Growing Together


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Rachel blushed a little at his comment. She was beginning to see what all the other women of the household saw in him. Paul was a very handsome man, but he was caring and always looking to do or say what the situation called for. Rachel also saw that he was genuine. She definitely liked that about him.

"You know, I feel a lot better about my situation now," Rachel said. "I wish I had left him sooner, but I didn't want to quit our relationship. I wanted to make it work and get him to see that I loved him. He just couldn't get past himself to do it."

Paul slid closer to his aunt. He held her hands in his and said, "Rachel, I want to get to know you better. I feel like I understand where you are coming from now, but I'd like to make up for lost time. You are a very attractive woman, and I would be honored to have you in this relationship with us." Paul paused before continuing. "However, I don't want you to rush or feel obligated to be a part of it. It may not be for you, but I'd like you consider living with us permanently so you can be surrounded by all the love this family can give you."

Rachel smiled through her tearful eyes. She did feel the love of this oddly strange, yet wonderful relationship her sister's family had together. However, she really felt close to Paul at the moment. There was just something about him that Rachel was attracted to. It felt different than any other attraction she had felt in her previous relationships. It felt like belonging.

Paul pulled her in for a hug. He had seen the tears in her eyes, so he felt it was important to hold her close, so she could feel his love for her. He cursed the man that was his uncle for keeping her away from them for so long.

Rachel gladly accepted Paul's hug. Despite his short stature, he was surprisingly strong. She melted into his arms and allowed herself to submit to his caring embrace. They sat in silence, enjoying each other's embrace before they realized a large figure in the doorway.

Lynn walked in and looked down at the two of them. Her eyes were tearful. She continued walking towards them with her long arms outstretched. She said, "I heard everything, Rachel. I hope you find all the love you need in this relationship."

Paul said, "I should have known better than to leave the door to my office open. One thing you'll learn about this family, Rachel, is that they tend to eavesdrop, often."

With that, Lynn sat down beside Rachel and threw her arms around both her aunt and her brother. Lynn already considered Rachel a part of the relationship, like she had no choice in the matter.

Rachel did indeed feel the love from her nephew and youngest niece. However, Lynn was radiating an unbelievable amount of heat from her pregnant body, and Rachel was starting to get a little too hot. She shifted a little uncomfortably in Lynn's strong grasp.

Lynn seemed to take the hint saying, "I'm sorry. I know I'm a little hot, especially right now during my pregnancy." She backed off from their hug and said, "I just wanted you to feel the love we have for you."

Rachel looked down at Lynn's growing belly and smiled. "You're quite alright. I'm actually a little envious of you and Amanda." She looked down, taking a moment to think. She finally said, "that's probably another reason Greg wanted to leave me. I've always wanted children, but he never did. He said he didn't have time for them, and they would just get in his way while climbing the corporate ladder."

Lynn smiled back at her aunt. "If you want children, I think Paul could help you with that. He's already got two in his harem knocked up," she said jokingly.

Paul facepalmed. No matter how many times he heard the women say it, he never thought of his relationship with them as a harem. "Lynn, it's not a harem."

Rachel just laughed. Then she asked, "Am I allowed to join the harem?"

It was Lynn's turn to laugh at her brother's embarrassment. She turned to Rachel and said, "you already are a part of it. I accepted you when you decided to live here with us."

"I appreciate that Lynn, but I need to hear it from the head of the harem himself," Rachel said with a grin, knowing she was pushing Paul's buttons.

Despite Paul's embarrassment, he leaned in and said, "Rachel, it would be an honor to have you in this relationship." He leaned in closer and kissed his aunt on the lips. She responded to his kiss, getting more into it as it continued. She felt a stirring in her loins and a need to be touched. However, she curbed her carnal desires for the time being.

Paul broke the kiss and leaned back to take in Rachel's radiant face. Both were smiling as the relationship was sealed, or so they thought. Lynn reached over to Rachel with her large hand, grabbed her chin, and turned her aunt's head towards her.

Before Rachel realized what was happening, Lynn had her lips pressed to Rachel's. The kiss was short, but it told Rachel all she needed to know about this relationship. She had been accepted, and she loved it. Lynn got up after kissing her aunt and made her way out the door, positively glowing.

Rachel turned back to look at her nephew. She smiled and said, "I guess I have Lynn's approval, as well as yours."

Paul could only nod. He loved his youngest sister and would do anything for her. She had always had a crush on him, but he felt closer to her than any of the others since the relationship began. There was just something about her innocence and her infectious personality that made him want to be around her.

Paul looked at his aunt. He thought about her for a minute while he looked. Rachel noticed his stare and asked, "is there something I can help you with?"

He looked back at her and smiled. He said, "I'd like to take you out to dinner, if you'd like to go." He raised an eyebrow waiting for her response.

"I'd love to go to dinner," Rachel said.

"Great! If you have a nice dress, I'd like to take you to a nice restaurant near here. It's nothing too fancy, but it has great food, and it will help set the mood for us to get to know one another better," he said.

Rachel liked this quality in Paul. He seemed to be able to say or do the right thing without much effort. He was a gentleman. She said, "Paul, I would love to go to dinner with you!" She leaned in and kissed him fully on the lips with a little more passion than their previous kiss.

When they broke the kiss, both of them stood up and walked back to join the others in the movie room. Paul stopped to call and make reservations for the evening before sitting next to Rachel and watching the movie the rest of the family had picked out.

The rest of the day zoomed by. Rachel and Paul were dressed to go out. They both got approving looks from the rest of the women before they got in Paul's SUV and headed for the restaurant.

Rachel was happy to be going out with someone actually interested in her. Paul was stealing glances at Rachel when he could. She was looking stunning in her short blue dress that showed off both her long legs and her ample chest. Rachel was getting excited as she caught him looking on several occasions, although Paul wasn't necessarily trying to hide it.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Paul got out and opened the door for his lovely date. Rachel laughed a little and said, "why thank you kind sir." They entered the restaurant and were escorted to the table Paul had reserved. Rachel was impressed with the décor. Paul was correct. It wasn't too fancy, but it was nice.

The couple ordered drinks to relax and enjoy the time together. During the course of the meal, they made small talk for a while. Then Paul asked something serious.

"Rachel," he said, grabbing her attention, "what is it you'd like to do going forward? Do you want to try to have a baby? I'm willing to try if that is what you truly want. I just want you to be happy in this relationship."

Rachel pondered Paul's question for a moment. What did she want? This was all so new and quickly happening. She was thankful that Paul was patient and willing to listen to her, something her ex-husband never considered. At that moment, she felt so close to her nephew.

Rachel did want to have children if she was being honest with herself. It wasn't too late for her. She was a 31-year-old woman in the prime of her life. Heck, if her sister was going to have Paul's baby, she knew she could as well.

"Paul, I've thought about having kids, even before I divorced my husband. It is something I've wanted for a long time." She leaned in towards Paul and said, "I would love for you to be the father of my children!" She reached out while saying this and grabbed his hand in hers. She gave it a slight squeeze, letting him know she wanted it.

Paul had a smile on his face before he stopped to realize what she had said. He looked at her and said, "Rachel, did you say children, as in more than one?"

Rachel smiled at him and nodded. She said, "I want my 2.5 kids, a house, two cars and all the other statistics used for the average American family."

Paul smiled back at her joke before saying, "well, I hate to break it to you, but this isn't the typical American family. We have our own statistics to go by."

"You mean like having your harem of six women and multiple babies on the way?" She said this just loud enough for him to hear her, mindful of the situation this relationship put them in.

Paul couldn't help but smile at his date. She was smart, funny, and very attractive. He still couldn't believe Greg couldn't see what he had in front of him. What an idiot.

After the meal ended, both Paul and Rachel couldn't wait to get home. Paul helped Rachel into his SUV before leaning up to kiss her passionately on the lips. She returned it, feeling a thrill at the touch of his lips. She broke the kiss and told him to get in and get her home.

Paul drove home holding Rachel's hand in his. Every now and then, he would bring it up to his lips and kiss it. She felt a tingle run through her every time he did it. She was antsy and ready to get in his bed. They made it home as fast as they could. Paul was in a hurry, but he wasn't going to risk speeding or driving recklessly.

They pulled into the driveway and practically jumped out of the SUV. Paul led Rachel inside. The house was oddly quiet for this time of night on a Saturday, but Paul just led her to her room. She was confused by this, thinking they would be going to his room.

Paul saw the confusion and said, "Lynn might be in the bedroom. She has staked her claim on me sleeping with her, so we kind of share a bed now."

Rachel realized he did it for their privacy. Once the door was closed behind them, Paul turned to her and hugged his aunt closer to him. She leaned down and kissed Paul passionately. They were alone, and she could do what she had been waiting to do for a while.

She reached over and started unbuttoning Paul's shirt. He, in turn, started to loosen her dress to be removed. Neither one of them broke the kiss unless they had to. Once his aunt's dress was removed, Paul reached behind her to remove her bra. All that was left to remove was her panties.

Rachel had likewise removed Paul's clothes down to his underwear. Once both of them were standing in their boxers and panties, they broke the kiss and stepped back to remove the final hurdle to their union.

Rachel removed her panties first, which caused Paul to stand back and admire his aunt's sensuous body from head to toe. Rachel was a vision, and Paul was at a loss for words. Rachel looked at him nervously while he looked her body over. "Do you like what you see? I'm not too fat, am I?"

"Rachel, you are a vision of beauty. I wouldn't change anything about you," Paul said. As he said this, his penis was almost at full attention. Rachel caught a glimpse of this and exclaimed, "What have you got in your boxers? A python? How big are you?"

Paul removed his boxers. He was starting to take pride in his penis. The women in this relationship didn't shy away from it and thought it was wonderful, unlike the little girls he dated in the past. Paul said, "One of my girlfriends measured it one time at 9" fully hard. It doesn't look too big on my small frame, does it?"

"Honey, it looks just right on your frame from where I'm standing. Let's get in bed. I want to give this monster a test drive," Rachel said with a grin.

They made their way to her bed and Rachel pushed Paul back on the bed. She then got on herself, swinging her body around to shove her vagina in his face while she got up close and personal with his penis. Rachel wasted no time. She started kissing and licking Paul's penis once she was in position.

Paul was startled by the suddenness of Rachel's aggressive start. Her mouth felt good on his penis. He stared at her beautiful vagina sitting right in his face. It was dripping with excitement, and he couldn't wait to dive in, so he did.

Paul started licking her folds furiously. He figured the way she was attacking his penis that he would need to get her poised and ready for sex soon. There was no love making here, just two people caught up in the frenzies of sexual foreplay. He swirled his tongue around her swollen clit, and she moaned around his penis.

"That's it baby, attack your aunt's big clit. Make me yours," Rachel exclaimed. With that, she redoubled her efforts on Paul's penis. Both of them were going at each other hard and fast, almost seeing who would break first. It turned out to be Paul.

Rachel had started blowing him in earnest. She started taking his length down her throat, which drove Paul crazy. It only took a few minutes before he pulled away from eating her vagina to say, "Oh my gosh, Rachel. I'm going to cum."

Rachel never slowed down. She started focusing on the head with her mouth and his shaft with her hand. Paul grunted and dumped his sperm into awaiting mouth. Paul momentarily forgot where he was. His aunt's mouth was amazing.

When he could finally see again, he started to go at Rachel's vagina again. She wasn't too far from her own intense orgasm. She kept playing with Paul's penis to keep him hard while he continued to give her oral pleasure. After another minute, she felt the familiar sign of her impending orgasm. She was so turned on, and Paul was doing such a great job, she came in a gush of fluids.

Paul was ready for her. He had been trying to read her body language and guessed right about the timing of her orgasm. She moaned loudly around his penis, bringing it back to full attention. When Rachel had finally come down from her orgasmic bliss, she turned her body around and got on top of Paul.

Rachel was face to face with Paul, staring at him with love and admiration for his magic mouth. She smiled and kissed him passionately. She broke the kiss and said, "that was fantastic."

Paul smiled and nodded. He then said, "that was awesome. I didn't know you were going to be so aggressive."

"Well, I haven't had any in a long time. Besides, I wanted you to cum as soon as possible so you would have some stamina for when we have sex," she said. "You really know how to eat a vagina don't you?"

Paul smiled and said, "I've been told I'm decent at it." He paused before saying, "you know, I think I want to take my time with you for the rest of the night. I want you to enjoy our time together. I want to make love to you."

"I was hoping you'd say that, Paul," Rachel said. "You make me feel so sexy, so alive, and I love you for it." Again, she looked at his face, smiling. "I know we just really started this relationship together, but I really feel like a lovesick teenager. I don't know how to describe it. It just feels......"

"Right," Paul said. Rachel nodded and said, "exactly!"

Paul reached up and placed a hand on her face. Rachel loved the feel of his hand there. She leaned down and kissed him sensuously. Without a word, she slid to the side as Paul moved to flip their positions. He finished kissing her lips, but he didn't stop there. He kissed his way down her neck, her breasts, her stomach, and then kissed her clit before moving back up and positioning his penis at the entrance of her vagina.

Rachel was loving every second of this. She saw Paul line himself up, ready to impale her. She nodded anxiously, waiting for her prize. Paul slid forward, guiding his rock-hard penis into her. Both of them moaned in ecstasy as he slowly kept pushing more and more of himself into her.

Finally, he bottomed out in her luxurious vagina. She looked down at Paul and grinned. After enjoying the feeling of being inside her for a minute and letting her adjust to his size, Paul started slowly moving in and out of his aunt. She was tight from not having had sex in a long time, not to mention the size of Paul's penis.

Paul continued to build a steady rhythm with Rachel. She was doing her best to relax and enjoy the ride as Paul led their sensuous dance. The quick orgasms they shared earlier helped them to better enjoy a long, slow coupling. They were starting to sweat as they had been going at it now for about twenty minutes, just taking their time to maximize the pleasure.

However, the dance couldn't last forever. Paul and Rachel both knew they were starting to pick up speed, drawing nearer to their climaxes. Rachel silently motioned for Paul to move. He grudgingly obliged her by removing himself, but brightened as he realized what she was about to do.

Rachel had Paul lay down on his back before she lined herself up and speared herself with his penis. She wanted to ride him to her orgasm. She was also able to bend down and kiss him, something she couldn't do while he was on top.

It didn't take long from there. Both Paul and Rachel were speeding along towards their impending orgasms. Rachel started riding him harder as she grew closer and closer to climax. Paul hoped she was going to cum soon because he didn't know how much longer he was going to be able to hold out.

Rachel was frantically sliding up and down Paul's shaft. With one final thrust, she seated herself on him fully and exploded in the most intense orgasm of her life. Paul was right behind her when he felt her vagina clamping down on his penis, his climax equally amazing.

Paul's climax intensified Rachel's as she felt his cum spurt inside her. She fell over on top of him, gasping and luxuriating in post orgasmic bliss. Paul turned his head towards his aunt and kissed her passionately while they continued to come down from their post coital high.

Rachel reluctantly slid off Paul's softening penis and laid beside him, her arm across his chest. "That was amazing," she said. "I can definitely see why you have so many women fawning over you."

Paul blushed at her comment. "I'm not all that special, Rachel. I just appreciate the women in my life," Paul said, trying to brush off what Rachel had said.

"You know, that's what makes us fawn over you. I've only been with you a short time, and you make me feel like I'm the most important person on earth." Rachel looked into Paul's eyes as she said this.

Paul could feel the genuine love of his aunt and couldn't help but return it. He said, "I'm glad you can accept a short lover who seems to be hopelessly attracted to members of his family." He smiled as he said it.

Rachel returned his smile and said, "you may be short, but you are plenty man enough to be with us. You're definitely more of a man than my ex-husband." Rachel leaned in to kiss Paul again while rubbing her hand across his chest.

"I think I'd like to rest now," Rachel said after breaking their kiss. "Will you stay and sleep with me?"

Paul looked into her eyes and said, "I'd love to stay here with you wrapped in my arms." He leaned over and kissed her again before they both settled down for the night.

Paul woke in the early morning hours with a warm sensation around his penis. He was slightly confused at first before looking down to see his aunt's mouth wrapped around him, giving him a blowjob.