Growth Lab 05: The Plane Outbreak


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"_Oh_, Miss Montgomery!  Pardon me!" Benton placed a hand apologetically on his chest as he smiled at Ultima who returned a smile that was fit to outshine the sun. 

"Oh _no_!  Pardon _me_!  I was simply checking in to see how you're doing Mr. Benton, by the way you look _great_...*OOF*!" Ultima was stopped short as suddenly the plane lurched, hitting an air pocket or two it rose and dipped in quick succession before stabilizing, but that was enough to send Ultima sideways her hand slipping from the lavatory door as she fell toward the cabin floor. 

Before Benton mind could understand what was happening, his body reacted, stepping over Ultima with his left foot and kneeling down with his right leg, placing both hands behind her back to slow her descent until she was hanging just a few inches off the floor, supported only by Benton's rippling arms. The two froze there for a few seconds, Ultima just trying to process what had occurred, and Benton trying to ignore the feeling of two soft mounds pressing against his biceps and chest. 

"Careful there..." Benton chuckled as he raised Ultima back to her feet, pivoting so that she could stand in front of him in the aisle as her pendulous breasts occupied all of the space between both rows of seats. 

"Wow!  So fast!  Thank you, Mr. Benton!  Hahaha.." Ultima giggled pulling her hair back over her ear while holding onto a nearby seat's headrest trying to regain her composure. 

"Oh, don't mention it...heh," Benton tried to shake off the compliment as he gazed down at Ultima, it was a curious experience, being now a few inches taller than her five-foot-ten frame.  Her bust certainly didn't look any _smaller_ from higher up, if anything it was more prominent, obscuring her torso from Benton's viewpoint due to her being so close, but her wide hips transcended the curve of her bust as she placed a hand on her waist cocking her hip to the side, her svelte pants audibly stretching over her curvaceous butt and thighs. 

"No!  Seriously, I've never experienced _anything_ like that!  You're like a Captain America!" Ultima cooed, wide-eyed, clasping her hands together excitedly, elbows compressing her breasts forcing her light turquoise dress shirt under the jacket to bulge out at her neckline as the jacket buttons strained to keep everything contained.  Transfixed, Benton mustered all his willpower to keep eye contact with Ultima, lest he make matters worse for her already highly taxed wardrobe. 

"Oh please, Miss Montgomery!" Benton chuckled admiring Ultima's bright amber eyes.  Her attention toward him was not unusual, the two had shared many friendly chats in passing during their time at Killian, but Ultima's current demeanor conveyed a desire for possibly something _more_ than just...chatting. 

"Oh, call me Ultima," she chirped swiveling her body to continue down the aisle.

"Ah, ok...Ultima," Benton smiled continuing down the aisle with her, admiring her pristine hourglass figure from behind.  If he didn't know better, he'd say she was giving her walk a bit more "hip sway" then normal but most of all he admired her demeanor, which relayed a truly comforting presence, providing a beautiful contrast to his more fraught interactions with Luna. 

"_Speaking of which, Masters and Stromberg should still be sitting in the back of the plane.  This turbulence is as good a cover as any to assess my hypothesis!"_ Benton smiled as Ultima squeezed down in the seat next to where he was supposed to be seated. 

"Is it all right if I sit with you?" Ultima inquired although at the time she had already wedged her rear end into the compact airplane seat. 

"Why, of course!  I appreciate the company!" Benton replied carefully lowering himself into the seat next to the aisle.  The seating had already felt cramped when he was by himself, but with Ultima to his immediate right, things were now quite intimate. 

His wide shoulders stretched into the aisle and against Ultima and his legs extended under the seat in front of him searching for free space.  As he settled in, he felt a weighty *smoosh* as his right forearm was buried beneath Ultima's left side-boob spilling over the armrest. 

"Tee-hee!  Sorry Mr. Benton.  I guess we both are a little too _big_ for these seats!" Ultima's breasts shook as she giggled, and Benton thought he felt her heartbeats echoing through her warm flesh against his forearm.  Suddenly the airplane cabin felt _much_ _hotter_. 

"_I'd better trigger Stromberg and Masters fast, or I may become entangled with Ultima, she might even just decom me with the serum locking up my energy reserves..."_ Benton pondered intently. 

"You're right Ultima, we both are pushing the boundaries of normal here, but it's kind of _fun_, isn't it?" 

"_MmmHmm_!" Ultima nodded empathetically looking up at Benton, sunlight from the plane window glinting off her dimples revealing a rosy blush spreading across them. 

"_Gotta focus on Stromberg, she'll be easier to crack then Luna, hopefully..."_ Benton contemplated as he closed his eyes for a moment to focus on Hannah Stromberg. 

"_Oh Stromberg, always so confident, so "in charge", until you realize you're in over your head..."_ Benton chuckled, he could see Hannah in his mind's eye sitting with Luna, her sculpted athletic body hidden under a layer of formal military clothing, but yearning, _longing_ to break free from the fabric constraints. 

"_Do it, Stromberg, show them what you're capable of!"_ Benton grinned as he turned his attention back to Ultima.  "By the way, you're looking _fantastic_ Ultima," he smiled as he put on his best grin and smolder on to distract her from the growth waves permeating the cabin. 


"Well Hannah, you did it," Luna sighed as she felt the wind from the plane's AC flowing down through the neckline of her dress shirt down the chasm of her cleavage to cool her voluminous chest twins.  Sitting in the middle seat of the left-side row on the airplane she glanced at Hannah, seated at the window seat to her left, the light from the airplane window glinting off her auburn hair pulled back in her tight maroon headband and falling down to her shoulders.  Hannah's wide lips curled into a devilish smile as she was known to do when talking with Luna, raising one eyebrow as she playfully nudged Luna's arm. 

"Oh please, _YOU_ did it!  I only improved upon it," Hannah grinned crossing her arms innocently, making Luna smile. 

"Well _either_ way, you found a method to stabilize the growth energy," Luna remarked reaching up to re-fasten the buttons of her dress shirt now that she had finished airing out the '_twins'_.  "_And_ you made a super soldier...though I'm pretty iffy on the volunteer," Luna said lifting a finger to the air to punctuate the statement, playfully returning Hannah's mock skeptical look. 

"Hah!  Now, know Benton _loves_ it," Hannah leaned toward Luna tugging her arm as if to say, "_don't worry so much"._ 

_"He loves it a little too much if you ask me..."_ Luna pondered internally, her legs fidgeting as she thought back on her many escapades with him.  "Yep, even Ultima is chasing him," Luna remarked as she and Hannah both giggled sheepishly. 

"Oh _Luna_, it's been too long since we've been able to catch up like this!" Hannah sighed fidgeting with her belt which cinched tightly around her toned waist hooking her army jacket uniform into her pants. 

"Yes, we've both got our responsibilities now, but it's good to be able to celebrate an _achievement_ like this together," Luna replied, her breasts heaving with each breath as the she felt her forehead begin to perspire. 

"Oh yeah, this is going to be _BIG_ Luna!" Hannah grunted as she stretched, arching her back and crossing her hands behind her head.  Luna turned to look at Hannah noticing her silhouette appeared to be larger than usual, her hips spreading outwards in the seat as her thighs clenched gaining inch over inch in diameter, her pants digging into her crotch.  Hannah's arched back scooted further and further away from the seat as her butt ripened beneath her squishing up against the back of the seat and slipping under the armrest as her glutes bulged out filling up her pants as they rode up her ankles, stopping at her calves which bulged out like ripe melons ripping the vertical seams apart. 

Hannah's breasts had surged outward at least five inches, pushing her sports bra to the limit, while her army jacket tucked into her pants was pulled upward to maintain its role of encircling her expanding breasts which had expanded from modest C-cups to the size of ripe cantaloupes.  Hannah's brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed in a steely glare as she continued to stretch, feeling her back contort and elongate as her spinal cord lengthened, her hands now brushing the ceiling above her. 

"_Big?_" Luna asked nervously leaning back as she watched Hannah body gyrate as the buttons in her jacket drew taught on her expanding chest. 

"_Yes_!  The meeting!  _You know_!  When we land in DC!" Hannah exhaled slowly bringing her hands down, beads of sweat glistening under her headband, her deep throaty breaths matching the slow expansion of her bust as her chest begin to pool and bulge out the sides of her jacket. 

"Uh, are you ok?" Luna inquired nervously but Hannah seemed to already be off in her own world.  "_Is she really growing?"_ Luna's thoughts begin to split in ten different directions as she tried to trace back their steps to find the cause for this, and there was only one thing that made sense. 

"Big...Biiiig...BIG Meeting..." Hannah muttered to herself, biting her lip with clenched fists pressing into her toned tree trunk size thighs, looking out the window of the airplane, her jacket beginning to reach its limit with containing her now watermelon sized breasts.


"Hannah, you seem distracted," Bill Riggs took a long sip from his stout beer as the two sat at Zeke's Bar on the outskirts of Las Vegas. 

"I'm fine Bill," Hannah said with a look on her face that told a very different story as she somberly gulped down a glass of pale ale, wincing and lamenting the fact that she had not eaten before joining Bill for happy hour. 

"Look, I get it, I know you like going on missions.  If you're feeling burnt out, why not just start a new project?"  Bill rested his glass next to his hat, signaling the bartender for a refill. 

"I have _several_ projects I'm currently overseeing..." Hannah said exasperatingly before Bill cut her off.

"I mean _YOUR_ personal project.  Something that when people see it, they say, _WOW_, General Stromberg really knocked it out of the park on this one!" Bill smirked sliding a modest tip to the bartender for his last drink. 

"Heh, you're not wrong Bill, you know what they say.  Go _big_ or go home...," she muttered staring longingly at her foggy reflection in the mirror sitting across from them. 

"What was that?" Bill cocked an ear as his glass rumbled, the aftershocks from a passenger jet passing over the bar to land in Las Vegas. 

"I said...go..._big_...heh..._big_...biiig...," Hannah watched as her reflection in the mirror slowly grew in bust size first one, then two cup sizes, the pillowy flesh spilling out the front of her jacket and resting on the bar table in front of her.  The bigger she got, the blurrier the reflection became as Hannah's thoughts melded with the present and she remembered her current situation sitting in the seat of the airplane.  Her body was fighting a winning battle against her clothes as her breasts, legs and butt continued to surge larger in volume at a steady pace. 

"_Heh, no real point in fighting it anyway..."_ Hannah's thoughts trailed off as she gave in to her bodies thunderous demand and desire, to _grow_.


"Me!  _ME_ BIG!" Hannah yelled so strong and forcefully she made Luna jump in surprise as the first button simultaneously rocketed away from Hannah's expanding mammaries arcing off into the seats in front of them. 

"BIG!! _BIG_!" The crazy fervor in Hannah's voice was matched in audacity only by the wicked smile stretching across her face, her eyes wide in excitement as she willed, _shouted_ herself onward like a marathon runner encouraging themself to finish a race. 

Reaching down Hannah grabbed both armrests of the seat as her head shook back and forth, her headband falling off as buttons rained down onto the floor as her outer jacket split apart letting her breasts *plop* down onto her bulging thighs supported only by her button-down shirt and an _already_ snapped sports bra.  The chair groaned as Hannah thrashed from side to side, her thighs becoming too wide to fit comfortably in the seat. 

"Space..._Neeeed_, SPACE," Hannah moaned, spreading her legs open, cracking apart an armrest with viscous strength, the motion splitting her pants from the front down the middle exposing her nether regions. 

"Gonna grow _BIG_!  G-G-Growwww!" Hannah howled as her shins pressed into the chair in front of her, and her butt grew big enough to fill the whole seat, pushing her out and upward till her head hit the ceiling of the cabin, her breasts bursting out of the button-down and spilling to either side of her leg, leaking a bright viscous fluid. 

"_GRAH_!" with a mighty thrash, Hannah pushed, and the sound of twisting metal filled the cabin as her breasts pushed forward the seats in front of her, their bases tearing from the metal bracing in the plane as her legs extended into the adjacent rows, her right breast now resting and pulsating in the seat where Luna had just been. 

"_Shit, it's the super soldier serum,"_ Luna's brow furrowed as she watched Hannah moan as she tried to grab a nipple with one hand to milk some relief while the other slipped down to her crotch to find relief there as well. 

"_Not Good,_ _she's leaking energy, at this rate the whole plane will be infected, need to stop this,"_ Luna's thoughts began to race as she felt a familiar strain on the front of her bosom as the ropes holding both sides of her jacket together began to dig into her flesh, stretched tight by her growing breasts.  Her dress shirt was already stretched to its max, having been untucked from her trousers with the buttons holding on for dear life, her heavy-duty bra peeking through the fourth and fifth buttons as her breasts rumbled letting her know that time was short before she'd be in Hannah's predicament. 

"LUNA!  Luna _BIG_!" Hannah's maniacal cackles followed Luna as she carefully made her way down the aisle toward the door to the next passenger section, crossing her arms underneath to lift her engorged breasts to keep them from smacking the passenger headrests as she went.

"_The source has to be Benton, either on purpose or by accident he's the cause, but also the solution.  If I can just figure out a way to decom him_..." Luna's mind raced as she heard a cacophony of grunts and groans emanating from the passengers as she passed by, the sound of fabric rubbing together as her thighs filled up the remaining width in the area.  She had to squeeze past each row with a hurried

"_Pardon me_!" until the plane lurched, sending her sideways against an empty seat, her right breast smooshing into it and sending fireworks through her brain from the pressure on her nipple. 

" much energy in here...can't absorb too much...gotta get to Benton,"_ Luna bit her lip as she regained her balance, noticing two tassels had now snapped and a button on her dress shirt had given way, her bosom searching for freedom from every possible exit in her taxed outfit.  *_RRIIPPP_* Luna's breath caught as she felt a cool breeze flowing past her exposed buttocks as the seat of her pants split open, her panties having already travelled so far up her crack she may as well have not been wearing any. 

"_No time...gotta offload some energy...and need to get to Benton... focus Luna,"_ she thought to herself as she closed her eye, hearing a loud *Snap* and feeling the subsequent relief of pressure from her back as her bra sacrificed to the unrelenting load of her bust.  Her body was shaking uncontrollably, her stomach muscles contracting as she leaned forward, doubled over feeling her pants split completely in half as her knees bent feeling a massive surge of pressure. 

"_Can't control_..._So powerful...!"_ Luna's thoughts became a blur, but her goal remained clear, her eyes opened unleashing a fiery glow as her body rapidly absorbed adjacent energy in the cabin, her hair levitating slowly.  *_WHHiiiiZAAM*_ in a bright flash Luna felt the cabin distort around her and her senses go dull, until with a dull *BANG*, they came back, and she was standing in the premium economy section of the plane.  Just two rows in front she could recognize Ultima's smooth brushed back golden hair and the outline of Benton's oversize square glasses extending out past his now well-defined cheek bones. 

"_I just...teleported...without a transport system?"_ Luna marveled at how efficient it had been, albeit over a short distance, and although her size had not reset, she had at least not grown any further.

As she stepped up closer to the happily conversing pair, she felt herself go light-headed as a thick wave a of energy passed through her.  "*_ufff*...Ultima seems to be doing a decent job staving off Benton's excess in this area, but somehow more energy is still finding its way to people to isolate him,"_ Luna's hand grasped firmly onto Benton's seat as she bent over, trying to not bring more attention to herself than necessary, feeling the weight of her breasts as they sagged down to her knees. 

"-so that's why I always make sure to taste test food now when I cook!" Luna could hear Ultima and Benton conversing nonchalantly still unaware of her presence.

"_Always having fun, not a care in the world as usual,"_ Luna thought as she audibly cleared her throat *_aHEM_* interrupting the duo's banter. 

"Luna!?!" Ultima's voice dripped with surprise and annoyance as she leaned forward surprised to see her commander, and in _tattered_ clothes no less. 

"Say, do you mind if I steal Benton for a moment?" Luna asked in a tone clearly saying she was not _really_ asking. 

"Hmph!" Ultima grunted looking away from Luna who swiftly grabbed Benton's arm to pull him towards the mess room located a few rows back in the cabin, the last few tassels keeping her jacket tied together snapping quickly as her bust undulated with each hurried step.  Following behind Luna, Benton could not help but chuckle to himself at the commander's obviously overwhelmed outfit.

"_No time to change clothes eh Luna?  You're barely holding on; I must have done quite a number on Hannah...I wonder what her play is now?"_ Benton could already feel his clothes tightening in anticipation, or maybe it was the reaction to Luna's excess growth energy. 

"_She should know we can't be together during a growth outbreak, she's clearly desperate, let's see what she's really about..."_ Benton mused as his eyes dropped to Luna's pants which still clung on to her, skintight from the thigh down but completely destroyed around her crotch. 

"_I knew we shouldn't have given this buffoon the serum.  If he won't cooperate then I'll have to call for an emergency landing while there's still time,"_ Luna pondered as she swung open the door to the mess room, ushering Benton inside.  

The area would have been relatively spacious for two normal-sized people, with a bar area for preparing drinks and a bench for stewardesses to sit on the opposite side, but the already swollen Benton and Luna just barely managed to squeeze onto the bench, both encroaching readily on each other's personal space.  

"What's going on Masters?" Benton quickly corrected himself as he folded his arms sternly, his biceps slowly gaining girth, his pectorals bulging, stretching his suspenders taut.