Growing Together


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Lynn at first didn't understand what she was hearing. Why only three and not six? She asked him, "Why did you only say three of us? There are six of us to choose from."

Paul chuckled a little at her confusion. He knew she thought of all of them as suitable wives for him, and he whole-heartedly agreed. He looked at her and said, "you are such a thoughtful and loving person. I said three because I don't think it would be good for me to marry mom, Natalie, or Rachel, although Rachel would be much closer in age."

He paused briefly before continuing. "I'm a young man, and I have three beautiful women about the same age as me in you, Melissa, and Elizabeth. I really have no hang up with age, and I would gladly marry any and all six of you. Mom, Natalie, and Rachel all agree for me to marry one of you."

Lynn was feeling a little more comfortable with the notion of her "competition" being Melissa and Elizabeth. It wasn't until a few seconds later that she realized what Paul said earlier. She looked at him before saying, "wait a minute. You said it was hard to choose between the three of us. Does that mean you've already decided?"

Paul simply nodded and smiled. Lynn's heart was pounding in her chest. She felt nervous, confident, and hopeful all at the same time. She finally spoke. "So, who did you choose?"

Paul was just as nervous about this moment as his sister was. He had been practicing it in his head since she agreed to come with him on the trip. Paul squeezed her hand in his, got down on one knee, pulled a ring out of his pocket, and asked, "Katie Lynn Thompson, would you be my wife?"

Lynn was beside herself. She had dreamt of this moment since she was a little girl. She couldn't contain her smile, or the tears of joy rolling down her cheeks. She was so overwhelmed, she couldn't speak. All she could do to respond was pull her brother up into her strong arms and kiss him hard on the lips. The intense semi make-out session was brief, but it said all that needed to be said.

Suddenly, Lynn broke the kiss and looked her brother in the eyes. She said, "my finger is naked right now. Isn't my fiancé supposed to put a ring on it?" Lynn burst out laughing as Paul finally broke away from his youngest sister and scrambled to slide the engagement ring on her ring finger. They both admired how the ring looked on her finger. It belonged there.

Paul got back up and sat next to his sister once more, leaning into her much larger body and wrapping his arms around her. After sitting there for a moment, Lynn's curiosity got the better of her.

In a hushed tone, she asked, "Paul, why did you choose me?

"Because you are you," he said matter-of-factly. Lynn stared at him, not knowing what to say, so Paul continued. "Lynn, we've all been close growing up. I've known both you and Melissa all your lives. I've also gotten to know Elizabeth really well over the past several years as well. She is like a little sister to us all."

Paul saw that Lynn nodded in agreement with this last statement. He continued. "The choice was really between you and Melissa. Elizabeth would have been the best choice to marry someone legally without repercussions, but you and Melissa have been my heart for a long time, especially after dad passed away. It just took me a long time to realize what was right in front of me."

Lynn was softly crying, listening to the words her brother was telling her. She loved him more than anything. For now, though, she only wanted to let him finish.

Paul wiped Lynn's tears away with his thumbs as he cupped her gorgeous face. She was and absolute vision in his eyes. After wiping her tears and seeing her smile in thanks, he continued.

"Both Melissa and you always followed me around and said you loved me and wanted to marry me. I never really took it into consideration. I just thought it was a puppy love that you two would grow out of. I guess I never really looked at my sisters with anything but sibling love. I was supposed to protect the family after dad was gone."

He looked away, not being able to handle the memory of the burden he placed upon himself to take care of his mother and sisters. In that instance, he had a moment of doubt that he'd made the wrong choice to ask either of his sisters to marry him.

Lynn grabbed his chin and lifted his head until he was looking into her eyes. She calmly said, "you are my knight in shining armor, and you have every right to marry your princess!" Lynn kissed him gently, passionately, alleviating his doubts in a single moment.

When they broke the kiss, Paul felt he had to continue. "Lynn, this is why I chose you. You never grew out of being my princess. When we started this relationship, you clung to me in a way none of the others have. You are the first to speak up amongst them. You are the first to welcome others into the family. You are kind, caring, unbelievably gorgeous, tall, and sexy! You are the total package!"

Lynn was flustered again. Her face had a deep blush that made her look so endearing. Paul loved her in a way that was slightly different than the rest of the women at home. She was the one he wanted to be with if everything else fell apart, and they all went their separate ways.

"Lynn, you claimed my bed, and most likely me, as yours. When I interrupted your meeting a few days ago, you are the one that spoke for the group. When you walked into my room later that night with some food for me, I knew that I needed you to come with me," he said confidently.

Lynn was positively glowing from her brother's words. She had a huge smile on her face, feeling like she won the grand prize in a contest that nobody was competing in.

Paul continued speaking to her. "I was still a little unsure if it was right to ask you, until I talked to mom."

Lynn's mouth dropped in a comical "O" shape. Where had she been when he had spoken to their mother? How could she have missed it? Why would he ask her?

"I can see that you're shocked and have several questions," Paul said with a warm smile on his face. "Let's go in, and I'll fill you in on the details."

They both got up, although Lynn was on wobbly legs, and slowly walked into the suite. Just as they were about to sit on the couch in the suite's living room, Lynn's face contorted into a look of confusion. Something Paul said made her think there was something else he wasn't telling her. She grabbed Paul and spun him around, so he was looking at her.

"Paul, is there something else you're not telling me?" She eyed him suspiciously before speaking again. "You said mom, Natalie, and Rachel all agree that you should marry one of us. Who knows about this?"

Paul chuckled a little. It might have taken her a little while, but his sister was pretty perceptive. "Sit down and I'll explain everything.

With that said, both of them sat down on the couch, and Paul started telling Lynn about his talk with their mother.

"As I said, I went to talk to mom about marrying one of you. If you know our mom, you know she is almost always surrounded by her friends. I thought she was alone and out of earshot of Natalie, but it turns out that Natalie was returning to mom's room with some snacks for a movie with Rachel in tow."

Lynn gave him a knowing look. Ever since Natalie came into the fold, she and mom were almost inseparable. Rachel started hanging out with them a lot more now that she was living with them. They became lovingly known as the "Three Amigos" around the house.

Paul continued. "Anyway, they already knew you were going with me on my trip, so I figured I should just tell them about what was on my mind. Even if I had just told mom, she would have relayed it to them eventually I'd imagine."

Lynn smiled and nodded. She said, "I'd say sooner rather than later." They both shared a laugh at their family's expense. Before Paul returned to his story.

"Well, I told them that I wasn't sure if I was crazy for thinking about marrying one of you three. Natalie spoke first and told me that I should get a ring and propose to you on this trip. Both mom and Rachel nodded their heads in agreement."

"I was shocked to say the least. They were way ahead of me on this. It's like they knew I was going to pick you, and they couldn't agree more. I sat there with my mouth agape for a moment. They started laughing at me before mom said that they knew that you were the one for me before I did."

Lynn wasn't surprised by this revelation. A fact that Paul noticed, but he continued on. "I asked them about Melissa and Elizabeth. Wouldn't they be disappointed. Rachel chimed in then, saying that she didn't think they would mind. Melissa loved me, but she was more about sharing me with everyone in the family."

"Natalie then agreed with that sentiment, saying Elizabeth is the same way. She's happy to love and be loved by all in the family. Mom stepped in saying that you hoped your future would always be with me. A statement she said that you expressed with both Melissa and Elizabeth when you talked about the future of the family."

Paul looked at his sister, seeing her eyes shift as her cheeks blushed yet again that day. Paul said, "I knew you three talked a lot with one another, but I didn't know you discussed your futures together. Especially with them involving me."

Paul grabbed Lynn's hands in his and gently squeezed them until she looked him in the eyes. He gently said, "I'm glad you wanted to be with me as much as I want to be with you now."

Lynn had tears in her eyes, but she spoke in a calm voice. "I think I've always known. I believe Melissa knew it too. That's why nobody complained about me staking my claim to your bed every night unless you're with one of them."

"Nobody could have forced you out of that bed, my lovely 'big' sister," Paul said jokingly. Lynn faked exasperation and playfully smacked his shoulder before lighting up in her beautiful smile. Returning his jovial tone, she said, "I guess they knew that nobody would come between me and my 'little' brother."

Both of them laughed at that before sharing a brief, passionate kiss. When they broke the kiss, Paul said, "to continue with the story, the next day, mom, Natalie, Rachel and I all sat and talked to Melissa and Elizabeth about the exciting news. They were extremely happy for us. I had asked them to help me with getting your ring size. Both Melissa and Elizabeth helped me pick out your ring."

"That sounds like something they would do," Lynn said lovingly. She loved her sisters (since she now considered Elizabeth to be her younger sister) and knew they would be nothing but helpful.

Paul sat and watched his younger sister radiate warmth and happiness. She finally said, "how in the heck did I not notice all this going on? I must have been lost in thought."

"Your head was definitely somewhere else," Paul said. "I thought for sure you would notice us meeting together without you, but you were so preoccupied with getting ready for the trip, you missed out on a lot of goings on."

Lynn looked shyly back at her brother, now fiancé. She said, "I guess I was worked up over what this trip would be like. I was hopeful that you would express your feelings for me. I had no idea you would propose, but I was pleasantly surprised when you did. I thought my heart was going to come out of my chest it was beating so hard."

The siblings had been talking for a while and lost track of time. It was getting close to evening, and they were getting hungry. They left and grabbed something to eat, before returning to the suite and going to bed. It was a night to remember as they christened their new future together.

As they entered the suite, Paul led his future bride to their shared king-sized bed. Then, he started slowly removing her clothes, slowly revealing her beautiful, pregnant body. Once he had removed the last of her clothes, he stood back and looked at her, taking in all of her breathtaking splendor.

Paul laughed a little as Lynn fidgeted uncomfortably while he looked over her. She knew she looked good, but she felt so awkward with her pregnant body on display. Paul started removing his clothes but had some difficulties removing his shorts and underwear because he was so hard.

Lynn took this as a compliment to her looks, and it set her at ease. The man she loves, loves her body. She was happy and welcomed her brother into her open arms when he finished undressing and stepped towards her.

The happy couple embraced, Paul's head just scraping the bottoms of Lynn's immense breasts. They stayed like that for a few moments, enjoying the warmth and comfort they shared. Without warning, Lynn picked Paul up and placed him on the bed before crawling over and straddling him.

Lynn looked down at her lover, her soon to be husband, her future, and smiled. She couldn't imagine being happier than she was at that moment. She leaned down and planted a sensuous kiss on her brother's lips. She could feel his large penis under her vagina. He was incredibly hard, while she was extremely wet.

After what seemed like 10 minutes of making out, Lynn couldn't take it anymore. She broke the kiss and readjusted her body to bring the head of Paul's wonderful penis to the entrance of her tunnel. She slowly pierced herself as she sank down, taking half of what he had to offer, inch by agonizingly slow inch.

Paul couldn't help but smile as his wonderful and loving sister slowly descended on his pole. However, she suddenly stopped with him a little over halfway inside her. He looked at her questioningly, but she just shook her head and said, "you're really big Paul. I don't want to go any further and disturb the baby. That's why I got on top, so I could control how far you can go in."

She leaned down and kissed Paul tenderly before she started moving her hips up and down, careful not to go too far. Paul didn't mind, he was inside the woman he loved. He was happy that she was happy.

After about 10 minutes of a steady rhythm, Lynn started slowing down. Her arms were getting tired of holding herself up. Paul noted this and whispered to her, "you can put your weight on top of me. I can support you."

Lynn smiled down at him and rested her weight on top of Paul. She was still careful not to put all her weight on the baby, but she did just enough to relieve the strain in her arms.

Paul thought this might be awkward for her, so he offered to switch and be on top. Lynn realized it would be for the best, but she worried about Paul going too far inside her. Paul saw the worry in her eyes and said, "I'll control myself. This is about a consummation of our love and future together. There will be plenty of time to go hard after the baby is born."

Lynn's worry melted away. She didn't know why she was so worried when Paul was here to take care of her. They gently switched positions, and Paul started to slowly move in and out of Lynn. He was gentle, and she loved him for it. Not long after they had switched positions, Lynn found herself start cresting towards a powerful orgasm. She started moaning loudly, letting him know she was close.

"That's it my wonderful little sister," Paul said. "Let go and enjoy yourself."

Something in his words freed her, and she climaxed hard, convulsing as the waves of pleasure took over her mind and body. Paul stopped moving during her orgasm, content to be in her and enjoy her happiness.

After a few minutes, Paul pulled out of her. He was still hard, but he didn't want to overdo it. Lynn missed the absence of Paul inside her, but then she realized that he hadn't cum yet. "Thank you, Paul, but you need to finish," she said.

Paul began to protest that he was fine, but she shushed him. She moved him to the edge of the bed before moving herself on front of his still hard cock. She didn't hesitate and took him fully down her throat. Paul was in ecstasy. Lynn never ceased to amaze him.

She must have known he was close because she never relented. She came up for air once before swallowing him whole again. Paul was on the verge of a huge climax. After a minute, he couldn't take any more. He told Lynn he was about to cum, and she went at it harder.

He released his seed down her throat, nearly blacking out from the intense orgasm. Lynn had backed off and had the head of his penis in her mouth, milking the last few drops of cum from him. Paul fell backwards onto the bed, breathing hard. Shortly after, Lynn was sitting by his side, rubbing his chest.

He looked up at her and said, "that was absolutely amazing!" She smiled down at him. He returned the smile and said, "I think it's time to get some sleep. They both got on the bed properly, with Paul getting behind Lynn and wrapping his arms around his younger sister as best he could. They fell asleep quickly and slept peacefully through the night.

The next couple of days went by quickly. They slept, ate, walked on the beach, and enjoyed one another's company. They had sex one more time, but that was enough for them. The physical intimacy was nice, but they preferred to just be in close contact with one another, talking, caressing, and enjoying the closeness. They even felt the baby move around inside Lynn a few times.

Unfortunately, like all vacations, it sadly had to end. They drove home happy and wondering what was in store for them in the future. They spoke about the wedding and what they each wanted to do. They spoke of the excitement of going home to a waiting family that was eager to see them and hear about their trip. They spoke about the baby and what they would name it once they found out if it was a boy or a girl.

As they approached the house, neither of them could wait to discuss the future of their family. As they continue to grow together, the future of the family seems bright. What would await them? How would they do raising so many kids? Only time would tell, but for now they had each other. They had their family. They were together!

*Quick note: I do plan at least one more installment of this series. Hopefully it won't take me as long to complete as this one did, but life has a habit of getting in the way.

Thanks for reading!

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unclemerv77unclemerv7710 days ago

i have enjoyed reading this story so far and look forward to the next chapter

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