Girls Night Out Pt. 02

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Kate figures out what is going on.
8.7k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 02/05/2024
Created 02/22/2022
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Disclaimer: Everyone in the story is 18 years old or older at all points. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is happenstance.

Beep beep beep beep

I rolled over in bed, looking at the alarm clock that was making all the noise. It seemed like forever that the damn thing had been going off.

"Ok, I am up already," I told it, wondering why it hadn't stopped.

You have to turn it off, stupid, I thought, reaching for the infernal thing.

Much better, I thought, forcing myself to think through the fog in my head.

I woke and looked around the room.

Where am I? I wondered, looking around. Then, a few seconds later, it came back to me that I was in a hotel and had a funeral to go to today.

I tried to remember what happened yesterday. I flew to Tampa and had dinner, then arrived at the club with the girls. That's when things got fuzzy. I remembered drinking and dancing, but that was it.

I picked up my phone and went into the bathroom. I had to grab the doorframe to keep from falling as the room seemed to adjust itself.

I look like hell, I thought, looking into the mirror. I sat on the toilet and looked at my text messages. I had a few from work and a couple from Rob checking on me.

I realized I hadn't responded to any of them.

Hey Babe, texted Rob.

Immediately I got a response. Hey yourself. How are things?

Feel like shit

What's wrong? Overdue it last night?

Good question, I thought.

I only remember the couple of drinks the girls had for me when I got there last night. Shortly after that, things got fuzzy. I don't remember getting back to the room.

There was a pause in the conversation.

Are you feeling dizzy or nauseous?

Yeah, both. It feels like I have the start of the flu, achy.

It sounds like someone slipped something into your drink. Why don't you go to the hospital and get checked out?

The last text helped me focus some. With that, I realized my pussy and ass were sore. I pulled off my pajamas and saw marks all over my chest.

Son of a Bitch, I thought, shaking as I realized someone had fucked me last night.

My phone dinged, Babe?

Sorry, looking at marks someone left on me.

My phone rang, it was Rob.

"Hey," I said as I answered the phone.

"I have to drop Denna at Mom's, and then I will grab a flight. I should be there in a few hours."

"I love you," I told him, starting to cry.

"I love you too, Babe. But, hey, this isn't your fault," he tried to reassure me.

"I know, pissed that I was careless. Let me get checked out before you book a flight to Tampa, please. Who knows, I did knock back a few drinks. You know me."

Rob laughed into the phone. The sound calmed me down, and I started thinking about last night. Part of me knew that I had not had enough to drink to get me into this state.

"Let me know."

"I will. How did Denna do at Lanie's birthday party?" I wanted to change the subject.

"She had a blast. She kept talking about the donkey rides they had and how she wants one for her room."

The rest of the call was usual home stuff, filling me in on what I had missed. I was almost feeling normal when the call ended.

"Love you, Babe. Let me know what you need me to do." Rob said as we ended the call.

"I love you too. Let me get dressed and see what I can figure out,"

"Ok, take care of yourself."

"I will," I promised as I hung up the phone.

I stood there looking in the mirror at myself before taking a shower. Then, after brushing my hair out, I walked into the main room, having decided to get tested for a date rape drug. I walked over to my suitcase when the details in the room finally registered.

I wasn't alone.

I stopped, unsure what to do. Sitting in the chair by the desk was a man I didn't recognize. But, that wasn't what stopped me in my tracks. Kneeling next to him was Beca, completely nude, looking at the floor.

"What the fuck is going on, and how did you get into my room?" I asked, looking between Beca and the man.

"The first is a little longer conversation. The latter is simple, Beca took your spare room key last night when she left you here. Isn't that right, Beca?"

"Yes, sir," she answered, not looking at me.

I looked at Beca. She seemed to be trying to dig a hole in the floor to get away from the look of hurt in my eyes.

"Really, Beca?" I guess I didn't mind her having the key, not using it to bring some asshole into my room.

"I'm afraid she won't answer you unless I permit it," the man said as she stroked Beca's hair.

"Somone had better tell me what the fuck is going on, or you can answer to the cops!"

"I figured after last night we would be on better terms, but who knows, the meds might be messing with your memory. Let me show you," he said, making a motion on his phone. The TV lit up with a video of me leaning over a toilet getting fucked by the guy sitting in the chair.

"Oh fuck, right there. Oh God, I'm going to cum," the video version of me said right as she started shaking. A few minutes later, it looked like I came again as the guy sitting in the chair came inside me. There was an up-close shot of him pulling his giant dick out of my cunt, and the cum dripping out of me. The video stopped as another guy stepped up.

That explains why I am sore this morning; an idle thought floated across my mind. The more analytical part was wondering how I could get out of the room. Since the desk was by the door, it seemed unlikely I would get past the man sitting there. I considered calling Rob but held off, wanting to know what was going on.

"So you drugged me, and you and a bunch of your shithead friends raped me."

"If you listen to the video, you are begging us to fuck you. No one forced you, then or later."

He made another move on his phone, and another video started. This one was me eating some woman while Cindy was eating my pussy. Behind Cindy, Debbie, dressed like a guy, was fucking her.

While she was fucking Cindy, another woman smacked Debbie's ass with her hand.

That makes no sense. Cindy nor Debbie was bisexual. They both realized Beca, and I played for both teams and were cool with it, but it wasn't their thing.

I looked at Beca, but she still wouldn't look up.

I sat down on the bed near the wall and dropped my head in my hands, trying to get the fog to move out.

Glancing up at the guy, "So, what the fuck is going on?"

"Well, that is an exciting story. A few months ago, I had the pleasure of running into Beca here. One thing led to another, and she became a toy in my collection. "

"While I was going through her stuff, you know, cleaning out things and people she doesn't need in her life anymore, I found a photo of the four of you."

"He was petting Beca's head like a dog as he continued. "The other two were plainer than I am typically interested in, but you, my dear, were worth the effort to catch. So I decided to test Beca here to see if she could bring you in."

"While she was busy trying that, I tackled the other two. It didn't take long before they both submitted. So with you, I now have a complete set of sorority sisters," he laughed at his joke.

I could see tears rolling down Beca's cheeks as he kept talking.

"I was waiting for Beca here to get to you, but everything she tried seemed to fail. I wondered if Beca was having second thoughts about serving me. But she assured me that it was going to take more time."

That explains the constant pestering to see her I got, I thought.

His hands dropped down to her naked breasts, where he grabbed her right nipple. Then, looking at me again, he pulled up on her nipple, hard. The sudden force caused her breast to stretch.

I could tell it was hurting and could imagine how it felt. Beca knelt there, doing nothing as he twisted and pinched her nipple.

"Well, the old lady dying ended up to be the perfect catalyst to bring you in. After I found out you would be here, I told Beca to take you to my club. The rest, shall we say, is history."

"If you think those videos will get me to roll over and be some fucking pet, you don't know me very well." I pulled my phone out and dialed 911.

"911, how can I help you?" a male voice asked.

"I would like to report a rape. But, unfortunately, the guy who committed it is still sitting here," I told them, glaring at shithead.

"Can I get some more information, please? What is your name?"

"Katie Thompson," I told him.

There was a pause before the officer came back on the line.

"Let me see, oh. Katie, I know that you think you were assaulted, but you cannot accuse every guy you see. I can give you the name of a consoler if you would like to talk to someone about your problems."

"What are you talking about? The asshole that drugged me is sitting right here," I looked over at the asshole who was smiling.

"Katie, you have called six times in the last five hours reporting that the man who attacked you was in your room. As a result, we have sent many officers to your hotel. Each reported you were intoxicated. In one case, you accused one of the officers, a female, I might add, of raping you."

"Listen, you sound like a nice person, and I am sure something is going on in your life that you need help working through. Calling our limited resources to have someone to talk to isn't the way to do this. I can give you the name of someone...."

I cut him off, "I haven't called anyone, and I am telling you the guy is right here." I looked at my recent calls and saw multiple calls to 911.

"Katie, I am sorry I have other calls to take. But, if you call back again, I will be forced to send a unit to arrest you for abusing the system. I hope you understand," he said as he hung up.

I sat down heavily on the bed, my shoulders slumped. The man in the chair made no move towards me as I dialed Rob's number. The phone hung, not making the call.

I tried again, even resetting the phone with the same result.

At this point, the fog was almost gone, and I could think better. Someone must have used my phone to make the calls to the police. But, unfortunately, there was also something blocking calls to Rob or any other number I tried.

Putting all the pieces together, I looked at the guy in the chair.

"Having trouble, dear?" he asked with a smug look on his face.

"What the fuck did you do to my phone?"

"Added some software to track you as well as control what functions are allowed."

Fuck, I thought, grabbing the phone by the bed. The asshole made no attempt to stop me, so I dialed nine for the outside line and called Rob. He smiled at me as the phone rang.

Instead of Rob answering the phone, some other guy did.

"Hi Kate, how are things going today?" a male asked.

"Who are you, and here is Rob?" I demanded.

"My name is Nobody. If you want my personal opinion, I think my mom hated me, but whatcha going to do, hunh?"

"On the 'where Rob is part,' well, I can't say for sure. Maybe at home?" He chuckled and hung up the phone.

I slowly placed the phone on the cradle before looking at the guy sitting in my room.

"How?" was the only thing I could think of asking.

"Well, I own the local phone company, among other things. Hell, half the officers responding to your calls work for me. I have a few more things to show you before we get into the Why question you are going to ask."

He motioned on his phone again, and a slide show of images popped up on the screen. The first one was me taking a shower in my bathroom at home. The next was a shot of Denna's room. The next was a shot of Rob fucking me on our bed.

The next was a shot of the entry to my office building. The next one was outside of Denna's school. The last one was my mom in bed, sleeping.

I was speechless, trying to understand what he was showing me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh, you can call me Chad," he told me, still watching me.

I glanced at the door behind him.

"Pointless, you'll never make it to the elevator."

I glanced at Beca. She was still crying as she knelt next to him. "Even more pointless than trying to make a run for it."

"What do you want, asshole."

"Feisty, I like that in a slut. Well, in case you haven't figured it out, I want you, all to myself. Well, I do like to share, but I think you get where I am going. Your old life is just that. You will break off ties to everyone. My lawyers will help with the paperwork for your divorce and custody. I am afraid Rob will get everything, including your daughter."

"You are fucking insane if you think Rob or I will go along with this!"

"I will send the pictures and some video from last night to Rob, anonymously, of course. I am sure that after he sees it, he will have no trouble giving you the divorce you will be asking for. As to the child, no judge will find you a fit parent after watching the evidence produced. So it's in everyone's best interest that you walk away."

"Why the fuck do you think I will just sign your papers? Go ahead, send the pictures and video. Then, at some point, I will be able to talk to Rob, and we will work something out."

He didn't know that Rob and I had a kind of what happens while either of us is away doesn't count rule. So Rob will just want the details, and with the way things are going, he would hunt this asshole down.

"Oh, that's the best part. My suggestion, sign the paperwork. You will also need to break off all contact with Rob. Otherwise, I am afraid something bad might happen to your family. Drive-by shooting at the playground or brake failure on the family car. You never can tell about these things."

I realized he might be insane and was very dangerous. He had pictures inside my house, along with my mother's. He owned several cops, if I believe him. He also had access to tech that was blocking calls to Rob. He could see the wheels turning in my head.

"I see you are thinking through how to get out of this. I can tell you that no one ever has managed to get out, well, not on their own terms anyways. I have some other things to attend to, but I will be back over tonight after the funeral. Before I go, though, I have something for you to take care of."

He pointed at his crotch. I looked at Beca again, then back at him. Part of me was wondering if I could incapacitate him, while another part realized if I tried and failed, it might get much worse.

Not liking the options, I decided just to do what the shithead wanted. I had already fucked him once, well, at least once. I still was blank on what happened last night.

I walked over to him and dropped to my knees in front of the chair. Glancing at Beca sitting right next to me, I had to fight the urge to punch her.

"Come on slut. You gals can talk after I leave."

I undid his pants with one final glare at Beca and fished out his semi-hard cock. I put the head in my mouth and started licking it. It was more prominent in person than in the video, at almost 3 inches around and ten inches long when completely hard.

Once it was hard, I started slowly teasing him, sucking and licking before forcing more of him into my throat. I kept the same rhythm, running my hand up the shaft was I backed off until only the head was in my mouth. I followed this by sliding down the shaft, taking a little more each time. Finally, I managed to get the entire cock in my throat.

"Oh, fuck, that feels good," the asshole said, holding me against his pelvis. He kept me there for about thirty seconds before pushing me backward onto my ass on the floor.

"I want a piece of that ass before I cum," he told me, stripping off his clothes.

"Get your fucking clothes off slut," he told me as I sat there watching him.

I mumbled, "fuck you" under my breath, but I stood and stripped out of my clothes.

"I love these breasts," he said, groping me. Then, finally, he turned me around and pushed me forward onto the bed.

"Spread your fucking legs, slut. Get that ass up in the air," Chad growled at me as he kicked my feet wider and pulled back on my hips, forcing my ass upwards.

I felt his cock rub a few times against my cunt before I felt him slide inside me.

God, I am already soaked, I thought. My next thought was, Oh fuck, he feels good.

I was unable to suppress a groan as he pushed deeper. He laughed as he started fucking me. "I love breaking a slut in."

He started with long slow strokes, pulling out entirely before pushing back in slowly.

He was starting to drive me crazy with the slow stroke shit. I guess I finally had enough, "Fuck me already, asshole," I told him, refusing to use the name he gave me.

"I knew there was a slut under there somewhere," he said as he slammed his entire cock inside me.

"Fuck me," I told him as he would pull out until the head was inside before slamming in. This pace went on for several minutes before I felt him pick up his pace. I felt him swell a few seconds later before he exploded inside of me, triggering my orgasm.

I lay there as I felt him pull his semi-hard cock out of my sore cunt. "Come here slut," I heard behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see what he wanted now but realized it was Beca he was ordering around. She left her position by the chair and crawled over to him.

Without being told, she licked his softening cock before taking the entire thing in her mouth to suck clean. Next, he grabbed her hair and used her like a machine to get our combined juices off his cock and balls. When he was done abusing her, he pushed her onto the floor.

"Now, clean up the new slut," he said as he got dressed.

Beca moved behind me and started licking my ass before moving to my cunt.

"Oh fuck," I muttered as she licked up the cum from my pussy. I was still very pissed at her, but her tongue...

"I will leave you two sluts at it. Remember, I want you back here after the funeral."

I watched the door close behind Chad before I spun around and picked Beca up by her throat. I was slamming her hard into the wall, pulling my hand back to punch her, before realizing she was hanging there, crying.

"What the fuck, Beca? What did I ever do to you?" I was seething inside, wanting to break something.

"I am so sorry, Kate," she mumbled over and over. I realized then that the only thing holding her up was my hand around her throat.

I let her fall to the floor, where she curled up in a ball. It took everything I had not to kick her. I don't think I have ever been this mad.

I rolled her onto her back and sat on her chest, pinning her arms down, with her breasts against my thighs.

"What the fuck is going on, Beca!" I screamed at her. She kept crying. I grabbed her nipples and twisted and pulled them at the same time, causing her to gasp.

"What the fuck is going on!"

"He had Sophie kidnapped, Beca. And they hurt her! Chad said next time; she wouldn't be back," Beca said, sobbing.

Sophie was her younger sister who turned 18 last summer.

"What do you mean he kidnapped and hurt her?" I asked, letting her nipples go.

Beca sobbed as she answered. "He told me if I didn't follow his directions, bad things would happen to people I love. But, you know me, I don't do well with assholes telling me what to do. So I told him to go fuck himself."

She looked me in the eyes for the first time. "I was in a relationship with a smart, beautiful, compassionate woman I had met last year. I think it was really the first time I was in love with someone. Her name was Claire."

She smiled for a second before the tears started again. "I met Chad at a party about six months ago. I was out with Claire at a club in Midtown. He came up and introduced himself. He was very confident, and I guess he thought he would leave the club with me. I told him I wasn't interested and thought that was the end of it."