"Give Me The Remote" Pt. 03


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"All right, gentlemen. Swan, Soleil, stop," Hunter smiled. "Cotton Blossoms, The Captain's Table? Don't think we'll have much competition there. But, I need to get all the permits and licenses we'll need."

"So we can do it?" Soleil asked Hunter, clinging onto his arm.

"Yes, Sweetheart, you're my dancers," Hunter agreed and shook his head as he had two girls trying to kiss him.

"Now, I'm hungry; what's there to eat?" Swan declared.

""Who Flung Snot's right up the street," Patrick suggested.

"Who what?" Soleil asked.

"He means the Chinese place up the street," Buddy explained.

Kung pow chicken," Swan said.

"Uh huh," Soleil agreed.

"Hot?" Patrick asked, punching in the number for the place.

"And, uh, you two? Really? Y'all really want to dance? Show off your titties to a bunch of nasty old men?" Hunter asked.

"Uh, with my mom and Aunt Donna raising us?" Soleil asked. "What you think?"

"Really; Aunt Willow and our mom? You really shocked?" Swan asked.

"Bigger shock is how we stayed virgins this long," Soleil agreed.

"Well, I'm glad y'all waited for me," Hunter said sincerely.

"Me too," Swan said and kissed him.

"Mm hmm," Soleil agreed, leaning against him.

"So, stage over here," Buddy called out from the far end of the building. "And, champagne rooms other side. I'm telling you; knock out that wall, it'll give us plenty of room for the bar and kitchen, lots of floor space for the girls to work."

"Draw it up," Hunter agreed.

"Got our next dancer," Patrick chortled as he entered the large room, carrying the bags of take-out food.

"Yeah?" Hunter asked, retrieving clean dishes from the kitchen.

"Uh huh, said her name is Amy and she's sick of working for her cheap ass uncle and his grabby hands," Patrick smiled.

While they ate, Hunter used his phone to tally up what permits and licenses he would need. Buddy sketched out a rough idea of the main room's layout. Patrick ate heartily.

"Bitch; get your hands off that egg roll," Hunter warned Patrick.

"How old's this building?" Buddy asked.

"Think Cedric said it was built; I got the paperwork in the kitchen, but I'm pretty sure he said nineteen ninety four," Hunter said.

"Ninety four and it's, okay, so it wouldn't qualify as historic or nothing," Buddy said, continuing to sketch, eat, check his phone and sketch.

"Oh shit! You supposed call your momma," Swan suddenly said to Soleil.

"Shit! You right!" Soleil said and leapt to her feet.

"Her...momma?" Patrick asked Hunter.

"They got the same daddy, different mommas," Hunter explained, leaving out the fact that he and Swan had the same momma.

"Yes ma'am, yes, we're here. Hunter has this big old apartment; its right upstairs from the restaurant, yes ma'am," Soleil said, returning to the dining area. "Hang on; he's right here. Hunter, Momma wants talk to you."

"Hello, Aunt Willow, how are you doing?" Hunter asked.

"Oh. My. God, oh, Hunter! It is you," Willow squealed, then started to cry. "Oh, baby boy, you, you just don't know how many prayers I said for you."

"Oka, guys, listen up," Hunter said, wiping at his eyes. "Little change in plans. I need to go see my family. Y'all can either come with us or y'all can stick around here and get Hunter's Cabin ready to go."

"Nuh uh, boy," Buddy said. "You made my momma feed you for two weeks, think we letting you off that easy?"

"Yeah, time for your momma to feed us," Patrick agreed.

Swan and Soleil laughed. Hunter smiled, shaking his head.

"What? What's so funny 'bout that?" Buddy asked.

"Our mommas don't have first idea how to cook," Swan hooted.

"Yeah, it was always Hunter done all the cooking," Soleil agreed.

"We still coming," Buddy said.

Amy Chow also came with them; she was tired of the long hours and the miserable pay and far too familiar treatment from her uncle. The beautiful Asian-American girl had ankle length black hair, a sweet round face, and apple sized breasts and almost no backside.

Amy decided, while Patrick was cute, Buddy was gorgeous and she was his girl. Patrick shrugged; he couldn't fault Amy for preferring the handsome, muscular Buddy.

Fawn just about knocked Hunter over as she launched herself from the trailer into his arms. Her tears soaked into his tee shirt and Hunter realized, he had truly been selfish for not coming to see them when he'd passed through town.

"Aw, come on, T. Rex," Hunter soothed, patting the girl's back.

"Hey, butt breath," Forrest smiled, shaking Hunter's hand.

"Snake Bite! How you doing, boy, damn, look at you!" Hunter said, shaking the boy's hand. "You getting big there."

"He's here? Hunter's here?" Hunter heard from the trailer behind them.

Aunt Willow was wearing her trademark halter top and obscene Daisy Dukes as she raced out of her trailer. Hunter couldn't help but develop a bit of an erection as the woman hugged and kissed him.

Two hours later, the trailer door banged open and a surly Donna stomped into the trailer. She was followed closely by a haggard looking Donald, carrying a fussy Wisteria. Wisteria's hair and eyes were that of Soleil and Swan when they were that age. Her parentage was readily evident.

"Who's fucking car's that blocking our parking spot?" Donna snarled.

"Good to see you too, Mother," Hunter said.

"Hey, hey, hey, boy! Hey! How you doing?" Donald laughed happily upon seeing his oldest son. "Man! Look at you! My God, think you've grown about a foot there. Well, thank God the Army had to feed you."

"Army?" Buddy and Patrick bellowed.

"Don...Dad, the Marines fed me," Hunter said, shaking his father's hand.

"Y'all didn't drink all the beer, huh?" Donna asked, marching to the refrigerator.

"No ma'am, we brung our own," Hunter snapped.

Time had not been kind to either Donna or Donald. Donald's face was ravaged by deep etched wrinkles. Most of Donald's hair was gone and what remained was mottled with gray. He'd packed on quite a few pounds, mostly in his belly.

Donna had widened quite a bit and her face bore wrinkles and her nose was mottle with gin blossoms, a sure sign of heavy alcohol consumption. Her long brown hair showed a good inch of grayish brown roots.

"Marines? That right?" Donald asked.

"Wisteria, this is Hunter," Swan said to their baby sister. "Hunter. Remember? I showed you his picture?"

"Hunter!" Wisteria crowed happily.

"So, how long y'all going be here?" Donna snapped, guzzling an ice cold Gratchley's beer.

"Leaving Sunday," Hunter said.

"But, that, that's only four days," Donald protested.

"Who's fucking car's that?" Chantilly snarled, stomping into the trailer. "I had to park..."

Seeing Hunter, her unhappy face twisted into a mask of hatred. Chantilly stomped through the room without greeting Hunter, or anyone else. The door to her bedroom slammed shut.

"Hey, hey!" Chance called out happily as he entered the trailer. "Didn't believe it when Willow called, damn boy! I mean, damn, man! No sir, no sir, you're not a boy anymore, huh?"

"Uncle Chance, Hunter said and was shocked when the somewhat aloof man hugged him; they'd never been affectionate toward one another before.

"Hunter you hold me," Wisteria demanded.

"Someone need go potty first?" Donald aske.

"No," Wisteria lied.

"Come on, let's go make sure," Donald said to the girl, taking her hand and pulling her toward the bathroom.

"Well, I can't forbid you, but I don't have to like it," Aunt Willow was saying.

"Oh, well, that is just great, just fucking great," Donna snapped.

Based on the comments, and the eye-rolling and satisfied little smirks from Soleil and Swan, Hunter deduced that Soleil and Swan had told their mothers about dancing at Hunter's Cabin. His mother shot him a murderous glare from her perch at the kitchen table. Hunter's smirk did not help soften his mother's glare.

"Okay, Hunter, she's ready for you to tickle her," Donald said, holding Wisteria out for Hunter.

"No!" Wisteria squealed, already laughing.

"Oh, I'm not going to tickle you," Hunter promised.

"You promise?" Wisteria asked, snuggling up to him.

"I promise," he smiled and kissed her noisily. "I'm not. Daddy is!"

"No! No!" Wisteria shrieked, giggling and Donald made tickling motions with his hands.

"Y'all keep it down, huh?" Donna snarled.

"Hey, Mother, trailer right across is nice and quiet; go get drunk over there, huh?" Hunter snapped. "We're having fun. Sorry if that bothers you."

"You're drinking our beer, ma'am," Buddy reminded the surly woman.

"No, no, Daddy's not going to tickle you," Hunter said to Wisteria. "Mr. Buddy is!"

"No!" Wisteria squealed happily.

"You're good with kids, huh?" Donald asked as Hunter and he sat, Wisteria still snuggled in Hunter's arms.

"Yeah, I, we had plenty practice, huh?" Hunter asked as Wisteria crawled over to Donald's lap.

"Yeah, well, you don't have six of them and not learn a thing or too, right?" Donald agreed, noisily kissing his baby girl on her cheek.

The caravan left on Saturday; Hunter could see that they'd worn out their welcome with Donna and Chantilly, no matter how much beer they put into the refrigerator. Before leaving, Hunter did hug Donald and invited the man to come out and visit them in Myndee. Hunter did not hug his mother or Chantilly; Neither Donna nor Chantilly made any move to hug him. Fawn again wet Hunter's tee shirt as she sobbed. Hunter kissed the top of her carrot orange hair and thanked her for all her prayers.

"Later, Snake Bite," Hunter smiled at Forrest.

"I get out of high school? I'm joining the Marines," Forrest promised.

"No!" Fawn cried, slapping her twin on the arm. "You can't! Forrest, you can't do that to me! Please?"

"Hear Dad? Come out and see us," Hunter said before backing Soleil's Nissan out of the trailer park.

Two months later, the caravan again made their way to Lowenburg, to stand under the gazebo at Saw Mill Park, for the wedding of Soleil Brown and Hunter Davis. Buddy was left in charge of Hunter's Cabin as Soleil, Swan and Hunter went to St. Louis, Missouri for a one week honeymoon.

Amy Chow only danced at Hunter's Cabin for five months. At four feet, six inches, her pregnancy was noticeable almost upon conception. Buddy married her and became the sole breadwinner of their family.

"That is going to be one confused kid," Patrick quipped from his station at the DJ booth. "An Asian momma, a black daddy, and a white grandmother."

"But it will be one beautiful baby," Buddy agreed.

"Hey, give me the remote," Soleil said as Juliette left the stage.

"Lips Like Sugar? Or Go All The Way?" Darlene Richards, the new assistant manager guessed as Soleil mashed the buttons of the television remote.

The End. A favorite movie of mine is 'Pulp Fiction.' Quentin Tarantino purposefully shows that movie with some reels out of sequence. So, that's what I did here. The story actually starts with Part Two, then Part Three, and ends with Part One. And I am sure, writing it this way and posting it out of sequence will really, really, really irritate some of the readers. That's fine. I'll gladly refund every penny you paid me. Email me your banking information, including routing numbers. Don't worry if your bank calls to report that you're overdrawn; you know they're always making mistakes. Either that, or the Nigerian Prince you're helping out might have accidentally done a withdrawal, rather than a deposit.

This is the end of the "Give Me the Remote" series. These characters may or may not pop up in other stories.

**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories. I especially thank those that take the time to leave comments, good and bad. I also thank those that take the time to rate my words, those that 'Favorite' my stories.

Jack Jensen, the attorney that handled the sale of Hunter's Cabin is a character introduced in "Am I?" in the Lesbian Sex category.

Have a swell day. And some of you, have a swollen day.

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Catcher78Catcher783 months ago

Great stuff. Congrats!

Lobosolo51Lobosolo517 months ago

Stories were good. Your sarcastic comments were almost better. Keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Enjoyed it overall, but couldn't help but feel that it lacked a certain coherence.

KlitomaticKlitomaticover 1 year ago

Quirky writing, fun writing, but gave you a 5 cuz he fucked his sister and her sister. Loved it.

blackknight314blackknight314almost 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing your work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Maybe if Donna didn't have such a whiny pathetic loser for a son, she might have been happy with her family and wouldn't need to find happiness with other men.

Let's face it. It's usually pathetic husbands and lovers that force women to obtain what they need elsewhere but sometimes it's the children. Some people are just born absolutely pathetic

want2beusedbiuwant2beusedbiuover 2 years ago

I really like your writing and this story. You are really talented, that being said, it seems like you try to go out of your way piss your readers off by your comments, and your "I dont give a fuck" attitude. Lighten up! You're really talented, yet you're coming of as a total douche. Please let us readers enjoy your work for what it's worth.

That being said, thank you for taking the time you put in to tell your stories. I've truly enjoyed them so far, the only thing I dont look forward to is your smarmy comments about whether someone likes your work or not. I get your attitude as there are assholes that seem to think that they have to put people down for the stories and work people like you take the time to kindly put out, to me they are drooler's that don't appreciate someone trying to enjoy putting their thought into words "Good or Bad" for people to either enjoy or not. The idiots never learned to appreciate what they can get for "free".

To the Assholes who think they have to judge people who put stories out, CHOOSE to be decent and keep your mouth shut if you dont have a constructive opinion. NO ONE is forcing you to read these stories, as no one is forcing these people to put these stories on this site!

Be Nice, appreciate each other, it makes this site and the world a better place!

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 2 years ago

That was fun to read. All of your characters are interesting, would have liked more from this batch. Also - nice cameo quotes from pulp fiction. All of that, and the details that are simple but not used by other writers - like Wisteria lying that she didn’t need to go potty. That stuff really brings the characters to life.

DevDoc69DevDoc69over 2 years ago

Great story! Really enjoyed it. Looking forward to more stories based on yhese characters.

kelchakelchaover 2 years ago

Most of the kids were decent people. Looking forward to Fawn's story in future. Cousins are for practice so the incest element is ok by me.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyover 2 years ago

Enjoyable series! I didn’t mind the order of the stories at all.

Please keep writing what you want and I will keep reading!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like your stories, and I like most of your characters. Please keep writing.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 2 years ago
I cannot figure out the parentage or familial relationships

So, I just gave up and enjoyed the stories.

Thank you for a good yarn.

steeltiger01steeltiger01over 2 years ago

I wondered if you were following a Tarantino flow here. Man, this was excellent. Thanks for another great story!

EZ8ltEZ8ltover 2 years ago

You really should get off from the moral high ground that you think you sit on, (btw you don't), and try not to antagonize people especially when you know you did something in a shitty way, Not saying that the order of the events being mixed up necessarily bad, but it doesn't work like it does in Pulp, because you ain't no Tarantino, and you don't get to have the arrogance as if you were.

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