Genie Chronicles - Make a Wish 05


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"Jessie, give us both a quick clean up please." Vick asked as she shoved her cock back into her jeans before zipping back up.

"Of course mistress," Jessie replied.

Cassandra blew a kiss to Vick as the girls left the car and entered the multi-story building. Walking into the marbled lobby, Vick suddenly felt a little in over her head as she realized this place was intended a wealthier cliental.

"Jessie, I think this is more than we can afford." Vick whispered as she read the lobby board, trying to find which floor Megan Hart was on.

Her genie was taking it all in, impressed with the oppulance of the building. "Has mistress already forgotten that she has a winning lottery ticket in her possession?" She whispered back.

"Yeah, but we haven't won anything yet. How are we going to convince this woman to work for us, offer her an IOU?" Vick replied, still concerned.

"I'm sure you'll come up with something mistress. You've been quit clever so far." Jessie answered with a smirk. Vick was happy to have her confidence but wasn't exactly sure how to proceed. Then she discovered a legal firm called Howard and Hart on the 4th floor listed on the company board.

The elevator music did little to calm Vicky down but it seemed to amuse Jessie who bobbed her head back and forth to the easy listening tunes. The short trip dinged on the 4th floor and opened to dark polished oak double doors of the Howard and Hart legal firm.

Vicky took a moment to straighten her clothes and make sure she looked presentable. While not dressed in formal attire, she felt her magical good looks should help a lot in this situation, at least she hoped so.

Entering into the lobby of the legal firm both girls were a little shocked at the elegance of the place. There was a huge fish tank in the middle of the lobby to give people something to look at while they waited. Giving it a closer look Vick discovered it was a salt water sea tank, with blow fish and other extravagant species. The smell of muffins wafted throughout the room, and Vick saw the secretary's desk had a plate of freshly baked blueberry muffins for casual snacking in the morning. She bet that when it hit lunch time, the muffins were traded out for something else.

Both girls were so lost in their casual browsing on the interior that they didn't notice the woman behind the lobby desk give them an odd and annoyed look when they came in.

"Excuse me, can I help you two?" The secretary asked curtly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this place is just so nice. My name is Victoria Cross and I have an appointment to see Megan Hart this morning." Vick replied, hoping her politeness would win her some points.

Without even looking at the appointment book the secretary turned them down. "No you don't. Neither of you have an appointment with Ms. Hart this morning."

Panic surged through Vick as she felt caught in headlights.

Crap, I didn't even think about making an appointment. She thought to Jessie.

I was not even aware you would need one Mistress. Do you have any ideas? Jessie asked.

Hmmmm, I wish I had an appointment? Vick asked.

Sorry mistress, there is nothing sexually involved in that wish. I am unable to grant it. Jessie replied, feeling bad that she couldn't help her mistress. Suddenly, she had an idea.

"Are you saying that Ms. Hart is unwilling to work with a lesbian couple?" Jessie suddenly accused the secretary.

The woman was caught off guard and raised an eyebrow as Jessie hooked an arm around Vicky's waist in affection, displaying their relationship.

"I didn't say that at all. I merely said that you don't have an appointment, and without one you won't see Ms. Hart." The secretary tried to reaffirm.

"Oh I see, so Ms. Hart only sees straight couples. Howard and Hart isn't exactly a very progressive legal firm, is it?" Jessie redirected, maintaining her tone.

The conversation had drawn some attention from the back offices and a slender woman in her early forties came walking out near the secretary. She had shortly trimmed dark brown hair and wore an elegant grey business woman suit. Neutral tones and a neutral haircut meant to put people at ease. Her body was curvy but a little on the heavier side, showing that age was starting to get the better of her, but her breasts were fairly large yet tastefully contained by her attire.

"Susan, what's going on here?" The woman asked softly.

"I'm sorry Ms. Hart, these women are asking to see you but they don't have an appointment." Susan replied, not wanting to make a scene.

Ms. Hart gave the girls a once over, looking them in the eyes one at a time. Her gaze was steady and keen, weighing both girls individually before speaking.

"Why don't you two come with me to my office? I don't have any meetings for a few hours and maybe I can help address...whatever it is you came to see me about." Ms. Hart finally said, opening the door to the back offices for the girls.

Vicky and Jessie followed her slowly as they discussed their plan.

Crap, I didn't think this far ahead, I need some data on her fast. Vicky mentally requested.

She's 42, single, never married and has no children. She works out when she can, but she always puts her career first. It's been a source of great pride for her. Jessie replied.

Is she trustworthy? Vicky asked

From what I can tell of her emotional and mental state, she is a good person with honorable intentions. She can tell we have an agenda, but looking us over she determined we are not a threat and the mystery of our appearance intrigues her. Jessie replied.

Do you think we can trust her with our secret? Vick asked as she started to get nervous again.

Maybe someday we can. But for now I think keeping our intentions vague may be best. Instead, I recommend playing up to her sexual kinks. Jessie suggested.

Oh yeah, I remember that was part of my wish to find her. What's her sexual kink? Vick asked.

She commands a lot of respect and power in her legal position, yet in the bedroom she is extremely submissive and desires to be controlled and dominated. None of her co-workers know that she hires a prostitute to dominate her on the weekends. The woman ties her up, blind folds her, spanks her and humiliates her, then fucks her with a strap on till Megan cums screaming.

Vicky was a little shocked at this information, but decided it would help with their angle.

The girls were welcomed into Megan's personal office and offered a pair of elegant leather seats in front of the lawyer's huge custom oak wood desk.

"Now, how can I help you lovely ladies?" Megan asked with a forced smile.

"Well Megan, we're looking for a talented and loyal lawyer to serve us..." Vicky trailed off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air with unknown intention.

Megan's fake smile left and she leaned back in her chair, caught off guard by Vick's forceful wording. "I see, and exactly what service are you in need of Ms. Cross?"

"My concubine and I are soon to come into a large amount of wealth. How I'd rather keep to myself for now, but we'll need an experienced tax lawyer to represent us and our interests so that our money is protected and we can live comfortably off of it for a long time." Vick revealed, intentionally labeling Jessie.

Megan raised an eyebrow at hearing Vick refer to Jessie as her concubine and looked at the gorgeous woman with slight confusion.

"Yes, my mistress is most concerned about finding someone who is loyal, trustworthy, but primarily subservient to her needs..."Jessie commented with purposeful wording.

Megan looked back and forth between the two sexual beings before her and suddenly felt very hot in her clothing. "And how best could I serve Mistress...I mean Ms. Cross?" Megan asked, looking Vick directly in the eyes. Vicky held her gaze steadily with a wicked smile.

How's she doing? Vick mentally asked Jessie.

Her panties are flushed and she is very turned on by my calling you 'mistress.' Jessie replied.

Does she have any mental or sexual triggers? Vick asked.

Being called a slut or a whore drives her crazy. She is normally shown great respect for her position, so degradation excites her sexually. Jessie answered.

Vicky thought about this for a mere second, not wanting to wait too long before answering Megan.

"Honestly I'm looking for someone to belong to me for both legal assistance and sexual pleasure. You look to be a proper slut who might please me." Vick stated boldly, holding Megan's gaze.

The lawyer went wide eyed at Vick's request and her knuckles were white as they grasped her chair. She was worried if she shifted even a little then the girls would hear her pussy slush from all the juices pouring out of her. Releasing her chair, Megan tried to refocus the conversation.

"Well if you are truly coming into a large amount of money we can look into setting up a revocable trust for the estate will protect your identity and allow flexible management. I can help set that up, but I'll need to know how much money we're representing. As you can see, I am more than happy to serve you in any way you desire..." Megan said with intent.

"And what if I desire you to be both my lawyer and my whore?" Vick asked heavily.

Megan looked back and forth between Jessie and Vicky with wild eyes, her body racked with confusion. Jessie smiled at her and rose from her chair, walked slowly to Megan's office door with swaying hips, and locked the door. Megan could only silently nod at Jessie as she turned to Vicky, her eyes lowered in submission.

"How else may I serve you mistress?" Megan asked with quivering lips.

Holy crap! That was easier than I thought it would be. Vick thought.

She is a woman who has thrown herself into her work. She has turned down family and relationships to further her career. She is extremely sexually repressed with hidden desires even she is not fully aware of. Your directness with her mimicked her prostitute dominatrix, and being called a slut so many times has soaked her chair. Jessie explained.

Vick rubbed her crotch and spread her legs in the leather chair, leaning back to get comfortable. "I would love to experience your oral skills. I like my sluts to be experienced and talented." Vicki directed.

Megan slid off her chair and crawled along the floor on her hands and knees to Vicky's feet. Reaching up she ran her hands over Vicky's legs and crotch. Her eyes went wide with panic when she felt Vicki's thick bulge pulsing through her jeans.

Is the cock going to freak her out? Vick mentally asked Jessie.

She definitely was not expecting it. All the cocks she has experienced have been fake, and her comfort levels are already stretched to the max. Jessie replied.

Can we maybe extend her comfort levels and make her okay with it? Vick asked.

Of course mistress. She is now comfortable with your cock and finds that it adds to the eroticism of this encounter.

Megan's panic subsided and her eyes turned sultry as she unzipped Vick's jeans to release her growing cock. She gave it a few strokes and moaned heavily as she saw it grow in her hands.

Vick was proud she had accomplished all this with very little use of Jessie's powers. While she knew that it'd be much easier to simply wish her way past all these obstacles, she was trying to avoid becoming too reliant on wishes. She was taking Jessie's warning seriously and her worry was if she used the genie's powers all the time, she'd get lazy and eventually attract attention by an ill placed wish.

Megan began licking Vicky's cock slowly, swirling her tongue around the tip oddly and not really accomplishing much in the way of actually sucking on the thick meat.

She's not very good at this. Vick thought with a hint of disappointment.

She has not had much experience with the real thing. Jessie explained.

Suddenly Vicky winced in slight pain as she felt Megan's teeth scrap across her sensitive crown. "Okay, stop please. I see that you need to be trained on how to be a proper slut for me." Vicky declared.

Megan looked up in disappointment and shame, a string of saliva still connecting her lips to Vick's cock. "I'm sorry...mistress. I just haven't done this much." Megan admitted.

Vick cupped Megan's soft face in her hands and kissed her gently on the lips, enjoying her taste as she let the embrace linger. "I completely understand Megan, and it's not your fault. Together Jessie and I will help you learn how to be the proper whore you've always desired to be and you'll learn to serve me. Jessie, please lower Megan's slacks and remove her panties." Vick ordered her genie.

Jessie did as command and Megan had a quizzical look on her face, not really understanding what was happening. "You will service me again, and if you fail to perform as expected, Jessie will punish you appropriately. If you pleasure me properly then she will reward you." Vicky explained.

Megan's eyes went wide in terror and excitement, and she lowered her lips to Vicky's cock once more. At the same time she felt Jessie's tongue part her pussy lips and lap at her engorged clit while making sloppy wet sounds. The sensations dizzied her and she forgot for a second that she was fellating her new Mistress. Vicki winced as she felt Megan's teeth scrape her cockhead again, and she gave Jessie a node.

Jessie stopped lapping at Megan's cunt and starting spanking her on her ass cheeks, one cheek at a time. She continued slowly and purposefully, leaving a firm red hand print on each cheek. Megan almost yelled out in equal parts pain and pleasure and her brain felt overloaded, as if it didn't know how to process all the stimuli.

By the time Jessie finished spanking her Megan was panting heavily and her arms were barely able to hold her up.

"You see, good performance is rewarded, poor performance is punished. It's all very simple." Vicky explained.

"Mistress...please...fuck me." Megan begged, her whole body feeling on fire.

"I'm afraid you won't get to experience my cock for this first session Megan, but I have something equally as nice in store for you, if you can suck me off like a true slut."

Megan took the member in her mouth, sucking it gingerly and delicately. She tucked her teeth under lips and relaxed the back of her throat so she could get as much of it in as possible. At the same time she felt Jessie diddling her clit with her fingers, which made Megan a little sad as she was looking forward to having her pussy eaten more. Then her whole body went into shock as she felt Jessie spread her ass cheeks and rub her tongue against Megan's asshole, rimming her slowly around her pink rosebud.

This must be driving her crazy. Vicky thought.

It is, but it's also ensuring her loyalty. She is already making plans to break it off with the prostitute she regularly sees and is trying to figure out ways to have a weekly "meeting" with us." Jessie replied.

That could be fun. In the meantime, let's blow her mind even more. Vicky teased.

How so Mistress?

Jessie, I wish for you to have your cock back so you can fuck Megan while she sucks me off. Vicky wished.

Jessie smiled as she made circles around Megan's asshole with her tongue. Megan was mindlessly sucking Vicky's cock, blowing her like a pro now after only one quick lesson. She became so lost in the sensation that she didn't notice when Jessie stopped licking her asshole, but then her eyes went wide as she felt the pressure of a soft cock entering ass. She'd been fucked by enough dildos to know what a fake cock felt like, and this wasn't fake.

Popping Vicky's cock out of her mouth and stroking it in her fist, she looked back to see Jessie mounting her from behind, gliding her stiff cock in and out of Megan's freshly lubed asshole. Megan couldn't help but press back against Jessie's cock, enjoying how full it made her feel. Vicky grabbed Megan's head and forced her back down on her cock, filling her mouth with more dick. Brushing off Megan's hands, Vicky decided she'd had enough of the appetizer and went for the main course.

Just as Jessie filled Megan's ass, pounding her hard and fast from behind, Vicky fucked Megan's face, forcing her cock down Megan's throat. Megan realized she was being stuff from both ends, filled with huge cocks on impossibly gorgeous women, and her entire body began to seize and convulse with orgasm after orgasm. She couldn't tell where one ended and the next began, but she didn't care. She just wanted to be used like the dirty slut that she was.

Megan wasn't sure it had been minutes or hours, but her whole body felt stuffed and was in a constant orgasmic state when Vicky and Jessie tensed at the same time. A moment later and Megan's body was filled with their sticky essence, pouring into her ass and stomach. She hungrily lapped it up, not wanting to spill a drop of her new mistress's seed.

The girls held still for a while, all of them breathing heavily and exhausted from their extremely rough and vigorous three-way. Megan kept suckling on Vicky's deflating cock, not wanting to let it go, but Vicky pulled it out of her mouth causing the lawyer to moan longingly. Jessie also disengaged from Megan's rear and started cleaning up and redressing.

Rising on shaky legs, Megan returned to her chair behind her desk. She was afraid to speak, worried that anything she might say would make the encounter end and never happen again.

Vicky stuffed her cock back in her pants and rearranged her clothing briefly before addressing Megan. "Well I must say, I'm very impressed with your attention to detail and willingness to serve. I've decided, you will be our lawyer."

"Thank you...mistress. I look forward to serving you in any way you wish." Megan replied meekly.

Vicky smiled, looking down at the woman lovingly. "You have no idea how precious you are to me Megan, you are the first."

Megan looked confused, not sure what Vicky meant. "The first of what mistress?"

"You are the first of my harem. My money will be used to create a mansion for all my girls to live in, and I'm hoping as one of my concubines you'll want to live with us." Vicky commented off hand.

Panic and excitement surged through Megan as she realized what this all meant. Biting her lower lip she nodded silently, accepting her new position with Vicky.

I need something to give her, something to signify ownership. Vicky thought to Jessie.

Did you have something in particular in mind mistress? Jessie asked.

Yes, I want to give her a special amulet that will let me sense her general mental and physical health, no matter where she is in the world.

Jessie nodded and reached into her purse, pulling out a silver necklace with an upside-down V pendant, looking like a pyramid without a base. Vicky took the necklace and went over to the lawyer and Megan instantly understood its intention. She lowered her head and moved her hair out of the way, letting Vicky lock the amulet around her neck.

Vicky kissed Megan on the forehead and cupped her face in her hands. "Today is the first day of the rest of your life. We'll contact you soon regarding the trust, and to arrange more time for personal fun."

Megan's face lit up with a bright smile. " I look forward to it Mistress."

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GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationover 2 years ago

The sex scene with the attorney was inspired. Good ad lib is hard to find. It was enjoyable to see Vick using her wits more than d'jinn magic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This is getting to be good on a par with Joe Brolly

I wish that they had brought a zip-lock plastic bag to protect that multi million dollar ticket, and why didn't Vick waste a few more dollars on non-winning numbers, maybe using some of the same numbers like she was working some favorite numbers around, she could even have one of them be a partial winner, a few tens of thousands, just for fun,.. and Vick/Vicki still has no idea if she is a sole winner or if she is to share it with one or a dozen other winners! It should still be a nice payday but maybe not in the hundreds of millions. But, she could still set up a very successful investment/stock company and grow her start up millions,.. she continues to have lots of options and a sexy sex genie (PS: I want a driver like Cassandra!! ).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Words from Mr. White

Great job on this story, but this chapter was especially rewarding due to Cassandra finally getting some. Thanks for that!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

This series is going straight in to my favorites. Not only have there been possibilities explored that i fantasize about myself, but so much more is possible.

Can't wait for more


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Fantastic keep it going.

Love this story, there are so many ways you can take this and so many avenues you can explore, is there any chance of having Vick fucking the chick from the cinema or possibly the busty ebony black girl who served her when she got the lottery ticket, I like the fucks-of-opportunity like the woman at the restaurant.

I'd be interested in seeing someone really push the boat out with this sex-genie concept, in bit this one and the original genie chronicles the characters seem to keep forgetting that they can do anything so I'd like to see what Vicks imagination can conjure.

The one point I would make is a proof reader, it would make the story flow more and it would just give a bit of polish to an already stunning story.

54634535463453about 11 years ago

I will probibly keep reading these till the next part comes out.

these are amazing the shemale main character was amazing and a great plot twist.

keep it up

olddudolddudabout 11 years ago

Hey man you know your torturing us by making us wait so long for the next chapter. LoL. but seriously this story has just been a lot of fun to read and I really can't wait for the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

If it wasn't obvious before, I think we can be sure Vick is not going to part with her new endowment. She's definitely going to have that be permanent.

Really enjoying this story and looking forward to more. Three things I hope to see in future chapters: 1. Day Vick spends purely with Jessie, fucking all her holes. 2. Once she has the harem going, she is worshipped all over her body by her concubines. 3. Maybe Vick knocking up a few of her girls. If you feel these won't fit with the story, I understand. It's your work, not mine.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Amazing as always :D

Yay :D just read the 2 new chapters :DDD can't wait to read more

mitthrawnuruodomitthrawnuruodoover 11 years ago
Still loving this

And looking forward to the next part :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Absolutely astounding, I love this story and I cannot wait for the next chapter, my one piece of advice would be to get a proof reader, but grammar and spelling aside this was a fantastic addition to the series the sex, the plot and the characters are all insanely well done, please keep it up.

Cadey99Cadey99over 11 years ago

Great series but as said with help of an editor will be brilliant. No shame in that because it's the way of things that when we create something we need an outside source to check we haven't missed anything. After all, the story is in your head and sometimes the brain compensates for errors so you don't see them.

discblizzdiscblizzover 11 years ago

Personally I didn't notice any typos but it's 4:30 here and I'm dead tired. Love the story though and thanks for updating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

quite was often spelled quit

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Re: Typos

Since you asked where the typos were in this, the only one I noticed was that when Jessie asked Vick where they were driving to, vick replied "The offices of Mega Hart, please"

Also this series is frickin' great I discovered it five days ago and have already read it twice. Please don't let it end like the other two sex genie series.

DarkSoul_DragonDarkSoul_Dragonover 11 years ago
Well done

this is a great chapter and I wish you luck with the rest of the story, Also if you have trouble with the "forcing sex" then always remember your continuity that Jess can tell Vick that persons desires and weaknesses so she can play on them.

BebopJetBebopJetover 11 years agoAuthor
RE: Most enjoyable

What spelling mistakes, is there a specific example? I've been trying to get a solid editor to help me with the story (and get over the humps like the lawyer scene), but so far I haven't been able to get together with someone to help me on a regular basis.

I'm more than willing to admit my grammar needs help (probably a lot of help) but spelling is something I always considered easy to nail down, and I checked the darn thing like 5 times or any typos or spelling mistakes.

JohnnyMaxJohnnyMaxover 11 years ago
Most enjoyable

Just found this tale and had to read the set. Well constructed, good ideas, the only let down is spelling. Suggest you use one of the volunteer editors to polish your spelling.

Looking forward to the next chapters.

BebopJetBebopJetover 11 years agoAuthor
Working on Chapter 6...

It's been my intention to build Vicky a harem since I started the story, it just takes some build up to get there. You have to get through most the normal sex genie story conventions first, and now we can get to the real meat of her story with Jessie.

I've started Chapter 6 and basically it will include them adding another 1 or 2 girls to the harem and getting the CPA added to her financial triad. I also wanted to give a shout out to the reader who helped me get over my writer's block. The scene with the lawyer is what stalled me for over a month. I've had 80% of the story written for a while, but that scene was hard for me. I didn't want Vicky to magically FORCE Megan to have sex with her, but the scene also seemed very sudden since Megan didn't really have a good reason to just have sex with these random people. It took a little more finesse than I'm used to writing, and for that I thank you (you know who you are).

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You're back, wonderful! And not only that, you've kicked off the building of Vicky's harem, something I thought you'd not follow through on. Plus, you managed to fit in two futas on one woman, what a great scene. Can't wait for you to continue this series, lets hope her harem can be futas just like their mistress!

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