Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 20


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"Hey now, I appreciate the concern," Emma laughed. "But you don't have to worry about us. What's the worst that she can do?"

"Emma?" chimed Sam.

"Yeah, boy?"

"Can I go play with those dogs over there?"

"Sorry boy, I can't let you off the leash. Maybe later."

"Aw," she sulked, "okay." she continued to stare at the dogs, but the look of excitement on her face just a moment ago was now tinged with a sense of forlornness.

"I'm sorry," Emma said, turning back to me. "I laughed, but this whole situation must be really hard on you."

"I- yeah," I frowned "I barely slept last night. I'm sorry to pile all this on you, but I just... I need to talk to someone. You know? I'm sure you probably think I'm going crazy or something... maybe I am. I don't know."

"Look, whether I believe it or not, its obviously had an impact on you"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, for starters, when I got here you didn't even seem to notice the squad of hotties over there playing full-contact frisbee golf."

I turned to look. Damn, she was right. I'd been so caught up in everything that I'd completely missed that.

"Come on," she said, standing. "Let's go to that coffee shop. They have cute waiters and I've always found that most of life's problems seem easier when taken alongside coffee and sex."

I laughed and forced a smile as I stood up to follow.

"So, are you sure this is something you don't want to go to the hospital about?" Emma asked as we left the park. You could tell she'd been trying to think of a diplomatic way of saying it. "You sound like you might be legitimately in need of medical condition. Are you sure you didn't hit your head or something?"

"No!" I cried. "They'd for sure think I was crazy. I mean, even you think I'm crazy and you're on my side about all this. Hell, even I think I'm crazy." I sighed in frustration. "But I'm not crazy! I remember being smart, being top of my class! I remember graduating high school..." I furrowed my brow "I mean, I don't remember the specific details of it, but I remember that it was a thing I had done. How could I be a college student otherwise, right? The details just don't add up."

"Well, when you put it like that," Emma frowned, "you're right. You do sound crazy. Well, perhaps not crazy, but confused. Delusional. Are you absolutely sure you didn't bang your head or anything? Like, Irrefutably so?"

"Irre- what?"

"Like, your sure?"

"Yes! Look, it's not just that I'm remembering things weirdly, there's other proof! Like, like, right now I have a high school diploma on my wall with someone else's name. Why would I have someone else's diploma on my wall?"

"Wait, did you steal someone's diploma?"

"It's my diploma!" I cried, "I worked hard for it!" I sighed "I... I think I worked hard for it at least... I can only imagine. But now its like none of that ever happened. I can't think good, I can't read good, hell I can't even use big words when I'm talking. It's awful!"

"Look, Slut, I've only known you for like, a week, but I assure you, that's how you've always talked."

"What? No. I used to use big words all the time. I distinctly remember I was... that I was all... that I spoke good!"

"Slut, listen," she put her hand on my shoulder "if you want to improve yourself, if you want to become a better speaker or study more, that's fine by me. It's great, in fact, but you don't have to pretend that you used to be anything other than what you are."

"I'm not pretending!" tears welled in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm just saying... you're my friend." she smiled at me. "I like you the way you are. I hate to see you beat yourself up like this."

"I... I thank you for that, Emma, but I'm not..." I sighed. "I just want things to go back to normal."

We stopped outside of a quiet little coffee shop which bore the rather ignominious name of Flick's Beans. Like all colleges everywhere, there was a glut of cute little coffee shops in the areas around campus. Honestly? This one didn't really seem to stand out. I think I must have walked past it a dozen times without giving it a second glance.

"This is the place. Here, I've just got to tie Sam up outside and we can go in."

"Stay!" she said, tying Sam's leash around a pole nearby.

"Sure thing." Sam said, taking a seat on the bench outside. It was unfortunately not quite as close to the pole as it could have been, so the lead was a little tight. Sam had to sort of lean into it a bit to make it work.

I took a sip of my coffee. Emma was right, it was good. Ooh, I had needed this.

The staff was exactly as advertised as well: sexy as hell. The two of us had tag-team flirted with the tight little redheaded girl who had taken our order. She got all flush and flustered and was just the cutest damn thing. I was currently eyeballing her hair chest, but my gaze kept drifting to the hunky barrister in the tight jeans. He looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. Regardless, his tits were straining tight against the shirt of his uniform and he had an ass that was absolutely out of this world. I wondered if he had a big dick. Maybe I could convince him to step away and take his break?

"Feeling any better?" asked Emma.

"Maybe a little?" I sighed. "This is... it's nice. Normal. Between you being so kind about everything and the coffee and just doing something so... so everyday as flirting with a cute girl. It's like, yeah, it helps. It's peaceful."

"I'm glad I could help." Emma smiled.

"Don't get me wrong, my brain still feels like it has a hole in it, but all the panic and the uh, the worrying is on pause. For now, at least. It's like... I think whatever is going on, panicking isn't going to solve it, you know? I'm sick of panicking. I'm going to face this thing head on and not let it ruin my life!"

"Look, I'll tell you what. I've got no classes today. How about I look into this for you? Maybe see if I can't help you get to the bottom of it?"

"Wait, does that mean you believe me?"

"Well, I wouldn't go that far. But I want to help."

"You'd really do that for me?"

"I - yeah. Of course. What kind of a question is that?"

"Thank you. I..." I was tearing up again. "I don't know how good I'd be able to research stuff right now - I feel like I can hardly read."

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Nothing wrong with that."

"No! There is something wrong with that! It's awful. I hate it!"

Emma frowned.

"I- I don't know how I'm going to get through class today." I continued.

"You'll just have to try your best I guess, right?"

"Yeah, but... I don't remember ever having set foot in a college classroom. I don't know what to expect."

"Well, I mean, you haven't ever set foot in a college classroom. It's no big deal."

"What!?" I blushed as I realized I'd set it a little too loudly. "I thought you said I'm a student here."

"Yeah, of course you are." She seemed surprised by my outburst.

"But I've never been in any classes?"

"That's my understanding, yeah."

"How does that make any sense!?"

"Well, you said yourself, can you remember ever being in a class?"

"N-no." I blushed again as I looked down at my cup.

"Well there you go."

"Wait, so if I go to class are people going to act weird about it?"

"Why would they?"

"How does that even begin to make sense?" I growled in frustration.

"How does it not?"

I sighed and took a deep breath, inhaling deep the scent of coffee before I downed the last of the cup.

Emma just smiled at me patiently.

"Okay. whatever." I shook my head. "Regardless, I do plan to go to class today, despite all my worries. It's going to be hell, I'm sure, but I'm going to do it and I'm not going to let this beat me. I'm still smart, even if I can't think good. You'll see!"

"See?" Emma laughed. "That's the spirit."

I stuck out my tongue at her.

"I'll do what I can to look into it and call you if I find anything. And don't worry. I'll keep away from Elizabeth."

"Thank you, Emma." I said, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm glad I have you as a friend."

"Any time." She laughed again. "Now come on, we should probably get going. You seem to be doing much better, and I don't like the idea of leaving Sam tied up outside for too long"

"Aw, you two are so cute."

"Thanks." she grinned. "He's a big sweetheart, isn't he?"

I breathed a sigh of relief as we stepped back out into the warm air. Sure, everything still sucked, but who knows? Maybe Emma would be able to find something. It was good to have friends.

I was anxious the entire walk home. I was convinced I was going to arrive just in time to bump right into Elizabeth. I couldn't avoid it though, I couldn't go a whole day without my phone and if I was going to tackle classes I would need my bag, right? I just had to be there when Elizabeth was not. I just had to play it safe.

I doubled around the back of the building as I approached so that I could see if Elizabeth's car was in the lot as I approached. It wasn't, so that was a good sign. I felt like a spy or something as I worked my way up towards my unit, peering carefully around corners, constantly on alert for enemy activity.

There was no sign of her, but there was a note on my door: Call me.

I shuddered and crumbled it up as I unlocked the door and pushed my way in. Nothing seemed to have been disturbed. I sighed in relief. She must have realized I wasn't here and left.

I didn't have time to worry about this. Now that the coast was clear, I had to get ready for class. I started packing, unsure exactly what one brings to a classroom. Did I need to bring an apple for the professor? I remember seeing something like that on tv once. I'd need to stop by the little corner store and pick one up on my way. I wondered if he'd be hot.

I almost decided to not bring my dildoes, but, well, if I wasn't going to let this beat me, that was the first thing I'd need. A girl should never go out without a dick in her pocket. That said, today was definitely a no-plug kind of day. I know it was bad to of me - I needed to keep training if I was going to reach my plugging goals - but today I really needed to concentrate.

Honestly, I wasn't even sure what classes I even had. I had to check the school's website just to figure out my schedule. To my surprise I was apparently a chem major and I was enrolled in several classes that reflected this, but there were no clues about how that could happen if I hadn't completed any of the prerequisite classes. When I asked the system for my grades for the previous years it just turned up a blank.

Walking across campus was surreal. I knew my way around well enough, and I could remember walking up to classrooms in the past, but it was like all of a sudden, I had never been in any of them. I couldn't for the life of me even recall what they looked like. It was just more holes in my memory to stew over.

I arrived just on time to my first lecture - it was some sort of chemical theory class or something. I was shocked when I stepped inside. This wasn't what I was expecting at all. I was thinking of a room like my elementary school class, but this was set up more like an enormous theater packed with students. I was about to put the apple on the desk at the front when I noticed that no one else had done so. Maybe I was wrong about that? I sheepishly veered off and took a seat somewhere in the back, silently praying I wasn't taking someone else's spot. I was terrified I was going to make some kind of huge faux-pas and that everyone was going to laugh at me.

At least it wasn't all bad. There were a lot of cute boys here. One, in fact, gave me a great big smile as he sat next to me. I bit my lip. I found I kept glancing over at him as I tried to follow suit with what everyone else was doing and set up my laptop. I was considering striking up a conversation, maybe seeing if I could get his help, but that's when the professor walked in. He was not hot.

What followed was the most disastrous two hours of my entire academic career. No sooner had the professor begun than I had gotten completely, hopelessly lost. I tried my best to write down everything he said, but he kept using all these big words that I couldn't even come close to spelling. Honestly, I felt like he had to be making at least half of those words up, but no one else in the class seemed to bat an eye at it. In fact, everyone else was hardly even taking notes. I almost wept when he switched over - right in the middle of a tricky sentence I was trying to write out - to a series of complicated diagrams and equations.

Was this... was this all stuff I had known? It must have been. But that idea sounded so foreign. These teachings were so arcane and impenetrable that an understanding of them seemed impossible. How could I have known any of this? How could I have forgotten it if I did?

I struggled to stay focused, to keep what was being said in my brain, but it was no use.

It probably didn't help that that cute boy next to me kept glancing over at my tits. Fuck, he was so into me it hurt. I could feel his heart pounding. It was okay - the feeling was mutual. I just wanted to crawl under the desk, forget all this science nonsense and let his big fat cock fuck my needy little throat until I choked out an orgasm.

No. I shook my head. I needed to focus.

But, hmm... maybe a hand job? No, then how was I going to take notes? And a foot job would be tricky at this angle. I let out a horny whimper. I would just need to wait until after class, I supposed, then I could drag him away to one of the bathroom stalls and just have him fuck my brains out. Until then, well, I was trying to use my brains for something else.

Not that I was able to put them to much use. I don't think I retained a single thing the whole class. My notes were a disaster of messy diagrams and poorly heard sentence fragments. I had learned nothing had been too stubborn to give up

"Remember," the professor concluded, driving the nail home, "we'll be doing a unit test on all this next week."

I cradled my head in my hands. Oh my god, what was I going to do?

It was okay. I took a deep breath then let it out slowly, trying and failing to banish the panic. It was okay, I was going to get through this somehow.

Today was a light day, academically, but there would be no time for dragging my sexy classmate into a bathroom stall and having him fuck me senseless - I had forgotten that I had a chem lab right after the lecture, and then once that was done I was... well, not home free, but I'd have some time to think. I'd need to figure something out.

As it turned out, my sexy classmate just so happened to be my partner for the chem lab. Brandon, his name was. That probably explained why he'd sat down next to me, actually. I hoped he hadn't thought I'd been ignoring him or something.

The lab, as you can imagine, was a complete disaster. I kept fucking everything up and couldn't even remember, much less follow, basic lab protocols. Brandon had to hold my hand the whole way and just tell me what to do step by step. It was completely embarrassing, but at least it got us through the lab without too much trouble.

Honestly? It was weirdly hot. I'm not used to finding guys who are smarter than me, but the fact that he knew exactly what to do and I didn't, made him seem so... I don't know... confident and in-control? It took all my willpower to not jump his bone right there in the lab.

In the end, we were so far behind that we had to stay after everyone else had left just to finish things up. He was trying to explain to me what was going on in the experiment as we started the final phase, but I couldn't understand half of what he was saying. My mind kept drifting, either to his crotch or to the cute girls who had evidently decided they were going to do yoga on the front lawn.

"Here, you try." he said, thrusting a glass tube into my hands.

"Oh, uh, are you sure?" I blinked up at him.

"Of course. Come on, let's finish this up and get out of here. As much as I enjoy spending time with you, I've got a buttload of homework to get done."

"Oh, yeah?" I shuddered at the idea of trying to do homework in the state I was in now.

"Yeah, it's awful." he sighed. "It's like, it's so obvious that the professors don't coordinate about how much homework they give, so they have absolutely no idea what sort of workload we're under. Like just yesterday, my literature professor gave us an assignment to go out and suck as many dicks as we can. It's like, okay, fine, I get where he's coming from, but honestly, who has the time for that?"

"Oh my god, yeah that does sound rough."

"So of course, tonight I'm going to have to try to go out and suck a whole weeks worth of dicks all at once and hope that that'll be enough, but if that doesn't work I'll probably have to spend my entire Saturday blowing guys just to be able to keep up."

"Aww, that totally sucks. I wish I could help you out with that, but I don't really know anything about literature." I glanced outside as I sighed. "Honestly, at this point I feel like I don't really know anything about - oh my god!"

"What?" Brandon turned to look.

There, making her way across the lawn towards the front door of the building was Elizabeth.

How had she found me? Did she just have my schedule memorized or something? Did she know I'd be finishing up and had come to meet me? Normally I'd find that sweet. The idea of spending some time with her after class would be enough to keep me going all day, most days. But this wasn't most days, was it? This was bad.

"I- I've got to get out of here!" I stammered.

"I know!" he laughed "That's what I'm saying. Let's hurry up and finish this up."

"No, you don't understand." I said, making for the door, "I've got to go. Now."

"But we're not done with the experiment."

I opened the door a crack and poked my head out. Shit, I was too late. The whole stupid building was one long hall with classes coming off it, and there she was standing right between me and the only exit. I pulled my head back just as she turned to look in my direction. She had been looking in on one of the other classrooms. She must not have known specifically which room I was going to be in.

Okay, okay. This was good. I couldn't run, but I had a bit of time.

I looked around the room, it was full of long tables and benches and chemical storage units, that sort of thing. I rushed over and tried to open one of the windows, but it opened at a weird angle and not nearly far enough for me to slip through. I had a brief vision of getting caught half way, tits sticking out one end and my ass the other, just free and available to anyone who happened to be walking by. Definitely not the position I wanted to get myself caught in. Well, not at the moment anyway.

Maybe I could hide in one of the storage units? But no, they were all full of stuff, and, well, I'd probably have the exact same problem. Damn my sexy hips.

"Is everything okay?" Brandon looked concerned.

"Shh!" I put a finger up to my mouth "We've got to hide! Quick!"

"Hide? From what?" he walked over to the door and was about to stick his head out to look when I grabbed him and pulled him back.


"Shhhhh!" I put a finger up to his lips. "She'll hear you."

"Who'll hear me? What's going on?"

I pulled him over and spun him around so that we were behind one of the chem tables. It went low enough that we could probably remain hidden behind it if we were low enough. I was ducked down behind it while he - unable to take the hint - was still standing there like a dope. I reached up and pulled him down to my level.

"What are you doing?"

He was having a hard time fitting behind the bench. There wasn't a ton of room, especially not for two people, and especially given how bulky and muscular he was. I tried to pull him closer, but he tripped and fell on top of me instead.