Go To Him, Sweetheart

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Husband Sends Wife Down The hall To His Friend.
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"Why don't you go to him," I suggested to my wife as she looked down at me from her kneeling position on the bed, her legs on each side of my hips and my erection deep inside of her. "You've been wanting to all night, right? Go on," I said pushing up on her hip.

I was aroused, of course, intent on having sex, turned on as usual in this position, but it was obvious to me that she was not. My wife, Claire, was unquestionably distracted, indifferent, thinking about something or someone other than me. From what I had become aware of that night, I knew she was thinking about being with Jake, our friend who was in our guest room sleeping just a short way down the hall.

She stared at me without speaking for over a minute after I told her to go to him, just watching for my reaction. "What?" she said finally, unable to process what she'd heard. I repeated it with a smile, then I raised up and kissed her. She seemed dazed. Her mind was clearly on something other than me, something other than my penis inside her. We were fucking, yes, but she wasn't completely there, wasn't paying attention, wasn't enjoying it. It was plain my telling her to go to our friend had caught her off guard and she frowned, looking down at me, speechless, trying to figure out why I was telling her to do what I just had.

"You mean it?" she finally asked quietly, still frowning, incredulous that I'd suggest such a thing.

"I know you want to fuck Jake tonight," I said. "It's okay. I understand. I've seen it in your face, heard it in your voice, felt in the way you've looked at him. Go say goodnight to Jake like you really want to, like you did earlier this evening in the den, like you've wanted to since he's been with us. Make love to him, sweetheart," I said with a smile. "Go on. Go fuck his brains out like you're wanting to. Take that sweet little pussy down the hall to the man you're hot for."

She looked down at me with a hunger hidden in her eyes that was as apparent, as anything I'd ever seen. It was so obvious, and I pushed up against her leg, urging her to go. A small smile slowly came over her face. "Has it been that obvious?" she finally asked with an embarrassed expression. I pushed against her again. "Go on." She forced her pelvis down towards mine, moving her hips involuntarily, then she raised up and started to get off me.

"Absolutely, yes," I said looking up at her. "It has been obvious to me. You want to be with him, right? It's actually been enjoyable to watch. Somehow it has turned me on to think about you two together, having sex tonight. I saw the two of you in the den when you kissed goodnight earlier. I thought that kiss was incredible: so beautiful, so tender, so romantic, so eager. It made me hot just watching you do it. I didn't mean to spy, sorry, but I came back sooner than I expected. I saw you together kissing and I wondered why I hadn't realized it before then. Did you enjoy that kiss, my love?"

She thought about her answer for a moment. "Yes," she said quietly with a nod of her head and a big smile. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I could no longer help myself. I'm so glad you saw us and don't mind. It just happened, but we just couldn't keep from it any longer."

"I'm glad you couldn't," I said. "I'm telling you truthfully, it was the sexiest kiss I've seen in a long, long time, like Steve McQueen and Fay Dunaway," I said with a wide grin. "Go make love to Jake like you've been hoping to. Tell him I sent you." I pushed harder on her shoulder, up off the bed. She hesitated for a minute or two, then she stared at me for a long time, smiling, then nodded and raised up off the bed, pulling my erection out of her. She lifted her leg over me, and slowly stood up.

"All right," she said quietly. "Thank you, baby, for making me go," she added, leaning over and kissing me tenderly.

Jake was the absolute Alpha-Male in every sense. He was the athlete I aways wanted to be, and as handsome as a guy could get. Women were drawn to him automatically. It actually amazed me it had taken me so long to realize my wife wanted him, to understand how much sense it made for them to be together, for me to not stand in the way of them having sex, making love. To deny them the chance to have sex seemed to be such an injustice I had no business causing. I couldn't keep her from being with him any longer. It seemed as if it was almost my duty to let them make love, to let her feel him inside of her, to pleasure his penis as she longed to. I'd known him all my life and I realized they seemed almost meant for one another. I just wondered why if took her so long to make it known.

"I'm glad you understand," she said. "But you're right, I really, really do want to be with him."

"When did you realize you wanted Jake inside of you, baby?" I asked as she was putting on her robe over her bare body.

She thought for a minute, then smiled. "I've always wanted to actually," she said looking intently at me. "But the first time I realized it was when we went camping together, at Lake Barryessa," she replied as she stood next to the bed. "I got so turned on every time we went skinny dipping together. Seeing him naked, seeing that beautiful penis, just excited me so very much, and it made me want to fuck him. Mad, passionate sex. I wanted so bad for him to fuck me, but I couldn't bring myself to tell you." Moving towards the door, she blew me a kiss. "Thank you, sweetheart," she said again. "I'll be back in a while."

"Don't hurry, my sweet. Fuck him. Tell me how it goes," I said from the bed. "Everything. Tell me every sexy detail. What it feels like to have his hardness inside of you." I grinned. "I'd love to hear all about your making love to Jake," I said. "What he does to you and what you do to him. All of it." She smiled and nodded her head that she would do that for me.

"If that's what you want," she said, finally opening the door. I smiled as she closed it behind her, and then I listened to her footsteps as she went down the hall toward the guest room where our friend was probably thinking about her in his bed. My heart was racing as I pictured what my wife was about to do with my good friend. After she left I began to imagine what was happening in our spare bedroom. I pictured his cock sliding into her, pushing her labia apart as he entered her pussy. Picturing them having sex, seeing him in my mind's eye fucking my wife passionately, as she'd said she wanted. I imagined her sucking on his cock, drinking in his cum.

I figured she'd knock on the door quietly and peer in, asking if she could come in. He'd be surprised, tell her 'of course', then smile as she walked in, noting she wore only a robe, open in front, showing him she was nude except for the robe. She takes off that robe, presenting him with her nude body, and then she'd smile without a word and crawl naked into bed with Jake. They'd kiss, tentatively, then more passionately, sharing tongues. Then she'd cuddle against him. They'd kiss again and she'd snuggle her bare body against his, using her hands to pull him against her body, drawing her warm self tight to his flesh, putting her legs around his, offering her pussy, taking hold of his erection, telling him that I'd sent her.

He'd say he was glad, then she would open her legs and he'd find her wetness between her thighs with his hand and feel her pussy, pushing a finger into her, then he'd take his hand out and replace it with his stiff cock, relishing the feel of being inside of my wife's pussy for the first time. They would fuck without words, savoring the feel of their bodies together, of his hardness in her, then he would come in her and get soft, keeping his penis in her as it shrank. They would talk quietly for a while as his come seeped out of her pussy, his cock shriveling, her telling him as it did that I had seen them in the den, that I had watched them saying goodnight with a kiss. They would cuddle and then doze in each other's arms after sex, comfortably satisfying the other for the first time. She would scoot down and take his spent cock in her mouth and pleasure him. They would wake again and fuck many times before finally going to sleep after their first time fucking.

I figured they would kiss and make love quietly, occasionally talking about how wonderful it was to finally be able to be together, to ultimately be able to satisfy one another without guilt, without hesitation. I pictured her taking him into her mouth, sucking his erection and kissing and licking the tip for taking it completely to the back of her throat. I imagined her swallowing his semen as he came. I figured he would eventually put his mouth against her pussy and taste her sweetness, lapping and licking, for the first time, moving his tongue into her, reaching deep and bringing cries of pleasure from deep in her throat and putting smiles on her face. She would coo and call his name and grin, biting on her lower lip and moving her head about. She would moan and say, "Oh fuck me Jake. Eat my pussy."

He would open her legs with his hands and put his mouth to her splayed slit, licking the length of her sex then pushing his tongue deep between her lower lips. I imagined it for hours, picturing, as I lay in bed, holding my erection, seeing everything they would do and savoring the fantasy of her her having sex with him for the first time.

When she came back to bed she woke me crawling under the covers and said, "Thank you so very much, my love. I loved it." I awoke and kissed her and asked her how it went. She smiled, pulled the covers up to her chin and, turning to me, put her arms around my shoulders, saying, "I appreciate you making me go. I never would have otherwise. It was incredible fucking Jake, feeling him inside of me."

"I'm so glad," I said. "Tell me all about it." She then told me he was grateful for her coming and made a place for her beside him, inviting her into his bed, raising the sheet for her to crawl under. She said she took off her robe and slid in, snuggling her nakedness against his. They began making love quickly, without hesitation, enjoying feelings they never had allowed themselves before. "He slipped into me immediately and we fucked for over an hour, then we kissed and cuddled and talked and kissed some more, enjoying the afterglow, savoring sex that we'd had for the first time together. He fucks really well," she said with a wide smile. "He asked about how you were doing with it and I told him you were the one who wanted me to make love to him, that it was your idea, and that you knew how we felt. He ate me and I came many times, even sucked him to orgasm twice, drinking down whatever come he had for me. He loved coming in my mouth as did I. He tastes different and I liked it. I really liked it. I've been thinking about doing that for years, planning it, hoping for it, wanting to suck him," she said. "I've been afraid to ask you, afraid of hurting you, but I've wanted Jake in me, wanted to be with him since camping. I've dreamed of him fucking me so many times, fantasized about making love to him, but now I don't have to dream anymore. I must tell you, I want to do it again," she said.

"Then you shall," I said. "Even more tonight, if you want." She smiled and said she would like that. "Go back then. Finish the night with Jake and tomorrow we'll talk about the future," I said.

She went back to him and they didn't get up until nearly noon. When they came out of the room they were both nude and holding hands. The sight of them was energizing and I smiled broadly.

"Thank you," he said with a smile. "I loved having Claire for the night. It was good of you to let us have that time together."

"It doesn't have to be the last time," I said.

They sat at the table together, holding hands. They kissed a few times and thanked me for understanding. "Of course," I said. "I think I've known for years you have wanted Jake, wanted to sleep together. I have even fantasized about the two of you occasionally." They looked surprised. "I'm not sure why it took me so long to realize how much you cared for one another. When I saw you in the den tonight I knew I had to acknowledge it, it had to be. It really turned me on to watch you. I even pictured you having sex at the moment I saw that kiss."

"You're okay with it?" she asked.

"I hope you won't run off together," I said a chuckle, "but having sex with someone else is not the worst thing in the world. You liked it, right?"

"It was better than I hoped," he said, giving her s kiss after he spoke, in appreciation of her time with him.

The night I sent her to him was the first time they'd had sex together, but it certainly wasn't the last. The following weekend she stayed with him from Friday night until Monday morning. When they had sex he didn't tell her he loved her, he didn't need to, but he showed her how much he cared. I knew it, however, and I was filled with a strange happiness. They had sex much of that time and told me all about it afterwards, describing exactly what they did together, how long they did it, and how it felt. They made love in each room of his house, screwing on the couch, in the shower, next to the kitchen counter, in the living room, the den, and many times in his bed. Each time they had sex she said she thanked me quietly, personally.

She then began telling me about what he did that she liked, how he did it, like sucking on her clitoris when eating her pussy, which I never had done, and I asked if she'd mind if I did that too, or if she'd rather it be something that only she and Jake did together. "I don't know," she said thoughtfully, looking at me intently. "I have to think about that for a while and I'll tell you later." She informed me that next day, after she'd thought about it over night, that she'd rather only Jake did it to her, that we'd find other things for me to do that she liked and she'd tell me. She said she hoped I didn't mind, but it was clear that this meant it would not be just a one-time thing for them, that she intended to have sex with him on a regular basis. I told her I didn't mind, and I really didn't, I just knew that it meant that my wife would be fucking my friend often. I told her that I thought it would be nice for her to have somethings that only Jake did with her. It was true, incredibly, I really did think about it that way. I really did think it was probably good for them to have things that were private for just the two of them. Her sex with him was going to be a special part of her life, and I had to be able to understand and reconcile that.

She also told me he likes to reach down while their fucking and wipe some foam off his erection, then offer it to her to suck off his finger. "You can do that if you want," she said with a broad grin, "because I like the taste of my own pussy." I said it sounded like a good idea and wondered why I had never tried that before.

"He is very creative," she said, "in bed." Another thing she says he likes to do is stimulate her backdoor with his tongue, to kiss and lick her anus. I asked if she liked him doing that and she said she really did. "That's another thing I'd like only Jake to do," she said with a serious tone.

"Fine," I said. "That sounds like fun, and if you like when he does it to you, then I think that would be good to keep just between the two of you." She thanked me with a kiss and she went on to tell me about other things he liked to do to her.

It thrilled me to hear about their lovemaking, giving me a vicarious charge, to participate in that way to their love affair, picturing exactly what they would do. After that I shared her with him on a few occasions in our bed, fucking her as she sucked him, alternating with Jake in ways that gave her the kind of attention she loved between the two men she felt most aroused by. I ate her as she sucked him, inserting myself in her ass as he did the same in her pussy, which is called a "double". She was ravenous as she satisfied us both, sucking and fucking her two lovers.

At the present she is traveling with Jake throughout Europe. I am sure they are fucking and sucking their way across the continent. I hear from them often and relive with them the sex they're having as they travel throughout France, Germany, and Spain.

As it turned out, it was a great thing for us all when I sent my wife and her pussy down the hall those few months ago to be with my old friend Jake. Her fucking him has, incredibly, brought us all closer together in many ways, and it has spiced up our sex life incredibly, inspiring more sex between us than ever. We will often have it two or three times a day. I will never regret sending my wife to our guest room for my friend Jake to have sex with, and she has thanked me many times since then, in the most sensuous ways possible.

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Ridiculous69Ridiculous694 months ago

Another weak and worthless attempt to justify turning your wife into a whore and yourself into an idiotic cuck. Your arguments hold no merit and you only prove the stupidity and foolish of this lifestyle

DrkmanDrkman12 months ago

Good story, really enjoyed it. Eventually I'm guessing Jake will want her to have a baby by him. Then things could get interesting. Another chapter maybe?

DrkmanDrkmanabout 2 years ago

Nice story and glad you explored not only his but her feelings as well. Wonder if it will continue until she gets pregnant from one of them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I appreciate your work on this story. I liked that the husband knew it was more than 'fucking" between his wife and his friend, since he often talked of them "making love". It might have been exciting for you to expand on this a bit more, perhaps the wife even admitting her feelings for Jake to her husband. They're clearly affectionate with each other, holding hands, romantic kissing in front of the husband, so letting a heartfelt "I love you, Jake" slip out would have added to her giving herself completely to the Alpha male.


You clearly portray Jake as superior, both athletically, and in appearance, to the husband. While the husband acknowledges this to himself, it could have been hot for the wife to confirm her husband's inadequacies directly to him, via subtle comparisons. It wouldn't have to be done in a mocking way, the way many stories do, but more like the wife confessing to a best friend, (in this case it would be the husband's new status) just how overwhelmed she is with her new lover, and just how perfect he is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

And what do you do when they’re away for months traveling Europe ? Home alone jacking your subpar penis while thinking about and hearing about them ? Do you have any unique sex moves that she likes and won’t let jake do ? Will you be able to balance the scales by keeping her to yourself for the same amount of time as she spent with jake when they were on their whirlwind tour ? Why does he get her on weekends when nobody is working and you get her through the work week. ? Does she prefer jake over you ? By what she said she does like jake better than you sexually and probably has a lot more fun with him too ! You’ll find yourself as the third wheel and shel stay married to you as it’s more financially sound for her and jake but not you and it’s more practical as well . She’ll stay married to you but you’ll become more like a butler / maid / cum cleaner / cuckolded sex slave for them to ridicule and torture for their enjoyment and gratification ! They’ll powertrip and abuse you because to them you’re the fool who let a superior ,(in all ways) , man fuck your wife and that alone makes them both lose all respect for you over time , and you’ll play into that scenario by losing self esteem and confidence in yourself , eventually wearing a cock cage dresses and maids outfits and miniskirts with makeup and having buttplugs in your ass and sucking jakes dick to clean it then licking your former loving wife’s jake-cum filled ass and cunt while yours and their friends all are being allowed to watch and make you bring them drinks and offer them all sexual favors for their pleasure only as you won’t be allowed any release for months then years then decades at a time ! All the while being courteous and accommodating to the masses ! Well have fun sucker !

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

The Author who is the literary version of ass cancer has gotten the wifi back in his closet of gay denial.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

1 Star

Silly cuck crap.

26thNCuck Disapproved

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Exactly how are they closer together in many ways and they're having more sex than ever if she's not there?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

To the author, thank you kindly for taking the time and making the effort to write this story. I read it and enjoyed it.

I note, as per usual, that group of “readers” have decided to rubbish your work. This is unfortunately common in the “Loving Wives” section of this website.

I’m not sure if you are aware of it, but you have a great deal of power when it comes to comments. I encourage you to delete the comments which are rude and useless. You do have that power, author. Below is the process you need to follow to delete all of the rude comments.

1. Log-in to Literotica

2. Click on Works on the left hand side in the Literotica control panel

3. Locate the story in question

4. Click on the “word bubble” icon on the left, on the far right hand side of the story you have located

5. Locate the comment you wish to delete and then click on the rubbish bin on the far right hand side of the comment in question

6. Click on delete comment, and you’re done.

Trust me and believe me when I say that these trolls will soon grow weary of posting nasty comments on your work if you just delete all their comments quickly, consistently, and without any mercy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The author is obviously a weak, degenerate male writing his fantasies for his kind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Description said it all. Just another willing cuck story. Automatic one star rating.

Cito22Cito22over 2 years ago

Another anti-male type story. These new authors that keep writing this shit need to go find a new hobby. Too many cuck stories , most without any substance at all, and now there are less and less wives paying the price for infidelity. I pray this is not an ongoing thing and the LW category goes back to the way it was.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Only disgusting…

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You are definitely better at writing interracial category stories than others. These stories just make you look like at wimp of a writer. Where when you write interracial stories you like to get carried away if I was you keep writing in the interracial category and don’t forget it’s a thing for them to end up pregnant always is with the interracial category. But hey I know it’s only words at the end of the day . But you do better in the interracial category ok

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just admit it. Secretly this husband wanted his old buddy Jake to himself. He's pimping his wife for now so he can get some of Jake's sweet cream for himself. Secretly he's gay for Jake's big cock. So now...since his wife is involved they can all become closer together.

Absolutely ridiculous. Pathetic. Go talk to a therapist.

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