Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 06


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"Already did." I announced. "She is Elisabeth Atwell's sister. I ran her social security number and got her maiden name." Lou laughed how fast I was coming up with information. I shrugged and told her sometimes I spent a fair bit of time just messing around looking up stuff. "If it's out there on the web, I can find it." I said simply. "Her name is Charlene Wilson and she lives here in town. Guess what. She and her sister work together. She has a place just out of town. According to the website, it is an old plantation style house where they host weddings. I can't believe they'd make a third of a million bucks doing weddings." Neither could the three women. "I found the business bank account and it's balance is modest. They aren't getting rich doing weddings."

I looked up Gary Atwell's work history and found he had only been with his present firm for three years. Before that, he lived in Metairie and worked for a firm in New Orleans. He was partner with another man named Atwell. I found the partner was his uncle. "That makes no sense. Why would he leave a partnership with his uncle and come over here to be an associate?" Lou offered. "Something big had to have happened. And asking his present boss might alert him we are investigating him."

I opened one of the other new files on my phone. I called Lou over. the other two women. "This is a conversation I recorded." Helen immediately stopped me and said any information illegally obtained could not be used. Plus evidence found that was based on illegally obtained information would be excluded. "How about if it was MY phone or rather a phone I own?" I asked. "I know about that one party rule where one person has to know they are being recorded, but does it apply to my phone?" She said that was a little different. The laws covering monitoring phones had been changed to allow parents to monitor their kid's phones and use the information to prosecute sexual predators. "Well Joanne's phone is still on my account. It has been since she was little. Even when she got older, we never changed it. And I have arranged to have Robin's phone added this morning. "

I played the first recording of a conversation between her and Robin just a few hours old. "First thing you do Robin is put me on hold and go to your settings. See if any new apps have been added in the past week or so. It will list apps in chronological order. Look for any that start with fyp, or mmk. Those are two biggies." Robin came back a few minutes later and told her no apps were added for over a month and asked her what she was looking for. "Fyp is for find your phone. Mmk is monitor my kid. They are two ways to bug a cell phone and listen in on a conversation. I found them and installed them on Daddy's phone last weekend." Robin asked if she could find my phone, why didn't she know I was at the slave sale. "Because he deactivated both apps. I was surprised he never confronted me. I'm guessing he wanted to avoid an argument. That or he was scared it would cost his butt. It will too once I take over. If I let him keep his cell at all, I will monitor it."

Helen looked at me in shock. She said, "This is your daughter?" I nodded. Katherine muttered something like 'what a piece of work!"

"Why are you calling him Daddy instead of Bas?" Robin asked. "I thought you decided to use his first name despite what he has to say about it."

"I talked to your father this morning. He says I need to keep the mindset of being the loving daughter who is looking out for her father's well being. I have to present that to a judge. He said it appears Daddy is gonna fight us about joining the program and I need to cover my bases. I told him what Daddy has been doing. He has started working on the full conservatorship paperwork. He says if Daddy changes his mind before it is too late, he can stop the proceedings. I really hate going that route. Daddy is gonna lose so much of his freedom that way. But it is best in the long run. He has just screwed up too much the past year or so." Robin asked what Gary had said their chances were. "Actually pretty good. He says Daddy is showing just how impulsive he is. In the course of a week, he started hunting when he never did before, he bought slaves, and he moved a woman who he just met into his house. Doing that programming is good for him but he has been doing that for years. Gary says if we use that angle we should win." Robin was happy to hear that. "There is one thing that will piss you off. Your dad seemed to enjoy hearing we got spanked. He wanted to hear all about that. In detail. Especially how you reacted to being paddled. He tried to conceal it but I could tell he was getting off on imagining it."

"Oh, I'm sure he did." Robin said. "We had one of the women who was in the program over one time and I'm not sure what he said to her. Neither of them would say. But she called him a cruel cocksucker and her daughter pulled her pants down and spanked her right there in front of everybody for being rude. Gary not only got aroused but I think he actually came in his pants. Later after she was allowed to pull her pants up, I saw Beth whisper something in her ear. The woman quickly said she did not want any trouble and she apologized to Gary. She seemed as upset about whatever Beth said as she was about being spanked."

Joanne asked, "Do you think Daddy was right about Gary wanting to get control of his money?"

"No. He couldn't touch a penny if he tried." Robin said. "I think it is a combination of a couple things. One, he is cruel. He gets off seeing or hearing about people being punished. That woman I told you about was not the only time. Another time we had guests and he asked point blank if the daughter was keeping her mother in line. I think since he is under my or Marianne's thumb, he feels better knowing others are in the same position and getting their butts spanked. I think the other reason is he wants me out of the house as much as I don't want to live there. I told him I was having problems with my roommates. He said he would try to figure a way to help me find a new place to live and asked if I'd like to live in the dorm. He'd come up with the money. That's a laugh. He is still paying off debts. He owes his uncle money."

"Why does he owe him money?" Joanne asked. "It's none of my business, of course. I'm just curious."

"Normally it's a family secret, but you and I have gotten pretty close." Robin said. "Gary got into debt and he took some money that was being held as part of a client's estate. He claims he was only going to 'borrow' it for a short time which is bullshit of course. He could not have paid it back easily or quickly. It was totally illegal. Uncle Carter caught him. Long story short. Uncle Carter bailed him out. He returned the money to the client's account and squared away Gary's debt. In the process he revoked Gary's partnership. There were conditions though. Gary and Beth both had to enter the alternative program with me being in charge for a minimum of three years, with an automatic renewal clause. At least until his debt is paid. He had to move over here and accept a position at the firm where he works now. Uncle Carter arranged the job. One of his buddies is a managing partner here. So he makes a lot less than he did when we lived in Metairie and has to pay back the money. I had just turned eighteen. Both my and Marianne's college funds had disappeared too. Gary squandered it all. That was why I was delayed going to college. I had to get a job as a server for a year making only a little money to qualify for financial aid. You can bet I am not happy with either of my parents. My Mom, well Beth, was just as guilty as him."

"Why did your uncle protect him and find him a job? Couldn't that have got him in trouble?" Joanne asked.

"Oh, yeah, which is why Uncle Carter immediately made sure the money got paid back and essentially fired Gary. But he did not want Marianne and me to suffer for our father's behavior. I'm sure his bosses here know what he did. Dad is never going to see partner nor move up in the firm. He makes a decent pay but not that much. I'm sure it pisses him off. Gary likes to act like a bigshot. Father or not, there is no love lost. He screwed up and hurt Marianne and me in the process."

"I gotta go soon." Robin said. "Bas wants me to talk with Carol's and Rene's instructors and explain about their being enslaved. Bas expects me to obey him. He is a nice guy but I hate having somebody dictate to me, ya know? I like to be in charge. I fucking hate being vulnerable. I don't care what I gotta do to convince him. I'll even force him to go along, I can't be on the bottom. That tore me up to go over his lap the other day. The humiliation hurt as much as the paddling. He is gonna have to submit to us. That's all there is to it."

"Yeah, it will be better if we are in charge." Joanne said. 'I still have a hard time thinking about him looking at my pussy while he paddled me. When I hit puberty I'd think of him making love to me instead of Mom. I seriously wanted him to come fuck me and I did not even know what fucking was back then. I'd rub my clit and get off. I did that a lot. I even spied on him to see his cock. And I'll tell you, I was impressed." Joanne giggled. "I wanted to show him my pussy that night we tried to spank him. But with him between my legs licking me. Then me riding his cock."

"His cock IS nice. You are getting me hot, bitch." Robin giggled. "And you are over there in Baton Rouge. I gotta calm down. I can't go talk to some professor looking like I'm ready to have sex." They both laughed and said goodbye.

"Well, that was enlightening." Helen offered. She glanced at me and blushed.

"Which part?" I groused. "Atwell's story or that my adoptive daughter lusted after me?" Helen giggled.

"BOTH." Lou declared in answer. "Sorry, Bas, but I share some history with both these women. I know where their minds are." The women all exchanged looks and smiles.

"I think we might have enough to actually get a warrant." Helen said. "Some of the rules for a search warrant have been relaxed. But we still have to specify where we want to look and what we might be looking for."

"Well we have evidence of three women he signed up for this 'program'. Bas' sister in law and these two unnamed women Atwell's daughter talked about. None of those contracts were ever recorded. Why? And where are they?" Katherine Douglas asked.

"Kathy" I offered. She'd already told me to not call her 'Katherine' and warned me she certainly did not want me to call her Ms Douglas. "The logical place to look would be his home office. He would at least have a copy there." I said. "The package the courier left for Robin was thick. I got one set- the one for the victim. You lawyers call them clients. One had to be for filing even if they were not filed. Another for the lawyer's records. One for whoever was to be in charge. I'm betting he cannot keep them at his office at the firm. He might keep a backup somewhere in case of a fire or some such, but I will bet he has them close at hand."

"I want to know why he never bothered to record any of them." Helen said. "His own contract has been recorded. Why not the others?" Nobody had an answer to that. I asked Helen if she had a copy of the contract Robin tried to get me to sign. I looked up the number on the notary stamp and it was registered to a woman who worked at Atwell's firm. The notary's signature was a scrawl. I pointed that out. " We need to see if that matches the secretary's signature. I bet it does not. I'm thinking Atwell is using her stamp and embossing tool and having somebody else sign." Helen said.

"I wonder if he planned to record mine if I had signed." I said. "I kinda had the idea he was setting me up to be under Robin's control for a long time. That automatic renewal clause seemed strange." Helen said that was not a normal part of those agreements according to a couple of the lawyers she asked. The idea was to transition people back into society if possible. But it had been in Atwell's contract. That one was punitive.

"You seemed pretty familiar with both Kathy and Helen." I offered as I walked back with Lou to her office. "Shared glances, expressions. What was not said spoke volumes."

"I knew you would catch on, Bas." Lou said as she blushed. "You are a master at observation. You see subtle hints. You have an amazing attention to detail. Alright I know you heard about the garden parties from what some of the girls said at home. Have you asked Lenore about them?" I nodded and said she asked me not to pry. She would tell me about them eventually. "Both Helen and Kathy have attended those parties. But as free women. We share that in common. It is not something that is discussed openly. I am sure you have realized that most of the women at the Hacienda are bisexual." I nodded. "Well, Sarah and I were pretty much completely lesbian. Derek was our experimentation in straight sex. Now we consider ourselves bi. Many of the women attending those parties may have straight normal lives but while there are lesbian, playing with the slave girls. That play is a barely controlled lesbian fuckfest. No men. Slaves are used as slaves, a commodity, a toy for a free woman's enjoyment. I'm not going into details. Just let me say this. Your daughter's stated desire to have sex with you and her admitted play with Robin was not even on the board as something that would shock us three women." Lou giggled as she blushed. I could tell she was at least a little bit sexually aroused.

"But while we have a private common interest, we do not let that interfere with our professions." Lou stated. "Something is going on. We are sure Gary Atwell has signed multiple people up for that program but did not record their contracts. We are wondering why." I had no clue myself.

Lou called Lenore and asked her when she would be getting off work. She explained she and I were working on something and I had let one of my new slave girls take my car. She would take me home unless Lenore wanted to do it. "Alright, I'll send him down. He can explain what all we did today. Go easy on him. He learned some stuff that threw him for a loop. Oh. Well his daughter Joanne has had fantasies of jumping his bones and using him to get off." Lou began to chuckle. "Yeah, I figured that. This is gonna get complicated. Be careful what you say at home." Lou hung up.

"Lenore will be ready to go home in about forty five minutes to an hour." Lou said. "She has a case to finish. You can wait in my office or go down to hers. You saw my little nursery Sarah and I have set up for our kids. We even hired a nanny for day care. We did not want to use a slave girl for that. The woman who runs it actually has a degree in education. She is a parent herself and her daughter is right there also. I represented her and this is part of her paying me for legal fees. We give her a salary of course so she can live well, but she pays us back by taking care of all the kids, Our five plus hers. It is a win-win situation."

I had no idea what to say about little ones. Joanne had been the youngest child I had ever dealt with. I said as much. Lou laughed. "Sarah and I had only talked about the idea of having babies. Then Derek came along. Now we each have two. I would not trade them for the world. Derek is a good daddy. He is involved. But as good as he is, he needs help, like us mothers."

I wondered at this woman's candid admission. I thought of how Christine and I had wanted a baby.

I thanked Lou for her help. "Are you kidding?" she asked,"You are the one who helped us. We were at a dead end and your search program cut through and gave us answers. I will tell you now as your lawyer, do NOT give that program away. Adapt it to make it user friendly but keep it to yourself until we can copyright it. That sucker opened doors today."

I left Lou to go sit in Lenore's office to wait for her. Wanda came up and told me where the coffee pot was. "I'm not gonna fetch it for you. I have to be the boss. Lou told me you worked a few miracles." I asked her what she was talking about. "Lou, Sarah and I compare notes when it might affect us as a group or I guess I should say family. It is a communal thing. Lou said your search engine was golden and you found stuff nobody else could. We all like you, Bas. We don't want you to think we are taking advantage, but I really think that search engine of yours is really going to help all of us." I shrugged and told her to use it if she wanted and I would try to make it easier to use when I had the time.

"That is our point!" Wanda said. " Don't give it away. Fix it up and make money off it. We work as a business outside of our private relationships. You are now part of that. Lou is watching out for you legally. Sarah with the business interests. Derek is a friend. I'll pitch in wherever I can. Lenore of course is a little more personal." I blushed. "I love she has found somebody. Well, hopefully. I don't want to jinx that."

Lenore rescued me. She drove us home so we took the opportunity to talk in private. I told her what happened today in detail. When I got to the personal stuff about her and I and what Lou and Wanda had said, she laughed. "They know how I feel about you." she said. "Lou texted me earlier and told me Atwell wants to use our getting together so fast against you. Fuck him. I know what I feel, what I want. But I am going to let it develop." Lenore looked at me with an expression I could read plain as day. She wanted me to affirm her words. She wanted me to proclaim my love.

An early Bas Landry would have succumbed quickly. I was tougher. I said. "I agree we need to let our relationship develop. We need to see where it leads." I barely restrained myself from laughing when I said, "Today I found out my adopted daughter has been attracted to me sexually for years. She shares so many traits with her mother. Especially her looks. I have to wonder what it would be like to actually touch her sexually."

Lenore turned red. She had obviously not anticipated this. I could not tell from her expression if she was angry or there were more emotions involved. I had been teasing, which in itself was fairly uncomfortable for me. I felt bad when she began to tear up. "Bas, I know Joanne is like your late wife in many ways. Her looks, her smell, her familiarity has to be massively attacking every sense you have. But I beg you. Don't let that sway you. I fucking love you. I can't say why. I just do. Give me a chance." At a loss for the right words to reassure her, I reached over and patted her on the thigh. She smiled.

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LeifsonLeifsonover 1 year ago

INAL, but know a fair amount about the ways programs can be protected. Short version, you should substitute "patent" for "copyright" when Lou says "Adapt it to make it user friendly but keep it to yourself until we can copyright it.".

The longer explanation - copyright (as of 1976) happens automatically, no registration is needed (though there are still some rare situations where officially registering a copyright might be useful). Also copyright probably wouldn't protect Bas's search engine (useful for source code, but not functionality of the program). Here is where I mention copyright law is very complex, most people say only tax code is more complicated).

A patent on the other hand, is pretty obviously what you meant. Exposing inventions can result in losing patent (pretty much what Lou is saying). And patents can provide the type of functionality the story is talking about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Gamblnluck writing what Gamblnluck writes best. Revenge fantasy. Great stuff.

GamblnluckGamblnluckover 2 years agoAuthor

I was out of the country for over a week on a cruise. Got back only to have the next chapter rejected by the moderators. I'll explain that after it is published.

Qwer12Qwer12over 2 years ago
Outstanding Entertainment - 5 Plus Stars

Thank you for your wonderful writing and this entertaining story. I great new story with new interesting characters with a nice overlap from your top rated Slave Camp series. Perfectly written and so many details that allow us to feel what is going on. Thank you as always for your time and hard work to produce this series. Cheers

HargaHargaover 2 years ago

Great chapter and well written as usual. Gary is definitely running some kind of scam and I'm sure will be found out. I just can't image why people would tempt the law when slavery is were you might end up. I guess it's just human nature to push the limits and take your chances. Sort of like what the girls are doing rite know trying to still corner Bas. I like that Lenore and Bas have hooked up knowing her past and her understanding of his limitations. I think she is going to have to push Bas into enforcing his slave master role. I know it's only been a day but he really needs to enforce that the way Derek did. I mean he has three relatively young women under his care and he can't neglect that. Young horny people on campus could get into all kinds of trouble and he needs to be aware of that and not just the predators. If he's taken care of business at home they hopefully wont stray.

Vintage_DMVintage_DMover 2 years ago

Well, well, well. The next three or four or more chapters are going to spin. The question is who going to fall with Gary Attwell? The two girls, yeah. But who else? Characters we haven't met yet? Or someone from the distant past? The author is does an excellent job of reaching into the gumbo pot and pulling out the unexpected.

I'm looking forward to the next several chapters.

PatientDomPatientDomover 2 years ago

Have to consider in the next few chapters, 1, 2 or even 3 free people may be wearing collar, and sporting glowing asses. There will probably be a twist or two in the tail, but those enslavements are heading down the track towards those involved. Keep going, your stories build on characters and are so enjoyable to read.

tizwickytizwickyover 2 years ago

I think that Gary Attwell is the key to finding out about a lot of shady going’s on.

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