Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 17


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I stepped out the back door."I went to the store and bought some garden gloves and other supplies, Uncle Bas. I used the grocery credit card. Hope that was okay. The girls complained they'd get blisters. I told them they'd get their butts blistered if they refused to work hard." Richard said laughing.

"Not a problem. You know it is easier to use the tiller instead of those shovels." I offered. He said he bought fresh gas and some oil but was not sure how to run the tiller. He'd seen me use it but he'd never tried. I showed him some tricks and he set to work. Then he had Marianne try. We stood and laughed when the tiller pulled her off her feet and dragged her along before she turned loose of the throttle. She grinned and flipped us off. Then she set herself and actually did a decent job.

Richard and I measured out more area for garden runs and staked the corners. We wanted each plot four feet wide and 24 feet long with walkways between. I made a phone call to have the wood for the garden sides delivered. It was a good start. I was glad Richard had taken charge. "Did any of the girls give you a hard time?" I asked. I expected Joanne might be a little reluctant to take orders from her younger cousin.

"Nope." he grinned in answer. "Joanne asked about the blisters and when I said that about the blistered butts, she said okay. She also said something about her jeans getting dirty so I told her it was warm enough to work in just her panties if she preferred. After that all the girls got right to work." I was happy to see the young man had taken the girls well in hand. We went into the kitchen for a beer before he went home to shower.

There were a few complaints about sore muscles at the dinner table. Richard grinned at me. I knew he had to be sore as well. He announced they'd work the soreness out getting the garden ready as long as the warm weather held. Rain was forecast by the beginning of next week and he wanted the plots cleared. Brenda laughed and said, "I guess you could say Richard worked you girls like slaves, huh?" She grinned when the girls moaned.

"We won't be finished before the weekend, Brenda." Joanne said. "Does that mean you will be joining us? Or do unofficial slaves not do manual labor?"

"Yeah. I'm curious how the whole unofficial, uncollared slave thing works." Sherrie offered. "Is it FULL slavery without the collar or pick and choose what you do? Not that I have that option. I'm just curious." She looked pointedly at Lenore.

"Like I told you before, when I was at the Hacienda, I had no more rights than any other slave." Lenore said, looking straight back into Sherrie's eyes. "My name appeared on all the work rosters. We did the tasks in rotation. Caroline being head girl made the assignments. I know when she is there, Ginger, Clarice's mother does the same thing. The head girl is in charge."

Sherrie asked if that included her owners had the right to spank her and use her sexually in any way they wanted. Lenore nodded. "I had two choices. LIVE the part all the way or leave the property."

"Wait!" Beth said. "Is that how it works here, too? I mean Brenda is a voluntary slave. Can she give orders?" Lenore told her no. "Then why has she ordered me to move to her house and basically sleep with her?" There was a little chuckling around the table.

'I just asked you to come over. You did." Brenda said. "I gave you orders and you obeyed. I was a little miffed at you for the way you and Gary treated me when I thought I was under that conservatorship contract. I'll admit I did punish you at first, but lately everything I have done is fair." Beth stared at her aghast.

"Seems you submitted to another slave on your own." Sherrie said. "You gave up your butt and let a slave take you over. That was your decision, so deal with it." Robin and Joanne immediately agreed, with Robin only offering a soft 'sorry, Mom'.

"Did you kiss her asshole like you kissed the mother of one of these other girls in the staff lounge that afternoon? Sorry to laugh but that was pretty funny when she had you apologize for how you acted and kiss and lick her butt hole." Sherrie asked.

"That was Lucy, Carol's mom." Beth admitted. "And we made amends after I apologized. I admitted I was a bitch. I wish we had done it privately. One of the other staff made me kiss her butt each day I was there saying she was standing in for Lucy. I'm sure that was bullshit, but she ordered me to kiss so I did. And yes, I kissed Brenda's butt in the same way. She spanked me a few times too. Once for each time I got her into trouble." The girls around the table snickered. "But that is over if I don't have to obey her while she is an uncollared slave."

"We just share a bed, now." Brenda said in her defense. "I ask you or suggest we play any time I feel frisky. And admit it, you have started sex play a few times. I have not given you an order in weeks. You moved your stuff over there. I just made room and told you where to put your clothes. If you want to move back over here, that is fine."

"I did not assign Beth to Brenda's bedroom. Brenda asked me if Beth could sleep there and I said yes." Sonya said. "Their arrangement was between them. If she wants to move back, she can share the sofa bed with Sherrie." Sherrie smiled and Beth's countenance paled. I wondered with which woman she would choose to share a bed.

"If you notice, Brenda is on the meal preparation and kitchen cleanup rosters just like everybody else." Sonya said. "I don't have her on laundry and house cleaning here because she does that at her house. I have Beth and Marianne help her over there." Robin asked if Sonya could spank Brenda like she could the rest of them. Sonya glanced at me briefly before replying. "I have the role as head girl as long as Bas says so. That means I have the right to enforce my orders so yes I could spank Brenda if it came to it." The girls seemed satisfied.

"I said the right thing, didn't I Bas?" Sonya asked later. "You didn't contradict me." I told her she was exactly right and the girls were fishing for other reasons. "I heard. Some are hoping Lenore is taken down. Or steps down and becomes an uncollared slave herself." I asked how she felt. "I like Lenore. She has my back. She reinforces my authority and treats me well. But of course I know her history. I know she can be both dominant and submissive in bed. Hell, she and I have tickled and teased each other enjoying little competitions." My face must have revealed my surprise. "Not a big thing. Stuff like who could get the other to orgasm first. I'd like to see her stay in charge and live as the free woman of the house, but if she decides otherwise, I'll treat her as fair as I can. I talked to Caroline about how she worked around it. I'll do the same thing."

I told her that was what I wanted to hear. "One thing Bas." Sonya said, with a smirk. "At dinner we talked about a free woman playing a slave and what I could do as head girl. Seems I have a lot of the work but not many of the perks." I was puzzled. "Seems I should have extra time having sex with the boss. Get a few extra favors for my efforts." Her grin would best described as a leer. "Don't get me wrong. A tongue hitting the right spot is great, but sometimes a girl just likes to have her pussy pounded and stretched by a real cock and not some chunk of latex. I want to be held and caressed by a man after sex on occasion."

"I'll have a talk with management." I said. She grinned and leaned in to kiss me.

"Please don't wait for the next board meeting." she breathed into my ear.

"So what did you think about tonight's dinner time discussion? You saw how Sherrie, Joanne and Robin pushed the discussion." I asked Lenore a little later. "How did things go with Sherrie? Anything happen on the way home?"

"We talked like any two normal women would." Lenore said. "She said she was happy to be here and she felt she would like her new position at Waddsworth better than her old one. She also told me she sucked your cock and swallowed your cum in the car. Did she tell you that was a first for her?" I nodded. "I had no idea. I thought she swung both ways. I thought she'd fucked a variety of men and women. The women I knew for sure. She explained she had a friend who would take her to the garden parties as a guest. She was working on being a full member but the buy-in was steep. So she'd pay admission. Plus her body building took up most of her free time."

"As far as the talk about the role of an unofficial slave, the three musketeers were both fishing and hinting how it should be. I took it as a challenge." Lenore said. I took it more as a dare betting she would lose and they were defining the consequences but kept that thought to myself. 'Well, it puts a little extra pressure on me knowing there are multiple eyes on how I prove myself." Lenore added.

"Are you sure you don't think we should bring Sherrie into our bed like we did all the other girls?" I said. "You and I sharing her?"

"No!" Lenore said. "I need to do this on my own. You got your blowjob. Actually she is a little proud of herself about that. She teased me a little and asked if I got the slightest bit of envy when I watched you cum in one of the slave's pussies or mouths. She asked if I licked the girl afterwards." I asked Lenore how she responded. "I told her I might think about licking her to celebrate the first time a man came in her pussy like a real woman. She turned red and shut up. She wasn't pissed. She was embarrassed she is so inexperienced."

I hoped Lenore would view something so dumb as her verbal battle as a minor victory. She once again refused to bring a girl to bed. I told her what Sonya had said. Lenore enjoyed that. "I'm not surprised Sonya really does like being here. Well, not the part of being a slave with no choice for however many years. What I am saying is if given the choice of a place to live, she would not mind being right where she is. She has a family, authority and people who care for her. Not ideal but she has adapted. Go take her to bed and screw her. Make her cum and make her feel appreciated."

I walked out of my bedroom thinking about that. Making a slave feeling appreciated. That was in contrast to how much of society looked at slaves. Slaves were there to serve with no choice nor any thoughts to how they felt about that servitude. I guess having been an unofficial slave had influenced Lenore's notions.

I heard televisions going behind mostly closed doors as I walked down the hall. I wondered briefly if I should put a single large screen television in the living room as a communal area. What we did now reflected my lifestyle for the past fifteen years or so. Joanne would have homework. Christine had her papers and exams to grade or her reading. I had my computer programs. We did not watch a lot of television so we did never wanted to invest in a nice system. Weekends Christine demanded more 'family' time. At least one night we would watch a movie together, but usually on a relatively small television in the living room.

Sherrie was sitting on the sofa, already turned out into a bed, watching the end of a sitcom. I waited until it was over and sat down beside her. "I wanted to take a look." I said. Her eyes got big as she realized what I was talking about and looked around to see if anybody else was around.

She drew in a big breath and pushed down the covers that had covered her to the waist. "Please don't laugh." she asked plaintively. I did not say anything. She laid back and pulled her bikini panties down and off her hips exposing her mons. I still could not see much of anything as she held her legs together. I moved around to sit by her thighs to give myself the best view.

As she spread, I could see she did indeed have one of the biggest clits I had ever seen. I was not about to reveal my personal experience was limited to Christine and the girls who lived in my household. I had of course watched a little internet porn. Sherrie's clit was the size of the last joint of my index finger. Every bit as big around, it looked like a small cock. As she pulled back her labia to expose herself, her hood retracted making her clit stand up further. I was intrigued. I grinned at her. "Nice." I said. "I like it."

She looked startled. I bent down and gave the end a little flick with the tip of my tongue. She sucked in her breath. Then I sucked the nubbin. In my mouth, I could tell it was very much bigger than the other girls' clits. Her breath whooshed out. I stuck one finger into her very wet vagina. I followed with a second. As wet as it was, her vagina was tight. I sucked hard on her clit then began flicking it with the tip of my tongue. "Oh, fuck!" she exclaimed as she orgasmed. I felt her secretions flood over the hand that was probing her hole.

I sucked her clit even harder making her squirm more. She came again, and then a few seconds later, a third time. I turned her loose. "That was the first time a man ever made me cum." she said. I was sorely tempted to drop my pants and fuck her right then. I only held back because a tiny voice in the back of my mind told me Lenore did not want me to screw her yet. A louder voice said, "Do it. You are entitled. You are the boss."

"You sucked me off this morning." I said. "I told you before I like to give as much as I get." It felt dumb to hear myself when that statement came out of my mouth but Sherrie seemed to not care. She grabbed me into a hug.

"That was great!" Sherrie said. "I've never had a man do that. Are you gonna fuck me now, Master?"

"Not tonight, but soon." I said. "And I am going to play with that clit for a LONG time when I do. I like a super sensitive clit. Almost as much as I like sensitive nipples. How are yours?" Before she could answer I sucked her right nipple into my mouth and bit it lightly. She shook. "That one seems pretty sensitive" I reported. Then I switched to the left. As I sucked it, my hand found her wet clit and began to strum it. Once again the girl came.

"One of these evenings soon, I'm going to keep you with me all night long." I said. She smiled and looked at me with glazed eyes. I barely kept from laughing. This was a scene right out of porn story I had read. I really was tempted to just crawl into bed with the girl. She was primed to cum again and again. I knew we'd both enjoy it.

I knew full well I was not the cocksman I was playing. I was naive when Christine and I met. She was not so experienced herself but we learned what each liked. She caught me once researching how to fuck online and laughed at me. Not AT me but ABOUT my efforts to please her. She explained her reaction carefully, knowing how sensitive I could be. She told me we would meld and get to know each other's buttons as time went on and that would be the key to great sex.

Stories I read later said couples get tired of doing the same thing, but for Christine and I, knowing what each felt and liked was the key to a happy and satisfying sex life. Now with each of the slave girls I took to my bed, I tried to imagine what they wanted and paid attention to how they reacted to everything I did. My pleasure came from making them orgasm. In the process I would get my own orgasms until I had to finally roll over and go to sleep. I had only shared that sentiment with Lenore. For the others I simply said I liked to give what I got.

I left Sherrie laying there on the sofa bed and walked back down the hall to the room Sonya shared with Robin. I could feel the precum soaking my boxer briefs. Sonya had headphones on as she watched her laptop. Robin and Joanne were watching a streaming movie on another laptop. Seeing me they all paused their movies and pulled off their earphones.

"I'm in the mood for a little pussy." I said. Joanne and Robin turned red at my pronouncement. Sonya grinned and when I nodded, she immediately told the other two girls to go to another room and stay there. Robin began to say something. "You can stay and watch if you want. But your job will be to clean us up between fucks. And you know how that works. I am exercising my right as head girl to have first shot at the Master's cock. If you want to stay, strip and kneel over in the corner until I call for you." Both girls stood. "Then go to another room."

I almost laughed as Joanne and Robin beat a hasty retreat. I did not say a word to offer them a turn later. Neither did Sonya. Once the door closed behind the pair, Sonya said, "Thank you Bas. I was hoping you would take my hint earlier."

"That was a hint?" I asked, laughing. "Seemed like you were demanding better wages for your hard work."

"Hey. A girl needs to do what is necessary." Sonya giggled. I was amazed at how fast her clothes disappeared. She came over and locked lips with me, As she kissed me and without moving her mouth from mine, I felt her begin to remove my clothing. She broke the kiss just long enough to pull my shirt over my head.

"We don't have to be in that much of a hurry." I said. She giggled and said she was.

Once we both came, well, I came once and Sonya did three times, we laid on the bed while I let my batteries recharge. "Boss, I was SO happy to see you walk in that door." I made the comment how I was Bas. Derek was called 'boss' at the Hacienda. "Fuck that!" Sonya declared. "Here, YOU are the boss."

I remembered what Lenore had said about Sonya liking her new role in life apart from her enforced term of service. I began to say something. "You want to get philosophical Boss? LATER. For now, shut the fuck up and enjoy." I began to laugh at her giving me an order. "I am HEAD girl. So...." Sonya spun around and sucked my cock into her mouth. The sensations took my breath away. I moaned and that obviously amused the woman sucking my cock. Her muted laughter added to the sensations. My cock erected.

Sonya quickly climbed aboard, inserting my cock into her wet pussy. She began to ride. Up and down and then twisting a bit. "Oh fuck. That pushes the sides. Glad I read about that!" she declared. She orgasmed and a minute later, came again. She began to pump in earnest. I knew she was trying to get me off. It worked. She collapsed on top of me. I could feel her vaginal muscles contracting as she came once again.

"What was that about touching the sides?" I asked.

Sonya began to giggle. "None of us are really experienced at fucking. Well maybe one or two have had more than a few cocks. But it has usually been pushing it in and pumping and coming. I know I've been reading how to make sex better. So have a few of the others."

"You might not screw her, but Marianne asked me about what I was learning. She wants to make things great for Richard. She really loves the boy. Well for now. Who knows in a few years after she is free. Outside of Charlene and Beth, I am one of the oldest but don;t have that much experience. Charlene married an old guy. She might have fucked a lot when younger but not for several years. Who knows with Beth. She coulda been cheating on her husband. Rene and Carol weren't virgins, but their experience was a couple college boys who just stuck it in, pumped and dumped. They told me they mostly got off fingering each other while they kissed. They were too nervous to eat each other. Not sure about the others. They don't talk. Not to me anyway."

"So your verdict is nobody knows what they are doing?" I said. "They have limited experience?"

"Nope. My verdict is I thought my sex life was limited and now I realize I can let go. I can do girls and a guy I really like...YOU. I always considered myself straight. Being a slave changed that. A slave has NO inhibitions. Nothing is taboo or too perverted. It is okay for a slave to do ANYTHING." Sonya declared. She grabbed me and kissed me again.

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LeifsonLeifsonabout 2 years ago

Sure, your comment is a better explanation of want I meant by saying "as we intellectually play around with these concepts". I think your "device" of having Derek and Bas kind of stumble into slave ownership (as opposed to being an experienced slave holder) is a good way to explore the themes you are interested in.

My comments about sympathy for slaves are partly to recognize the places where you do a good job of exploring things related to that. And partly because I think there are a number of interesting story ideas that could be mined (and I am too busy/slow writer to do it myself :) ). For example picture the modern version of an underground railroad, or abolitionists. Perhaps they think the criminal sentences are too long, or they have other problems with the institution of slavery. But since there a criminal aspect to people who become slaves, that could make it different - would the underground railroad limit the type of slaves they rescue (no murders, something like that). Where would the freed slave go, and how would they deal with the murderous collars (probably Faraday cages to block signals)? You kind of touched on some of these ideas with the mythical safe wilderness for slaves; but perhaps people trying to setup a real safe area might provide some drama? Regards...

HargaHargaabout 2 years ago

Great story and well written. Your exploration of a society using judicial slavery as a penal alternative with a lot of dark humor and it's drastic misuses, makes for a good thought provoking read. I mean it makes you think about what you would do under those circumstances. It may seem like a kinky dream about having some young girl be your sexual slave but than think about if it was your daughter or sister being used the same way. I like for the most part that you keep the story light and not dive to much into the darker aspects of slavery (specifically the neutering of males). Keep up the great work.



GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 2 years agoAuthor

Liefson... My two long series do not reflect my own ideas of how society should be. Far from it. i abhor the idea of slavery and/or subjugating a group of people.

I introduced these stories as my answer to how a society MIGHT initiate judicial slavery for convicted criminals to offset the costs of incarceration. My opinion is that prison is NOT designed to teach a prisoner a lesson nor rehabilitate. I think many who go into prison come out hardened or learn a better way to commit crime. Prison simply removes criminals from society for a period of time.

Many stories have judicial criminals (especially females) as sex toys, condoned by society with little regard for their safety. Some have slavery a lifetime sentence. I cannot believe society would condone any of that.

I thought about what society MIGHT condone if judicial slavery was instituted. Rules would have to be put into place. To prevent uprisings, there would have to be two things. The first is a light at the end of the tunnel,,,,(HOPE). Plus some kind of penalty for violence.

I wanted to write a story how a 'normal ' person might live in such a society. A character study if you will. Knowing full well many of our neighbors would be corrupt, abusive etc. in their own thinking. One might think a prisoner deserves what ever he/she gets. That person committed a crime after all. But how would you think if you actually KNEW the person. If it was a family member. Would you be completely sympathetic? Hardcore bully? Or a mix and conflicted?

In my series, I have two men, Bas and Derek of different ages and backgrounds, coming to grips with slavery. Both are good guys. Neither really went out of their way to buy a slave and deal with the whole slavery situation, but circumstances pushed them. And they embrace their roles in a way that reflects their own personality.

LeifsonLeifsonabout 2 years ago

Hmm, my last comment was missing a lot of connective tissue. Let me connect the dots a bit better on my last paragraph.

The mention of slavery as practiced in the US, was meant as an example of how culture/laws/etc. can be used to suppress the human traits of empathy/etc. for slaves. The US slavery institution was effective (from a certain viewpoint), and was admired by racist governments (inspiring racial segregation practices in Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa).

But despite the effectiveness, slavery and Apartheid were cast out. And a good amount of the reason was those packages of empathy/etc. that physically part of most homo sapiens. It didn't hurt that the institutional practices meant to overcome empathy also lead to other social issues. Many religious people of the slave era in the US were just fine with the cultural practice of using biblical justifications to justify slavery (Cain and Able, etc.); but were bothered by the inherently corrupt nature of sexual congress between slave and owner.

LeifsonLeifsonabout 2 years ago

Liked Bas's reflection on slave handling expectations. It's those unexamined cultural expectations that can sneak up on you. And if subconsciously act based on them, it can lead to regrettable actions. Ties into your theme that slaves aren't toys.

And as we intellectually play around with these concepts, it is worth remembering that humans have built-in social traits to get along with others. They are not always reliable, and can be stifled with cultural and institutional practices. Also the US institution of chattel slavery was pretty extreme (compared to others in the historical record). IRL empathy and compassion for those regarded as slaves shouldn't be underestimated.

Vintage_DMVintage_DMabout 2 years ago

Servant, thanks for the comic relief. But at the end of the day, your comments are wide of the mark as you display a woeful degree of ignorance. Again, thanks for the laughs. Now servant, go about your job and bring forth a well structured tome for all to enjoy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

"Beating their butts is NOT the solution"

Gonna hard disagree there. Beating or shoving a baseball bat up their asses whenever provoked seems like a very good way to deter future attempts at provocation.

tizwickytizwickyabout 2 years ago

Good chapter but I'm getting a little frustrated with the slow progression of Lenore's plot line. Bass should take control and ORDER Lenore to totally dominate Sherrie, Robin, and Joanne. If she can't do it he must do it himself.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69about 2 years ago

Please keep them coming!

Vintage_DMVintage_DMabout 2 years ago

Well young man, you did it again. I do hope you are proud of yourself. Ya done put up another great story. Wonder how and when it happens. Not if rather when.

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