Girls' Night Out Ch. 20

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"Kylie" has some doubts.
14.2k words

Part 20 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 10/26/2022
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At the Gallery

Spring had finally come to the Cape. All the snow piles had melted, the birds were back and the mud was gone. Kylie had the front door and a few windows opened to let in the warm air and just add a freshness to the gallery. Business was starting to pick up. Some locals had stopped in to look and buy a few items. Some of the people who gave her items to sell proved that it had been a busy winter for them. Overall it looked like a good start to the season.

Cassie was coming to the end of her classes and was spending more at work. Her grades were outstanding and she had earned a scholarship for her next and hopefully final term before going on for her Master's. Kylie was excited for her even though it appeared that Cassie wasn't as happy as Kylie expected her to be.

"Hey, Cass, everything going ok?" Kylie asked as she stood next to her at the counter.

"Sure, why not?" she answered.

"I don't know. You seem a little down, that's all." Kylie put her hand on Cassie's shoulder. "If you need to talk, let me know."

Kylie sat in her office, going over the responses to the wedding invitations. So far it seemed everyone who received one was coming, even Anthony and Ginny. That was a shocker. She wasn't sure how Angie would react to that news. Angie wasn't sure they should even invite them in the first place and now they were coming. It might prove interesting. Kylie made a mental note to tell Suzi her DJ needed a tango in her playlist.

The other three sisters said they were coming, Lizzy being the last. Suzi was arranging a place for them to stay so that was taken care of. She was also setting up a time and place for all of them to meet, have dinner and talk. Even the thought of it made Kylie's stomach got into knots. Suzi told her not to worry and things would be fine. Still Kylie wasn't so sure.

She still hadn't heard anything from Angie's family. She kept trying to be positive, saying no news was good news but she knew that Angie was probably right. They weren't coming.

It made her sad. She loved Angie so much and it hurt to see Angie hurt too. No matter how many times she said it didn't matter, Kylie knew Angie was lying. The worst part was Kylie couldn't fix it. She didn't understand how her family could feel this way. All her sisters even Lizzy were at least coming. Kylie wasn't sure if they were 100% comfortable with the idea but they were coming. "Damn it, Angie's parents should come too!" Kylie said out loud, throwing the pen down.

"Hey, everything ok in there?" Cassie shouted from out in the gallery.

"Yup," Kylie called back.

"Good, I'm going to lock the front door." Cassie answered.

Cassie walked into the office and dropped into the chair. "Can I ask you a question?"

Kylie thought to herself, "Oh boy, here we go. What now?" She smiled at Cassie. "Sure go ahead."

Cassie sat up. "How long did you go with Angie before you moved in together?"

"Let's see," Kylie began, "We met 2nd semester, freshman year. We started serious dating the next year. I spent some nights at her place, she at mine. So I would say about 2 and half years till we moved in together. Senior year. Why?"

"When did you know you were serious?"

"That's a little tougher," Kylie said. "Angie got her degree and then her license. She wanted to live near Boston. I wanted to live on the Cape. So we decided to move here. I got a job at this gallery and after one year, the owner decided she wanted to sell and move away. She helped me get the loan so I bought it. So we moved here. The house is really Angie's."

"You didn't answer my question." Cassie said. "When did you know you two were serious?"

Kylie thought for a moment. To buy time, she asked, "When we knew we were in love?"

"In love? Serious? When did you know?"

"Oh my God!" Kylie thought, "What a tough question. When did they know?" She thought long and hard. Cassie drummed her fingers on the desk

"You are stalling, Kylie," Cassie said.

"I don't know. We just did," Kylie answered her. She then got up and paced a few steps. She stopped and turned towards Cassie. "That's not true. I think in the beginning we liked each other. Similar likes, ideas, and we were in the drama club. We were comfortable with each other. I think neither of us wanted to be alone when we left college and come here so we stayed together. So for almost the past 5 years we have lived together."

"So you have lived with Angie almost 6 years, right?" Cassie asked. "And marriage? Did it ever come up?"

"No, I think we just assumed someday we would," Kylie sat down again.

"Really? You never talked about it?"

"Oh I think we did. Why are you asking this?" Kyle leaned forward. "What's going on?"

Now Cassie got up and began to pace. "I'm not sure. It might just be me. I like Jamie a lot. We have great times together but it seems like he wants more. I think he is ready to settle down. He hints at things."

"Like what?" Kylie asked.

"Nothing specific, just things in the future. He uses the word 'us' a lot." Cassie stopped pacing. "I'm just not ready. He's been out on his own for a while. I'm still in college. Hell, moving in with you was my first time I've ever lived on my own."

Kylie got up and walked around the table. She took Cassie's hands. "You need to talk honestly with him. Tell him how you feel. He'll understand if he cares about you."

"You know, that's what I loved about living with you. There was this no judgment zone. When I crawled naked into bed with you, it was so relaxing and free. But not only in bed, it was everywhere. I love coming to work with you." She laughed. "Who else could make me free comfortable enough to pose nude in front of people. I miss that feeling."

Kylie hugged Cassie. "Look, you have to talk to him. If it doesn't work and you need a place to stay, your side of the bed is still empty."

Angie pulled into the driveway. She had a late showing so it dark when she arrived home. The outside light was on but it seemed no others were. That was odd as Kylie usually left the kitchen light on for her. When she got inside, she could see a light from the bedroom and Sinatra softly playing. She threw her coat over the chair and headed upstairs.

She found Kylie sitting cross-legged in the middle of bed, sipping a glass of wine. She was dressed in Cary's old football shirt. "What's up, sweetie?"

"Do you love me?" Kylie asked.

"What kind of question is that?" Angie replied in surprise.

"It is a legitimate question. Do you love me?" Kylie repeated the question.

"Look, sweetie, let me undress and get ready for bed. Then we'll talk."

Angie washed up. She felt she needed a shower but decided that it would take too long. She stripped off her clothes, put on a nightshirt, and climbed onto the bed. "Ok sweetie, what's the matter?" She took Kylie's glass and put it on the bed stand. "Talk to me." She reached out to Kylie who shook her head.

"I was talking to Cassie after work and it seems she and Jamie are having a rough patch. She asked how did we know we were in love and when did we know? I couldn't answer her. Then I got to thinking."

"I see. Go on," Angie said, encouraging her to continue.

"We have known each for over six years but have we?" Kylie continued, "The first five years were certainly different than this last one. We lived together as man and woman. I admit I wasn't much of a man. I don't think we loved one another but we continued to live together, comfortably. Now I am confused. I know I love you, deeper and stronger than I think you can ever know but do you love me? Are you sure?"

"Wow, sweetie." Angie took a deep breath. "A lot going on here. Here goes. I don't think I truly loved you before. You said it. I was comfortable with the way things were. Now you have changed in so many wonderful ways that I know for sure that I love you. I can tell you the exact moment when I realized it. On our way back from Provincetown that Sunday, we stopped for lunch. You were wearing a white summer dress and relaxing on the picnic bench. The sun was playing off your hair and you tossed your head back as you smiled. It was then that I realized that I was falling in love with you."

Kylie moved closer. "But I've changed so much. I'm not Cary any more. I'm someone completely different. We never talked about how you feel about all this."

"There is a saying I remember. I don't know where I saw it but it goes something like this; 'We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.' Sweetie, that's is you. You couldn't remain as Cary because that's not who you are. Because of that, you became who you were meant to be, Kylie. Because of that, I fell in love with the real you, not the one you thought you were or thought I wanted you to be. I love you with all my heart, sweetie, just the way you are."

Kylie looked up with tears in her eyes and smiled. "Angie, you have always been my best friend. You have always been there for me. I don't think I realized this until I started on this journey. I don't want to take another step without you by my side, forever."

Angie kissed Kylie gently and with love. There would no love-making tonight yet possibly at no other time was there as much love between the two than right now.


Next Saturday

Kylie and Cassie were sitting in the office, discussing what was going to happen today.

"Angie has set a party, girls' night out, for the old gang. We are going up to Provincetown where this all began. I know you would like to go but it is just for the original group. Sorry. " Kylie told Cassie. "They are going to pick me up around 1. So you'll be in charge here, by yourself. Most likely it will be the same Sunday. Look if you don't want to, I understand. We'll just close."

"No, I'll be fine and I totally understand," Cassie quickly answered. "Besides it will give me an excuse to get out."

"Things still not going right between you and Jamie?" Kylie said with a frown.

"We haven't talked yet. It's my fault. I haven't brought it up."

"Look, don't put it off. If it is one thing Angie and I do, is talk." Kylie answered. "Communication is key."

There was a loud knock on the door, which made them jump. "Can't they read we're closed," Kylie said angrily.

There was another loud knock. Kylie got up and walked to the office door. Leaning out she saw two men, both dressed in dark suits standing by the door. She yelled, "We're closed!"

The one man carrying a briefcase yelled back. "Miss Stevenson, please open the door. We're from Mr. Fairchild."

Kylie looked at Cassie. "What the fuck!"

She went to the door and let them in. The man with the briefcase appeared to be about 50, about middle height, and looked like lawyer. The other man was larger and younger. His black hair was slicked back and his broken nose gave him a menacing look. Kylie immediately felt uncomfortable. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, Miss Stevenson, my name is Robert Klein. Is there some place we could talk?" the first man spoke up.

Kylie walked them to the office. Cassie stood up. "I was just leaving to straighten things up."

"Don't leave, miss," the lawyer said, "We won't take up much of your time." The lawyer sat down as Kylie sat behind the desk. As she did she noticed the other gentleman standing in the doorway. His sheer size blocked it.

"Now what can I do for you, Mr. Klein?" Kylie asked.

"As I said I represent Mr. Fairchild. I believe you received an offer through his assistant to sell this gallery and join him some time back. You turned it down."

Kylie remembered the offer very well. It was more than a business deal. "Yes I did. I thought I made it clear I wasn't interested."

The lawyer smiled. "I know but Mr. Fairchild doesn't like to be turned down." He opened his briefcase. Pulling out some papers, he slid them across to Kylie. "This is another offer. I think you may find it more to your liking." He sat back.

Kylie looked up as Cassie. Cassie was biting her lip, clear sign she was nervous. Kylie was too and the goon at the door wasn't doing anything to help. Kylie looked at him.

Without smiling he said, "Real nice place you got here. Nice things too."

She casually flipped the corner of the papers. Without looking at them, she slid them back to Mr. Klein. "I'm sorry, sir, but the answer is still no. Please tell Mr. Fairchild thank you but no." She stood signaling that the meeting was over. "My assistant will see you out. Good day."

Mr. Klein grabbed the papers and stood up. Slightly flustered he said, "Mr. Fairchild doesn't like to hear no. Won't you at least look at the offer, Miss Stevenson?"

Kylie shook her head, "No sir, that's my final answer. Look I made my mind up and the answer is still no."

"People have been known to change their mind, Miss Stevenson. Please think about it."

Cassie walked them out and when she returned she found Kylie pouring herself a glass of wine. Her hands were shaking. "Jesus, Kylie, do you believe that?"

"No I only thought that happen in the movies," She handed Cassie a glass.

"You handled that real well, girl," Cassie said pouring her own glass. "I was a little nervous there, especially with that big guy. If he was here to intimidate us, he did me!"

"Me too!" Kylie downed her drink. "I don't think this is over."

Alexa drove up to the gallery. Angie told her to pick up Kylie there and then come back to the house. There the three would meet, get their things, and head out. Alexa hadn't seen Kylie in quite awhile and wondered how things were going. Angie said to be prepared when she met Kylie. "Still," Alexa thought, "How big a change can there be?"

When she entered the gallery she saw a few customers but no one really familiar. There were two women standing near the register. One had her back turned while other looked her way. They looked like they were in charge so she headed that way.

"Excuse me, do either of you know where I might find Kylie?" Alexa asked.

Kylie turned. "I'm Kylie. Can I... Alexa?"

"Kylie? Oh my God!" Alexa shrieked, "Is that you?" The few customers turned their heads and looked.

"Yes it is," Kylie said with a smile.

Alexa stepped back. "Let me take a look at you. You look," she paused, "Amazing! No, better than that!"

Kylie took Alexa by the hand. "Let's go into the office." She motioned to Cassie to watch the store.

Kylie shut the door. "It might be better in here, Alexa."

Alexa stood and stared for a few moments. "I don't believe what I'm seeing. I would have never believed this. Angie said there had been a few changes but I never pictured this. Oh my God!"

"I was going to ask you if you liked it," Kylie laughed, "But I don't think I need to now."

"Turn around," Alexa asked.

As Kylie did, Alexa sighed. "Beautiful. Padding? Fake?"

Kylie laughed again. "Nope, all me." She grabbed her boobs then slapped her ass.

"You're kidding." Alexa said taking a step closer.

"No, feel free to touch them."

Alexa did, giving Kylie's breasts a squeeze then her ass.

"See I told you. Maybe you can see them tonight!" She took Alexa by the hand. "Come on I want you meet Cassie."

On the drive back to get Angie, Alexa couldn't stop talking. "I didn't know what to expect but I didn't expect this. I was there in the beginning of all this but now? I'm a little jealous."

"Of who? Me?" Kylie asked.

"Of you and Angie," Alexa replied.


Alexa laughed. "First because Angie is marrying a beautiful woman and second you are more a woman than I am! Really!"

Kylie smiled. "Not 100% you know."

"I know and that makes it kind of hot." Alexa reached over and squeezed Kylie's knee. "Damn, even your skin feels great."

The three girls had a lot of catching up to do on the ride to Provincetown. Alexa had moved up in the lawyer's office. No longer just one of the assistants, she was the number two legal secretary in the office. She had people working under her. She had started dating one of new lawyers in the office. It was nothing serious but still it was exciting.

"It seems I moved out from you two just as it got interesting," Alexa said.

Angie glanced over her shoulder at Kylie in the back seat. "You could say that."

"So is the whole gang going to here tonight?" Alexa asked.

"Yup, Hannah, Julie, and Susan." Angie replied, "They said they wouldn't miss it in the world. Kylie, did you get any RSVPs about the wedding from them?"

"Yes, they all said yes. Sounds like they were all coming together," Kylie answered.

As the car continued up the Cape Highway, Kylie sat in the back seat, quietly looking out the window. She thought back on a similar ride she about 10 months ago. The ride itself took about an hour. The journey it started on seemed to be now measured in light years.

It started as a joke, a dare, and a challenge. If you want to go out with girls then you need to be one. Each step was a personal challenge, one that perhaps deep inside wasn't really. Angie and Alexa looked at it as a one-time fling but each step took her further down the road. Kylie remembered fighting against it but did she really fight back? She remembered on the ride home that Sunday and stopping for lunch. She sat, stretched out on the bench. The warm sun beating on her skin, the breeze caressing her, blowing lightly on her legs and up her white summer dress caused her to realize that this was whom she was. She wasn't going to turn back. There could still be pitfalls and challenges ahead but she was ready for them.

She remembered how she felt that Saturday. Nervous, not seeing how this could ever work was just part of those feelings. Today she was still nervous but it was more a nervous excitement than anything else. She was looking forward to dancing, singing, drinking some, and truly being one of the girls.

"I need to know this for tonight," Alexa said, "Which one of you is the bride?"

"Why are do you need to know that?" Angie asked.

"Well, we bought some gifts for you to open and they are usually for the bride. So which one?"

Angie glanced back at Kylie. "This is a dumb question. You know what's what here."

Alexa laughed. "I do know but Hannah, Julie, and Susan don't. See what I mean."

Kylie leaned forward, "Why can't we both be brides. Neither is wearing white."

"That's certainly true!" All three had a good laugh.

The car pulled up in front of the B&B. It was the same one they stayed at before. They could see Hannah's car parked to one side, meaning the other girls were already there. Angie had taken care of the reservations so everyone knew there would be no problems. As they walked into the rooms, their friends greeted them.

"Congratulations," the three girls shouted at once. Then there were hugs and kisses all around.

With everyone talking it was difficult to hear what everyone was saying. In the confusion, Susan pulled Kylie aside. Holding Kylie's hands, she said, "I'm so excited for you. I think this is great. It just seemed that you and Angie have something special. You know I think back to that night. I heard you two out on the balcony. That was pretty hot." With that she put a hand on Kylie's waist and kissed her on the mouth. She pushed her tongue between Kylie's lips and slipped it in. Caught off guard, Kylie did nothing to resist her. Susan stepped back. "Just as I thought, you taste good." With that she turned and walked towards the others.

Kylie stood there, a little dazed. She also had a slight smile.

Angie suggested they freshen up and then go out for dinner. Then afterwards come back and change before hitting the clubs. Everyone thought it was a good idea.

Kylie found herself alone with Angie. "Hey babe I think Susan just hit on me."

"That doesn't surprise me," Angie said combing her hair. "She heard us that night and later that morning hinted at a threesome. Never followed it up."