Brad." As she said this, she smiled then looked away. "He was my protector, my hero, my lover, my everything." She then sighed.

We looked at each other in bewilderment. Right after my eighteenth birthday I decided I wanted to be with him forever, so when we made love, I made sure he used a condom with a hole in it. He got me pregnant, and you both were conceived." She continued on, "When I told him I was pregnant and it was his, he was so distraught. He thought the entire town would turn on us. He went out that night and killed himself. So, when you were born, and I seen I had twins, I was joyous. That was until I seen you Brad."

Once again, her tears were rolling down her cheek. "What do you mean when you seen me, was I deformed? You didn't want me?" I asked as my emotions were in turmoil. Liz was gripping my arm so tight I thought it might draw blood.

"No quite the contrary Brad, you were perfect, just like your sister. The thing is you were too perfect. You looked just like your father, and I could not bare to see that face. I do regret it, especially now." She looks at us like she was waiting for a response.

Liz speaks up first, "Mom, that is one hell of a story you just concocted. You expect me to believe this is my brother? You are not going to win mother; I love him and there is nothing you can do about it."

Her response surprised both Liz and I. "I know and I also know I can't stop what's been started. I should have told you the truth at Evelyn's funeral Brad. I was ashamed and acted horrible that day. David my husband told me on the way home that I was being selfish for not telling either of you. I thought that having hundreds of miles between you would prevent you ever meeting, what would be the odds." She shrugged and looked up toward the ceiling and started to giggle.

Liz looked at me, "What do you want Brad. Do you believe her or what?"

"I think what she is saying might be validated if she has some proof. I know the documents that my mother had are all blank except the adoption papers." I answered, looking at Liz then back at her mother.

She looks over at us and half smiles. "I can do that, if you will give me a quick second." She dug in her purse and pulled out an old form. She handed it to Liz. I watched as she opened the forms, and it was her birth certificate. The name of her mother said Deena Collins, and no father was listed. There was a form behind it, and she pulled it to the front, and it was my birth certificate. Same listings for mother and father. Both of our hearts sank, and we fell back against the back of the couch.

Her mother spoke up, "I know your name is Sweets now like mine. Your dad adopted you when you were two years old. Just so you don't think those are forgeries." She said as she smiled.

I finally had enough, "This does not change anything in my mind. I don't care if she is technically my sister. We had no idea when we met, and we are so in love. I will never love like this again. I don't want to give you up Liz." I said as I bring her in for a kiss. Deena looks at us and smiles with a tear in her eye.

Deena gets up and walks over to us as I hear a vehicle approaching. "I will not interfere as I know what it feels like. Just be careful please." She then walks over to the door looking out and motions for David to come into the house. As he gets out, I notice that Tim is there. As they come into the house it is explained that the Pastor could not come to marry us. Since Tim was the Sheriff, he could do the deed.

As Liz and I stood there holding hands and looking into each other's eyes, we felt a bond that would never break. We knew the truth, and nobody else would. Would I ever say anything to Suzanne? How would our relationship with Deena progress and what in the hell was the FBI after them for? I closed my eyes and opened them to focus on the angelic face of my wife as he said to kiss her. Everything else escaped my mind except her.

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Can’t get past the continual use of ‘ I Seen’.

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

Good story, enjoying it

Scores 5/5

LegallySaneLegallySaneabout 3 years ago

get past page one. Being made fun of by Liz and Sue, Brad is made out to be a moronic idiot. A wuss to women. No matter how the story goes from then on you won't get past the dumbass you made Brad into. Is that an erotic story???.....not!

papawtoo43papawtoo43almost 4 years ago

Great start, 5 stars. You did use "bare" instead of "bear" several times.:)

DomJ69DomJ69over 4 years ago
Nicely Done

I like your style and will move on to the next chapter in a moment.

goducks111goducks111over 4 years ago
very intense start

well written, clever story idea. 5 stars

blackknight314blackknight314almost 5 years ago
I like it sofar.

I'm headed for chapter 2. Good for them. Are they going to have twins too? Are they going to have a deformed babe or babes. I can't wait. My biggest issue with incest is defective babes. They don't deserve it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Should've made them both virgins

Should've made them both virgins. Twins should be made as alike as possible.

Also Suzanne's reaction is like that of a pimp....

ud1234ud1234about 5 years ago
well done!

Good style, good timing and sexy without being crude. I like a well written love story. Keep it up. I am adding you to my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Beautiful story of love

Such a beautiful story that long lost twins find each other and !ove.

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