Guardian Angel


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Over the last eight months, Sally had acquired a new boyfriend and so his liaisons with his sister had become infrequent. Usually, when she'd argued with her new beau, she would retaliate by sleeping with Jordon. Melissa was still on the scene, she too had a current boyfriend, but her eyes were always full of longing for Jordon and occasionally they would get together and fuck each other's brains out. The only other, his grandmother Dorothy, made very few demands on his time or body. It had only been a couple of occasions since that first encounter that she had sidled up to him and whispered in his ear.

'I have a cunt that is hungry, and it wants to eat some cock.'

It never failed to surprise Jordon as to how crude she could be when she wanted to, wishing that he had known her forty years earlier, he bet that she had been a 'right goer'.

Since last Christmas, he had taken driving lessons and passed his test, occasionally borrowing his mother's car when she did not need it. She was already talking of getting him a small runabout, especially as he had finished college and had now started work in the city, it was surprising how much extra time the train journeys put on his day.

He had joined a firm in the city in their IT department and had been there nearly three months now enjoying all the new aspects of his job. One difference he did immediately notice were holidays, at college he regularly got nearly eight weeks during the summer, at work, he only got that amount to last the entire year. 'Welcome to the real world,' he told himself.

Sylvia sat at her desk feeling frustrated, the 'bloody' computer was playing up again. Something it seemed to do every few weeks when her log-in seemed to go tits-up and would not let her into the system. She had rung IT and was waiting for yet another technician to come and fiddle with it and possibly, make things worse, which is what they normally did.

'Good morning Mrs Masters, I believe you have a problem?' Sylvia spun in her chair, immediately recognising the voice.

'Hi, my names Jordon, they have sent me up from IT, I believe you're having a problem?'

Jordon had spoken loud enough so that the others in the office could hear him and partly to cover the surprise evident in Sylvia's eyes before she blurted anything out.

It took a moment for her to regain her composure as he leant on her desk, giving her a wink. 'What are you doing here?' She whispered to him.

'I've just started,' Jordon whispered back, 'But this is the first opportunity I've had to see you. I didn't want to arouse any suspicion at work.'

Sylvia could not help herself, every time she was in his company the day suddenly looked brighter and she could not help but smile. She'd have to watch herself; her husband had caught her a couple of times as she daydreamed of Jordon, a smile plastered across her face, he would ask what was making her smile and she'd had to make up excuses. Bit by bit as the months had passed since that first time, Sylvia began to suspect that she was falling in love with this charming young man, a thought, she constantly tried to put to the back of her mind.

Sylvia explained her problem, relinquishing her chair so that Jordon could sit at the screen. She watched as his fingers flew across her keyboard, she could type quickly, but nowhere near as fast as Jordon's hands moved as screens popped up and disappeared.

'Ah, I see, that's the problem.' Quickly he downloaded a couple of files and updated her program.

'OK, try it now,' he said as he stood and let her sit once more. She logged on easily, the program seemed to work faster than it had ever done, in fact, the whole system seemed to be working better.

'It seems that this is another thing you're damned good at,' she said with a mischievous smile.

Jordon could not help but blush slightly at her comment, knowing exactly what she was referring to.

'I owe you a coffee at dinner time if you want to join me?' She said quietly to him.

He'd joined her for dinner, going out to grab a coffee and sandwich as they chatted, looking to most people like a devoted couple. It was something they repeated every dinner time from then on, Jordon realising that it put a bounce in his step for the rest of the day. Eventually, they would catch the train together each morning and then travel home together each evening.

Jordon came back to reality, he must have a word with his mother he thought, the prospect of a car to shorten the day and to have more private time with Sylvia becoming more and more appealing. He knew that his mother was at present in contact with another set of solicitors but as yet, she was still awaiting developments. There was now a substantial amount in her bank account, enough that the interest alone provided for all that they needed each month.

Christmas came and went, nearly a replica of the previous year, although this time Melissa had been home with her own family. She had split with the boyfriend she'd had, leaving her all alone for the New Year. Jordon had been in the same position as last year in not being able to see Sylvia and so had asked Melissa out, joining Sally and her boyfriend Tom in town for a few drinks.

Jordon knew that he enjoyed Melissa's company, but at the same time, he also knew his feelings for her did not extend past an occasional bit of fun and friendship. She enjoyed their time together, her initial wish from the day she had first seen him naked, fulfilled. But for Melissa, something more had developed, she had found herself falling in love with him. Sally had told her that he was seeing someone else occasionally, but had not divulged any other details, Melissa clinging to the hope that one day he would start to feel something more for her.

Jordon was now the proud owner of his first car; it was nothing special, just as his mother had said, 'a runabout'. She had told him that once he was used to driving and in a couple of years, he could have a new car of his choice. He was enamoured by the tiny vehicle, lovingly polishing it every weekend. It made his journey to work so much easier and enabled him to spend more time with Sylvia as he quickly began giving her a lift each day.

Several months had gone by and the weather was starting to pick up again. He was parked at the bottom of Sylvia's road waiting for her, constantly looking at his watch. She was normally here by now he thought, but after all this time; he still did not know which house she lived at.

Starting the engine, he drove up and down her road several times, seeing if anything would give him a clue as to her address. Eventually, he had to admit defeat and leave otherwise he was going to be late himself. During the day he could find no excuse to visit her floor and even though he looked for her at dinner time, he could not see any sign.

He hung around near the entrance at the end of the day but there was still no sign of her, and she had not rung him during the day with any message. After tea that evening, he followed his normal routine, disappearing across the fields where he would normally meet her, but tonight for the first time, no one came walking. The next day was the same, he waited but she did not appear, by the end of the week he was beginning to worry.

Plucking up the courage, he went up to her office and engaged one of the other women in conversation, explaining that he normally gave Sylvia a lift but that she had not turned up. The woman told him that she had called in sick on Monday and was full of a cold. Jordon felt relieved with the news, and to escape from the office, feeling the women's eyes on him and the secret smiles they all gave him as they watched him leave, the room erupting with voices as he closed the door.

The following week followed the first, although he waited each day, and looked for her each evening, it was though she had dropped off the face of the earth. At least knowing that she was full of a cold eased his mind, saddened that she was not well, but feeling confident that she would contact him once she was feeling better.

Another week passed before he finally got the phone call he was so desperately waiting for.

'Can you meet me this evening?' She had asked, sounding as though in a rush and giving him no further details.

He rushed home from work that evening and wolfed his tea down before dashing out across the garden and into the fields. He still had a while to wait but did not mind, eager to see her after those few weeks. As usual, he heard Max barking before they came into view, the dog bounding up to him to be stroked as Sylvia slowly walked towards him.

As she approached, the first thing he noticed was the sunglasses. Whilst the day had been nice, they were not something she needed at that time of evening.

He went to kiss her, but she turned her face away. 'Please don't Jordon,' was all she said at first, leaving him wondering what was going on.

It took her a while, as though she was trying to summon up the courage to speak to him. 'I'm sorry Jordon, we can't do this anymore. sadly, this is the last time I can see you.'

He felt sick to his stomach, as though someone had just punched him. Suddenly feeling clammy, hundreds of questions swirled about inside his head and it took him several minutes before he found himself able to utter a word.

'I don't understand Sylvia, have I done something wrong? Please tell me if I have, I'm sure I can make it right.' His mind going back over their last few meetings, trying to remember what he had said or done.

'You haven't done anything wrong. You have been perfect Jordon. It's just that I can't see you anymore.'

He could feel his eyes beginning to moisten as the panic began to set in, 'Is it your husband? Has he found out about us? Has someone else found out about us?' The questions would not stop coming as he tried to fathom her decision.

'I'm sorry Jordon, I can't tell you anymore. Its none of those things, all I can say is that it has to end.

'Please don't come looking for me, and I will stay out of your way at work. I won't be coming this way again. I'm sorry, I have to go.'

She turned around and walked away from him, calling the dog after her. Jordon just stood there watching her retreating, his world had just come crashing down around him. What he couldn't see or know as she made her way back across the field, was how much Sylvia was hurting. The glasses hid the shiner that her husband had given her after he had come home and told her that he was leaving her for another woman. Someone 'younger and more attractive,' he had pronounced. She had called him all the names under the sun, and he had lashed out at her, giving her a black eye. It hadn't been the first time he had struck her, but as far as she was concerned it was going to be the last.

The next day she had contacted a solicitor and had started divorce proceedings, it was one of the reasons why she did not want to see Jordon, determined that he would not be involved in what was to come. By now, the tears were streaming down her face as she openly sobbed. She loved him, but she was a thirty-two-year-old woman with two kids, soon to be divorced. Why the hell would he want to be saddled with her for the rest of his life. She had seen him in town several times but had been unable to approach him, as, on each occasion, he'd had a young woman on his arm and seemed to be having a great time as they laughed and joked.

The two young women she had seen, had both been strikingly attractive, especially the one with the olive complexion. She could see the way that she looked at Jordon, hanging on his every word, how the hell could she compete with women like that. It was better that it ended now, rather than waiting until he got bored with her and left her for another.

It was late evening when Jordon finally returned home, having no wish to speak to anyone. Inside he felt sick, as though part of him had suddenly been ripped away. His mind refused to accept Sylvia's decision, constantly going over the last months, searching for a clue as to what had gone wrong. He was also feeling bitter, why was it that adults insisted on saying something without ever explaining their reasoning, perhaps because their reasoning never made sense to anyone but themselves.

The next day at work he kept himself to himself, getting the jobs done and getting through the day. He did as she requested and did not look for her at dinner time or the end of work, simply jumping in his car and driving home. His conversation at home was stilted, a lot of 'yes' and 'no' without any explanations. Once tea was over, he disappeared out into the countryside, only reappearing once it had gone dark and going straight to his room.

Two weeks had passed, his family noticing the change in him, his mother had tried taking him to one side to ask what was wrong, but Jordon simply clammed up, refusing to say a word. Sally even though preoccupied with her fella now, also noticed the change in him, she came to his room one night, slipping into bed beside him. Her hand naturally gravitated towards his groin, but Jordon stopped her, refusing to even let her try and change his mood.

'What's going on Jordon, this is not like you, trouble with the fancy woman?' Sally knew instantly she had said the wrong thing, his face looked like thunder, as though he was about to explode.

'I'm not seeing her anymore, and anyway, it's fuck all to do with you, Sal. Mind your own business. Now if you don't mind, I'd like some peace.' Sally returned to her room, feeling hurt, never had Jordon dismissed her so abruptly.

His sister began to wonder where he disappeared to each evening, going out, once teatime had finished. She determined that she would follow him at the next opportunity, giving him a moment's head start before going after him. She watched him move into the tree line as she set off across the garden in his wake, but much to her surprise, as she came out of the tree's on the other side, Jordon was nowhere to be seen. No matter which way she turned there was no one in sight, she returned home, puzzled as to how he could have disappeared so swiftly.

The bunker had become his refuge, each evening he would lay on the bed and pop his earphones in, letting the music from his player wash over him as he wallowed in his self-pity. He lost track of how long his mood lasted, only recognising that it was now the middle of summer when his mother one day passed a chance remark.

'Do you remember that Sylvia Master's?' Jordon just looked at her, non-committal.

'Well, her husband's left her and has shacked up with a younger woman, the word is they are getting divorced.'

Jordon did not comment, simply shrugging his shoulders, the affection for Sylvia turning to anger.

The following weekend he told his mother he would not be home for tea and that he would get something while he was out. He roughly knew where Sylvia lived, all he had to do was head over the fields in that direction, sure that she would still be walking Max. The weather on both Saturday and Sunday wasn't the best, and he returned home wet, without having caught sight of her.

All through the next week, he went out each evening, changing his plan slightly. He knew her street, sitting in the field at the rear of her road, he should be able to spot her whichever way she went. He'd been sat over an hour when he heard a dog bark and a woman came out through a gate at the back of one of the houses, instinctively knowing it was her. He made a mental note of the position of the building, sure that he could return later and work out the house number.

Sylvia set off at a right angle, going in the opposite direction from the one she used to take, even after all this time, the very fact of coming out here reminded her of Jordon. She had seen nothing of him since that fateful evening, even at work, unless there was a problem with one of the computers, there was no chance of seeing the IT personnel. As she walked up the hill, Max ran ahead as he normally did and had disappeared over the summit. She could hear him barking at something, but even though she called his name, he did not reappear.

As she crested the brow, she could see the dog laid on its back as someone tickled its tummy, she knew straight away who it was, a mixture of relief and sadness immediately coming over her as she approached him slowly.

'Hello Jordon, why have you come over here?'

His voice was flat and emotionless as he looked up at her, his hand still stroking Max who was loving the attention.

'You could have told me you know, but then I suppose I'm just some stupid kid with an infatuation.

'I always treated you with respect, Sylvia. I never treated you as some bit of skirt. If that was what I wanted, there were plenty of girls my age to choose from.'

'I suppose the glasses were to hide the shiner he had given you, was that because of me, are you getting divorced because of me?'

Sylvia was on the defensive, what he had said was perfectly true. He had always treated her with respect, always going out of his way to look after her and protect her so that no one was any the wiser about their liaisons.

'It's none of your business Jordon. I don't have to explain myself to you, and No! I'm not getting divorced because of you. He still knows nothing about us.'

She could feel herself shaking inside, wanting to rush into his arms so that he could comfort her. She wanted to feel his lips on hers, but she knew she had to be strong it was not fair on Jordon to let him get involved.

Jordon stood, moving closer to her, 'I thought you were special Sylvia, that you were the one. But then it turns out you are just like the rest, never sure of what you want.

'Perhaps I should take your advice, just find someone my age. Perhaps what I'm looking for does not exist, perhaps all women are the same.'

He turned abruptly and walked away from her, heading back in the direction of his home and never once looking back to where she stood, the tears once again rolling down her face.

As summer came to an end, it felt to all the women in his life, that Jordon had taken a vow of chastity, all of them currently going without. Sally had managed to get him to take Melissa out one evening, but it had not gone well, he had been moody and had drunk far too much. She had stayed over at their house that night, sneaking into Jordon's room in the early hours of the morning. Yes, he had fucked her, but as she came away, a single tear rolled down her cheek. He could have been fucking anyone, while he had been gentle with her, there had been no passion there, only reflex actions on his part. The final insult was the woman's name he said as he ejaculated inside her, 'Sylvia.'

The next day Melissa spoke to Sally, 'Who's Sylvia?'

Sally wanted to know more, but Mel was not giving anything away, especially her visit to his bedroom during the night.

'All I know is that he was seeing a woman who was married. I'm sure he said her name was Sylvia, but he told me he was not seeing her anymore.' Sally told her.

Jordon had disappeared outdoors, as usual, the two girls cornering Sally's mother downstairs. 'You know Jordon's been seeing someone, do you know who she is?' Sally asked.

Lucille just shrugged her shoulders, 'He never told me who she was, but I know it's been going on for quite a while, is that what is wrong with him at the moment?'

'I don't know mum. All I know is that she was called Sylvia and that she was married. I did tell him to be careful,' Sally confided in her mother.

Lucille had suddenly stopped what she was doing, staring at her daughter.

'It can't be, she's too old for him,' the two girls looking puzzled at her comments. 'It's the local gossip at the moment. Sylvia Master's husband has gone off with another woman and they are getting divorced. But it can't be her, she is easily ten years older than Jordon.'