Gordy's Wife


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I grabbed a beer out of a barrel popped the top and as I took a sip my cousin Carol said, "What in the world did you do to Gordon?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He's been storming around here since yesterday telling anyone who would listen how much of an asshole you are and how he's going to make you wish you never interfered."

"He found out pretty damned quickly!" I said with a grin.

"Found out what?" Carol asked with a puzzled frown.

I knew everyone in the family knew why Caroline had married Gordon, so telling Carol wasn't betraying a confidence. I told her about Caroline leaving Gordon, his foreclosure on her families farm and my loan to them to save it.

When I paused Carol barked a laugh and said, "You didn't? Really? You screwed Gordon at his own game? Now that is rich! Hey everybody, come hear this!"

Over the next hour I repeated the story three times. By early that evening everyone in the camp ground knew it.

In the middle of the camp ground was a large fire pit for communal gatherings.

I was sitting next to the fire sipping a beer when I heard Gordon yell from behind me, "There you are you bastard!"

I kept staring at the fire sipping my beer as he stomped up and planted himself in front of my chair. He stood there, clenched fists on hips staring at me, his face clouded with anger.

"What the hell did you think you were going to accomplish?" He snarled.

I took a sip of beer, looked at him with an innocent expression on my face as I said, "What ever do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean!" He yelled, "You paid off Caroline's families farm! First you cheat with my wife, then you try to undo the contract that I had with them by paying off the loan! It won't work! They may have paid off the loan, but the penalties will still force them into foreclosure! I will own that farm when it's all said and done! You lost! They lost and that cheating slut of a wife of mine lost!"

I don't think he noticed but my hand was trembling with repressed rage as I took the last swallow from my beer, set the can down gingerly, then stood. I took one step forward which put my face only a few inches from his.

"Gordy, " I said in a low, controlled, measured voice, "You are one slimy little shit. Keep this in mind, I've seen men die in really bad, really horrible ways, so I'm no stranger to killing and death. If I could I'd strip the flesh off your bones and feed it to the hogs."

I pushed my face closer so my nose was an inch from his as I added in a cold, hollow whisper so noone else could hear, "For now I've got my temper under control so I won't...but", I jabbed my forefinger into his chest as hard as I could, ",...don't push me."

Gordy's eyes widened and his face turned pale. I could see fear in his eyes as he took two rapid steps backward. His heel hit one of the rocks surrounding the fire and he began to tip backward, at the same time wind milling his arms trying to keep his balance. I should have let him fall into the fire, but I automatically reached out and grabbed the front of his shirt to keep him from falling. I pulled him upright then let go of his shirt.

He stared at me for a moment then began to scream as he back away from me, "He tried to push me into the fire! You all saw him! He tried to kill me!"

"Oh shut the hell up you slimy little shit!" I heard my cousin Carol call from the crowd that had gathered.

A murmur went through the crown and I could hear words of agreement and many heads nodding.

Gordon stared at the crowd, then yelled at me as he walked away, "It won't do you any good! You will loose! They will loose! She has destroyed her family's chance at keeping their farm!"

When he was gone many of the family walked by and gave me a word of encouragement. Even with all the support I was feeling really, really bad. I knew that Frank would slaughter Gordy in court and that Caroline's family would keep their farm, but I knew that she was hurt. I also knew she kept her word and that she thought she was the cause of it all and may be gone for years, or never return. I didn't know where she was or where to start looking.

I sat drinking late into the night. Everyone else had gone to bed and I was the only one at the fire. As I stared into the flames I could see her face drawn there, the remembered smell of her filled my nostrils and the remembered feel of her soft skin filled my mind. As I sat there sunk in my self pity a line from a movie flitted across my mind, "Get busy living, or get busy dying."

"Fuck this, " I growled as I started to stand, "I'm going to find her!"

As I stood I realized I was so drunk I could hardly walk.

"Ok, tomorrow I'll go find her." I told myself drunkenly as I staggered off to the house boat.

I woke the next morning with a huge hang over. I gulped down a couple of pain pills, took a shower, then drank half a pot of coffee before I felt like doing anything. It took me only a few minutes to carry my stuff to Carols truck. I told her I was leaving and to say goodbye to everyone for me, then I straddled my bike and rode off, headed back to Caroline's family's farm.

I stopped after 300 miles to get a room and sleep off the hang over. The next day I rode the 700 remaining miles to the farm. When I pulled into the yard Gladys must have seen me coming for she met me in the yard and hugged me before I even got off the bike.

When she let me go I climbed off the bike and she hugged me again, then said with a smile, "What are yo doing here again so soon?"

I looked down at her up turned face and could see the lines of Caroline's face in her mom's.

"I have to find her." I said, "I know she's 20 years younger then me and I hope it doesn't shock you but I think I love your daughter."

Gladys smiled, hugged me a third time and replied, "I know. I've known since the first time I saw you say her name. Come inside and Carl and I will tell you everything we know to help. We want her back too."

We drank coffee and talked for the next two hours. Gladys and Carl told me everything they knew about where Caroline might be. An hour later I set out on my quest. My first stop was going to be one of Caroline's college roommates. She lived in a town 500 miles south. I arrived there late that night, got a room to sleep and was up and one the road again early. When I knocked on the door of the apartment whose address Caroline's parents gave me a tall blonde answered the door.

"Hi. " I said, " Are you Gail McNease?"

"Yes." She replied with a cautious look, "Who are you?"

"I'm Andy Arrant. I'm a friend of Caroline Arrant. I think you know her as Caroline Andersen. You haven't seen her have you?"

The cautious expression on Gail's face deepened as she said, "Arrant, are you any relation to that asshole she married?"

I grinned and said, "Yea, I'm his cousin but I would change that if I could."

Still cautious she said, " I see. No I haven't seen her."

I nodded and handed her a card with my name and phone number on it as I said, "Well if you do would you please tell her Andy is looking for her and that she needs to call home? Thanks."

As I straddled my bike I looked at my list of names and realized the next one was on the west coast. I also realized I had to be back at work in two days and the west coast was to far to ride there and back in two days. I reluctantly headed home.

Over the next six months I tracked down and visited every friend and acquaintance on my list that knew Caroline. With each one I drew a blank. The last one was a high school friend of Caroline's that lived in Alaska. I was tempted to ride there, but knew I didn't have time so I flew. Like all the others I came up with a blank. As I flew home I was depressed. How could she just fall off the face of the earth? Why couldn't I find her?

I knew there was nothing else I could do but wait. I knew it would be a difficult thing to do, but I tried to push thoughts of her out of my mind. After several months it became automatic when a thought of Caroline popped into my head, I'd push it away. By the time the family reunion rolled around I barely allowed a thought of her.

I called Frank and asked if he'd mind if I used his house boat again. He gave me a hard time (as usual) but in the end told me to enjoy it and have fun. I knew I'd enjoy it, visiting with my family, but I also knew that the some of the things that were suppose to be fun, wouldn't be.

I arrived in mid afternoon and like the last two times my aunt Ida was manning the registration desk.

"Hey Andy. I don't see your name on a camp site so I take it you got the house boat again this year?"

"Yea. Frank let me use it again." I replied.

"Great! There will be a penny ante poker game after supper if you want to play. I lost a total of $3.19 last year so I'm dying to win it back."

"Yea, I'll play. See you at the game."

I rode to the boat house and opened the door. The boat looked just as it had the year before. Frank put a lot of money into keeping it pristine and ready to use on a moments notice. I climbed aboard and checked the fridge and pantry.

To my surprise both were well stocked. I found a note taped to the bathroom door that read, "I know I give you a bad time, but I'm happy you are my friend. I stocked everything so you wouldn't have to. Enjoy!" Frank

I smiled as I opened the liquor cabinet and found it too was well stocked. A moment later a knock sounded on the door. When I opened it my cousin Carol was there.

"We were afraid you wouldn't come this year." She said, "I know you've been looking for Caroline but haven't been able to find her."

"Yea, "I replied, "She's done a god job of disappearing."

"She'll be back. I know it." Carol said, then added, "There is one bright spot though. So far there's been no sign of Gordon."

"Good." I growled, "I'd hate to get arrested for pulling the little pukes balls out through his nose."

"Now now!" Carol chided me, then said, "Supper will be in an hour. Poker game after. You ready for it?"

I held up a sock stretched to the max from the $5.00 in pennies it held.

"Cool! See you there."

I had two glasses of whiskey before heading to supper. By the time I entered the kitchen area I had a good buzz on. Supper was fabulous as always, with all kinds of dishes made by family members. The poker game was fun too. At the end I was light $2.15. As good as the meal was and as fun as the game was I still felt hollow. When the game broke up I went back to the boat and proceeded to get drunk. I finally crawled into bed some time in the early morning.

I woke with a throbbing hang over and swore I wouldn't do that again. After breakfast the teens in the family dragged me off to play volleyball. Later my uncle corralled me into playing horse shoes and late in the afternoon another cousin drug me to the baseball diamond for a softball game. By the time supper was done I didn't feel like playing poker. All I wanted to do was sleep. When I hit the bed I was out like a light.

When I woke the next morning I felt human again. As I showered I decided after breakfast I was going to go catch some fish. I loaded my boat and was motoring up the lake headed for the pond by 9:00. As I broke through the screen of brush at the mouth of the cove I spotted a tent setup on the beach. I thought about leaving, but then I decided that whom ever was camped would have to share the private little cove. I dropped my anchor, bated my hook and tossed it into the water. The sun was warm and before long I was dozing.

I was having a really nice dream about Caroline and she kept calling my name. After a bit she started to tell me to wake up. As I came up out of the abys of sleep her voice changed from the ethereal one of a dream to something else.

"Andy! Andy wake up! It's me." I heard as I opened my eyes.

I blinked, then looked at the side of my boat and saw a vision. Caroline was hanging onto the side of my boat, her hair was plastered to her head from being wet, her lips were set in a smile and her eyes looked into mine.

"It's me." She said again softly.

I blinked, then blinked again, then rubbed my eyes to make sure I was awake. She was still there.

"Where have you been?" I said, "I've been looking all over the country for you!"

"I was punishing myself for losing the farm. I finally broke down and called my parents last week. They told me what you did and that you were looking for me. The question is why. Just to tell me the farm was saved or something else?" She said.

I stared at her and the feelings that I had been holding for a year boiled to the surface. I dropped down until my face was level with and a few inched from hers.

"I was looking for you because I love you damn it! That's why!" I snarled.

She smiled and said softly, "You do? Well that is convenient because I love you too!"

I was shocked at her admission. I figured she would stutter and stammer and finally tell me I was to old and she was to young. Instead she had said what I had heard her say a thousand times in my dreams.

"Well...aw.. That's aw...I'm glad you do." I replied lamely.

"Oh Andy!" She said with a giggle, "Is that all you're going to say?"

It finally hit me that she had told me she loved me. Without another thought I stepped over the side of the boat. When I came up I held onto the gunnel with one hand and gathered her to me with the other arm.

"Alright you little minx." I said, "Here I am and I have you. I will not let you go either."

"I hope not!" She replied.

I felt her legs circle my hips and felt her rub her crotch against my fast hardening cock. It took less then a minute and it was stone hard.

Caroline's eyes widened and she said in mock fear, "Oh my goodness Mr. Andy are you going to take advantage of me?"

I grinned, reached down and slipped my hand into her bikini bottoms. A moment later my finger slid between the warm lips of her pussy.

"I'm going to fuck you girl." I grunted as I shoved my finger deeper into her warm tunnel.

This time her eyes fluttered closed and she whispered, "Yes...Yes...yes!"

"Shall we go to your tent?" I whispered.

"No...Here...Now!" She groaned as I felt her hips pushing toward my hand.

I grinned and with a few quick pulls had her bikini bottom untied. I pulled it from between her legs and tossed it into the boat. Just as quickly I worked my shorts down and off.. As I tossed them into the boat I felt her grab my cock, then felt her position it at her entrance. A moment later she used her legs to pull herself forward, sliding my hardness into her warm ,wet tunnel.

"Oh god Andy!" She moaned as her hips moved, "I need you! I want you! Now! Right now!"

I maneuvered her around until her back was against the boat. I grabbed the gunnel with both hands and began to fuck her hard. It took all of two or three minutes and I groaned as my cock exploded inside her.

As she felt my rod begin to throb inside her she pulled me closer and moaned, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

We floated there in the warm water of the pond, her legs wrapped tightly around me, my manhood still buried inside her.

Time stretched as we held each other in that warm cocoon, then she whispered, "I love you."

I pulled back enough to look into her eyes as I said, "There is an advantage to this."

He brow furrowed with puzzlement as I continued, "You won't have to change your last name again when you marry me."

Her brows shot up in surprise, then she smiled and said, "Well that's not the most romantic proposal I've heard, but I'll take it because I'm not letting you get out of it!"

"Well I think we should go to your tent and seal the deal...again. " I replied as I kissed her on the corner of the mouth.

"Again and again and again and..." As her lips moved slowly to mine, smothering her last words as we kissed.

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naughtyboy2004naughtyboy2004about 1 year ago

If you mention a brand and model then better get informed about its features if you want to discribe them.

For the rest its a good story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Liked the story

not a complant would have liked to read more about Gordy getting his just desserts fir his contract chicanery

ClockstopperClockstopperover 3 years ago

I'm a sucker for a happy ending romance story. Fivw stars.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 4 years ago
Iron Butt

Interesting story. It must suck to be despised by all your relatives like Gordy, but it sounds like he deserved it. Hurts my ass just thinking of riding that far in such a short time. Guess that's why they call it Iron Butt Rally.

Too bad someone got their panties in a wad about cheating, WTF, it's a story for Pete's sake. According to the contract, fidelity had nothing to do with the sexless unconsummated marriage.

Glad it worked out for Andy, made a much better story than if it hadn't, lol. Thanks for writing and posting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Decent story, definitely recommend an editor and some proof reading.

TotalStrangerTotalStrangeralmost 4 years ago

Fun story, great ending. Please have someone read it before you publish your next one. Have them check for word choice. Every time you wanted to say "Lose," you spelled it "Loose." That is a different word and it does not mean what you think it means. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Enjoyable read!

Great story! You have some talent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Cheating is cheating. 1*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Really liked it

Thank you. Wonderful story. Didn’t give away the ending.

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