Grass Is Sometimes Greener....


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He coughed then said, "No---we're not together anymore."

"Oh...sorry to hear that..." I said, trying to sound as sincerely as I could.

It's okay," he said. "You know, I've been checking motel rates down there, and they're kind of high this time of year...I was wondering if you have room for me? I could sleep on your sofa, if it's alright?"

My first thought was to say 'You can stay in my bed!' but I answered, "Sure, I have plenty of room!"

"That's terrific!" he said. "I won't keep you any longer...thanks, John, I really have missed you!"

My heart was pounding so hard in my chest I wondered if he could hear it. "I've missed you, too...thanks for calling, Mike...bye."

"See you soon, Johnny!" he said then ended the call.

I sat back in the tub to let the palpitations in my heart settle. I shut my eyes and forced myself to concentrate on the task at hand. I didn't want to fantasize anything silly into Mike's sudden call and his impending visit. It would simply be two old friends reunited and reliving the fun we had had in the past.

I was just about to leave for work when someone knocked on my door. I opened it and smiled, and said, "Oh, good morning!"

She smiled back and said, "Good morning, Sweetie...I'm returning your nightie..."

"Oh, thank you," I said.

I took it from her and thought she would turn and go, but she stared at me and said, "We should talk."

"Oh---okay," I said.

"Have 'we' forgotten the proper response when I speak to you?" she asked thru narrowed eyelids as she walked right past me into my apartment.

I knew immediately what she was saying. "No-no, I'm sorry, Mistress Karen!" It felt kind of funny calling her that in the light of day.

She smiled and said, "Good boy, you've come a long way the past few weeks, but there are still many things you need to learn...I am very proud of you though, I think it's wonderful how you have accepted yourself for who you are, and how well you are fitting in here."

"Ah, thank you, Mistress Karen," I hesitantly replied. It was one of those compliments that was usually followed by a warning, or some sort of advice.

"But..." she said, "I want to tell you to be careful when you go out into the 'real world'...even though we all love and accept you here---remember this: only one in every ten men is gay---that means nine out of ten are NOT, and many of those men would love to beat the hell out of a boy like you---we DO live in the South after all---okay?"

A shiver of fear struck my heart. "Well, uh, yeah, sure..." I replied, "...I know what you're saying...but it's not exactly like---and I don't mean any offense, but it's not like I act the way Leslie acts---I'm not swishy like he can be!"

A rueful smile spread across her lips. "Well, dear, you HAVE taken on some of his affectations whether you realize it or's natural really for a submissive boy like you who recently came out of the closet to take on some feminine fact, it's also natural to go a trifle too heavy in that direction---you are rejecting the traditional male role imposed upon you by society and instead are embracing your feminine side---it is a phase many boys go thru when they finally accept they are gay...all I'm saying is be careful and try to find some balance between the 'workaday you' and the 'personal you'...accepting who you are and expecting OTHER people to accept who you are are two totally different matters---okay?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, I'll do my best, Mistress Karen," I numbly said suddenly feeling uneasy that my neighbors and co-workers may think I act too faggoty.

Coming-out had been a nerve-wracking, but liberating and thrilling experience...after all these years I finally felt free to be the real me---now I wondered, 'Can anyone truly be free?'

"One other thing, Sweetie..." she began, and I asked "Yes, Mistress Karen?" before she could continue.

She chuckled and said, "Good boy, you ARE eager to please. I think you'll be very popular around here! is really the first day of the rest of your life, isn't it?"

"Uh, well, yes, I guess it is, Mistress Karen," I replied.

"Around here we have a sort of a hierarchy, Sweetie, a pecking-order, if you will..." she said. "Since you are the newest submissive here our tradition requires you to, uh, obey the other bottom-boys when their 'needs arise'---if you know what I mean."

I did not know what she meant. "Well, uh, I'm not sure, Mistress Karen."

"Johnny, simply put, the sub-boys are allowed to use your hands and mouth whenever they desire, and you may NOT refuse their's not like it sounds, Sweetie---you are not their slave or anything like that---sometimes their men well give them permission to have sex with other the newest boy---that is where you come you understand, Sweetie?"

HUH? WHAT? "H-How many, uh, 'sub-boys' are there here?" I asked nervously.

I saw her eyes light-up and she quickly replied, "Ohhh, noooo, Sweetie---not ALL the sub-boys living in the complex...goodness gracious, you'd have a belly-full of semen every day if you had to service ALL the subs here, no, just the ones in your man's know, Raymond, Jerry, Tommy and Marcus...and right now, only Leslie, Bobby and Jeffrey will be your responsibility!"

I breathed a sigh of relief then suddenly my face flushed and an image of me on my knees before that swishy faggot, Leslie, filled my mind. Even more disturbing, my prick twitched inside my briefs.

"I, uh, yeah, I understand, Mistress Karen, " I said softly, and reluctantly, and a question came to mind that needed to be answered. "Will I have to sleep with every man living here?"

Her face lit up with laughter. "Well, dear, I can't for sure tell you 'No'...that will be up to your man...but generally, the subs don't satisfy EVERYONE---there are too many people in this complex...Johnny, it is rather cliquish here---three-four-five 'doms' may hang out together and share their boys, but I think I can say, no, you won't be 'doing' every guy here---it's really up to your man---it's his decision to make!"

Something she'd said was bothering me. "Who is Jeffrey?" I asked.

It scared me when she averted her eyes. "Jeffrey is Tommy's new boy," she answered softly.

HUH? WHAT? "B-B-But—but---I thought..." I couldn't finish the sentence.

"Johnny, I'm sorry, but you must have known Tommy was only training—-no, that's not the right word...he was 'introducing' you to your new life...I know you have become attached to him, but Sweetie, I have a strong hunch that you will meet another man very soon, and who knows, he may turn out to be the love of your life!"

I have to admit deep down that I 'like' Tommy---that he will always have a special place in my heart, but to be honest with myself, no, I don't 'love' him...he is a mentor, and a friend, but he is not the love of my little outburst had been for her benefit---I had been fantasizing about Mike since the moment he had called me.

"Sweetie, you'd better be going or you'll be late for work!" she said. "When you get home this afternoon, take a shower, put on your pretty little outfit and come over to my apartment---I will, uh, formally introduce you to your new playmates!"

She laughed when my face flushed beet-red. "Sweetie, I think you're going to love pleasing your new friends---Leslie is beside himself---he can't wait to have you on your knees!"

Chapter 5 – New Beginnings...

I actually appreciated Mistress Karen's admonishment to me concerning my less than masculine behavior in public; I've never wanted to draw undue attention to myself; preferring instead a low-key approach in my interactions with people.

In fact, I felt somewhat foolish about my initial reaction...there was no need to feel agitated or embarrassed, I'd been living a lie most of my life and had become an accomplished actor playing the 'straight' role...besides, how different am I from most people?

How many co-workers and casual friends reveal their true thoughts and emotions to you in your brief encounters with them? What dark secrets are they trying desperately to hide from you? Making small talk with people doesn't mean you 'know' them.

I went about my daily routine of re-stocking the shelves but my mind was elsewhere...I listened again to Mistress Karen's words about having to satisfy not only the 'subs' but the 'doms' as well " your man's group!"

Apparently, my 'group' consists of Raymond, Jerry, Marcus and Tommy as 'doms' and Leslie, Bobby and Jeffrey as 'subs'...I don't have a man---how did I get 'assigned' to this group? What is going on here?

After work I went to my car and noticed my right-front tire pressure appeared low and while I was fumbling to find the tire gauge in my glovebox, I ran across loose papers from my trip here...maps, locations of motels and restaurants along the way, and an old Tampa apartment guide printout.

I stared at the printout and remembered the three apartments Mike had circled as possibilities. I'd forgotten his wording. The ad for The Fletcher Park Garden Apartments was not only circled, but he'd written inside the circle "Try here 1st". The other two listings simply read "2nd" and "3rd"...I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but what puzzled me was the rent for the other two apartments were far cheaper than where I live now, and I wondered why I hadn't noticed that earlier, or why Mike hadn't recommended those places over Fletcher Park? I had more pressing issues to think about so I tossed out the paperwork then filled my tire.

All the way home I considered the ramifications if I refused to obey Mistress Karen and NOT go to my knees before the twinky boys.

To be fair, John, I said to myself, you really don't even know these guys---you've only spoken with them two or three times and sure, maybe their mannerisms and high-pitched giggle-fits turn you off, but everything has changed---don't you owe it to yourself to get to know them better? If you want to live at The Fletcher Park Garden Apartments you need to have an open mind. Who are you now to pass judgments on other people?

A funny thing happened then---I began to wonder what their cocks looked like---were they small like mine? Or were they normal size? I formed mental images of the boys naked with erections jutting straight own prick suddenly stiffened, and by the time I arrived home I was absentmindedly squeezing it thru my slacks.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves then knocked on Mistress Karen's door. When the door swung open I was face-to-face with Leslie. He was smiling and he said ,"Johnny, I've been looking forward to this moment for weeks---c'mon inside!"

His words startled me and all I could say was "OH—uh, hi Leslie."

He motioned me inside where I saw Mistress Karen and Bobby sitting on the sofa. She appeared to be stroking his thighs and I thought I detected a slight bulge in his tiny gym shorts.

Wait a minute! I exclaimed to myself. I looked at Bobby again then Leslie. The three of us are dressed the same: Small gym shorts and tee shirts that hang just above our navels exposing our flat tummies---we've been wearing the same outfits all along! Why haven't I noticed this before now?

OH MY GOD, the men have us wearing 'uniforms'---I'm dressed identically as the twinks---what does that make me?

"Johnny, the boys can barely contain themselves," said Mistress Karen, "...but before you, uh, get to know them better, I think this occasion calls for champagne!"

I had seen the ice bucket on the coffee table, but hadn't recognized the bottle being chilled. She pulled it out of the ice and began working on the cork.

Her thumbs were about to push the cork from the bottle when she called out, "Thar she blows---so to speak!" and we heard a loud POP! and the cork sailed like a missile against the far wall.

She filled four champagne flutes and we each picked one up. She raised her glass and said, "Today, Johnny begins the adventure of his lifetime---to new beginnings!"

Leslie and Bobby raised their glasses and said, "To new beginnings!"

Bobby came to where Leslie and I were standing in the middle of the room. Leslie stood close to me with a wicked grin on his face. Bobby came up behind me and pressed himself hard against me---his erection ground into my buttocks.

Leslie placed a hand on the back of my head and drew my face close to his---he was going to kiss me---what should I do?

"Johnny, don't be scared," said Mistress Karen. "...just do whatever the boys want you to do, okay?"

"Oh...okay Mistress Karen," I answered thru the growing haze in my mind.

I closed my eyes when Leslie's lips pressed mine. A shiver of excitement raced up my spine---his lips were soft and thick and felt wonderful on my mouth. The tenseness in my body disappeared--I melted in his arms and kissed him back.

I told myself 'Since this is your new life---you may as well enjoy all the new experiences coming your way!'

Bobby's hands lifted my tee shirt and I raised my arms to allow him to take it over my head. His hands quickly roamed around me and fondled and caressed my aureoles and nipples while Leslie and I continued kissing.

"Oh my hell!" he exclaimed. "What beautiful little titties you have!"

He pinched and kneaded my chest until my nipples sprung to their full one-inch length. My hard-on began to throb inside my string, bikini briefs.

"Les, you really have to see and feel Johnny's titties!" he said loudly, causing me some self-conscious embarrassment.

"Oh my hell, Sweetie!" Leslie smiled at me as he stared at my chest. He then lowered his face and kissed and licked my nipples and took each one between his teeth and lightly and gently nipped at them.

Bobby's wandering hands felt soothing on my back as he gently massaged me. I was totally relaxed now enjoying the attention I was receiving.

I gasped when his hands snaked beneath the waistbands of my shorts and briefs and cupped my buttocks...he squeezed them then suddenly pushed down the shorts and briefs to my knees.

Leslie almost shouted when he claimed possession of my erection in his hand, "Oh my hell, girlfriend---what a cute little dinky!"

His skillful fingers worked my prick until it was throbbing and pulsating. I was too far gone with lust and desire to feel self-conscious about my size.

Bobby pushed my shorts and undies to the floor and guided me out of them. I was naked before my new friends and they massaged and caressed my flesh until my mind forgot everything except their wonderful hands.

I heard some movement and their hands abandoned me for a brief moment. I opened my eyes and saw Leslie standing naked before me. Bobby pulled me back to him again---he was naked too, and he burrowed his erection between my asscheeks...he slid his cock slowly up-and-down my anus and perineum---I'd never felt anything so dirty and so erotic at the same time.

My sigh of contentment caused Leslie to say, "We knew all along you'd love this, Sweetie, the three of us are going to become very close friends!"

Leslie kissed me again and I groaned into his open mouth. "I can't wait any longer, Sweetie," he said then I felt a slight downward pressure on my shoulders.

I knew what he wanted and dropped to my knees and stared at his beautiful prick inches from my mouth. It wasn't much longer than mine and probably the same thickness. I inhaled deeply, savoring his aroma, wet my lips then slid them over his purple cockhead.

OH MY HELL, I thought. The sensual taste and texture caused my balls to contract and I quickly pushed them lower in their sac to keep from shooting my load prematurely.

I decided to take my time to enhance his pleasure. I covered his soft flesh with kisses and licked at it until it was glistening with my saliva. I wet my lips one more time and drew him into my eager mouth.

I cupped his balls in one hand, and was about to grasp his shaft with the other when I decided to experiment; I slowly took him deeper and deeper until I had every inch of his erection in my mouth and my lips were pressing against his lower belly.

I became light-headed and dizzy. OH MY GOD THIS IS EXCITING! I've never been able to take a whole cock in my mouth---OH YES---I LOVE IT!

I paused to collect my wits. I reached between his legs with my free hand and began stroking his buttocks. Oh my, he's got a nice, round bubble-butt---his men probably love to fuck him from behind!

I slowly moved my head until just his glans was in my mouth. I licked and sucked at it then took him deep in my mouth again. I found a rhythm that seemed to please him and began sucking him in earnest.

"Oh Johnny...yesss---just like that! Oh my hell you're good---your mouth is so warm and wet---like butter...oh yes, Sweetie, suck that cock---make me shoot in your mouth---I want to hear you gulping down my cum...oh yes---yesssss...."

I didn't increase the tempo until his hips began their involuntary thrusts and gyrations...and when his moaning became non-stop, I furiously bobbed my head back-and-forth trying to coax the semen and sperm from his rapidly swelling balls.

When his balls began to rise, I briefly considered pushing them down and delaying his orgasm, but decided I didn't want to tease him...besides, I was sure there would be plenty more opportunities for me to do just that.

Suddenly, his hands grasped my head and held me perfectly still...he urgently thrust his cock in-and-out of my mouth straining to cum. His scrotum slapping my chin was so sexy I could feel my own cock throbbing and tingling..

What I loved most of all sucking Leslie's cock was I could take the whole thing in my mouth without retching or gagging. Whenever a real man is close to cumming, he's out of control and tries to shove his entire length down my throat making me choke and gag.

Leslie's hips began bucking with short, wild thrusts and I prepared myself for a deluge of sperm and semen.


For such small balls, they sure produced a huge amount of cum...I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed and swallowed....

He kept himself in my mouth until his penis went flaccid. I licked and sucked at the excess cum and the moment he withdrew it from between my lips, Bobby was standing before me, his hard cock oozing copious amounts of pre-cum.

I greedily stared at his erection, grateful and excited it was almost identical to Leslie's. I licked at his leaking slit then drew his entire length into my mouth.

I became lost in the sucking. I had never felt such inner peace and contentment. I finally knew my place in life, and was so utterly and thoroughly happy, tears of joy formed in my eyes.

I fantasized it was Mike standing before me. I remembered his smell and taste and imagined it was him thrusting his cock in-and-out of my tightly clasping lips...and when the sperm and semen filled my mouth, I swore it was his delicious elixir I was swallowing.

My balls were aching—my prick was jutting outward proud as a horizontal flag pole. I wondered if they were going to leave me like this—if giving pleasure was strictly my responsibility.

Leslie helped me to my feet and once again, they made a sandwich of me, Leslie in front and Bobby standing very close behind me. Bobby, reached around my head and forced his middle finger into my mouth and said, "Suck it."

I complied with the strange request. My tongue and the walls of my mouth were slick with their discharges and his finger soon became wet and slippery. He pulled it from my mouth, pushed my legs wider apart and immediately pressed it to my anus, and wasting no time, slowly pushed it into me...oh my God it felt sooo-gooood!

Leslie picked up my gym shorts and wrapped them around my throbbing prick and began to vigorously masturbate me. I simply closed my eyes and surrendered to their skillful ministrations...the nylon material felt wonderful on my sensitive cock-flesh---just like the panties I loved to wear.