Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 12


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I was not surprised to be asked almost immediately if I was willing to sell my two slaves. I said no, I just liked to take a slave or two along when I went out. I suspected some of those asking might be employees of the sales firm. Every business needs to protect their income. We paused to quickly look over the group of male slaves standing nude, their collars attached to poles Every pole seemed to have a slave attached. About half the men had erections. Many of these had cock cages hanging from their collars. It might have been the first time in weeks their genitals had been released from those confining cages for some of them. They could do nothing to relieve themselves as their hands were bound behind their backs.

This was Darren's first time here. He had heard about the sale though. He had told me he had watched the parish auction a few times but could not even afford the opening bid. He hoped to find a more reasonably priced slave here. I assured him slaves here would sell for a fraction of the seventy thousand dollar reserve the parish auction assigned. Buyers from the big slave markets were contracted to buy any unsold slave from the parish. They made a good profit on some and lost on others. But their market was different. Generally these slaves were awarded by the court as restitution for losses. As such, the owner did not have an investment to recoup. Many people found that the reality of having a slave was not as fun as the fantasy. I'd told him this last line before.

"Do you want to check out the histories on any of the males in case you find one who has some technical skills you can use?" I asked. He shook his head. "They have the men out here, so they get a little extra exposure. You have to walk past them to get to the women." I explained to Daren.

"It looks like you have a full house today." I said to one of the employees. His job was to keep watch. He would unlock a slave from the pole once an agreement was reached and escort the buyers and sellers to the office to transfer ownership.

He agreed. "I don't know if it is because it is the end of the year, and people want more spending money for Christmas and vacations, but this time of year we are really busy. Same with the female side." He laughed and added. "I know some of the car dealerships are offering end of year sales. I wonder how much of the slave money goes towards a new car."

I noticed six males in a row, all with deeply tanned upper bodies and legs. The contrast between that and the stark paleness where a pair of shorts and shoes would have covered was glaring. I asked about them. "I have a grounds keeping and lawn care business. These guys are extras. Ones that did not work as well on a team as I'd hoped. I don't have time to give the extra supervision some of these guys need to work hard. Instead of feeding and housing them when there is little work, I'll sell them. I heard there was going to be a buyer for a construction firm here looking to buy laborers. Hopefully there will be a buyer for a picking crew. You know like those big produce farms in California. Used to be a lot of migrant farm workers. Now they use slave labor. You don't need a male around the house for that extra help do you?" I shook my head. The men looked nervous hearing him.

"Please, Mr Gentry." one slave begged pitifully. "Take me back home with you. I promise I'll work extra hard." The man ignored the slave.

He whispered to me. "The ones I do take back home, if any, will bust their asses this next season. A hundred bucks a pop to have them standing there is nothing to sniff about, but now they know I am serious when I say I will sell them if they don't work hard. They've all heard horror stories how work crews are treated elsewhere."

Darren and the girls had been looking around, staring at the male flesh presented. Seeing women, many of the men whose cocks had been flaccid, now erected. I leaned close to Beth, "Make you horny Beth, all those hard cocks.? I know all you've been touching lately is Brenda's pussy." I teased. She blushed and shook her head. I nodded for Darren to take the lead through the entry to the woman's section.

The atmosphere of the next room was different. It was a little noisier. More conversation and the occasional stifled moan. Even the smell of the room changed. Even though the slaves had been freshly washed, the men's area still reeked of sweat and fear. Here the smell was more subtle. Some perfume had been spritzed around, The smell of female arousal was tangible. I saw groups of the same type of spectator as the last time I had been here. Voyeurs with no intention of buying but who willingly paid the ten dollar entry fee to come fondle and inspect naked female flesh. 'Lookie -lou's ' was how Lisa Townsend had described them. I'd bet some of these guys had felt the breasts and dipped their fingers into the vagina of every woman in the row, no matter the age or appearance of the slave locked to the pole. Cheap entertainment on a Saturday.

Many of the slaves had a hardened glint in their eyes. The look that said she might be a problem. I reminded myself all these women were convicted criminals. Some had successfully committed crimes for some time before finally getting caught. Some might have even been enslaved before for other crimes only to re-offend. I told Darren to read the placard in front of any he might think remotely interesting. The placard would describe why the woman was convicted and her term of enslavement.

I looked back at Robin and her mother for their reaction. Both stared at the women as a group. They could not bring themselves to look any of the slaves in the eye. I knew they were imagining themselves standing there with her collar attached to a pole, her feet spread and tethered to the floor preventing them from closing their legs. "See those guys going along feeling every woman up?" I said. "They are here to play at the women's expense. They have no intention to buy. This is where I bought Sonya, Rene and Carol. All three of them were standing just like these slaves. You know, if I wanted to waste a couple hundred dollars, I could have you displayed like them for the next several hours. I might not get my price but you'd have to endure all the inspections." Both women had tears in their eyes at the thought.

I spotted a girl in the third row. Something about her just caught my eye. I did not even continue down the first aisle. I stepped between the tethered slaves to the next row. I read the placard. It said the slave's first name was Andrea. She'd been convicted of vehicular homicide and sentenced to twenty years enslavement. "Twenty years for murder?" I asked. I'd known of a few women who got thirty for the same crime. Clarice was one of them.

"Yeah, it should have been more if you asked me. She had a good lawyer. He almost got her off altogether. Said she was stressed and traumatized by her husband cheating on her. Claimed she suddenly lost it and went nuts and what she did was temporary insanity due to her stress. Fuck that. She ran down her husband and my sister. Yeah, they were having an affair but she could have just kicked my sister's ass. Hell, I'da kicked my sister's ass if I knew she was screwin' a married guy. She claimed in court she was just gonna jump out and pound shit out the woman her husband was messing with, but made a mistake and hit the gas instead of the brake. Nobody really believed her. She aimed the car right at them. But they still only gave her twenty years."

I stepped up to the woman. She looked about thirty. "Would you like to explain?" I asked.

"What's to explain?" she asked, glaring back. "The bitch ruined my marriage. Well, my husband did. but she knew full well he was married and we had a kid. She worked as a receptionist at the same company. Wanta know my real regret now I am enslaved and whatever I say can't hurt my case? I regret not getting them both. My dear sweet cheating asshole of an ex husband got away with two broke legs and a bad back. He'll be fine after all the surgery. Even if he goes through life with a limp and might find it hard to hump his next girlfriend. The bitch I nailed with the tires. Straight over her body. Wish I had nailed the bastard the same way. Then my Mom might be the one to raise my little boy instead of him. I'm fucked no matter what." Her chest heaved as she said this. I could tell she was totally humiliated being displayed like this but her anger overrode her other emotions.

I turned to the man. "You didn't want to keep her?" I asked. She was a nice looking woman. I could understand her anger. Her life as she knew it was over. Her son would be an adult by the time she was free.

"No way." the man said. "She killed my sister. Like I said, if she'd have punched the shit out of my sister, I would have gone to her defense. I'd have applauded her. My first wife cheated and I know how it feels. But killing her? Nope. If I keep her I'd get in trouble for beating her half to death one night. Nope, I'll sell her and be rid of her. Ya interested?" I asked him how much he wanted for her. He said thirty five thousand. I wished him good luck and suggested he walk around and hear what some of the other slave owners were asking.

"I bought two college coeds who had ten year enslavements for 20K each and a thirty year old who got fifteen years for assault for the same price. That was just a few weeks ago. You might get a better price but all I'll offer is twenty five." I turned to the slave and pinched her nipple of her right breast. I lifted it and felt her breast with my other hand. "Are these real? I hate fake tits." I said in a loud voice. Andrea winced and glared at me as she said they were real. "Let me look around." I said to the owner and walked away.

I told Darren about the woman. He was finishing up with the first row. I had him skip the second row and go to the third. We worked our way down the aisle inspecting each slave and acted interested in a woman three down from the slave I liked. The woman had a few tattoos, and had been busted for narcotics. The only thing she had going for her was her price. I suspected she was being sold because she was a problem. I even dropped into a squat and closely examined her vagina. I had not done that with my target slave. I stood and talked with the owner a few minutes before I moved on. We skipped over the woman I had checked out a half hour before.

The owner called me over. "I might be able to take thirty thousand for her." he said. I had watched him as he had done what I suggested and asked what some of the others wanted for their slaves. I shrugged. "Most of these guys want that price for their slaves. And most of the slaves here are not near as good looking as mine," he said. I asked him how many seemed to be selling for that price. "Well, I haven't seen any being sold, yet. There are a lot of guys checking out the merchandise though."

"Looking and feeling up every one of the girls but most aren't even talking to the owners." I said. "Just having fun." I could tell he was catching on.

"Darren, this woman looks okay but she has severe anger issues. She saw her husband and the woman he was cheating with on the street and ran them over. She didn't bother to talk it out. She's had a kid so her pussy might be a little loose. I did not check. At least she doesn't have a lot of stretch marks." I was about ready to lose it when Darren rolled his eyes where the owner could not see as he stifled his laughter. I had told him I was going to act a fool. "Plus having a kid in town might make her a little nuts. I'm not sure. What do you think?" The owner quickly said if I'd pay twenty five I could have her but I had to make the decision right now. He'd just wait to sell her at a later time. I knew from what he's said earlier, he did not want to take the woman home with him and the next sale was two weeks away. "Thinking about it, I'm not so sure now I want her. But I did offer to buy her for that price earlier." I said. I turned to Darren. "Should I go ahead and buy her or do you want her?" Darren shrugged and said he could afford her for that price. He'd take a risk on her being nuts.

The seller agreed and we called an employee over to unlock the slave. As I stood watching the sales agent transfer ownership, I told the man. "Just to let you know, I bought both these two slaves for less than you just got for your slave." I did not go into details of course. What I said was true.

"You're kidding!" he said, in awe, looking Robin up and down. I shook my head and said they were mother and daughter. I think he felt better about the transaction. He collected his money and walked out the front door.

Darren grinned at me. 'Thanks, Bas." I asked if he wanted to go back and look through the other slaves to see if another caught his eye. He shook his head, saying one was enough.

"Andrea, behave for Darren. I made him a standing offer to buy your butt if he decides to sell you." I said. She stood there nude and shaking, not sure what to think. Because he had not thought to bring clothes, Darren went out to start his car and warm it a bit. This was December and it was uncomfortably cool even in south Louisiana. Especially if you were naked. "You seem like a smart woman. Darren is a good guy. Take advantage of the situation and work with him. It is the least bad choice you can make if you understand what I am saying." I said. She nodded looking at Beth and Robin who stood subdued and happy to be leaving.

I knew both of my slaves were upset watching slaves displayed for sale. I imagined they pictured themselves in the same position. I brought them along to see where owners get rid of slaves they don't want for one reason or the other. Darren pulled as close as he could to the entrance. I ushered Andrea out and into the passenger seat. My slaves followed me to my car. They had not said a word to me.

Beth broke her silence when she saw Darren follow us up our driveway. "They came home with us?" she asked. I explained I'd invited Darren to lunch. Plus Andrea had no clothing. I was going to lend her something to wear. I sent Robin to the laundry room to get a set of hospital scrubs and some flip flops. I kept a few sets of the clothing I had used to bring slaves home.

"Thank you, Sir." Andrea said as she donned the thin clothes. "Gary kept me naked when he took me home after I was collared. I only had the clothes I wore to court and he made a point to use shears to cut them off me this morning when he registered me instead of just letting me strip. He saved my panties for last and cut them up so they couldn't be reused." Robin went to her room and came back with an old sweat shirt. I suggested Darren take her to a big box store for underwear, cheap tops and jeans. But if he wanted better or more professional clothes there were several thrift stores in town. Most of the inventory had been owned by now enslaved women.

Darren noticed the paddle and the strap hanging on the wall. He asked how often I used one. "Not that often. It's been over a week." I said. " And when one of the girls deserve more than a few swats they get locked in a chastity belt" His look of surprise amused me. "Come to think of it, we have three girls who are due to have their belts unlocked today. I was going to do that this evening, but I'll make a deal. If any of you girls want to show Darren and Andrea how you are locked up, I'll unlock you now. You won't have to wait."

Not a single girl volunteered. Robin, Joanne and Marianne all blushed. They did not even look at one another. "Oh, come on!" Lenore chided them. "Slave girls are not supposed to be modest. You should be willing to strip at a snap of the fingers. All Bas asked you to do was pull down your pants far enough to show your belt. You should be happy for the opportunity to please your owner." Lenore looked at me and winked. None of the three girls offered so much as a peep. 'Alright then. We need to work on your inhibitions. So all three of you wearing a chastity belt will stand up and strip completely." That order received gasps from all three. "You had the chance to volunteer. Now it is an order." The three looked at me, their eyes silently pleading for me to intervene.

"Don't look at Bas." Lenore said, in the same level voice. "I gave you an order. Any girl not nude in thirty seconds will get five with the strap and that means another week in chastity." Lenore pulled up her shirt sleeve to look at her wrist watch. I heard a whimper from either Joanne or Robin who sat side by side down the table. Then three chairs were pushed back and three girls began to peel off their clothes. "Not even socks. I wanted every stitch off." Lenore said as they frantically stripped. "Very good. Twenty seconds. Now each of you go over to give both Darren and Andrea a close up view. Let them touch. Darren, you might want to try to stick a finger under the belt. You'll see how effective they are. There is no way a girl can even masturbate. Bend them over to see how it looks from the back too. You too, Andrea. You need to see what a belt is like in case Darren decides to make you wear one." Darren looked at me. I grinned and nodded.

I glanced over to see Richard's reaction. He had seen Marianne and Beth naked in the past week, but not Robin nor his cousin, Joanne. Now they stood in all their glory. He could not see their hidden pussies but the rest of their bodies was visible. I saw Joanne glance in his direction. She was thinking the same thing. Darren looked all three girls over carefully, feeling how tightly the belts covered the girls' most intimate parts. Andrea hesitantly touched Robin's cage but at Lenore's insistence she tried to insert a finger under the edge.

"Okay, girls sit back down and finish your meals. You can get dressed when lunch is over." Lenore directed.

Darren thanked us for lunch and for the 'demonstration'. "I need to take Andrea to the store and get her some clothes." he said.

"Don't forget hygiene products." Lenore said. "Bas forgot about brushes and combs. I had to remind him." Darren grinned. Andrea had been very quiet and subdued after the three girls lost their clothes. I'm sure she realized the lesson was as much for her as the rest of the slaves.

Lenore walked back into the kitchen. "Okay, gather around." she ordered. "Last week you all heard me tell Marianne she was not allowed to cover up when the delivery men arrived. Those of you who went to the Hacienda observed one of the slaves running around nude. She was a probably a little embarrassed being naked in front of strangers but did not show it. Nudity there is common place. Slaves have no right to privacy. Understood?" All the women nodded. "Now you three who are locked up, come with me and I will unlock you. Then I want you to thoroughly wash your belt and bring them to me. I will put them away until next time one is needed. You can play with yourself or each other AFTER you finish your assigned chores. On your own time."

"Uncle Bas, can I take Marianne over to my house later?" Richard asked. "I mean after she finishes her work." I asked him if he had more studying to do for finals or he wanted to do something else. He grinned. "Both." I told him to have fun.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


With Caroline, I'd say that her release could be an option, but her sentence was just. I mean, sure, as omniscient readers of the story, we know that she was tricked into helping her parents, but from the perspective of the judge in the story, she could well have been fully in the loop about everything and willingly abetting in the fraudulent enslavement attempt. It's a system which prefers to over-punish rather than under-punish. And I get that.

I'd agree that 15 years for hiding jewelry is extreme, but in the face of the circumstances, I'd say it was harsh but not unreasonable. The key thing here was that they were slaves, and wrongdoings by slaves are punished much more harshly than the very same wrongdoings by freemen. And I can also understand the rationale behind the attitude either; slaves should be strongly encouraged at every turn to be obedient.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, that is the question. I think you oversentence your main characters in comparison with secondary ones.

Lets see Slave Camps sentences:

Caroline got 20 years like her parents (Rhonda and Chad), but she was an accomplice (accessory) in the worst case, not the brains behind the plot. In my opinion both Rhonda and Chad must serve complete. But not Caroline. This is why I commented some chapters ago that Caroline must be benefited by some early release.

Other examples, Cheryl and Clarice.

Cheryl poisoned her husband and his lover killing him and injuring the lover, so murder and attempted murder: 30 years. No comment.

Clarice assulted her boyfrend and his lover killing him and injuring her, so murder and attempted murder: 30 years. No comment.

Kat and her mother Lisa abused, neglected, and endangered their slave: 20 years (14 Lisa but for her age). Here I think your went a little overboard. But I can understand why. Maybe the admission of guilt from Kat may had softened a little the judges hearts.

Leanne. That was a special case because she need to be downed half dozen pegs. It was a cas of slave stupid. Run away and so. But from an indenturing of 5/10 years (We all know Derek could reach and agreement with her husband in the long term) she got 10 years from running away from the indenture contract and 5 for each felony (5000 dolars theft and car theft), so 20 years. (I still think that if she went slave stupid was because Derek and her husband allowed it. An they pressed charges on the felonies. Not nice doing this to the mother of your children pissed or not. She was to be a slave 10 years anyway...)

Douglas Benoit 30 years plus all he got. He deserved it and more. No comment.

And in this chapter of Gotta pay the pipper we found the slave that Darren bought.

Andrea 20 years for attemp murder her husband and murder of his lover.

This is what i said about Robin and Joanne. Obviously in the firsts chapters they were the antagonists. But as a slaves they are victims of the sistem. They are victims of the instigators of the crime (Gary, Beth and Chalenne). They even shared attorney because Bas dumped Joanne (You may be pissed but family is family and you cant make decissions pissed). So they were victims of a shared wrong defense.

Gary tricked them. Bas dumped them. So they thought they needed a new lawyer. So they "stole" jewelry that was of thier families. Yeah, they had multiple ocassions to confess... but that is not how Bas must have handled the situation. That's my opinion. I think that Leanne got 5 years for her car and 5 years for 5000 dollars of her account. They got 15 for the jewelry of their family? Shame on Leanne husband and shame on Bas.

I understand that they needed to be punished. But I am pretty sure that this punishments (like Caroline's one) are very tough. Caroline made a phone call. 20 years... she helped her parents. Sentence her as an accomplice but dont go overboard.

With Robin and Joanne I have the same feeling. Angie, Rene and Carol sentenced to 2 felonies got 5 + 3or5 = 10 years.

Maybe it wouldn't be so critical if you had only condemned them once because I remember they even planted evidence. But that they accumulate sentences of 15 in 15 years....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

the more you write about people's attitudes about slavery, the more sickening it gets to think of this image of people thinking that legal status makes it ok to treat someone as a lesser human being... I gues that was indeed the attitude of the founding fathers of this country with their treatment of African Americans, and that is the attitude of current crazies regarding unauthorized immigrants. I don't know how Americans can be proud of themselves and claim to be a Christian nation when they so easily forget the basic truth of humanity... And I still find it very unbelievable that all these women would be so much into humiliation... Have you not had many equal relationships maybe?... You're a good writer, but the worldview you're building is chilling, perhaps I would find it less so if there was more acknowledgement of moral conflict...

GamblnluckGamblnluckover 2 years agoAuthor

@Anonymous.Yes the sentences handed down for Robin and Joanne were heavy. But let's look at what they were. They got fifteen for attempting to fraudulently enslave a person. Wat they did fell under the same provision as that crime (as stated). In my slave camp saga, Caroline and her mother received twenty years. They manufactured evidence. Then the second sentence Robin and Joanne got was for grand larceny. No it was not compounded by being with a weapon, but that is not the same thing as shoplifting.

Vintage_DMVintage_DMover 2 years ago

Well, well, well. Gotta wonder if the trip of the market got the girls attention? I've this author's stories for some time and enjoyed them. Hes is very good at giving hints of what might happen in a future chapter. Stay tuned.

Having written a few stories myself. I can tell you that keeping all the details in mind is at a minimum damm difficult. --- Anyway, great chapter. Wonder what the next stops are.

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