Geoff and Marie's Quiet Little Orgy

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A retired couple invite some new friends home.
13.1k words

Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 02/22/2024
Created 08/23/2022
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Good Lord. This is actually episode eight in the continuing and increasingly improbable sexual adventures of a (fairly) ordinary English couple. Personally, I'd recommend you start with my first effort, disturbingly titled "My Daughter's Panties". If, however, you're a bit of a free spirit then by all means start here and work backwards. Either way works for me, you just be yourself.

By the way, all the sexual activity in this story involves adults over the age of eighteen; as in way, way, over the age of eighteen

In addition, all places, persons and situations are fictitious and any similarities to real life counterparts are unintended, even Geoffrey.


We'd been dancing one Friday evening and met two lovely ladies who had asked if they could join us at our table. In this case 'us' consisted of me, Geoff a retired materials scientist, my wife Marie a retired modern languages lecturer and Angie, our shared lover and my wife's best friend.

Sue and Margie, the other ladies I mentioned, had been frustrated at the apparent unwillingness of the men there present that evening to ask them to dance. They had noticed that both of 'my' women seemed happy to share, hence them asking to sit with us.

After a couple of dances and a rather enlightening conversation, both Sue and Margie agreed to come home with us that evening for an intimate little orgy. You see, the thing is, my wife and I recently reignited our sex life and Marie, being the big hearted woman she is, had begged me to accept her six closest friends as lovers, Angie amongst them. Her reasoning was that all six were either single or in sexless relationships and it wasn't fair that outdated cultural values should deny these lovely women, well to put not too fine a point on it, cock; specifically in this instance, my cock.

Eventually, I caved and have now had actual sex with three of 'the girls' and masturbated a fourth on my lap in the pub. In the interests of full disclosure it was in a private room, though my wife and her friends were there too. In my defence, the woman in question, Lucy, had been in tears because her husband apparently avoided sex with her because he claimed that she had a 'wrinkly old snatch'. I was just manually evaluating the validity of his observation. Turns out her 'snatch' was warm, inviting and in every way delightful, thus confirming that her husband was indeed the pointless twat that Marie and Angie claimed, and I withdrew my refusal to have sex with a married woman in Lucy's case.

Anyway, here we were with divorced Sue and widowed Margie, both teachers in their mid fifties, having had a similar conversation at our table at the Friday night dinner dance. Marie and Angie had found two more attractive women, starved of affection through no fault of their own, and felt compelled to offer my services. "The full Geoffrey experience", as I think my wife described it. This time round I capitulated with barely a murmur. They were pleasant, intelligent women, capable of making their own decisions and Marie had already watched me fuck three of her friends without any obvious signs of jealousy. She'd played with them too, having a bi-side that she'd suppressed since we'd married. Her logic was that it wasn't cheating if we both only had sex with the same people.

I had just got back to our table after a final dance with my wife prior to heading home for an evening of sex with four mature but attractive ladies, when I heard a someone mutter, "Whores!"

I looked up to see a pompous little tit of a man passing our table on his way back from the bar accompanied by a mousey woman I assumed to be his wife. I think that the sudden lull in the music took him by surprise and his comment reached a wider audience than he perhaps intended.

"Whores, where?" Piped up Angie, very loudly. "I've always wanted to see one." She looked at the embarrassed looking man. "You seem to be particularly familiar with them. What do they look like? How much do they charge?" She kept the volume at a level calculated to carry, and the occupants of several tables turned to watch with interest.

The man, probably unwisely, chose to engage in a battle of wits with Angie, a mistake for two reasons; she's the cleverest person I know and she has an almost pathological inability to self-censor.

"We've all noticed," he sneered. "You two trollops arrived with him." A nod in my direction. I smiled and gave a little wave for the benefit of the ever increasing audience. "And then," he continued, blithely unaware of the possible consequences. "these two whores join your little clique of debauchery."

"Oooh!" Said Angie. "Could you just clarify though? Are you jealous of Geoff having all these MILFs gathered round him?" This time it was Angie pointing to me. I waggled my fingers at him again, just to piss him off some more.

"Or," she continued, remorselessly, "Are you just pathetically insecure about your wife's fascination over what he's got that enables him to take the four of us home with him, while she's stuck with just you?"

He started to bluster, then stopped, suddenly, as Angie stood and loomed over him. All of a sudden her slender, feminine arms exposed by her dress, now seemed toned, muscular, even dangerous. Almost as if she worked out, regularly, with unarmed combat instructors. "You called me and my bestie 'trollops' and our new friends 'whores'." The teasing tone was gone from her voice by now. "Geoff is too much of a gentleman to offer to take you outside and give you the beating you deserve." She gave him a smile that could scare a paratrooper. "I'm not a gentleman though. I'm not even a lady. So, apologise to me and my friends or..." she thought for a moment. "I'll put you on your arse in front of everyone here."

She was fucking ruthless. She'd given him no way out. He looked around for some sign of support. Nothing, even his wife seemed unimpressed.

"I won't hit a woman,' he smirked, thinking he had a get out of jail free card.

"It's amusing that you think you'd even have a hope of doing so," Angie countered. "So if you're not man enough to apologise and you're afraid to face a defenceless little woman what fucking use are you? Why don't you do everyone a favour and take your poor unfortunate wife and your petty little bigotry and just fuck off and mind your own business?"

Angie turned round and sat down, ignoring him, leaving him standing alone looking exposed and ridiculous. I was proud of her; I actually worried at one point that she might really deck the little prick. I noticed he was still there, processing his dismissal so I did that thing with my hand: you know, palm down and then flicking your fingers as though telling a naughty child to go away and play. He huffed but thought better of poking that particular bear any further and strutted off. I caught his wife's eye and she mouthed, "Sorry!" and stormed after him.

I saw Margie staring at Angie as she and Marie spoke quietly together, then Margie looked at me. "I've held you when we danced," she mused. "I can tell you're very fit by any standards, yet you showed no interest in standing up to that buffoon. But..." She looked thoughtful. "But you didn't seem frightened, or even embarrassed at the thought of facing him down. You just didn't seem to care. Why? What am I missing?"

She looked at Sue, who nodded in agreement.

I sighed. "Look Marie is an ardent feminist," I explained. "So is Angie. If they had been physically threatened, then I would have intervened because I'm bigger, stronger and can handle myself in a fight."

They both looked rather shocked. "You're a brawler?" Margie challenged me.

"No, of course not!" I felt a little insulted. "But I played amateur rugby for nearly forty years. You can't do that if you fall apart if someone gets in your face. But, you have to be able to meet aggression with calm when it's needed; otherwise you get sent off. So tonight, when it came to verbal sparring with some dick who's insulted them, any intervention from me would have been seen as chauvinistic and patronising and would have just got them mad at me and not that idiot. So I just follow their lead and he looks like the pathetic tit he is and we don't get thrown out."

"Anyway," I continued, grinning at them. "Angie could have taken him easily on her own."

I looked at my watch. Ken, the girls' favourite taxi driver, would probably be waiting outside by now. It's odd really, he's only driven us three times but I already feel a connection with him, partly because my two girls tease him mercilessly just like they do me, and partly because he seems like a genuinely nice gent. God only knows what the scamps will get up to when they introduce him to Margie and Sue.

There was sniggering and whispers as we made our preparations to leave. I stood and went round the table, assisting my companions from their seats, as a gentleman should. Marie was first. "Thank you Geoff," she said, and kissed me on the lips.

Angie was next. "Thanks stud," was her contribution as she kissed me, slipping a bit of tongue as she did so. She stepped away from the table. "By the way," she continued, at an 'outdoor' volume that most of the other patrons could hear clearly. "Good call on not getting involved in dealing with Mr Stick-up-his-arse. We don't want our Geoffrey wearing himself out prematurely, do we?" She winked and went to join Marie at the door.

Sue was next. "Thank you Geoff," she said softly, putting her hands to my cheeks to guide me into a lingering kiss on the lips. It should have failed the 'wife test', but from Marie's smile as she watched, it was an easy pass.

Margie smiled at me. "Such a gent." She surprised me by putting one hand behind my head to be sure she achieved maximum effect when she kissed me. Well, Ken was going to be in for an interesting ten minutes when we got outside, that was for sure.

As we left, they all paused to blow a kiss to our new nemesis, still quivering with self righteous indignation at the idea of someone having more fun than him. It cheered me to see that more people seemed to find his attitude ridiculous than those that appeared scandalised that I might actually be talking all four women to my bed. I mean, I was going to, but that's not the point. Or maybe it is; I didn't care, I was definitely getting laid, that's all that mattered.

We got to the car park to find Ken waiting by his vehicle. Now, he could have stayed behind the wheel, so I choose to believe that he took a guilty delight in the girls' teasing, and so made himself more accessible. Marie got to him first and I heard her apologise for having to change her plans and travel with Sue on the way home. But she gave him a kiss by way of compensation. Apparently she was very, very sorry, again. I watched the kiss with mixed feelings. I wasn't jealous, I mean three women who weren't my wife had done just the same to me only minutes ago and I try not to be a hypocrite. I'd recently accused my wife of grooming me to accept her kissing other men. Her response was that I should concern myself more with how I felt and less with how I thought others might think that I ought to feel. Was that zen, or what?

So how did I feel? Marie loved me, I loved her, she was happy, I'd lost nothing and Ken's wife would get a good seeing to that night. It all seemed very positive to me.

Sue, who had driven to the dance that evening, was also very apologetic for stealing Marie away, and Ken seemed to sway slightly as the two of them walked off towards Sue's car. Angie and Margie had nothing to apologise for so they just snogged him because they wanted to. I had to admire their honesty.

The journey home was more or less what I expected. Angie was still excited at the prospect of doing anal sex for the first time. "I never really thought about it," she admitted. "Fancy me still being a virgin; in my sixties!" Ken didn't even flinch any more. Stout chap!

"Have you done bum stuff, Margie?" She asked.

Now, Margie was used to classrooms full of bloody awkward teenagers so she wasn't the slightest bit thrown by the question. She considered. "My husband used to prod it sometimes, allegedly by accident, when we had sex but, I think it's something that needs forethought, and we didn't talk about bedroom stuff; we'd just do it." She looked wistful. "So many missed opportunities because we were to embarrassed to talk about something that we both enjoyed."

I looked across at Ken. "I'm guessing that you're about the same age as my son. What the lady just said is true. I'm going to have a sex-ed 2.0 conversation with my kids soon. I'll tell them to talk to their partners, to be honest, to teach each other how to be the best possible lovers." I shook my head. "We nearly drifted into celibacy and resentment. Don't follow that path, Ken. Ask your wife to show you how to pleasure her. Take her to the adult store. Do stuff while you can."

I turned to the ladies sitting behind me. "Because we sure as Hell intend to!" I added. They both grinned back at me. Then Angie picked up the conversation again and took it back to the gutter.

When we arrived home, I paid the fare, plus a decent tip, and went to unlock the door while my two travelling companions said their by now traditional goodbye to Ken. Sue and Marie weren't too far behind us so they had to wish him farewell too. He seemed uncomfortable getting back into the car; I did hope that Mrs Ken got the benefit of the girls' hard work that evening. I'll ask next time I see him.

I ushered the four of them into the house and locked the door behind us. Sue and Margie were both still a little flushed from saying goodbye to Ken. Sue spoke first. "I know, after what you said back at the hotel, that this sounds sad, but that's the most intense sexual activity I've had in years but you lot just act like it's normal."

"Until recently, I'd have agreed," I conceded. "But we like Ken. Marie always asks me for permission to snog him, and it only seems fair to make up for the way they tease him..."

Margie broke in. "Sue. Angie just tormented him all the way here. She asks about his sex life. Tells him about theirs. But I think that he quite enjoys it, and the kisses are just part of the torture."

Marie led our guests into the living room while I went to the kitchen to get five glasses and a couple of bottles of wine. Colin, our thirteen year old grandson had chosen a Pinot Grigio to chill for his gran and auntie Angie before we went out and I had a bottle of Merlot already open. By the time I returned to the girls they had already paired off.

My voluptuous wife was slow dancing with the equally curvy divorcee, Sue. They were kissing tenderly. Just exploring. Angie and Margie, both taller and more slender, were sitting on the sofa, Angie's arm around Margie's shoulder, watching as their friends kissed.

I saw Angie lean in towards her partner and their lips touched briefly. Margie blinked, smiled and in turn leaned towards Angie. This kiss lingered. I smiled to myself and put the glasses on the table and went upstairs. I was looking forward to the rest of the evening; I thought I might as well prepare while the girls warmed each other up.

I undressed in the bathroom, used the toilet and gave Little Geoffrey a thorough wash, then I hung my suit up and put on my dressing gown. I made sure the beds were ready in the two main rooms and wandered downstairs to see how the girls were enjoying their first lesbian orgy.

By the time I re-joined them they had all removed their dresses and Marie, unsurprisingly given her recently revealed inclination, had Sue laid back on one sofa and appeared to be devouring her clit. Sue appeared to be, if not comfortable with the situation, at least incoherently accepting. Well, judging by the way she was pressing Marie's face into her lady bits anyway.

Angie and Margie hadn't progressed quite as far, though their bras were both abandoned on the floor and they were taking turns to appreciate each other's breasts. I have to say that, while neither of them were equipped for anything like a tit-fuck, their small pert boobs gave their slender bodies a sexy streamlined look that just begged to be stroked.

Marie must have sensed me indulging in some mild voyeurism. "Hi Geoff. I've been trying to keep Sue on the boil while you fannied about upstairs. Do you want to finish her off?" She gave me her most endearing smile. "Then perhaps you'd take me for a spin?" Her voice lifted in invitation.

She moved aside to let me take her place and, slipping off my dressing gown, I knelt between Sue's thighs, admiring her trimmed, but not completely shaved, bush. "Are you ready Sue? No-one's forcing you to do this."

"Oh, Christ! For God's sake put it in me before I burst!"

Angie looked across from the other sofa. "Stop for a minute, Margie. I love to watch Geoff's cock slip into another woman's vagina." She stood and held her hand out to Margie and then led her to stand side by side behind me.

As I moved my cock gently between the lips guarding the entrance to Sue's most intimate place, my wife moved up to kiss her tenderly. "He's going to fuck you now, Sue. He'll make love to you later if you want, but this is just sex. Just go with it." Sue looked silently into her eyes and nodded.

I pressed slowly but firmly and my cock inched ever deeper inside my newest lover. It took a moment for her to adjust to me but, once I was fully embedded, she sighed and I took that as a signal to begin. Marie must have had her on the brink for at least ten minutes because Sue never managed to say another coherent word once I started thrusting. Marie's continued attention to Sue's D cup breasts probably did as much to take her to orgasm as my own efforts.

When Sue did finally come, it seemed epic. The ragged breathing that accompanied our thrusts caught in her chest, her whole body shuddered, then spasmed and she gave a strangled cry of release and then fell back limp and spent onto the sofa.

Angie and Marie looked on in satisfaction at a job well done. Margie just breathed, "Fuuuck!" She stretched the word out. "I had never watched another couple having sex; I had never kissed or touched another woman and I have never, ever, come like that."

Marie stood and stretched. "My turn now?"

I pulled her to me. I looked at Angie and Margie. "Ladies. Would you be so kind as to lend a hand?"

I'm not going to go into detail. Suffice to say that the three of us together used fingers, tongues and, eventually, my penis to drive my wife over the ecstasy cliff, leaving her sweaty but content on the sofa. Two down, two to go.

By now, Sue had begun to take a renewed interest in her surroundings. "What in the name of sanity did you two do to me?" She groaned. "My head is still spinning and I've not touched my wine yet." She looked at Marie, who was still trying to get her breath back. "Jesus! Does every woman end up like this here?"

Angie chuckled. "It's the team that makes the dream."

I interrupted before she came out with any more management bollocks to kill the mood. "Let's take this upstairs," I suggested, having reclaimed my wine and taking a sip. "There's more room to get comfortably horizontal."

Angie took my glass from me and indicated that my wife might benefit from some assistance as her legs still seemed a tad shaky: not that Sue's were much better. In the end though, we all made it safely upstairs and Marie stopped me on the landing. "Geoff. You go and spoil Margie and Sue tonight. Angie can keep me company. Is that alright Ange?" She asked, turning to her friend.

"Do you promise, Geoff? Tomorrow? Bareback?" Angie gazed at me earnestly.

"Angie. My love. I swear on my life that tomorrow my cock is yours to use wherever and however you choose." I kissed her. "I can't wait to see my cock disappearing into that tight little butt. Especially knowing that I'll be your first."