Ginny and Katy Pt. 21

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Ginny visits the vet.
12.4k words

Part 21 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/18/2014
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Preface to Part Twenty-one

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Long,, long, long, long, LONG time. I've had an amazing case of writers block.

But let's get down to cases. Back in part one I said there would be a medical procedure which would advance the story but is not something you can really have done. It will appear in this part. Two, actually, but one of them is very similar to something which can be done today and so is not so science fiction.

Since neither procedure exists, I haven't attempted to explain what was done in any way. I simply have Ginny's treatment by long enough that whatever it was could be done, and she could heal.

Also in this part we'll introduce five minor characters who Ginny and others will interact with from time to time. They are all based on friends (or, in one case, the wife of a friend) of ours.

One character,"Ylanda," like the real woman she is modeled on, has a little known medical condition, Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) Syndrome. About one in 4,500 girls are born each year with this condition.

If you're interested in the reality (I've taken a bit of literary license), the real woman recommends this article as a place to start

I forgot you can't put a URL in a story and my submission was rejected. So let's try this. If you want to know more, Google "Lab grown vaginas".



Sunday, April 22, 2012, Home again

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We drove home mostly in silence. Not angry or uncomfortable, just not much to say at that time. Plus, I don't talk when I'm Ginny and I was basically hiding under a blanket in the back seat. It was full daylight and people in other cars or on the sidewalk could easily see into Katy's car.

I tried to nap, but two things got in the way. First, I was very excited. Second, my need to pee was increasing rather quickly. My guess was that the huge amount of milk I'd nursed from Brenda was quickly working its way through my system and the excess water wanted out.

So I started to whimper. Katy reached back to pet me, keeping her eyes on the road. I licked her hand kind of frantically.

She asked, "You need to pee, baby?"

I barked loudly, then continued to lick her hand until she took it away.

"Hold on, Ginny. We're almost home."

I looked out the windows and realized she was right. We were just passing the park up the street from our house. I thought it would be fun to be walked there, if we could figure out some safe way to do it. Then our house came into view. I barked happily and jumped up on all fours.

We stopped while the garage door went up, then pulled in. Katy got out of the car while it was still closing then opened the back door for me. I jumped out before I thought about it then glanced fearfully out closing garage door to see there was nobody on the sidewalk or in the yard across the street.

Katy clipped on my leash, led me out the back door of the garage, and into the back yard. My need was sufficient that I went directly to my tree, crouched, and let go. If I had not been Ginny at that moment I would have given a long sigh of relief.

With that need satisfied, I realized I had another. I turned and almost stood up on my back legs, while keeping my front paws on the ground. I wiggled my tail, my way of asking Katy to take it out so I could poop too.

Once again, she had supplies in her pocket to clean off the plug on the tail, and me, and lubricate it before she put it back in. I danced around on the end of the leash while she policed her puppy's mess on the grass. I started pulling towards the house. I didn't really want to go in that badly, but it seemed the thing to do.

When we went in, she gave me a chance to get a drink before leading me upstairs and putting me directly into my cage. I looked up at her questioningly. I'd expected to be unleashed and allowed to play, if not with her at least in the house.

"I have to go out for a while, pup. Since you're not house broken yet, I can't leave you loose to make messes. You be a good girl and I'll be back."

With that she patted me, then told me to wait. I poked my head out, but she returned in a few seconds with a nicely sized dildo, this one without the bump on it to stimulate your clit. She stuck it to the floor of the cage near the door and gave it a shove so it wiggled back and forth like a pendulum.

"While I'm gone you can nap, or you can play with this."

She shut the cage door, then the bedroom door on her way out. I could hear her walk down the hall; then, shortly, the kitchen door to the garage open and close; the overhead door open; her car start, and the door close again.

I was alone in the house. Sitting in my cage, with puppy toys around me. Looking at that big dildo, seemingly quietly calling to me. I napped, and played with one of my chew toys, but it seemed every time I looked that dildo was quivering to get inside me. It seemed Katy had been gone a while, but when I looked at my desk I saw that she'd turned the clock away from the cage. I couldn't tell what time it was.

I could have just opened the cage, of course. But, I also couldn't. That was for emergencies. I'm a puppy with no hands and my owner had caged me so I don't make messes. I giggled for a few seconds then got myself in order again.

I finally decided to give in, turned, and backed up to the dildo. As I got it into the outside of my opening, I felt something tickling at my ass hole. I turned as best I could to see that my tail stuck out through the bars, bumping into them and transferring the sensations into my anus.

I was pretty wet and only needed to pump up and down a few times to fully lubricate my new friend. In doing so my ass got a bit of a work out too from the nudges to each side and even in and out from my tail through the bars. When I got to the very bottom, the dildo fully inserted in me, my tail bumped again the lower cross rail of the cage.

The other bumps had been little side motions and some pressure. The bottom rail, with my weight on it forced the plug into me harder and twisted it a bit. It felt wonderful as did the big dildo all the way in me.

I sat on them whimpering for a minute or so, then started to very slowly move up and down on the dildo, pushing the tail plug firmly into me at the bottom of each stroke. I continued like that for quite some time, feeling the tensions rise inside me. I picked up the pace and started to feel my breasts bounce against my torso and my arms.

I was tempted to use my fingers, but that wasn't permitted. I had paws, not hands. And I thought of switching to the other dildo, with the clit stimulator. It was right there with my other toys. And it was a big bigger than this one too. But Mistress had said to use this one.

But I could paw at my toys and my blanket. I pushed my large rubber ball in up against the base of the dildo. Then pawed my blanket in to keep it in place. If I rotated my pelvis just a bit when I was at the bottom of my strokes, I could get my fully extended clit to grind into the ball. I yelped the first time it worked.

I continued this way for only a few more minutes. Thinking of where I was, what I was doing, and even looking at myself in the mirrors had their effect. I came hard, clamping down hard on both the dildo and the plug, grinding myself into the ball as well. I managed not to scream, instead howling at the ceiling.

When the worst, or really best, of my orgasm had passed, I laid down on the pads and blankets in the bottom of the cage. But I didn't get off the dildo or the rubber ball. I got a chew toy and happily lay there moving a bit from time to time until I fell asleep in what was basically my "down" pose. Fell asleep gently moving my hips, gently humping the dildo and the rubber ball and even my own tail pressed against the bottom bars of the cage.

It was almost dark by the time I was woken by the garage door doing up. I thought about it and decided to stay as I was, pretending to be asleep, though I also found myself gently humping the dildo and the ball. Just enough to send pleasant feeling through my crotch. I heard occasional noises in the kitchen. It sounded like she was cooking.

Why hadn't she come to let the puppy out? To see how cute I was with my tail sticking out of the cage? To pay attention to me? I felt a howl welling up and didn't do anything to stop it. I howled long and low. Then again. And once more, then paused to listen. She was coming up the hall.

I waited until I thought she was about at the door and howled again. I caught the door opening out of the corner of my eye, but ignored it. I howled again, and humped a bit harder so she could clearly see what I was doing from the door. She walked up to the cage. I looked up at her and howled again.

"Stop that noise, Ginny. Why are you doing that?"

Not a question I could answer, so I whined.

"Are you coming?"

I yipped.

"Do you need to pee?"

Well, I did actually, so I barked, but I also humped harder. I'd intended to just give myself some pleasant feelings and embarrass myself just a bit by having her catch me doing it. But her watching me like this. Talking to me while I was doing it pushed my humiliation button and now I really wanted to come so she could see me.

She reached down and tugged on my tail. Not enough to pull it out. Enough to convey very good feelings into my ass. I whimpered my encouragement to her. She opened the gate, guiding my tail back through, then grasped the base and pumped it in and out of my behind. At the same time she caressed my back and my backside.

"Come on, Ginny. Come for mama."

I did, again clamping down on the plug and the dildo. Again crushing my clit against the ball. And again howling at the ceiling. She gave me a few seconds to recover then tapped me to get me to rise off the dildo. I did and turned around ready to come out of the cage, but she stopped me.

"Bring that with you."

"That" being the dildo. I tried to pick I up with my mouth but it was slippery with my juices and stuck hard to the cage floor.

"Lick it clean first, silly. You're supposed to clean up your toys anyway. You know that."

I set to licking it clean. When I was done I still couldn't pick it up. She guided my mouth onto it, then reached a finger nail under the suction cup and popped it free for me. I raised my head to look into her eyes with this big dildo filling my mouth. She put on my leash and led me down to the kitchen.

On the way through the living room I could see she'd cleaned up. My toys were in my puppy bed in the corner. The dildo was nowhere to be seen.

When we reached the kitchen I could smell and see that she'd made dinner. She seemed to be having steak and trimmings. I look at my bowl and found the same, but all cut up into single bite pieces.

"Go ahead and have dinner, Ginny. We have to talk." A big smile from her on that.

"Well, I have to talk. You have to listen."

She sat at the table to eat. But I still had a mouth full of dildo. I whined. She looked back.

"Of course, come here, dear."

I walked over to her, she reached for the dildo. "Let go."

I did and she reversed it, putting the suction cup near my face. "Lick."

I licked the cup for a few seconds. She reversed it again. "Open."

I took the dildo again. She pointed towards the open space between the island and the garage door. "Stick it to the center of one of those tiles, baby. Out of the way so we don't trip over it coming in and out."

I walked over with it bobbing in front of me and looked for a spot. We usually walk to the right of the island coming in so I found a spot off to the left, towards the windows. I look at her for approval. She nodded "yes" and pushed it down then tried pulling up on it. It was well stuck.

"Good girl. Go eat your dinner now." And returned to eating her own. I got down on my elbows, my behind now high in the air, my naked and open pussy facing her, and worked my way into my meal.

She finished well before I did and took her dishes to the sink, got herself a glass of wine, and sat at the kitchen table watching me. My clit had retracted and I felt my pussy was no longer so engorged as it had been. But that did not mean I was no longer aroused. My glances back from time to time served to keep me a bit keyed up. As did my nipples occasionally brushing chilly tiles below me.

When I finished I drank some water then popped up and trotted over to her, sitting within easy reach. She patted me then stroked my hair and continued down my back to tickle me just above my tail, just above my anus. I almost popped my backside up but remembered that, first, I'm not a cat and, second, I'd been told to sit.

Then I remembered, I had not been told to sit. I'd done that on my own, hoping for some attention. But she was sitting back up in her chair by then so the moment had passed. She got a napkin and cleaned off my face then just sat looking at me for several minutes.

"Alright. Virginia and I talked about this, so I'm sure you'll remember, but let's recap. You can't stay on all fours all the time. It's not good for your health. So, you're going to spend a couple of hours a day on two feet, as Virginia, as Pet. Since you have to do this anyway, you'll use that time to take care of yourself. Exercise, shower, shave, do your hair, and so on. Your usual morning routine."

She paused looking at me. I realized she wanted an answer. Bark!

"You will also go out and clean up any messes Ginny left from the day before. Then you're back to being Ginny. You can do all this before I get up for work, or after I leave. Whichever you like and you can decide each day. The point is, that all I'll be seeing in the morning is Ginny for the next few weeks while we really get into this. We'll arrange some Virginia time after we get this routine settled."

Another pause. Bark!

"Good girl. Then you'll do another hour sometime in the evening. Another shower. Doing the bills. And visiting with me. Exceptions to all of this to keep up your social contacts and go shopping or whatever. Though I'll be doing most of the shopping since you're a puppy."


"Good. Now go play for a while before bed time. I have a little work to do."

So I scampered off into the living room, sought out one of my tennis balls, and started playing with it up and down the hall. Katy came into the living room and set up her laptop on the coffee table and started to work. Watching me for a minute from time to time.

I tired myself out pretty thoroughly, so I went back into the living room and laid on the carpet near Katy, chewing on my ball and hoping she'd pat me. She did, briefly, occasionally. It was enough. I wasn't really horny, though I wouldn't have objected to some playing along those lines either. But I couldn't find a position to lay in where she could pat me and play with my pussy at the same time. And I really wanted the patting more.

I felt a light swat to my behind and looked up to see Katy packing up her laptop.

I jumped up and started jumping around her. "Go wait by the door."

I did and a minute later she came in and put her laptop bag on the island, got my leash, and we went out to do my business for the evening. When we returned she hung up my leash, went around to lock up, then went upstairs with me following right along behind.

I was not surprised when she ruffled my hair and directed me into the cage, latching it after I was in. "Bark if you need to go out. And you can play with your toys if you like, but don't be too loud. I have to work tomorrow."

With that she stripped and climbed into bed. The lights were out seconds later. I picked a chew toy, one that didn't squeak, and settled down to the quiet of the night. It had been a full day and I was soon fast asleep. Dreaming of chasing cats and rabbits around the woods out back.

Monday, April 23, 2012, Routines

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I woke the next morning to the edge of dawn and with a mild need to pee and feeling slightly horny. But otherwise not uncomfortable. The pad on the cage floor was decent. A few kinks to work out, so I stretched within the confines of my cage. I decided not to wake Katy. I could not see the clock on my desk, she'd arranged it so I couldn't. Slightly horny. I eyed the dildo in my toys and thought about it, but decided not to do that either.

I was wondering about that the morning would bring. She said I could do my human maintenance before she got up or after she left. I couldn't get out of the cage. Or could I? Since Virginia would be doing the work out and chores, she could certainly open the cage. Then what? Get back in and close it again? I suppose that would work. I'd about decided to do that when I heard Katy's cell phone beep. The alarm. She rolled over and came to her feet. Nude, of course. Hair in a mess, of course.

She said, "Good morning, Ginny. Can you wait a few minutes to go out?"


"Great, I'll be right back."

She went into my bathroom and shortly I heard the shower running. And she was right back. Maybe fifteen minutes, drying her hair with a towel. The left the room and came back dressed in her usual work day outfit. Sneakers, jeans, t-shirt and with her hair in a loose pony tail. She came over, opened my cage, and encouraged me to come out, stroking my hair as she did so.

She walked me in the back yard on my leash. I did what I had to do. She cleaned and reinserted my tail, but did not clean up my mess. "Remember to do this during your morning chores, Virginia."

I was stuck for a moment between saying, "Yes, Ma'am" and barking, but since she was really talking to the subdued part of me at that point, I barked.

"Good girl."

We returned to the house. Breakfast was simple but filling. I drank some water then sat by her watching her. Eventually moving closer, putting my arms on her thigh and resting my head on them. Neither of us knew it then, but this was to become our most common pose during meals and, often, when she worked at the kitchen table as well.

She finished, then glanced up at the clock.

"I have to get going, back up to your cage."

I must have looked surprised an disappointed, but she just smiled and gave me a little bat on the nose.

"Don't be a naughty puppy."

So I ran up the stair ahead of her. The door was open, so I went directly into the cage then sat looking up at her.

"You're still not house broken, so you have to stay in here today. But, I told them at work that I'm taking care of a puppy and have to come home during the day to take care of her. So, you be good and I'll be home in time to take you out."

Well, that settled one thing, but...

"And you have to do your exercises and chores. So, once I'm gone, let Virginia come out. She can open the door," she tapped the latch to emphasize, "and go do what she has to then get back in here and lock it up again. Right?"

And that settled the other. Bark.

"Good girl." she put her fingers through the bars. I licked them and she scratched my nose and chin.

I waited for her to leave, then did as she said. When I stood up things looked odd. I hadn't been standing since I was in the locker room at the play date. I took off my collar and took out my tail, setting them in the bathroom for later.

I ran in place for a few seconds then decided to get the chores done first. I got the clean up kit and went outside to clean up after Ginny. A weird mixture of a disgusting chore and a humiliating memory.

The rest was my usual routine. Tread mill, weight lifting, push ups, pull ups, sit ups and so on, then a long shower. I was about to trim my bush when I decided I'd like it a bit furrier than I usually kept it. So I didn't shave my labia. It should look nice when I'm on all fours. But did to everything else I usually did, including my ass. I was at the mirror styling my hair and looking from my hair to my face to my tail and collar. How did I get here? And how wonderful it was. I was smiling at myself like a total idiot. So lucky.