Grass Is Sometimes Greener....


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My hips began moving on their own volition...backwards to impale myself on the rapidly fucking finger then forward to slide my hard-on thru the nylon fabric. Leslie's free hand found my nipples and pinched and pulled them. The guttural groan that escaped my mouth surprised even me...I sounded like a bitch in heat.

It took only three-minutes before I felt my balls swell and rise in my scrotum and the proceeding explosion in my head blinded me as my body lurched and bucked as the cum shot from my throbbing prick into the gym shorts.


My body came to rest, and I heard Leslie say to me as he presented the soaked shorts to my face, "Open your mouth, baby, clean them good, you're going to be wearing them to the pool in a few minutes!" then shoved the cum-drenched shorts into my mouth.

My head was still spinning when I finished licking all the cum from my shorts. I finally opened my eyes in time to see Leslie and Bobby dressed and leave the apartment. I glanced over at Mistress Karen, and---OH MY HELL---she was naked from the waist down, her legs spread obscenely wide...with a mischievous grin she beckoned me with a crooked finger to kneel between her legs.

I took a deep gulp of air before I buried my face into her sopping wet cavern and did my very best to make her orgasm as quickly as possible.

Walking into the pool area with Mistress Karen I was acutely aware of the large wet spot on my shorts that caused the material to cling tightly to my ass-cheeks. As usual, there were many people surrounding the pool. I often wondered if anyone here had jobs to go to, they seemed to be always sitting around the pool.

I was about to sit in the chaise lounge beside Mistress Karen when she stopped me.

"Sweetie, I think it's time you start sitting with your friends," she said, pointing to Leslie and Bobby on the other side of the pool.

I saw them waving at me and smiling. Then she added: "You boys will make a very pretty picture---three little twinks all in a row!"

Her comment made my face red. I hurried over to the other side of the pool aware of giggles when people behind me noticed the large, wet spot on my shorts. I was positive from living in this complex that everyone knew what had caused it.

It seemed like weeks since Mike had called...very-long weeks---I wondered if he had changed his mind about coming. Every day after work I hurried home to see if he'd arrived, and every day he wasn't there made my heart ache and filled me with a longing that was new to me.

They say "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" and it certainly was true in this case.

Four-times I'd been summoned to Mistress Karen's apartment to suck Leslie's and Bobby's cocks.

"We have a protocol around here," she explained. "The boys are allowed to use your mouth only in the presence of their men, or myself...until you have a man of your own, you will come here to empty their balls."

The way she said it, she sounded like she was sure I'd have a 'man of my own' very soon. Sitting at the pool after the sucking, my eyes were constantly scanning the area for new faces---for men I hadn't seen before, and not seeing anyone new, I would always go home with a heavy heart.

Yes, it's true I was hoping and praying that if and when Mike arrived, we would renew our friendship and it would blossom into something more...but I'm a pragmatist, and realized the chances of him feeling towards me what I felt for him was slim-to-none.

It was a Sunday afternoon around 3pm...I slipped into my string, bikini briefs and new yellow gym God, how is it possible they're even shorter than my navy blue ones?

I pulled the tee shirt over my head, straightened my hair with my hands then opened the door to leave.


He saw the startled expression on my face, smiled and said, "I didn't mean to scare you---am I THAT hideous looking?"

I laughed and threw my arms around him and we hugged. I buried my face on his broad shoulder so he wouldn't see the tears of joy in my eyes. I wiped away the tears before I released him.

"My God, Mike, what took you so long?" I asked. "I thought you would be here a long time ago!"

"I had to take care of some things before I could leave...but I'm here now!" he said; his beautiful smile never leaving his handsome face.

There was one suitcase on the floor beside him and I picked it up and said, "C'mon inside."

"Nice apartment!" he said after looking around. "Can you afford this place on your own? The whole complex looks like it might be a little spendy."

I decided not to mention the fact he was the one who recommended I "try this place first."

"It sure is!" I replied. Then added with a cat-like grin, "I could really use a roommate to share the costs!"

"Well, you never know..." he said looking me up and down. "Those are quite the shorts---SO small and SO yellow!"

"Yeah, I know...I sit by the pool a lot and it gets pretty hot here...they're cooler and more comfortable," I explained feeling the old familiar intensity of his gaze.

"When did you start wearing 'those' kinds of tee shirts?" he asked.

He was referring to what the boys call my 'halter top' with the bare midriff showing off my flat and tan belly. I became concerned that I was maybe looking a little too faggoty and he didn't like it.

I blushed and stammered, "Well, uh, you know...we're pretty casual here...if you don't like it I can wear something else!"

"No-no-no..." he said, his eyes never leaving my body. "I mean, remember what I made you wear around our apartment? No---I think you look wonderful!"

"Thank you," automatically escaped my lips.

I gave him a tour of the apartment and when he saw the king sized bed he laughed and remarked, "You must get a lot of 'action' to have a bed that big!"

I laughed and said, "Only in my dreams...this place came furnished."

"Nice...." he said.

"You can sleep here---I'll take the sofa," I said hoping he'd say something like 'Nonsense---it's big enough for the BOTH of us'!

Instead he said, "No...I'm a visitor...I wouldn't do such a thing---I'll sleep on the sofa!"

He settled into the recliner and I asked him, "You thirsty? Want something to drink?"

He replied, "A beer would be great!"

I retrieved two MGD's from the frig. It was his favorite beer and I had stocked-up.

We made some small talk. I asked about mutual friends and he gave me colorful narratives of the lives of people we know.

He was indeed thirsty---it was difficult drinking as fast as he did. When our bottles were empty I brought out two more.

Mid-way thru the second beer he suddenly asked me, "Are you happy here? Is Florida everything you hoped it would be?"

I briefly considered the question then softly said, "Yes...I don't think I've ever been happier..."

He then asked a question that not only surprised me but made me nervous to answer: "Have you finally accepted who you are?"

I wasn't sure how much information I should share with him. How could I tell my best friend, yes, I'm thrilled to be gay...not only that, but could I admit to him how much I love not only being gay, but being a submissive, sissy-faggot, as well?

I softly said, "I've come a long ways here...I'm comfortable in my own skin now...I know what I like and what I don't like...I've met people here who have become great friends---who have helped me understand it doesn't matter what other people think of you...the only important thing in life is how you feel about yourself---that there is nothing better than the inner peace you feel because you have accepted and embraced who you are!"

I saw genuine compassion and understanding in his thoughtful brown eyes.

I decided to take it further. "It took many years before I could admit I am probably came as a shock to you when you saw the photos Amahl took of me---"

His laughter interrupted me.

"Johnny, please..." he said. "...I knew you were gay from our first shower together after gym class---you did everything you could to get a good look at my dick...hell, sometimes I intentionally turned in your direction so you could see it!"

I don't think I've ever blushed that shade of red...and then he said something that almost made my head explode.

"Johnny, I have been dealing with issues of my own, but more on that you think it was an accident that you sucked my dick in that darkened room at Amahl's house? Or even that I introduced you to Amahl in the first place?"

My jaw dropped open. I was suddenly seeing stars before my eyes.

"I knew Amahl was gay, hell, he came onto me one night...I told him I wasn't interested, but that I had a roommate so deep in the closet that if we came up with a clever enough plan we could have you sucking both of our dicks!"

"What?" I gasped.

"Johnny, we actually gave you an 'out'---an excuse to do what you've wanted to do your whole life...we used the oldest trick in the book---blackmail---you were so terrified people would find out you're queer that a few photographs of you on your knees was all we needed to control you!"

I didn't know how to react. Should I be furious and tell him to get out of my apartment, or...haven't I suspected this from the very beginning?

I'd had a feeling they worked together to set me up...but deep down, I didn't want them to know how much I liked what I was doing for them...that would have required me to admit I was queer, and at that time, I could not even entertain that nasty thought!

I sighed and said, "So we've been playing this little game all these years? What has changed now? Why did you come here, Mike?"

Without blinking he immediately answered, "Because I can finally admit that I am gay, too...we both needed to play those games in order to make ourselves feel better about our homosexuality!"


"Johnny," he continued, "...I was pretty mean to you when I, uh, forced you into our little arrangement---and I'm very sorry for acting like that—it was classic 'over-compensation'!"

"Have you been seeing, uh, a doctor, Mike? The way you're talking sounds like something a shrink might say," I asked.

His eyes and face softened; the tenseness was gone.

"I've been in therapy for some, uh, 'cousin' and a friend of hers back home have been helping me work thru this..."

"But what about all the girls you used to bring home? Dozens of them!" I said maybe exaggerating slightly.

"Again---over-compensation...I used them to try and convince myself I was straight...Johnny, if you remember, once the girl was gone I'd call you into my bedroom...that's when I truly enjoyed myself."


There was a long silence. We finished our beers at the same time.

"You know, Mike," I said, " don't have to sleep on the sofa---we can share the bed."

A wistful smile spread across his face. "Johnny, it's too soon---I don't want to use you like I did before---how about if we take this slow---get reacquainted first---maybe you can show me the sights around here---let's play tourist and see how this goes, okay?"

"Sure, okay, I'd like that---another beer?" I asked.

"I could really use a shower---you can get pretty grimy sitting in a car all day," he said.

"I'll get you a towel," I said.

It was like old times: I could hear the feint sound of running water from the shower while I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, and again like old times, I pictured Mike naked.

Everything felt right in the world again...I hummed a favorite tune as I prepared our meal.

I noticed his suitcase beside the sofa and decided to take it into the bedroom to make it easier for him to retrieve fresh clothes. The moment I walked out of the bedroom, the bathroom door swung open and there stood Mike with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

OH MY HELL---his chest and biceps had become firm and sculpted---he now had the body of a Greek God.

I was very impressed and exclaimed, "My goodness, you've been working out!"

He smiled that beautiful smile of his and quickly said, "Yeah, working out my frustrations!"

I was hoping he'd let go of the towel and give me a look at, well, uh, you know...

During dinner he explained how he'd gotten into the routine of going to a gym. He was now a weightlifter, and he enjoyed doing it.

I immediately thought of Raymond, Jerry, Marcus, and Tommy, and yes, Mike was close to looking as firm and fit as they are and he's a good ten-years younger than was all I could do to concentrate on the meal, and not think about his six-pack abs.

We had a relaxed, and peaceful dinner talking about whatever came to mind. We had always trusted each other enough to feel free to discuss any topic that came to mind.

After dinner, I did the dishes then showed him a bottle of his favorite whiskey. He declined saying, "I don't drink hard liquor anymore---remember how crazy it used to make us?"

"Yeah, I gave it up, too," I said. Actually, it was Tommy who had insisted I give it up. He'd proven to me what a jerk I could be when I drank "The Brown Stuff."

We began talking again and before we realized it, it was midnight and we were both yawning.

"I am worn out---don't you have to work in the morning?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess I better go to bed," I said then added with a sly smile, "'re welcome to join me."

He laughed and said, "Let's see what the future brings us...."

I left my bedroom door open---just in case he changed his mind.

Something awoke me. I'm a light sleeper anyway, but I thought I heard a noise. I listened intently in the dark then heard it again. Was that a moan?

I heard another noise and felt a shiver race up my spine. I know darn well what that sound is---Mike is jerking-off in the living room!

I listened to the liquid sound of flesh-on-flesh and immediately pictured his hand moving up-and-down on his gorgeous cock. My own prick instantly hardened.

Thru sheer force of habit, I lowered my briefs and turned over on my stomach and ground my prick into the mattress.

"Junior high school boys jerk-off like that!" Tommy had scolded me one night. "Use your hand like a real man!"

I turned onto my back, wrapped my hand around my prick, and masturbated to the rhythm I could hear from the sofa. I waited until I heard Mike gasp out loud and knew he was cumming before I finished myself off.

I talked to my boss at work the next morning. I told him a friend of mine from back home was visiting and wondered if I could get a few days off to show him around the area.

"Sure, go ahead," he said, "...but it will count against the vacation time you've accumulated to this point!"

"Fine," I said. I had actually wanted to say 'Take this job and shove it!' but I couldn't afford to be out of work.

The next few days Mike and I stayed busy touring the Tampa Bay area. To be honest, I hadn't seen much of it myself so it was new and wonderful for us both.

We went to Busch Gardens; we drove over 'The Sunshine Skyway Bridge' (which made me nervous); down the Gulf coast enjoying the beaches; went to a D'Rays game; played golf; and even went to Derby Lane in St Pete to bet on the greyhounds...and after our daily adventures, I would take him to 'Chaps' and we'd shoot pool and have a couple beers.

It was like old times...except I couldn't get him into my bed. He firmly stayed with his "Let's be friends first" attitude.

On the fourth day when I was finished with my nightly bubble bath, as always I turned on the shower to wash away the bubbles, soap and body hair from the tub. I had my back to the door, bending over slightly using my foot to hurry along the soapy, dirty water, I suddenly felt a SMACK! on my bare asscheeks.

I yelped in surprise and turned and saw Mike standing naked, a wicked smile on his face; I glanced down lower and saw the object of my desire standing proudly erect.

He climbed into the tub, threw his arms around me and pulled me close. Our hearts pounded as one.

That strange, deeply intense look in his eyes that I'd seen many times in the past caused my heart to flutter.

I stared up at him. My own prick now as stiff as his and waited...I thought I detected moisture in his big, brown eyes.

"Johnny, I love you---I have always loved you!" he said in a near whisper.

He took my head in his hands holding me still, and he kissed me for the very first time.

I swooned and my eyes glazed-over and all I could say was, "Mike, I've always loved you, too!"

We kissed again, our lips melded together. His manhood twitching and pressing hard into the flesh of my belly. We hugged and embraced. His strong arms holding me close---our lips and tongues working feverishly.

Out of habit or instinct, I reached down and took hold of his manly cock. I lovingly stroked it reveling in it's length and texture. I couldn't wait---I began to drop to my knees but he stopped me.

"Not yet!" he smiled.

He turned-off the water, and I dried him with a fluffy towel. Once I had dried myself he led me into the bedroom.

OH MY HELL---there on the bed, spread-out side-by-side, were the six pairs of panties I'd left back home in our old apartment.

"Wear the red ones!" he said forcefully.

"Yes, Mike," I answered.

He stopped me, took my head in his hands again and stared into my eyes with such a ferocity it left me breathless.

He said, "From now on you will address me as 'Michael'!"

A delicious shiver of lust and love washed over my entire body. His command almost made my balls explode. Oh my hell how I love a strong and self-confident man!

"Y-Yes, Michael," I said with tears of joy filling my eyes.

Chapter 6 – The Grass IS Greener on the Other Side

Leslie suddenly blurted out, "Oh my hell, girls, looky over there!"

Bobby, Jeffrey and I all turned our heads at once and saw Karen, Donna and Derek entering the pool area.

"He's wearing new shorts---what a gorgeous hunk of meat!" exclaimed Leslie. "Look at the size of his goodies in those tiny shorts...if he gets a hard-on that little speedo is going to burst like a champagne cork!"

"I saw him last night...and oh my hell, he was wearing just a jockstrap!" I said.

"Sissy, you didn't tell us you spent the night with the Greek God," teased Leslie. "You're becoming a very naughty boy, Sissy---I may have to take you over my knees again!"

"Oh, that would be a shame!" I said sarcastically.

Bobby chimed in, "I suppose you were fantasizing about him when you were blowing me and Leslie this morning!"

"Yes--I--was!" I said with a laugh.

"What a greedy bitch!" Leslie said with a chuckle.

"Who are you referring to?" I playfully asked.

Leslie laughed and said, "Well, I guess both you AND Karen! She already has 'Princess' licking her pussy---now she has the most-perfect-boy-in-the-world fucking her, too! Oh my hell!"

Tommy suddenly exited the weight room and approached us; his body glistening with perspiration.

He smiled and said, "Good afternoon, ladies!" He crooked a finger at Jeffrey and said, "Time for YOU to lick the sweat off my balls, Missy!"

Jeffrey squealed "Oh goody!" and leapt from his chair and followed Tommy.

I could now say I was happy Tommy had found Jeffrey. At first, I was jealous, I still had feelings for him---he did, after all, turn me into the boy I am today...but once Michael and I professed our love for one another, I felt only happiness Tommy had a nice boy in his life.

Marcus came out of the weight room and Bobby jumped up and said "Bye-bye, bitches---it's my turn to taste salty man-meat!" and he followed his boyfriend out of the pool area.

Raymond and Jerry emerged from the weight room. Leslie said, "Oh my hell---look how sexy my beautiful men are---time for some afternoon delight---see ya later, Sissy!"