Ginny's Last Auction


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"What's all this?" Ginny asked.

Mike handed Ginny an envelope which she opened and read. It was done at last. Mike was now a tenured professor of European History. Ginny smiled and kissed Mike. "Does this mean I have to call you Doctor?"

"No, Master will do." Ginny and Mike both laughed.

Two hours later, the phone rang. Jonathan was calling to let them know that the party for Michelle would be in two weeks. Ginny was looking forward to seeing Michelle. Ginny met Michelle the first time that Ginny was auctioned as a sex slave. Jonathan also said that Michelle was looking forward to the game because she had a scenario she wanted to do.

The next day, Ginny told Mike about the delivery girl. Mike was curious about why the girl was so intrigued by Ginny. "You should invite her over or better, maybe she would go on a nude adventure with you."

Ginny thought about the idea of Becky being involved in something with Ginny and told Mike she would see if she would be interested in doing something that involved Becky being nude.

The next Monday, Ginny called the deli where Becky worked and spoke to her about doing something in the nude. Becky was very excited about the offer and after Ginny explained that her husband would come up with a nude challenge for them, she accepted. Ginny told her to call her at home Wednesday night. Becky agreed and now it was up to Mike to create something new for Ginny and Becky to do.

Becky called Wednesday night and Ginny told her that her husband was working on something for them to do. Becky knew that Ginny was submissive and she asked if she was expected to be submissive as well. Ginny told her that she could but only if she wanted to.

"What if your husband wants to fuck me?" Becky asked.

Ginny laughed, "I have watched him do more than that. It won't bother me a bit but if it will bother you, he won't."

"I am turned on by the idea of submitting so any experience would be good, I think."

Ginny told her to be at their house by 8:00 Saturday night.

When their doorbell rang a little before 8:00 on Saturday night, Ginny answered. When Ginny opened the door, Becky could see that Ginny was nude.

"You know, I don't think I have ever seen you with clothes on," Becky said.

"And I think I am going to see you naked for the first time. Come in."

Ginny introduced Becky to Mike.

"Ginny told me that you were very interested in her nude at work days and that she is very submissive. But, what about you?" Mike asked. "Please, you're a friend so don't be bashful about sharing."

"I haven't ever been naked at work but I have been sexually active for a few years. I had a boyfriend who like to spank me but we never did anything beyond me going over his lap. But, I really would like to try more and seeing Ginny with a butt plug really got me curious."

"Becky," Mike said, "why don't you stand up and strip."

There was a bit of hesitancy in Becky. But she took of her shoes, stood up and began to unbutton her jeans and slipped them down her long legs and off. Her top was next and she pulled it over head and dropped it on top of her jeans. Her bra came off next.

"I never realized how lovely your tits are," said Ginny.

"Glad you like them," Becky said as she hooked her thumbs inside her thong panties and pushed them down her legs.

"Very nice," said Mike as he looked at Becky's full breasts and the little landing strip above her very pronounced slit.

Ginny came next to Becky and hugged her.

"Ginny, sit on the chair. Becky put your hands behind your head and spread your legs." Mike walked around Becky and said to Ginny, "you were right. She is very lovely." Mike patted Becky's ass. "Let's see what kind of submissive she is. Ginny, legs over the arms of your chair. Becky, on your knees and crawl over to Ginny. Have you ever eaten pussy, Becky?"


"You're about to do it again while I spank your ass."

Mike had Becky crawl towards Ginny. Ginny had spread her legs over the arms of the chair and as Becky got close she gave her a reassuring little smile. Mike was behind Becky as he delivered the first spank. It wasn't particularly hard but it propelled Becky forward until her mouth was inches from Ginny's pussy. As the second spank landed, Becky began to lick Ginny's slit.

As Becky licked at Ginny's slit, Mike had picked up a paddle and began to apply swats to Becky's ass.

Splat! Splat! Splat!

Each swat of the paddle forced Becky's face into Ginny's pussy. Ginny grabbed the back of Becky's head as she neared her orgasm. Mike continued the paddling as Becky was moving her ass side to side to alleviate the discomfort.

Mike delivered two very hard swats and Ginny lurched forward as she came, holding Becky's head as she did. Mike put the paddle down and and began to rub Becky's ass. He slowly moved his hand to Becky's slit and found that it was very wet.

"Very good. Now, I want you to switch places."

Ginny got off the chair and Becky sat down. Ginny took each of Becky's ankles and moved her legs over the arms of the chair. Ginny put her head down and began to lick Becky, who was moaning in no time. Mike was partaking in his favorite hobby, spanking Ginny's ass, as she licked and sucked on Becky's clit. Becky came with a loud "ahhh" and Ginny lapped up all of Becky's juices.

Mike watched as Ginny finished and began to take off his clothes. He ordered both women on their knees in front of him and they took turns sucking his cock, Ginny starting. When his orgasm approached, he put his cock in Becky's mouth and told her not to swallow his cum. She was to keep all the cum in her mouth. Becky did her best but some of his cum dribbled out of the corners of her mouth.

"Give it all to Ginny," Mike told her.

Becky leaned toward Ginny who had opened her mouth and waited for Becky to let the cum out of her mouth into hers. When this was done, Ginny licked the remainder off of Becky's face until it was gone.

Mike asked Becky to stand up and bend over.

"Good. Still red. I am sure if someone saw you right now, they would know you've been spanked.

They rested a few moments and Mike, at Becky's insistence, told as much about Ginny's experiences as he could remember. Ginny filled in the gaps in Mike's story.

"That brings us to now. We have tried to increase the intensity of Ginny's submissiveness and her excitement at exhibitionism. You've seen some of that when you saw Ginny nude in her office. Tonight will be a different challenge."

Ginny and Becky looked at each other. Becky looked at Ginny, but Ginny gave a shrug of her shoulders indicating she had no idea what was coming.

"Ginny, you know where the 24 hour convenient store is?"

"It's about 4 blocks from here on the corner."

"Good. Earlier today, I stuck a piece of red paper on the back of the dumpster in the rear of the store. All you two have to do is follow the directions on the paper. Oh, and you can wear your shoes but nothing else."

Becky looked horrified. Ginny stood up and went to get her tennis shoes. After she put them on, she helped Becky stand up and told her to get her shoes on.

"It's late. There won't be many people out. Let's go."

The two women went to the front door and Mike slapped them both on the ass as they passed through the door and out of the house.

They began to walk toward the corner. "We should be ok for the first two blocks. No one really goes out at night." As she said this, Ginny recalled running into her neighbor, Jonathan, and the chain of events that nude walk had started.

To the corner and across the street. No one saw them. Keeping in the grass as they passed houses, they stayed by the sidewalk unless they saw lights on in the house. They were ready to cross the street to the third block when they saw cars coming. They ducked down by a bush but the cars passed without noticing them.

They were at the last block. Becky said to Ginny that she never thought she would ever do something like this. She then told Ginny that she was as wet as she was when Ginny ate her pussy earlier in the evening. Ginny smiled at Becky and told her she loved doing it.

Waiting for no signs of cars or people, they made their way toward the alley that ran behind the little strip mall where the convenient store was located. Making their way down the alley they saw the dumpster but they had to feel behind the dumpster to find the red paper. Becky found it and they held the paper up to try to read the instructions. The paper's message was "Ring the bell."

Ginny and Becky looked at each other. Becky said that they should just leave. Ginny told Becky that if they did, Mike's punishment would be far worse than what will happen if we ring the bell. Ginny reached for the bell and pressed the button.

A few moments later, a young man opened the door and smiled. "Who is Ginny?" He was leering at both nude women when Ginny raised her hand. The young man, who Ginny thought was in his early twenties, handed her a note. Ginny read the note as the young man smiled at the two naked women.

The note said that the two were to do exactly as the clerk said.

"I have your phone," he said to Ginny. "I am supposed to take a picture of the two of you then give you the phone."

"What do you want us to do?" Becky asked.

"Oh, that's easy. Just squat down, spread your legs and pee."

"That's all?" Ginny asked him.

"That's all. Of course, a blow job wouldn't be bad. But, you have to piss."

Ginny looked at Becky and squatted down. She let out a stream as the man took a picture. It was Becky's turn and she did as instructed.

"Wow! You pissed more than she did so you get to blow me." He unzipped his fly and Becky began to suck his cock. Either Becky was an accomplished cock sucker or the clerk was very horny because he came quickly; Becky swallowing all his cum.

He handed Ginny her phone said thanks and went back into the store.

"We better get back," Ginny said.

"Oh, I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I did that," Becky kept repeating. They were a block away from the store when Ginny noticed that they were being followed.

Darting behind trees or parked cars whenever a car paced and the solitary figure following them was getting closer. They were two blocks from Ginny's house when a voice called, "Excuse me."

Ginny turned as Becky threw her hands and arms over her pussy and tits.

"I would uncover myself, miss, unless that very nice ass of yours wishes to be spanked."

Ginny smiled and turned to Becky, and said, "It's Jonathan. He's a friend." Becky put her hands by her side.

"I will escort you ladies home. Who are you?"

Ginny introduced Becky to Jonathan and explained how they met and what had happened tonight. Jonathan left them when they got to the corner of Ginny and Mike's block saying that he hoped one day to spank Becky's wonderful looking ass.

Not hiding, the two walked home, although they were not seen.

When they got inside, Ginny said, "That was set up, wasn't it?"

"Just a little." Mike laughed.

They sat in the living room and Mike made Becky sit in the chair and drape her legs over the arms. He asked her how she felt about the events of the evening. Becky admitted that she was scared during the walk and couldn't believe she could pee like that in front of someone. The blow job was humiliating but she said she was turned on by it.

Mike asked Becky if she wanted to stay the night. But, she had to work the next day so she had to get going.

"That was fun. I hope she can get together with us again." Ginny said.

The next morning, the phone rang and it was Becky. She was calling to thank Ginny and Mike for last night and hoped they could do it again. Ginny told her that Mike and herself hoped that would happen soon.

"So, Professor, what's the plan for today?"

But before Mike could answer, the phone rang. Mike answered it. He talked for a few minutes and then Mike handed the phone to Ginny. It was Michelle. Ginny and her talked for a long while.

When she hung up, Mike asked what was up.

"Michelle wants to come over. Do you mind, honey?"

"Not at all. It will be good to see her."

"You mean see her naked."

"One can always hope," Mike said.

The doorbell rang a couple of hours later. Ginny opened the door and Michelle was smiling at her. The two hugged and Ginny felt Michelle's lips on hers. Ginny found the kiss pleasant and returned the gesture by gently putting her tongue in Michelle's mouth. Despite the fourteen year age difference, the two felt like they were sisters.

Forgetting that they were embracing in the doorway and that Ginny was nude, the pair giggled when they realized that anyone passing by could see them. Ginny and Michelle walked to the living room and Mike hugged and kissed Michelle. Michelle looked at Ginny and started to undress.

"Is it alright with you if I am naked like Ginny?"

"Can't you tell by the grin on Mike's face that it's ok?" Ginny said.

When she was naked she sat next to Ginny on the sofa.

"So," Ginny began, "tell us everything."

"Ok, but you first."

Ginny, with help from Mike, told Michelle of all her experiences in Japan and since her return, including working nude and the exhibitionism.

"The working nude sounds really incredible. Do you think you will ever do that every day?"

"Oh, I don't know. I have thought about it. But, enough about me, what's going on? We want every juicy detail."

Mike had gotten drinks for everyone and Michelle began to tell them about her experiences in London.

"At first, I was so busy getting into my flat and getting classes started that I didn't think about my submissiveness, other than going nude in my little place. But after I got into routines, I found myself missing the club activities and the spankings I got at home. I surfed the net and one night after about four weeks there, I found a site which catered to Dominant and Submissive fantasies. It wasn't a club or anything, just a group of like minded people. I sent off for an application and got one by return e-mail. The form asked all the usual stuff; history, experience and fantasies. I filled it out and returned the form."

"Did you have to give your name?" Mike asked.

"Not at first. I was contacted by a couple who were, I guessed at the time, the managers of the group. They rented dungeon space for their "get togethers" as they called it. I went a couple of times and ended up getting spanked once and servicing one of the woman there. It really wasn't what I wanted. But, I did meet a guy, a year older than me who asked me out for a drink after one of the get togethers. He was really sweet and, well, a relationship started. Been together ever since."

"A dominant man in your life, huh. That's great." Ginny said.

"No, not exactly. Alan is submissive and, like me, he can be submissive to men or women."

"Interesting," Mike said, "have you been submissive together?"

"No. We have been in scenes where we were both submissive with other people. Alan knew different clubs and we began going together. One club was really great and that's where we would go. So every two weeks we would come back to my place or his with really red asses. We would make absolutely wonderful love if we weren't too sore from being fucked at the club."

"So, when do we meet him?" Ginny said.

"He is flying over tomorrow and will be here for the welcome home party."

"Great! Can't wait to meet him. Have to find him a Dom to play with." Ginny said.

"I was thinking about my mother. She's dominant and she could do it, if it wasn't so kinky."

"Or," Ginny said, "I am inviting a friend to the party who likes to dominate males. What do you think?"

"That would be great. Tell me about her."

Ginny told Michelle about Barbara. Michelle thought that would be good because she wanted her mother to do something else at the Welcome Home party. When Ginny asked what she wanted her mother to do, Michelle hesitated because she hadn't worked out all the details but she said it was her biggest fantasy.

The three continued to talk for a while until Mike said, "I think it's time to punish Michelle for being so naughty away from home."

"Yes, please," said Michelle and she dropped to her knees in front of Mike and put her hands behind her head.

Mike got up and took a short whip from a drawer. Pushing Michelle forward so that her head rested on the floor, He struck her upraised bottom ten times in rapid strokes. "This won't do. Ginny, lay in front of Michelle. If she missed you as much as I think she did, she should give you her best pussy eating. Michelle, did you eat pussy in London?"


"Did you suck cock?"


Michelle was now licking Ginny's slit as Mike continued to apply strokes to Michelle's red bottom. Stopping, Mike watched Michelle lick his wife and listened as Ginny began to moan.

"Did you get fucked in the ass in London?"

When Michelle didn't answer, Mike brought the whip down on Michelle's ass.

"Ahhh! Yes, I was fucked in the ass!" Michelle yelled.

Ginny was now cumming and held Michelle's head as she ground her hips into Michelle's mouth. Michelle was licking Ginny's wetness from the inside of her thighs and slowly ran her tongue along the outer lips of Ginny's pussy. Ginny gasped from the attention that Michelle was paying to her pussy.

Mike was rubbing Michelle's ass as she finished licking Ginny. "I think I would like the same attention, Michelle." Mike stripped and sat on the couch as Michelle took him in her mouth.

Ginny was next to Michelle and she opened her mouth to take Mike's cock when Michelle offered it . They continued to share Mike's cock until his orgasm was close.

"I am going to cum on Michelle's face. Ginny, you lick it up."

Mike shot onto Michelle's face, covering her eyes, cheeks and nose with his cum. Ginny dutifully licked her face clean swallowing all of Mike's cum from Michelle's face.

"Now, Michelle hasn't cum yet. Poor baby," said Mike. "Play with your pussy while Ginny and I watch." Michelle did as she was told and came with four fingers in her pussy. Ginny rubbing her thighs as she came.

Mike left the room and Michelle, catching her breath looked at Ginny and said, "I want to ask you to do something extremely kinky and I hope you will agree. When can we talk?"

"Can you come to my office for lunch on Monday?"

"Sure, I'll bring lunch. Will you be nude?"

"Yes," said Ginny.


Part Two of Ginny's Last Auction will appear in the Incest/Taboo section of Literotica when completed.

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Horseman68Horseman68over 6 years ago
Good Story Going Down Hill.

This story started out with some very good scenes. Since then it has been gradually going downhill as far as the activities. Moreover, it now just describes the activities with very little about the feelings of the people as things happen or are done to them. And! Why they are having such a convoluted game show scenario is beyond dumb. Something as simple as a wheel with designated activities/scenes to spin and a bowl to pick names to do them is so simple. Duh.

divergurldivergurlover 6 years ago
Dear pathetic

Have you not read all the stories about her? That is what this is about? Yes white wimen are imported to Japan for sex. And public nudity is. It illegal everywhere and is only a misdeamor anyway. People pee suck cock fuck and more in public everyday. Why read erotica if you're such a prude. This story is mild and 100% consensual

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

First story was OK, just OK. After that descended until this one. Having people perform illegal acts in public isn't erotica. It's stupid. In this story it isn't humiliation. It's public nudity, against the law and common decency.

No one is importing an American to Japan for sexual. Lots of round eyes there.2FC

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Mixed feelings. I like that it is very obviously consensual. If fact, I don't know why you had her use the term 'forced nudity.' No force here, can't keep clothes on this woman. I liked there wasn't a concerted effort to force extreme humiliation on any of the women, only what the scene itself creates. Well, except maybe the pee thing. I choose to think Jonathan was following them for safety on that last walk. It wasn't made clear if it was safety or more for his jollies. Everyone is very cavalier about safety. The men being so far away on the pond walk as a case in point. Too far away to prevent something bad from at least starting. I know, fantasy blah blah, but these things do lessen a story for me. Also, everybody they meet is into kink. Come on, really? The story doesn't need a mob of Puritans storming the doors, but how about at least one person who rolls their eyes and says whatever, lady.

Maybe LIVE PD could roll up on one of these walks. THAT would be entertaining.

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